HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040421Comments.pdfWashington IdahoCounty ... j;:!! ~.-'.;,j,:/y -, - ~~.., /~,; '~;:"~! / ';,~,' ~\f\ if ")f~~ ""'; " ~ l ~iiEjrf'r '-1 " '~-!:\ " ~~-4' t) i.J~;-( Sharon Widner Clerk of the District Court Audi tor and Recorder 256 East Court StreetPOBox 670 Weiser, ID 83672 208-414-2092; Fax: 208-414-3925 wcclerk0ruralnetwork . net Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: IPC-03- Gentlemen: April 12, 2004 ,"' c:;.i='" ,.," ,--"", ~ ~-C! (/;::" n ' ::: .;:-..':-=::', ~ ,.J.. i.::J C: .,C rTi c;:I -'" Cf? &"'-"' LJi :;;:: Thank you, for the ability to comment on Idaho Power Company s proposed rate Increase. It has come to the attention of the Washington County Commissioners that the proposed rate increase will have a detrimental affect on the economy of the County. The rate increase impacts everyone, from agriculture, to seniors on fixed incomes, to retail store operators. Irrigation pumps, domestic activities such as heating and cooking, refrigerating units in stores, areall dependent on electricity. IPUC needs to carefully consider the rate structure s impact on all citizens as well as providing the Company a fair rate of return. The ability of Idaho Power Company to maintain and continually improve service to customers needs to be assured. Thank you WCBCC\bjt Sincerely, BOARD OF WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .z::~ . na Th mas, Chairman ~--~_..---,- ---~~-'_-' - -.. ,/7//.:arev ---~--'- I J -+- .. -- ~-. ~+-- -'--~'" . ~~,~._~~.~-~. ~1 - ~... -- 11- - --~ () --~- ~L,~----~_ ._.~-- S2~ d.dddL.~,~~~f'-~___, )! ---; .. ~ZlJ6~I f, F:ECE!VEO (;") j\ f~D Russ & Dorothy Brown P. O. Box 1091 Middleton, Idaho 83644 r;nc,1 LUD'i T, - t;; (.. I~i I ' ..., April 19 2004 r:::!n!J' !Ll: S CD '~'i0" Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 0074 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Idaho Power Rate Increase Request To Whom It May Concern: Our understanding is that Idaho Power is requesting the current increase to cover their cost of capital expenditures to run power lines, etc., to new subdivisions and business developments. Our thoughts are as follows: 1. Private business pays for capital expenditures by borrowing the necessary funds and repaying the loan from new income generated. Why can t Idaho Power do the same? 2. As we understand it, Idaho Power also charges hook-up fees which could be increased if necessary. 3. It seems unfair to charge existing customers every time new customers come aboard. We say this in all fairness as next week we will be putting our house on the market and will very likely buy a newly constructed house which would be subject to a hook-up fee. Sincerely, Russ & Dorothy Brown , Du 'z,11 , if/1. ("1.:'\L "I... 'i': If,r:D (2) ..~--- oo'-l !(' l\P . ? , I'0) j r" !, ,. , . ,. ' " ' i : n- Il~ 'n TItU hQ-- ~. ~ITiES COf1i'iiSSION -- PO eox 37:20 u- u ~ ~ 2:D '95 3") :2 Q - 'n _ en Lf~-E-...Q3 -J 3 --- --- -- - c - ~H C-o~U -f-v~. _.__- -- -- I. 7+--~ w p . V~ ~ ' ~W~wcJ-J fu.., k.. i-v~ ~l L0 \v ~~ JWe,. '1 ~ -~ ~-- -b_'-1" ~' Lv-- ~ ~ .A- ~'~- f11.cJ- t--4 ~, ~-- bLL. . ~.. i:4CL~ oJ) . - (k--+- ~ -- -t~~H ~ ~----~. . 6t e.k., --- .--.~..~ &~ ~~ -- ~Jl---??Ltt ~ -- 3L W~ ~" "~ '~ ~ +"+~- I~~ fi -'r q~ r:, 4~, J-, , ~'-+- -t.~ p~w ~1 f-r. fo~ ~ ~ W~ 0V f-v tl tJ-v iI- ;.~,-- mm_-- -._----- ~,-.__ ~_m +-O ~~~- - a-J~ . ~.-) fkJ- ~--~~-- ~ -------____- -- -- __n ~m ~L_1~,v..J~k - n - - n__ _--.. - -~- 01f12~ ~--~-- a...-..ln d-- \.41. --_. ~iJ,._u -to_. ~.... ULu 1~' - n __--.__--___. ~~u ~-- tk .,4-0- ~)-~~+p-- ~- -- . - u_----- -- -- -- _ . __n ~ -- (.V~~L-- -------- ----- -p~ ~ ~9n -- . - u_- ==~ :=b:~~ ~~-=:: .~" '=~~~~~~,-- - --_m - ------ --n_--- n - - --_--_ --m _____---------- _ n_- ---- -----~-------____--_- - - -- -------------------- ----------.. -. ---- - --- - ---. -- - - - - n ------ -- n~___--__n ---------------- - --- n - - --m - ------ m- n -- n .. ----~~~ ~a1:; ;~= --- m_- . n _0r--\A_ ~~_~ . . to.g3Jo_oLf-- --- m - n -- n__ IDAHO PUBLIC UTrfIJlf:eS COMMISsfoN ,!! /1,f) I\H . I J,) \ hi ,\ hi I ' '1 Public Workshop -Case No. IPC-03- January 7 , 2004 Caldwell, Idaho ,- - i U;'L. UTILI~~lfttS61~t9~HINK? If you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our WebSite. www.puc.state.id. click on "comments & questions. /. ~. cl ~:tJ ftJ4 ,k.. ;tL i ' 1"-I-L- dfU~ L ..;.- ~ W JLl tI. r#;~1.z ~~l ffi., &L/,A ~~f.tU~ P#~ 3~ ~ z -d ~7,---~2~ ~). I/, ~.u_, L:IIt ~:.~ ~ ~ .:d. ~:/~~ I/f' Address ~J?g' / yt: /(1) tj,!j)IV&lL TfJ , R?itt::'7 00.- 1:0 'lI::J10l RE: 17. ofg~ cleve IvaI ThaJ Ger, 719 NarJ 208, 1 12Vt0 . d ECE !\fED L~Ji D ~1 :E1 v00G-91-~dl::J '3 7 ----- rt2 ~ !LJE) 00 I cf ~&,ot.f ~~A ~~'~ . ~. ~ ~ tt:-ail, ~~~~ ~~.6~ c.. () Jt---:k_ . . O1U --------- r~ ~ ~ LiUJ ' --j- Q.. :7~~~ - o~ CLJ J ;; ~. (f)'* C J:~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ 9-39 - ~ 3lD- ~ -~-- LW i .~- - :::;,. rt.: e:s i ..--- I t-' ::' - - ------- - - - l-- -- -- - -- --- ---- --- - - ----- ------------; n -n - :; -" PWRpe J3~ ..:J.~ :/.