HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040322Comments.pdfILt--, jd"'3)V ./ 1/J Ai-1d , ~ 501 E. 20 No. Shoshone, TID 83352 (208) 886-7627 Donley F anTIs Inc. March 16, 2004 c.. ,"-';::.:;:) , , c;".",. i' :!"", '::::::: fT' :::'0 "','::: ('11 . ...0 r--l TO:IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION O. BOX 83720 BOISE, ID 83710 ::'::! ::::: c,..- ;,"(/) " FROM:DONLEY FARMS, INC. 501 E. 20 NO. SHOSHONE, ID 83352 -'," 0.) rl r:;JU1 t".._! i~~ --, CONCERNING CASE NUMBER IPC-03- My name is Don Taber, President of Donley Farms, Inc. I would like to comment and protest Idaho Power s large rate increase proposal. 1. On one pivot irrigated ITom a deep well pulling the water ITom 280 feet we have raised alfalfa since 1999. The kilowatt hours of use has remained fairly constant but with the previous rate hikes our power cost per acre has gone ITom $62.04 in 1999 to $110.53 per acre in 2003. With the proposed increase it could go to over $140.00per acre. That is over a 100% increase in 5 years and we cannot support that kind of an increase. 2. I would like to protest the demand charge. The increase is astronomical and unfair. The whole demand charge, the way it is structured is not right. If our pump motor is off for the whole month except for 1 day then we pay the demand charge for the whole month. On our operation there is approximately 1420 KW of demand in any given peak month at $3.58 the cost is $5 083. At $5.40 the cost would be $7 668. That is a difference of $2 585 just for the demand charge for month. 3. To turn off the pump during certain time of the day would be a nightmare. We have fifteen different pump stations and somebody would have to go to each one, shut it down and then return later and start is back up and make sure all the lines and pivots are working properly. This would take a lot more labor and would not be cost effective. Our pumps are scatted over a 10-mile area. It would be easier to turn off for a whole day every so often. On the canal system you have a stream of water flowing to the pump and something has to be done with that water when the pump is off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. I have been farming in Idaho since 1976. Idaho Power wanted new pumps then and the pump would finance the line bringing the power to the pump. Everybody benefited ITom this. We got phase power and Idaho Power got business. Now you pay for everything, engineering fees construction and hook up. There is even a meter reading fee. I believe they are proposing to raise that to $25.00 also. To me it seems that Idaho Power doesn t want irrigation power but would rather sell out of state. Greed is very prevalent now. 5. Our total power cost last year was $151 587. This year I project it to be at least $190 000. if Idaho Power has their way. We can t afford that. I don t believe Idaho Power ever tries to become more efficient and cut expenses like we have to do. If you can pass all your expenses on to somebody else you don t have to manage too well. Sincerely, Don Taber, President yjO I~ ~)~ fJ ;:: ;:ECEIVEO iLFO (nOli NiIR 18 A1'~'~9t~6 ~o 2 ~g:hO ,c.' ;: "j j U Ie' :JTILlljES COl"lr'llSSION Idaho Public Utilities Commission Boise Idaho It is only ~fter much neighborhood discussion that I was chosen to file this complaint with the Idaho Public utilities Commission. Be advi sed that we strongly obj ect to another encrease in customer rates as requested by Idaho Power. According to Idaho Power comments (see attached) they have had a 30% encrease in new customers since 1993 and which should have encreased prof i ts . We point out that: a. accounting figures various catagoriesa pI us or minus isline. can be placed in depending whether wanted in the bottom b. should a small business desire to open a new location and simply raise prices to pay for it, it is doubtful the venture would be successful.. Again we strongly obj ect to an encrease in customer powerrates. Sincerely.)jl~Chilton1666 Shane Dr. Powetello Idaho 83204 =?-/ -- rJ ....." zaG!; r'ilm I 8 I'N 9: 38 dU, -f (j '117 2'::;. iltCJ viII" : ' _A'44'~ :LkJ2 ~3 7jti tJO7'! j~vlo ",.f, 'C(' '" r;,;'!l.. u l- " U t~J fLED ~ .;\ d- 77 &.( 11/ ~~)t ;'"- ' Ms. Wanda Pritchett i 4047 Amber Ln.Pocatello, 10 83202.2725 ~:~r: ~"':' r) ;; 1.::0 ' ,-"j ;;:.. i" 16 ' " .~".~~~~:";.,/;''."'"~""~,~,,,'-'~~' ", --""""~""- ...." ,"~,,""~~-.~-~'~..;; tJJ;.u .- ~~j7Ja ./' -r: __~_/~, f~1rf!EO flJ '--'~;j~~~ ~~!:2~_- ?0nl. tHP pf, ' - J-m --------'------- 1 ~-.d:,,'i-tTI-rn'dn - ._ - .."'-'---'---------' ee::-?C_C::_ ~..-:- 13 - - - L c",.-"i_L~,~~-it--------i JfIL Ii"iEs-cor'1Fl'i SION -- r-- '-- --,.,----,-,..._----_._.._-, ...--- --, , ,, --- --"'-'-~---'-- ----I ~,,"Io - ...,--_.,----------- n -- ---,----, ,------ - r- ~~~~~-~~-~~'?~~:-._,~~;-;;-:~-'--,-------- L_, --_~--,_..__..._---_._--,,-- ---, -._--------------,.., --"-,,,-,,--,,--,,---_.- --.-"-.,--"..,-..-- -- -,-,---_. ,---- -~- =~-=~- =~ r- ~.:: ~;;;;;~~ - ~~::-- --- ~-- - n ~~~dz4! ~K~jf,.2' -:!?/!-/ -7~ ----------- - - ----, L-.- ~:~,~~~ - -,~- -~'?_- 7~5 - .~.- .~~.~.n . _.~. -.._ rz ~;t' ~~- 2?o 2k~ =.. .. -. . - - I - --- j ;;~ /~ 7., ~ ~"-? 2c -- -- ---- ----- -- .- -. -~~-... 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(J~W)~ ~.J.l1. u1ur-- 1/'L\O~ IDAHO IJ- PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION I/f II J' .. \~ Public Hearing Case No. IPC-03- March 15,2004 Pocatello Id WHAT DO YOU THINK? If you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted, please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our WebSite. www.puc.state.id. click on "comments & questions. ....J. a---- ~ /I~ 4 ~ :./ -# .,d ,. .pA.J ~~~~~~ ;r~ .4u~ ~,//.~ -4.J-- -YD ~() 2J ~ew"" ~~J ~M /~rJ/ A./ 14U ~~ ~. a--4t21.~J!;L. Phone Number Print Name L if::AJ~ Address 00 I 0. f~ Jj rJ;' Sign Name