HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020405Conservation Groups Petition to Intervene.pdfWilliam M.Eddie (ISB#5800) LAND AND WATER FUND OF THE ROCKIES P.O.Box 1612 rn 4 b Boise,ID 83701 ÛRI (208)342-7024 Ogfax:(208)342-8286 lawfund2@rmci.net Express Mail: 1320 W.Franklin St. Boise,ID 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ENERGY COST ) FINANCING ORDER AND AUTHORITY TO )CASE NOS.IPC-E-02-2 INSTITUTE AN ENERGY COST BOND CHARGE )IPC-E-02-3 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO ) IMPLEMENT A POWER COST ADJUSTMENT RATE ) FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM MAY 16,2002 ) THORUGH MAY 15,2003 ) PETITION TO INTERVENE Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure 53 and 71 through 73, and Commission Order No.28988,Idaho Rivers United,Idaho Rural Council,NW Energy Coalition,and Mary McGown ("Petitioners")hereby seek intervention in the above-captioned matters.As discussed below,each Petitioner has a direct and substantial interest in these proceedings,and therefore should be granted intervention. Idaho Rivers United (IRU)is a non-profitmembership conservation organization with approximately 2000 members,most of whom reside in Idaho and are Idaho Power residential ratepayers.IRU's office address is:2600 Rose Hill,Suite 207,Boise,ID 83705.IRU advocates for the protection and restoration of Idaho's rivers.Because a significant amount of the power PETITION TO INTERVENE --1 produced in Idaho comes from hydropower sources,IRU also advocates for improved energy conservation and efficiency efforts.IRU has a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding because the issues at stake herein are closely tied to IRU's organizational mission to protect and restore Idaho's rivers. Idaho Rural Council (IRC)is a non-profitorganization with a membership consisting of small farmers,ranchers,rural residents,and other persons interested in enhancing the social, economic and environmental well-being of rural Idaho,protecting family farms and renewing rural communities in a sustainable manner.Most of IRC's members are Idaho Power residential or irrigation rate payers.IRC's address is:P.O.Box 118,Bliss,ID 83314.Because many rural residents utilize electric space heating,and therefore suffer high electric bills,IRC and its members have a direct and substantial interest in increasing and improving demand-side management programs available through Idaho Power Company.Further,conservation of energy is consistent with IRC's organizational mission to advocate for sustainable management of natural resources. The NW Energy Coalition is a non-profitregional alliance of over 95 diverse environmental,civic,consumer,low income advocacy groups,energy efficiencyand renewable energy businesses,and progressive utilities in Idaho,Montana,Washington and Oregon.The Coalition has 10 member organizationsin Idaho,includingIRU and IRC.NW Energy Coalition advocates for increased energy conservation efforts,sustainable and ecologically sound management of electric generatinginfrastructure,and increased reliance on renewable sources of energy.NW Energy Coalition's address is:219 First Ave South,Suite 100,Seattle,WA 98104. NW Energy Coalition and its members have a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding because increasing demand-side management in consistent with NW Energy Coalition's PETITION TO INTERVENE --2 organizational mission to conserve natural resources and ensure the region enjoys an efficient and sustainable energy supply. Mary McGown is an Idaho Power residential ratepayer,and IdaCorp shareholder.Her address is:262 S.Mobley Ln.,Boise,ID 83712..Ms.McGown is Chair of the Board of Directors of the NW Energy Coalition (described above).Ms.McGown has long been active in energypolicy matters in Idaho and other Northwest states,includingby advocating for increased conservationmeasures and increased reliance on renewable sources of energy.Ms.McGown has a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding as a ratepayer,and because effective conservation of energy will stabilize electric rates and help conserve public resources. Petitioners seek intervention in order to fully participate in this matter as parties and otherwise present such materials as may be relevant to the Commission's decision in this matter. Petitioners intend to seek intervenor fundingpursuant to RP 161 through 165. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that service of documents upon Petitioners in this proceeding can be made through service of a single copy upon the undersignedcounsel. WHEREFORE,Petitioners respectfullyrequest that the foregoing petition to intervene be granted. Dated:April 5,2002 Respectfullysubmitted, William M.Eddie,Attorney Land and Water Fund of the Rockies On behalf of: Idaho Rivers United Idaho Rural Council NW Energy Coalition Mary McGown PETITION TO INTERVENE --3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 5th day April 2002,true and correct copies of the foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE were delivered to the followingpersons via the method of service noted: Via Hand-Delivery: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W.Washington St. Boise,ID 83702-5983 Via U.S.Mail: Larry D.Ripley John R.Gale Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 William M.Eddie PETITION TO INTERVENE --4