()OLf- I1~_JIjJ...f..-!.._CJnJPnJk ~~-~~- _._pj~ f!~~J.,~~- ~... J&(~'1+cu1.._i~()'l!~~ -- ' CIf~~.LM..J~.;tDO- S. +--- ~J'-.:l~_..__'d!.~, 0-) - ~ -m -- --- ((2_ !/;- q Cl a_ - - tMlL :lit~'tfl.- ~ - 0 -- ~: d4:u1'i: ~__ w&_(MV~~--4L~~- ----- tii_w:J/L ~~- IJ1.it;_ ~-- Wfu;i- do --- i:D- ~~-~'- ---~~~==---,_...._----_.._,-,----.._-,---------------._--_._------_.. - - C:)c::\ cr-. -- c,) .. -- - bkJ-- ---..-,..------",- - ------------,.-----..---..--.--..---.....-----------------..-..---------"-- - ;,,' :- L' ;-' (:3 L' 'f20. Bb-x:'10049, Eugene, Oregon 97440~3 ~= (541) 343-0200c-'~c - ~~) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITifES! i ' -!: COMMISSION IL) M'i 8:~i2 Public Hearing Case No. IPC-03- March 31 , 2004 Boise Id ITI!!"ldi~Ci ;~'- SS\OH WFt~T1 b(ryO~THINK? If you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: , IPUC, PO Box 83720 Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our WebSite. www.puc.state.id. click on "comments & questions. fJUc. ~~/ ~C2/~~ ~~ (J~~j ~) ~) r?~ ~.-:u A ~~' ~ 6?~.~-L~* 0Yu ~~UJJ 0/- ~ ~ r:dA/)~~? /J.42 ~A ~./1fl-" b ~~ J9~Zg: I" J/:?~ d'!~ 11 (;?~A ~~ aJ~ ~ ~ ~#d2~/J ~~ &1;- Uk lf~ ~ ~ ~CJvL~ //A ~~ ~-t""-J '??~ ~.J .P~J?-P -# /oZ~~4~~A ~~~~ ~nfJ ~~-- PrintName IJ?l::/VG a f//L!.7a~1 Sign Name Address tpo ~~ Phone Number ;:J~p/ rPS..!?- 9.:J./6' Y3?/'/-- ----- , n April 13 2004 28495 Harvey Road Caldwell, ID 83607 ::ECE!VED ZGGl! il\,PR 15 Ai'1 9: 0 ~ Idaho Publti~-luHI:lii~sld~~ssion O. Box 83720 Boise , ID 83720-0074 RE: Idaho Power Rate Hike To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in regards to Idaho Power s proposed rate increase for irrigators. I feel the increase is unfair for farmers. The farmers are being asked to shoulder the increase power burden, due to the large growth of subdivisions. These subdivisions eliminate the farm ground and the remaining farmers are being asked to cover the power cost incurred by the growth. I can t afford the increase. My operation is small , and if the power hike goes through , it becomes unfeasible for me to continue farming. Please remember the farmer, when you consider Idaho Power rate hike increase proposal. Thank you. Sincerely,~/1~ David Michaelis CEIVEDn" ::- uTiUT\C:::3 co iSSi In the matter of the application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to increase it's interim base rates and charges for elictric service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ! 5 t3.il 9: 02 : - c' --- , ; 13 April 2004; RE: case #IPC-03- Dear Commissioner In response to Idaho Power s request for a rate increase, I wish to put in my two cents worth on this issue, I am opposed to the rates requested by Idaho Power, and believe they should be denied. I give as my reasons, the following. Idaho Power requires anyone wanting to use their electricity, to pay in advance, for any transmission lines required to deliver service to the proposed customer, They also require montWy payments for the use of any power used by that customer, It would be my understanding, that the payments recieved were for the building of transmission equipment and the montWy payments would pay for the generation of the elictricity used by that customer whether it is one customer, or a million customers. In any other business, it would seem silly to charge the customer for building the car, then for buying the car. (as an example). I can give many similar examples. The point I am trying to make , in nonnal businesses, they don t show on a recipt, that they cahrged for the makeing of the product, as well as the delivery of the product, even though they are, but that is all covered in the cost of the purchase, of the final goods, or service. They don t charge a customer both, when they order the item, and when the pick it up, I daho Power is trying to do just that, and that, I believe would be chargeing twice for the same thing, I think they are like so many companies in the market place today. They see the oil companies makeing 300, and 500% profets, and they want to also. I don t think it is right for the oil companies, and I don t think it is right for any other s either, I agree with the rate icrease that the commission staff, and the intervenors have set as the one they would like to see approved. If any increase is approved, I would like it to be the one the commission staff, and the intervenors have proposed, Thank you for looking at my proposal. Sincerely, Harold G. Elgin 324 Cottonwood Dr. Nampa, Idaho 83686 CEiVEO ZeOli ." " " 0 .f) l.j PJ1 ' ,_ i G U \- i L.; iSSiON Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ID 83702 Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers ofIdaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required tp subsidize growthjhthe company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. K~ ~~~ S"3S' (.IJ ~~ r~"7.2 c. SY9 /0 ~? r; A"JA, " /, A/V/;.A.-7 :tIu. ~()~ CuJ~ '-t'r~- -'--~ ~ 4..d~-..9 rf'~~fh-v fkp~. L-eJ.. vfXJ YlVI-~ . ~ JJ~ vr1~ 0f.kJ -1iz; ~. Ji7 ~ , ' . . ---t;h. .1: flu- ~ /Jd.k-ud 7j1 f T/~- .. ~~- April 9, 2004 :ECE!VED, en 2001 ... ' Q. 1"\) I "'* ~,... ... v ... Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 , ,; .. -' i ' ; ,'\~ JrUT!L~S CO iSSJON Dear Commissioners, We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential cuStomers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome ' people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with tranSportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank youfor considering our comments. ~$ 17 K10(;;3 /.J'~ /fd t:f/;--1? () . ?S(p !YED Lcj April 9, 2004 , , ZBO!1 iFf( t 3 tH'8: 23 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 SSjm~ Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase. for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. ' . . Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs dical cost , p rescription costs and ))ropertv taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electrici~~ergy conServation should be rewarded. People \vho use a relath'ely small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in dem~d for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. 2f.t fk rr-~'YcJ ~.. t9n..-- tL tY: aAL. . ~ ~ ~ :ru~-~ "'" YLUR~,r~~~t~ ~~~ ~~I t;zj Y3r:;?~ Alpril 9, 2004 !VE- , ,. ZDOl 11"\ i .:J 8: 23 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 "",_ UTiLiTiES CO ISS!OfJ Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particUlarly difficult and burdensome ofpeople of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transport.ation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. /,7 /.~~ . Q . p~4-~ uJ~ IJ~ ~~~ ~Pril 9, 2004 CE!VED zeoLI !WR 13 fitt 8: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 ,L,oL!'.' driLl \ES CDi(~i'iISS!m~ Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would'unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. Tf- I A ~ . /' j t-l:J#-' (./ ) t? cJ. /"') L// /J / " , uC:.;:j1&.-c /'- x/ 1 r, ~li ltLJC~ #o.JL.u ~- April 9, 2004 E;VEO ITJ , ~ ~ pri 1 /. i'\ 8: 5 ~iU~Ij H(h I"" Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 ie, , , .. --- SSIOH, JriL\T\F.~) t:, Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. ~f1 /? #f/14 cf:p/;;J April 9, 2004 . Jr cn,lCf '\C~_c."iL.'D:J , " ?\~'5 H12:\4re' " Idaho Public Utilities Commission 4 72 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 ':: C:I iJlL'.J ~ '-' ,-"..- Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particulafIy difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge trom $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per Iilonth are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. 2J-61, ~ ~, ~O E~ ~' W~) ~~ ~~~ April 9, 2004 r- , , '- I 'I ,- ntljt..\L:..('J - !L' I"" 6~5?' 10 rn.... Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 - - "~:; ' ~ C:, I 0 'HIll! ,, ~~ ~ Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers ofIdaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you toreject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively bmden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small,a.'TIount Of eIJergy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank ~U fur COnsidering : COTts, d~~/ ~/~ A.e.cLJ CV April 9, 2004 zunLi \;::; fI - g: 02; v I- Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 ,,- - ~;S\O:' T \ t- \ -\ \ E ' Dear Commissioners , . We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. Pecple':v4q use a relativdy sm~JI amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. ~ -,..... r: ~~ "'1 ~ ~ c:UY rfJ ~.~ /;/(.;Z-a.. 7rt April 9, 2004 cJ~TIVED ' . '-- ~\pn 13 Q. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ID 83702 )T:1-;\ ;~S 1SSlmi Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge trom $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. Sin rely, :v \k I,q d- C&tre Rei tJ~ ( Jd 830 April 9, 2004 \fED !IJ t\PR 1 3 Ml 8: I 9 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 , :i , ", '-.. T\U\ lES CCh:'\iSSim~ Dear Commissioners, We write to urge you tolimit the proposed mte increase for residential customers ofldaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particulady difficult and burdensome ofpeople of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small ::l.'1lcunt of energy per month are not t.lJ.e ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. April 9, 2004 r,r-'\fCf1:. \ " l_ ("' :':1l\j 1 ') ' ' : ! 9t.J h:' Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 \\1-\ ! ::_ \SSIOH Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. April 9, 2004 , " Vi:. ' , : :-:-", ';") , I 0. fi i'i 8: \ 9f,\"r\ I J . Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 .. '-- ' ' ~' c; i f' :dllL r S COb - ~ , Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particulafly difficult and burdensome ofpeople of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge ITom $2.51 to $l() per month. This would unfairly and excessively bUrden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electriCity~ They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. (o/f1 a1J -y //( ~~ /:? 