HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040409Comments (44).pdfa" ~!~Ir ~;Ftdi 1~ ?ECEIVEO in Ji~ r? -" za ;:~ ~:R 1 M~ i!:- 31i ~~ ~~~~1Jr'~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ te.J...., 4~i&-~ ~-"-- r~ .L . "- d"'..",#L~::::;~ ~:; -r -f: S~ -jL. --- -.,l --L..- -h, S"~ ~~- .~~.~~ r! -- -t; -d-/ ~ ~~ dd "/ 2 2h,:tL~ 7& . - ~(!d1..,~kJ t/ U/~4'" ~+ ~ #" ed j~ "'""'- ~4J~dJ' ~~~ I'/jt~! h-- --d4L ~~-~~- ~~ ~ ~ ~~~Qi~2~ y:tJ do -Ik '-h'e..$ ---~; v~ uo "'- .Lib JII k--l 5j~ --- --rt- aI 7iM 7. , ~---- /V'd.'V~(fe:71' .L-~83~3:J- ~~I'~If.(-r ?ECEiVEO ; FT!! i April 3, 2004 ' f1 "f'\ p", o. r,IlH 'I !-d~ f\ - l,d1 O. .J . Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 " i , i.;L i l_ dT!LiTiES COtli'e1iSSIOi. Case #IPC-03- Dear Sirs: We are writing to protest the Idaho Power Company s request for a rate increase at this time. Riggins and the surrounding area is subjected to frequent power interruptions... the power goes out, tries to come back on, goes out again, tries to come back on, goes out again, tries to come back on. Usually by the third time, the power is out. However, the attempts to come back on are at low voltage (a brown-out) are extremely hard on all the electric equipment. We have lost several clocks and timers, plus the clock on our self- cleaning oven, which cancels the self-cleaning feature. Thus we sit here with a self- cleaning oven that doesn t work. We keep our computers unplugged from the power and phone lines except when we are actually using them to protect them from the power surges. We can tell when we have them because the surge protector on the Xerox machine beeps, alerting us. We realize that the power company cannot control things like trucks taking out power poles, tree branches falling on lines, etc. Weare not at all clear about the relationship between IdaCorp and Idaho Power. It seems like we just read that IdaCorp made 60 Million dollars last year. Would it be possible for you to explain what happens to the money made by IdaCorp, and why Idaho Power is always in such dire financial straights? We hope the PUC denies the request for a rate increase. Our power bill probably averages$70/month, and we consider the increase to $10 base fee to be excessive. Thanks for taking the time to read our input. Sincerely, "q'ack Gruell O. Box 1161 Riggins, ill 83549-1161 208-628-3402 Jean Jewell ,/~:;; -i1"1' ;- jr From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:51 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:50:51 PM Case: Name: Roy Gibbons Street Address: 8338 Winchester Dr City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: 375-0227 E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: Comment descriptIon: The commission is correct in allowing the 3.06 percent increase.wherethey have added 100,000 new customers, they should pay their own way no expect us to subsidise their gain. I know of someone who recently went to work for Id Power and their benifits way surpass the private sector. My raise in Social Security was $4.00 this year. and my highest electric bill in the hottest month was $45. We do all we can to keep it down, so don t like them adding $22 a month to it. Transaction ID: 3301550. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/po1yform. dll/ ipuc User Address: User Hostname: J~' ~~ /14 "';,/," ' jJ /55 LN. T/l s-t-, ~i::, -'.,:2./1 :6~ cl)cR.o g'3 I'D..:? "",3c D ~ ~~VEO r::u?~ 00. '+' CA,c::: n - C1rO?! ~F~ Arf~3PO:6~,~~Llf:3 ?;(Ci- ="~ J I ILl! !t~) COHI"1ISS.