HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040917Answer Opposing Eagles Motion to Dismiss.pdfi? r - (' \.!':"", , ~- \J. DONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 3366 LOUl! Sf? f 7 Pt1 t I . "" ... .. ,., ij/, . "j rur;;I illUTILiTIES COI'1,:ffSS1ON Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Complainant ST AFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE' MOTION TO DISMISS IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O4- CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO, Respondent. COMES NOW the Commission Staff pursuant to Rule 57 and files this Answer urging the Commission to deny the City of Eagle s Motion to Dismiss. In its Motion to Dismiss, the City presents three arguments why this matter should be dismissed. As explained in greater detail below, Staff believes these arguments are misdirected and the City has misconstrued Idaho Code 9 67-6528. ARGUMENT 1. The Commission may issue an Order that conflicts with City Ordinances. The City maintains the Commission is bound to comply with the City s local ordinances. City Memo in Support of Motion to Dismiss at 3. In particular, the City relies on the first sentence of Idaho Code 9 67-6528. This sentence states in pertinent part that "Idaho, and all its agencies, boards departments, institutions, and local special purpose districts, shall comply with all plans and STAFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE'S MOTION TO DISMISS ordinances adopted under (the Land Use Planning Act unless otherwise provided by law (Emphasis added). The City infers that the Commission cannot issue an Order in conflict with the City s ordinances. As explained in greater detail below, this argument is without merit. The very section that the City cites recognizes that there are exceptions "otherwise provided by law.Idaho Code 9 67-6528. Indeed, this section recognizes two exceptions,t one pertinent here. Although not a model of clarity, Section 67-6528 provides in pertinent part that if a public utility has been ordered or permitted by specific order... to do... an act by the public utilities commission, (then any action or order of a governmental agency pursuant to titles 31 , 50, and 67, Idaho Code in conflict with said public utilities commission order shall be insofar as it is in conflict null and void if prior entering said order, the public utilities commission has given the affected governmental agency an opportunity to appear before consult with the public utilities commission with respect to such conflict. Idaho Code 9 67-6528 (emphasis added).In other words, this statute recognizes that the Commission may issue an Order in conflict with the City s ordinances. By its terms, so long as the City has "appeared before or consulted with" the Commission then, the part of the City action or order in conflict with the Commission s Order , " shall be.. .null and void.... Consequently, Section 67-6528 recognizes that the Commission may under certain circumstances be exempted from complying with the broad statement in the first sentence. Staff believes the more pertinent question is the inter-relationship between Idaho Code 9 50-328 and Idaho Code 9 67-6528. On the one hand, Section 50-3283 provide cities with the authority to regulate the construction of transmission lines. On the other hand, Section 67-6528 provides that any city action or order, or a portion of said action or order, may become null and void insofar as it is in conflict with a Commission Order. It is clear from both the legislative history and the statutory construction that the Legislature intended to provide a limited exception " for a public utility to seek relief from a local land use act or order. 1 The other exception not pertinent here provides that "plans and ordinances enacted pursuant to (the Land Use Planning Act) shall not apply to transportation systems of statewide importance as may be determined by the Idaho transportation board.Idaho Code ~ 67-6528 (emphasis added). 2 Title 31 pertains to Counties and County Law, Title 50 pertains to Municipal Corporations, and Title 67 contains the Land Use Planning Act and the Administrative Procedures Act. 3 This section provides in pertinent part that all "cities shall have the power to permit, authorize, provide for and regulate the erection, maintenance and removal of utility transmission systems. . . . ST AFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE'S MOTION TO DISMISS When interpreting statutes, courts and administrative agencIes begin with an examination of the literal words of the statutes. A statute s language "is to be given its plain obvious and rational meaning.State v. Burnight 132 Idaho 654, 659, 978 P.2d 214, 219 (1999). Courts and agencies will resort to statutory construction if the statute in question is arguably in conflict with another statute. Peasley Transfer Storage v. Smith 132 Idaho 732, 742, 979 P. 605, 615 (1999). When a Court or agency engages in statutory construction to construe the legislative intent , " not only must the literal words of the statute ( s J be examined, but also the context of those words, the public policy behind the statute(sJ, and (theirJ legislative history. State v. Beard 135 Idaho 641 , 646, 22 P.3d 116, 121 (Ct. App. 2001). "Statutes are construed under the assumption that the legislature was aware