7~~dd/J60- /(/~~~ W~ Y5~f-z April 9, 2004 EI\!ED 'r-;:; , ",,--,,)" ,-- ! I) nq 0: nJ V Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 " '1._ ;\.' i'i)SSiON Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. '7 (~-c... C)y cv& 71 ClJrd VO~r'-ULr8~ 7fH~ ()J :?i IUIUv ~"--'A-o~.v11j~~ ~~~ - April 9, 2004 IVEO ! '1 n ,! Q. '1 ! - ,',-j ',~ n" u ~ Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 " ' 'i!C.J;i!';;SSIO:J Dear Commissioners, , We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particulady difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge ftom $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. P~ople wh" use a relatively small amount of er.:~rgy per mcnth are not t:.'le ones cl."i.ving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required tosubsidiie growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. /J /I~I/i. / /' A/V7 ~~; /~i//ttt~ :~;:~:;;;L:;rJ~~ April 9, 2004 ~CE\\;ED . , \ v " ") u. (;., Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 :::; r1' \::::- C;y ' " Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particulafly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge ftom $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with aD increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. April 9, 2004 EJ V E 0He;; 7DWi \ 3 9-' ' ~. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 - ,'; ; :is:3i\T( Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficUlty with transportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge ftom $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. . ~~. 0/Z~P~ , . , /P /~t!L/2/ ()t 1.3 ' ~y ~d;c:tA!r- ft#/t/ I ,f 3 ~ '7.;;:L April 9, 2004 fCE i\lED -, , ' :' n . '? 8: 20 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 i U,)u(, .JTii ! !f:S COi-1i'1!SS!Orl Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particulafly difficult and burdensome ofpeople of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. r;u~ ' / ~S- E. ;1 ~) 40Ft, (/3(,/ 5'11- 0 )Coo April 9, 2004 :ECEIVEO fT! ,-, . : ;:r' "" M n . 7 \.) 1;\; O. _. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 c- i '" - I' ~ CJj ,iT: ~ Dear Commissioners, We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers ofIdaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. :E:CE1VEO ,-"~ 'v, L.'.:.J April 9, 2004 I') f'1 O. 0 ,. '". - 'v ,o,.J .. :.. c_ ; ' Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 j It i,. j r i SS!Oi'i Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particulafly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer serVice charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation shculd be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge~ Thank you for considering our comments. po, / /) "~' I"'P -----~.. 1',/11,.. -- -; ,,~/ tJ/ 4th ~:: .1" _"' r../(-- #"&/' :G,"If.... April 9, 2004 :;ECE1VEO - , '. " \ J q. I'POU' (. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 \;': \' ~~S (:O ';\SS\ON Dear Commissioners, We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 Per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs, medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge nom $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our commeuts, / . Jt./ April 9, 2004 .'-". \ ;1 o. r \~,) ,! ,,;c-0':)"', 1 \ " .. I Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 ,; -, -,- ' .iT IT;;~S CD :jS\O1J Dear Commissioners We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers ofIdaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome ofpeople of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you toreject the proposed increase in the customer service charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy _conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. /;i April 9, 2004 EC:-::!VED ! I J1~1 : c:;!"1 fH Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise ill 83702 ; iL, j ("~' , Ii, iSSiOH " ; Dear Commissioners, We write to urge you to limit the proposed rate increase for residential customers of Idaho Power Co. The proposed 17 per cent increase would be particularly difficult and burdensome of people of retirement age. Many of these people have very tight budgets and have difficulty with transportation costs medical costs, prescription costs and property taxes, in addition to other basic living costs. We particularly urge you to reject the proposed increase in the customer service charge :ITom $2.51 to $10 per month. This would unfairly and excessively burden people who limit their use of electricity. Energy conservation should be rewarded. People who use a relatively small amount of energy per month are not the ones driving the increase in demand for electricity. They should not be required to subsidize growth in the company s load with an increase in the customer service charge. Thank you for considering our comments. !JJr hoJu cJLc~ --'------" "- n.. 04/18/2004 12: 07 22184558627 KITCHEN SOLVERS OF T PAGE 01 Public Utilities Conunission April 18) 2004 To Whom It May Concern: I am alanned at the high increase that Idaho Power is asking in our