HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040116Comments.pdfJean Jewell To: Subject: Jean Jewell FW: LP. proposed rate hike -----Original Message----- From: Karen Turner (mail to: stingding0pmt. orgJ Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:07 PM To: Tonya Clark Subj ect: I. P. proposed rate hike I read today that Idaho Power wants to raise their rates by 17.7 %, whining that they haven t had a rate hike in ten years.the costs of having built new power plants (where?) and whatnot. How can they get away with BS'ing citizens like that? (or 2000?) when they raised everyone s rates according to how much power theyused? I live in a little house out in the country and was payiing $35-$40 per month (I have oilheat) until IP got that increase approved. Now I have to pay $75 to $100 per month. I suppose they have some way of twisting things around so they don have to call what they did raising rates, but it works out the same for the consumer anayway, doesn t it.then, IPsaid this "temporary " increase was to cover costs for providing for future power needs of the state. haven t had a hike since 1993, so they need a big one now.are idiots? Well , maybe not idiots-- just extremely forgetful. Evidently... they haven t had a rate hike, then what has happened to all this money consumers have been paying out for the last four years? Does anyone ever follow up on their spending? all these funds that IP is now not calling a rate hike. some CEO' (and associated cohorts) pockets. a fair service,but IP's gluttonous ways need to be stopped. You can squeeze only so much blood out of a turnip, and this turnip needs to keep just a little to pay the other fat cats aswell. This is so disgusting. greed, I could just puke. Please, please, please, don grant this request from I Everyone elsehas to be held responsible and learn to manage their money in the best way to SERVE THE PUBLIC. Maybe it's time Idaho Power towed the line aswell. Maybe the fat cat' s bonuses should be trimmed back , and they should have live like everyone else. I know I'm not the only one who feels thisway. Thanks for your time. Karen Turner(stingding0pmt. org) This is supposedly to help defray What are they calling what they did in 1999 What's happened to your own electric bill?Back Well, here it is, the future, and now they say they Do they they consumers d really like to see an accounting of m so sick of paying to line I don t mind paying a fair price for This is such a great example of pure Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, January 16, 2004 1 :44 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, January 16, 2004 1:44:10 AM Case: Name: Robert Furtkamp Street Address: 775 Yellowstone #153 City: Pocatello State: Idaho ZIP: 83201 Home Telephone: 208 232 5784 E-Mail: robert0furtkamp. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: yes Comment descriptIon: In regards to Idaho Power s base rate increase proposal , I'd like tosee the utility be held more accountable on issues of customer service and providing service to the poor and less fortunate that is more in line with what other nationalutili ties provide. For instance, Idaho Power " Payment Plan" for those who fbr one reason or another fall behind on their bill is far inferior to any other state or company s I have ever encountered living all over the United States. I'd like to see concrete, realistic guidelines for what exactly a "reasonable " payment plan offered to customers is, instead of leaving it strictly up to the utility. This is, after all , a monopoly that customers are dealing with. It's one thing to raise rates if that increase is truly necessary, but it should also come wi th benefits to the consumer, to the community, and to those whose only real choice for power is through the monopoly enj oyed by Idaho Power. I also must question whether this permanent rate increase is necessary given the last year s rate reduction. Just a few months ago, my radio was full of advertisements telling Idaho consumers how much their electricity bills were going to fall. If the company is as strapped for cash as claimed, then I must wonder (a) why they felt compelled to spend money to advertise a rate cut that they must have been aware would be recinded in spades in a short period of time, and (b) why there is such a disparity between the rates being billed and the adjusted rates for the last several years. I understand that the company has a right to earn a reasonable profit, but at the same time, I would like to see a greater elaboration of what is expected of the company as well as what's expected of the customers. It I s time to tie this rate increase, whatever it will be, to specific improvements in service and strict accountability, and I believe it is in the best interest of the state its citizens, and Idaho Power itself to make concrete improvements in a wide variety ofareas. Transaction 10: 116144.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll / ipucUser Address: User Hostname: