HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040407Comments (74).pdfJean Jewell ,; #'"~1.j'4 /fo , 1+ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 6:58 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 6:57:39 AM Case: IPC-03-13 Name: Darrell Rudd Street Address: 9445 ala Rd City: Sweet State: Idaho ZIP: 83670 Home Telephone: 208-584-9310E-Mail: quailacres0netzero. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptIon: -r'a disabled Korean Veteran and am on a fixed income. I have high drug bills that the Veterans Administration will not cover. I think that the new customers that hook up to Idaho Power should have to pay a larger hook-up fee to cover the cost rather than charge us for their increase in demand. Thank you for considering my coments.Darrell Transaction 10: 41657. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: ~I~ fo Page 1 of Jean Jewell From: Tanya Clark Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7:37 AMTo: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: comments ----- Original Message----- From: Gina Wanzer (mailto:byme pearISC9Jmsn.com) Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:14 To: Tonya Clark Subject: comments My husband and I feel that rates should not go any higher because we can bearly afford it now and if it keeps getting raised then most people like us wont be able to pay and go bankrupt over it. Yes most people can afford for it to go up but what about the rest of us. So please don t raise it leave it just like it is. I have a 2 yrs old in my home and I need to be able to have power in my home this is why it should not go up with parents like me with babies in the home. My other bill are cheaper then power is. Thank you for your time.... ..Gina and Steven 4/1/2004 Jean Jewell J ~:;:I.\O '-/ 11J From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 5:30 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 5: 30: 14 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Mary Guttieri Street Address: 275 Polk Street City: American Falls State: ID ZIP: 83211 Home Telephone: 208-226-7876 E-Mail: mgttri0mindspring. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptIon: Idaho Power argues that it needs a substantial rate increase to cover the costs of expanding to serve a larger number of customers over the last decade. In fact, Idaho Power I s revenue increase from the new customers should, in principle, have been sufficiently significant to cover these costs over some appropriate time period, for example, 15 years. The base of customers who have not benefitted from Idaho Powerexpansion, should not be expected to pay a rate increase to permit Idaho Power to expand. In particular , these customers should not be expected to pay for this expansion 10 yearsafter the fact. This is an entirely different situation that requiring a rate increase because the costs of natural gas to fire a power plant have increased. This situation argues that Idaho Power has not charged sufficient fees for supplying the infrastructure for electricity to new construction. It most certainly is not proper to punish those who do not live in the homes and operate the businesses that benefitted from this expansion. Transaction ID: 41530.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell iL/1f'- ~ II JdfP' l.f/OV Ii .j. ;1- ;10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 10:33 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:32:47 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: DAVID R ANDRUS Street Address: 1959 E DWORSHAK City: MERIDIAN State: ID ZIP: 83642 Home Telephone: 208-884-0391 E-Mail: THEBUZZERS0MSN. COM Company: IDAHO POWE ~ ) mailing list yes no: yesComment=descriptIon: do not believe Idaho Power should be allowed to raise rates over17%. That is a very large increase to say the least. We have had a good water year. They should have plenty of water flow for power generation. Idaho power claims they need to raise rates to pay for all the new customers which is a lie. When I moved here I hadto pay a lot of extra money just to get power hooked up to my house. I know they charge a lot for ALL their new customers to hook up. PUC, please don I t allow Idaho Power to ripoff the public any more than they are already doing. Transaction ID: 3311032. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell "Yl ~;j /r~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 11 :05 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:04:45 AM Case: IPC-E-O3- Name: Confidential Street Address:City:State: ZIP: Home Telephone:E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power Comment description: As an insider within Idaho Power, I feel is is utterly ridiculous for Idaho Power to be requesting such a rate increase inview of their egregious misuse ofrate-payer assets. IDACORP has consistently misused the assets of Idaho Power by re-directing activities toward supporting and doing work for their un-regulated subsidiaries. Specifically, they have under-priced service contracts between Idaho Power assets/resources supporting the subsidiaries when compared to market prices. In many instances, they have simply comp I d services. Additionally, for numerous years they have operated Idaho Power Solutions (an SBU within Idaho Power) as a quasi-profit center for the benefit of IDACORP while absorbing the costs of maintaining Idaho Power Solutions wi thin rate base. The public is being duped by the shifting of financial resources wi thin and between the IDACORP family of companies at the rate payer s expense. Transaction 10: 3311104. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 200412:20 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:19:59 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Jerald Heimbuch Street Address: 6302 S. Cole Rd City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-362-4281E-Mail: heimbuch~integri ty. com Company: Idaho powermailinglistyesno: ye~ Comment description: read and agree with the comments by Mark Mickelson. I an especially concerned about the 25 percent increase on our hay field irrigation pumping. can and do control residential demand but I can not economically decrease the sprinkler demands. Meanwhile the selling price of our hay has remained constant. Transaction ID: 3311219. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell ~- tifrvfo /1" /4/vld From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 20041:12 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 1:12:21 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: James L Szatkowski , PE , NSPE Street Address: 9501 W KNOTTINGHAM DR City: BOISE State: ID ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: 208-672-1649E-Mail: j amesski0cableone. net Company: Idaho power c~any mailing list yes no: yesComment=descriptIon: etween your staff recommendation (supposedly using the same criteria that the utility uses in making rate adjustment proposals) of 2% and Idaho Power I s request of 17% is a large difference. There should be significant effort devoted to understanding how the two, which should be using the same information , could be so farapart. Once that I s understood and the I correct' info is presented - then please make yourruling. I also wish to complain that their rate structure allows specific advertising in which they are ' justifying ' their requests to you for public support - this should not be allowed under public rate structure. Their at-risk funds should be used for this just like their support of any partisian political candidates would be funded. Lastly, please include their direct support of any demand side conservation measures, not just talk about it. Right now, even the State Agencies cannot get clear support of any demand side conservation measures! Thank you for your time, Jim Transaction ID: 3311312. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/scripts /polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 164.165. User Hostname: 164.165. Jean Jewell ~#ai ;1../10 's From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 20049:23 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:23:15 PM Case: ipc-03- Name; annemarie wardlow Street Address: 946 e. rivers end drive City: eagle State: idaho ZIP: 83616 Home Telephone: 939-8307 E-Mail; wardlowat0cableone. net Company: idaho powemailing list yes no yes Comment=descriptIon: am highly opposed to the proposed rate increase. Granted increases are necessary from time to time but not in the amount requested. I do not feel that it is fair to stick the consumer with the legal bills from the IdaCorp fiasco. This is something that the company and its share holders need to take responsiblity for. They are the ones that stood to benefit from the profits of this entity not the general public. Transaction ID: 3312123. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipucUser Address: 24.119.216. User Hostname: 24.119.216. Jean Jewell j~ ~~,~!O~;10 111/./10 ~vvyv(./J' From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:30 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:30:29 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Amanda Van Paepeghem Street Address: 946 E Rivers End Dr City: Eagle State: Id ZIP: 83616 Home Telephone: 939-8307 E-Mail: seekingangels20hotmail. com Company: Idaho power mailing list yes no: yes Comment=descriptIon: ccording to the article in the March 2nd issue of the IdahoStatesman, part of the purpose for this rate increase, in addition to the "normal" issues, were that Idaho Power needed to pay for court costs in the now defunct Idacorp. They were accused of manipulating energy costs with other states in order to profit themselves. This was a subsidiary of Idaho Power, and as always, in business to make money. So money was made in a very unethical way and now we as rate payers are asked to foot the bill for decisions that were made without any input on our part. The mere fact that this whole scenario was a very unethical case should NOT be reason for the public to absorb their greedy mistakes. As for the comment as to the amount of dues paid to the Arrid Club in Boise I find this to be totally ludicris! How is it that belonging to a specific club and high dues MAINTAINS a persons character within their administration??? I really feel that this whole event needs to come back to the ethical , trustworthy and simplistic way of business. We are NOT here to promote one I s character nor are we here to pay for theirgreedy mistakes! Transaction ID: 3311830. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 24.119.216.User Hostname: 24.119.216. Jean Jewell ' d .~, j:WL/ . /~ ~ ~I~IO L.