power bills. I feel that the customers should not be payj.ng for this increase. I'm aware that Idaho power customers paid indirectly for Enroll extortion scheme through Ida Corp. Please consider my request to deny Idaho Power s request for this increase. Sincerely, 'fw~ JanDavis Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 15 2004 10:02 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:01:46 PM Case: ipc-e-03-13 Name: Dancy j ohnson Street Address: 1400 cow hores dr. City: kunaState: id ZIP: 83634 Home Telephone: 208-362-2960E-Mail: Company: idaho power co.mailing list yes no: ~ Comment description: I believe that IPC is asking for an unreasonably hugh rate increase. We shoud not be asked to pay for structures that have nothing to do with gen. or delv. electricty to its customers, or employee incentive pay programs, pension costs, or even their legal fees for a SISTER co. IdaCorp Energy. Also, things like annual dues to organizations such as Boise 1 s Arid club and Chambers of Com. If they can t have enough for thought to cut back on their end of the year bonus I s which they have given out forsome time , (freely, too I might add), in such hugh pkgs. then they certainly don 't need any double didget rate increase. I live in an irrigated subdivision, and we already payplently for our power to run our pumps. To increase our bill by 25%or even a 15% (Cloverdale Ridge Water Corp), our electric bill for the season ($25,923.00 in 2003) will go up by $6,480.75; and all of us (in the subdvsn) will have to pay a higher assessment per share. It's very difficult to enjoy the great Idaho country life when prices rise like that. We are a one income family of 6. Our Budget is getting tighter and tighter. Every year, just keeping up with the cost of living is harder and harder. We are not one of these neighboring states who has larger power rates, lets keep it this way. If you livedhere in our subdvsn., I'm possitive you would feel the same way we do here. Your budget is probably stretched to the limits too. Lets keep the power rates down and make IPC reconize that if they have a finincial problem that they created, then they need to have a lot more fore thought when running their business. We can t dump our financial problems on them , so I would expect the same good business courtesy. I can see a small increase for gen. and delv. electricity, but I refuse to pay for annual dues, IdaCorp screwups, pension costs and employees incentive programs. Lets get real. Transaction 10: 4152101.Referred by: http: I Iwww. puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 198.81.26. User Hostname: 198.81.26. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, April 14 2004 2:15 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1: 14 : 49 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Otto Tiede Street Address: 614 Calder City: American Falls State: Idaho ZIP: 83211 Home Telephone: 208-2265795E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power / mailing list yes no: /~es ) Comment=descriptIon: increase would be devistating to the Idaho agriculture industry, as commodity prices hve been static for the last two decades. At the same time operating costs costs have risen extensivly; for instance fuel, equuipment, labor, fertilizer, etc. The farm economy economy simply can not stand any increase in operating costs. I would urge you to deny any rate increase for agriculture. Sincerly Otto Tiede a concerned Idaho Farmer Transaction 10: 4141314. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Monday, April 12, 2004 8:09 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message-- --- From: Ed Howell Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:40 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:40:12 PM Name: Gary HuckStreet Address: 2407 Cherry St. City: CaldwellState: 10. ZIP: 83605 Home Telephone: 209-459-3114 Work Telephone: NAE-Mail: Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Idaho PowerLocal Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint description: I hav heard on the news recently that Idaho Power is asking IPUC for a 19% increase. They are never happy, they always want an increase, no matter who isaffected. If they get this increase, the poor will be forced to decide whether to pay their power bill and not buy groceries, or buy groceries and not pay theirpower bill. Some of the poor exist on a very small income provided by SocialSecurity or Veterans Pension. They only receive one increase ( Cost-of- Living-Adjustment: C.once a year, and it us usually very small. The IdahoPower company receives a large income from all of their customers every month.The only people hurting will be the poor if IPUC grants Idaho Power theincrease. Does IPUC want to be a part of forcing the poor to decide which to paytheir power bill or groceries )? Does IPUC care about the poor at all? Transaction 10: 4102140.