HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040206Application.pdfMONICA MOEN , ISB # 5734 BARTON L. KLINE, ISB # 1526 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 ' .l ,-, " ' 1- ,! L 'L ,r;:;,L!j:- : i . (" iJ 'i1t !!', _ M L""':.1 114' )iU;'::L.ll. JTiL.! iLSCOf"!r'1iSSION Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF A PETITION FILED BY IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER) DETERMINING OWNERSHIP OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED WITH A QUALIFYING FACILITY UPON PURCHASE BY A UTILITY OF THE ENERGY PRODUCED BY A QUALIFYING FACILITY CASE NO. IPC-fr- PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER COMES NOW Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company ) and pursuant to IPUC Rule of Procedure 101 , hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission ) to issue an Order determining ownership of the marketable environmental attributes associated with a PURPA Qualifying Facility ("QF" when Idaho Power enters into a long-term, fixed rate contract to purchase the energy produced by that QF. BACKGROUND In June 2003 , the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") received petition for a declaratory order in which the Petitioners in that action sought an PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER - interpretation of FERC's regulations implementing Section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA" ). See FERC Docket No. EL03-133-000. Specifically, the Petitioners in that matter sought a FERC Order declaring that avoided cost contracts entered into pursuant to PURPA , absent express provisions to the contrary, do not inherently convey to the purchasing utility any renewable energy credits or similar environmental attributes or certificates. In an Order issued on October 1 , 2003, FERC granted the Petitioners request for a declaratory order and determined that (1) absent an express provision in a contract to the contrary, FERC's avoided cost regulations did not contemplate the existence of environmental attributes and , therefore, contracts for the sale of QF capacity and energy entered into pursuant to PURPA do not convey environmental attributes to the purchasing facility; and (2) states may decide that a sale of power at wholesale automatically transfers ownership of any state-created environmental attributes to the purchasing utility. DECLARATORY RULING SOUGHT BY IDAHO POWER Idaho Power hereby seeks a declaratory order from the I PUC determining ownership of the marketable environmental attributes associated with a PURPA Qualifying Facility when the Company enters into a long-term , fixed rate contract for the purchase of the energy produced by that QF. IDAHO POWER'S INTEREST IN THE MATTER AND THE FACTS IN SUPPORT OF THE COMPANY'S PETITION Idaho Power Company already generates a significant portion of its electricity from renewable hydroelectric resources. The Company s resource portfolio also includes electricity purchased from other renewable energy resources. Idaho Power currently is under contract to purchase energy from 69 PURPA QF projects , the majority of which use PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER - 2 renewable resources in the generation of power. Regional organizations exist to facilitate green energy transactions from resources that have been certified as green energy compliant by those organizations. These entities issue tradable "Green Tags" to certified renewable energy producers. Some of the QFs from whom the Company anticipates making purchases in the future have indicated an intention to obtain marketable Green Tags as a result of entering into contracts with Idaho Power. Green Tags represent the environmental and other non-power attributes of a measured quantity of electricity generated from a renewable resource.2 Green Tags avoid the need to package the electricity with its environmental attributes. The Tags provide a way in which to "unbundle" the environmental attributes from the electricity and permit the sale of the environmental attributes of renewable generation separately from the electricity generated. In effect , Green Tags are a currency that can be traded to individuals and entities wishing to support "green" energy. As documented in the recent FERC Order , FERC suggested that individual states may decide ownership of the Green Tags.As a result, Idaho Power seeks guidance from the Commission as to ownership of potentially marketable certificates in Idaho. Because there may be value in owning these Green Tags in the future , both Idaho Power and the QF developers have a keen interest in ownership of the Tags. In Idaho, a utility and its customers confer additional value on QFs by virtue of the long-term , levelized, fixed rate contracts that the utility enters into with QFs. That value is in addition to the avoided cost paid to the QFs for the energy produced. Vesting the utility with some ownership interest in the Green Tags would remunerate the utility for Green Tags are also known as Green Certificates , renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs). A Green Tag represents the environmental and other non-power attributes associated with one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generated from renewable resources. PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER - 3 the additional value conferred to the QFs. The QFs contend, however, that their ownership of the Green Tags provides the incentive they need to invest in the production of energy from a renewable resource. They assert that the sale of the Green Tags associated with the generation of green power compensates the QF for the facility s environmental attributes and rewards the additional risks associated with the investment in and the design and operation of a renewable energy resource plant. In this petition, Idaho Power Company requests a declaratory order from the Commission clarifying ownership of these Green Tags. The respective arguments are presented below. A. Idaho Power Has An Incentive To Obtain The Green Tags Associated With Renewable Energy Purchases. The Green Tags represent value to the Company and its customers. Because Idaho Power anticipates purchasing green energy from