HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031112Memorandum in Support of Interim Rate.pdfRECEIVED I"7iC;..4 BARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 FILED "1: . ~;"" iJj f. "timJ I'~tj Y I r h i' oJ IDAHO FUBLiC UTIliTIES COr1t1!SSmN Attorney for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS INTERIM AND BASE RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE. IDAHO POWER COMPANY' LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN UPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE CASE NO. IPC-03- This Memorandum is submitted in response to the Commission s request in Order No. 29369 that parties and intervenors submit legal memoranda addressing the legal standard that the Commission should use in considering Idaho Power s request for interim rate relief and explaining why Idaho Power should or should not be granted the interim rate relief granted in its Application. This Memorandum demonstrates three points. First , Idaho law gives the Commission broad discretion to authorize interim rates. This discretion logically flows from the fact that interim rates can be changed IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 1 when the Commission makes its final determination on permanent rates. Second, the standard for granting interim rates is no more stringent than for permanent rates and the just, reasonable and sufficient standard applies equally. Third , a full rate case is not required to authorize interim rates. Interim rates should be granted if the Commission finds that the amount of interim rate relief will not exceed the amount of permanent ~ate relief ultimately allowed and if the Commission finds that the public interest would support an interim rate order. This Memorandum also addresses the factual bases upon which the Commission should conclude that the Company s interim rate increase request is in the public interest. STATEMENT OF THE FACTS The Commission s October 28 2003 Notice of Application correctly summarizes Idaho Power s request for interim rates. The Company has requested that the 4.16% interim rate increase be part of, and not in addition to, the general rate increase proposed by the Company. The Company has also proposed that the interim rates would not be subject to refund but could be adjusted prospectively based on the Commission s ultimate determination in this case. In its request for interim rates, the Company identified four revenue requirement items which represent known and measurable changes to the Company s revenue requirement that have occurred since the last general rate case almost ten years ago: (1 )The construction and operation of the Danskin Power Plant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 2 (2)The costs incurred to relicense the Company s Mid-Snake (Upper Salmon, Lower Salmon and Bliss), Shoshone and C.J. Strike hydro facilities (3)The change in depreciation expense approved in Order No. 29363 in Case No. IPC-03-, and (4)The increase in Idaho s share of net power supply costs from 85.5% in 1993 to 94.1 % in 2003 due to reallocation between wholesale and retail jurisdictions. Based on a 2003 test year and holding all other financial and accounting items constant these four revenue requirement items represent the basis for Idaho Power s request for interim recovery of additional revenue .on an annualized basis in the amount of $20 124 165. The Company s filing also addresses the recent action of the Company Board of Directors to reduce the common stock dividend. This action was taken to improve the Company s financial position through improved cash flows and a strengthened balance sheet thereby reducing the Company s cost of financing. Reducing the need for financing and the cost of financing at a time when the Company is embarking on significant infrastructure improvements is clearly in the public interest. II. LEGAL STANDARD The Commission Has the Authority To Establish Interim Rates. There is no provision in the Idaho Code which directly addresses the legal standard to be applied by the Commission in considering a request for interim rate relief IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 3 as compared to the standard to be applied to permanent rates. Idaho Code ~ 61-502 provides in pertinent part "the Commission shall determine the just, reasonable or sufficient rates, fares , tolls, rentals , charges , classifications , rules, regulations , practices or contracts to be thereafter observed and enforced and shall fix the same by order as hereinafter provided. . ." Idaho Code ~ 61-502. While there is no statutory provision directed specifically to interim rates as compared to permanent rates, it is well settled that the Commission has authority to establish interim rates and substantial discretion in setting the level of those rates. In Grindstone Butte Mutual Canal Company v. Idaho Power Company, 98 Idaho 860 574 2d 902 (1978), the Idaho Supreme Court held: Appellants similarly argue that the Commission lacks authority to enter interim orders. All Commission orders as to rates are subject to change, given the mandate of Idaho Code ~ 561-502 that the Commission continue to evaluate the rates charged and make changes as necessary. It is true that no statute gives explicit authority to the Commission to enter "interim" or temporary" orders; however, implied in the directive of on-going investigation is the power to make orders affecting rates that are temporary in nature. Grindstone Butte 98 Idaho 