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us / scripts/polyform. dll / consUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Monday, April 12 2004 8:08 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 10: 52 To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:51:52 PM Name: Gary HuckStreet Address: 2407 Cherry City: CaldwellState: Id. ZIP: 83605 Home Telephone: 208-459-3114 Work Telephone: NA E-Mail: ghuck~peoplepc. com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: 10 PowerLocal Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint description: St. Regarding 10 POwer request for 19% increase: If Idaho Power managed their money better, they wouldn need another increase. They get paid every monthfrom their customers. The poor are forced to exist on fixed income, and are forced to pay rising costs of food , and other necessities that rise during themonth and year, while receiving only one increase a year. not enough to coverthe rising costs they hasd to endure. The poor would be able to exist on theirsmall incomes if the utility companies and the cost of food didn t go up all thetime. The POwer company does NOT deserve a raise. The poor are barely existingon their income as it is now we can t afford an increase. Transaction 10: 4102151.Referred by: http: Ilwww. puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dIll consUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ~ :;~/LI!O .;1. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, April 19 2004 12:07 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, April 19, 2004 11:07:11 AM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Ruth Gillette Street Address: 8921 W. Landmark Ct. City: Boise State: 10 ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: (208) 375-0515 E-Mail: jrgillett~juno.com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no:. yes ~Comment=descriptIon: ~~ recent widow too high a percent increase. What the you. on a fixed income, I feel Idaho Power is asking for PUC recommends seems much more reasonable. Thank Transaction 10: 4191107. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell /110 /1a ~.'.;. /10 11' From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, April 19 200411:17 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, April 19, 2004 10:17:26 AM Case: ipc-e-03- Name: Theresa M. Stone Street Address: 5649 E. Mineral Dr, City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83716 Home Telephone: 208-368-0844E-Mail: tessam. stone0hotmail. com Company: Idaho Power, United Water mailing list _yes _no ~y~ Comment description: he Proposed Rated hikes that will effect everyone, to pay for the growth of the area, is wrong. I grew up on a farm, farming is a costly enough but very needed and necessary industry, the small farms especially that are already in trouble should be protected. When new subdivisions go in requiring new substations then the costs should go to the developers which trickles down to home purchasers. I live next to Harris Ranch. Because of that development, my costs of living have gone up. Why should I pay for someone else? My property taxes have gone up to pay for schools, I don t choose to have children why should I pay for those who make that choice? The water rates have gone up, the water quality is very poor, just because it meets Federal Standards doesn I t mean it tastes good, and they have community pools that I can t utili ze. Please consider the individuals that don r t deserve higher costs. Transaction 10: 4191017. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 209.161. User Hostname: 209.161. Jean Jewell ~/L\( 10 sid From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Monday, April 19, 2004 8:07 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:29 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Subject: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya Clark WWW Form Submission: Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:29:19 PM Name: Pat Jarvis Street Address: 314 W Cherry Lane # 53 City: Meridian State: 10 ZIP: 83642 Home Telephone: 208.888.3850 Work Telephone:E-Mail: mrsjarvis~aol.com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Idaho PowerLocal Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint = description: Ladies and Gentleman I am a 62 year old widow developers from or coming into Idaho and creating traffic jams because required to provide turn lanes into their properties. As a tax payer enhancements for these expensive subdivisions. Now I learn that Idaho pay to build electrical plants, etc. to provide power for them! Waterincrease. who deeply resents they are not I must pay for road Power expects me to costs will also I am barely surviving as it is. I live in a modest trailer court. Recently I had to stop seeing my sister in the nursing home every week because of the increase in gasoline. I simply cannot afford more and more taxes and increased utility costs because local officials have not done their jobs and corporate executives have not made proper plans It has to stop somewhere and if you have the power to do it, now is the time. I implore you to please deny the request by Idaho Power and