HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011221Comments.pdfWilliam M. Eddie (ISB #5800) LAND AND WATER FUND OF THE ROCKIES P.O. Box 1612 Boise,ID 83701 (208) 342-7024 fax: (208) 342-8286 lawfund2@rmci.net ra-rrrtr rFhi'.ltJ:r i'CU r-tt F-\ -!i t,_LJ l*J 28:i i:: 2l Pl'l t*, l+5 : _ r - l t,1 . .i | --"' :' :t'-tl\, I lr. iiLJ U\r. rr r,u.liurl Express mail address 1320 W. Franklin St. Boise, lD 83702 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO AMEND SCHEDULE 72 _ INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION rPC-E-0r-38 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF A NEW SCHEDULE 84 _ NET METERING IPC-E-01-39 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO AMEND SCHEDULE 86 _ COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION _ NON-FIRM ENERGY IPC-E-01-40 COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT,IDAHO RIVERS UNITED, NW ENERGY COALITION, NORTHWEST SEED, CLIMATE SOLUTIONS, and AMERICAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION The Renewable Northwest Project, Idaho Rivers United, NW Energy Coalition, Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development, Climate Solutions, and American Wind Energy Association ("Renewable Energy Advocates") provide the following comments in the above-captioned matters. Renewable Northwest Project promotes development of renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- I ORIGINAI geothermal technologies in the Northwest. Idaho Rivers United advocates for the protection and restoration of Idaho's rivers, including through increased utilization of renewable energy. NW Energy Coalition promotes energy conservation and renewable energy resources, consumer and low-income protection, and fish and wildlife restoration on the Columbia and Snake Rivers. Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development (NWSEED) supports and develops creative programs, policies, and financing approaches to build rural economies and meet the region's power needs through affordable, distributed "green" generation. Climate Solutions seeks practical and profitable solutions to global warming, including through increased private investment in renewable energy technologies for rural economic development. American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is a national trade association that represents wind power plant developers, wind turbine manufacturers, utilities, consultants, insurers, financiers, researchers, and others involved in the wind industry. INTRODUCTION The Renewable Energy Advocates appreciate Idaho Power's initiative in suggesting changes to its net metering policies. Particularly in this time of relatively high electric prices, customers should be given as many options as possible to reduce demand by generating some of their own electricity, while providing some energy to the grid. Further, successful implementation of a net metering program for Idaho Power would help achieve many of the same benefits as increased demand side management programs - including reduced demand, increased grid reliability and efficiency, and environmental and economic benefits - all through private investment. See Order No. 28894 (Increased DSM Programs for Idaho Power). COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 2 The Renewable Energy Advocates support many of the progressive changes to net metering management suggested by Idaho Power. The Company's simplified proposed billing system for net metering, with the opportunity for customers to carry over financial credits from month-to-month for excess kilowatt hours generated, is a significant improvement from the complex billing formula now in place. However, Idaho Power's suggested interconnection requirements for net metering still impose unnecessary and expensive burdens on customer-generators. In addition, Idaho Power would exclude irrigation and commercial customers from eligibility for net metering. It is imperative that all customer classes be eligible for net metering, and that irrigation and large general customers be allowed to install net metered generation systems up to 100 kilowatts in size. These Comments are supported by the Direct Testimony of Tom Starrs, a nationally recognized expert and consultant on net metering and distributed generation. I. SCHEDULE 84 - NET METERING A. Eligibility All Idaho Power customers should be eligible for net metering. The Company's proposal to restrict net metering to only small general and residential customers is not grounded upon any cost, safety, or grid reliability justification. The exclusion of irrigation customers is particularly unreasonable, since irrigators frequently can most benefit from net metering by utilizing readily available renewable resources, including wind, solar, and hydropower, to offset their own high electric demands. Starrs Testimony, page 9, lines l5-17. COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -. 