HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040319NW Energy & Advocates for West Comments.pdf8il4Q~geG4Tl~I~~~~~T L)!:" f ' \/'- "L-l (TJ !LED ZOG!! fcll~R 19 Pfl 4: : March 18 , 2004 ; ;,, ;,u t ULl_ UT!LlT iES cmH'iiSslOti Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ill 83702-5983 Re: Comments on IPC-O4-02 (ownership of environmental attributes) Dear Ms. Jewell: NW Energy Coalition and Advocates for the Westl submit these comments on Idaho Power Company s request for a declaratory ruling on ownership of environment'J-J attributes ("green tags ) associated with qualifying facilities under PURP We concur with the thoughtful comments of Bonneville Environmental Foundation ("BEF") in this proceeding. BEF's comments deserve careful consideration in no small part because BEF markets and sells green tags in Idaho for Idaho Power Green Power Program. We also appreciate and agree with the general position taken by Idaho Power Company (that green tag ownership should stay with project owners), which reflects an understanding by the Company of the value of the environmental benefits of renewable resources. Ownership of Green Tags Two fundamental reasons underlie our position that green tags should stay with owners of qualifying facilities: First, PURP A requires utilities to pay at least their avoided cost for power from qualifying facilities. If Idaho Power were deemed to own the green tags associated with these projects, the Company effectively could pay less than avoided cost for that power in violation ofPURP A. Of course, this concern potentially could be addressed via contract negotiations between Idaho Power and the independent developer. But such a system would put developers of qualifying facilities (particularly small facilities) at a distinct disadvantage, considering that Idaho Power is largely a monopsony (single buyer) of small power production in southern Idaho. The market for their green tags which is potentially national in scope, would shrink to just one buyer. 1 The NW Energy Coalition is a multi-state association of energy efficiency, clean energy, environmental and other public interest organizations engaged in promoting a clean, reliable, and economic energy future for the Pacific Northwest. Advocates for the West is a nonprofit conservation law and advocacy center which supports renewable energy resources and energy efficiency improvements. P.O. Box 1612, Boise, ID 83701 208-342-7024 Fax: 208-342-8286 www.AdvocatesWest.org Second, green tags are just one collateral value that PURP A qualifying facilities can have, apart from the production of electrons. For example, methane digesters installed at dairies can improve overall waste management, including by producing a more marketable compost product; and digesters could help resolve local odor problems. Canal-drop hydro systems can have independent value to their owners for channel maintenance, water flow management or other reasons. These values are real and separate from the production of electricity at qualifying facilities, but a utility could not possibly claim ownership of them. Right of First Refusal We join BEF's position that Idaho Power also should not enjoy a right of first refusal (ROFR) to purchase green tags from qualifying facilities. Quite simply, we donot believe the Company has presented any legal or other compelling basis to obtain such a right. Furthermore, as BEF noted, a ROFR could reduce the market value of the tags. Green tag marketers such as BEF would tend to avoid investing time and money in helping new qualifying facilities get off the ground, when those efforts could be thwarted by Idaho Power s exercise of its ROFR. In the end, a ROFR held by Idaho Power would unnecessarily hurt small power producers interested in creating an environmentally friendly energy product. Conclusion The Commission should encourage and support a robust market for green tags which fosters development of new clean forms of energy production in Idaho. The Commission should confirm that qualifying facility developers own the environmental attributes associated with their projects, free from rights of first refusal. William M. Eddie, Attorney On behalf ofNW Energy Coalition, and Advocates for the West cc: Monica Moen Idaho Power Co. O. Box 70 Boise, ill 83707 Randy Allphin Idaho Power Co. O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707