any other utility to increase theirrates. People who can afford to move into new homes should have to share those expenses wi th the developers. Thank you for listening. you make this decision. May you be guided with your hearts as well as your minds when Respectfully, Pat Jarvis My best friend is a 78 year old widow.She takes in $500 a month. Transaction 10: 4181629.Referred by: http: Ilwww. puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dIll cons Jean Jewell / ;Y~\I.IO 1. ,II' From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:38 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:37:38 PM Case: ipc-03- Name: Helen Hendricks Street Address: 6244 Coach Royal Lane City: Boise State: Id ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: 208/377-1605' E-Mail: helenjh~peoplepc. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptIon: r- am a retired senior citizen and can barely make ends meet. If you raise the rates as high as you want to it will less food in my mouth. Have a heart and let the investors cool their heels. Do a percentage rate increase if you must, - the higher the income the more you pay. 1 am conservative with my power use and often sat in a cold house this past winter to cut costs. Do we reqally live in a society where nobody cares about anything but MONEY???? Transaction 10: 4181937. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell fr'v ~11110Y fA";iV~/r/~1~ . ~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Sunday, April 18, 2004 11 :27 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Sunday, April 18 , 2004 10:26:37 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: SANDRA JACQUES Street Address: 9265 SUNFLOWER LANE City: BOISE State: IO ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: 208-376-9155 E-Mail: cs417~worldnet.att.net Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: Comment description: I think Idaho Power should not ask for a 14,5 rate increase. Corporate America should stop asking the middle/lower class to pay for everything. 1 recently retired not by choice but due to necessity and every penny counts as it does for millions of Americans. The gap between the have and the have nots is getting larger all the time and it is time for the have everything group to stop asking the rest of us to pay for everything, we should only pay for what we actually use with a small increase due toinflation, etc. We do not get increases we just constantly pay higher fees foreverything. Transaction 10: 4181026. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 12.72.254.User Hostname: 12.72.254. Jean Jewell / r~lo/"Y .;10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Monday, April 19 2004 2:48 PM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 3:38 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Subject: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya Clark WWW Form Submission: Monday, April 19, 2004 2: 38: 00 Name: Susan Hamil ton Street Address: 1205 Chicago St. City: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: 83686 Home Telephone: 208-466-0253 Work Telephone: E-MaIl: wah-seh~msn. com Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Idaho PowerLocal Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint description: Before allowing Idaho Power to drasticly increase rates of it' customers. PLEASE address the conservation issues. It would seem that there wre ways to cut expenses and waste in the company. We all have to live within the budgets of ourhouseholds. . . . . company s can do the same should they Choose to. Power di versary should be their main obj ecti ve. The poor are doublely disadvatanged: Not only are they short on means but often mustres ide in homes not properly insulated. There by us ing and was ting power. All customers should pay for what they use. . . . . . . yes business too. They can also look at means of conserving. Do not allow the rates to raise...... Transaction 10: 4191438. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/consUser Address: 4.164.204. User Hostname: 4.164.204. Jean Jewell ~lqIOj 'Iv w;: From: Sent: To: Subject: secretary Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:14 AM Barb Barrows; Ed Howell; Janet Bahora; Jean Jewell FW: Case Number: IPC-03- ).---------- ).From: Ryan Robertson (SMTP: RYANROBERTSON~SAFELINK. NETJ).Sent: Sunday, April 18 , 2004 10:13:36 AM ).To: secretary).Subject: Case Number: IPC-E-03-).Auto forwarded by a Rule Ryan Robertson 1762N 1775W Paul , 10 83347 April 18, 2004 Public Utilities Commissioners PO Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Dear Commissioners: I am writing to urge you to deny the rate increase proposed for Idaho Power irrigation customers. It is unfair to single out irrigation customers for significant increases, while other customer classes receive more favorable treatment. Any rate increases should be the same across the board, and at the lowest possiblerate. Farmers cannot pass on increased operating costs as many other businessescan. If irrigation rates are not kept