(;1 f1Y j10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31,2004 1 :11 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1: 11 : 20 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: R. C. Moreland Street Address: 1236 N Rutledge Pl Ci ty: meridian State: ID ZIP: 83642 Home Telephone: 208-884-1947 E-Mail: rcandpmoreland0msn. com Company: Idaho Power ~Q....,-- mailing list yes no:(yes Comment=descriptIon: ~bsolutely agree with opinion of Mark Mickelson of Idaho Falls in his article in the COMMENTARY section of The Idaho Satesman of March 31 , 2004. It does seem entirely unfair to us EXISTING power customers to have to bear the burden of the cost of adding power production facilities, when the need is the result of all the new construction. Everywhere one looks, a new subdivision or commercial-industrial complex ispopping up. Mr. Mickelson I s idea of a hook-up fee assessed to each new building that will consume electical power , just like the fees charged to hook up to the sewer and water systems, would be the most logical and fair way to all consumers to meet the cost of new generating facili ties. Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion. Transaction ID: 3311311.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell ~I~O~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 10:47 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 10:47:24 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Alice Burnell Street Address: 134 S. Sil verwood Way City: Eagle State: Idaho ZIP: 83613-6165 Home Telephone: 208-938-4851 E-Mail: ALIROD51~msn. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: Comment description: As a senior citizen on a fixed income, therequested by Idaho Power of 17.7 per cent is excessive for me to bear. All cost increases require rearranging the budget as to what will be eliminated. Will it be needed prescription drugs or food? Where is the end to these costs? What is the utility doing to rein in their costs? Do the top executives take a pay cut? Thank you for the chance to comment. rate increase Transaction ID: 3311047. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell I ~~/jf'/ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 20049:55 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 9:55:05 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Carolyn S. Wolfe Street Address: 1665 Good St. City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83702 Home Telephone: (208) 338-9558E-Mail: carolyn. wolfe0usdoj . gov Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: (x~Comment description: I have lived in Idaho for 17 years and watched as Idaho Power changed from a somewhat conscientious utility company to a greedy company. When a false "poweremergency" in California resulted in power being sold to that state and then repurchased at a much higher rate by IdaCorp, the cost was passed on to the consumer with a record rate hike. It was later discovered that indeed the energy brokers were playing fast and loose with the truth and using the energy crisis scheme to line their own pockets. IdaCorp gave its employees huge bonuses for their " success " at raising funds while consumers paid for these bonuses. Now Idaho Power wants the average consumers to pay for yet another rate hike. I agreewith the column by Mark Mickelson in the March 31, 2004 edition of the Idaho Statesmanthat calls for "growth" impact to be paid for by developers, commercial interests (especially Micron which always gets special deals probably because of Simplot) , and newcitizens. It I s blatantly unequitable to ask irrigators to pay a 25% increase, homeowners to pay a 19% increase , while Micron pays a mere 8% increase. Thank you for reading my comments. Carolyn S. Wolfe Transaction ID: 331955. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 149.101.118User Hostname: 149.101.118 Jean Jewell f:yJv~~j~O~11d From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 10:03 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:03:04 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Dean Alderman Street Address: 5928 Plantation Lane City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83703 Home Telephone: 208-853-0349 E-Mail: dnoalderman0icehouse. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptIon: I made a prior comment and now wish to expand on that. I read the comments of Mark Mickleson, Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, in the 3/31 Statesman and he has some very good points. I wonder how many others have good ideas. I I 11 bet many. It is my recommendation that the PUC delay any final decision on this issue pending the appointment and recommendations of various study teams of stakeholders ranging from production and storage through transmission , pricing, customer education, and conservation. Among other things , these study teams should identify and include programs of proven success in other jurisdictions dealing with similar issues. Only then can the PUC make reasoned decisions which insure maximum services at minimum costs. Please consider postponing a final decision pending the appointment and recommendations ofsuch study teams. Utility companies doing busniess in Idaho should assist the PUC in the funding of these study team efforts. Transaction ID: 3311003.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 216.255.214. User Hostname: 216.255.214. Jean Jewell ~I,j""/1 11-~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 9:43 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submis sion: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:43:28 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Gerald Helzer Street Address: 5901 W. S. Slope Sp Ci ty: Emmett State: Idaho ZIP: 83617 Home Telephone: 365-5570 E-Mail: ehelzer0mindspr ;:J . n . com Company: Idaho power mailing list yes no: yesComment=descriptIon: We feel that Idaho Powers request for a raise is based moreon greed rather then need. Idaho Power payes large bouses to employes and each year shows a large profit in their earnings while hundreds of Idahoans fight to pay their Idaho Power bill and some- times have to skip buying medicine and or food. We back the amountof raise the PUC have proposed. Thank you! Transaction ID: 331943. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: (~-ItJr.-JOcf~L-/h ;fu /4- -/ 1cJ ~'IAfi ;'-1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31 , 2004 7:46 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:46:19 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Jim & Susie Geer Street Address: 309 W. 2nd St. N. City: Middleton State: Idaho ZIP: 83644 Home Telephone: 208-585-3090 E-Mail: shamrock0icehouse. net Company: Idaho Power / mailing list yes no :/y~ ) Comment description~ce returning to the Boise area 10 yrs ago, our utilities haveincreased by almost 200%. We both have to work to make ends meet and since we are wi thin a couple years of retiring, more increases make us apprehensive to say the least. Will we eventually have to choose between utilities and food??? Idaho Power is asking for reimbursement of their California fiasco. We do not feel their poor judgement should be passed on to us. They already charge extra fees to new customers so why ask the rest of us to pay more too?? Somewhere along the line, this the nmoney-grabbing n by out of poor n and until wages catch up rate increases. state will have to step up to the plate and stop some of control businesses. We are considered n low income-working with inflation in Idaho, WE will bear the burden of these Transaction 10: 331746.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell )fI'16" /10 All j'1cJ ~. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 31,20049:21 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:21:23 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Shelley Babbit Street Address: 1905 N. Cliffrock Rd. City: Nampa State: ID ZIP: 83651-1441 Home Telephone: 208-465-6181E-Mail: srbabbit0juno.com Company: Idaho Power .mailing list yes no( ' y~/ Comment description:-You know, I am a single mother living on a pretty fixed income and every bill is going up but my wages aren 't. I feel that Idaho Power is already recoveringmoney on those 100,000 people every time they pay their utility bill. I don t feel that they should be lining their pockets at our expense. There are many people out there that are already struggling to get by, and an extra $22/month could put them further into debt. And unfortunately, we don t have the luxury of living without power or going to someonethat will be less expensive. I really hope that you will sincerely look at how this increase is going to affect those of us already struggling to get by. Sincerely, Shelley Babbit, Nampa, ID Transaction ID: 331921. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ ipucUser Address: 24.119.114.User Hostname: 24.119.114. Jean Jewell \...)0 11o~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Wednesday, March 31 , 20047:59 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5: 07 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya Clark WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:07:23 PM Name: shirley reed Street Address: 790 riviera Dr. # 57 City: Boise State: idaho ZIP: 83703 Home Telephone: 331-1353Work Telephone: E-MaIl: jesus4us05starinternet. com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Idaho Power co.Local Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint description: We are on a fixed income and we are against any raises on our power bill. It Is already hard just to make ends meet. Why cant everyone just be happy and leave things as they are. Is money all that matters anymore?? The price of gas , groceries, medical expensives power bills are just a rip off and money is the priority. What ishappening in Boise anyway?? I vote, NO, DONT RAISE THE PRICE OF POWER. PLEASE. Shirley Reed Transaction ID: 3301707. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dIll consUser Address: 67.16.210User Hostname: 67.16.210 Jean Jewell ~. ~/ul If At/. / j; U'1~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30 , 2004 10:35 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:34:47 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Ray and Betty FunkStreetAddress: 1936 E. Poppy Hills Ci ty: Eagle State: Idaho ZIP: 83616 Home Telephone: 208-939-3232 E-Mail: randbfunk0aol. com Company: Idaho Power Co. . mailing list _yes - no tye~~Comment description: -.. vve do not support an increase in rates of 17.7%. This is far in excess. -We depend on farm income. We use electric deep well pumps for irrigation of our farm land in the Aberdeen area of southeast Idaho. This would add greatly to the cost of raising crops and further depressing the agriculture business income. This increase would also be detrimental to home owners and other business in themetropolitan areas as well. Thank you for considering this objection to increase power. Transaction 10: 3302234. . Referred by: http://www.puc.state.id.us/scripts/polyform.dll/ipuc User Address: 198.81.26.User Hostname: 198.81.26. Jean Jewell I~. ~It.lo v'1~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30 , 200410:23 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:23:24 PM Case: IPC--E--03-- Name: Blaine Hulet Street Address: 22941 State Hwy. 78 City: Murphy State: Idaho ZIP: 83650 Home Telephone: 208-834-2440 E-Mail: huey7 0mindspring. com Company: Idaho Power cc.:.'mailing list _yes _no (yei' Comment description:m . am writing to you in regards about the proposed Idaho Power rate increase. We are farmers in the Murphy area, a small