HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040329Petition from ICAN.pdfPetition to Oppose the Idaho Power Rate Hike To Idaho Public Utilities Commission: , the undersigned, oppose the unilateral actions of Idaho Power to severely incre~e the rate charged, in part or wholly, by Idaho Power. These rate increases will have devastating repercussions on Idaho s elderly, disabled, children and Idaho s population as a whole. The proposed rate increases are regressive and unfair given the profits earned in 2003 by Idaho Power. Please return by Feb. 27, 2004 tQ:BQb Dye PQcatellQ ICAN (208) 233-2614, thi~ petitiQn will then be sent tQ th~: IdahQ Public Utilities CQmmissiQn. ---t--- -----------_ u_- ------------.---- - _u_ ~._._-- -- --- ----.-._u_---- ---- --..---..-----.-.-. Name(Print), Signature City, State Email 1.~e.t\.'j ~~L 1 I~- r: U1 1/& f) 5. ~-_.._--_ cluk_~~l=:~KeJ~~L tDl ~- If) ~~~~_~~_ ~J); ~-- - (12_._ ___---------------- 'IJtj ~-- LI1- ~~~---_;;; J2----- --_ ~=--ID ht.\bp \A~- -=rD ;- ~v ~Lvvk.- ~b - l t.....'-\ Iohl1.Jc-!"""" -r:-cD ,- 10. 11. 12. :13. . ,~. :20. 21. ~~/CJP ____.. ----~~ - 0 -. ,ct- - - i- (~Mbkt'.:r -- i -=ro C( /'/L 7) -- =-_ f:l-i1-!L~r;-L:g;z----- ~::- - - - - - --_- _~:::~~~- - ;:;Q~ o ~. Cexl (Zet6 xlJ 29. ::L11aY\1-l,~'o~ \d.oJ-\D. :;::. J-.'//-rr~ OC#T (M4 .....J.-V ". ~--~~=~.. ~IO -t!), .AcQ ' - .. =--XD , ~0cc0e.\l ':QC. r'/Il7:- ..::rtJ XUI___- ~--- ---_o 0 -- .. ,.__, 0..- , --- 32. 33. 140. 141 Petition to O)!pose the Idaho Power Rate Hike To Idaho Public Utilities Commission: , the undersigned, oppose the unilateral actions of Idaho Power to severely. increase the rate charged, in part or wholly, by Idaho Power. These rate increases will have devastating repercussions on Idaho s elderly, disabled, children and Idaho s population as a whole. The proposed rate increases are regressive and unfair given the profits earned in 2003 , by Idaho Power. Please return by Feb. 27, 2004 to:BQb Dye . ' PQcatellQ ICAN (208) 233-2614, this petitiQn will then be sent tQ the: IdahQ Public Utilities CQrnmissiQn. ---".----"-------~-- '---"-------_._-----,-- - "'.-.... ..-....-........."..,..- "---..- ---"---,--,,,,,- City, State Email ~~.o ~Tf) ~;z:p --- ----~~- ~fW.. ..- o--__n______--- /./r:.L ~~~~---.__ 0eJJoiKr D!tildJ.- dwJk~~~ ;q)- ,-------_::: ~\~ ~ t)~ :-1 f;- -"- 12. ~-j1J Ch.L ~,, hubbUvt "bJA ......1J ;1 V :- dt4~JL i~ ' -, --",---...----.-, ; :16. Mr-- ..w())f(Q);v ~~P c~~t.".IY :z;;/) . ---- ----- ~~L~.._.u 122. J3~ --- nu- :: ~~~:._-- 25. ~ ~ ; ~wl- .:Po _-- dJ!ii2_'/f, -~t!J 0 ---- -------- c~h b~ ~- =-- ~J2_---_._----_o_ ~() .u-~ !=~!~ a4M tduJ;b~ _.---- --- ~ ~( Ubt fLll::L ~__- (' ~i471'tk, /-LJ ~~_~~- -y)~~- . ~f) ~bN ~- 21:1/ lJ:t~bbu(k -I If) t1 j jj 4 I ;dl- ~--- ~J , I , !- ) I 1- i30. 36. \37. .. ".-- -_ Idaho Power is asking the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to approve a 19% rate increase. This includes a 17.7% rate increase and an increase of the monthly service fee ftom $2.51 a month to $10 per month, nearly a 400% increase on the monthly service fee. We the undersigned hereby formally request that the PUC take action, in that this rate increase is not in the best interest of the people ofIdaho. Therefore we ask that no rate increase be granted to Idaho Power either in the interim or permanent. Name ~i~~t(A ~( f\1grr ~ (\-€.' Gd\~e. ..;J~r-E'ri ~RP)lER ..Qtt. f4 L~Jd (0 . ' (JV .. .p () c. A~\-\,o PnC ATCL Phone ?JaM J1 J) ~ ~ II ~ ('c. f'..- 1:.fAi,~ hOdncJ --:An ~ '1';- toc.du.t(J )t;~ \' 'ClM1::beJ Po~~~. )". ); l' Q ,'0 1~ :::(F /1/ d ~ fl dfttVV ff kd~u J U ('. 