HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031117Comments.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 ill RECFJ\1EO nLED , .. " 1'$' l~\n"O\l \ \% . ~t \.),' \:)\ ,v \Dt:\hJ i()t'\M\SS\ r 11\U1\tS G November 9, 2003 To Whom It May Concern; Idaho Power s proposed 19% rate increase and increase in the monthly service charge from $2.51 to $10.00 is simply too much, too fast, and too damaging to working families who are left with no other alternatives. Where is the justification for this? Is this just another Enron-style price gouging scheme that wi11line the pockets of a few CEOs? Idaho Power has not offered ratepayers a sufficiently intelligent explanation for this rate increase, and it sounds highly suspect. Please stand up for the working members ofthe public who cannot be there on Thursday the 13th due to work or other obligations and vote to proceed with the public review process. We cannot cave in to the demands of a monopoly corporation without a fight. This type of increase is absolutely too much and comes at the wrong time ofthe year. It targets small businesses and residential customers disproportionately. Vote no on the rate Increase. Sincerely, Un cob ~- H. Nelson tv J 50V\ ~M1ll bVtdl Audra Green 1315 N. 13th Boise, ill 83702 2llll31~OV 17 Ati 9: Idaho Public Utilities Commisstf. flH~~l.j UtjUC 472 W. Washington St. ILlTlt::i COMMiSSION Boise, Idaho 83702 RECEIVED r::-r::-n 12 November, 2003 Dear Regulators; What is this????? More gouging of the residential consumer so that the top 5- executives ofldaho Power Company can buy more houses, more boats, more expensive cars, have more mistresses, more jewelry, etc. at the expense of the low paid working stiff whom they don t give exorbitant raises to???? Maybe you haven t noticed but many people in this state are not working. Those who are, are working at low paying jobs or several jo bs to meet just very basic needs. Many others are efl:old people on low fIXed incomes and have no means of working like myself. We cannot afford to keep subsidizing these rich CEO's while nothing is left for us for our health care, medicines, or even a trip out of town once in a blue moon. We are FORCED to use electricity for there is no other means of cooking, reftigerating, heating, lighting except by use of wood or coal burning devices, which most of us do not have in our homes. And this type of device really can t be used in a city area because ofthe pollution that results ftom burning. And maybe you ve forgotten, burning is very ftequently banned. We might beable to use generators but they also create pollution and are noisy, which one s neighbors don t like since we are built right on top of one another. Idaho Power has been spending thousands of dollars on ads about how our rates went down this summer. Whoopee! They had gouged the hell out of us the previous 2 years over the phony energy crisis in California. (It was a put up deal by Enron insisting on the stockholders getting their money fIrst. That left California without money to buy the power, which then was sold as a shortage of power. That shortage never existed.) But we got to pay for it and fatten a lot of crook's pockets. Then Idaho Power had the ad about needing to add more meters. And now about the need to increase our costs because they added more meters. Since there is only one power company here they are wasting their money and then want more. Also, the phony deal about Idacorp being a parent company to Idaho Power is just that, a phony, paper deal that allows the same company to pay itself twice. Nice way to go for businesses but don t let the average Joe try it! Seems to me that when a business gets more customers they make more money. The expansion oflines is the cost of them doing their business and should already have been figured into the profit. And a $10.00 customer charge!? Where are you regulators sleeping at? You are not to be protecting ONL Y the businesses but also the consumer as well. I am not going to get that much increase in my little bit of social security. The ONL Y customer charge that I have ever seen even a little justification for, was the $2.50 charged by Intermountain Gas Company. That seemed to be justified as many, at the time, where using natural gas as heat and using nothing doing the warmer months of the year. But United Water, who charges nearly $13.50 per customer and goes up all the time for the French monopoly