\ON ' ... . tJ~ J~77/A",d~; --1 ~OV-LC" -i~ 7f #~~ l' .. ~~\ ;j~~':-='~ JL~ ;~~~ o;;;4 J,Zt, );b ~' -A~;y~ ?1-\ ~i :;~~ . ,mt;' ~V ~ ' ~'~ ~ttJt -J ~~ 7?~cA~ CL 11 ;xx .:.- CiAO w =""'- Ot- ~", N~ ~. ,:?, '~ ~ --f#6 PPW"'- 0-V~ .. ~. ~ rd "", ,~ C17-~ no. .,jIJ 4" -ti.~ ;" ;1 ,~ ~ =- ~oI .. ~' ..J t! ~v' ~A,l ~- y ::- 7a c% t;zJ , 7.- ':::~c :;;::. t~ ;z .J ~ ~~' -! =- irL )k S r ~ ::- cd !!h .IN- ::;:i (' ?V (r- /I--u fA Jh-lP F' d, / -J '?LA --I- ::t " ~;jL iU~ tf-,o c9~ '0'" 'r k~~~ l-G:d s-2:: cd)) ftt -fc,fcJ(v, PcruJ~ 6\7 " 7l/1 0- de eve- ~" w~, p J-, e:fTsb ~~ ~. A w ~ . !A ;;i- r-.~ ;"' chLb-C:L.-' tU~d"'~ ~' .,..- . "~ ~' ~ ~ ~4::r' :"-j '~~ -1f~ ~. ~~' -1 iZ ~~~/tJdL ~~ f1 Jr-.-~ ~;t- / " 4pp-~ ~ , k~ ~ , ~. ~o'QU/L- -p~ cz-" " '" " C4--' ~ ,, c.- j) ~ . iJ1 )~,. rI14. ?LT/I D ' . ~~ ;zh~'7~"" , E~cJEIL /:' Q.b &!-7/z U r s/ ~lq(O~11u To: Idaho Power commission From: John TFisher 1500 nova lane Meridian, Idaho 83642 Subject: Power Increase Dear Sir: , , r~ , , "~y!g V E , ,- i j "inn ' C .~. !"iJiJ ; !j pp - 5 ; ~ : 58 u r i L i:' r: 'C:- ~~ L i i:. " ".., Ul;UiSS/ON I have great concerns about the purposed power increase and feel that the existing user should not be penalize future expansion and meeting requirements that should have been taken care of in the time frame that was required. Idaho Power is using the need for the increase to pay for future growth is a smoke screen to cover up the need to meet its obligation in the Hells Canyon area. I am referring to the failure ofIdaho Power to meet its obligation in Hell's canon before the termination of their permit for the operation of the three dams. Idaho Power chooses to come up with corporate scheme of organizing another management level in selling power to outside interest and users. In the past few years Idaho Power has paid it's executive officer millions in out enonnous bonus. This money should have been reinvested into its growth and obligations. Now they are faced with permit renewal but have the problem that they never meet their obligation from the last permits. # In my opinion developers should be assist impact fees for all future growth. # Idaho Power needs to eliminate their top-heavy management and structure of the Idaho Corporation. Use this money to meet their obligation requirements so that they can renew their main source of revenue by obtain new operation permits for the Hell's Canyon projects. The perception that Utilities need to create a large profit for the stockholders in this day of narrow profit spreads and dividend is ludicrous. In reality investing in future growth would pay more dividends for its stockholders. Regards; John T Fisher Apr 06 04 09: l8a Mar~ Lou Vaughn 2089392244 p. 1 J?t'I"11~ April 06 2004 PUC: am sending this letter in regards to the Idaho Power request for a rate increase of $86 million pr year. as a retired couple of2 in the household we paid last month' power bill of $1 0 1.86 and intermountain gas bill $150.49. This summer with air conditioning it will be about $200.010 I'm sure. I feel we customers should not have to bail them out when ever they get in over their heads. We do not need to help them keep IdaCorp their parent Company going. I feel they need to run the company better. When you have a high power bill like we do and have an all gas house such as gas furnace, gas water heater, gas cooking, gas dryer. The only power we have is lights , refrigerator freezer. We even went to all energy saver light bulbs that cost a lot but are suppose to save on energy. We do all we can to keep our cost down but still are asked to pay more. We need to make them accountable to run the company better. Mary Lou Vaughn 12070 W. Savage Drive Boise, Idaho, 83713 ( 208) 939-2244 Ifr~~O /1o , LIVED , "' , -6 fiJi 8: 32 j T Hj or \ (~) C 6!