HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030613AES Petition to Intervene.pdf,r-r-C rc. c. v \LFO r-~ ::j JefITey C, Brooks Advanced Energy Strategies, Inc. 1027 E, Cayman Drive Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 867-9062 brooksjcl~ao1.com /:\103 JUN \ 3 PM 2: 2l. ; , , '0 " '; " , U LJ L- l 01 \L\~f\ ES' CO\'\r'1\ S S \ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S INTERIM AND PROSPECTIVE HEDGING, RESOURCE PLANNING, TRANSACTION PRICING, AND IDACORP ENERGY SOLUTIONS (IES) AGREEMENT. CASE NO: IPC-Ol- JEFFREY C. BROOKS dba ADVANCED ENERGY STRATEGIES, INC. (AES) PETITION TO INTERVENE Advanced Energy Strategies Inc. (AES) petitions this Commission for leave to intervene in the above entitled proceeding pursuant to Rules 72 and 73 of the Commission s Rules of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA and -073. In support of this Petition, AES states as follows:1. JefITey C. Brooks is private citizen and principal of Advanced Energy Strategies Inc. (AES). AES is an independent business that specializes in energy efficiency, and energy related issues. AES has provided comments to this Commission in previous cases on behalf of public interest groups and as a concerned citizen, and in this matter represents the interests of residential and small commercial customers of Idaho Power Company2. AES has a direct and substantial interest in these proceedings because the Commission s decision may, directly or indirectly, affect the cost of electricty supplied to residential and small commercial retail customers ofIdaho Power Company, and it is unknown at this time, whether any other third party entity has entered into these proceedings to participate on behalf of residential and small commercial retail customers of Idaho Power Company, who typically have no representation and are not organized or funded to provide alternative representation.3. AES is unable to state its position at this stage of the proceedings, and therefore seeks to intervene for the purpose of receiving documents, examining witnesses, and otherwise participating as its interest may appear.4. AES' s representative for the purpose of service of pleadings and other written materials is: JefITey C. Brooks Advanced Energy Strategies, Inc. 1027 E. Cayman Drive Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 867-9062 brooksicl~ao1.com (email) AES'S PETITION TO INTERVENE- WHEREFORE, AES respectfully requests that the Commission grant this Petition to Intervene and authorize AES to participate in the above entitled proceedings with full rights as a formal party. Dated this 13th day of June, 2003. AES'S PETITION TO INTERVENE -