HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040115Comments.pdf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CrestlinejBest Drycleaners, .LLC Diane Winn Owner 3815 Overland Rd. : 208.344.4402 e-wttiU/E-t5t e-ttf\,ntr5 lO4 ;~8 ~;~~~:~6 Rd. Your all season cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 12, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 To Whom It May Concern: As a small business owner, I am asking you to carefully decide on whether or not Idaho Power needs another rate increase. Back in 2001 , they took a rate increase; It was very hard to take all the increases in utilities; it was even harder to explain to my clients why we had to take a rate increase. The problem is that the increase in utilities really affects everyone and everything that they buy. By the time I buy supplies for my Dry-Cleaning stQre. I will see a rate increase for those supplies and I will see a rate increase for my rent, and I will see a rate increase in utilities. I then have to turn around and charge my clients accordingly. It.makes it very hard 0111Ci~al smaH busillt::s:s that work very hard to make it. The small commercial companies get hit the hardest. I have two of those small commercial companies along with a home. For myself power is a big expense with an average of $700.00 per month, or $8 400 per year. Please think of the small person when making this decision. Sincerely, ~. LJ~ Diane K. Sielaff- Winn Owner CrestlinelBest Cleaners Homeowner NOISJ,I~H'JO1 S3Unun11 ..1 ..f). tJ!:I +.' h I)Hc.. '0 hll -1"011 'iUU... GJ'i!:: .J,..:J ' /ED\ t. t. \;. I_. January 7, 2004 FILED Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0300 2004 J~;N 12 Pr'1 3: U iJ UUUC LiTjLiT IES COr'111JSSION Re: Idaho Power Dear Commissioners: Idaho Power is requesting an almost 20% rate hike for their residential customers. They claim an increase in housing and resulting demand for power is driving this. How can that be? Wouldnt it stand to reason the larger customer base would cover the cost for adding additional power sources? From what I read in the newspapers and hear on television Idaho Power charges expenses off to the customer and keeps the profits for their many unregulated "companies" or divisions. They have also in the past paid some of their executives large bonus amounts. They also propose a $10.00 "service fee . For what? Why should the customer be forced to pay to do business with them? I thought $2.50 was too much for a service fee. My mother s and my only source of income Social Security. My mobile home is 30 years old, hers is 27 years old. Mom was able to have the Canyon County Office on Aging weatherize her home and later, have some new windows installed. I was able to obtain a long term loan ftom the Department of Water Resources and have my windows replaced. I did not meet the guidelines for weatherization. The work we have had done has helped a great deal. However, mobile homes as old as ours are expensive to heat and ours are all electric. In past years we have had electric bills of over #300.00 for one month. There are thousands of residents on low income with high heating costs. Please consider us when you decide an increase for Idaho Power. Again, 20% increase plus the $10.00 "service fee" is far too much, please work out a fair and reasonable increase, if any. Dad and Mom qualified for the heating assistance program, now that he is no longer in the home it's doubtful Mom will qualify. We have an appointment next week to apply for assistance. I do not qualify. I keep my thermostat on 60 degrees, even then my power bill is high. Please negotiate a lower rate increase. Respectfully, 17864 Homedale Rd. ' Caldwell, ill 83607 . . Jan 07 04 12: 2410 Sunbe 1 t Renta 1 12088843186 10. - ."'---' -_...... ... ...., ... "... ....._.._..~-------~.. ~_.._oo .. , ...-.....oo.......- :""'..----------..--..,.- Inquiry/Com plaint Form Your name . ........._--~=-~~;;'~~"~~:~.-......--..---...-.......--............ . ~.(). Address 13961 Country Way (Fa Box 2445) ....-.....--..-.--....-. . .. . ""'-'-""-"'.--"---."-.' r-"- - ' ,"'. oo. ....- ."'-'-_...__..__........--_ ~N.--City M::CaIl .:cO g3~Jt "---,--'-'" .-----...-....... ;~i- u~ili; Comp ~~~- ~er -~......'-"- """"'OO"'---'-"r' " ""~- IfTelephone/Local Provider ""'--------"'" .--.------.-.... . T-""'---'--""'" - .Have you contacted the ntility Yesregarding your concern? Business Address .--oo ------.--....- .oo. ""'.__n___..._--Business Phone .n. .