3 As discussed in the Testimony of Thomas Starrs there is no technological or other rational basis for excluding irrigation and other customers utilizing three-phase power and demand meters. Stans Testimony, page 10. In fact, "[m]any net metering facilities are three-phase systems," and the installation of such systems "may be preferable because they minimize the potential for phase imbalance that may arise from larger single-phase facilities." Id. Readily available metering equipment would directly address Idaho Power's technical concerns regarding such customers: Although the metering required to provide net metering for three- phase and demand-metered customers are somewhat more complicated than for the simplest single-phase customers, metering requirements do not justify precluding any class or category of customers from availing themselves of net metering. Advances in new electronic metering technologies ensure that bi-directional power flows can be measured accurately and inexpensively. For instance, there are meters currently available that can track bi- directional power flows on a time-of-use basis while also measuring peak demand. To provide just one example, the ABB Alpha Plus series of meters provide high-accuracy, revenue-quality electronic metering with multi-rate trackin g, reaV reactive power tracking, service connection validation, power quality monitoring, and load profiling with remote communications capability. Although the cost of these advanced meters -- which range from $200 to $2,000 -- might be prohibitive for the smallest-scale facilities, this cost is likely to be acceptable for a larger-scale facility owner seeking to capture some of the benefits of net metering in a time-of-use or demand-metered application. Starrs Testimony, page l0 As discussed below, the Commission could easily provide, in an amended Schedule 72, for a simple three-step interconnection review process to balance customers' needs for minimum cost and bureaucracy, while assuring grid safety and reliability. Any concerns regarding metering for customers using three phase power and COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -.4 demand meters can be resolved easily through meter upgrades and interconnection reviews, and certainly do not justify the exclusion of such customers from net metering. Other neighboring states make net metering available to all customer classes. See Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) $ 757.300; Revised Code of Washington (RCW) $ 80.60; Montana Code Annotated (MCA) $ 69-8-601, and Wyoming Statutes (Wyo. Stat.) $ 37- I 6- l0l thru 104. Farmers and large customers have installed net metered generation systems in at least California, [owa, Minnesota, and Montana without encountering reliability, safety, or billing problems. Net metering is a matter of choice: customers should have as many options as possible to find their own energy solutions. As a matter of basic fairness, and to best encourage the installation of net metered renewable generation systems in Idaho Power's service territory, the Commission should provide that all Idaho Power customers are eligible for net metering. If the Commission believes review of additional information is warranted before deciding net metering eligibility for irrigation and large general customers, the Renewable Energy Advocates request that this issue be set over for further comment or evidentiary hearings, and that the Commission provide opportunity for intervention in such further proceedings in this matter.r However, we believe that the information set forth herein, including the suggested provisions for interconnection and metering discussed below and in the Testimony of Thomas Starrs, provide ample assurance that any technical concerns can be resolved simply and efficiently. Such concerns certainly I Such further proceedings could address inigation and large customer eligibility, system capacity size limitations, and other technical issues particular to those customers. COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 5 do not out'weigh the interests of irrigation and large customers in enjoying the same options as other customer classes. B. Single-system Capacity Limitations If the Commission requires Idaho Power to make irrigation and large general customers eligible for net metering, the single-system capacity limit of 25 kilowatts should be increased to 100 kilowatts, at minimum. While the 25 kilowatt capacity limit should be adequate for most residential and small general customers, systems of that size will not meaningfully offset high electric demands of irrigation and large general customers. Although the wind industry has capitalized on economies of scale by building increasingly larger wind turbines - including many at 600 kilowatt capacity and higher - there are a spectrum of wind turbines available in the 300 watt to 40 kilowatt range, as well as some incrementally larger turbines through the 100 to 250 kilowatt range. See Exhibits I and2 (Technical Descriptions for Fuhrlinder 150 kW and 250 kW Wind Turbines). Net metered wind turbines on the larger end of this scale have provided remarkable public benefits for customers, including institutions such as local schools. See, e.g., Exhibit 3 (Iowa Energy Bureau, Spirit Lake Community School District Case Study installation of 225 kW and 900 kW wind turbines). Following Spirit Lake's lead, there are now more than half a dozen schools in Iowa that are using large wind turbines to meet their electricity needs. Of the 34 states that now allow net metering, l9 allow at least some facilities with capacity up to 40 kilowatts or larger, and l3 states allow facilities sized 100 kilowatts or larger. These include: Arkansas (25 kW residential, 100 kW commercial and COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 6 agricultural); Georgia (10 kW residential, 100 kW commercial); Montana (50 kW); Maryland (80 kW);North Dakota (100 kW); Maine (100 kw); Arizona (100 kW); California (l megawatt); Indiana (1 megawatt); and Iowa (no limit). Idaho Power's existing Schedule 86 allows for net metered systems up to 100 kilowatts in size. The Renewable Energy Advocates request that the Commission retain the existing 100 kilowatt capacity limit in order to provide meaningful options for high demand customers to offset some of their electricity purchases. Consistent with national trends toward larger capacity limits, we also request that the Commission provide for further review of this 100 kilowatt limitation one year from issuing its final order in this matter, so that customer response and market availability of renewable energy systems can be evaluated in deciding whether such limitation is appropriate. C. Systemwide Capacity Limitation Idaho Power seeks to restrict net metering after a cumulative generating capacity of 2.9 megawatts (0.1%) has been reached, and cites this 0.1% figure as an "industry standard." Application, IPC-E-O1-39. While Avista's net metering tariffs in northern Idaho and Washington provide for a 0.1% cumulative capacity limit, consistent with RCW $ 80.60, other neighboring states differ. For example, Oregon places a cumulative capacity limit of 0.5o/o of the utility single hour peak load, and fuither provides that net metering maybe restricted by regulatory authorities once that limit is reached. ORS $ 757.300. Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming each impose no cumulative capacity limitation on net metering availability. See Ariz. Corp. Comm. Decision No. 52345; Cal. Pub. Util. Code 5 2827 (effective through 2002); Public COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES .- 7 Service Co. of CO, Advice Letter 1265; Decision C96-901); MCA $ 69-8-601; and Wyo. Stat. $ 37-16-l0l thru 104. If the Commission does approve a cumulative capacity limit on net metering availability, it should provide that net metering maybe restricted after the limit is reached. As with Oregon's net metering system, the Commission would review the environmental, economic, and other public policy benefits of net metering in evaluating whether to restrict its availability. ORS $ 757.300 (6). The Renewable Energy Advocates recommend that the cumulative capacity limit for net metering, if any, be set at lo/o of the previous year's peak demand, and that once such limit is reached, any restriction on net metering be imposed only after a consideration of economic, environmental, and other benefits of net metering. Of course, the current total capacity of net metered generation systems in Idaho Power's service territory does not come close to the Company's suggested 2.9 megawatt cumulative capacity limit. However, prices for renewable energy systems are declining, while retail electric rates will remain high for the foreseeable future, Given the tremendous amount of public interest in wind energy, particularly in rural communities, it is likely that the installation of net metered generation systems will rapidly increase in coming years. The Renewable Energy Advocates recognize that Idaho Power has legitimate concerns with respect to cost-shifting as the cumulative capacity of net metered generation systems grows. However, economic analyses performed in other states have demonstrated that even at relatively high cumulative capacity limits such as the 1.0% limit proposed here, the incremental revenue loss attributable to net metering is COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES .- 8 inconsequential, corresponding to an increase in the average residential customer's bill of less than ten cents per month. Accordingly, we urge the Commission to avoid placing artificial barriers to the $owth of net metering, and at minimum provide for later procedures to evaluate the public benefits of net metering before limiting its availability. II. SCHEDULE 72 - INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS Idaho Power's suggested changes to Schedule 72 reflect a substantial improvement in simplicity over the current requirements of Schedule 86, Option B. However, the Company would still impose unnecessary and expensive bureaucratic burdens for the interconnection of net metered generation systems. First the Commission should not approve the open-ended requirement that the customer-generator "pay all costs of interconnecting a Generation Facility to the Company's system. " See First Revised Sheet No. 72-3 (Proposed). As eloquently explained by Mr. Starrs, unbounded risks of interconnection expenses would likely be a strong deterrent to installation of net metered generation systems: As a practical matter, actual utility experience with net metering facilities across the country has demonstrated that in the vast majority of cases, the customer's equipment provides the necessary safety and power quality protection and the distribution system can accommodate the facility without any modification. Under these circumstances, the proposed language is overbroad and does nothing more than create uncertainty for the customer regarding the total cost of the net metering facility. To illustrate this point, imagine a customer receiving a bid for a l0 kW wind energy system that reads, in effect, "Total Installed Cost: $30,000 plus the actual cost of the equipment that the utility determines is necessary." The customer's response, naturally enough, will be to conclude that the bid is meaningless and the total project cost is unbounded. Starrs Testimony, page 4, lines l-10 COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 9 The Renewable Energy Advocates suggest that the Commission incorporate a three-tier review process', which would create a presumption that net metered systems will be interconnected to the grid at no cost to the customer, unless the utility makes an affirmative finding that equipment modifications are necessary to ensure a safe and reliable interconnection. Idaho Power would be required to notifo the customer within a reasonable time that such additional expenses may be necessary; and the customer could appeal such finding to the Commission. Starrs Testimony, page 4, lines 15-22. In addition, the Commission should eliminate Idaho Power's suggested requirement for up-front and annual certifications by an "independent qualified party licensed in the State of ldaho" that a net metered system will operate safely and reliably. As discussed in the Testimony of Thomas Starrs, pages 6-8, such duplicative requirements would do little to ensure grid safety and integrity, particularly considering (1) that practically every net metering system would require approval by a local or state electrical inspector, as Idaho Power recognizes1' and (2) that the vast majority of interconnection systems already comply with extremely rigorous, uniform technical standards: [N]ational standard-setting authorities such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) have spent years designing and adopting 2 As discussed in the Testimony of Thomas Starrs, California has adopted a three- tiered review process for distributed generation facilities that analyzes (l) whether an automatic determination can be made that the facility may be safely interconnected without any modifications to the utility system, and therefore without any additional cost to the customer; and if not, then (2) whether a simple and quick review of the distribution system at the point of interconnection will indicate that the facility can be interconnected without any modifications to the utility system, and therefore without any cost to the customer; and if not, then (3) that a more elaborate interconnection study is necessary in order to determine whether modifications to the distribution system will be necessary in order to accommodate the net metering facility. Starrs Testimony, page 3, lines ll-23. COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES .. 10 appropriate standards for the interconnection of so-called "distributed generation" to utility systems. . . . These standards UEEE 929-2000 and UL l74l) have been widely adopted across the country, and in fact the states of Califomia, Montana, Oregon, and Washington all specify that compliance with these standards precludes the imposition of additional requirements by utilities, absent explicit regulatory approval following a determination that additional requirements are necessary to address legitimate safety concerns. Thus, a product that is "listed" by UL has been tested and approved as being in compliance with relevant UL standards. As a practical matter, the vast majority of net metering applications Idaho Power is likely to receive will be for inverter-based systems, including solar photovoltaic and small wind electric systems. For these facilities, Idaho Power's review should be limited to ensuring that the inverter being used is listed to UL 1741. No further review is necessary, and no further review should be required. Starrs Testimony, pages 6-7. Likewise, rigorous standards are now in development for non-inverter based grid connected systems which, when finalized, will provide more than adequate grid safety and reliability protection: Comparable standards for non-inverter based systems using synchronous or induction generators, such as some small hydroelectric facilities and some larger wind turbines, are under development. The IEEE is finalizing a draft standard for a wide range of distributed power technologies, [IEEE P1547/D08]. The UL is certain to develop a corresponding testing standard, as it did for inverter-based systems. This will create an effective national standard for all distributed technologies, which can then be readily adopted across the country. Until such time, it is reasonable for Idaho Power to require additional project-specific review, but only for these non-inverter based systems. Starrs Testimony, page 7, lines 14-22. Further, Idaho Power's proposed requirement for duplicative certifications by an independent party would impose an economic barrier to net metering, particularly for small-scale systems: A two-kilowatt (2 kW) solar photovoltaic system, for example, will produce perhaps 300 kilowatt-hours (kwh) of electricity per COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 11 month. Assuming the retail price of power is $0.06/kWh, the value of the energy produced is $18 per month, or approximately $216 per year. Yet Idaho Power is proposing that the customer hire an "independent qualified party licensed in the State of ldaho" to conduct an initial inspection, and a recurring annual inspection. It seems possible -- if not likely -- that the cost of hiring someone to perform this inspection and provide the required documentation to Idaho Power could easily exceed the annual energy savings from the net metering facility. Starrs Testimony, pages 7 (lines 23-24) and 8 (lines l-8). Thus, as in other jurisdictions, the Commission should adopt the UL 174l and IEEE 929-2000 standards, which provide a more than adequate margin of safety and reliability for net metering systems. As discussed above, if a customer-generator's proposed system does not meet these standards, or other safety or reliability factors arise, the Company could notiry the customer that equipment modifications may be necessary to ensure a safe and reliable interconnection. While upfront and annual certifications by an "independent qualified party" for safety and reliability are unnecessary if the above standards and interconnection review processes are imposed, the Renewable Energy Advocates suggest that such certifications could be conducted at Idaho Power's expense. As discussed above, net metering for high demand irrigation and large general service customers using three-phase power may require additional metering equipment. Consistent with the above comments, costs for any additional safety and reliability equipment for net metered systems could be imposed on customer-generators if Idaho Power makes an affirmative determination that such equipment is necessary. However, Idaho Power should be responsible for the installation of additional meters to measure power both consumed and generated by the customer, consistent the utility's traditional COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 12 metering responsibilities. The Renewable Energy Advocates suggest the Commission draw from Oregon's statutory language as follows: An electric utility that offers residential and commercial electric service: (a) Shall allow net metering facilities to be interconnected using a standard meter that is capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions. (b) May at its own expense install one or more additional meters to monitor the flow of electricity in each direction. oRS $ 7s7.300 (2). Such allocation of responsibility for meter installation would resolve metering and billing concerns, particularly for irrigation and large customers. In claiming that "installation of additional metering to register the delivery of energy to Idaho Power's system negates the concept of net metering," Idaho Power implies that the use of one meter is the essence of net metering. Idaho Power Company's Response to First Production Request of Commission Staff at2. At its core, the number of meters involved is a minor issue relative to the primary issues of customer choice and the ability to pay the "net" of generation against consumption. The Commission should provide an option for the installation of additional meters if necessary to resolve technical or billing considerations for irrigation and large customers. III. SCHEDULE 86 The Renewable Energy Advocates have no objection to Idaho Power's proposed removal of "Option B" from Schedule 86. However, the Company's other proposed changes to Schedule 86 to establish a new purchase price for non-firm energy from qualifying facilities smaller than I megawatt deserve close review by the Commission. We suggest that the procedures and COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 13 pricing mechanism provided in the proposed Schedule 86 be extended to all non-firm power purchases from qualifying facilities regardless of size, unless the facility is covered by net metering tariffs as may be approved in this matter CONCLUSION The Renewable Energy Advocates request approval of the three Applications at issue in this matter, with the following changes: 1. All customers should be eligible for net metering, not just residential and small commercial customers. 2. The single-system generating capacity limitation should be maintained at the existing 100 kilowaff size, in order to provide all customers opportunity to meaningfully offset their demand for utility-provided electricity. 3. The cumulative capacity limit for net metering, if any, should be set at l%o of the previous year's peak demand, and after such limit is reached, any restriction on net metering be imposed only after the Commission's consideration of economic, environmental, and other benefits of net metering. 4. Interconnection requirements should be further streamlined (l) by imposing a three-tier interconnection review process which establishes a presumption that net metered systems will be interconnected at no additional cost to customers; (2) by adopting the UL l74l andIEEE929-2000 technical standards for inverter-based systems; and (3) by removing the duplicative and unnecessary requirement for upfront and annual inspections by an "independent qualified party licensed in the State of Idaho." COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES -- 14 5. The Commission should extend the new purchase price for power generated for non-firm energy to all qualiffing facilities regardless of size. Dated: December 21,2001 Respectfully submitted, William M. Eddie Land and Water Fund of the Rockies On behalf of: Renewable Northwest Project Idaho Rivers United NW Energy Coalition NWSEED Climate Solutions COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES.. 15 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this 2l't day of December 2001, I caused true and correct copies of the COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT, et al., and the TESTIMONY OF TOM STARRS to be served on the persons listed below via the method of service noted: Commission Secretary ryIA HAND DELIVERY) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702-5983 Barton Kline (VIA U.S. MAIL) Senior Attorney Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, ID 83702 Maggie Brilz (VlA U.S. MAIL) Director of Pricing Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, lD 83702 William COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ADVOCATES .. 16 Technical description for the wind generator Fuhrldnder 100 kW l- I ' r' ,1,lar' , ., .:-.