here, has no justification other than greed. That is the same justification for Idaho Power. They are receiving a pretty steady income ftom each meter all year round. Another thing that irks the hell out of me is th~ll the harping about conserving power. SOOOOO, what happens when you do? Why, you get to PAY MORE! I have to pay 15% MORE because I use less than 800 Kw most of the time. This month I used 331 Kw. I guess maybe I should do like my neighbors and burn the outside lights 24 hours a day. Run the TV, with not one watching, 18 hours a day. Keep the computer on though it isn t used everyday, etc. When are you in the regulatory commissions going to start doing a little consumer protection? Oh, for a couple of Perry Swisher s again on these boards! I am very tired of being gouged at every turn today. NOBODY on this Earth needs bi11ions of dollars to live well and that is what all these increases are about. Sincer~~y up~et and disgJIst , "_P P -; lUo ...,;ll MA., JZ.IJ:-iiI!;b~ Mrs. . Sandra R. Hickstein IDAHO POWER COMPANY D BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 An IDACORP Company Notice of Application to Increase Rates Dear Customer,October 16, 2003 Over the past several months you ve seen the question, "What's driving your rates?" The answer - as you may have discovered - is "many factors." Among these factors is the cost to generate and deliver your electricity. Since 1993 - the last year Idaho Power's business costs were calculated in the base rate - we have invested more than $850 million in our electrical system, which now serves more than 400,000 customers. To recover our investments in power lines, substations, power plants, equipment, vehicles and the people who serve you,we have filed a request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) to adjust customer rates. Our application includ 117.~rcent increase in cun-ent base rates. This request equates to a revenue increase 0 86 million . Among our proposed rate and fee changes is a seasonal rate structure for all customers metered seMce. The ~omp~y also has proposed that the monthly ~lVic~ ) I'li -------=-- fharge (CUITen&; -cal1cd-the-Customet:-Char ~oo~ billJ-be-incr~ralcustmnJrgrou~s,.mcluding / y ~V rest ential. I our proposed rate adjustments are approved, a typi moo rest en or , owa - hours would increase from $61.67 to $68.92 during non-summer months and from $61.67 to $8.3.65 during the June-through-August period. (j The proposed rate changes vary for each customer and are described in more detail in the "What's Driving Your Rates?" brochure. The chart below shows the average of all rate components for our major customer groups. However, the cun-ent and proposed "average base ra~clude the annual Power Cost Adjustment component, which can increase or decrease the ov ra epen mg on the company's energy costs through April 2004. Residential (01) Small Commercial (07) Large Commercial (09) Industrial (19) Irrigation (24) 17~ 33~ 57~ 78~ 72~ 19% 21% 15% 13. 25% J;f ___-- It's important to understand that Idaho Powers application is a proposal subject to public review and a Commission decision. Please watch for updates on our rate case on our Web site at www.idahopower.com. The IPUC may suspend Idaho Powers request and proceed with a public review process. If this occurs, Idaho Power has asked to begin recovering $20 milJion, a portion of the $86 million, through an overall uniform 4.2 percen Interimrateincrease for alHifufiocuStomers.Wenave propO d this to become effectiVe --- - ,-. on Nov. 15, 2003. If the Commission approves, this rate adjustment will be shown on your next bill. In the meantime, we encourage you to learn more about our proposal for how, why and when electricity rates may change. The company has prepared an infonnational Rates Tool Kit, which is available by calling our Customer SetVice Center at 1-800-793-8498 or viewing online at www.idahopower.comlcustomerselVicelrates. A copy of our rate application also is available at the tPUC's Boise office, 472 W. Washington St. It also is available at Idaho Power offices located in: Boise, Nampa, Payette, McCall, Mountain Home, Gooding, Hailey, 1Win Fallo;, Heybum, American Falls, Pocatello, Blackfoot and Salmon. We will continue to do our best to communicate with you as we work to provide the most reliable, affordable electrical selVice. ;( John (Ric) Gale Vice President, Pricing and Regulatory Affairs ---- . -. IIJ& An