to the absolute minimum, many who are already suffering from prolonged low commodity prices will be forcedout of business. This will cause a tremendous negative ripple effect throughout the rural communities of the state. The increases proposed by Idaho Power are unrealistic. As a regulated entity, they have been covering expenses and making a profit every year. As a sound business practice, Idaho Power should have been planning ahead and including upgrades to infrastructure and replacement costs for equipment and other necessary items. I find it hard to believe that theyhave not done this. I strongly oppose the proposed increase in the customer charge from $2. to $10.00. With new innovations such as remote meter reading and electronic billing, the customer charge should be decreasing, notincreasing. Many of the expenses Idaho Power is asking ratepayers to cover should be disallowed. Only items that directly relate to the generation anddeli very of electricity should be allowed in the base rate. Please do not approve Idaho Power’ s request. The PUC staff proposal is much more realistic, although it too is unfair to irrigators. Farming is an important part of the economy in Idaho. An increase in rates of this size will be a significant blow to the continued viability of agriculture in the state. I urge you to keep power rates for irrigation as low as possible. Do not allow irrigation rates to increase by a higher percentage than other rates. Our family farm consists of 3000 acres. If these rate increases our achieved it will be devasting to our farm and family. With the recent increases already we can I t afford any more power rate increases. It the cost of power goes up we won t be able to keep farming with out a increase in our crop prices. Irrigators have not changed their systems or expanded power usage. Chargethe customers that are growing and making you expand. I think the dealwi th Micron is sheepish and shows poor loyalty to the farmers who have been customers for many years. Sincerely, Ryan Robertson Jean Jewell JJP'::"II~IOI From: Sent: To: Subject: secretary Saturday, April 17 2004 10:38 AM Barb Barrows; Ed Howell; Janet Bahora; Jean Jewell FW: Case Number: IPC-03- )----------- )-From: Bill DeVeny (SMTP: BDEVENY~SPRO. NET))-Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:37:28 AM )-To: secretary )-Subj ect: Case Number: IPC-E-03-13)-Auto forwarded by a Rule Bill DeVeny Box 1160 Riggins, Idaho 83549 April 17 , 2004 Public Utilities Commissioners PO Box 83720Boise, 10 83720-0074 Dear Commissioners: I am writing to urge you to deny the rate increase proposed for Idaho Power irrigation customers. It is unfair to single out irrigation customers for significant increases, while other customer classes receive more favorable treatment. Any rate increases should be the same across the board, and at the lowest possiblerate. Farmers cannot pass on increased operating costs as many other businessescan. If irrigation rates are not kept to the absolute minimum, many who are already suffering from prolonged low commodity prices will be forcedout of business. This will cause a tremendous negative ripple effect throughout the rural communities of the state. The increases proposed by Idaho Power are unrealistic. As a regulated entity, they have been covering expenses and making a profit every year. As a sound business practice , Idaho Power should have been planning ahead and including upgrades to infrastructure and replacement costs for equipment and other necessary items. I find it hard to believe that they have not done this. I strongly oppose the proposed increase in the customer charge from $2. to $10.00. With new innovations such as remote meter reading and electronic billing, the customer charge should be decreasing, notincreasing. Many of the expenses Idaho Power is asking ratepayers to cover should be disallowed. Only items that directly relate to the generation anddeli very of electricity should be allowed in the base rate. Please do not approve Idaho Power s request. The PUC staff proposal is much more realistic, although it too is unfair to irrigators. Farming is an important part of the economy in Idaho. An increase in rates of this size will be a significant blow to the continued viability of agriculture in the state. Recently there was an article in Capital Press concerning onion productionin Nevada. Higher irrigation costs might force onion out of Idaho. I urge you to keep power rates for irrigation as low as possible. Do not allow irrigation rates to increase by a higher percentage than other rates. Sincerely, Bill DeVeny d ll;;llDl Public Utilities Conunission FAX 334-3762 RE: Idaho Power Increase 17.7% to Idaho Power on the heels ofIntermountain Gas 33% hike! And then, the cost of gasoline. We, the existing consumers should not be heavily penalized for new growth. Let the developers and the new-hookups bear the brunt of this and not us. I vote no on th'is one. Thanks Gerald Jutting 719 W. Roberts Ave. Nampa, ID 83651 208-463.1310 1:liVL:0"~ 1: :Et v00c-91-~dl;;l