HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031125Comments.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, November 24 , 2003 7:07 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, November 24, 2003 7:07:15 PM Case: Idaho Power Rate Increase Request Name: Chad Covert Street Address: Ci ty: Pocatello State: IO ZIP: /3201 Home Telephone: E-Mail: Company: Idaho Powermailing1istyesno: no Comment description: I am opposed to the "per meter " customer charge increase, which is exhorbitant as it will negate my economic incentive/ability to conserve energy and unfairly burden my monthly personal household budget. I am not opposed to a (modest) increase, just to it being added as a flat increase on the base over which my conservation efforts have no effect. Thank you. Transaction IO: 11241907.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, November 24, 2003 12:05 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, November 24, 2003 12: 05: 22 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Eric Munz Street Address: 4066 N. Pennfield Place City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 208-377-4852 E-Mail: ermunz~juno.com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptlon: I want to express my concern over the size of Idaho Power requested rate increase. They say it is needed because of the costs to increase the infrastructure to provide service to their growing customer base. Ooesn t that customer base pay for their service? Aren t infrastructure costs factored into everyone s bill? If Idaho Power has an expanding customer base that requires increasing the infrastructure, then it stands to reason that they should also be experiencing a increase in revenue streams due to this expanding base. Idaho Power is requesting a 17.7% average increase to base rates. But, when you also factor in the increase in the customer charge from $2. 51/month to $10. OO/month, the increase for the average residential customer grows to 28.7%. In either case, I consider this increase excessive. In an economy where many workers are fortunate to have a job, and few wage increases are being provided by employers, I find this huge increase to beunconscionable. Transaction IO: 11241205. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Monday, November 24 , 2003 8:09 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 11: 03 To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Saturday, November 22 , 2003 11:02:59 AM Name: timothy j shields Street Address: 180 linke ct Ci ty: kuna State: idaho ZIP: 83634 Home Telephone: 922-1573 Work Telephone: E-Mail: Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: idaho powerLocal Provider: Contacted utili ty: Complaint description: i see no reason for idaho power to raise power rates and comuster service charges at this time when the company stock price reflects the company is making a decent profit i am dead against the 10 dollor monthy servi ve charge and proposed rate increases i want you to oppose theses increases at this time. mr timothy j shields Transaction ID: 11221102. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll cons User Address: 152.163.253. User Hostname: 152.163.253. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Monday, November 24, 2003 8:07 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 6: 55 To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Sunday, November 23, 2003 6:54:48 PM Name: craig e siler Street Address: rt#2 box 24k City: pocatello State: idaho ZIP: 83202 Home Telephone: 208-237-8232 Work Telephone: E-Mail: crgansonia~cableone. net Home Business: Both Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: idaho powerLocal Provider:Contacted utility: No Complaint description: I think idaho power has a lot of nerve trying to get another rate increase. Not only on the home power which is around 17% but the irrigation rate is more like 25% according to their news letter. When is this going to stop!!! The farmers can hardly afford to irrigate let alone heat their homes with these rediculous rates. I am scared to think of the elderly with fixed incomes. Idaho Power is not kidding anybody. They get revenue back on every private pole now where they did not before. I think it is time that the utility commition put them down in their place. Time to end corporate greed. Next time we talk about rate increases lets look at their profits for the year. I would bet they dont want to talk about that. thanks for your time craig siler Transaction ID: 11231854. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll consUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Friday, November 21 , 2003 8:04 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 11:47 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Thursday, November 20, 2003 11:46:47 PM Name: kim naaf Street Address: 11367 hinsdale ct City: boiseState: id ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 375-8266 Work Telephone: 947-6656 E-Mail: knaaf~hotmail. com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: idaho powerLocal Provider:Contacted utility: yes Complaint description: regarding idaho powers ' request to raise rates by 17.7 percent: just one thing i think you should look into and take into consideration before this is potentially approved--please find out just how much they have spent this year on advertising day and night on all local radio and television stations with their "whats driving your rates " campaign. earlier in the year, they were advertising all day on theradio and on t. v. about how the power rates were dropping, and why they were dropping. and it occurred to me the more i heard these advertisements, that if they continued advertising like that, it wouldnt take long before they would want to raise the rates just to cover that expense. indeed--it took less than 6 months. of course, they would rather have us believe that they installed miles and miles and miles of power lines and didnt bill anyone and now they need to recover those expenses. well , they haven t really slowed down on their advertising--now instead of telling us the rates are dropping, they telling us they want more money and they re encouraging us to read the insert in our power bill detailing the reason for their rate increase. would not a simple insert in the power bill alone be sufficient enough to alert the public about what is truly driving our rates? all the needless tv and radio air time is what is driving our rates--i, for one, would really like to know exactly how much i and the rest of the public at large has paid for this advertising campaign of theirs. Transaction IO: 11202346. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll / consUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, November 20 20033:10 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, November 20, 2003 3:09:53 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Patricia Williams Street Address: 7633 W. Prince Ci ty: Boise State: IO ZIP: 83714 Home Telephone: 208-853-9029E-Mail: tap~rmci. net Company: mailing list yes no: no Comment descriptIon: I have no obj ection to the Idaho Power rate increase request, but I strongly object to their proposed 400 percent service charge increase (from $2.51/mo. to$10. OO/mo). I think it's very unreasonable and designed to make their rate increase look more reasonable. I hope the Commission looks at this very carefully. Transaction ID: 11201509. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 216.222.11. User Hostname: 216.222.11. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Thursday, November 20 , 2003 1 :02 PM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 12:42 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Thursday, November 20, 2003 12:42:26 PM Name: XENIA WILLIAMS Street Address: 98 NO. 100 W. City: JEROME State: IO ZIP: 83338 Home Telephone: 208-3247613 Work Telephone: RETIRED E-Mail: XENIAWILLIAMS~WEBTV. NET Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: IOAHO POWERLocal Provider:Contacted utility: NoComplaintdescription: I UNOERSTANO THE PUC HAS BEEN REQUESTEO BY IOAHO POWER FOR A RATE INCREASE. TODAY, ANO RECENTLY OTHER OAYS, ARTICLES HAVE APPEARED IN THE NEWSPAPER STATING IOAHO POWER IS REPORTING EXCESSIVE INCOME. THE PEOPLE IN IOAHO HAVE NO EXCESSIVE INCOME. WE ARE HIT BY INCREASES ALL THE TIME. BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. IDACORP IS WEALTHY ANO IDAHO POWER REPORTS HIGH INCOME SOI HOPE YOU OON' T APPROVE THEIR REQUEST., THE PEOPLE JUST SIMPLY CAN'T AFFORD IT. LOTS OF BANKRUPTCIES REPORTEO OAILY. PRESCRIPTIONS ARE FAR TOO EXCESSIVE IN PRICE. FOOO HAS GONE UP. GAS HAS GONE UP (IOAHO CHARGES MORE FOR GAS THAN ALMOST ANY OTHER STATE). PEOPLE HERE CANNOT AFFORO TO MAKE IOAHO POWER ANY RICHER. Transaction 10: 11201242. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll cons User Address: 209.240.205. User Hostname: 209.240.205. - .-- - ---..- - --- /2.oY:2/~(23___- /) ~ AA /J hJ. . . lvI~ I.-- ~~~ --------~--- -- ------- --- --- - -- - -~~ ~~--~----~- -- --- _n C___ --_._--- iL~ ~- ___-~:::-.~.._. .. -- ~ --' -- ::f:;; t;;;:;;::L ~~,?~,-j~-"~~- n__- _n__ ~-- r;;~ ~--~~~ ~- 74 ~-P-. ~ &~--/ C:L ~- b~~~ zk ~ . 4d fi; ~ ~~~~. 62 ~A~jIM--a. _n- -. L'U) -4-~A_n. -- - ~ '-- 'A /-f. /~ /_---+- ~d~~JI - - n --.Y - -- ~-- - - ~/!:~ -~ ~-~- (Z~ f?/- ~ 4~ ~______n d:::b: I '1'7 955" 31 3 -____~_______-:;,-------------~-~ '- ~tI/~-??1.) RECEIVED m. B.J. Rental~~:~v25 AM~ 4950 Yellowstone * Pocatello , ID 83202 ~O$~u23?-1266 UTIL!~OMf'1ISSI0f1 ~\~:~. CtNY\. ~ %- ~ ~0-L to c:1~,Jw \)~ ~ 1~~L~b ~A4Ju? ~j)~ ot~~oQQ ~ ~ ~JJ ~ ~ ~ QM.J oJJ Cl NA.oJ2 JI'Y1ti!Vl 0. ~ ~ ti'ltct Q/ OJV\- C!-~. Llb ~a.Q -uu-w tUK Mia.A.D ex. ct(th . . u)~ (1;\L ~ ~Q ~ m f:r D.M. CL~I &UJ) ~~. ~t LW p~ ~ ~ ~k&~ ~1tJ/D ~vVY\~ ~io(ljJ.J .'i( d C!JAoAVf- ~3 r., ~. ~ i put- -f to,DO fh1 --Co ~"1o ub. I;) ~ fu.-w- 4- q -Mf fVL ~~ J; a.O ~. ~ ~ ~j M. CVI'l o\ wJuM W-!' 1:0 ~~ aLl euQ; ClAd- ~,LM..f"" . D:Nru-- . '' ~. ~. J!)wWrutiW f ~!e~c11~~ ~' -===- Springfield, Idaho Nov. 17, 2003 HECEIVED riLED Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, Idaho 2003 tim! 24 Af1 9: UTILITIE~/COr'1J'1/~SmN Dear Sirs; I am writmg concernmg a proposed rate mcrease by Idaho Power Company. They claim to have added 100 000 customers smce 1993. That means they had 300 000 customers prior to that date. I am wondering why all of these new additions have not generated enough mcome to cover much of the cost of their improvements. They also give the impression that they have not had a rate mcrease m the past decade. Can this be true? My residential bill has shown many rate mcreases mcluding the strange three tiered bill of two winters ago. A 19 % mcrease m rates is a large mcrease. Raismg the rates during summer months will be hard for Idaho irrigators that pwnp from the ground. We have seen our daily average temperature increase the past several years which has mcreased the demand for air conditioning all over Idaho. Electrical power is as necessary for our lives now as the basic shelter and food. I hope you will be very conservative in granting them additional rate mcreases. Keep in mind that Ida Corp was listed on the Fortune 500 last year and so they must be domg quite well compared to the rest the economy. Those of us who live m all electric houses shouldn't throw stones but we are concerned about paying higher rates when we live on a fixed income. Thank you, Joyce Claunch Box 85 Springfield, Idaho HECE IVEO fl1 fiLED 2mB t40\! 2 \ AM 8:2' KentILoretta Kirk 2410 Kirk Lane Payette, Id 83661\UdUC UTILYflES COrWHSSION November 20, 2003 Idaho PUC Com. 472 W. Washington Boise, Id 83720 Dear PUC Commissioners; We wish to go on record of being greatly opposed to Idaho Power request to the IPUC for an approval rate adjustment of the current rates. We are greatly concerned with Idaho Power s suggested increase in electricity costs for farm irrigation. Under present farming costs compared to market return, farmers can not absorb any additional costs and stay in business. Farmers are already cutting their expenses to the limit and we expect Idaho Power to do the same under the present economical environment. Our rent on the fann stays the same but all the expenses (taxes, water power and new pumps) all keep raising. We are land poor. One of the reasons we are afloat right now is because we had to leave our apples hang in '91 (China flooded the market) and now we ve sold that high ground off because we can t afford to pump water to it. Please do what you can in this matter. Sincerely,/!~J?~