860 , 864. In Citizens Utilities Co. v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 99 Idaho 164 579 P.2d 110 (1978), the Idaho Supreme Court confirmed its recent prior ruling in Grindstone Butte that the Commission s authority under Idaho Code ~ 61-502 directs the Commission to review, and if necessary, modify rates that are no longer just or reasonable. In interpreting Idaho Code ~ 61-622 the Court stated: If the Commission fails to reach a conclusion concerning the merits of a requested rate increase within the seven month suspension period, the rate must go into effect. the fact that the requested rate increase must go into effect at the . IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 4 expiration of the seven month period, of course, does not in any way conclude the Commission s inquiry into the propriety of the rate increase or any way limit the Commission authority and duties. If the suspension period expires before the Commission has reached a conclusion , the utility may implement the new rates subject to subsequent modification by the Commission. Under Idaho Code 9 61-502, the Commission is under a continuing obligation to review utility rates and charges. Citizens' Util.99 Idaho 164 , 169. (Emphasis added) The Citizens ' Utilities case is also instructive in its analysis of the various provisions that govern the Commission s review and approval of rate increases. The Court in Citizens ' Utilities first looked at Idaho Code 9 61-307 which provides that a utility must give both the Commission and the public thirty days notice of any increase in rates. As the Court noted , this statute , read alone, would indicate that the thirty days notice is the only requirement for a rate increase. However, as the Court went onto note: The statute must be read in conjunction with Idaho Code 9 61-622. The first sentence of Idaho Code 9 61-622 specifies that "(N)o public utility shall raise any fare, rate , toll, rental or charge. . . under any circumstances whatsoever, except upon a showing before the Commission and finding by the Commission that such increase is justified.(emphasis ours). The second sentence of Idaho Code 9 61-622 provides the mechanism for carrying out the requirements of the first sentence , in that it provides that the Commission can "enter upon a hearing concerning the propriety of . requested rates increases and enter orders suspending, for a period not exceeding seven months, the time when the requested rate increase would otherwise go into effect pursuant to Idaho Code 961-307. Citizens ' Util.99 Idaho 164, 168. In providing this background , the Court confirmed that if the Commission so desired following the thirty-day period , the Commission has the authority to make a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 5 finding that the rate increase is justified. In other words , Idaho Code 9 61-622 is not simply a mechanism to build in delay in the rate approval process , but is a tool that the Commission can use it if needs additional time to make a final decision. Idaho Power believes this sequence of events underscores the role interim rates should play in the ratemaking process. The Commission can approve temporary rates knowing that it can change those rates prospectively at a later date. Although the Citizens Utilities case does not specifically deal with an interim rate request, it confirms that when rates to go into effect, either interim or permanent, not even Idaho Code 9 61-622 (limiting the period of suspension in a requested rate increase) divests the Commission of authority to continue its inquiry into the propriety of a rate change or in any way limit the Commission s authority and duties to establish just and reasonable rates. As a result, the Commission has the authority, and Idaho Power respectfully submits in this case, the obligation , to implement interim rates recognizing that it can adjust the utility s rates at the conclusion of the rate case. The Commission Is Not Required To Conduct A Full-Scale Rate Case In Order To Approve Interim Rates. There is no difference in the legal standard to be applied to either interim or permanent rates. Both interim rates and permanent rates must be just , reasonable non-discriminatory, non-preferential and sufficient. There is neither statutory authority nor Idaho case law that would support an argument that an interim rate request is held to a higher legal standard than any other type of rate request. In fact , because the Commission can adjust interim rates following the completion of the rate review For the convenience of the Commission , copies of Idaho Code 99 61-307, 61-502 and 61-622 are attached to this Memorandum.- IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 6 process, the Commission is not required to conduct a full-scale rate case in order to approve interim rates. So long as the utility has presented a prima facie case and the Commission s decision rests on adequate findings , the Commission has all the authority it needs to approve an interim rate request. Idaho Power acknowledges that before the Commission issues an order approving rates , there must be an adequate record that would allow the Commission to make the required findings of fact and conclusions of law to support its decision. The Company also acknowledges that the granting of interim rates should not be taken lightly. However, because the Commission can subsequently adjust interim rates following the completion of the full rate review process , the Commission is not legally required to conduct a full-scale rate case in order to approve interim rates. Interim rates can be put into effect if the Commission reasonably concludes that the utility has made prima facie case that the interim rates will produce revenues that are less than the revenues the utility will receive upon completion of the permanent rate case. This is precisely the conclusion the Commission reached in Idaho Power Company s request for interim rate relief in 1982. In Order No. 17070 issued in Case No. U-1 006-185-, the Commission granted Idaho Power s request for interim rate relief because the Commission concluded that the Company had demonstrated that the amount granted in interim revenues would be less than the amount the Company would ultimately receive at the conclusion of the U-1 006-185 case with the issuance of the final order addressing all of the issues in the U-1 006-185 docket. We find that $24 192 800 is the Company s just and reasonable revenue requirement based exclusively upon consideration of Val my-related changes to its revenue requirement from Case No. 1006-173. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 7 The Company s need for additional revenues undoubtedly exceeds $24 192 800. Had this been an ordinary application for interim rate relief in which "the broad public interests" could be considered see Intermountain Gas Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 97 Idaho 113 , 127 540 P.2d 775 , 789 (1975), we would not hesitate to weigh the Company commendable performance in signing contracts for cogeneration and small power production, to evaluate its progress in the residential weatherization program , or to recognize increased capital costs since issuance of our Order in Case No. U-1006- 173 and adjust its equity return. But the Company restricted its Application in Case No. U-1 006-185-A to Valmy-related adjustments, and we confirmed this narrowing of the issues by Order. Having narrowly defined the issues in its Application , the Company, as all litigants , must accept in Case No. U-1006-185-the consequences of doing so. (Order No. 17070, p. 11) In its Application for interim rates in this proceeding, the Company is requesting that the Commission apply the same legal standard it applied in Case No. U- 1006-185 and 185-A in Order No. 17070 in 1982. The four revenue requirement items identified in the Company s Application are all known and measurable changes and do not require extensive review to verify the amounts requested. It is also important to note that the Commission has a legal obligation to consider the impact of not granting interim rate relief to Idaho Power. Without interim rates and the revenues associated with those interim rates, the Company will continue to earn less than it is legally entitled to earn and shareowner property will continue to be confiscated. The seminal case discussing confiscation of shareholder property is Bluefield WatelWorks Improvement Co. v. Public Service Commission of West Virginia 262 U.S. 679, 43 S.Ct. 675 , 67 Lawyer s Edition 1176 (1923). In Bluefield the Supreme Court of the United States held: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 8 The question in the case is whether the rates prescribed in the commission s order are confiscatory and therefore beyond legislative power. Rates which are not sufficient to yield reasonable return on the value of the property used at the time it is being used to render the selVice are unjust, unreasonable and confiscatory and their enforcement deprives the public utility company of its property in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is so well settled by numerous decisions of this court that citation of the cases is scarcely necessary. 262 U.S. at 690 43 S.Ct. at 678. (Emphasis added) In their prefiled testimony and exhibits , Company witnesses have presented testimony and exhibits that demonstrate that Idaho Power is not earning an adequate return on its investments currently providing service to customers. At current rates , the Company s ability to attract capital and to maintain adequate service is currently being adversely impacted. The four revenue requirement items identified as the bases for the interim rate request are known and measurable and represent a minimum level of rate recovery currently needed to allow the Company to meet its obligations to its customers. III. INTERIM RATES ARE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST In Order No. 17070 quoted above, the Commission discussed its ability to grant interim rates based on Idaho Power s commendable performance in signing contracts for cogeneration and small power production, weatherization , etc. The- Commission characterized these kinds of considerations as "the broad public interests (quotation marks in the original , Order No. 17070, p. 8).2 Idaho Power believes that the prefiled testimonies of Mr. Keen and Mr. Gale presents a prima facie case that the A copy of Order No. 17070 is attached to this Memorandum for the Commission s convenience. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 9 broad public interest" would support the implementation of interim rates at this time. On pages 27 and 28 of Mr. Keen s direct testimony in the 03-13-A case , Mr. Keen notes that Idaho Power s Board of Directors recently made one of the most difficult decisions a Board can make by significantly reducing the dividend on the Company s common stock. This decision demonstrates the importance the Company s Board places on providing the necessary capital to fund needed infrastructure investments. Mr. Keen testimony also notes that despite the decrease in the dividend , the Company will still have to rely heavily on the capital market to fund its system improvement program going forward. The public interest is served through interim rate relie(by providing additional cash for investments in system improvements to benefit customers. But perhaps even more importantly, interim rates will improve the Company s financial picture with the end goal of reducing the Company s cost of money. Interim rate relief coupled with the Board's reduction of the dividend, will send a strong signal to the capital markets that both the Company and the Commission stand ready to make the decisions necessary to enable Idaho Power to obtain the additional financing required at a reasonable cost. Reducing the need for additional financing and lower financing costs at a time of heavy infrastructure investment is clearly in the public interest. In addition , Mr. Gale in his testimony describes two Company-initiated programs, the Green Power Program and the Comprehensive Risk Management Policy, both of which certainly qualify as the type of programs that are consistent with "the broad public interests" cited by the Commission in Order No. 17070 as independent grounds for interim rate relief. Idaho Power believes that the Commission can legally IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 10 consider both the four known or measurable charges described in Mr. Gale s testimony and the "broad public interest" programs discussed by Mr. Gale and Mr. Keen in reaching a decision on the granting of interim rates. IV. CONCLUSION Idaho Power acknowledges that there may be a perception that the granting of interim rates requires a utility to meet a higher legal standard. A review of Idaho law , however, does not support that view. The legal standard to be applied to the approval of interim rates is the same as for any other rate , i.e. , " just, reasonable and sufficient." The real question is whether the Commission must conduct a full rate case before determining that interim rates are appropriate. The Idaho Supreme Court's decisions in Grindstone Butte and the Citizens' Utilities cases both confirm the Commission s ability under Idaho Code 9 61-502 to adjust rates on an interim basis pending a hearing on permanent rates. Recognizing that interim rates are subject to final adjustment at the time final rates are approved , it is logical to conclude that the approval of short-term interim rates does not require a higher standard than that required by Idaho Code 9 61-502. Idaho Power prima facie case for interim rate relief has been presented by prefiled testimony and exhibits and by measurable changes that provide the Commission with substantial competent evidence on the record to support a determination by the Commission that a 16% interim rate increase will not exceed the amount of permanent rate relief ultimately allowed. In addition , the testimony of Mr. Keen and Mr. Gale demonstrates that the requested interim rate relief is appropriate based on the "broad public interest" IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 11 standard as described in Commission Order No. 17070. For all of these reasons, Idaho Power respectfully concludes that the Commission can and should grant the interim rate relief requested. Respectfully submitted this 12th day of November, 2003. GJ-;D BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE Page 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 12th day of November, 2003 , I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S LEGAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF INTERIM RATE INCREASE upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Randall C. Budge Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson , Nye, Budge & Bailey O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello , I D 83204-1391 -L Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 232-6109 Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44140 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (440) 808-1450 Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 99 East State Street , Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle , ID 83616 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (208) 938-7904 Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 Hand Delivered S. Mail . Overnight Mail-L FAX (208) 384-1511 Lawrence A. Gollomp Assistant General Counsel U. S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue , SW Washington, D.C. 20585 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (202) 586-7479 Dale Swan Exeter Associates, Inc. 5565 Sterret Place Suite 310 Columbia, MD 21044 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (410) 992-3445 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page Conley E. Ward Givens , Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, 10 83701-2720 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (208) 388-1300 Dennis E. Peseau , Ph. Utility Resources, Inc. 1500 Liberty Street S., Suite 250 Salem , OR 97302 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (503) 370-9566 Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP O. Box 2564 Boise, 10 83701 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (208) 336-6912 Jeremiah Healy United Water Idaho, Inc. O. Box 190420 Boise, 10 83719-0420 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (208) 362-7069 William M. Eddie Advocates for the West O. Box 1612 Boise, 10 83701 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (208) 342-8286 Nancy Hirsh NW Energy Coalition 219 First Ave. South, Suite 100 Seattle , WA 98104 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail-L FAX (206) 621-0097 ~/(j BARTON L. KLINE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page 2 IDAHO CODE ~~ 61-307 , 61-502 and 61-622 521 DUTIES ,OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 61':307 said' schedules. (1913 :ch. 61;~. 13b , p. '247;.compiledffild Teen.' C.L; 106:48; , ~ 2415; LC., ~59-305. ' , Compiler sno1;es. For word~'"this'a~see compiler~s note '~ 61-304, ' ;, . ~ALYS Cla~~Hic~tionbY coinriiissib1i. C.ons1iE~~io~~t;.of ~egUla~oIi Clas!i.ificaticin.by,Co~ssion. 'iJ':ubli cjltilit,ies, commissi.on ' in the. ,exe:rcise ofj~.auth.6r;ityto see ,that,rates boj;h.asa whol~"~dJot each partiCul;ITser:yi(:e; J;ire,just to, ~b,lhJ,P1itY';aIldreasona:ble t.o tb..e :~.ons:wn~r; and' n.oI;i.discri;Jpinat,OlY . asb,etWl;J,en cc.op.s;um. er!;jm,ayn()t;,.onlyjix; :ratesJ.or eiich"claS:s;~bu:t -' , may claSsify, Idah.o P.owerCd. v. Th.omps.on; 19 F.2d 547; 1921D P.V,R. 388 (D. Idah.o 1927) (vandus rate"-making prillciples dIscussed ~~:,~~~~~~). '' , C;,9~ti~tipD,a!ity .of ~gWa,tion. , ,A:p.y, regtpati.onw,hichc.operates.ao; ,a ,confis- ~~pi~If ' ofprlyatepr.operty.or ,c.oIl!;titutes an aJ:'bitrm:.or,;. 'unr.eas.onable. ,ipf'ringement . ,.of perso)Jalor,cpr.op,e:rty,rights .is V9id ause repugnant t.o the ;c.oIlstituti.onal iilar~ties.of ' d.ue process and equal pr.otecti.onotthe laws. Osb.orn Utils.C.orp; v;",:public Utils. C.omm 52 Ic\ah.o 571,17 Pfd 33q (1932). . DECI8I()NS UNDER PRIOR LAw 61~3Q6.~c:ti~dU1es ,;, Chang~:in form. - The commission shall have thepower,.ITomtimeto time,inits;discretion, to deteftDlirie and prescribe by order:,suglF'changes in'itheforin'of"the schedules referred to in the two (2) pre~~diiig,:secti9ns as it may:fulifexpedient; AIld to Ip.odifytherequirements of any of its orders, rules; or reg1J.l~tiori.~,4trespectt9i aJ:lYIIl.a~term,this section .referred to. (1913;ch.61(~ 13c, p. 247; Teen. C.L. 106:49;"0.8. 2t16; 'l:g~f\:,~~~3()6r . ', ,, , J; Water Chrporiition'sDuljito FUrDisbWa- ter. ' ' ','. ":;;."'j,,' , A warer'coiporation7'c.oilld Dbt"use' a:siJ. defeiiire('t1iat'its' water rates were hot fiXed in the '!riiiri'iJ,er . presc;riJjed by lawfiwhen a con'- suniersuedfu compel'the c.ompanyt.otap its mains and c.onnect t.o the ' c.onsiiIIler s prop- ertY,when the rateusuallychatged'hadbeen offered a:ndtenderedthe company. Bothwell v. C.onsUmers' C.o., 13 Idah.o 568, 92 P. 533 (1901): , '"" .;;"". " ." , ,., ,' . "' .""",!; .: ' ()i~39~. ' . Sched:iiles"G1ian.ge in,:hit~aIld ,serVice. "- Unless the colnmissiouothemse orders; no ,change shall-be made by any public utility ma:qy bi~;;"far,~~;:toU rerital.;"9harge.otClassificatiori or .in an~f rtIle regUl~tioiiot (:dri#ilc:t,lating.. to"or aff~gtiqg" ~y . r~t~,fare, t911, rental, charge~ ;classificatio:nor serVice, -or.in any privilege or facility except after tJiP:'ty'(~O)(laYf3 nqW'~~ t(jthf#~~oIPmission and to the pub1ic as herein pfQyjMd:,Su~It'ilOti~~" :sh3.fL.b~,giy~n by filing' with the commission and keeping'bpellforpl1~lic inspection new s~lied!llesstatiiigpfainl:y the change or"cH~ges:tb'be"riiade iritlle!?chedule o:r's~p,edulesihen in force, and the tPiI~:o/h~~:;the"~l1iuig~ 'or ch~'geswillgb into effect. The commissibn, for good~,6auseshbwIi, may allow changes witJl~U:t:requiririgthethirty (3~) days notice llerein, ptov:ided;for, by an ,order specifyirig the changes so to he made and,the time when they shall 'take effect, and the manner in which they sh~;befil~~:~d.pupli~p:ecl,; w:r.er( ~y ~liange is proposed in any rate,Jln"e ton,r~nt~,: charge oi.cfassifIcaiion or in anyforill of contract or agreemerit or in ,any rule, regulation or contmct relating to' or affecting any rate, fare, ton,f~I1tal, cl18i&:e;classifi,~i3:tib:n ~I' servic , orin any priVilege or. facility, attention shwl be directedto:suchchange bnthe schedule filed with the commissjonbysome charactertb be designated'by thecommissioil, :imJ::D.e- 61-307 PUBLIC UTILITY :REGULATION diately preceding or following the item. (1913 ch. 61 2 14, p. 247; reen. C. 106:50; C., 2 2417; LC., 2 59-307. Trac.Cp;, 3 P.I. 114 EU.R.19i5D,.i43. Traction company 'was not permitted to increase existing rate of school tickets of one cent per mile, although 'not ,earning a reason- able return. In re.Jdaho Trac, Co.;3p'. 114, P.R. 1915D~)42. ' . " Traction company w~s nrit perriiitted to increase its fare from. five ,totertcetits(al- thoughb.ofearning a reasonable retunhJhits investiniJrit vihere'itwas bOuild;bjcontI-aCt ba~ed'upoff doIiatioIis ofm6ri:ey iaiid figJJ:ts 'of :h 1 ~ ~~! ~J; i:: =~:~ J:~:% soni;. hiidpbTcnased'shbui-baJi traCts' on.' such lines with the five cent fare as an inducement. IIi l'eJdahtiTrac. Co" 3P.C.I. 114,7 , p. 1915:0, 7'1:2. IIicreases, in, ratf;!s when, ,necessa,ry, to en- bi~ a:Jtility'eithf:;r \ike~p its';'(;~c~ ai:th'e point thE!Pllbliccle1Jl~c\S.;" gr,Jo;a tq:a,ctJnew cap,iiwWiith 'which,Jo , ~ : .I1~~!i~~:jniprQvE!- ments,a'r:edllstified. 111. .~eJ~Q g()'(I';~rnqo; EU;!;Casi:Jt':S33 , Qrder:~,RIJ,R,,:il9~OD;,806. , Street.car company must notOnly,jput into , eftecFWi-eaEi'6D.ab1e'ec611()Dfiss;bri:t~' Iri'ttst aiso. go 'afterlifew brismess;ahc:L proof 6fstidi. co; issueswiU' be ,regaJ:ded'as,essf;!!1t~a.l,befor~f8.I1' , ' iJlcreaSekrates ,willbegrant~d.,l:n,r~B.