|:;ii.i,l$: EXHIBTT 11 00kw_tu rbine_tech.doc Fuhrldnder Table of Contents General information ..................3 Technical specification : .5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7I Gear unit. Slewing ring / Bearing ring: Yaw system: ............. Brake system:.... Grid connection Nacelle Control system Central control unit .......... Nacelle..... 1 00kw_turbine_tech.doc Fuhrldnder -2- General information Skizzen und MoBe sketches and measures 1,9 m \ I I ,l i I \ \ E lOsf E rO-$(7) E ( +- I -+ -+ V E co- (o )+ /\ 1 OOkw_turbine_tech.doc Fuhrldnder -3- Type: Three blade, stall regulated propeller-type wind turbine with the rotor placed upwind Manufacturer: Fuhrl#inderAktiengesellschaft Auf der HOhe 4 D-6477 Waigandshain Germany Technical specification : - cut in wind speed - cut out wind speed - survivalwind speed - life time of the whole generator minimum - maximal speed of the rotor tips 3 m/s 25 m/s 67 m/s more than 25 years 50,6 m/s Rotor: - type - diameter - swept area - revolutions - tip speed max. - blade twist - pitch - weight incl. hub - material of the blades - material of the hub - safety system - power regulation three bladed, stall regulated, upwind, self start 21 m 348 m'z 48 rpm =>100 kW 32 rpm => 20 kW 50,6 m/s 110 fixed (stall) 2380 kg (incl. spinner) GRP (GFK)fiber glass GGG 40.3 tip brake mechanism, with hydraulic activated aerodynamic brake stall Tower: - conical tubular tower made of steel plates, - internal ladder with security device - trap door for inspection of blade tips - top door for climbing into the machine house - painted in three steps, which means very high protection against extremely aggressive environments in coastal and industrial areas. - hub height 35 meters. 1 00kw_tu rbine_tech.doc Fuhrldnder -4- Generator: asynchronous, with an automatic pole change for energy production even at low wind speed, special construction for our system. - nominal power - max. power - protection - isolation class - frequency - weight Gear unit - ratio - nominal power - max. power - weight - number of stages - volume for oil - construction 100 kw 20 kw 130 kw lP 54 F 50 Hz 780 kg 1:33 150 kw 200 kw 2800 kg 2 150 litres integrated with the main bearing, no frame needed, all ports are bolted on the gear unit This gearbox is designed for the heavy and fluctuating loads affecting wind turbines, filled with for life oil. Slewing ring / Bearing ring: - a special construction with integrated brake for the yaw system ( for life brake) as permanent brake - diameter 1166 mm Yaw system: - electrically controlled by a wind vane on the top of the drive train - cover yaw brake as permanent for life brake - yawing time 1" per second - yaw motor with planetary gearbox 0,35 kW Brake system: - hydraulic fail - safe disc brake system in the back of the gear unit 100kw-turbine-tech.doc FUhfldndef tr - rotor tip brake system as first brake system, witch is activated by the centrifugal force 90 degrees and stops the wind turbine first out of working situations - parking brake system - aerodynamic safety system " stall" Grid connection - the wind generator can be connected with the grid by 3 x 400 V AC, frequency 50/60 Hz Nacelle: Covered by a combination steel / fiber glass shield with two top doors which can easily be opened for inspection. There is place enough for two persons to work inside. Gontrol system: The computerised electronic control system is microprocessor based. There are push buttons for checking the system and for manual operation of the wind generator. The control panel has a lot of different functions for checking and controlling the safe and correct operating of the wind generator. - changes in voltage and frequency ( self start 600 sec. after reset) - thermal overload of the generator ( self start 600 sec after reset) - temperatures in the gear box and generator ( self start 600 sec. after reset) - twisting of cables ( self start 600 sec. after reset) - cut out wind speed ( self start 600 sec. after reset) - revolution of the rotor and generator ( no self start) - phase error in the generator ( no self start) - thermal overload of the yaw motor ( no self start) - operating time of the hydraulic pump ( no self start) - vibration in the nacelle ( no self start) - oil leakage gear box ( no self start) Defects in any of these functions will automatically activate the hydraulic brake system. 1 00kw_turbine_tech.doc Fuhrldnder -6- While the generator is working, you can see on the display: - the wind speed - momentary production - small or large generator is working - yaw movements - revolutions - yaw point - grid ( voltage and frequency) - current, power - source of error, shortage ( the display shows the faults in normal text) - total production - temperatures - etc. The whole management and safety systems are in accordance with your inquiry and also built according to and passed the strict " German government security standards for building and operating on wind generators" with test certification of Germanischer Lloyd. Central control unit: To have a perfect communication system we can offer you every wind generator with a standard modem with a communication rate of 2400 baud, additional a communication module for wind parks / wind farms. So there are no problems to have a telecommunication with a personal computer to a wind park or a single wind generator. 100kw turbine tech.doc Fuhrldnder -7- Technical description for the wind generator Fuhrldnder 250 kW 250kw_turbine_tech.doc Fuhrlcinder Page't Gontents General information Technical specification: Rotor: T Generator Gear unit........ Slewing ring I Bearing ring:......... Yaw system: Brake system: Nacelle Central control unit Grid connection...... 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 Control system: Drawing of nacelle 250kw_turbine_tech.doc Fuhrleinder Page2 General information _ \ \ I I ,l\ E lO@ lo E orO (\I$Skizzen und MoBe sketches and measures 3,25 m Fuhrldnder 250 miVwith 42l50mTurm/tower E lo- EloN. +V E \f- @ l A ( l-(. )-+ 250kw turbine tech.doc Fuhilcinder Page 3 Type: Three blade, stall regulated propeller{ype wind turbine with the rotor placed upwind Manufacturer: Fuh116nder Aktiengesellschaft Auf der Hohe 4 D-56477 Waigandshain Germany Technical specification : - cut in wind speed - cut out wind speed - survival wind speed - life time of the whole generator minimum - maximal speed of the rotor tips Rotor: - type - diameter - swept area - revolutions - tip speed max. - blade twist - pitch - weight incl. hub - material of the blades - material of the hub - safety system - power regulation 3 m/s 25 m/s 67 m/s more than 25 years 60 m/s three bladed, stall regulated, upwind, self starting 29,5 m 683,5 m2 39 rpm =>250 kW 29 rpm => 50 kW 60 m/s 13,25' fixed (stall) 4050 kg (incl. spinner) GRP (GFK)fibre glass GGG 40.3 tip brake mechanism, with hydraulic activated aerodynamic brake stall Tower: - conical tubular tower made of steel plates, - internal ladder with security device - trap door for inspection of blade tips - top door for climbing into the machine house - painted in three steps, which means very high protection against extremely aggressive environments in coastal and industrial areas. - hub height 30 meters. 250kw turbine tech.doc Fahrlcinder Page 4 Generator: asynchronus, with an automatic pole change for energy production even at low wind speed, special construction for our system - nominal power - max. power - protection - isolation class - frequency - weight 250 kw 50 kw 320 kw tP 54 F 50 Hz 2000 kg Gear unit - ratio 1:26,6 - nominal power 300 kW - max. power 350 kW - weight 4200 kg - number of stages 2 - volume for oil 150 litres - construction integrated with the main bearing, no frame needed, all ports are bolted on the gear unit This gearbox is designed for the heavy and fluctuating loads affecting wind turbines, filled with for life oil Slewing ring / Bearing ring: - a special construction with integrated brake for the yaw system ( for life brake) as permanent brake - diameter 1166 mm Yaw system: - electrically controlled by a wind vane on the top of the drive train - cover yaw brake as permanent for life brake - yawing time 1' per second - yaw motor with planetary gearbox 0,35 kW Brake system: - hydraulic fail - safe disc brake system in the back of the gear unit - rotor tip brake system as first brake system, witch is activated by the centrifugal force 90 degrees and stops the wind turbine first out of working situations 250kw_turbine_tech.doc Fahilcinder Page 5 - parking brake system - aerodynamic safety system "stall" Grid connection - the wind generator can be connected with the grid by 3 x 400 V AC, frequency 50/60 Hz Nacelle: the drive train is covered by a combined steel / fibre glass shield with two top lights which can easily be opened for inspection. There is place enough for two persons to work inside. Control system: The computerised electronic control system is microprocessor based. There are push buttons for checking the system and for manual operation of the wind generator. The control panel has a lot of different functions for checking and controlling the safe and correct operating of the wind generator. - changes in voltage and frequency ( self starting 600 sec. after reset) - thermal overload of the generator ( self starting 600 sec after reset) - temperatures in the gear box and generator ( self starting 600 sec. after reset) - twisting of cables ( self starting 600 sec. after reset) - cut out wind speed ( self starting 600 sec. after reset) - revolution of the rotor and generator ( no self starting) - phase error in the generator ( no self starting) - thermal overload of the yaw motor ( no self starting) - operating time of the hydraulic pump ( no self starting) - vibration in the nacelle ( no self starting) - oil leakage gear box ( no self starting) Defects in any of these functions will automatically activate the hydraulic brake system While the generator is working, you can see on the display: - the wind speed - momentary production - small or large generator is working - yaw movements - revolutions - yaw point 250kw_turbine_tech.doc Fuhilcinder Page 6 - grid ( voltage and frequency) - current, power - source of error, shortage ( the display shows the faults in normaltext) - whole production - temperatures - etc. The whole management and safety systems are in accordance with your inquiry and also built according to and passed the strict " German government security standards for building and operating on wind generators" with test certification of Germanischer Lloyd. Central control unit: To have a perfect communication system we can offer you every wind generator with a standard modem with a communication rate of 2400 baud, additional a communication module for wind parks / wind farms. So there are no problems to have a telecommunication with a personal computer to a wind park or a single wind generator. 