of all other statutes and legal precedence at the time the statute was passed.Druffel v. State Dept. of Transportation 136 Idaho 853 , 856, 41 3d 739, 742 (2002). Staff s characterization of Section 67-6528 is supported by the rules of statutory construction and legislative history. Idaho Code 9 50-328 was recodified in 1967. Idaho Code 9 67-6528 was enacted in 1975 as part of the Land Use Planning Act. The Staff does not assert the later enacted statute (67-6528) implicitly repeals or is inconsistent with the earlier statute, 50-328. Tetzlafv. Brooks 130 Idaho 903, 950 P.2d 1242 (1997). In our view, Section 67-6528 operates as a limited exception, thereby avoiding an implied repeal of Idaho Code 9 50-328. The repeal of an earlier statute is disfavored in the law. Chapple v. Madison County Officials 132 Idaho 76, 967 2d 278 (1998). When two statutes relate to the same subject matter (in pari materia), the most recent expression of the legislature will control. Id.; Greenwald v. Idaho State Tax Comm '119 Idaho 501 , 506, 808 P.2d 420, 425 (Ct. App. 1991). Separate statutes dealing with the same subject matter should be construed harmoniously, if at all possible, so as to further the legislative intent. State v. Evans 134 Idaho 560, 6 P.3d 416 (Ct. App. 2000); State v. Resendiz-Fortanel 131 Idaho 488 , 489, 959 P .2d 845, 846 (Ct. App. 1998). In practical terms, the Staff recognizes that utilities are subject to land use planning ordinances enacted by cities and counties. Idaho Code 9 67-6528 does not operate as a blanket exemption enabling utilities to disregard the mandates of local plans and ordinances. For example, the Staff concedes the City may enact ordinances that require cable electrical distribution, and telephone service systems be installed underground. Exhibit 135, City Ord. 9 8-2A-6(A)(5). Or, that utility buildings must conform to city design standards applicable STAFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE'S MOTION TO DISMISS all buildings. Id. 9 8-2A-6(A)(6). However, it is Staffs view that Section 67-6528 provide a limited, remedial procedure in the event that a city decision conflicts with a Commission Order. Finally, the minutes from the Senate Committee note that Section 67-6528 was amended in committee to include the PUC remedy. The utilities sponsoring the amendment explained to the committee "that where the utilities run a line in the county and cities should be left to the PUC to make the final decision.Senate Gov t and Taxation Committee (March 3 , 1975) (emphasis added). The committee agreed and the amendment was incorporated in the bill. In the nearly 30 years that Idaho Code 9 67-6528 has been in effect, the present case is the first instance where a utility has sought to utilize this limited remedy. As the text of the statute indicates, only public utilities may avail themselves of the extraordinary remedy contained in this section. It is clear that the Legislature intended to provide a limited exception for a public utility to seek relief from a local land use act or order. 2. Idaho Power has not failed to exhaust all of its appeal options . The City next maintains that Idaho Power failed to follow the statutory process for obtaining judicial review once the City denied Idaho Power s Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. CU-, Exhibit 5. The City generally insists that because Idaho Power has "refused to avail itself' of its right to seek judicial review under the Land Use Planning Act, it "cannot now circumvent the statutory appeals process by filing this Complaint with the PUC." City Memo in Support of Motion to Dismiss at 2. The City infers that Idaho Power should have sought judicial review of the City denial of the CUP within 28 days "and the relevant statutes of limitations have now run.4 As explained in greater detail below, Staff believes this argument is misdirected and ignores Idaho Code 9 67-6528. Staff asserts the Idaho Land Use Planning Act provides two avenues for administrative or judicial review. The first review process is the one alluded to by the City. Any person aggrieved by a City s land use decision may seek judicial review within 28 days after all administrative remedies have been exhausted as provided for in the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act. Idaho Code 9 67-6521(d). Under the first process, any aggrieved party may seek judicial review by filing a Petition in the District Court. Idaho Code 9 67-5272. However, as set Idaho Code ~ 67-5273 provides that a petition for judicial review of a final agency action "must be filed within twenty-eight (28) days of the agency action, except as provided by other provision of law." As Staff argues above Idaho Code ~ 67-6528 provides an exception. STAFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE'S MOTION TO DISMISS out below Idaho Code 9 67-6528 creates a second, limited alternative applicable only to public utilities. Section 67-6528 provides that: if a public utility has been ordered or permitted by specific order... to do... an act by the public utilities commission, (thenJ any action or order of a governmental agency pursuant to titles 31 , 50 and 67, Idaho Code in conflict with said public utilities commission order. shall be insofar as it is in conflict null and void if prior to entering said order, the public utilities