HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040503Said Direct.pdf. RECEIVED " 1C tL.-L.J 10114 ~PR 3 0 Pt~4: PUBLIC UT\L n\ES COMMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Complainan t , vs. CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO. Respondent. CASE NO. IPC-O4- IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY GREGORY W. SAID please state your name and business address. My name is Gregory Said and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. whom employed and ' in whatareyou capaci ty.? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Manager of Revenue Requirement in the Pricing and Regulatory Services Department. Please describe your educational background. recei ved Bachelor1975,May Science Degree in Mathematics wi th hono~s from Boise State uni versi ty.1999,attended the Public Utili ty Executives Course at the U~iversity of ,Idqho. Please describe your, work experience with Idaho Power Company. I became employed by Idaho Power Company in 1980 as an analyst in the Resource Planning Department. 1985,the Company applied for a general revenue requirement increase.I was the Company witness addressing power supply expenses. In August after nine years in the1989, Resource Planning Department, I was offered and I accepted a posi tion With thetheRateDepartmen t .Company Company s application for a temporary rate increase in 1992, my responsibilities as a witness were expanded.While SAID, Di Idaho Power Company continued to he the Company witness concerning power supply expenses,I also sponsored the Company s rate computations and proposed tariff schedules in that case. In 1994,I was asked to become the Meridian District Manager for a one-year crQ8s-training opportunity. In 1995,I returned to my position in the Rate Department. In October 1996,I was promoted to lead a team of analysts the reorganized Regulatory Servicespricingnewly Departmen t ,formerly known as the Rate Department.In tha role,installationbecamethe Company contact .for line disputes Company compliance with tariffconcerning provisions. the Revenue Requiremen t ,Manager continue for line installationto be the Company .contact disputes before the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission. Why has Idaho Power Company filed a complaint against the Ci ty of Eagle? Sikes has testified,the Company hasAs Mr. been seeking approval from the City of Eagle to construct a transmission line through the City of Eagle for a number of years now.While the Company has attempted to identify a route and design alternative acceptable to all interested parties,City the economicallyhasrej ectedthe all prudent alternatives.Mr.Sikes has also stated that the Company is concerned that future service to the Eagle area SAID , Di Idaho Power Company may be degraded by the inability of the Company and the City of Eagle to identify a route and design acceptable to all parties.Idaho Power has been diligent and prudent in its efforts to site new transmission facilities.However, denying the Company s applications,' the City of Eagle has jeopardized the Company s ability t? meet its obligation to provide service its areaEagleelectricaladequate cus tomers .I have been advised by my legal counsel that, under circumstances,provides IdahoIdaholawthethese Public Commission with au thori ty directUtilit;Les the Idaho Power to construct the facilities required to serve cus tomer loads. sikes testifies the Ci ty of EagleMr.that has requested that the Company use underground construction techniques to mitigate the perceived adverse aesthetics of overhead construction but Idaho Power maintains thatthat the addi tional alternative undergroundroutescost construction responsibili ty Citythewouldthe Eagle.Why does the Company believe that the City of Eagle should pay for the addi tional costs that may be required to satisfy their aesthetic concerns? Ul timately, paid for its cus tomers . the cost facilities, Idaho Power arecosts borne by If Idaho Power initially bears theincludedthatcost Company s rate base as an investment that is funded by the SAID, Di Idaho Power Company Company The theCompanyreturncustomers.earns undepreciated investment theThebalance.return Company investment Idahoalsofunded by customers. Power stri ves provide reasonably pricedreliableand electrical seryice to its customers. When city,City of . Eagle,such the determines Idaho standards forthatPowermus t meet aesthetics stringent standardsthanthethatare more place Idaho service terri tory theandthroughou t Power resul t of the application of the more stringent standard is higher cost,the question then becomes ,who should pay for the addi tional attributable the City Eaglecosts more stringent aesthetics" the City of Ea,gle or other Idaho Power being ' facilities underbuiltcustomersserved different believesstandards? Idaho Power inappropriate for the City of Eagle to pass the costs of its aesthetic standards onto other customers who are willing to be served at lower costs under different standards. this Commission have the authori tyDoes decide who should pay for the transmission solution that it directs the Company to pursue? Yes.advised legalIdahoPower counsel that the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission has the authori ty to determine the prudence of Company investment in SAID, Di Idaho Power Company facili ties included the Company revenue requirement. In