HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040319Fullen Rebuttal.pdfLL r:Yl..J , 1', r-:- 2nDI-; "R I 9 P~j ~: 46 , ;,."-, re; i S S ION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, CASE NO. IPC-O3- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS INTERIM AND BASE RATES AND CHARGES FORELECTRIC SERVICE. IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT REBUTTAL TESTIMONY SUSAN J. FULLEN Please state your name and business address. My name is Susan J. Fullen and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83704. Are you the same Susan J. Fullen who has previously presented direct testimony in this case? Yes, I am. What is the scope of your rebuttal testimony? My testimony will focus on issues raised by Commission Staff relating to customer service and by the Community Action Partnership Association of'Idaho relating to the Company s Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program. Are you sponsoring any exhibi ts wi th your direct rebuttal testimony? I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 78.Yes. StaffinG In her direct testimony, Staff Witness Ms. Parker discussed her concern regarding the ability of the Company s customer service staff to handle the expected increase in customer phone calls wi th the adoption of While she commented that the Company hasseasonal rates. modified its staffing since tiered rates were in effect, can you describe how the Company is prepared to handle addi tional, sporadic call volume fluctuations? The Company has made staffing modifications FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company to the Customer Service Center since the 2001 tiered-rates time frame Ms. Parker discussed.As noted by Staff, the Company now has more part-time employees.In addition, the Customer Service Center has developed a contingency plan to handle increased call volumes.The contingency plan includes the ability to make staffing adjustments by shortening lunch hours and extending work hours for both shift and part-time employees.These adjustments are outlined in a detailed deployment plan based on critical call volume criteria.I am confident this plan will allow the Company to manage any increase in calls resulting from the implementation of seasonal rates. Prorated Bills Is the Company taking any steps to address the issue of bill presentation for prorated bills to help alleviate customer confusion? The Company acknowledges that prorated bills have caused customer confusion.In an attempt to make the bill presentation less confusing to customers, the Company is investigating a number of options.Because of the time needed to fully investigate and test these options, the Company cannot detail a specific modification at this time. However, the Company is committed to finding a solution to make prorated bills less confusing for customers. FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company Customer Relations Staff points out that two significant functions that are not available through the Company s web site are customer requests to connect and disconnect service.Does the Company have plans to incorporate these types of customer requests in the capability of its web si te? Yes.The Company is currently dev~loping addi tional customer services through our web site. Staff recommends the CQmpany add a sentence in Spanish on bills and disconnect notices to inform Spanish speakers that if help is ,needed in understanding what the notice or statement says, he or she may call the Company for assistance.Does the Company agree with Staff' recommendation and if so, what steps have been taken to accommodate this recommendation? The Company agrees with Staff' recommendation.After consulting with the Company s local multilingual translator, the Company has initiated the addition of Spanish text near our telephone numbers in the heading of our bills and notices.The Company anticipates completing this change before April 1, 2004.Exhibi t No.7 8 is a sample bill showing the additional text. Staff recommends adding an ~on-hold" message in Spanish informing customers that a Spanish-speaking FULLEN, Di - Reb Idaho Power Company Does the Company agree wi representative is available. this recommendation? The Company agrees that providing Spanish- speaking assistance to Spanish-speaking customers is As Staff points out, the Company always has atimportan t . least one Spanish-speaking representative available on any If this representative is assisting anothergiven shift. customer at the time Spanish assistance is needed, the Company utilizes its third-party inte~pretation service to The Company recently installed anassist the custom~r. upgraded voice activated response unit to enhance customer We are currently working with the Powerinteractions. Assistance Line (PAL) vendor to implement the Spanish assist option that is available through this system.Thi s option will allow customers to select Spanish-speaking assistance through the initial menu offering.Because this option will provide front-line service to customers, I do not believe that an ~on-hold" message is necessary. Does the Company agree with Staff' recommendation to evaluate the need for bills and delinquent notices to be printed in Spanish? Yes, the Company will continue to monitor customer requests for Spanish and other language assistance. Presently, the Company has not had such requests from The Company will explore thecustomers or agencies. FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company opportuni ty to work wi th other groups to enhance our services. Out-of-Cvcle Meter Readinqs Staff expressed concern regarding the Company s presentment of out-of-cycle meter reading dates on customer bills.Specifically, Staff recommended that the meter reading date for an out-of-cycle meter reading should reflect the date the meter was actually read not