()ise, StieetCill- Co. , p. u:cr CaseF;,t77, oider" AppHcabilffY'of Administrative Proce~~';824;"P.U.R 1922B, 796~C )~.; "", ' dur.esActV, , " ; . ;. Wherelarge power utility hac:j:ereated.large' When;the PUblic. Utilities Commission is demaridfor .1;J1ePtricit;y: fQrclC)pie~ti~, ~,ater", engaged, in a legislative function, such as hea~i.rlg p:urp()!Jes based uponloy.rJ!;atrate, rat!!-setting for' acogenerator or small power woplg 'not, De" ~gwtable to, p!!FJIiit", ;!jud4en pr6ducer;'it 'need' not"a:ct;.purSuiiiit .tQ+the( pl1f6mg'qrsudlcifsrom'efs1 tiffs. higl1ernleter Adn:itnis tra ti:ve Prq!;e9-ures,Act bu tneed. oni Y/s 'Q~!s;~~ tI:16j.igl:lfun;1ishing"~Em:tati!a,j;,ir:~te. fulfill, tl1e Ilotiqe; r~gujreJ:J;1el1~. iInpos~ri on, it "., ~&\E\,,!!tl!:JQ!J~hIn rI;JJp.al:1Q.gP~I;Jr:,Q.()., .1;',J.; bieM public utilit)1regUIatioii statutes. Aw.C;l~E(F4t7:'ordeF939 U:R.1924C 3t3; " BrowIFCo. \i. Ida:I:lo.PoweiGo; ;121' IdaB'o"S'12/ ";";Th~~riUiiission' Iiilif'R1ithbnty fo'fi'i'utility 828;;P;2q,8;41fi992); ;, '" I; ;J'at~s;w;lifchlWQUIctjs:qpersedi'frates'Preyiously ' :, '. .'." '- 'i; ;., ~d. Qi,I?P\':\lJEL~C)~!~\i.p~;;J)~h1?efC)~~j;h~,cC)m~Change m Rates. ' " . IriiSsioilcowa mcrease efectricsernce rates iJi~i i~;:~~ ~ ~i~W~~;::ii~~ ~ ~ ': ' ~ ' i:~!~;~i~~;!~:::! ~~! ~~ ?,11 ~t. offered to .eliriililateeXlstmg di~~' s(Jlia.Ble !ffi'd'"a:dvers1!'fue pu:blicf'mterest cl:J1Ilm~F.(m;,~hE;Jxe.ltappeared th!it;, this' . ' AgficiilfGIM PtodS'i iCori1)C vhutli:lf';piiw~r ~\~';'"~' :9plqrf!s~tin a,p,iJ1c,rea~,. of I;na.n.Y,e:xi~ND.g" Light-Qo;.98 Idaho.23' '55gd~2Mnq ,(19,76), rates; and that disCrimination coUld be eliili~ ' " , q : ~' ', ., "', ,. iniiiea;6therivise. Inr~ Pacific' Tel.&TO'Co':2i ' ; ' Classificat:iolibyGon'.rn.sSionr,'~ ;"\3l~!~ir;t.~f' ,~,iifii:~ii i i f. ~ jfj if if scl;tqoL,:tate.s:~er!cJ'"tp;lchim.ged",~:m:'I'I;J.Id!lh()'-"i iD,g, prin~i'plg!l.!lis~usse.g,and ~pplieg); f,' Cross, ref.. Findllig of commission neces- sary for increase in rate, ~ 61-622. Sec. to sec;. ref., This section is .referred to in ~ 61-622. . , Cited in: Wardner v. Oregon R. & N avo Co 2 P. U. C,L 128;BtiIlkei HilYCo. v, Wasbiligtod Water'.Power Co.; 98'IdaIio 249: 561P;2d 391 (19n);CitiZens Utils.Co.v. Idaho Pub. Dtils; Comiri'n;99 Idaho 164, 579 P;2d "110(1978); Afton-'Energy,Inc. v. IdiilidPower Co:; 107 Idaho 781i;693P.2d427 (1984). ANALYSIS Applicability " of AdminIstrative Procedures Act. Change in rates. Classification. by. commission. Jurisdiction.MuniCipaFutilities. . Notapplicab le,tocoun ties; , Notice; . ' Service. Expense. - Extension. ...". Maintenance. ; " --:; ;Ne.gijgiqle use by passeng~rs. Righi' , " --Suspensi6:if or abandonment. Unreasonable and unjust economic,Joss, . 522 ,'" ii, 563 POWERS AND HUrrIES OFPUBLIC'UTILITIES COMMISSION 61;502 IIlountaip. ,\Gasi.'Co,: ' v.ddaho",Plik:Utils; Q.o1;JlIl1njS8, Idaillb 7iL8i,571 ,p"Z!ia119,(l9i77). drhf:J.P'llbli~ ,'lltiltties'coriimi~sioIl'had juris-diction t6'dsci4~~l:ieiss4es iIfa p,etitiOD.'foradeClaratory ruling brought , by the Depart-mentor, Energy; (DOE)/iasisigna:tofY:'tqa three:partY'agrei\hienVWitlf.the.P 6'wet'.Com c pany(rPCW and'the Bt!i:hPower and 'Light Co. fa) P.i&,!G;') ,foi.,theifufuishirig; ofenergyt6theNiltional.,ErignfeetIDg'La\)5fatoty '(INEl.),whereby 1;he.nOE'.so\ight';a:,tuling. tlIat. upon the '.eiercis€;',~ofc' its" riglit"'!tti.rtenninate:the agr.eement;il'C 'V\'Mld'have.the'right;fube'the ~~:~~; ~~1i ~~k~;:~' ~~~~~~~~~:: ~;' ii:n: COIrun'n;: 112 :Id~0\10 ~730P2ci:930 ,,(1986), ,, cerL'deIried, 484 tJ.s. 801, lO8S. Ct: 44,i 98 Ed;:'2d\9:(1987), ' . ""$;"'0: :~, : 'Uridef:ATL5::9oftheIdahoCOn.StitutiontheqaaJio"'s upreme'Coilii"'has "dilly" 'liin:ited j UiisdictioD. 'toreVlt!w Cdecisions'df'tM,FiIb Iii: Utilities "Gomriiis si bii; on' questions o'f\la~; 'the review. oIioappeal'shall"Iiot"becextellded'fUr"tner:;thariCtchdeterihii:ii~;'whethe'r theconimis" sion"hasr~gtIlaxlypursued its 'authority.A:w; BroWn 'CoiviIdaho Bower.Co: , , 121,ldaho812; 82S'P:2d:.s41;C1992). M()nopol~es. , , " "?i' -' "" , :Gonstitutional.prohibition-'ofL monopoliesdid'Iu:iMrave' iii'V:iew, a.publk:utllity -' corpora-ticingovernediand;'controlle(j.' by ,lawcfor'the '.. ',-, bestjriterestsofihe 'people.Jdaho'Pow.er &Light,Qo;w.B,loinquist;,26JdahcL222,J.41,lO83;Aim:Cas,:J,916E,,282,CiL914), .AntitrUststatUteh~. ~o~ .liee:JJ.,~uP~rseded, ~sofa.J.",al1-,'p'u.b1.ic:'!ltilities cover wmch;thecom" riiission.h~s, 'bf:Jen '/iiYf:Jn: du,ect'cOntrol areconcerned. by;1;b.e, PliHcy:. 'YwcA' 'teC;QgtIizes ta~~~;E~.~ir~~'~~;~id:f' ' . o Mer gerof five hydr~Iectnc com pani~~ ';in toone Iarg~operat'ii\g,c~I;l1Pa'!1y,was"held to irilire to 'b~Mfitofp~plil:~,im4jp.ye~tort sincecoIlliills~ioli AI!S iu:riplepower Up:a~~ the PliQ-lie utilities lawto' regiiliiW"tatesiih'a 'el'Vib-g;m reHydr~"Eiectrii: C6s:2P.b:b.I.260P.U.R1~15F, 876: " .., ;' Suspension of Jurisdicti9n. " :., , " absence: 'of. constitutional ,).iniit~tiQP' right cifstate to' regU.~ate :ra~~:;m;~y."j)~s~- pended fora liin.itiJd. ;tiniebyYilli:d:contract authorized bylegislaiure bilt ,;y.l1.en.sJlqhcon~ tract is relied upop:;,4milst ilppeiit)1iatauthority. was cleaily; -ahd .uhtnistaJtablygranted, and tha.tits diHegatio!l.~~ftee,fromdoubLSiuid poiritwli'ter & Ligltt Co , ' yo :QitYofSandpoirit; 31 Idaho 498, 173P, ~72;,1918FU;R.ll06 (1918). , ,' , ' Collateral. References. 