HomeMy WebLinkAbout200804012007 WAQC Program Report.pdfeslDA~POR~ BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney An IDACORP Company April 1, 2008 Ms. Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Report of 2007 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Program Filed in Compliance with Order No. 29505 - Case No. IPC-E-03-13 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find eight copies of Idaho Power Company's report on the 2007 activity for the Weatherization Assistance for Qualiied Customers Program. If you have any questions regarding the content of the report, please direct them to Mr. Pete Pengilly at 208-388-2281.ve~,~ Barton L. Kline .. BLK:sh Enclosures cc: Ric Gale Pete Pengily Theresa Drake P&RS/Legal Files P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise. 10 83702 RECEiVED LUOB APR - l tJ¡'1 3:49 eslDA~PO4D An IDACORP Company IPC-E-03-13 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers 2007 Annual Report April 1, 2008 Idaho Power Company Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ....~......................................................................................................................... i List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... i List of Figues .................................................................................................................................. i Description.......................................................................................................................................1 Background .......................................................................................................................................1 Review of Weatherized Homes and Non-Profit Buildings by County .......,....................................2 Review of Measures Installed..........................................................................................................6 Overall Cost-Effectiveness ..............................................................................................................8 Customer Education, Advocacy, and Satisfaction.........................................................................10 Plans for 2008 ................................ ........................................................................... .................... .11 LIST OF TABLES Table i 2007 Weatherization Activity-Homes and Non-Profit Buildings ..............................................3 Table 2 Base and Carover Funding.........................................................................................................5 Table 3 2007 kWh Savings and Home/Non-Profit Measure Expenses, Excluding Administration..........6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure i SIR Frequency Distribution ..........................................................................................................9 2007 Annual Report Page i Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Idaho Power Company This page left blank intentionally. Page ii 2007 Annual Report Idaho Power Company Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers DESCRIPTION The Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers (WAQC) program provides financial assistance to regional Idaho Community Action Partership (CAP) agencies in the Idaho Power Company (IPC) service area. This assistance helps cover weatherization costs of electrcally . heated homes belonging to qualified customers with limited income. The W AQC program also provides a limited pool of fuds for weatherization of buildings occupied by non-profit organizations serving primarily special needs populations, regardless of heating source, with priority given to buildings with electrc heat. Weatherization improvements enable residents to maintain a more comfortable, safe, and energy efficient home while reducing their monthly electrcity bils. Improvements are available at no cost to qualifying applicants who own or rent their homes. These customers also receive educational materials and efficiency ideas for reducing energy use in their homes. Program eligibility is determined by the local CAP agencies according to the same federal and state guidelines that are used to determine eligibility for energy assistance. BACKGROUND IPC began offering weatherization assistance in 1989 in conjunction with the State of Idao Weatherization Assistance Program. Through the WAQC program, IPC provides supplementary fuding to state-designated CAP agencies for the weatherization of electrcally heated homes occupied by qualified customers and buildings occupied by non-profit organizations that serve special needs