commission has given the affected governmental agency an opportunity to appear before or consult with the public utilities commission with respect to such conflict. Idaho Code 9 67-6528 (emphasis added). In this matter, the Commission might issue an Order in conflict with the City s denial of Idaho Power s proposal to construct a transmission line along the Bypass in City Case No. CU-02 (Exhibit 5 , p. 12). If there is such a conflict between the City decision and the Commission s Order, that part of the decision then in conflict with the Order shall be "null and void " so long as the Commission has given the City an opportunity "to appear before or consult with" the Commission prior to the effective date of the Order. As is the case with the Planning Act, persons aggrieved by final Orders of the Commission must exhaust their administrative remedies by seeking reconsideration. Idaho Code 9 61-626. Subsequent judicial review is also available directly to the Supreme Court. Idaho Const. Art. V, 9 9; Idaho Code 9 61-627. Consequently, both parties have a right to seek judicial review of Commission action directly to the Supreme Court. Idaho Power may use either remedial avenue. In this case Idaho Power brought its action against the City on February 12, 2004. The City did not issue an order denying Idaho Power s Application until April 27, 2004. Exhibit 5 , at p. 13. Staff believes that the utility timely filed for relief under Idaho Code 9 67-6528. Thus, Idaho Power has not exhausted all remedies to contest the City s decision and the City s Motion should be denied. 3. No Conflicting Order.Finally, the City of Eagle argues that this matter should dismissed because "the City s Order does not conflict with any existing PUC Order." Motion Dtsmiss at 3. In other words, the City maintains that because the Commission has not yet issued its Order, there is no conflict and thus, the Commission has no jurisdiction. The City argues Idaho Power should have first "sought an order from the PUC before going to the City to request a conditional use permit. Its failure to do so prohibits Idaho Power from now seeking a conflicting order from the PUC and prohibits the PUC from even considering this Complaint." Id. at 4. STAFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE'S MOTION TO DISMISS The City s argument would put form over substance and would turn the Land Use Planning Act on its head. Following the City s argument to its logical conclusion, the PUC would become the land use permitting agency for public utilities. In the City s view, all utility construction would require a Commission Order before applying to the City for a CUP. Such a process is inconsistent with and not contemplated by the Planning Act. City permit conditions not in conflict with a Commission Order would be mandatory for the utility. Moreover Idaho Code 61-526 permits utilities to extend their lines within any city or county where they have previously commenced operations; no approval from the Commission is required. In examining this case of first impression, the Commission convened a prehearing conference to determine how best to process this matter. As indicated in Order No. 29465 at 2 the City agreed to a schedule so that a record could be prepared upon which the Commission would then issue an Order. Idaho Code 9 67-6528 provides that before a city act or order may be voided, the Commission must give "the affected governmental agency an opportunity to appear before or consult with" the Commission with respect to such conflict. The City s argument is non-sequitur as the City now, at the final hour, objects that the Commission has not yet issued an Order when the reason for that is to allow the City, as well the other parties, to be heard and to appear before it prior to issuing such Order. The City has fully participated in this case and has appeared before" the Commission. Once the Commission closes this proceeding, it will issue an Order based upon the record. IDAP A Given the fact that the Commission has built an extensive record in this matter, it is unreasonable to dismiss the case now. PRAYER As indicated above, the City of Eagle s Motion to Dismiss should be denied. Idaho Power has not failed to exhaust its statutory remedies and the Commission clearly has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to Idaho Code 9 67-6528. Respectfully submitted this 11~ day of September 2004. Donald L. Ho ell, II Deputy Attorney General VldlN:IPCEO44 dh3 STAFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE'S MOTION TO DISMISS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING STAFF ANSWER OPPOSING THE CITY OF EAGLE' MOTION TO DISMISS IN CASE NO. IPC-04-, BY E-MAIL AND MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE MONICA B MOEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-mail: bkline~idahopower.com mmoen~idahopower. com SUSAN BUXTON BRUCE SMITH JOHN McFADDEN MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE 225 N 9TH ST SUITE 420 BOISE ID 83702 E-mail: bms~msbtlaw.com sebCillmsbtlaw. com B. NEW AL SQUYRES MARYV' YORK HOLLAND & HART LLP PO BOX 2527 BOISE ID 83701 E-mail: nsquyres~hollandhart.com york~ho llandhart. com CITY OF EAGLE PO BOX 1520 EAGLE ID 83616 EAGLE RIVER LLC C/O A. ENNIS DALE 485 E. RIVERSIDE DR. EAGLE ill 83616 ClJ~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE