HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040309Comments.pdfBONNEVILLE ENVI'RONMENTAL FOUNDATION u, (~ 3/q/o 111 1+ q,!~ ; /1 hECEIVED February 28, bO04 2na~ flJI\D , _ ~ D' t:' -~ rll'H, H.1 O' RALPH CAVANAGH Na~Resources fense Council Vice-C;;hairman Commissioners Public Utility Commission State of Idaho PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83120-0074 ---',. 1' ,C; C' ;; UTILI tiES C:OT-it'SSION " ' THE HONORABLE' MARK O. HATFIELD S. Senate (tet. Chairm(ln \ , RACHEL SHIMSHAK , Renewable Northwest Project Secretary RE: Case Number IPC-04- Commissioners: BRETT WilCOX Golden Northwest Aluminum Treasurer , Blll DRUMMOND Western-:Monrana G&T CooperaQ,ve I am writing in my capacity as President of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF), 133 SW Second Avenue, Suite 410, Portland, Oregon 97204. BEF is a non-profit business that markets Green Tags representing the.en\ir-onmental attributes of the output of certain renewable power generating facilities. BEF's net revenues are dedicated to the development of new renewable pow~r facilities in the Pacific Northwest, and to restoration of watersheds in the same four states,including Idaho. I am writing in support.ot the general position taken by the Idaho Power Company (IPC) in the above captioned Case 'underlPUC consideration. support and encourage the IPUC to adopt the general proposition that the environmental attributes, or Green Tags, associated with the output of renewable power facilities are and remain the property oftl1.e owner of that facility until and unless the owner consents to a transfer of those Green Tags to another party. , # DON' FRISBEE PacifiCotp (ret. , STEVE HICKOK Bonneville Power Administration J..;.MES LlCHATOWICH Aldet Pork Consulting JAIME A. PINKHAM NeZ Petce Tribe WilLIAM T. TOWEY B Engineers, Inc. AlDO BENEDIiTTI Tacoma Public Utiliti~ (rer.) Emeritys ANGUS DUNCAN Presiden This proposition should be upheld by thelPUC irrespective of the status of the facility as a Qualifying Facility under PURPA, just as 1he Green Tags remain wi'h the owner irrespective of any federal or state tax credits or other incentives that are employed by the owner to develop his facility...lJnless otherwi~e specified , these Incentives are intended by the public bodies that established them to be employed in aggregate by a developer ora renewable facility, in recognition tbatoften the economic disincentives act in aggregate to discotJrage such developments. Thus the Federal government does not demand custody of the Green Tags from a proj~tt that takes advantage of Federal tax credits and accelerated depreciation. Thusal~o a cogeneration facility that uses fossil fuels and may have no Green Tags to sell is not disqualified from exercising its QF rights under PURPA. 133 SW 2nd Av~, #410 Portland, OR 97204 503,248-1905 /503-248-190 www.b-e-f.org The c~ncentric circle was a design frequently used in Native American Columbia River pictographs. It may signify the sun, or a pool 0/ water; or may simply be decorative. This example, from the Big Eddy reach, was submerged irz 1957. Apart from questions of law, BEF applauds IPC's recognition of the compelling value to the State of Idaho of incenting prospective facility developers to proceed with their renewable energy projects. Idaho will be more likely to see broader development of new renewable energy --..... Printed with Joy-based inks on /(10% poSt-con;umer recycled paper. '\.. facilities if the IPUC issues a decision consisten with this 'recommendatio oregon Washington and,other states in which renewable facilities are being actively developed do not challenge the owner s Green Tag rights. , I And the GreEID Tag market has proven an important additional incentive to new . development. I3EF, which origiQated the Green Tag product, sold for delivery in excess of 100 000 Tags in 2~, and expects to substantially improve on this mark in ,2004. In addition , BEF as, a project developer has responded itself to the Green Tag market signal by directly developin9 or sourcing from other developers nearly a quarter of a megawatt of new Pacific Northwest solar generation , and is developing (with six public utility partners) a 200 MWwind farm in the State of Washington. We expect to develop suph projeCts in 'Idaho as - ' well (and already have our first solar installations in the state). . BEF is obliged to part company with IPC on the narrower questipn of whether IPC.should ... retain a Right of First Refusal (ROFR) for the Green Tags from the facilities in question. We, understand IPC's reasoning in seek1ng to protect its customer access to the Tags, but we believe the market will meet this concern.' And an ROFR effectively diminishes the market value of the Tags to the owner by discouraging a third party from expending the effort and paying the opportunity cost of negotiating to purchase such Tags, only to have IPC exercise its ROFR. As a marketer, if we have an equivalent opportunity to acquire Tags from another sellern.6t constrained by such a ROFR, we will of necessity prefer the unencumbered Tagsand seller. With this one reservation , we ~ncourage the IPUC to adopt a rule consistent with the, broader recommendation of IPC. . ' We also commend IPC for its early commitment - in 2001 -~ to offering a green power product to its customers. So far as we know, IPC was the first utility inthe nation to field such a program using Green Tags (and the IPUC was the first state regulatory body to approve this use of TagS). 'The state of Idaho arid BEF were thus abl~ to pioneer this market mechanism, which has subsequently spread coast to coast (BEF now markets Tags nationw,ide and in Canada, and also supports with its Tags and' programs the retail programs of seven other major utilities, investor-owned and public, in the four Northwest states~. We believe it is no less commendable that IPC determined on its own volition to offer a green power producUo its customers, rather than doing so in compliance with a legal mandate j We appJaud IPC's consistency in supporting the program , and the success it has - had' in signing up customers. Thank you ,for your attention to this ~mportant' question. . i' v' ~ .::- 3JqfD 'f 1/10 Ai. ~ If Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, March 08, 2004 10:48 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, March 08, 2004 10:47:31 PM Case: IPC-E-04- Name: Norman E. Anderson Street Address: 1253 Cow Horse Drive City: Kuna State: ID ZIP: 83634-1429 Home Telephone: 208-362-0730 E-Mail: normaneanderson~msn. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list _yes _no: Comment description: It seems to me that the green tag should belong to the entity that made the investment in the power proj ect. That entity ought to be able to trade or sellthe green tag in a free market environment. To give any utility (Idaho Power or others) first right of refusal seems to bring up a restrict of trade issue and gives the utility an unfair position if the investment entity w~nts to sell the green tag and can only deal with the utility. Only if the utility decides to pass on the green tag can the entity that made the investment negotiate with others. It sounds like a bad idea, and the green tag ought to be owned by the samll power producer. Transaction ID: 382247.Referred by: http: I Iwww. puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: 67.14.129 User Hostname: 67.14.129