populations. Each year, IPC enters into an agreement with each CAP agency that 2007 Annual Report Page 1 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Idaho Power Company specifies the fuding allotment, biling requirements, and program guidelines. Curently, IPC administers the program in Idaho through five regional CAP agencies, including Canyon County Organization on Aging, Weatherization, and Human Services (CCOA), Eastern Idaho Community Action Parership (EICAP), EI-Ada Community Action Partership (EI-Ada), South Central Community Action Parership (SCCAP), and Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA). This report responds to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's (IPUC) annual reporting directive with the following sections: · Review of Weatherized Homes and Non-Profit Buildings by County . Review of Measures Installed . Overall Cost-Effectiveness · Customer Education, Advocacy, and Satisfaction . Plans for 2008 REVIEW OF WEATHERIZED HOMES AND NON-PROFIT BUILDINGS BY COUNTY In 2007, IPC provided a total of$1,200,341 to Idaho CAP agencies with $1,022,347 directly fuding energy effcient and health and safety measures for qualified customers' homes (production costs), $68,873 directly fuding energy effcient measures and health and safety Page 2 2007 Annual Report Idaho Power Company Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers measures for non-profit buildings, and $109,122 fuding the administration costs incured by the CAP agencies. The total number of homes weatherized during the year was 391. Six non-profit buildings were also weatherized durng 2007. Table 1 reviews the number of homes and non-profit buildings weatherized, production costs, average cost per home or non-profit building served, administration payments, and total payments made by IPC per county. Table 1 . 2007 Weatherization Activity-Homes and Non-Profit Buildings Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers 2007 Weatherization Activities and Expenditures by Agency and County Number of Homes or Non-Profit Buildings IPC Production Costs Average Cost per Home or Non-Profit Building Administration Served Payment Total Payment Including Administration' Costs 2007 Annual Report Page 3 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Idaho Power Company Table 1 2007 Weatherization Activity-Homes and Non-Profit Buildings (Continued) Weatherization ASsistance for Qualified Customers 2007 Weatherization Activities and Expenditures by Agency and County Number of Homes or Non-Profit Buildings IPC Production Costs Average Cost per Home or Non-Profit Building Administration Served Payment Total Payment Including Administration Costs SCCAP Blaine $3,767 $3,767 $377 $4,144 Camas 6 $1,274 $212 $127 $1,402 Gooding 7 $22,122 $3,160 $2,212 $24,334 Jerome 8 $28,274 $3,534 $2,827 $31,101 Lincoln 2 $6,033 $3,017 $603 $6,636 Twin Falls 39 $94,738 $2,429 $9,474 $104,212 SCCAPTOTAL 63 $156,209 $2,480 $15,621 $171,830 SEICAA Bannock 24 $54,378 $2,266 $5,438 $59,815 Bingham 14 $34,068 $2,433 $3,407 $37,475 Power 7 $13,013 $1,859 $1,301 $14,314 SEICAA TOTAL 45 $101,458 $2,255 $10,146 $111,604 Total Homes 391 $1,022,346 $2,615 $102,235 $1,124,581 Bannock 2 $26,522 $13,261 $2,652 $29,174 Bingham $2,224 $2,224 $222 $2,446 Canyon $13,923 $13,923 $1,392 $15,316 Jerome $10,948 $10,948 $1,095 $12,043 Twin Falls $15,256 $15,256 $1,526 $16,781 Total Non-Profit Buildings 6 $68,873 $11,479 $6,887 $75,760 Grand Total 2007 397 $1,091,219 $2,749 $109,122 $1,200,341 Note: Numbers presented in the tables may not sum due to rounding. In an effort to help the CAP agencies maximize the number of customers served under W AQC, IPC includes in its annual agreements with the agencies a provision limiting the annual average cost per home to an amount specified in the agreement. The average cost per home served is calculated by dividing the total annual IPC production cost of homes weatherized per agency by Page 4 2007 Annual Report Idaho POwer Company WeatherizationAssistànce for Qualified Customers the total number of homes completed durng the year by that agency. The maximum average cost per home allowed under the 2007 agreement was $2,826. Overall, the CAP agencies in 2007 had a combined average cost per home served of$2,615. There is no average cost limit for weatherization of non-profit buildings. Durng 2007, IPC provided administrative payments totaling $109,122 to CAP agencies to cover their program administration costs. Administration fees are based on 10% of the IPC production costs. The average administration cost per home weatherized in 2007 was $261, and the administration costs for non-profit buildings weatherized averaged $1,148. Additionally, IPC stafflabor, marketing, and support costs for the WAQC program totaled $89,676 for the year. In compliance with IPUC's Order No. 29505, weatherization assistance fuds are tracked and " unspent funds carred over and made available to CAP agencies in the following year. In 2007, a total of$83,837 was carred forward from 2006. Table 2 details the fuding base amount, any carrover fuding, and the total amount of anual fuding. Table 2 Base and Carrover Funding 2007 Year (1/1/07-12/31/07) Carryover Total 2007 2007 Agency Base From 2006 Allotment Spending CCOA $302,259 $53,069 $355,328 $355,071 EICAP $12,788 $0 $12,788 $12,788 EL.ADA $568,479 $0 $568,479 $473,288 SCCAP $167,405 $4,425 $171,830 $171,830 SEICAA $111,603 $0 $111,603 $111,603 Non.Profit Buildings $50,000 $26,343 $76,343 $75,760 Totals $1,212,534 $83,837 $1,296,371 $1,200,340 2007 Annual Report Page 5 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Idaho Power Company In May 2007, IPC and the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. (CAPAI) fied jointly with the IPUC (Case No. IPC-E-07-09) a request for authority to continue fuding the WAQC program at the curently approved leveL. On June 25, 2007, the IPUC issued Order No. 30350, approving the joint request. REVIEW OF MEASURES INSTALLED Table 3 details the number of measure counts, the production costs of measures, and the kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings by measure during 2007. Consistent with the State ofIdaho Weatherization Assistance Program, IPC offers several measures that have costs but do not save energy, or savings cannot be measured. Included in this category are such elements as health and safety, vents, fuace repair, and audits. Health and safety measures are necessary to ensure weatherization activities do not cause unsafe situations in a client's home or compromise a household's existing indoor air quality. Other non-energy savings measures are allowed under this prògram in order to help facilitate the effective performance of those measures yielding energy savings. Table 3 2007 kWh Savings and Home/Non-Profit Measure Expenses, Excluding Administration Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers 2007 Measure Cost and kWh Savings (1/1/07-12/31/07) rMå~/Çounts Prc:-.diólê~ Windows Doors Walls Ceilings Vents 263 248 19 146 20 $344,419 $144,457 $8,676 $86,511 $982 1,363,690 579,813 31,670 161,532 o Page 6 2007 Annual Report Idaho Power Company Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Table'3 2007 kWh Savings and Home/Non-Profit Measure Expenses, Excluding Administration (Continued) Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers 2007 Measure Cost and kWh Savings (1/1/07-12/31/07) kWlf"¡(~,; 209,057 336,640 53,167 o o 10,252 1,547 o 2,022 14,308 o 33,112 200,589 o 2,997,399 Floors 135 $124,047 I nfiltration 310 $122,495 Ducts 56 $16,408 Health & Safety 20 $4,201 Other 4 $64 Water Heater 47 $3,447 Pipes 37 $2,084 Refrigerator 0 $0 Furnace Tune 2 $378 Furnace Modify 4 $9,333 Furnace Repair 38 $13,630 CFL 245 $5,552 Furnace Replace 65 $104,308 Audit Investment 339 $31,354 Total Home Measures 1,998 $1,022,346 Ì~lbn-Profit'~ildi M~lJre Pro~âIå~ Cost,i~'¡,,l\easures " ,r ';;';0;;' Windows 5 $11,123 Doors 3 $2,737 Walls 3 $5,398 Ceilings 4 $9,463 Vents 1 $108 Floors 2 $8,432 Infiltration 4 $5,084 Ducts 2 $2,369 Health & Safety 3 $4,879 Water Heater 2 $778 )Pipes 3 $1,030 ' CFL 2 $437 Furnace Replace 2 $15,441 Audit Investment 4 $1,595 Total Non-Profit Measures 40 $68,873 Total Home and Non-Profit Buildings 2,038 $1,091,219 107,511 9,911 17,278 57,995 o 9,291 10,828 7,473 o o 664 2,057 75,612 o 298,619 3,296,019 2007 Annual Report Page 7 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Idaho Power Company The total kWh savings in 2007 for weatherized homes was 2,997,399 and the total kWh savings in 2007 for weatherized non-profit buildings was 298,620. The total energy savings within Idaho from WAQC durng 2007 was 3,296,019 kWh. OVERALL COST-EFFECTIVENESS IPCmonitors overall cost-effectiveness by requiring each CAP agency to ensure that each effcíency measure as well as each total project has a savings to investment ratio (SIR) of 1.0 or better. The total project's SIR reflects all the measure costs associated with the project, including measure costs that have no kWh savings, and compares that total cost to the benefit of the total kWh savings of the project. Under this standad, projects with an SIR greater than 1.0 are deemed to be cost-effective by the energy audit program used by the State of Idaho. Figure 1 shows the frequency distrbution of the 2007 projects fuded through WAQC. The frequency observations are presented in 0.50 increments and the SIR values have been rounded to two significant digits. The SIR values for these projects range between 1.00 and 10.54. Page 8 2007 Annual Report Idaho Power Company Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers 80 70 60 -50c:::0Ü Ü 40 Q) 'õ' 0. 