community in southwest Idaho We do not feel Idaho Power should be granted another rate increase at the expense of the Idahofarmer. In our business our expenses increase every year, who can we go to offset all our many increases? I , for one , am tired of Idaho Power expecting the farmers to pick up the tab on all their continual rate increases. How many farmers belong to the Arid Club inBoise? Jan Packwood makes a terrific salary, cannot he afford the club's dues? Try living on $40,000 , instead of $800,000! That is what we have done for years. IdahoPowers workers make a good salary too , with good benefits. How many Idaho Power employees have quit their jobs to go do something else? Idaho Power is going to force farmers out of business with these unnecessary rate increases. We are on a high lift proj ect, we can not exist on these proposed increases. And who is Idaho Power going to go to next whenfarmers have to quit farming because of ALL these increases? And think of all the other families these farmers employ--where are they going to be working when not for the farmer? And ask yourself this question, have more farms come into being in the last 10 years, or isthere more houses? Residences have taken up the majority of new hookups, not farmers, but yet Idaho Power expects the farmer to carry the brunt of the costs! How fair is that?Another point I I d like to establish is , we are also owners in the Amalgamated SugarCompany. This co-op was bought by the farmers who raise sugar beets in Idaho in 1997. the farmer goes out of business because of these excessive charges by Idaho Power, the sugar company will also be out of business, who is going to hire all of the sugarfactorys workers? Is Idaho Power going to give them a job? And how about the farmer who needs an income, is Idaho Power going to hire us and all of our families? Idaho Power needs to take a look around and ask themselves this: Who butters their bread? It is thecustomer, the farmer , who is an important part of their business. Idaho Power has been charging its farm customers a demand charge which was put into place to cover the cost of equipment they put in for irrigators. This equipment should be more than paid for by now. Idaho Power needs to cut the fat and live on a reasonable budget like the rest of us. Transaction ID: 3302223. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id.us/scripts/polyform.dl1/ipucUser Address: 63.187. User Hostname: 63.187. Jean Jewell I~ ~'f/ltlo'f /1- From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:50 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:50:21 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: j amie ringen Street Address: 5240 s deselm way Ci ty: boiseState: id ZIP: 83716 Home Telephone: 208-345-5498E-Mail: rjringen0netzero.com Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: ~ Comment description: I strongly obj ect to the outstanding percentage to raise customer monthly billing. I feel they have not provided any this high rise and felt it neccessary to voice my opinion. Thank you. Idaho Power is trying good reasoning for Transaction ID: 3302150. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell ul,~, A0c/d"' '-'lltloLJ ;/ 1.. ~ (+ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:40 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30 , 2004 9:40:09 PM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: rob ringen Street Address: 5240 s deselm way City: boiseState: id ZIP: 83716 Home Telephone: 208-345-5498E-MaIl: rjringen~netzero.com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment descriptIon: I am against they are asking is too much. Thanks Rob Ringen Id. powers request to raise rates.The amount that Transaction ID: 3302140. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ::~b/O jtfo ur: From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01, 20045:57 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 5:57:11 PM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Marlene MussIer-Wright Street Address: 1816 N. 15th Street City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83702 Home Telephone: 208.343.4144 E-Mail: mussler wright0yahoo. com Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: no Comment description: The percentage increasements that Idaho Power is asking for seem incredibly high. Thank you for your efforts in the past to keep rates from skyrocketing! Please continue them. I am especially opposed to a dramatic increase to the monthly service charge. Thanks Marlene Transaction ID: 411757. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ~t/6~ (.; tA 11a From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 3:46 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 3: 45: 33 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Michael E. Kemp Street Address: 2115 Moss Drive City: Payette State: ID ZIP: 83661 Home Telephone: 208 642-1712 E-Mail: mkemp0woodgrain. com Company: Idaho Power /mailing list _yes no: Comment description: Dear Sirs: As the General Manager of the Woodgrain Millwork, Inc. door plant located in Nampa, want to state my opposition to the percentage rate increase that's been proposed byPower. As a manufacturing facility, in spite of cost cutting measures, WG has lost share, realized lower margins, and continue to see rising costs in raw material, transportation, labor, and most other areas of operations. At the same time, export competitors from South Africa, Brazil, Chile, and several Indonesian countries continue to grow and gain market share. Volume at the WG Nampa door plant dropped by 31% from year-end 2000 through year-end 2003. In 2004 WG has budgeted an addition decrease in volume from 2003 of 18%. During the same period, the labor force has decreased from approximately 450 people, to our current crewing of approx. 325 people. Due to the low-cost manufacturing, (primarily labor), that the foreign manufacturerenjoy, it's impossible for domestic manufacturer s such as WG, to pass on to our customers any increased costs through pricing. Therefore, I ask that you carefully consider the impact of increased power costs on not only Woodgrain Millwork, but other manufacturer that face similiar competition. Thank you, Michael E. Kemp Id., I Idaho market Transaction 10: 411545. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/scripts /polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell I rfl"(10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:52 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:52:00 PM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Brian McDevitt Street Address: 4920 Boise River Lane City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83706 Home Telephone: 867-5224 E-Mail: brian0mcdevi tt. org Company: Idaho Power Comment description: I am against the rate increase and especially the monthly service charge Increase. A two phase pricing model (single fee charge and then volume charge), is used to maximize revenue generation by a monopoly. Either the monthly service charge should be eliminated or it should be subtracted from the volume charge. Idaho Power should not be allowed to continue to increase rates, when they do little to save money. The one-time coupon for a limited selection of energy saving lights was poorly planned andexecuted. Idaho Power continues to stuff their billing envelopes with unwanted flyers adding to the envelope weight. In addition , I would take my billing via e-mail if there were a discount to the overall billing by Idaho Power. The Utility is decades behind eastern power companies in automated reading of meters, energy discount programs for automatic cutoffs on HVAC during high use periods (where the utility sends a radio signal that causes a 20 minute per hour shutdown of AC units for subscribing clients). The Idaho Power company continues to operate like it owns the water that produces the majority ofit's product, rather than recognizing it as the property of the state. Transaction ID: 411452. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell /P' ;:'i/JIO II: /0 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 1 :51 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 1:51:01 PM Case: IPC-E03-13 Name: Marilou Simmons Street Address: 2981 E Murphy Springs City: King Hill State: Idaho ZIP: 83633 Home Telephone: 208 366-7585 E-Mail: maridake8 36330earthlink. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: il9 Comment=descriptIon: We object to Idaho Power s huge rate increase. We are small farmers and are very quickly becoming few and far between. We can t afford the water bill, wecant afford to farm with the super high gas prices and now Idaho Power wants us to support the high life style their executives like to live. We have no retirement fund and no fitness programs. All we have is hard work and no pay for our crops or livestock weraise. Transaction ID: 411351. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell j,Jw--~, life) f+.V- s I~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 200412:04 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 12:04:04 PM Case: IPC-E-O3-13 Name: Richard MussIer-Wright Street Address: 1816 N 15th City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83702 Home Telephone: 343.4144 E-Mail: rmwright0pcsedu. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: Comment description: I oppose the proposed price increase! My issues with the proposed price hike: 1. Increasing the base fee unduly hurts the poor, especially when the economy is in bad shape. 2. There is not a corresponding 17.7 % improvement in * service* for the 17.7% (or as a residential user about 20%!) increase in price. 3. The claim is that this is to pay for improvements/added users over the years. This is taxation without representation! It is intolerable to spend the money first, and then come to the public and ask us to make up the difference! -Richard Transaction ID: 411204. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id.us/scripts/polyform.dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell / /Jv,v ~I/b~.11- /4 I/./1v~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01, 2004 11 :52 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:51:57 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: David Chase Street Address: 1713 Melody St. City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83706 Home Telephone: 208.345.5991 E-Mail: dchase0pcsedu. com Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno Comment description: To whom it may concern, I would like to formally request that the proposed rate hike NOT be approved. for your time and for considering my request.Thank you Sincerely, David Chase Transaction ID: 411151.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell fa A. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01, 2004 11 :43 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:42:38 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Laura Baran Street Address: 6034 1/2 Hillview RD City: Emmett State: ID ZIP: 83617 Home Telephone: 208-398-8244 E-Mail: Ibaran0pcsedu. com Company: Idaho Powe mailing list yes no Comment descriptIon: Please do not allow the basic service charge for power to rise from51 to -$10. The low-income sector of the community cannot afford these drastic jumps. Irrigation systems already cost the small farmer a large portion of their profits, and raising it 25% will only cause more small farms to disappear. Idaho is one of the last great farming states and we need to preserve that way of life. Stockyards and commercial farms shouldn t force the small farms out of business because of electricity costs. Please reconsider the rate hikes to be at a smaller increment , or offer more kick-backs of users of alternative energy systems. Transaction 10: 411142.Referred by: http: //www. puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell I~ H/d()tf ;/ 1tf /tv.v1a~ 1-+ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 11 :01 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 11:01:12 AM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Robert Griffard Street Address: 4622 N. Lancer Ave. City: Boise State: 10 ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 377.5045E-Mail: griffard~att. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no:~ Comment=descriptIon: I was not able to attend lodge my vote against the rate increase. Thank You the meeting last night, but would like to Transaction ID: 411101. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 209.19.139. User Hostname: 209.19.139. Jean Jewell ~01Id~ ,/ f, Ail /fo~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 10:58 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 10:57:45 AM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Alden Rice Street Address: 2242 Currant LN. City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: 208-658-7801 E-Mail: budrice10msn. com Company: Idaho Power / ./"' mailing list yes no ~/ ~;;) Comment=descriptIon ~don ' t understand Idaho Power Complaining about the new business they have aquired over the past years. I always thought that new business was always good, more business more income. I am a senior citzen, and I just can t seem to always keep getting, more increases my income doesn t keep up with the inflation. I had to get a part time job just to be able to keep up with all of the increases. I am 76 years old and they always told retirement was the golden years. I have to see it to belei ve it. Thank you for me being able to put in my 2 cents worth. Transaction ID: 411057. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell if/doL(/1- A-Y Iio Ct~ II From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 10:57 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 10:56:55 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: King Hill Irrigation Dist. - Gardner Brown Street Address: PO Box 428 - 4183 N Meridian City: King Hill State: ID ZIP: 83633 Home Telephone: 208-366-2243 E-Mail: khidh200yahoo. com Company: Idaho Power /-\ mailing list yes no: Comment=descriptlon: King Hill Irrigation District is STRONGLY OPPOSED TO ANY RATE OR SERVICE CHARGE INCREASE being approved by the PUC. Why are irrigators being asked to accept a 25% increase for recovered pension costs, employee incentives and infrastructure inprovement? Why are irrigation customers being asked to pay for urban growth when new homes or subdivisions pay for the costs to bring power to their property? The irrigators in our district cannot absorb such an increase - they will be forced out of business. Transaction ID: 411056.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 206.149. User Hostname: 206.149. Jean Jewell ,j ~.:f;/ ,pV From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 2004 10:29 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 10:28:43 AM Case: ipc-e-03-13 Name: Connie Miller Street Address: 8139 Casa Grande Ln. Ci ty: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83714 Home Telephone: 208-407-1703 E-Mail: cmil1er8139~msn. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptIon: --r am on disability due to lung disease. My medicines eat up most of my income. Need I say more? As .for the working people of Idaho: thanks to the right to work aka the working poor law , the average person working in Idaho has a rough time. Wages in Idaho must be about 10 yrs. behind other states. Our sewer bills took a huge hike about a year ago, our sales tax took a bump, our garbage rates are out of wack with our wages etc... To impliment a rate increase in electric rates is not an option. Thepeople of Idaho cannot shoulder more expenses. I called Idaho Power about 2 yrs. ago and asked if they give disabled persons a rate break and was met with a firm NO. My brother who has lung disease and lives in Ca. gets a break on his power and his telephone. Neither are available in Idaho. Idaho Power is greedy. Transaction ID: 411028.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dl1/ipucUser Address: 4.163.154. User Hostname: 4.163.154. Jean Jewell u1~A"- 1/1() 1J"4 I~ ;1,,1//1d .. (1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 20049:51 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 2004 9:50:47 AM Case: Name: jason wright Street Address: 416 n curtis City: boise State: idaho ZIP: 83705 Home Telephone: E-Mail: fyrewyche0yahoo. com Company: idaho power /mailing list _yes - no:~ Comment description: I am against representation '. I think you guys making our life harder. the new pay hike. This is taxation without should make due, like everyone else, instead of just Transaction ID: 42950. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 65.241.94.User Hostname: 65.241.94. Jean Jewell /YIo From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02 , 2004 8:50 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02 , 2004 8:50:08 AM Case: Name: Street Address: City:State: ZIP: Home Telephone: E-Mail: Company: Comment description: There is already plenty of people low income and unemployed that cannot pay their utility bills so I can I t imagine what this price hike would do tothem. Also I don t think the people who try to conserve energy should have to be penalized for the ones that don All of the new customers will be paying power bills so I can I t understand why they thinkthey need an increase.A responsible user, Gerry Newbold! Pocatello) Transaction ID: 42850. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ~~' /10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Friday, April 02, 2004 8:02 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Thursday, April 01,2004 10:42 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subject: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 10:42:08 PM Name: Bart and Michelle Buskey Street Address: 6700 Dorian St. City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-323-7187 Work Telephone: E-Mail: bartnchel~yahoo. com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: - Complaint Company: Idaho PowerLocal Provider: Contacted utility: yes Complaint description: As suggested a possible 3%. No matter what percentage you know Idaho Power wants to raise the rates 19%. PUC has If the rates don I t stay the same many people will be hurting. rate hike there is it is going to hurt our family. We are a single income family. Last month we had to ask a food bank for food. We are struggling financially. I haven t had a raise in four years , yet the prices keep going higher. My income can not support these higher rates. If Idaho Power is allowed to raise their rates at all this will severly damage us. Please vote ' No ' on the rate hike. can t afford it at all. Transaction ID: 412242. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/consUser Address: 67.15.186User Hostname: 67.15.186 Jean Jewell llo From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 2004 12:30 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02 , 2004 12:30:22 AM Case: IPC-E-03-l3 Name: Lorinda Coombs Street Address: City: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: Home Telephone: E-Mail : Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment descriptIon: I agree with the PUC staff recommendations. It does sound like a small rate increase is appropriate, but I do not agree with paying for pension or employee incentive plans. I do not know alot about this company, but I know that it is part of IdaCorp and they have other interests and as a company it is their responsibility to fund these benefits. I have worked as a state employee for nearly 5 years and we do not have employee incentive plans and our benefits have become increasingly more expensive to the employees. Since Idaho Power is the only company providing that service, to me, that makes them "public employees," so why should the public have to fund incentive programs for them when state employees do not receive the same job benefits? If this is something the company wants to provide, they need to find investments or other ways they can fund this, not the public. I know that the cost of electricity is increasing and that my electric bill was higher this winter than it normally is due to heating my house with natural gas, so I shudder to see what the summer months will hold, especially if the entire rate increase is granted. Transaction 10: 42030.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell J~::: ~i~f'J 10 /pI/tf~ ~ M From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 2004 12:21 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:21:04 AM Case: IPC-03-13 Name: Tamal1a Hart Street Address: 4212 W. Marvin City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83705 Home Telephone: 208-384-0518 E-Mail: Tamalla20030Yahoo. com Company: Idaho power mailing list yes no: yeComment=descriptIon: would like increase to cover the cost of the new customers?? Idaho Power will to know why Idaho Power feels that they need a rate new customers?? Why do I have to pay extra for THEIR gain the profit not me. Doesn t make sense! Transaction ID: 42021.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 24.116.144. User Hostname: 24.116.144. Jean Jewell /~~~ID '-l I~ If. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 8:23 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 8:23:21 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Bob and Toni Ryan Street Address: 5880 N. Brooklet Pl. City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 208-939-9575E-Mail: rntryan0earthlink. net Company: Idaho power mailing list yes no' yes Comment description: or the last three years, we have had NO increases in income while expenses have kept going up including Idaho power. We can not keep up with all of theincreases (Insurances, taxes, utili ties, fuel, ect.Please do not issue another increaseon Idaho power utili ties. WE TRULY CANNOT AFFORD THIS INCREASE. Thank You! Transaction ID: 412023.