-.. ....' _. . I FEEL THAT THE PROPOSED RATE INCREASE BY IDAHO POWER IS UNJUSTIFIED. THEY ARE FIRST STILL MAKING A PROFIT DURING YEARS WHEN OTHER COMPANIES WERE DECLARING BANKRUPTCY .. HAVING EMPLOYEE LA YOFFS. DOWNSIZING, ETC. SECOND, THE PROPOSED INCREASE IN SERVICE CHARGE FROM $2.51 TO $10 IS REDICULOUS. POWER BILLS IN MC CALL ARE ALREADY VERY HIGH DUE TO THE COLD WEATHER. PEOPLE UP THERE GENERALLY ARE LOW INCOME OR RETIRED AND ON LIMITED INCOME. BELIEVE THIS PLUS THEBASE RATE INCREASE WOULD CAUSE TIlE AVERAGE PERSON UP THERE A HARDSHIP. I DO NOT FEEL THAT IDAHO POWER SHOULD INCREASE BOTH TIlE BASE RATE AND SERVICE RATE. WHY NOT INCREASE THE BASE RATE SLIGHTLY AND SEE HOW MUCHMORE REVENUE THAT GENERATES IN THE YEAR. THEY REVIEW ANY FURTHER NEED TO INCREASE ANYTHING. I OPPOSE IDAHO POWER'S TWO FOLD RATE INCREASE ~. ~ ~ ~- 5 dJ~ ~ ~ .j\I# JI\ \r J4- ~ .2.. ~ ~ .:+ G'Ir- ~ '\-0 +- ~~ ' ~LAJ~~*:.Jcr~~-J%Jit~it. t) -~9-tJ3 . u u ~- aMonf ;L 7Jl !T ~./ J. ~...~1A ~:J.j .~ 'dH2~ML gcr-~~ ~~u -II~ W?2-. ~~- ~.- ~/9 9%~.._dA~ ~/JifCb~ ~aL.- ~?- /)1 ~ J;;:F'~ ~_... ... .. .'&~~ Ch&L/~~ ... tC/~~_n . ... --- n_~W~ fl~ ~. bLf--w~UJ.u ~fo;..~ fl. ~ ~. ~rt)tl-tvqO r~n ~ ~ ...-.. . u - . - .- et:~62./D.u./r 36 d-r t$J ~37/fL . . .pH.. _- ...... '...-. .-. "0-'0...-.. -. .. .... ... ""'. ..--. -..... _.... .....-... -- ... .- -. .,.-,,"-'.. ".. . oo" . -.._....". .. --. C. "..-.,;:.:~ ::D E.:' -: ~ ;- r- ~ '1 -.,\.:. .."","""-::. . ::;1:;' ~ U) ,"::: .... G:\ ~fi (;) C:::.. C./') €;)... nf7" 2t W 1.-1E:li "H.. "'.---. Mrs. Elizabeth Slater 5834 Woodcross Dr. , , Boise, ID 83716 ",",y , .- l8) I " , \ \~?f:G.EbMFD! : ,J&J"0 -- "--...... L~/:Z' air!~~EU , LJ J, tJ u) o.,aL 2UfiltJAN I S ~M~: 3 I ~ah lJnL fdts--j COf'1lii ~~S\(3N ~~ )f ~~ fi~ p~ bftvrUJ t& /1, tJ ~~; $d~Ii)~~ i:~~ ~c;t; -ry. ~~ ik, t':-'-'t ~ ~. tfI ~~ -- ::::t:;;~~~;jbAJk--J/~dA-u dft/ ffi ~~k4'~:,ff-.jW~~::~t~~J.1i/k ft ~i!:;t /rYUif. ~e7~ ';f ~--' fi.d- ~~. ~~~4tMfJr-rr/ll14ll~hv ~f)~E~~J-~ ~CMt/-- jJ$~'f1::; Bruce & Sherry Ripley , 832 Fruitwood PI " . - , Ef1gle 8~616-~106- r:: """'" 6'" ~; :~,,~,..~--- F(ECEI\lED ITJ~ll~~OM \Mf\Hsf17 \' \ 0 ~ ~- ~Jt~~i4-~ 0...~N \/Yv-.J. L'7--\... \'QA "'Z~ ~~$;--- \2-~-0-~- , ~- 0.- ~ ~ -d ~------- -- -- ----- 0- ~C&., ~~-~----- -- ---_u_----~ ~1~_ .~----- ---- ---~-- -:='. -- - -~..- -----~------ ..---~~~ - - ~ o\r0 '-D\.~ .cc~ ,--- \ 5-00 92 - -C'.~~--LD.- ~-- --1-~ ~~- '-.5L V'-Q_Cb~::J --~~\. Li.: ~ ~---- ci ~~Y"+v.)\_ ~__ ~c-- -.r L~~ ~--.. --,-- ---.. ~~~ -- c- 'L_ ~\~c:;.cyo" .~_n_ ~ - - ik-:d~ -\-~ "- IJ'-TD -\----.Q \J.~- ~ '-- -- _n , ' _ -- G-_..sL_ . ~~--- Q-T C2.~ ~~~__- - ~. ~o 'L ' --- W~J~ ~\~ \0 '\ \. n- ----------2~-..J ef'\WD- , /._ L__'o 2--_n_ "- --===== n '\:.J' ~_'. ----~~~~-~~-_ D'42..~W1tt--- ---~~~=- "--- ----------- Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, January 15, 2004 11 :22 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:22:19 AM Case: Name: MORGAN GONZALEZ Street Address: 317 e Lake. st. #a City: McCall State: ID ZIP: 83638 Home Telephone: 634-6390 E-Mail: wavcravme0yahoo. com Company: IDAHO POWERmailinglist _yes _no: yes Comment description: Why in the world would McCall residents travel to Caldwell. On one day notice. Don t we use enough power, pay enough in electric bills to have our own workshop? We are on our own system up here aren t we? The problem we see is that the greater treasure valley is growing and we have to pay for it. That doesn t seem fair. Our service isn t scheduled for upgrade, is it? Only those living in the Boise area willnotice any significant changes. We, though, will share in an equal raise in our rates for the upgrades that they will benefit from. How is this fair? Here in the Valley, Weiser and northern counties who are not experiencing the growth. Still suffer with outages and are at the mercies of the great Idaho Power god. So, explain to me why we can t have ourown workshop? I've been at this for a good period of time, have paid my bills diligently, have even upgraded my lights to flourescent to save money and power. Just so they could raise my rates. How much are they paying you to quaIl the anger of their subscribers? What kind of perks, kick backs are you getting? Why? .. WHY? . . Why are the salaries of the executi ves at I. P. so FAT. How is it that they can post profits, yet still need money? Why isn t the greater Treasure Valley area absorbing the costs of upgrades? Why is that when a power outage happens in my area it takes so long to fix? I know that if my company, which I own one, claims a profit I do customers by raising their rates. I don t tell them that if you do money, but I am going to charge you more if you do it. I will agree they deduct the increases from the last 10 years first. Transaction ID: 1151122. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 170.215.74. User Hostname: 170.215.74. not punish my this, you will save to a rate increase if Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:45 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:44:36 AM Case: Name: Marilyn Butcher Street Address: 108 N. Rowena Ci ty: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: 83651 Horne Telephone: (208) 466-1288 E-Mail: butcherhparkemar~qwest. net Company: Idaho Power Co.mailing list yes no: no Comment _description: I would like to enter a VERY DEFINITE no complaint to Idaho Power trying to increase home electrical rates by 19%. I am on Social Security and my increase this year was 2%, then the Medicare portion was increased by about 6%, negating any SSraise. Where does Idaho Power think people like me are going to raise the additional money for their increase? Naturally, since there is no competitor for me to turn to, I have absolutely no recourse, do I? I feel this requested increase is overwhelming greed, especially at a time like this when so many are out of work or on a fixed income as am PLEASE, PLEASE do not allow this increase. Thank you Marilyn Butcher Transaction 10: 1151044. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. us I scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 207.225.34. User Hostname: 207.225.34. To whom it may concern RE: Idaho Power customer fee First of all let me qualify myself. I am a homebuilder from the Boise Valley and Registered Master Builder. We build all of our homes to Energy Star standards (2001 Gemstar builder of the Year). We go to great lengths so find the best possible ways to build the most Energy efficient homes possible and stay within the financial boundaries of the market place. All of our homes exceed energy code specifications by 30% or more, and are still very competitive in the marketplace. This did not happen by accident. To get were we are took over four years of research and diligence. Our goal is to be the premier Energy Star builder in the Northwest region. We build this way for many reasons. One of course is market separation but that is not the only reason. I attended the Idaho Energy conference a few years back and really got a good perception of how our impending growth in the Northwest would impact the power generation of the future. I also grasped the concept of how conservation and investing in conservation actually cash flowed in the eyes if Idaho Power. Face it we wont be building anymore dams, coal is not favorable, nuclear is an apparent no no, there is a huge projected shortfall of domestic natural gas not to mention the not in my backyard mentality (i.e. Middleton generation facility). This being said I would like at least the qualification of layman. The proposed "customer fee" or flat rate will harm conservation efforts, is an unfair overcharge to the lower income and a big favor to the highest income. ALL fees need to be in direct correlation to usage. A resident of a smaller home may have a $30 power bill based on today s rates and using a fictitious flat rate of $1 0 His bill just took a 33% jump. But in a larger home of $200 per month usage a $10 add is only 5%. If a politician proposed this he would be drawn and quartered before the words left his mouth. I consider this approach to economics semi-socialism and in this case the rich are taking from the poor. By producing an artificially low price conservation efforts are sabotaged. Untold millions in federal grants have been earmarked to promote conservation and the return on the investment has been poor at best. The reason in my opinion it has not been a shining success is because in many cases energy efficiency does not cash flow. The "Green philosophy to conservation truly impacts but a fraction of Americans. But the "green back" gets all of our attention. With completely usage based pricing the economic value to conservation grows because savings grow. I say let supply and demand determine the setting of ones thermostat, or the type of light bulbs they purchase, or the type of homes they buy. This is not a theory but a proven economic fact. Consider the types of cars being built at the start of the 70s and at the end of the 70s BIG difference in economy. Not because the ozone layer, global warming or the rainforests but Americans pocketbooks demanded it! The American dollar is the truest and most honest form of democracy, people vote for what they accept with it every day. Idaho Power has done a very good job keeping the Northwest supplied with the lowest KWHr prices in the nation for years. But if ends don t meet raise the KWHr prices until they do. Don t implement this ridiculous, misleading "customer fee" it hurts lower income families and counteracts dollars spent on conservation (paid by taxpayers). Idaho power may have to say they are among the lowest prices per KWHr nation wide, but better to swallow a little pride than tell a Clinton. Do you pay a hookup fee when you pump gasoline? Do you get a show up fee when you go to work? It is all supply and demand. PS. the same goes for Int. Gas Respectfully submitted Walt Holton Holton Homes Nampa Id. 1/13/04