30 20 10 0 0 2007 SIR Summary Minimum SIR = 1.00 Maximum SIR = 10.54 Average SIR = 2.73 Median SIR = 2.55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sav;ngs to In\Æstment Ratio Values Figure 1 SIR Frequency Distribution The 2007 distrbution indicates a minimum 1.00 SIR value and maximum 10.54 SIR value, as well as the average 2.73 and the median 2.55 SIR value ofthe distrbution. Given the required SIR of at least 1.0, the 2007 minimum value of 1.00 in the distrbution and the average of2.73 indicate the projects conducted by the program continue to exceed the cost-effectiveness threshold. The total levelizedcost of energy for this program is $0.029/kWh on a utility cost basis and $0.040/kWh on a total resource cost basis (including CAP agency and private participant costs). 2007 Annual Report Page 9- Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Idaho Power Company CUSTOMER EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, AND SATISFACTION IPC provides materials to each CAP agency to assist in the education of special needs customers who receive weatherization assistance. Included in this material is the IPC brochure Practical Ways to Manage Your Electricity Bil, and Energy Saving Tips, which describes energy conservation tips appropriate for both the heating and cooling seasons. Included in the materials is a two-sided card describing the energy saving benefits of using CFL bulbs and helpful hints about using the bulbs. The educational information is available in Spanish and in large print versions. In addition to the materials provided to the CAP agencies, each fall IPC distrbutes to all customers Energy Assistance brochures describing the program, including eligibility and application guidelines. IPC also actively informs customers about this program through energy, health, and senior fairs. IPC takes an active role in advocating energy effciency for special needs customers. IPC periodically sponsors Energy Assistance Resource Symposiums where non-profit agencies are encouraged to exchange ideas with utilities and CAP agencies on energy assistance available to customers with limited income. In order to stay curent with new energy assistance programs and services, the IPC program specialist overseeing W AQC attends state and federal energy assistance/weatherization meetings and other weatherization-specific conferences such as "Energy Out West" and "Joint Low Income Energy Conferences." IPC is also active in the Policy Advisory Council, helping advise and direct Idaho's state weatherization application to the United States Deparent of Energy, and Idaho State LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) Collaborative Workgroup. Page 10 2007 Annual Report Idaho Power Company " Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers In 2007, the WAQC program was the focus of a satisfaction surey geared toward customers whose homes had been weatherized through the program. Customers were asked how much they thought the weatherization had improved the comfort of their home. Seventy-three percent of the respondents replied that they thought the improvements helped. Fift-one percent of the respondents also thought that weatherization measures would reduce futue bils, and 93% reported having tried energy-saving ideas in their home. PLANS FOR 2008 IPC wil continue working in partership with CAP AI as well as individual CAP agency personnel to maintain the targets, guidelines, and cost-effectiveness of the W AQC program. In so doing, IPC wil provide a valuable service to its special needs population. New in 2008, IPC and the CAP agencies' executive directors signed an umbrella agreement defining WAQC program details though December 31,2009. Individual dollar allotments were defined in a cover letter to each agency's executive director. IPC estimates 401 homes and five non~profit buildings wil be weatherized in 2008. In total, IPC ~xpects to fud $1,308,564 in weatherization measures and administration fees in 2008. IPC plans to continually evaluate the need for additional program changes. As in years past, a minimum of 5% of all weatherized homes. submitted for reimbursement wil be audited. In addition, plans are underway for IPC to sponsor the 2008 Energy Assistance Resource Symposium this fall in partership with CAPAI, state agencies, and other utilities. 2007 Annual Report Page 11