HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031030Comments.pdfI: ~ . rf (() (D1L C? d2-' ~ ~(~;& ~-tk~) UJ2tJ~) 6.YfrL "" iCy"" ",'-', ~:;;" T1Jg~;:t~qg~~t~,qJL7 percent increase is an :-:::a'Tv~tage'c8rthe'tompan s proposal across all '.""""' ",' ctisJq:Q'iergroups. Forresidential customers, .the:reqq,ested inpreaseaverages 19 percent. Tlfis5t~bledi~pl~~,~~~h~~qanges that are being "~'I requested:, ' ' " R: ~~~~~;~, ~i iB~ 'P( 1-';c;~ .403 BOISE, IDAHO 83711 _____~---'- arso ~creases roug muc t th est. Idaho Power s rate increase proposal has Approval\~l this change also wouldmove the been submitted to the Idaho Public Utilities time the P'GA is calculated and inc1udedin Commission (IPUC). A decision may not rates.' Pres €j,tly, this annualc.:haI1ge occurs be made for several months while the on May 16. If~~e se,\,~onal rate proposal j~ commission reviews the company s rate case adopted, that,cfl~nge and thePCAboth'would application "", be appligd Julie i~~achyear. :/,;:;~".";"::; ,;::, '::''" ', , d;for:residential What istheServic'e Charlfe chan_e? '" ", :~;~~; i' ' . '' ,' "" "" '", ' Idaho Power $r'eque,$,~,to increase' the monthly Service:C.J;1ar \( curreritly calleg 'tpe Customer Ch;(rgeon y r bill) ~rom $2:5'1 per month fo;$16:'p:~r 'thiis,signed to help rec6v~rcostslhat\,; n t\1~ryw~th th~' amount of eil~~gY.1iasedi;~~,a t:tistOl1ler.1.'b.is charge covef~h&po!iitiorlJ~fthecOIDP ny~sc ' investmentirl'tlishibu ,"' faciliti ~t 'to That's approximately 100,000 new customers Belny served. , , Since 1993, Idaho Power has built 16 distribution ~Wh = kilowatt-hour y:;:; /~~t' " ,:, ~j;;;c':~~ $~~ ;~~~iL1(! Please note: This information applies only to the base rate, which vers,lh!lcol'ijpdhy ofu'enerating and delivering pow~r.'lo customers under normal weather, stream flow and customer demanrJ i:ofi1~lfR,nS~:becausefhere are fluctuations in the. r " "" ' - " 0 _- : 1 L.. " '-...- IPUCd72 W WASHINGTON ST BOISE, ID 833 HECEtVED 0 , "-,~ 20n3 OCT 29 AM': 09 UJAl/tJ j)UBLJCUTIUTIES COMMISSION OCTOBER 27, 2003 FOR SEVERAL MONTHS NOW I HAVE BEEN LOOKING AT AND LISTENING TO NUMEROUS ADS ON BOTH TELEVISION AND RADIO TELLING US HOW IDAHO POWER HAS NOT RAISED RATES FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME. EACH TIME I SEE OR HEAR ONE I SAY TO MY HUSBAND, YES AND WITH THE EXTREMELY HIGH COST OF ADVERTISING AND THE FREQUENCY OF THESE ADS; WE WILL SOON SEE AN INCREASE. NOW I SEE BY AN ARTICLE IN THE PAPER AND A VERY LARGE COLORED NOTICE IN MY BILL THAT IT IS COMING TO PASS, IDAHO POWER WANTS AN INCREASE IN RATES, I FEEL THAT ICUP SHOULD TAKE A LONG , HARD LOOK AT THESE UNNECESSARY EXPENDITURES BEFORE THEY GRANT ANY INCREASE IN POWER RATES. IN OUR ECONOMY MANY PEOPLE HAVE A DIFFICULT TIME PAYING FOR VERY ESSENTIAL ELECTRICITY. IT'S QUITE DISTURBING THAT THEY ARE ACTUALLY PAYING FOR USELESS ADVERTISEMENT THAT ONLY SERVES TO INCREASE COSTS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OF DENYING AT LEAST PART OF THE iNCREASE. GREEN e-- 8 8 MEADOWS DR. lWlN FALLS, 10 83301 208-736-3850 CC: Idaho Power Co.