green-certified QFs in the near future , it has an incentive to obtain the Green Tags associated with those renewable energy purchases. The environmental attributes associated with the production of energy from renewable resources, in the form of Green Tags, have a monetary value that may be marketed to individuals, businesses , organizations, utilities or governmental jurisdictions separate from the actual energy produced. Green Tags are a vehicle to monetize the environmental and social benefits- the non-energy attributes - of renewable generation. Should the Company receive a part if not all , of the Green Tags associated with the production of that green energy, it could sell those Tags. The net revenue from Idaho Power s Green Tag sales could be used to either lower the energy costs of its customers or be reinvested in the development of additional renewable resources within the State. PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER - 4 All of the Company s existing QF energy purchase agreements were entered into before the concept of Green Tags existed. As a result , those agreements are silent with respect to the issue of ownership of any environmental attributes associated with the energy produced from renewable energy resources. However, the Commission has historically required its jurisdictional electric utilities to enter into long-term , levelized , fixed rate contracts with QFs. Twenty to thirty-five year contracts are the norm. The length of term and the use of levelization have been, and continue to be , contract features that surrounding states do not require of their jurisdictional utilities. These contract features bestow real financial value on QF developers in Idaho. By receiving these long-term , fixed-rate contracts, the QFs receive the benefit of the backing of Idaho Power's favorable credit rating when the QFs seek financing for their projects. Thus, the QF developers have and will continue to receive value from Idaho Power for the electricity the QFs generate beyond the purchase price of the energy. QFs have benefited and will continue to benefit by contracting, on a long-term, fixed rate basis with a credit worthy entity, Idaho Power. B. Alternatively, Green Tags Represent Value To The Renewable Energy Power Producers. Green Tags have been created in recent years by state programs typically designed to promote increased reliance on renewable energy resources. These state programs usually are premised on promoting policy goals such as improved air and water quality, broader fuel diversity, enhanced energy security and hedging against the price volatility of fossil fuels. Green Tags, QFs contend , operate as an incentive for the production of energy from renewable resources. Renewable energy power producers maintain that the power purchase price that the utility pays under a contract merely compensates the QF for PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER - 5 the energy and capacity produced by that facility and not for the environmental externalities associated with QF generation. The QF developers assert that the ability to sell the Green Tags associated with the generation of energy from renewable resources compensates them for the facility s environmental attributes and rewards the extraordinary risks associated with the investment in and the design and operation of a renewable energy resource plant. Further, they claim that allowing QFs , rather than the utilities , to trade the Green Tags associated with a renewable facility will facilitate the development of liquid and efficient markets of Green Tags which will , in turn, create incentives for the development and use of renewable energy resources for the generation of power. Thus , the QFs maintain, the Green Tags should remain the property of the QF developers. IDAHO POWER'S RECOMMENDATION Despite Idaho Power s interest in owning the Green Tags, the Company acknowledges that retention of those Tags by the QF developers may encourage the development of additional green energy resources in Idaho without the need to increase energy purchase prices. Given the heightened public interest in the development of new renewable resources, Idaho Power respectfully recommends that the Commission determine that developers of such generation facilities receive full ownership rights in any Green Tags issued to them conditioned upon the requirement that the QF developers who qualify for Green Tags and from whom Idaho Power purchases energy grant the Company a right of first refusal to purchase those Tags. By assigning the value of the Green Tags to the QF developers , additional opportunities may be provided in the State for a broad spectrum of renewable generation without additional cost to the Company s customers. At the same time , by requiring the QF developers from whom Idaho Power purchases electrical energy to grant Idaho Power a PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER - 6 right of first refusal to purchase any Green Tags issued to them , Idaho Power can purchase those Tags from the developers when the Company deems it in the interest of the utility and its customers to do so. SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS Service of pleadings, exhibits, orders and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Monica B. Moen , Attorney II Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Randy Allphin , Contract Administrator Power Supply Planning Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 CONCLUSION NOW WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, Idaho Power Company hereby requests that the Commission issue its Order declaring that ownership of any Green Tags issued to the developers of energy produced from renewable resources be vested in those developers conditioned upon the requirement that the QF developers from whom the Company purchases energy grant to Idaho Power a right of first refusal to purchase said Tags. Idaho Power Company does not believe that an evidentiary hearing is necessary to consider the issues presented by this Petition and requests that the matter be processed under modified procedure. Respectfully submitted this 5th day of February 2004. MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER - 7