HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020405J.R. Simplot's Petition to Intervene.pdfJ.R.SIMPLOTCOMPANY ONE CAPITAÚÙEÑÍÉ 9 MAIN STÑÔEÍT SUITE1300 P.O.BOX 27 BOISE,IDAHO 83707-0027 {208/336-2110 FAX (ÖË)389-7515 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS April 4,2002 Jean D.Jewel Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Re:Case Nos.IPC-E-02-2 and IPC-E-02-3 Dear Ms.Jewel: Enclosed for filing is the original and seven (7)copies of the Petition of J.R.Simplot CompanyforLeavetoInterveneintheabove-referenced cases. Sincerely, R.SCOTT PASLE o Assistant General Counsel RSP:jd/7062z Enclosures OR G NAL R.SCOTT PASLEY p.oASSISTANTGENTERALCOUNSEL J.R.SIMPLOT COMPANY 999 Main Street P.O.Box 27 Boise,Idaho 83707 (208)389-7321 spasley@simplot.com Attorneyfor J.R.Simplot Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )CASE NOS.IPC-E-02-2IDAHOPOWERCOMPANYFORANENERGY)IPC-E-02-3 COST FINANCING ORDER AND AUTHORITY )TO INSTITUTE AN ENERGY COST BOND )PETITION OF CHARGE.)J.R.SIMPLOT COMPANY )FOR LEAVE TO )INTERVENEINTHEMATTEROFTHEAPPLICATIONOF)IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY )TO IMPLEMENT A POWER COST )ADJUSTMENT (PCA)RATE FOR ELECTRIC )SERVICE FROM MAY 16,2002 THROUGH )MAY 15,2003.) COMES NOW,the J.R.Simplot Company,a corporation duly authorized to conduct business in the state of Idaho,hereinafter referred to as "Intervenor",and pursuant to the "Notice of Application"issued in the above captioned cases by the Secretary of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission),and pursuant to this Commission's Rules of Procedure,Rule 071,IDAPA 31.01.01071,petitions the Commission for leave to intervene herein and to appear and participate herein as a party, and as grounds therefore states as follows: PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE-1 1.The name and address of Intervenor is: J.R.Simplot Company Attn:David Hawk Director,Energy Natural Resources 999 Main Street P.O.Box 27 Boise,Idaho 83702 (208)336-2110 (208)389-7333 telefax Intervenor will be represented herein by: R.Scott Pasley Assistant General Counsel J.R.Simplot Company 999 Main Street P.O.Box 27 Boise,Idaho 83702 (208)336-2110 (208)389-7464 telefax Copies of all pleadings,production requests,production responses,Commission orders and other documents should be provided to David Hawk and R.Scott Pasley as noted above. 2.This Intervenor,the J.R.Simplot Company,is a Nevada corporation duly authorized to conduct business in the state of Idaho. 3.This Intervenor is directly and substantially interested in the above- captioned proceeding in that it is a both a special contract customer at its Pocatello fertilizer facility and a Schedule 19 customer at several food processing facilities in Idaho Power's service territory. 4.This Intervenor intends to participate herein as a party,and if necessary to introduce evidence,cross-examine witnesses,call and examine witnesses,and be heard in PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE-2 argument.The nature and quality of evidence which this Intervenor will introduce is dependent upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. 5.Without the opportunity to intervene herein,this Intervenor would be without any means of participation in the lawful determination of issues raised by the Commission in its Notice of Application. WHEREFORE,the J.R.Simplot Company requests that this Commission grant this Petition to Intervene in these proceedings and to appear and participate in all matters as may be necessary and appropriate;and to present evidence,call and examine witnesses,present argument and to otherwise fully participate in these proceedings. DATED at Boise,Idaho this Ѿday of April,2002. Respectfully submitted, By: R.Scott Pasley Assistant General Counsël of the J.R.Simplot Company PETITIONFOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE-3 CERT1FICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this y day of April,2002,served the foregoing Petition to Intervene by the J.R.Simplot Company upon all parties of record in this proceedings,by mailing a copy thereof,properly addressed with postage prepaid,to: Larry D.Ripley Senior Attorney Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707-0070 John R.Gale Vice President Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707-0070 R.Scott Pasley 9076z PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE-4