HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040419NRDC & NWEC Form Letter.pdfTo: .-.". hI" iYl /d/u-I A/~ htlLS b-c-~Vlv -fo -Ii-PiA (., '--I piA f/~-r AprllllS, :'004 Idaho PUC Att'n: Casc;o II'C-03- O. Box 83720 5uiJe, ID S3nO.0074 Uear Commissioners In )'ourdecision in the pendini Idaho Power rate case, I urge )'Ou to adopt changes that would help promote energ)' efficiency in Idaho. Specl1iclll1y,1 ~upporL Ihe propo~lIl~ of the NI!LurW Re~ourceH Defen~e Courll..ll lUullhe NorlhweHL Energy CoWilioll Lo help I!ccompmh thiJ gol11. Idaho I'ower's financial hcalth should not bc ticd to incrcascs in clcctricity UIIC, Instcad, thc compan)"s prontabllit), should rcflcct its succes.in rninirnizlng the cost of reliable set'oi.ce. NRDC and NWEC have proposed a way to remove barriers to expanded energ)' efficiency in\leHLmenLH, by inlIouw..1ng ~I!JlII1l!ujUHI:IIU:nl!i ill mLeH o\lcr lime tlll!L would w~h ouL tllc eIrecL of c!lI!IlgeH in eleclIidLy UHe on IdGho Po~;et's profits. These o.djustments eould mo"'e utili~' bi11B either up or dou'll b)' few eentB 0. do.y o.t most, depending on IdGho Power's electricity sales; yet the result would be to remove both inappropriate incenTives to boost those sales and barriers to effecTive cnCtS)' cfficicnc)' prof!1'ams, LeL'H HLop penWi:dng Iwlho Powcr for hclping UH HI!\lC cllergy, lULU leL H 110 lollger 1'ewl!ru tlle complUlY fo1' helping UH wl!HLc CIICl'gy. I urge OU to o.dopt the eommon.sense NRDC/NWEC solution insteo.d of ereo.ting neu' buners to inereo.sing enerS)' efficiene)' in Idaho, Sinccrcl)' YlIlerle J. 5Wru 8344 Rude Street Hayden, IU 1S:~!SJ'.!S:l"/ USA