IDACORP Company Questions" Coni act us al: O. Box 30, Boise, ID 83721 Or call us at 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) Customer Name: Accounl Number: Billing Date: Prim Date: Page: WALT & ANDRA HICKSTEIN 559223316 10/24/2003 10/25/2003 of 2 www.idahopower.com For faster service please call Tuesday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. LO 6:30 p. PLEASE NOTE CORRECTION: Please Nole: Any unpaid balances will be assessed a monthly charge of one percent (I %) for Idaho CUSlomers. Relurn d checks may be resubmilledelectronically for payment Checks remaining unpaid will be charged a 520 fee. Due Date: ~ase PaI 11/10~OO3 L-$20.97 : Previous Balance............,...................................................................,...... 33. Payments - Thank You............................................................................. 33.03CR Balance Forward......................................................................................... ...................... $0. Current Charges.............,............................................................................ .................... $20. Account Balance...............................,................................................,........ .................... $20. Account Activity The "What's Driving Your Rates" brochure included in residential eus omers' bills provides acomparison of typical monthly bills before and after the company s pr posed rate increase. Themonthly bill examples do NOT include the 2003 PeA rate of 0.6 cent per kWh. , , 11& Account Number: Please return this ponion with your payment and write your account number on your check or money ord r made payable to Idaho Power. Please bring enlire hill when paying al a Pay Station. Thank you! Please Pay: Due Date: Amount Enclosed: Projeci Share pledge - noted on reve ~e side Address/phone correction - printed 0 ~ reverse side $20. 11/1 0/2003 An IDACORP Company 5592233165 125452 A V 0.503 ****AUTO**5-DIGIT 83709WALT & SANDRA HICKSTEIN 3932 LELAND WAY BOISE ID 83709-4656 Idaho Power O. Box 30 Boise, ID 83721 11,,111,11,11..1..1,,11111...111111,11,111111, 1,11,,",11, II " 1 III 11./11111111.1 II 1 111 1111.111111111 1111.11111 " 55922331651000002097 000000000 000002097 1024 5 HBWR An IDACORP Company www.idahopower.com Queslions? Contact us at: O. Box 30. Boise. ID 83721 Or call us at 388-2323 (Tn:asuru Valley) Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: Page: 2 of 2WALT & SANDRA HICKSTEIN 5592233165 10/2412003 10/25/2003 For fasler service please call Tuesday through Friday. 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p. Service A rooment No: 7508421429 Service ' tion: 3932 LELAND WAY IBOISE, ID Residential Rate Schedule lOt Average Dally Use Comparison An IDACORP Company Next Read Date: 11/21/2003 Service PeriodFrom Number of Days 95315 Reading Type Meter ReadingsPrevious Current Meter Constant 00215461 628 09/22103 10/22/03 Re uJar 94984 09/22/2003 - 10/22/2003 30 days ................................................................................ $0. Customer Charge, per meter per month ......................................................................... $2. Energy Charge 331 kWh rm $0.055342 per kWh ....................................................... $18.32 Conservation Program Funding Charge ......................................................................... SO. Federal Columbia River Benefits Supplied by BPA ..................................................... $0.16 CR Current Charges - Electric Service............................................................................ $20. This Month This Year:Days = kWh Billed = 331 kWh per Day = 11.0 This Month Last Year: .Days. kWh Bill~d '" 403 kWh per Day = 13. CR = Credit BLe = Basic Load Capacity kWh = Kilowatt-hour G = Generation kW = Kilowatt . Available after 12 months of service at this location. 1 f writing information below . please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. Account Number:5592233165 NEW CONTACT INFORMATION:PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE Does Idaho Power hav your correct mailing address and phone number? I not, please write any changes below: New Telephone Num Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. 0 $2 0 $5 0$10 0$ I would like to make a one-time contribution in theamount of $ Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your tax-deductible donations. ~ ~, I .