HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031119Comments.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, November 19, 2003 8:41 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 8:40:46 AM Case: IPCO Name: frank fiaschetti Street Address: City: ketchum State: 10 ZIP: 83340 Home Telephone: 208 622-3075 E-Mail: frank1230cox-internet. comCompany: IOPC . ::-- mailing list yes no :~yes ~ Comment description :~ase continue to be suspect of requested conpany Approx. 5 million in the black. There are several hundred private companiies in this state that would like to haveprofits. rate hikes from a Transaction 10: 1119840. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Jean Jewell Wednesday, November 19, 20032:12 PM Jean Jewell Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Monday, November 17 , 2003 9:41 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Monday, November 17 , 2003 9: 40: 32 Name: Brandon Street Address: Behrens City: Boise State: 10 ZIP: 83704 Home Telephone: 323-1909 Work Telephone: E-Mail: bdbehrens10juno.com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Idaho PowerLocal Provider:Contacted utility: yes Complaint description: Why does Idaho Power Does it matter how much our "base " bill has money, which means that I pay for it in the pay for advertisments regarding electricity. changed? I think that it is just a waistlong run through higher rates. Transaction 10: 11172140. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll consUser Address: 67.23. User Hostname: 67.23. ijECEIVE9 0FILED John Gale, VP Pricing & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company Z083 NOV 19 AM 8: 411 P. o. Box 70 Boise, Idaho, 83707 November 17,2003 IDAiiQ PUBUC UTILITIES COt1r-lISSfON Dear Sir I have read with interest your "Cost and Investment Recovery" justification for electrical rate increases and ftankly disagree with your logic. Your seem to mostly justify the increase to be able to serve larger numbers of customers (+100 000 in the last 10 years). I understand you had to spend money for inftastructure to serve them, but still the income ftom those larger number of customers should cover that cost and even give you economies of scale which should allow you to decrease overall rates. As you grow larger are you becoming less efficient? I believe your rate increase should only allow for inflation and gas price increases since 1993. You are already covered for the effect of dry weather on your production costs. Finally, why seasonal rates? Has this changed over the last 10 years? Customers, and I believe Idaho Power, are best served with consistent, predictable rates through out the year. Everybody concerned can then do a better job ofbQdgeting their income and expense. Sincerely yours A. -'11 j~-~ G. Neil Buttram 5176 N. Blackbird Way Boise, Idaho 83714 Cc:Idaho Public Utifities Commission ;;/ POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720.0074 Timothy Thomsen 1011 12th St S Nampa ID 83651. ~ \-\- ~C.eAjh- ~ ~cJl~Lf D-p(O'SS~ -\D +lrUL (\ u.;J /'0-- c.r CL$ ~ bV\, ~~~0 PDu.J~ (. fh'1 Br ~~ f.s. 9O/!\an 0\ neulLr ~o..J. (A cQ 10 C I Q. o,S..Q ( ~ (C Ct~ W-( ~-e 1-0 n.tw qtt5 -tuJ'(\O.(lC!.( kJ(j k.r NOt kr .50 OUvf I'Ot te5 ,5/-v;uM/ ~CA~- 76 r1 ~ ~0 Io.v--J- 0~ v'\' +-ot :L Ot Pt/ +r I -e. fj/l- #-t- 'h t'~R.S-- iV'~ V'-Gt-j-t' ffZ-( ft I-- i--cc Ie ( 0 tt l'1 --117 /Vi () n~ a:: ~:!;o ell; h -j, 1-'h: f"\fc- x: sltolA-l~ fDrAV( for +~o~ uJ~(1) o..r( 1\-('1/,' C; ( j/\ RECEIVED FILED November 14, 2003 Re: Idaho Power Rate Request. 2303 NOY 18 AM 5:33 i:L'-i,' l"U8l..!CIdaho Public Uu1i!!mE~CIlffit9Mmijam Att. Mr Paul Kjeltander Paul I was pleased """ith the rejection of the ~Jashington Water Power request for an interim rate increase. I believe the Commission assessment of the company s financial condition is right on target. It may be some upward adjustment will be justified when the general 2004 rate increases are considered. However after reviewing the company s slick brochure covering its 2004 rate increases for residential customers sort of took my breath away. Example: Monthly service charge increase from $2.51 to $10.00. Added inferred increases add up to a stated increase of 1 9% for residential customers. The reason given for the this stiff increase is the 100,000 new customers over the last ten years. Obviously this has required added expenses. over -looked is the fact those new customers added new off setting revenue. Paul, another thing that caught my attention was the graph showing the yearly residential rate charges for 1994 through 2003. The years 2001 & 2002 show very substantial increases. As I recall these were Enron years when Idaho Power Corp. through a quickly established subsidiary dealt in power brokering; reselling power to Idaho power at inflated prices. I could be wrong but I think I recall The company had to return a lot of that money to its rate payers. Could it be the blotted current increase request is an effort to recoup that lost revenue? I am sure