this case the Company believes that $2. million is the prudent investment level that should be made by the Company.When costs of facilities exceed the prudent level investment includedthatshould revenue requirement,the Commission requires that the Company seek contributions in aid of construction (CIACs).In this case, it is the Company s posi tion that if the Commission directs the alternate transmission projectCompany, t;o pursue any with grea ter then$2.million,thancost appropriate for the City of Eagle to be responsible for the addi tional Typically.paidC lAC scost.prlorare construction of facili ties. the City anyexpressedEagleHas willingness to have Eagle residents pay the additional costs associated with alternates to the Company s proposed route? The City of Eagle has never expressed No. willingness to pay for any additional expenses.However, as Mr.Sikes his testimony,has stated the Company has discussed a number of funding alternatives available to the City. What are some of the ways that the City Eagle could fund a required CIAC? SAID , Di Idaho Power Company Idaho Code Title 50 allows mayors and city councils to create local improvement districts to fund line extensions existing overheadconversionfund electric to an underground. tonfigurat~on.Thefacilities City of , Eagle could create a local improvement district to fund a required CIAC. In the alternative,Idaho Bower would be willing to accept installment payments,including interest,to recover any required CIAC.The Ci ty could 'apply the proceeds of the franchise to make thecollectsfromIdahofeesPower installment paYments.The City currently levies a franchi but that level could be increased iffee at the 1% level, such an increase is accept~ble to the ~i t~zens of the City. This is the procedure Idaho Power followed with the Ci ty when Ketchum desired to relocateKetchum,Idaho Idaho Power s overhead power lines in downtown Ketchum to an underground configuration.The Ci ty of Ketchum continues to collect franchise fees, and as funds are available, directs Idaho to underground selected distribution circuitsPower they have prioritized and coordinated with the Company. The Ci ty of Ketchum has not chosen to have any portion of the 138-kV transmission line placed underground. What is the annual revenue received by Idaho Power for service to the City of Eagle? SAID, Di Idaho Power Company In 2003,Idaho Power received approximately $7 million for electric service provide9 to customers wi thin the Ci ty of Eagle.Eagle currently requires a 1 percent franchise collected $70,000 from ~ity Eaglefeethat residents in 2003. franchise increasedfeethewas percent, how much additional revenue would be generated? franchise increasedfeethewas percent,the addi tional revenue above the 1 percent level would be app~Qximately $140,000. Assuming Commission thethewould. allow Company to finance a CIAC for the City 'of Eagle for 5 years, what level of CIAC could be financed by $140,000 recovered via an increased franchise fee? Assuming monthly andequalpaYments interest rate at the Company s currently authorized rate of return the $140,000 revenueannual199percent, recei ved increasing City franchise fromfeethe percent percent would approxima te lyfundCIAC $560,000 to be recovered over 5 years. Would the Company be willing finance CIAC for more than five years? No.The prefers not financeCompany CIACs,and believes financing of a CIAC for longer than years to be unreasonable. SAID, Di Idaho Power Company Has the City of Eagle identified a preferred route? No.As I have stated, the route supported by Idaho Power and the Citizen s Advisory Committee was denied by the City of Eagle.While the City of 'Eagle continues to desire evaluation of additional alternatives, none have been identified by the City as a preferred route. What does the Company recommend that the Commisslon direct the Company this case? Based upon the City Eagle refusal commi t to any expenses to be borne by t0e City s residents, the recommends the Commission direct theCompanythat Company to construct the ~ransmission pr?ject described as Option 1 on Exhibit 2 tha,t was previcmsly denied by the Ci $2.associated with thatmillionEagle.The cost proj ect is a reasonable investment for the Company to make. Any other plan would result in additional costs that the City unprepared and that wouldEagleseemsaccept inappropriately be funded by the greater body of Idaho Power customers. If the Commission does not direct the Company to construct the transmission proj ect previously denied by the City of Eagle, what does Idaho Power recommend that the Commission do in this matter? SAID, Di Idaho Power Company City willing fundthe CIAC required selection al ternateresul t the transmi s s i on design,Power respec t fullypathIdaho requests that the Commission issue its order speci'fying how the Ci ty of Eagle will pay for the CIAC.The alternatives in order of preference are as follows: The City financingcanacqulreindependent and pay the CIAC up front, City franchiseincrease feesThecan sufficient)pay the CIAC plus carrying charges over five-year period time, The Commlssion can order the Company create new tariffs appliGablethat yvould be customers wi thin the City of Eagle, that would, include a surcharge to recover the CIAC with carrying charges wi thin five years. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. SAID, Di Idaho Power Company