HomeMy WebLinkAbout2899247_1.DOCRonald J. Binz 333 Eudora Street Denver, Colorado 80220 303-355-7528 (H) 303-393-1556 (O) Employment History 1995-present President, Public Policy Consulting Public policy consultant, specializing in energy and telecommunications issues. Assignments include research and testimony before regulatory and legislative bodies. Clients have included rural electric utilities, municipal utilities and consumer advocate offices. 1996-present President and Policy Director, Competition Policy Institute Determine, in conjunction with CPI senior staff, the organization’s position on a wide variety of telecommunications and energy policy issues. Conduct research, produce policy papers, present testimony in regulatory and legislative forums. Consult with consumer advisory committee to CPI, consisting of consumer advocates from across the country. 1994-present Managing Partner, Trail Ridge Winery Partner and Secretary/Treasurer of Trail Ridge Winery. Trail Ridge is a Colorado winery located in Loveland, Colorado, producing a variety of wines from Colorado-grown grapes. Duties include service on Board of Directors; functions of corporate secretary/treasurer; development of business plans; assistance in winery operations and tasting room; assistance in public relations and marketing. 1984-1995 Director, Colorado Office of Consumer Counsel Director of Colorado's first state-funded utility consumer advocate office. By statute, the OCC represents residential, small business and agricultural utility consumers before state and federal regulatory agencies. The office has been a party to more than two hundred legal cases before the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the courts. Annual office budget is $1 million. Managed a staff of eleven, including attorneys, economists, and rate analysts who conduct economic, financial and engineering research in public utility matters. Testified as an expert witness on subjects of utility rates and regulation. Negotiated rate settlement agreements with utility companies. Regularly testified before the Colorado general assembly and spoke to professional business and consumer organizations on utility rate matters. Consulted with advisory board of consumer leaders from around the state. Leadership role in National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates. Member of high-level advisory boards to Federal Communications Commission (Network Reliability Council) and Environmental Protection Agency (Acid Rain Advisory Council). Frequent witness before congressional committees and invited speaker before national industry and regulatory forums. 1977-1984 Consulting Utility Rate Analyst Represented clients in public utility rate cases and testified as an expert witness in more than twenty utility cases before regulatory commissions in Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota. Clients included state and local governments, low income advocacy groups, irrigation farmers and consumer groups. Testimony spanned topics of telephone rate design, electric cost-of-service studies, avoided cost valuation of nuclear generation, electric rate design for irrigation customers and municipal water rate design. 1975-1984 Instructor in Mathematics Taught mathematics at the University of Colorado, Denver and Boulder campuses. Nominated three times for outstanding part-time faculty member. 1971-1974 Manager, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Managed major medical claims processing department. Responsibilities included budgets, hiring, training, managing supervisors, and coordinating with medical peer review committee. Education M.A. (Mathematics) 1977. University of Colorado. Course requirements met for Ph.D. Graduate courses toward M.A. in Economics 1981-1984. University of Colorado. Twenty-seven hours including Economics of Regulated Industries, Natural Resource Economics, Econometrics. Advanced Course in Utility Regulation 1986. National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners. B.A. with Honors (Philosophy) 1971. St. Louis University. Diploma 1967. Catholic High School, Little Rock, Arkansas. Professional Associations and Activities Colorado Legislative Task Force on Information Policy, Gubernatorial Appointee 2000-2001 National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates President 1991-1992, Vice-President 1990, Treasurer 1987-1989 Chair, Telecommunications Committee 1992-1995 Network Reliability Council to the Federal Communications Commission North American Numbering Council to Federal Communications Commission, Co-Chair Harvard Electric Policy Group, John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University Denver Mayor's Council on Telecommunications Policy Exchange Carriers Standards Association Network Reliability Steering Committee Colorado Telecommunications Working Group, Gubernatorial Appointee Colorado Energy Assistance Foundation, Board Member, Past President Legislative Commission on Low-Income Energy Assistance, Past President Colorado Public Interest Research Foundation, Board Member Colorado Common Cause, Board Member Acid Rain Advisory Council to the Environmental Protection Agency Outreach Committee, Western States Coordinating Council Regional Planning Committee Total Compensation Advisory Council to the State of Colorado Department of Personnel New Mexico State University Public Utilities Program, Faculty and Advisory Council Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Telecommunications Policy Meetings 1986-1997 Who's Who in Denver Business 1990 to 1999 Council on Economic Regulation, Past Fellow Colorado Wine Industry Development Board, Chairman American Vintners Association, Executive Committee, Membership Chair Legislative and Congressional Testimony United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, November 1999. Testimony concerning H.R. 2533, The Fairness in Telecommunications License Transfer Act of 1999. United States Senate Judiciary Committee; Antritrust, Business Rights and Competition Subcommittee, April 1999. Testimony concerning S.467, The Antitrust Merger Review Act. United States Senate Commerce Committee, Telecommunications Subcommittee, May 1998. Testimony in oversight hearings concerning the performance of the Common Carrier Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission. United States Senate Judiciary Committee, Washington, D.C., September 1996. Presented testimony on behalf of the Competition Policy Institute on the competitive impact of proposed mergers of Regional Bell Operating Companies. United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance of the Committee on Commerce, May 1995. Testimony presenting NASUCAs position on H.R. 1555 by Representative Fields. United States Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Washington, D.C., September 1994. Testimony presenting NASUCA's position on S. 1822 by Senator Hollings. United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Washington, D.C., February 1994. Presented testimony on H.R. 3636. United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economics and Commercial Law, Washington, D.C., October 1992. Supplemental testimony presenting NASUCA's position on legislation concerning the Modified Final Judgment introduced by Representative Brooks. United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, Washington, D.C., October 1991. Testimony on RBOC entry into telecommunications manufacturing and information services. United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economics and Commercial Law, Washington, D.C., August 1991. Testimony presenting NASUCA's position on possible federal legislation concerning the Modified Final Judgment. United States Senate Subcommittee on Energy Regulation and Conservation, Denver, Colorado, April 1991. Testimony presenting NASUCA's position on federal legislation concerning regulation of the natural gas industry, introduced by Senator Wirth. United States Senate Communications Subcommittee, Washington, D.C., February 1991. Testimony on behalf of NASUCA concerning S.173, telecommunications legislation introduced by Senator Ernest Hollings. United States Senate Communications Subcommittee, Washington, D.C., July 1990. Testimony on behalf of NASUCA concerning S.2800, telecommunications legislation introduced by Senator Conrad Burns. United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, July 1988. Testimony on the FCC Price Cap proposal. Georgia State Legislature Interim Committee on Natural Gas Competition. Fall 1996. Testimony on the consumer impacts of restructuring the natural gas industry in Georgia. Iowa General Assembly, Des Moines, Iowa, November 1992. Testimony on legislation concerning incentive regulation. American Legislative Exchange Council, November 1999. "The Changing Role of Public Utilities Commissions" American Legislative Exchange Council concerning RightsofWay and Competition in Telecommunications, July 1998. American Legislative Exchange Council Committee on Rights of Way. May 1998. Testimony on rights of way policies, taxation and telecommunications development. Colorado State Senate and Colorado House of Representatives 1984-1995. Frequent witness on variety of energy and telecommunications issues. Recent Regulatory Testimony and Presentations Since 1977, Mr. Binz has participated in more than 150 regulatory proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, State and Federal District Courts, the 8th Circuit and D.C. Circuit Courts of Appeal, the U.S. Supreme Court and state regulatory commissions in California, Colorado, Georgia, Maine, New York, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. He has filed testimony in approximately fifty proceedings before these bodies. His testimony and comments have addressed a wide variety of technical and policy issues in telecommunications, electricity, natural gas and water regulation. Following is a sample of recent testimony and presentations before regulatory bodies. Testimony Before the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Testimony in matter of the investigation of Advice Letters 579 and 581 of Xcel Energy on behalf of Homebuilders Association of Denver. Dockets 01S-365G and 01S-404G. (January 2002) Before the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Testimony in the formal complaint case of the Homebuilders Association of Metropolitan Denver against Public Service Company. Docket 01F-071G. (August 24, 2001) Before the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Testimony in the matter of the investigation and suspension of Advice Letter No. 566 of Xcel Energy on behalf of the Homebuilders Association of Metropolitan Denver. Docket No. 00S-422G. (November 2000) Before the American Arbitration Association. In the Matter of Univance Telecommunications, Inc. v. Venture Group Enterprises, Inc. Arbitration No. 77 Y 147 00099 00 (November 2000) Testimony of Ronald Binz at FCC Public Forum on SBC/Ameritech merger (May 6, 1999) Docket No. 97106TC  Testimony of Ron Binz before New Mexico State Corporation Commission on Investigation Concerning USWest's Compliance with Section 271(c) of the Telecommunications Act (July 27, 1998) Before the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Testimony Concerning the Investigation of Telephone Numbering Policies. (March 26, 1998) Docket No. 6717-U  Testimony before the Georgia Public Service Commission Concerning the Service Provider Selection Plan of Atlanta Gas Company. (January 10, 1997) Case 96C0603 and Case 96C0599Testimony of Ronald J. Binz on behalf of CPI before the New York State Public Service Commission concerning the Bell Atlantic/NYNEX Merger (November 25, 1996) Docket No. 96388  Direct Testimony of Ronald J. Binz, CPI, On Behalf of the Office of the Public Advocate (October 15, 1996) State of Maine, Public Utilities Commission Joint Petition of New England Telephone and Telegraph Company and NYNEX Corporation for Approval of the Proposed Merger of a WhollyOwned Subsidiary of Bell Atlantic Corporation into NYNEX Corporation. Application No. 9604038  Direct Testimony of Ronald J. Binz, CPI, On Behalf of Intervener, Utility Consumers Action Network (September 30, 1996) Before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California In the Matter of the Joint Application of Pacific Telesis Group (Telesis) and SBC Communications (SBC) for SBC to Control Pacific Bell (U 1001 C), Which Will Occur Indirectly as a Result of Telesis' Merger With a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of SBC, SBC Communications (NV) Inc. Presentation to FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service (April 12, 1996) Testimony before the Texas Public Utility Commission on the Integrated Resource Planning Rule (March, 1996) Presentations “Public Utility Regulation and Low Income Issues,” Presentation of Ron Binz before the Colorado Public Utilities Commission on behalf of the Colorado Energy Assistance Foundation, December 5, 2001. "Some Natural Gas Issues," Presentation by Ron Binz for the Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners, June 14, 2000. "Consumer Issues in Natural Gas Unbundling"  Presentation of Ron Binz before the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (November 9, 1999) Ron Binz Presentation to the 25th Annual Rate Symposium on Competition for small customers in natural gas markets (April 27, 1999) "Best Practices in Telecommunications Regulation"; Presentation before NARUC Communications Committee and National Regulatory Research Institute at NARUC Winter Meeting (February 1999) Publications Mr. Binz is the co-author of two major reports on electric industry restructuring: Navigating a Course to Competition: A Consumer Perspective on Electric Restructuring and Addressing Market Power: The Next Step in Electric Restructuring. In the telecommunications area, Mr. Binz recently completed a major discussion paper entitled Qwest, Consumers and Long Distance Entry: A Discussion Paper. These publications are available at the Public Policy Consulting website: www.rbinz.com. Exhibit No. 207 Case No. IPC-E-01-43 R. Binz, Astaris Page 8 of 8