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 65.179.241. User Hostname: 65.179.241. Jean Jewell ~"'o 11u tt~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 7:05 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7: 04: 33 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Robert Minton Street Address: 2421 Hayden Way City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83705 Home Telephone: 208-343-7752E-Mail: rjm0interplus. net Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: JlQ Comment description: Another scam from make Idacorp executives wealthier. IPCO.DO NOT let them raise their rates only to Don I t let them play the game of "ll ask for 17 percent but take 10" either. NO RATE INCREASE PERIOD. They had their rate increase just a few years ago. Have we all forgotten the wholesale power scams of the past already? Public utilities do not need to make a profit. They are a monopoly. Idaho Power is a bloated cash hog that needs to clean house. Transaction ID: 411904. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ~-z,1 o~ /1' f1'v If. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 20048:33 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 8:33:02 AM Case: IPC-E-O3-13 Name: Ken Trefaller Street Address: 12535 W FfREEDOM, Dr Ci ty: Boise State: Id ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 208 3753247 E-Mail: trefaller0msn. com Company: Idao Power ~~~~~~= ~~:~rr~~I~~~ ~~ increase unjustified. Memberships in the Arid Clup repugnant. How about giving back the unconsciousable profits made by IdaCorp payers expense? Transaction ID: 41833.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 67. User Hostname: 67. are at rate Jean Jewell ~~&jlvl()'1 j1o /4,1/.lfo From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 7:51 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 7:51:29 AM Case: ipc-03-13 Name: Grover F. Boldt Street Address: 185 N. Elmore St. City: Glenns Ferry State: Idaho ZIP: 83623 Home Telephone: 366-7668 E-Mail: groverboldt0aol. com Company: Idaho Power -mailing list _yes _no: (ies) Comment description: ~we are retired seniors on a fixed income. Our property taxes, insurances, groceries, water and sewer and GASOLINE costs have risen dramatically. Have mercy. Do not aproove the huge electricity rate increase. If they have 100,000 new customers they will be making a lot more money over time.Sincerely Grover and Audrey Boldt Transaction ID: 41751. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 198.81.26. User Hostname: 198.81.26. Jean Jewell ~tl/lu / ' )1J./10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 20048:45 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 8:44:57 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Harry A. & Lena M. DennisStreetAddress: 4768 N Anchor Way Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83703-3171 Home Telephone: 208-336- 7 468 E-Mail: hadlmd20earthlink. net Company: Idaho Power , mailing list yes no: ~.Comment=descriptIon: Idaho Power seems like a good sufficient to stay solvent and keep their well-paid company but we feel their porofits are employees without raising rates. Too many low-income people would be hurt by the increase , as well as the many unemployedand retired persons. Idaho has many who CANNOT possibly pay the increase and many would have to do so at the expense of health , food, etc. There must be other ways of facing thefuture. Please deny the proposed rate hike! Harry & Lena Dennis Transaction ID: 41844. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ~z1rfl /fo From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 20044:18 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 4:17:47 PM Case: Name: Er ic Stein Street Address: 5 Spiceland Pl. City: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: 83686 Home Telephone: 442-0906 E-MaIl: steinkateandericeaol. com Company: Idaho Power Comment description: I would like to comment on the proposed rate hike. I , as well as my wife have farily good jobs. I am a CAD drafter and my wife is a school teacher. If Idaho power wants increase tell them to have the state raise the minimum wage. The cost of living goes up but the pay in the state stays the same how fair is that? If they want a raise tell them to give us one first. If they want people to stop paying there power bills then go right a head and increse them. Transaction ID: 411617.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell A.. Mv qv"~rtllo~ v 10 1() From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:20 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 9:20:16 AM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Donald Kern Street Address: 4014 Morningwind Avenue Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83706 Home Telephone: 2084291955 E-Mail: dhkern0cableone. net Comp~ny: Idaho Powe malllng Ilst yes nO~9/ Comment descriptIon: I have yet to see any documented information that would support this requested rate increase. Idaho Power s attempt to recover what are essentially stranded costs is flawed, since those costs were recovered by the company long ago. I strongly urge you to deny this rate increase. Transaction ID: 41920. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell I#- ;;ti"JO"I 10 t4V. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 20049:11 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01 , 2004 9:10:45 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: jan glandon Street Address: 3440 hansen ave Ci ty: boiseState: id ZIP: 83703 Home Telephone: 208-336-1698 E-Mail: kittygoogly~aol. com Company: Idaho Power ?"" mailing list yes nof/ yes Comment=descriptIon rate hike they are proposing is ridiculous. It will be a hardship on people with a limited income. It will also cause businesses to go out of business that use irrigation pumps. This will cause job loss for many in Idaho. Not acceptable. Transaction ID: 41910. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 198.81.26. User Hostname: 198.81.26. Jean Jewell J't;1 110 (-M' From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 8:38 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 8:37:46 AM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: George Targee Street Address: 2691 N. Peregrine Pl City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83702 Home Telephone: 208-343-8006E-Mail: gdtargee0us. ibm. com Company: N/Amailinglist yes no: no Comment description: I find it difficult for any business or governmental organization to justify an average price increase of nearly 20%, given our multi-year inflation average that is below 4%. It seems to me that if new users (all types) cannot fund the required new infrastructure, then other methods must be found. If they can t get it done , then maybe it's time to allow competing power companies an opportunity to enter our market. It makes no logical sense for current users, whose demand remains fairly consistent, to berequired to fund infrastructure for new users. Common sense says that if multiple organizations continue to raise prices above the inflation rate while personal income rises at less than the inflation rate, our perchasing power will continue to decline. If this increase is allowed, you can be sure all the other utili ties will be filing rate increase requests right behind IPC. Transaction ID: 41837. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Page 1 of Jean Jewell ~1"jO~/1~ .;, (-t ---- From: Sent: To: Tanya Clark Thursday, April 01 , 2004 7:50 AM Jean Jewell Subject: FW: public comment form is broken ----- Original Message----- From: Wendie Loshbaugh (mailto:wloshC9Jcableone.net) Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 20049:14 To: Tonya Clark Subject: public comment form is broken The current rate increase request is totally out of line. I know of no employed person in this state who has gotten a 19-25% increase in payor who can reasonably expect such an increase in the coming 24 months. In my own case, I lost a very lucrative job a year ago. When I finally got a new position, my salary was over $13 000 a year lower. Idaho Power is always wringing its hands for more, just like the stinking government. Well, let them do with less. Let their employees take a cut in pay, or let them simply hire fewer people. Hold them accountable for bad decisions instead of always making power users pay more and more and more. Our incomes don t keep pace with their never ending hunger for money. It's time for government agencies and quasi government agencies to put their employers first. Tell Idaho Power NO. 4/1/2004 Jean Jewell p.r~t-\o~(/3 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, April 01 , 2004 7:35 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7: 34 : 47 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Robert Magette Street Address: 1522 W. Charlotte Ct. City: Nampa State: ID ZIP: 83686 Home Telephone: 208-724-8325 E-Mail: rmagette0yahoo. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list _yes _no: ~ Comment description: . The discussion about the rate hike from Idaho Power concerns me. The proposed change in the monthly charge from $2.51 to $10 a month is not fair to consumers who do not use much power relative to others. If a rate increase were to happen, make the people who use more pay share of the monthly fee. In my case , I average about 11 KW per day (my bill is in the low $20 per month) so I feel like I am doing my part in energy conservation. Structure it if a rate increase will happen, that energy conservation rewards consumers. Thanks Bob Transaction ID: 41734. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ~~I~O"lid Page 1 of 2 --..--.----- From: Tanya Clark Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7:49 AMTo: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Idaho Power rate increase ----- Original Message----- From: Steve Truesdell (mailto:jd4040C9Jmsn.com) Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:52 PM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Idaho Power rate increase Tonya Clark Please express my thoughts to the rest of the commission and the rest of the powers that be. I am very disgusted with Idaho Power way of doing business. They say they need this rate increase to recover money they have spent to add new service. Any time I have needed anything done by them to add new service they have charged quite handsomely for it. Example: we wanted to put in a center pivot irrigation system on one of our farms. Their charge for setting up what we needed to access the system was over $3000! This is what we were to pay so that they could sell us power. They charge for the new hook up plus sell the extra power so they are getting a good portion of expansion paid for. Idaho Power is crying they haven t had an increase in over ten years. Well being a farmer they are asked to join the club. The crops that I grow have been either flat or on a downward price trend, I haven t had a raise in ten years either. This brings me to ask why irrigators are getting the biggest hit the increase? The next item on my list is why Idaho Power and its parent Idacorp are even allowed to operate the way they do. Idacorp can make money hand over fist on the back of Idaho Power and keep Idaho Power broke and begging for more money. In summary I don t have a lot of sympathy for Idaho Power. I'm not entirely opposed to a rate increase, but it should be much smaller and not weighted so heavily on farmers. The new subdivisions and commercial need to be paying their fair share of additions to the system. Thank You for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely Steve Truesdell Steve Truesdell 19023 Hwy 95 Wilder, Id 83676 4/1/2004 Jean Jewell /~ ~/Otf tl1d 1-1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 20048:18 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submis sian: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:17:36 PM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Mike & Jan StevensonStreetAddress: 2300 Bryson Rd. City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 631-9618 E-Mail: stevensonjm20yahoo.com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptlon:~daho Power s rate hike of 17.7% is a huge raise for them, but for us on fixed income , or low income it is outrageously high. How can utilities hope to get by with such a stagering rate hike? We don t get SS hikes like that or those still employed get 0% increase. Let I s get real Idaho Power.... Transaction ID: 3302017. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipucUser Address: 66.174.204User Hostname: 66.174.204 Jean Jewell I~'~/1- From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:31 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5: 31: 10 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: John MignanelliStreetAddress: 159 Oakhurst Way Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 322-7614E-Mail: rebe10fiberpipe. net Company: Idaho Power Companymailinglistyesno: no Comment description: Re: rate increase I would recommend no increase for Kwh up to 1 000... a small increase a larger increase after that. The logic here is obvious: charge those electricity on the residential rate. Do not increase (or very little) income folks and other lower income families. Transaction ID: 3301731. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipuc User Address: 164.165.204.User Hostname: 164.165.204. from 1,001-2 000 and that consume more for those fixed- Jean Jewell 1~~~/O i.-f 11a -: /-f From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:24 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5: 23: 52 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Ronald E. Hainke Street Address: 8405 Midland Dr. City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: 208-322-2495 E-Mail: elkcamp40msn. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptIon: -r can not understand how the commission can grant rate increases where a monopoly company can then dictate higher rates to the citizens of this state while that company in turn pays it's executives bonuses of over one million dollars each! Such extravagance on the company s part should not, and MUST NOT be borne by the customers. Just because they need to invest in equipment is no excuse for raising the rates. Every other company needs to invest in equipment also, but they can not receive guarantees that customers will pay for that equipment. Why should Idaho Power be any di fferent? Perhaps the licenses for the dams on the rivers wi thin Idaho should be granted to some other company who can and will provide better service, better equipment, and a more fair cost totheir customers. I believe it is outragous that this company is allowed to continue as itis. Look at Enron and the others. Perhaps Idaho Power should be considered in this samegroup. Transaction ID: 3301723. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell 1~;1: HI'I'/fa A.I /1o ( If From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:06 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5: 05: 31 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Jck R Gant Street Address: 13158 Chola Dr. City: Kuna State: Idaho ZIP: 83634 Home Telephone: 208-362-1165 E-Mail: Gant0 cableone. netCompany: Idaho Power ~ mailing list _yes - no:~ Comment description: I understand Idaho Power wanting more just like everyone else. I have been a state employee for the past 23 years. For the past two year we have had no increase in pay, this year we will recieve 2%. As the price of gas, food, power, doctors and everything else goes up our pay check goes down. Give them what ever increase they want, they will not get any more out of us. We will have to shut off breakers and add blankets if we have to but a good % of our money now goes to Idaho Power. We have central air but can t efford to even use it. In the summer the air is off and we stay outsideuntil it's cool enough to go in. I get a 2% increase and you give them 3.06%, that sure was a nice raise. Thanks Transaction ID: 3301705.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell /r~I"I"1\ //(o f"-/10 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4:06 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4: 05: 33 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Martin Downey Street Address: 1268 N. Ju11ion Ave. City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83704-9790 Home Telephone: 208-672-1358 E-Mail: Mlmldown0aol. com Company: Idaho power mailing list yes no: yes Comment description: fter reading in the Idaho Statesman afew weeks ago that the 17. raise in rates includes club memberships paid for by the customers, for their executives There is no way they deserve an almost 18% rate increase. I think the PUC staff is right A 06 rate is more justified. What is with these people? first they want the customer to pay for a power plant that has not been constructed. Now they want a rate hike for frivolous reasons. Transaction ID: 3301605. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 198.81.26. User Hostname: 198.81.26. Jean Jewell r-tfttlol1 /0 At!V-fYVIYV ~ If From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, April 05, 2004 3:55 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, April 05, 2004 2:55:04 PM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Chris Anton Street Address: 2112 Cleveland Blvd. City: Caldwell State: ID ZIP: 83605-4432 Home Telephone: (208) 459-5180 E-Mail: canton~albertson. edu Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: Comment descriptIon: Over the last two years, Albertson College of Idaho has receivedaverageannual power bills of $471 000 from Idaho Power. The contemplated increase of 19%, or $89 490 per year , would create a financial hardship for the College. We are a private non-profit organization and do not have the ability to pass increases of this magnitude along to our students. The position reflected by nOther Parties n in the case seems to be a much more reasonable increase. It is our hope that increase prosposed by the applicant be denied. Sincerely, Chris Anton CFO Alberston College of Idaho Transaction ID: 451455. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: Hostname: woodgrain millwork I~ -1Jb/O 1.(I 10 I 1. ~1AIJ J 11 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Dear Sirs. I would like to comment on the purposed Idaho Power rate hike, IPC-03-13. I am the general manager of the Millwork Division of Woodgrain Millwork, Fruitland, Idaho. Our division has 425 of the 600 plus employees at the Fruitland location, we process kiln dried lumber into window and door components, solid and fingerjoint mouldings. If the power rate increase that Idaho Power is proposing were allowed to go into effect it would be devastating to our manufacturing facility. Like most manufacturing companies, the global market (economy) is challenging our ability to compete. We have already lost several product lines to South America and we are under pressure continually because of our higher manufacturing costs. Although electricity is just one component of our costs, it is significant. In reviewing our cost of electricity from 1999 through 2003 , we see a 62% increase in our per unit of product produced, cost for electricity. This is discouraging because we are running 15 to 20% less machines than we were in 1999, also during the last five years we have replaced several of our large motors with premium efficient motors. Weare currently purchasing the premium efficient motors whenever we replace a motor. We have also installed soft start systems on all of our high load motors in an effort to reduce demand when we start our systems. Our electricity cost us $800 000 last year; a 17% increase would cost us an additional $136 000. It is cost increases like this that force manufactures to look off shore to locate their plants. We encourage the PUC to thoroughly consider the impact any rate increase will have on manufacturing s ability to compete. Thanks Farrell Rawlings General Manager Millwork Division Woodgrain Millwork Fruitland Idaho O. Box 566 . 300 NW 16th Street. Fruitland, Idaho 83619 . Tel 208.452.3801. Fax 208.452.3800 . www.woodgrain.com Jean Jewell I ~~/"IO ,/f. ;, /-1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Sunday, April 04, 2004 7:52 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Sunday, April 04, 2004 6:52:01 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Norman E. Anderson Street Address: 1253 Cow Horse Drive Ci ty: Kuna State: ID ZIP: 83634-1429 Home Telephone: 208-362-0730 E-Mail: normaneanderson0msn. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: yesComment=descriptIon: If you didn t hear enough base rate increase at your Boise Public Hearing reasons why not to grant Idaho Power a on March 31 , 2004 , here is another one: High Court: Idaho Power can seek $12 million from users That was the headline of an article appearing on Page Main 5 of the THE IDAHO STATESMAN on April 2, 2004. I don t need to go into the details of the case involving the $12 million as you know all about it. Regarding that case, in a letter to the editor in THE IDAHO STATESMAN on October 17, 2002 , I wrote in part: "The debates came to an apparent conclusion in May with the PUC approving $258 million in rate increases, but it denied $12 million of lost revenue from a Load Reduction Program. Being unsatisfied that it didn get all it wanted, our big bully Idaho Power asked the PUC to reconsider its erroneous decision. The PUC reviewed all the facts in the case and in August reaffirmed itsoriginal correct denial. On October 2 , Idaho Power displayed its ultimate arrogance by appealing the PUC denial to the Idaho Supreme Court. Idaho Power couldn t simply accept the decision of the PUC that regulates it.What I said then is true today - Idaho Power is arogant and greedy in everything it does. Now I would like to address comments credited to Gene Fadness that should the court ruling stand, the impact of the $12 million recovery would be minimal on the average residentialcustomers bill. If Mr. Fadness made this statement, I find it inappropriate and insensitive in view of the testimony of March 31. Let me see if my math computes with Mr.Fadness ' statement. For the past 12 billing periods, I used a total of 17 648 kW-hr of electrici ty and paid Idaho Power a total of $1 015.87. That amounts to an average of $84.66/month and an average if 1471 kW-hr/month. (Note: Idaho Power claims an averagehome uses 1,200 kW-hr/month.If $12 million dollars is added to the PCA as Mr. Fadness suggests, $12 000,000/400 000 customers, my share could be $30.00 or $2.50/month. If other increase was added to the PCA, that would be a 3% increase - ($84.66 + $2.50)/$84.