11/ ,(2J l W" 'v 71 n/ q y" e-. ~--' l)l"I~0r.," 'ff\-(-ro0 GGt ~n-teLl() ~~ ~/1~~C? 0 c~~lu II;; if: ~- .. 'Id (1 d #?fo ~gW:1fod!hiS ':t 2-") ~ - 0 s ~ ( \ , ')..f61\ 1. JLf 0'"'5 () ~~?( Xl'19 L ~ 5f/ )I 8' i '1 J ~-~ fJ0!f- 5d8- cgl g 7 /f/ rC-/-'I:J c-I ? '*'1; -' '7 1 ~ ) -:) 33 -0 I ()J 70" ~,,-=:'n ~.. l ;)" " - ' lIC(J ;lJ ~~ l ~ CQ - U I J-j ..J3~ttJ aJ.i ~ L if cQ 5~ '1 1\ r I 0,- I ~, ~ ~ r-Ji (Y'\ ~'v\"O PG~Q ie/lG ~ 0 ~~ ,(.\\0 :'32-771 ,)35 q~,~ Idaho Power is asking the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to approve a 19% rate increase. This includes a 17.7% rate increase and an increase of the monthly service fee from $2.51 a month to $10 per month, nearly a 400% increase on the monthly service fee. We the undersigned hereby formally request that the PUC take action, in that this rate increase is not in the best interest of the people ofIdaho. Therefore we ask that no rate increase be granted to Idaho Power either in the interim or permanent. Name ..Qtt.Phone !PCI ~tA U1JL ;) ,,:?$?'- 9R9 ~~..\\.., "-'\. t l 37---4b~ OO~ '31- 0 57- 03 -:; /!1j tJ~ ro~kllo Bt.ct'~..--r ~y~S 775 '3 0 ;~~~r~t Th //Y) /TL S?-. ,1\ --1'16--:5 5.:3S &3 r; t) A;JA tv A~ S (?c9 CJL /(o ;;? :1 -;;; - (:;J Petition to Oppose the Idaho Power Rate Hike To Idaho Public Utilities Commission: , the undersigned, oppose the unilateral actions of Idaho Power to severely increase the rate charged, in part or wholly, by Idaho Power. These rate increases will have devastating repercussions on Idaho s elderly, disabled, children and Idaho s population as a whole. The proposed rate increases are regressive and unfair given the profits earned in 2003, by Idaho Power. Please return by Feb.27, 2004 tQ: BQb Dye PQcatellQ ICAN (208) 233-2614, this petitiQn will then be sent tQ the: IdahQ Public Utili ties CQmmissiQn. ",..,..".. ""~~""'~"""'""""""""'--"" -- "-"""""""-"' Name(Print), Signature City, State Email il.--Il- ;----"-----"--"~~ ~~~/ ltJ..I\i\~\lA I1)1-jW?~1 ~~f ~:- n_-- nn -~ kl ~ II):~ Pam Ci ~ ci :;; !f(,/l--tt:q/_~~~~u ~~J~f'..~- ::k fJ- /!~'!;jJ/c~(g)J(')ifo l c..oPKL... !~. 4t lee Iff 1/5 ..--- ,-, ,._' .. Me/6-J6J~ dIJ..~ -----=:_ ala ____- J ' .._..__.._........".... r~-:rj)!-1)D.. .._--,. ! 6. ~ - , ,~----- -_.. f() ~___ ID_- ~.._-------_.._--~ . :8~ .. , __.. l:?~4b vV~.... .--., .. 1::/J/'lc-/(: 1'0 . ~.. -- .., ..~, .. ctFwtc"----"------~16 - --.- - - ~~L= Petition to Oppose the Idaho Power Rate Hike To Idaho Public Utilities Commission: , the undersigned, oppose the unilateral actions of Idaho Power to severely increase the rate charged, in part or wholly, by Idaho Power. These rate increases will have devastating repercussions on Idaho s elderly, disabled, children and Idaho s population as a whole. The proposed rate increases are regressive and unfair given the profits earned in 2003, by Idaho Power. Please return by Feb. 27, 2004 tQ: BQb Dye PocatellQ ICAN (208) 233-2614, this petitiQn will then be sent tQ the:IdahQ Public Utili ties CQrnmissiQn. --------,---------___ --_--m__,___------_u_,u_- -- -- -------------- -------------------_.._--------------,------------ - Name(Print), Signature City, State Email j I ~~ - _ --_n - -~ '------------------------..------ ------ :7. -- ------------,--,------------------------ ------------------------ -- ----- _u_--- ---- u ___d__- - -- --,- ------------ ------ -------~--------- -- --------- ------ ------_uu_---------,----- ----------------------- - '-------- - -_u------- --------------- , - n --_--_ 10. :11. 12. i13. :14. ;Is. :16.