64'.Aril"Jlir:2Il, Public Utilities;~~ 151-17lc' , ', , 73B C;J$., Public Utiliti~s;~~ .15:':5~.L ' : 61~502;\C"l1eterifiiri~ti()ii cifi'ates. --c..Whenever t,ne cQminission, after a "', C ,.c" ,:'-;', .'~,."." "",,;,:.:,- .;,, , ..'C ."." "" "'0"heanng;-paq"upQn ?:Hil3 . Q;W.h: 'm.otlon or upon complaint , , shall'findtb..atthe ~!!~!ii!i::: ~~L~?!i:!fb':!!~ i! ra t~s' oifa1-es" for '~excursibns' ' orcom.m:utatiori'fcticIkets"oi'.Itha'f'the"'fules; regulations; practices oI'c ~ntracts, or Jt'riy'pf.t'Mpi, .~~btihg/~s4$rf:t~~: ~~~ fares; .1;0118;, "rentitls;'.charges: Or ' Classificatic)fiSi' 9f\,~y";of.th~;mi arce:unj:t,1,sti ~~: !~f~~~:, ~ s lr~ t: lt1t !~ ~ ~e ~: F~~il~:: , '~~ h1f ;~l~ t: '1:~ f~~; iT!cla:ssifications:are instifficieilt;the commissibIl.shall determine , the' just ~~~ Il !!~ ~ t i ~ ~~ ~~~: f :l~~~t frol fr ~~fs ~ : lde f ~1h~~ :a1f;~ ~ t& ~: = l~~tt ail;force and shall! fix thefsarne by, :order, ashereiJ1afterprbvided,; anlf:'hiill p:ll"Cl,~r~s'l~li ru:J;~~, ~p-" r~kUl5J,tioli~lis theco~rili~sion ni~Y:PI'I:!~Fti2e;ft; t~~r~~soriabl~'1l1;a$.IDuir(rates to he charged forwa:ter by~y\p:\lblic utility coming wi~l1in the provisions of 'this actI'elatingtothes~~ofwiltepT1913i clt'61,'~ )36(a..J;p:247I~~~eh:C.L~ 106:83;C:S.~451~ tC.~59~502:) Cc)mpiler s'n ~tesOiFor words "thi~ act" see colIlpiler snot~, ~ 61-5QL Cross ref.' Ait carriers" power of commis-sion to fix rates, ~ 61-1116. , Effective date of new rate, ~61-623; Valuation; determination offer purpose of rate making, ~ 6Hi23.. Citedin:'State v"Kouni 581daho 493., 2d .917;C193.8);:Id~0 Mut; Benefit Ass n v. Robison; u5 Idaho 793, 154,P.2d 156 GiL944); Inre Pacific TeL &;TeLCo., 71 Idaho 476, 233P.2dlO24.(l951),-Citizens Utils. Co.v. Idaho 61'5 PROCEDtJREBEFORECOMMISsroN" ANUm COuRTS 6t~622 ~Cih~d'iri:Neiiv: Pi!blic.VtlIs.Cbmm'il;' 32 Id3.9:o4;4, 178, P; ~71(19l9); ,C!'lPi~Ill,WJI.j;~r;Co. V. PublkUtils. CoIDIIl', 41' Idaho19, 237 P. 423(i925):/. " ' ~~~Tsr.ihj;h!g,ftdfa~r~a1'g;lower rat~son . btanchliiie to those'of riiai:iJ.lIDe WithpetriJ.i~c sion,:. t~ i~pi:lJYfor:qpjJ~rtl1riiJ?";&i~~:tw(iJ;1JY" ' day1iQf'sW~g tl1a't;~Xi~tiri.grate ofbr~cl1 :~ ;~o ~' ~~~ ~ ~ft ~fb ~, ~. ~ ~ ~~ " a ~ pJic~~b ~ is:lIlade;th~;ordershorila 'be fnispetidea.perid" in,g,:f'urther9.~ari.Q,g.j ,PetersoIl:,' 2v,, :O'(~gon R) 3 PN,, ZJ,.vJ,rl~15D, 7~W;;, . Effi#lvedil.teof'abaiidonitlent'orclerwas exi~nded' upon c&i'dlti\Jff'ihlii' the:cu~t()ihets , wo1l1drilakearf. angerilentstbasslir,e pa.yment tQ tl1eutiiiti:;ofa,~ualbperatm.g'e~elJ.se~, In ~~~~f~~$?f~~~.~tif'1~g2~~~~j " " q~~e c,. .. ",'. ,. j61:i6f91rt. ~~cordi, ,;;.i.AMy,iIndcoInplete-r~cord'ot' a.ll"Imbc~ed'ings had ~ae::~5tt~~ui~~i (1913, ch., part of ~.57a;247;' re'en,L: 106:128; G.;~;' 2496~itC~K ~cO'&9 1~J " /", ', , : ':n :" ..".' .. .,:". . ..: ', .' ., , 6I~ii2()~,;'tt~~ordon app~ai.I~peale , . ' " ,' , ,. : Compiler s notes/This ,section whichcoinc , ca. ,, 9'6; ' p:: 141; arii. i925jcht 88; ., pc prised 191:3\,l!l,stpa,rygB,571!."~7; i23(lJI::A , ~' 59"620 was reperoedby:KL. r~~H'X'I,"1.~6:12~;G$:2497; :am:/i!12t 1977, ch.299 ~ L , ; ",;, ;61;621. ,Cbi,n.plain.t-bY utility.~ AnypubA~utility sh~h.?ve aright t~ c(jIIJ,plain onaIlyofthe.'.gTounds:'U~on w hichcoIilplaintsare allow~dto be filed,;byothef p~es~a#dthe' sall:l;~procedur-e Bhatl 'ue adbpted,andfol1owed oth~r:cases , . .E!xc~prihattJi~ ,cQrnp!#iIit DiilY b~he~de~;Paft~)ty,the commiE;~ion or may be serVed l1poIi, 'anY;iParties desj,giiateghy tI:ieAp~&7 ~~o t~~~~1~J ~~:' 9%: Jr~; j' 58 .Irf~1;. re~m.CLL.I06:130;; C.'~,;2498;'LQ;A:;' actions and proceeclings;~61:o2Q4:' Cited in: JoYv;WfustEi~d ryi)"idjffid232 215 P.2d 291 (1950). "" '.',.. Cross ref,,' Actiori;prOseC1ition by;attorney geileral/~: 61"701. "); cr;. I: ' ; '" : Right:and :dutyofattomey :general to rep- , reseintarid'appear' befor'e,comIIiiSsioildnalL ':";": '" "', ," '" ": , 6:i~6~2: ;c : Ffudlrig'of' co mffiJ~~i(,n necessaryforhicr~a~~)ri'ra.!~;,i... No public-utility shall ~aise anY-rate, fare, toll, rental or charge orsej'wter any.,flii~~w'~l.itipIJ,~ ~qp, irag.t,pJ~~tlc:~, rule or regulation a~);qre.~tlWmari increase.-in,anyr.ate, far-e, toll; ,rental or charge, under any circumstances whatsoeveri'~xceprltpbria 'shoWing Defore the commission ana a nndiiijfDY , tii~'i 9inp:1i~s19IiJ:hat such :ilicre~se is justified. ,The colIlIDiss~()~1., ~p, !l~ve power/8hdis hereby given authority, either upon complaint or upon its,own iI\i~~?tW~\vi:tl:16u.t co#ip'laint';;lt once , and if it so orders, With6ut'i#lswei'or theI:;to~iil'ijleadirigshy.theiD.terestedpublic utility or utilities , But upon reasoIUible notice; toenterupOll' a hearing concerning the ptOI?riety,()fs~th rate, . fare, toll, renta,l charge .c1assi:ficatiQn cpntraCt pra~tice p:ile, or, regulation !an.dpending the hearing and'decisiort thereon; such' rate;. fare toll;rent~,Gliarge, c1a.ssinca.tlpIi, c():p:trabi; pra.ctic~, :rule orreggIat'i6n shall ~o(go h1t() .