= 1.03. Therefore, the average rate payer at 1,200 kW-hr/month would see considerably more than a 3% increase. I suggest that the average rate payer will consider this $30. having more than a minimal impact on their bill. I was against the $12 million before, and if we are forced to pay it now , Idaho Powerdoesnt deserve any more. With the Supreme Court vote of 4: 1 in favor of this give away, I don t expect the Court to change its decision on reconsideration. Transaction ID: 441852. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUser Address: 67.25.115 User Hostname: 67.25.115 Jean Jewell /~ ~/"IO'/1"0 A. /1Q~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Sunday, April 04, 2004 3:32 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Sunday, April 04 , 20042: 32: 05 Case: IPC-E-O3- Name: James Clark City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83705 Home Telephone: 208-331-3809E-MaIl: j clark0rmci. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no Street Address: 2715 Cassia St. Comment description: I have to agree with the PUC' s decision of only a 3.06% increase onaverage. Personally, I don I t see why an increase in base rates is warranted at all. They claim that it is to payfor improvements over the years because of increased customers. You would think that because of increased customer base that enough income had already been generated to cover for additions and improvements. To wait a decade and all of a sudden say they are in need of extra revenue for increased customer base seems suspicious at best! The board has seen and denied increases to cover stockholder loses and for extravagant spending such as the money requested for a gentleman s club for three of the executives. If I was the board I would be equally as cautious in granting any increase at all! I personallyhave only seen a payroll increase of a total of less than 4 % over the last 5 years. Idaho Power has had many more adj ustments than my increase in pay over that last few years, and on average, I think that is the same for most residential customers. Businesses should feelthe brunt of any increase, especially Micron, as they are the ones putting the demand on the power grid, not the average residential consumer! Transaction ID: 441432. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us /scripts/polyform. dl1/ipuc User Address: 216.222. User Hostname: 216.222. Jean Jewell AJ2-- /- z.ji&I(J V'~ Ay'- /~ Cnn~. ;.. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, April 03, 2004 1 :23 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, April 03, 2004 1:22:42 PM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Sherran Davis Street Address: PO Box 40 Ci ty: Caldwell State: ID ZIP: 83606 Home Telephone: 208-454-9379 E-Mail: sherran10msn. comCompany: . =-- mailing list yes no: rY~s comment=descriptIon: ~hink that your customers shouldn t be paying for a profit that Idaho Power didn t make because of a decision that was made in 2001. This is very unreasonable. Many of your customers are on a fixed income or on unemployment. A lot of people have run out of unemploymnet and have no income and are to young to get social security. They said the cost would be minimal for your customers and I sure don t belevethat. I hope a lot of people will give their opinions on this Transaction ID: 431322. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 67.153 User Hostname: 67.153 Jean Jewell fr'c?H'/'1. iAl From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, April 03, 2004 11 :59 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, April 03, 2004 11:59:05 AM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: BETTY DIBBLE Street Address: 5142 FIFESHIRE PLACE City: BOISE State: ID ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 208 377-8757E-Mail: t. a. dibble0att. net Company: Idaho Power=~' mailing list yes n.p: yes.. Comment=descriptIori:--MY husband & I are appealing to you the Public Utilities Commission to not allow Idaho Power the rate increase they are asking for. In an economy that is so bad at this time and hundreds of people every day are taking out bankruptcy because they cannot pay their bills, this is not a time to place another increase on the middle classcitizen with mid to low incomes. We just simply cannot afford more money out than we can bring in. Many of us live on budgets of necessities. Yes, power is a necessity, and Idaho Power knows that. Somewhere someone has to stop the increases in utili ties. that are skyrocketing out of control. Our gas, phones ** (which is another story since deregulation) power and water have quadrupled in the past few years. Most citizens cannot bear all thatentire burden. Somewhere Idaho power needs to look for al ternati ves to the raises to the small citizen. Large companies, using massive amounts of power, in what we are learning and we re observing, would not receive rate increases any where as large as the res idents would, they would receive increases of only half what the little citizen would receive as an increase. This is simply not fair nor is it right. Please do not give them the rate increase they ask. With many products and services going to Iraq to rebuild that country, prices on thousands of items have tripled in the past month and we already are paying forthat. The economy cannot handle more increases. Thank you for your time. Terry & Betty Dibble Transaction 10: 431159. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: 12.72.173.User Hostname: 12.72.173. Jean Jewell ;1) (4/I~. ;.f ;1u '1/ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, April 03, 2004 11 :39 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, April 03, 2004 11:38:49 AM Case: IPC-03- Name: TYLER DIBBLE Street Address: 1425 COW HORSE City: KUNA State: ID ZIP: 83634 Home Telephone: 208-658-0324E-Mail: tbdibble0earthlink. net Company: IDAHO POWERmailing list yes no Comment=descriptIon: EMAIL HAS A VIRUS, BUT YOU COULD EMAILt. a. dibble0att. net TO MY ATTENTION AND I'LL GET IT. THANKS ME AT WORK AT MY BILLS AVERAGE $180. AND UP TO $215/MONTH IN WINTER FOR A 1600 SQ. FT. HOME. MY IRRIGATION COSTS FOR POWER IN SUMMER IS AROUND $700 PER YEAR TO RUN THE PUMPS. IDAHO POWER WANTS TO RAISE RATES, BUT THEY DO NOT TAKE THE LITTLE PEOPLE INTO CONSIDERATION. WE ARE A YOUNG COUPLE TRYING TO MAKE ENDS MEET, WE BUDGET OUR MONEY AND IT IS VERY TIGHT AND WE KNOW WHAT WE CAN SPEND FOR UTILITIES AND TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK, A RATE INCREASE WOULD BE VERY HARMFUL TO US AND WE' 0 NOT BE ABLE TO HANDLE A RAI SE. WE ALWAYS PAY OUR BILLS AND THESE BIG UTILITY COMPANYS, KEEP TRYING TO TAKE DOWN THE LITTLE GUYS. EVERYTHING IN OUR HOME IS ELECTRIC, AND THIS RATE INCREASE IS NOT FAIR NOR JUST. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THIS RATE INCREASE TO A COMPANY WHO SHOWS PLENTY OF PROFITS EACH YEAR. TYLER & BOBBIE DIBBLE Transaction ID: 431138. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ ipucUser Address: 12.72.173. User Hostname: 12.72.173. Jean Jewell I~ v(/~f()li~" H From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, April 03, 2004 9:04 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, April 03, 2004 9:04:14 AM Case: Name: Robert & Helen Black Street Address: 330 Pocahontas City: Hailey State: ID ZIP: 8333 Home Telephone: 208-788-5004E-Mail: hblack0velocitus. net Company: Idaho Power Comailinglistyesno: Comment description: Re: Idaho Power I s proposed increase to residential customers of 19%, is too high for many people in the State of Idaho. The last increase was a hardship and now we are facing another increase. We are both retired. In order to conserve energy, we have always washed our cothes in cold water, take very short showers I and keep our homerelatively cool during the winter. Neither one of us has health insurance or lifeinsurance, we stay within our budget. We probably speak for many people. Is it true that Idaho Power is trying to recoup from a recent lawsuit? Why do the people always have to pay for the errors of others? Please do your best to take into consideration all Idaho Power Co customers in your consideration for such a large rate increase. Thank you. Transaction ID: 43904. Referred by: http: //www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 208.14.167. User Hostname: 208.14.167. Jean Jewell I~ cflujO jJvV / ' l/fu c (~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 2004 8:46 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02 , 2004 8:46:19 PM Case: IPC-E-O3-13 Name: John Barrutia Senior Street Address: 489 NW Beaman Street City: Mountain Home State: Idaho ZIP: 83647 Home Telephone: 208-587-=5041 E-MaIl: BBasque10aol. com Company: Idaho Power Com~nymailing list yes no: ~s Comment descriptIon:~just wanted to make a comment on the proposed 25% increase for irrigatIon customers. ill certainly not looking for special treatment because I am a farmer, but I don t feel that the treatment is focused fairly. I say fairly, because itlooks like the proposed increases are heavily in the production sector--exeptindustrial. It seems to me that the governor and legislature are desperately trying to increase jobs and spur our economy. This isn t going to be successful if the job creating sectors, such as farming and ranching, who are very big electricity users, go out ofbusiness---and we are going out of business. Next year, there are three, possibly four large operations in Elmore County are going out of business. One of the prime reasons is the cost of pumping for irregation water. Now it doesn t take a rocket scientist to figure out that jobs are being lost; Idaho Powerwill lose large revenues, farm related businesses will lose jobs and use less electricity if they also go out of business; Idaho Powers "bottom line " will not look very attractiveon Wall Street. I know that there are a lot of electicity users out there who do not produce jobs; and Ialso know that there are a lot of ill, crippled, and elderly people who must really scrape to pay their power bills. Now, the Public Utilities Commission must fend off those powerful 1, lobby groups anddistribute any power increases really fairly across the board, but perhaps a leaning toward those sectors that keep the engine of our economy going--and not the engines of bigMercedes Benzes of top executives and lobbyists. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to express some of my feelings. I am a senior farmer and rancher who is hanging on by a thread in my farming and ranching operations.Electric Power for my pumping is a critical issue. John Barrutia Senior Transaction ID: 422046. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dl1/ ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell /y:111u1' ;1- 11r (" From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02 , 2004 7:40 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submis sian: Friday, April 02, 20047: 39: 47 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Thomas A. Wordell Street Address: 11507 W. Arlen Ct City: Boise State: 10 ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 208-938-8742 E-Mail: twordel10highstream. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list _yes - no:~ Comment description: I am commenting about the outrageous 17.7% price increase Idaho Power is proposing. I am amazed they can invest $850 Million dollars over the past decadewi thout the foresight and proper planning to minimize the impact to customers in order to cover these costs. The increase in population and number of new customers has not been something "new " they were unaware of and couldn t plan for.... the bulk of this cost, for expansion to meet increasing user demands, should be passed along to the new users needing this electricity, not all at once to all customers. I am also concerned at the rate increase proposed by class of user. Idaho Power ' proposal calls for residential rates to increase by 19.9% while both large commercial andindustrial classes will see a significantly lower increase percentage. The most disturbing part of the proposal is to increase the $2.51 monthly service charge to $10. . . . .. a 400% increase customers no matter how much electricity they use. This means the customers who use the least will actually pay the most in terms of cost increases. Why put the bulk of the burden on the residential users, many of whom will obviously be using the least amount of electricity per customer and many of whom have the least capability of paying this increase due to fixed incomes, when in fact , the commercial, industrial and irrigation users have the greatest ability to offset a price increase by adjusting their income from sales?? Adding insult to injury, I now understand Idaho Power has filed to pass on another $12 million dollars of cost to customers for lost revenue in 2001 - a method of charging us to cover energy we didn t use. Thanks! If anyone should repay this lost revenue, its the irrigators IDAHO POWER PAID to cut consumption To summarize: -The actual bulk of the increase will be from a 400% increase to customer monthly servicecharges. This is totally unacceptable. -The rate increases unfairly penalizes customers who either use the least electricity or conserve power and is more than the proposed rate increases of either the large commercial and industrial users, who have the ability to offset these increases though sales. -I would be more favorable to a "phased-" approach that increases customer fees over a period of several years to allow customers to slowly and successfully adjust to theseincreases. We appreciate your leadership and put our trust in you to provide us electricity at some of the most competitive rates around. However , it is unfair and unrealistic to expect customers to be able to cover these large increases in one fell swoop. Poor planning is no excuse for sloppy accounting and budget shortfalls. Do what I s fair and protect the customers from these outrageous price increases. Thank you. Tom Wordell Transaction ID: 421939. Jean Jewell ~"IO 110 AV.,/ 1.. ~ It From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02 20047:15 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02 , 2004 7:15:28 PM Case: IPC E-O3-13 Name: larry ranstrom Street Address: 1214 hwy 52 City: Emmett State: Idaho ZIP: 83617 Home Telephone: 208-365-4673 E-Mail: hanstrom0bigskytel. com Company: Idaho power mailing list yes no: yes Comment descriptIon: n 1969 we bought a totally electric home, it has been very good tous while we both worked we payed some pretty high bills. we had new windows put in using Idaho Power loan at really great interest rate. now we are on medicare as you know is very fixed income , your people might not got a cost of living raise last year but when you do it equals a 100 times more than the paltry sumwe get .take a look at your work force and see what john q. public sees. 2 or 3 men standing around talking at 15t025 $$$$$ an hour and you want old people to pay thru the nose, you are as bad as our goverment!! ! ! I ! I ! I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I ! ! Transaction ID: 421915.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id.us/scripts/polyform.dl1/ipuc User Address: 209.210.144 User Hostname: 209.210.144 Jean Jewell A:' :ft'J'l/fv From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 2004 6:52 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 2004 6:51:37 PM Case: IPC-E-O3- Name: Cheryl Edwards Street Address: 1597 S River Grove Way City: Eagle State: ID ZIP: 83616 Home Telephone: E-Mail: cledwards0cableone. net Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: . Comment description: Idaho Power s request for a rate increase seems to be an attempt to recover the costs of the failed ventures of its parent company, IdaCorp, from its electric customers, IdaCorp 1 s only remaining profitable business. Those costs should be borne by shareholders, not electric rate payers. I particularly object to the proposed significant increase in the customer fee because it discriminates against those of us who believe in and practice conservation. In addition, it assures Idaho Power of an easy, predictable revenue stream devoid of operational efficiencies and cost cutting. My recommendation is that the Idaho PUC establish a rate structure that rewards conservation and a baseline/life line rate for qualified elderly or the disabled. Finally, the insipid bill insert, Connection , is a waste of time and money. We live in the 21st century and not the Eisenhower era which the recipe card invokes. If Idaho Power insists on contuing this period piece, the costs should be borne by shareholders and not ratepayers. By the way, I gave Idaho Power the same feedback on the bill insert and heard not so much as an acknowledgement. Thank you. Transaction ID: 421851. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell /A:'~I"1 /1c fl./fo From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, April 06, 2004 7:14 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 6: 13 : 31 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Ruth E. JensenStreetAddress: 8201Watercress,Ave. Ci ty: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: 83687 Home Telephone: 208-466-4264E-Mail: rej 100aaahawk. com Company: Idaho Power Co. mailing list yes no: yes comment=descriptIon: I aam asking you to not grant Id.Power Co. already paying too much forpower , gas , gasoline. Enough's enough. Thank you Ruth E. Jensen anymore rate hikes. We are Transaction ID: 461813.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: 205.186.96.User Hostname: 205.186.96. Jean Jewell ~11(J'ljP/10 AI(,;-i t-f From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02 , 2004 3:52 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 20043: 52: 08 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: harry gibson Street Address: 7811 E. locust In. City: nampaState: id ZIP: 83687 Home Telephone: E-Mail: harryharlynd0hotmail. com Company: idaho powermailinglist _yes - no Comment description: l was really distrubed after reading in the idaho statesman a col. by mark mickelson: electricty rate hike plan is unfair. i agree with his remarks on the subj ect. i would encourge the puc not to approve any rate hike that would hurt the people who could least afford it. there must be a better plan then that put forth. if there is any good arguments about mr. mickelsons col. i would gladly listen. i would to be informed as to the status of this case. thank you. Transaction 10: 421552. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell 1~~110 /~d ItV.//(0 \- From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 20042:18 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 20042: 18: 06 Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Henry & Betty GaudetStreetAddress: 3709 Vintage Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83706 Home Telephone: 345-5387E-Mail: hj g100~aol. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no:~ Comment description: My wife Power. We are Senior Citizens financial hardship for us. Itrequest. Thank You. and I are vehemently opposed to any rate hike for Idaho on a fixed income and any increase would be a insurmountable seems that greed has possesed Idaho Power. Please deny their Transaction ID: 421418. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell I~ ~/O /fa d-f From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 2004 1 :36 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 20041: 36: 23 Case: Proposed rate increase Name: Vicki Martineau Street Address: 390 Yellow Pine Ave City: Yellow Pine State: ID ZIP: 83677 Home Telephone: 208.633.3325 E-MaIl: vmtin00hotmail. com Company: Idaho Power Comment description: Please rethink your proposed rate increases in the name of fairness! Existing customers should NOT be paying for the growth required for new customers. And certainly not at the rates proposed to the already overburden, endangered folks like irrigator and small business owners. Irrigators and small businesses limp along trying to make a living and do without many fancy, power-hungry conveniences, while large, new homesand large businesses (Micron) continually use more electricity. Yet the brunt is going toCOI~e down to the few who can least afford it! PLEASE, PLEASE rethink your proposal and rate percentages applied to each catagorized user. Transaction 10: 421336. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell I ~IO /1d From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 2004 1 :06 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 2004 1:06:21 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Christopher Ledo Street Address: 6098 Plantation Lane Ci ty: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83703 Home Telephone: 208-853-1990 E-Mail: chris0flavorsonion. com Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: Comment description: DO NOT raise all rates across the board. You need to be smart about it and let growth foot the bill. When a new house is built, that house can pay the addi tional costs, not people like'me and all the elderly and poor who can hardly get by each month as it is. Thank you, Christopher Ledo Transaction ID: 421306. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 24.116.136. User Hostname: 24.116.136. Jean Jewell ~rIO"11o '.- \~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, April 02, 2004 12:58 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:57:30 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Clancy Anderson Street Address: 1911 N. 18th. Street City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83702 Home Telephone: 208-387-0743 E-Mail: clancy0flavorsonion. com Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: Comment description: I believe that growth should pay for itself and not the currentratepayers. Just as a new sewer connection pays to hookup to the system so should a new electrical customer. This rate increase would put an undo hardship on myself and manyothers. Transaction 10: 421257. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ ipucUser Address: 24.116.136. User Hostname: 24.116.136.