~\ ISS\ Qi! April 5 , 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 RE: Case No. IPC-03- Order No, 29436 Dear Commissioners: Please accept my comments regarding Idaho Power s rate increase request to the PUC. flfmly believe that the increases Idaho Power has requested is far in excess of their needs and such increases will have a negative effect on all segments ofldaho s economy. In reviewing the average staff-proposed base rate, I feel that schedule is much fairer and much more factual than is Idaho Power s request. I would support the staff recommendations with the exception ofthe irrigation rate increase of 15%. I feel that is too high, especially now that the Supreme Court has ruled that Idaho Power can recoup the money they expended on buyout offarm power. Since all of us will probably be required to pick up that $12 million, the irrigation rate can decrease to an increase that does not exceed the staff recommended residential rate increase of2.5% or hopefully will be held to the industrial rate of no increase at all. I appreciate being given the opportunity to comment on this proposal and again recommend that the rate increase Idaho Power is requesting be held to no more than the staff recommendations. Sincerely d/ fl~-/ Dr. W. Greg Nelson 793 W. 4 , Box 196 Kuna, ill 83634 IDAHO ~4O~ Jr?i!~\j~t.IC Ul,flLITIES iCOMMISS'1oN /f; Public Hearing " c ~.; n. t) ,r'Ht. lPP - Hi! O' .) Illl, . ' \' ., Case No. IPC-03- March 31 , 2004 Boise Id , -' '~ _~ ~;,;. i~' . UTILI'j It.;:; l;Uf"lFl!~SIOI~ WHAT DO YOU THINK? If you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our WebSite. www.puc.state.id. click on "comments & questions. Ge ~C'.A. \ ') e. G\-~(')V 4 (6 r "Id, Po w-e (r OS ,\Olt 011 of' Ctd\ U5 t eel o.V\ Vi UQ V ()V\to", U.s ~ Q CoY\V\ eel: \ 01'1. ~ ef'~ \~ c.W.Af :J eel -+ 0 ~iA a~f'UP" i f)iAe 0. t- +k.e.- I O ~J)(Y) J/l.eu) cHst~m'" i:S '\0. Vl Oj i .("o sev-evcd lA.uV\dr ed cL,(larS 4J .(;".. '(e~1 Jf'VI -fiG t Wet (lAd u we; r d ~v-oUv,r'O ) +h~\~~;'952/')'1t"f1+- -.::l~Q~ ~haue Vlhf- had Q Qe~ i nCi"Po.5e -.J 0 QQ r 5 rt ~1s ~t"') Ic)(;) tp (~O5e.- ~ l v'Vl11 Qil j..--l0 CX eo 5e-~ at U ,-I: 6 +\A. €- 270 -tYtCl -t tVt~ puc s+o (~ tfe CCJVV\ mend :5 also q~-S+l()J1 +he- harE:- .(l he- blt1rd~0 ...8J1ai\ c..omme.rci ' C1Sef'S C!'IIY\~(d he::' rducP6 Print Name Vvlctr-~6C1e Address G,(J 'f /p. !c~ II~ c:J Ie,IJ Z'3b Sign Name Phone Number c( ~I"IO~/r/Q ~ (J ECE\\/ED , r-~ IPUC O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Attention: Commission Secretary nc'l'v'-;' - t; PtJ! 3: 56 Uti \ 1-\ 1'. v ' " l\\~~ Ci\\"I\y\\~)S\Dhd I ,. \ !e." 'J To Whom it May Concern: No one seems to realize the people on fixed income such as Social Security or Retirement can t keep meeting all the raises everyone is asking for. Your Savings, if you have any, isn t making any interest, so you are using the principal up. Social Security gives you a $10. to $15. raise. Medicare raises almost the amount of your increase. Your supplement insurance always raises (they also heard you got a raise. Car insurance and homeowners insurance always go up every year.. So instead of a raise on Social Security your in the hole before you start, Then all the Utilities need a raise of $10.00 of more every year. It is getting almost impossible to live and pay the utilities and now