250kw turbine tech.doc Fuhilcinder PageT Renewable Energy Case Study #l Page I of2 a ;Qo?rFL -,- ,'' J rtrr,ao.eaia,,ffc".dar....rrrsa. RENEWABLE ENERGY CASE STUDY SPIRIT LAKE Community School District Tltt lirtr x'inl tttbittt,ittstullail itt tlt<,strttt,ttl lttru it srill ,grtirt,g stntrt:.! rtttl srrlil,g rhc,Spirit I-ulir scltrtol tlistritt Sl5,t)0(l u yrur i n tl rtt ri c it.t' t.t t st.t. 1 The Spirit Lake School District received a lot ofattention in July 1993 when it became only the second school district in the nation to own a wind rurbine. "l've never done anything that's been so popular in the community," said Spirit Lake Superintendent Harold Overmann. "People wonder why we don't have more of these things." Irltul I tt(ittit,tl Spirit Lake's windy location in northwest lowa made it an ideal location for a wind turbine. The 140- foot tall turbine produces electriciry for the Spirit Lake elementary school. Since it began charging, the turbine has run "almost perfectly." The only problems with the turbine have occurred in extreme weather situations. During ice storms, ice has clung to the rotors, forcing it to shut down. The turbine also shuts off when winds exceed 56 mph. In both situations, a manual stan-up is all that is required. S L'I I i n:.t I/rt' l:.trrs The turbine produces 324,000 kW of electricity annually, which amounts to $24,900. The elementary school, however, uses only $20,000 worth of electricity. Through an agreement signed with IES Utilities, the district sells its excess electricity to the utility comPany. The turbine cost $238,000 to install. A grant from the U.S. Department of Energy paid for halfofthe cost and the district acquired a loan from the Iowa Energy Bank Program to pay the other half. With the S25,000 yearly savings, the turbine will be completely paid for in less than five years. After that, the money saved can be directed into education. "We're using our non- instructional costs for instnrctional costs," said Overmann. 'With the money we save we can fully equip a computer lab every year instead of paying for electricity." I lclping thc Envirtttt tttt,ttt Not only is the district helping itself, but it is also saving the environment. Using wind instead of coal in the school replaces 225 tons ofcoal and prevents 750,000 pounds ofcarbon dioxide emissions from polluting the air every year. "That part really goes unsaid. But we're proud that we are helping to solve the pollution problem," said Overmann. EEil:ElljTiilTEilEnEY W'ORKS This is one in a series on case studies on successful renewable energy projeas in lowa. For more information, Iowa Energt Bureau, llallace State Ollice Building, Des Moines,IA 50319; (515) 281-8681. {lE Renewable Enerey case Stuoies El> http://www.state.ia.us/dnr/energy/pubs/renewable/rcase/rcase0 I .htm Renewable Energy Case Study #2 Page I of2 t a -' Eu oeel(ic tO "r,li[ re.ourcea RENEWABLE ENERGY CASE STUOY 2 NEVADA Community School District ..ls lltt rtrrl.t'scltrtrtl distict in tlt( stutt'tt,itlt nto tritrl ttrrltittt,s, .\'arudu Sthttol.: urt lcudittg tht v;u.t'it, t,tt.tt'g.l'tttttst't'yutitttt itttl:ut'itt.g tltt rtltttol distrit't S-ih.00ll itt tltttrit'it.t't'ttsts, On Aug. 10, 1995, the Nevada Community School District started up its second wind generator, becoming the first district in the state to have wo wind turbines. "lt's been a real positive for us," said Superintendent Kenneth Shaw. "They have been running very effectively and effi ciently. " I rtt t rt tlit tr' .Trilirr,g ' The first turbine, a 250-kW generator started up in December 1993, immediately started saving the district $500 a week in electriciry costs. With a second, 200-kW generator, the district now produces 477 ,688 kW-hours worth of electricity per year for its middle school and high school. That amounts to $36,100 worth of electricity produced by the two wind turbines. "We can take that money we save and put it into instructional costs," said Shaw. On top of the money being saved in electricity costs, the district has increased its budget further by selling its excess electriciry to the local utility company. Since the first turbine began operation, the schools have produced an excess of I I 7,200-kW hours of electricity, mainly from days when the buildings are not being used. Nevada CSD was able to sell this excess electricity for $7,056. I rrr Rt'liuhlt Since its first day ofoperation, the hrst turbine has run almost continuously without any problems. The second turbine has done just as well, with the only mechanical problems occurring during very windy days. Also, the second turbine has produced more electricity than the first one, despite having less power. This can be attributed to its 42-foot long blades, which are two feet longer than on the first one. The second one also has more pitch on the blades. I It'11ti11.' tltt I: rt,irtttttttt'ttt Not only is the district saving money with the wind rurbine, but it is also helping the environment. By relying less on power plants for electricity, the district is displacing hundreds oftons of coal and eliminating millions of pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from polluting the air. The school district received the wind turbines through a donation by Harold Fawcett and his sister, Josephine Tope. "We were very grateful for that gift," said Shaw. EENII:IFETilrIEilEnEY w'ORKS This is one in a series on case studies on successful renewable energt pmjeas in lowa.. For more information, Iowa Energlt Bureau, llallace State Ollice Building, Des Moines, IA 50319; (515) 281-8681. <lE *.r"rvable Energy case Studies El> http ://www. state. ia.us/dnr/energy/pubs/renewableircase/rcase02.htm t2l2v200r