-t'7Z? -, ,,- -A -#-. ~. 47 . . ;J - -.. .~~_,-, r~ . . tLkL. fU-. . . . J6ilj!J) ~~-~. ~~ 44r)/ iJ . ~ ~ :J-~ v~ fro b ~q;~f~ ~iI dt7 Q. ~ ;) ~ 3 ;l- - """" ~~"?20~OO"?o.Iltl l"t I",IIII'1 1111.'11",I"l III !!i , - q .;;0 -""....... (,..o.J ~ '! . r' ;::1J1: P1 ('") I:;; I~;~ ' ~ ::.: 12 -- \ 2~- :: . 6- \" - \ . ~' 0(3 I,), tJoU 0.3 ?O0i-Iu ,CJ(tJ-.ITICi:, CZvnVh l~~ IO Bill Hood 16696 Sage Acres Ln, Caldwell" ID 63607-9620 * FT ,6 VC..d10 COt-"-:;;. --1 Yn I)/J 12tCE lpT ~ F?(e-cG ?~ft~ FILdt::'/! .04 f,-.)o (70o.Jt!u fli..c t~ C/tlVJ~L-' A ~QAj/vD1JJ-OUI; .~1T61V'7,o1 10 IVJ,4 kc /1/7 ti1- 1/-1 ,.v L 17 4 I~ (J We I?./ R Ij -rcs. II/j v E /L/ /IJ(J(,tLJ~eO /N /0 YEA!P~r. (J) /flJe: Ai0TIGLf 1& eoo"J.lo()~/!/)~I-I~ FJ,GT II-fAT If-Jf: (7()~f f' ;:1 1'"iz,UGt. f~ 4!" &!oNE vI'" 77,tXJCJ IV r~Al YE;-~ 0f IH' ;t:Vlifdo ~cJU-Jf:r2..- /--!IJ.~ At:Jf/Jf-O /tJo ooo /vltUJ ('us.'TOfr7~ /Lt /fi/ T~/& (7/J(.1 /0 YE"-fYLS; 1fT ,,(I;J EAJ(J~j100~J:. I/UGI?A:4tf /A./ jQ6UEJwt1-6 IS UT IS -G JI1 0 A ILl J ,1'1/(,- ,d;.J .5$ In I '--'--lot' V EK ,at:! /JD Ii TuR-~ F()~ f/fJLUt':/Z ;4?A Ii/To ;J () Ntr;.-r/_ri-J t!:f (; r'e- 0(// Le 10 -Jur;.) s:?/VZfJL ' A rr~/V1prl/V~ To V6 ;::-:e.dU-Jj O-S. fA /U'ot;-j-1 A pao PI/ b-- A IV L) rA. tV) P A 6---/V V-/6 Do Nd OG'(~ /GUE J AJdf)-/ CAN THe! ..JOS:T / F /0A fc' i /lJC! (-.1 ~ 01 fer 10 ~ Cd ~~~ Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Sunday, November 16, 2003 3:49 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Sunday, November 16, 2003 3: 48: 35 Case: Name: Jim Cain Street Address: 630 West 3rd Street Ci ty: Meridian State: Idaho ZIP: 83642 Home Telephone: unlisted E-Mail: daverobertsmail~yahoo. com Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment = descriptIon: Re:SERVICE CHARGE/CUSTOMER CHARGE In Idaho Power s current rate increase proposal that has been submitted to the IPUC sorry, don t know the case number -- my family vehemently OPPOSE Idaho Power I s request increase the Service Charge/Customer Charge from $2.51 to $10 per month. Please leave it at $2.51. Increasing this base fee on everybody would adversely impact our residents who are elderly, unemployed veterans, single parents, the sick and infirm, and those on fixedincomes. Thank you, and God bless. Sincerely,Jim Cain & family Meridian Transaction IO: 11161548.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, November 14, 2003 11 :52 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, November 2003 11:52:17 AM Case: Name: Terry Perron Street Address: 389 South 650 East City: Dietrich State: Idaho ZIP: 83324 Home Telephone: E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment descriptIon: I am against Idaho Power getting a rate increase. I think spending so much money on advertising to tell us what good guys they have been in not giving us a rate increase for so many years is disgusting. They should take the money for that advertising directly out of the corporate heads that ok'd such an outrage. They intend to make it seem that they have not made a profit all these years and now they need to recoup their losses. What a joke! What are their future plans with this money they get from the rate increase? I would like to know. Idaho Power used to be a good public servant, but now they are getting too greedy. I hope this increase will be turned down. Terry Perron Transaction 10: 11141152. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, November 14, 2003 9:03 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, November 14, 2003 9:03:09 AM Case: Name: Jim Hunt Street Address: 2840 Lancaster Drive Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83702 Home Telephone: 208 345 2387 E-Mail: numbersj im~ao1. com Company: Idaho Powermailinglist _yes _no: yes Comment description: It was pleasing interim rate increase was denied. to note that the request by Idaho Power for an I f Idaho Power has had or is expecting financial difficulties where is the money coming from for the TV ads and slick brochures in the billings statements trying to convince the public? These appeals show how much expenses have risen because of growth , but nothing is shown about how much revenues have risen. And why a 300 percent request on the service charge, which is misrepresented in the overall percentage figures that they present since the result shown is the same with it or without it? They say it has been a decade since their costs were calculated for inclusion in base rates. That's an outright lie. While we might have to recognize that a reasonable rate increase is warranted, since when are they entitled to eight times the inflation rate? The stockholders ' share is theirconcern, not the customers. Thanks for listening. Transaction ID: 1114903. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll / ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, November 14, 2003 12:34 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WNW Form Submission: Friday November 14 2003 12:33:58 AM Case: Name: Alison Mahnken Street Address: City:State: ZIP: Home Telephone: E-Mail: allycat~hpo. net Company: Comment description: so would you please forward this to the proper place if it's not. I just want to say *thank you* to the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission for denying Idaho Power I s request for a rate hike. I completely agree that the company I s claim of financial woes is bogus... and in fact I came to see what Idaho Power was up to and loathe them very soon after my moveinto Idaho. So yahoo for helping keep that company in its place and its greed somewhat* limited!!! I don t know whether this is the correct place to send my comments Transaction 10: 1114033.Referred by: http:! !www. puc. state. id. us! scripts!polyform. dll!ipuc User Address: 209.161.User Hostname: 209.161. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, November 13, 2003 6:57 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, November 13, 2003 6:57:09 PM Case: IPC-E-03- Name: Paige Wolken Street Address: P.O. Box 125, 180 E 30 S Ci ty: Shoshone State: 10 ZIP: 83352 Home Telephone: 208-544-7883 E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: noComment=descriptlon: Please do not allow Idaho Power to raise rates. They have not presented sufficient evidence or reason to do so. Let us not forget that they essentially have a monopoly on providing electrical service. We consumers have no choice. addition, when they claim to have expenses in installing new lines and power grids, they are falsely claiming those expenses. Consumers directly pay for installation , poles and cables for system/rural grids. Consumers pay for the system installation, Idaho Power claims it and makes a profit from all future electrical service. Transaction 10: 11131857. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, November 12, 2003 11: 13 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 11: 13: 05 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Dustyn Deakins Street Address: 3301 S holly st. City: Nampa State: ID ZIP: 83686 Home Telephone: 468-8825 E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power mailing list _yes _no: yes Comment description: I would would vote to oppose any rate gain. It should be non-profit not like IPUC to approve for a rate hike for Idaho Power. I increase that would benefit investers or for company profit when it comes to energy resources. Please consider what the residents of the state of Idaho want. PLEASE!! Thanks, Dustyn Deakins Transaction ID: 11122313. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: 67.250.133. User Hostname: 67.250.133. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, November 12, 2003 6:27 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tanya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 6: 27: 03 Case: IPC-E-03-13 Name: Yliana Gonzalez Street Address: 22730 Farmway Rd, #204 City: Caldwell State: 10 ZIP: 83607 Home Telephone: (208) 713-1929E-Mail: Company: Idaho Power mailing list yes no: no Comment=descriptIon: My husband and I have six children. with us. I take care of my granddaughter during the day We are fortunate because my husband has year round work, Fi ve of them are still at home and my husband is a truck driver. but still money is tight. A utility rate hike would be hard for us. I would probably have to cut back on our food, especially fresh vegetables and meat, which are important for my kids. Everything else we really need. We d figure out something though. I feel bad for my neighbors who aren t as lucky to have year round work. Most people around here work a lot in the summer, but not so much in the winter and that's when theutili ty bills are really high. Any increase would be hard for them to absorb. Transaction 10: 11121827. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipucUser Address: 24.117.146. User Hostname: 24.117.146.