they are all wanting another rainse. Do you realize the Elderly keep their heat way down now to save Power.? Where is this going to end. With Prescription drugs and Utilities that's about all a lot of Seniors can afford. se consider this when approving a raise for Idaho Power. cc: Idaho Power Barton Kline & John Gale p::-O::- Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 FROM A. /VV viii o. FRX NO. : 208 343 4752 Rpr. 04 2004 05: 47PM Pi 11o l.f April 4, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho, 83720-0074 Case # IPC-E-O3-13 As a long time resident of Idaho and a widow on a very fixed income I would like to protest the application of the Idaho Power to increase their rates by 1 7.7 per cent. This is outrages, to say the least. Please do not allow this huge increase in electrical rates, it would be a very unfair increase for the many who live in Idaho that are on a fixed income, as well as those who work for minimum wages. It is greed personified. Eleancr M. Hayman , 2S E Pine St Caldwell, Idaho 83605 Ph 453-1400 - t- Jean Jewell 4/rjuLf /10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 20047:31 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7: 30: 37 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Marilyn Garrison Street Address: 11838 Hemlock Ct. City: Boise State: 10 ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-362-2228E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment descriptIon: The requested rate hike by Idaho Power is totally unreasonable. It is such a steep rate hike request that it should not be allowed. We are senior citizens and cannot afford such a Iate hike in our electricity bill. They should still be under the guidance of the Public Utilities Commission who can better see the needs of both the Utility Co. and the private citizen like us. Tell them No on their request. The newer users causing all the needs should have to pay for all the expansion costs. Transaction 10: 3311930. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 198.81.26. User Hostname: 198.81.26. #I. ---Adv t.I4/((16 '\ l~ DEAR Public utilities Comm.'if1;.lL""'L~D. ,c" 9 ~1iI , m wr 1. 1.ng a ou I a 0 POWerUi!5Ktl)klg.-:: I.f1:fJ e: t:'l:I ra1. se 1.n ee, I beleive all fee, s should be bassed on a persentage of over all profit. Years ago the base was 5~__Now:; 5%oLfidTIillions is big money and all should be Happy.J i fLi r IES CCHH\j!SSIOH I do feel all company, s are making or wanting 50. 75 %and they put out nothing of their own. It, s plain to see if they want any thing ?They Raise the rate to pay for it. They are put nothing Yes it would be paid for over time, Out of profits. They say ,they,ve not had a raise since 1993(Idon t feel this is so ? also in the eastern part of the state , They Knowly let Elect go to waste , a Dairy Herd Give less milk , They say farmers are costing them more ? The farmers are putting in the same crops. If they want a raise (GET ALL THEIR BOOKS AND SEE IF THEY ARE DUE ONE (~ Fry (E:I 04/01/04t::CEi\/EO John Howell 208-454-0550 2819 so.Georgia SP 58 Caldwell , Idaho 83605 P. S. At one time I was married to one of their Employee, s Office payroll etc. v~/J4 tf/q/o'l -~~~~ "/J Ii d L.ff'v~"-- EIVED 2101 E. USTICK MERIDIAN, 10 8364, PH: 888-2895 o/a r/ 0 tf 1; r:D " i I'f'l!!l A P1? - ') 1-1,JU',n;!' '- , ' L- i t; . . iTlliTiFS COliiH!SSIOH ~~ c;;r ~~ ~~d ~~~~ ~ ~fdt; ~ ~ //1Zv~, ~ , "rt.).fdf1! \ r W. f " \ "' GWi 1iLLtl\i \~v 2101 r USTIGI\ - Ph E!8 ""' !n'f~' ,~~- -.. J1;'1 f;.";jHr~ ';5~1bp' -~.. " 'w",'"" 'w~/",~," 3.9b