the Commission will be taking a good hard look at all aspects of the rate increase request. Sincere -~ tJC Joe mour 3717 Gekeler Ln #25 Boise, Id 83706 November 13, 2003 HECE1VED 11)FiLED 2uO3 r,ov t 8 I'M 8: 34 Ruth o. Warfield 4520 Clearview Dr. Boise, Id 83703 Hi j'uSL!C UnUl-IES COMr1lSSION Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Id 83707 Re: Rate change Attached is a history of my usage of power for the past year. The least amount was $16.40 and the most was $50.02. You have preached "conservation, conservation, conservation!!! I have conserved! I've tried really hard to use only the necessary power for my home. The most usage was while I was out of town on vacation in July-Aug, so I don t know what happened then. Remember that the charges I'm attaching are including the current "service charge" so my usage is much less than billed. NOW, you wish to charge me $10 per month for a service charge! I've been paying $2.51 for the service charge. Get outta here! You are increasing my bill TOO much. Please refer to the least amount of$16.40! What are you th1nk1ng? I wish to connect to another power company! I was raised on a rural farm long ago. I can go back to gas lanterns and no power. I have a fireplace and a cell phone. Goodby, Idaho Power. ff Cc: file Public Utilities Commission 11/13/2003 17:08 FAX 3886919 ~18& An IDACO'lP !COmD.tll'v Premise Billing History November 13, 2003 Warfield CUSTOMER SERVICE c'. ...... ,." .."..".. ;":,, Read Dale ;~'i l11r: 11/04/2003 1 0lO6l2OO3 !::i~ 0910412003 ::r'J 08II!iI2003 ::;:~1 07/f1112003 :!:: ; C .." ' 0610512003 ' C 05I0GI2003 : :::!: 0410712003 " , :; C 03/06/2003 f C 02/0412003 nE; r: 0110612003 \; 12/05/2002 1110512002 ;:::! 10107/2002 :: 09/0012002 '" C 08/0712002 SA T)Ipe ER. fA. EFI.AS ER. fA. EA. ER. EA-AS fA- ER-RS ER. ER- EA-AS EA- EA- EA. ,.""""",,"....'. ..,."'.."'...... ."",..,";"'. .., , ."'" "", ,"""".." ..""""".'..."" Oay$ ReadCode $Amount23 . $16.32 R t20.30 R $28.29 A $36,32 R $18.30 R $18.29 R $20,32 R $243D R $21,29 A $23.32 532.4530 A 530.29 521.7231 R S20,O()30 A $33.30 R $50, Usage 251_00 KWH 316,00 KWH 456.00 KWH 608.00 KWH 281i,QO KWH 279.00 KWH 278.00 KWH 333, 00 KWH 275.00 KWH 30B,00 KWH 440.00 KWH 405.00 KWH 282.00 KWH 253.00 KWH 449,00 KWH 701iDO KWH Demand aoo 0.00 ..."",."" u..slomer AuIh Welfield RUih Warfiefd Auth Warfield RulhW~1eId Ruth Wallield Ruth Warfield R IAh Warfield Ruth Wad'1efd Ruth We/field Rulh Warfield Ruth WMlield Ruth Warfield AulhWarfield Rulh VIa/field Rulh Warfield Ru/hWarfield ;;: ."::: "" :::i if': ~1: ::,,;:: ?;!i!( j;t~~~ ;;.:: ,."'::"". :: ., ,H, . . ~i: ::' ..:.J ' ~ 0011001 :::',,'. '. IDAHO~POWER An IDACORP Company WW.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at; O. Box. 30, Boise, ill 83721 Or call us at 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Page: 2 of 2 Customer Name: Accoullt Number: Billing Date: Print Date: RUTH WARFIELD 36894M714 10/08/2003 10/0912003 For faster service please call Tuesday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. 106;30 p. Service Agreement No: 8972496790 Service Location: 4520 CLEAR VIEW DR/BOISE, ID Next Read Date: 11/04/2003 Meter Service Period Number Reading Meter Readings Meter kWh Number From of Days Type Previous Current Constant Used 002E29271393 09/04/03 10/06/03 Regular 6850 7166 316 Residential Rate Schedule 101 Average Daily Use Comparison 09/04/2003 - 10/06/2003 32 days ...................... ............................................................ Customer Charge, per meter per month """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" Energy Charge 316 kWh (jj) $0.055342 per kWh ....................................................... $ Franchise Fee 1 % .........."...................................,............................................................. Conservation Program Funding Charge """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""', .30 Federal Columbia River Benefits Supplied by BPA .............................................."..... ' $0:15 CR Current Charges - Electric Service...............................................................-........... $20.35 This Month This Year:Days = kWh Billed = 316 kWh per Day = 9. This Month Last Year: "Days = kWh Billed = 253 kWh per Day = 8. CR = Credit BLC = Basic Load Capacity kWh = Kilowatt-hour G = Generation kW = Kilowatt * Available after 12 months of serviee at this location, . -.. ." . "- .--. 8il1If&If writing information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. ACCOWlt Number:3689406714 An IDACORP Company NEW CONTACT INFORMATION:PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Pk~ase add the amount indicated to my monthly bill.0$2 0$5 0$10 0$ Does Idaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? If not, please write any changes below: I would like to make a one-time contribution in theamount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share Tltlank you and please remember to track you tax-deductible donations.New Telephone Number: