HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040318Comments.pdfvf~~ 3/lg/o 11 Ai- 11~ " If 15 March 2004 Dear Public Utilities Commission I would like to express my thoughts on the proposed Idaho Power rate increase. I am a fourth generation farmer in Minidoka county. My great grandfathers both farmed here, as did my grandparents and father. My farm was purchased from my grandfather and I have been operating this farm for approaching 25 years now. We have all loved this occupation. I am by no means a large farmer and we have not made a great deal of money, but it is a great place to live and raise a family. That way of life is being threatened by the spiraling increase in our production costs. My farm is on the north side of Rupert and we irrigate with water pumped from a deep well. I have always thought that a big part of the magic" of the Magic Valley was the water we enjoy for farming and recreation. That water is now a precious commodity, perhaps even more than it was when the desert bloomed with the first irrigation. I am told that Idaho Power feels a need for an 11 % return on equity. There are few places with that kind of return these days. I feel that for the present time that rate is too high. If, and I stress "if', there is a need for some rate increase, I would hope that it would be spread out equitably to as many rate payers as possible so that no singe rate payer group has to shoulder the burden alone. Irrigators are an easy target. Weare not a very united bunch. By nature farmers are generally independent and too busy to fight for themselves as a group. They are also, however, other than the elderly and poor, perhaps the least able to absorb an increase in power rates. We are not able to pass on production cost increases to those we sell our crops to. Prices we receive from crops have increased very little if any, over the years. We have only been able to survive by being efficient and careful. We are now at the point of shifting funds from one production cost to another. That shift includes not replacing aging equipment, cutting living expenses, and shorting other production inputs. Some call it a death spiral. Conservation has been in our plans for years now. We have seen a 40% increase in electric rates over the past five years. While many rate payers saw some relief last year, irrigators did not. The proposed rate increase would raise our irrigation costs another 20 - 25%. I have included some pages showing my power increases over the past five years and what the proposed rate increase would do to my bills next year. Please consider the farmers contributions to our communities and only pass an increase that is absolutely needed, and then I ask that it be spread out as equally and broadly as possible. Many of us are quickly becoming that other group mentioned earlier who are not able to deal well with increased rates, the elderly and poor. Thank You /J ~. 6 N. Bruce Bagnall 501 N. Meridian Rupert, ID Ir r i g a t i o n P u m p P o w e r U s a g e Br u c e B a g n a l l P u m p 19 9 9 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 kW h kW h kW h kW h kW h Ap r i l Ma y 12 0 $7 . 3 7 40 0 $5 6 0 . 96 0 $9 8 6 . 28 0 $1 , 4 3 6 . 3 9 Ju n e 28 0 97 5 . 3 6 57 , 72 0 43 5 . 2 1 96 0 61 5 . 84 0 24 5 . 3 7 92 0 72 8 . Ju l y 95 , 20 0 25 5 . 04 0 $3 , 45 0 . 13 0 28 0 21 8 . 10 5 64 0 20 3 . 11 7 , 92 0 68 2 . Au g u s t 96 0 94 8 . 84 0 97 8 . 44 0 39 6 . 59 , 00 0 $3 , 24 8 . 4 8 96 0 05 4 . Se p t 92 0 65 8 . 04 0 42 1 . 4 8 92 0 20 7 . 88 0 84 4 . 68 , 52 0 62 9 . 1 7 Oc t o b e r 88 0 69 9 . 00 0 47 8 . 16 , 00 0 $8 3 3 . 4 1 56 0 02 8 . 39 , 72 0 97 3 . No v To t a l s 34 4 36 0 $1 2 54 5 . 37 3 , 04 0 $1 4 32 4 . 34 9 56 0 $1 7 25 8 . 3 2 32 8 20 0 $1 7 , 00 6 . 35 2 04 0 $1 8 06 9 . $$ p e r 03 6 4 03 8 4 04 9 4 05 1 8 05 1 3 kW h THE AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANY LLC IRRIGATION CLASS IPCO GENERAL RATE CASE DATE: 10 MAR 2004 IMPACT TO GROWERS REV: 0 BilLING FORMULA: Customer Charge + Demand Charge X Billing + Energy Charge X Billing ~H + Conservation Funding Current Rate 2003 Summer roposed Rat 2004 Summer Customer Charge:$10,07 IMonth Customer Charge:$25.00 IMonth Demand Charge:$3,58 IKW Demand Charge:$5.40 IKW Energy Charge: Base: 2,8416~ IKWH PCA: 1,3159~ IKWH 1575~ IKWH Energy Charge: Base: 3,2634~ IKWH PCA: 1,3159~ IKWH 5793~ IKWH Conservation Funding:$15,00 IMonth Conservation Funding:$15,00 IMonth Current Electric Bill $10,07 + $3,58 (IWJ) + $0,041575 (KVVH) + $15 Proposed Electric Bill $25,00 + $5.40 (KW) + $0,045793 (KWH) + $15 Notes: (1) Rates are from the proposed Idaho Power schedule 24 Tariff. (2) PCA will change every year based on snow pack conditions, (3) Spreadsheet formulated for monthly values and only for the four months of summer season rates, PROPOSED RATE: CALCULATION WORKSHEET Enter demand and energy values into highlighted boxes, These values are found in a 2003 summer month IPCO bill. 2111 KW - Demand Required 68520 I KWH - Energy Consumed 5f1 \ 03 The following boxes show calculated values from above entered information, Current Electric Power Bill Proposed Electric Power Bill Net Dollar Change Percent Change Impact Not Including P 25.4%1I $3 6291 1 $4 317 I I 19,0%1 C:\Documents and SettingslBruce BagnallIMy Documentslgrowerimpact.xls IRRIGATION CLASSTHE AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANY LLC IPCO GENERAL RATE CASE DATE: 10 MAR 2004 IMPACT TO GROWERS REV: 0 BILLING FORMULA: Customer Charge + Demand Charge X Billing tWV + Energy Charge X Billing tWVH + Conservation Funding Current Rate 2003 Summer Proposed Rate 2004 Summer Customer Charge:$10,07 IMonth Customer Charge:$25,00 IMonth Demand Charge:$3,58 IKW Demand Charge:$5.40 IKW Energy Charge: Base: 2,84161t IKWH PCA: 1,31591t IKWH 15751t IKWH Energy Charge: Base: 3,26341t IKWH PCA: 1,31591t IKWH 57931t IKWH Conservation Funding:$15,00 IMonth Conservation Funding:$15,00 IMonth Current Electric Bill $10,07 + $3,58 (KW) + $0,041575 (KVVH) + $15 Proposed Electric Bill $25,00 + $5.40 (KW) + $0,045793 (KWh) + $15 Notes: (1) Rates are from the proposed Idaho Power schedule 24 Tariff. (2) PCA will change every year based on snow pack conditions, (3) Spreadsheet formulated for monthly values and only for the four months of summer season rates, PROPOSED RATE: CALCULATION WORKSHEET Enter demand and energy values into highlighted boxes, These values are found in a 2003 summer month IPca bill. 211 KW - Demand Required 117920l KWH - Energy Consumed The following boxes show calculated values from above entered information, Current Electric Power Bill Proposed Electric Power Bill Net Dollar Change Percent Change Impact Not Including PCA $6,579 $8961 15,8%1 21,9%1 C:\Oocuments and SettingslBruce BagnallIMy Documents\growerimpact.xls Jean Jewell ~lf~/1v /1u From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:37 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1: 36: 32 Case: IPC-E-03-13, Name: Syl & Carolyn MenichettiStreetAddress: 2488 Lappin Lane City: Council State: 10 ZIP: 83612 Home Telephone: 208-253-4760 E-Mail: sckranch0ruralnetwork. net Company: Idaho Power .mailing list yes no :,yes.../ Comment descriptIon: -wE desire to voice our obj ection to Idaho Power s desire for rate increase. For the last several years, by the mere fact of the new people moving into Idaho, who necessarily use power!! - Idaho Power should have sufficient funds already with which to continue to upgrade its necessary equipment, etc. Isn t that, after all, the name of the game?? If those funds are not sufficient for their needs, perhaps they could learn to pay their administrators a bit less; could learn to live with less than the very newest automotive vehicles for their personnei to travel in, and in general , be a bit morefrugal with "Our " money. Thank you for your consideration of this objection. Transaction 10: 3171336. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state, id. usl scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell ~q"" ,J 1,/ ~v'Ifv From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:29 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:29:18 PM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: David W. and Debora S. Crockett Street Address: 2678 Rock Creek Road City: Hansen State: Idaho ZIP: 83334 Home Telephone: 1-208-423-4545 E-Mail: ddavycro~aol. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no~~~ Comment - descriptIon~ase do not allow another rate hike. We feel the hikemonthlyfees a few years ago was excessive. We feel Idaho Power will need to (including their executives) just like the rest of us have had to. Transaction 10: 3162029. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc, state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 198.81.26. User Hostname: 198.81.26, in our cut corners Jean Jewell ~ ::; 3/1'1/ Ii 14-,1cJ l-f From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 16 , 2004 8:00 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:59:34 AM Case: Name: Randy Hardy Street Address: 1818 South 500 West Ci ty: Oakley State: Idaho ZIP: 83346 Home Telephone: 208-862-3691 E-Mail: hardy10pmt. org Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: Comment descriptIon: I am owner and manager of a 2000 acre farm in Oakley, located in Cassia County. I am deeply concerned about the proposed Idaho Power rate increase toirrigators. I have already helped fund the ' power buyout' debacle, which did me no goodwhatsoever, but I got to help pay for it. Now we are being told that Idaho Power wants usto help fund their expansion. Meanwhile, Ida-corp shareholders continue to reap profits from their investments. This proposed increase, and even the commission I s proposed 15% increase to irrigators is not fair and will destroy the Idaho farm economy, If agriculture is such a high priced liability, then have Idaho Power sell the rural areas to existing nearby cooperatives, such as United Electric Coop in Burley, They seem to be doing fine financially, and those farmers ' rates are far less than our current ones. During the past 20 years we have seen Idaho Power 's quality of service decline as rates have continually moved up, whether they want to call it ' base rate I or 'annual rateadjustment'The investors continue to reap the rewards and we slowly get siphoned off.Thanks Randy L. Hardy, President Hardy Farms, Inc. Transaction 10: 316759. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 216.83.65. User Hostname: 216.83.65. Jean Jewell I~~%IO~ ./. //(J From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, March 15 , 2004 3:24 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, March 15, 2004 3: 23: 32 Case: Idaho Power Request for Rate Increase Name: Peter LipovacStreetAddress: Rt. 3, Box 282 City: Blackfoot State: Idaho ZIP: 83221 Home Telephone: 208 785 4790E-Mail: pa10srv. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: Comment=descriptIon: I am against any rate increase structure increase presented by Idaho Power. and I am especially against the rate The monthly minimum access fee should stay exactly where it is. Raising it to $10 would be a great hardship to me and people like me who are on a very limited income and this action does absolutely nothing to encourage conservation. If there must be an increase, it should be only for those who use more than 1000 kilowats/mo.., at that level , a tiered increase should be considered. Again , I am against any increase at all and the IPUC ought to do more to encourage conservation and Transaction 10: 3151523. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 67.72.98. User Hostname: 67.72.98. Jean Jewell 3/,g/b Y 11o From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 16 200410:10 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:10:11 AM Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Mindy Earl Street Address: 2530 Big Canyon Road City: Rockland State: Idaho ZIP: 83271 Home Telephone: 208-548-2721 E-Mail: mindy&dallypost. com Company: Idaho Powermailinglistyesno: Comment description: I feel that the rate increase Idaho Power is requesting is outrageous! I know prices and needs increase but I do not believe that Idaho has grown to the extent that Idaho Power is stating. If power companies would take care of their own first and then if there was excess power, then sell it, My appreciatin for farmers and ranchers has grown tremendously since I moved to Idaho in 1997. They are extremely hard workers but don t get the support they need from their home states or the nation, We should rely on them for our needs, not other countries. The rate increase for irrigation that is proposed would harm our ranchers and farmers greatly. Don t do it! Transaction 10: 3161010. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform, dIll ipucUser Address: 12.160.225. User Hostname: 12.160.225. Jean Jewell ~/6 11cJ , H From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:02 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:02:22 AM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Tim Lynard Street Address: 4319 N. 2450 City: Filer State: 10 ZIP: 83328 Home Telephone: 208-326-4112E-Mail: tlynard0northrim. net Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: noComment=descriptlon: ~ow come IP is always asking for rate increases. The last big jump a couple of years ago went up about 25%. Then all the employees got a 10% bonus. Their employees are already well paid for as it is, I know many of their emplyees and none of them seem to complain about the wage structure. I agree with cost of living adjustments but a 10% bonus and then raising rate constantly and asking us to pay for club memberships and other perks is ridiculous. Transaction 10: 316802.Referred by: http: I Iwww. puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: 56.84.111 User Hostname: 56.84.111 Jean Jewell I~ ::*1/0'/v1q From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Tuesday, March 16, 20048:15 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 5:30 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya Clark WWW Form Submission: Monday, March 15, 2004 5:29:39 PM Name: Marlene Terry Street Address: 2630 N. Shoveler Way City: Meridian State: ID ZIP: 83642 Home Telephone: 208-855-2093 Work Telephone: 208-465-8172 E-Mail: mterry~idahopress. com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Idaho Power Local Provider: Contacted utility: Complaint description: I strongly obj ect to the consideration of the Idaho Public Utility Commission to approve a rate increase for Idaho Power in order that they will be able to pass along to customersthe cost of such things as $322,000, in legal expenses to defend an energy trading case before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commisson, $24 490, to join Chambers of Commerce across Idaho, $7,200, for memberships to the exclusive Arid Club for four executive officers at Idaho Power, $3,967 , for memberships to various Rotary clubs, $1,689, for memberships to Kiwanis clubs and $246, 048, for dues to the Edison ElectricInsti tute in Wash, D, C., which lobbies on behalf of utili ties. That Idaho Power would take advantage of the customers whom they serve in such a manner is appalling, to say the least! Transaction ID: 3151729, Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc, state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dill cons User Address: Hostname: DON~T LET IDAHO POWER PUT PROFITS OVER PEOPLE! Low-income families in Idaho struggle to make ends meet every month. Now Idaho Power wants to pump up its rates with both an interim increase and a 19. permanent hike for residential customers -- including quadrupling monthly servicecharges! These changes will mean real pain for low-income families in Idaho. The IPUC should act in the public interest and deny the hikes. IPUC: PULL THE PLUG ON THE RATE INCREASE! Signaturell~J ~t-LI L7 ~-rL.- Idaho Community Action Network 3450 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 Phone: 208.385.9146 Toll-free: 866.385.9146