tAe' date what steps are beingthe customer requested the service. taken to address this issue. The Company has thoroughly assessed the process involved in the reported meter read date represented on the customer s bill.As a result of this assessment, the Company ,will modify its process so that the actual date the final meter reading was taken or service was disconnected, not the date the customer requested the service, will be recorded in the Company s Customer Information System and will be printed on the customer s bill.This process change will also result in the service starting date printed on the customer s bill corresponding to the actual date the service connection or meter reading took place.Changes to the Company s out-of-cycle meter reading process are targeted for completion by June 1, 2004. Non-compliance In her direct testimony Ms. Parker stated the FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company Company is out of compliance with UCRR 401, 402, and 403. Do you agree with this assertion and if so, what action is being taken to comply? The Company concurs it is not in compliance wi th UCRR 403. However, the Company respectfully suggests that it meets the requirements of UCRR 401 and 402.UCRR 401 provides customers the right to complain or request a conference, that the Company will promptly investigate the complaint, and that the applicant or ~ustomer ' s service will , " not be terminated , during an investigation.The Company adheres to this rule as can be demonstrated through the customer contact notes within the Customer Information System and through correspondence with the consumer staff at the Commission. UCRR 402 provides customers and applicants the defini tion of Commission authority over complaints.The Company s partial non-compliance with UCRR 403 does not impact UCRR 402 as this rule establishes the Commission authori ty and procedures. With regard to UCRR 403, Record of Complaints, the Company agrees it is not in full compliance.While the Company does maintain records of all complaints submitted through the Commission, it has not been fully tracking complaints received by the Company which do not involve Commission Staff.The Company has taken steps to improve FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company monthly reporting and categorization of customer contacts Addi tional training will beentered as a ~complaint" type. conducted to improve awareness of the complaint procedure and the review, recordkeeping and reporting aspects of the process. A Company-wide study is underway to determine the best method for collecting complaints that reach the Company through various departments outside the Customer Service The Company expects to have a plan to address thearea. collection of the~e complaints by May 1, 2004. Staff also found the Company to be out of compliance with UCRR 701.Please detail steps taken to provide customers with a Summary of Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR 701). A Summary of Utility Customer Relation Rules has been distributed to residential customers annually for several years.The Company has developed two new consumer information brochures for irrigation, commercial, and industrial customers that provide a summary of the Utility Customer Relation Rules.A brochure was mai led to all existing irrigation, commercial, and industrial customers with their February billing.The brochures contain a Spanish sentence indicating the brochure information is available in Spanish. In addition, a process was implemented in March 2004 FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company that provides brochures to all new customers in accordance with UCRR 701. Low Income Weatherization Assistance ProGram In his direct testimony on behalf of the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI), Mr. Robinette proposes design changes to the Company s Low Income Weatherization Assistance (LIWA) program. Specifically, Mr. Robinette proposes changes to the current 50 percent funding, the administrative fee paid through LIWA to the participating agencies, and the tot~l funding for the In addition, Mr. Robinette comments on theLIWA program. negative consequences of the required 1.1 savings to Please comment on Mr. Robinetteinvestment ratio (SIR). proposal regarding the Company s funding match for each weatherization job. The Company currently funds 50 percent of the Mr. Robinet cost of qualifying weatherization measures. recommends that the Company fund up to the full cost for the The Company opposes funding the full costswork performed. of weatherization jobs.While the Company does fully fund a limi ted number of special weatherization jobs for tax-exempt organizations, an essential requirement of the current LIWA program is that regular weatherization jobs qualify for and recei ve governmental funding.This requirement allows the Company to hold the administrative costs of the program to a FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company reasonable level while assuring that our retail customers The Company believes that afunds are used effectively. continuation of matching funding from LIWA for qualifying measures is appropriate. Please comment on Mr. Robinette s proposal regarding the administrative fee paid through LIWA to the participating agencies and his comments on the SIR. Mr. Robinette proposes the administrative fee paid through LIWA to the participating agencies be increased to $150 per unit., The Company is willing to consider an increase in the administrative fee and is willing to reduce The Company proposes thatthe required SIR from 1.1 to 1. both these matters be addressed with the weatherization agencies during the preparation of next year s contracts and, if necessary, be brought to the Commission for appropriate action under a separate proceeding. Mr. Robinette also proposes