HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040407Press Release.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION For Immediate Release Case No. IPC-04-3, Order No. 29462 April 6, 2004 Contact: Gene Fadness (208) 334-0339 Website: www.puc.state.id. Commission OKs Idaho Power irrigation program Boise - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved an Idaho Power program that pays irrigators who volunteer to turn off selected pumps during summer. peak-use times. The one-year pilot program is designed to help the company meet anticipated shortfalls in generation and decrease Idaho Power s overall energy costs which would, in turn, result in a potential savings to all of the company customers. Idaho Power hopes to get up to 50 metered service points from irrigation customers in each of four geographic areas to participate. Those who meet eligibility criteria for the program would agree to have the company install timers behind metered service points. A metered service point must provide service to pumps with a cumulative horsepower of 150. When the company reaches critical peak demand periods during the months of June, July and August, the company would be able to shut off the pumps for up to four hours between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays. Irrigators can choose to be shut off for four hours each day for either one, two or three days per week. Those who choose to be shut for one four-hour period a week would have their billing demand charge credited by $1.75 per kilowatt of monthly peak demand. Those who choose two days per week would be credited $1.88 and three days, $2. The company s 2002 long-range resource plan identified potential resource deficiencies during peak use periods over the next few years. By reducing summer peak demand, the company avoids having to pay for power from higher cost sources, including the wholesale market. Idaho Power estimates the program will cost $294 750. Money to operate the program will come from the Energy Efficiency Rider that appears on residential, irrigation and commercial bills. For residential customers, the charge is 30 cents per month. For irrigation customers , the rider is $0.0003 cents per kWh, but not to exceed $15 per meter permonth. Idaho Power hopes to gain 50 metered service points from each of these four geographic areas: 1 )Kuna, Melba and Nampa; 2) Mountain Home, Bruneau and Grand View; 3) Rupert and Paul; and 4) American Falls. If the pilot is successful, the program may be expanded to include more irrigators in future years. The commissioner ordered Idaho Power to file a report on or before Dec. 1 , 2004, that includes the number of customers and metered service points participating, the amount of load reduction achieved, the number of times and the amount of demand that failed to be interrupted when scheduled and the reason for the failure. Any person interested in this order may file a petition for reconsideration by no later than April 23. A copy of the order and other documents related to this case is available on the commission s Web site at www.puc.state.id.us. Click on "File Room " and then on "Recent Orders and Notices " and scroll down to Order N. 29462; Copies are also available at commission headquarters, 472 W. Washington St. in Boise.