an increase in Please comment on thisLIWA funding to $1.2 million. recommendation. The Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho recommends a 426% increase in LIWA funding above the 2003 level of non-BPA expenditures.However, the Company has not included increased funding for the Low Income Weatherization Assistance program in its current application before the Commission.Accordingly, it may be FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company more appropriate to investigate funding levels and funding mechanisms outside of this proceeding. The Company proposes reviewing these topics as well as other program design issues with the Energy Efficiency Advisory Group (EEAG).The EEAG is a forum that allows Idaho Power customers, regula tory staff and other interested stakeholders to offer advice to the Company in formulating, implementing, and evaluating energy efficiency and demand reduction programs and I believe that the group could contribute significantly to the ,disctission.If the Company, wi th support from the EEAG, determines that changes to the LIWA program design , funding levels, or funding mechanism are appropriate,' the changes would be brought to the Commission, if necessary, for appropriate action under a separate proceeding. Does this conclude your direct rebuttal testimony? Yes. FULLEN, Di-Reb Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-O3- IDAHO POWER COMPANY EXHIBIT NO. 78 S. FULLEN Sample Bill Spanish Text ..-.:~ IMHO POWER An IDACORP Company www.idahopoWer.cmil Qucsliom'! Conine I us 3\: O. Box 30, Boise, ID 83721 Oreal! usal388c2323lTrc.asurc Valley) or (80()) 488,615 I Sc habln cspaiioJ Fodastcrsc..vice plcnsecall Tuesday ibrougbFriday. 7:30a.m, 10 6;30 p. Service Agreement No: Service l...A)c~lfi()n: 1 Customer N~me: Account Number: Page: 2 of 2 Billing Date: Print Date: Q3lJ 4/2003 Q31 1112004 Next Re41d Date: 04/11/2003 Meter Service Period Number Reading Meter Readings Meter kWh !\J\Jmber From of Days Type Previous Current Constlmt Used 0021892260119 02/10/03-m/12J03 R.:gi.llar 21714 23375 166:1 Residential Rate Schedule 101 02/10/2003, .. 03/12/2003 30 d~ys ' """""""".""""""""""""""""'."""".""""'.'.""""' . $Q;Q9 Customer Charge; per met.erper'ffiPntb.. ........."....................,..........,."""""",,""","' ' $2. Energy Charge 1;66Jk\Vh (ij). , $O.Op8673 per kWh.... .............." ..;."........................... $114, FranchiseFee.l% .... ,......,. .......,;...".,;.. ,......i..... ............,...............,.,........... .... .............. $1.1, Conservation PrbgmmFundihg'Charge.... .......... ................. ...... ,......m.. .. ........,............. . $0.30 Fe(ieml 'ColUl)1bia River BenefitsSu.ppJiedby, BPA .........,............. ,.................~... ....i'" $3i55;CR . "' "", " C .LJ rren te:;; h3rg~ " ' EI~(ric $erYi ~.- "".. ........ ..~. .... ....".". .",'~.'..'."."'...""""..."'" ~~ 1~~9 Aver~ge Daily1J~ Com pari !;()p ~=R An IDACQRPCompany ThisMbi1t1iT1lis'Yearl, :Pay~; kWh BilJed= 1661kWhper))a~=' 55;3 , 1'h'is':MQnlh1J3'sIYear: , .D.~y~ .", kWltI!illef!=1418 k1Vhpe.QIIY'" 8M If writinginformationhelow, please cheek Jbe' appropriate bo'ton the rev~rse side. Account Number: J\TEW CONT ACT 1NFO~iATION: DoesJdaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone number? If not, please write any changes below: New T~lephone Number: PR O.JECT SHARE PLEDGE Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill.0$2 0$5 0$10 I would like to make aone...time contribution in the amountof$ Please round-up my month.1y blllamoullt to the nearest dollar .md contriqutethedifference to Pro~tShare. Thank you and please remember to track your tax-deductible donations. Exhibit No. 78 Case No. IPC-O3- S. Fullen, IPCo Page 1 of 2 ...-....-----.-------,--...--.... IMHO POWER Page: of2 An IDACORPCompany Questions ! umlacl IIs.a1; 1';0, Box 30. Boise. 11) 83721 Orcallus,n 3&1:I"232:~ rrrcasurc Valley) or (800) 488-615 J Sc hahla espai\o! Fort'aslCncrvicc please call Tucsday through Friday. 7:30,1.01. lo6:30p,m. Customer Name: ACCOUI;i Number; Billing Date: Print Date: O'l.!J J 4/2003 03/J 1/2004WVl'VI' .idahopower .com Due Date:Please Pa : 03131/2003 114. Account Acdvity Previous Balance........... ,...............,...........................................,.......... $123. Payments - Thank YOl.l..... ....................................,......... ............,........ $123.28CR Balanc.e Forward.........................................................."" "".""",:,.""""."........,.. ...,.......... $Q. ()() Current Charges...................... "............""""""","""""""'".""..."""".""""""'.""'. ' $11'4. Account ,Balance...... ...;........:......................."""""":""""""". ""...,,....................,........ $114. Please Note: Any unpaidhalanccs ..",iUbcassesscd,11 monthlychargcofonepercem (1%) for Idaho customers. RcLUrncdcbceks may be resubmitted eleclronical!y for paymcnt. Checks remaining unp~id willl~clir.uged-aS20(ec. Harness the Wind: GoG-reen! Join IdahQpowercustO.mers"Who:~~s1;lppPrt~IIg' new, renewa1;ile" powetfr()m re..,ources s(jc9,~:wi#d, ors()1~,;Enr911 on the Energy C~nl~W~\1.P"geat wwwJdahpvP",er.C()JDor call, ()urCJ,i!\~9.merServi(;~C~nrer. ' . ' Green, I~ower -----; ' .~;;i\': C': , .. , c ~c,, ,..-.,.... :e' ..;,;, '"' '., ' J);' , " ;'r: An fDACORP company Please rei urn this portion willI your pnymcnl and write youraccollnillumber 011 yourcheckormoncy order made payable to Idaho Power. Plcase bl;ng entire bill when paying alII Pay Stillion. Tha:nkyou! Please P3)'$1l4~50Due Date: 03131/2003 Anumnt Enclosed: Accounl Number:ProFclSbarepledgc .O()\cdon ",ve~esidc Addresslpbonccoricdiori .. printed on revcrscsi~ Idaho Power O. Box 30 Boise, ID 83721 1111111111,1111111 11111111111 Exhibit No. 78 Case No. IPC-03- S. Fullen, IPCo Page 1 of 2 00000 114 ~O OOOOOODOD 000011450 0314 9 _m___,.. .'.'-- .."