~ffect;pr~~ded,thatthEtperiod of s~spellsionofsuchra .f~e , . toll, rentid;charge; classification, contract, practice, rule ottegulationshall 61~622 PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATION not extend beyond thirty (30) days when such rate, fare, toll, rental, charge class~ficlition" contract; .prlictice,rule or, re~latioI). would otherWis . go i~to effec~, Pt1rstl~tto section 61-307 Idaho Code, unless the cb:rnmission ill its discretion :eXteiids~the period of suspension for an initial , period not exceedingfive;(5) months,; nor unIessthe(:opunissio~afj;er, ~sho:wing of good ' causeoiit:h,e record, granls 'ah additional sixty (60) days; provided further that' prior;,to;th:e eXpiiiitipIl of said ' . periods .of. suspensiQ:J1tb,e,co:n:l1:jiissibIi ' may; with the consEmtiIl writing signed ;py tJieparty filiD.gsucb,schedule;, permanently or further suspend the same. On such hearing, the commission sllall est~plish the; rates;!'Jares,..;;tolls, ,r;~~taIg; ;:charges;cJassifipatiqIJl,s cop trl3,cts'jillracjices; : rules or regulati()Il~proposed in;whole or in ;p~ti; or otb,~WE!;inli~:t1 the:reof VIlhichitsh~lfindto bejus~ and reasona.ble,L~913, ch. 6h~,5J~a"Pi ?c47;teep. );,, 910q:131~i;;tS.92499;;I.C.9 59-622;. am. 1915;. ch;,; 9; 1;p;16.:;;; ami 1~'76 , ch.,263,,9 ;,/SS7. Compiler s notes. Section 2 of S.L. 1975ch. 81 deClared an emergency. Approved M~ch 21 1975. , , Sectl6n26fS;'L: 1976 ch. 263, deClared aD. ernel'g~:iic::y;;Appro*edMarch,31;1976. , , Cross ' ' J:'~f~:90mn:ion .c:arriers, establish" ment of joint rate , ~, 61-504. Power to raise, lower, change and fix.rates 61"502:. . . Riiiliollds/ ~Bl1edriiJ 'f diMs' aildcharges; ~~"~P3()4i"6F306 61"308.:.2 .61-'310. " ~~, /cp~~.c!,fu~;JIl1'"e;:.r.~cifi~'I'~l.U.s,;;,T. ,fJo;2 , P;UiCJ.,,8~k:R., 19,i1)B ~4,~, mere P~cificThl.&'ThL 1:::0:71 Jda.hd 41'6; 233 P.2d 1024" (i95-i);i:,!,appeii:0:'State; iIY~pit of Health' & W~lfa!:'~,;102Ja$q807.; 641P.2d994 (1982). , " , abbreviated proceedings to accow;:t f~~ ~this single item expense of the company. Indus- , tiialCtlstomers'ofIdahoPowel'v;' Idab'6Pub? Utils.Comm'' 134 Idaho 285 , 1 P.3d 1'86 (2009). ' -,..- Addltihri'al p~riJ'a6f'shsp~ii1.i6n. , ,. TIe WOJ:ilB "ash6\vllig of gooci'~ause6n t1i~ record~', can be read to. mean only ,that. the recoid;iri..;the:case . m~t";disdosethat,: the ailditic))iaJdays .are,necessary,. asLPPP(jsed. , allovvil):g th~ col:Ilp'lissioj:ltluict'Yith aqsoI:ut~ . d.lscretioh.- Wasiilrigtonwater Power Cet , IdahoPub/(Jtil~/C()mmn;1O11dahd5'67;617 P;2d,,1242;(;1980)~' j' - "'" ..:;;';"" , VVh~:r:~th~ ,conpnission.detE;I'minedfromthe ,recordtliat' goodcause eiistea'tosuspend.tb.e ' rates for the additionalBO days'becahse bribe size, of the' increase requested; the:complexityAbbreviated:proceedingf;l" . ,, ' of:the casi:Js'piesentecbby:the:eIectric"11tilityAdilitiojl;lI perrbd~(sii~pension. ' and the workload of the comn:iissi'on at.;'that'Amorti'iiiti'on period. .time; ai:td;where no'chalIenge.had'been madeBurden of proof. to: these:,fiD.dings;'the:'commissioIl"aCted prop"'Discretion:of commission. , erly.. Washirigton;;Water' Power Co. v; IdahoEffecii~e da.te. of incr~ase.~~=~:~~~~~gst ' ~~%~; Y~~)~~;: ~;~:~:~~~: :,: ~~:;:: llili#' rt ' --- ".. '. '" -- y ~:! ". ~ ..'k S~ktiB~dlcll(jnKt"';;. ' )', Wl " '1! v ,u.w OJ'MumClp;ili utilitIes " f()llff,y~,aJ,'-A~\)JBz~ tion '.!p'e~~gdS~"'j:the:'-,,;I))J)?HC' :':" ' utiliti~sCOp:lID,ission ,~o-qlil"IeliiAg,).lpq:I1" t.l1etestililony'pfesehiM 'iliadditi6iFto' itiPo'0i! ~1~t~wmE' .. ~iii~i.~i ' " gs., , " 134 Id8:hb 285),PP:3d'-1186 (20QO),+h: "'+ ' '~~EI~5iXii~t~~l~~r ~~~~~~ Buideii'rifP~o()fl': '" ,"" peric;l!~~$;:prqkF~s a:e~jw,e&tQ;'4elpreduce,r, .,BUr4~#rW:&S:01f.t~J~ph())1~1CQmp'aJ:iYiiri ,pro~" energy'bollsu,mptio,q,W.oWd, :notiI);(a:~~se 't4~ ' , " eding, p~for,e.!PJi.'bJjc:,ritilitje!3i~oJJMDif:1sjon ,by, ~~;:~:!:~tf~lj~~f~:~:~it:~a $~: " ~~~s ~~l~c~:p::C~ii~~tf:~J~~~~:i' sUing: jtssta~to.ry,:authority-wheD, itadopte..d, , - tl1at, incr.~,ased"i'a~,;was:peyede.ga,1lyjI),aug'u, : ANALYSIS 616 IDAHO POWER COMPANY Case No. U-I006-185 & 185- Order No. 17070 BEFORE THE lDAliO PuBLIC UTILITIES COHMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLlCATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATEOF IDAHO; . ) AND IN THE EVENT OF SUSPENSION OF THESE RATES AND CHARGES, THE COMPANY REQUESTS, A UNIFORM PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN RATES AND CHARGES TO RECOVER INCREASED COSTS TO THE COMPANY AS A RESULT OF VALMY STEAM ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION UNIT ONE BEING PLACED INTO SERViCE. CASE NO. U-IO06-185 CASE NO. U-1006-185- ORDER NO. 17070 APPEARANCES FOR THE APPLICANT: FOR THE COMMISSION STAFF: FOR ICA: FOR PUMPERS: FOR MONSANTO: LARRY D. RIPLEY ELAM, BURKE, EV~~S, BOYD& KOONTZ c/o Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boi se, 10 83707 and PAUL L. JAUREGUI GENERAL COUNSEL IDMiO POWER COMPANY O. Box 70Boise, 10 83707 MICHAEL S. GILMORE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONStatehouseBoise, ID 83720 HAROLD I'll LES 316 15th Avenue South Nampa, ID 83651 ROBERT C. HUNTLEY, JR. ~~C1NE, HUNTLEY, OLSON, NYE & COOPER P. O. Box 1391Pocatel1o, 10 83201 LOUISE F. RACINE, JR. RACINE, HUNTLEY, OLSON, NYE & COOPER P. O. Box 1391Pocatello, 10 83201 - " FOR FMC:R. MICHAEL SOUTHCOMBE CLEMONS, COSHO & HUMPHREY 1110 First Interstate BuildingBoise, ID 83702 and JAMES N. ROETHE PILLSBURY, MADISON 225 Bush Street O. Box 7880 San Francisco, CA & StrrRO 94120 FOR INEL: JEFFREY R. CHRISTENSON ANDERSON, KAUFMAN, RINGERT& CLARK O. Box 2773Boise, ID 83702 IGNACIO RESENDEZ and LAWRENCE GOLLOME OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE U. S. Department of Energy 550 2nd Street Idaho falls , ID 83401 FOR GRINDSTONE BurrE: FOR THE DS l' SAND SCHEDULE 19 1 NTERVENORS: GRANT E. TANNER and RONALD L. SAXTON and THOMAS K. 0 I SHAUGHNESSY LINDSAY, HART, NEIL & WEIGLER 700 Columbia Square III Southwest Columbia StreetPortland, OR 97201 FOR SIMP LOT:BLAIR D. JAYNES ASSISTANT CORPORATE COUNSEL J. R. S IMPLOT COMPANY P . O. Box 27Boise, ID 83707 Idaho Power Company initiated these Case Nos. U-1006-185 and U-IO06-185-A on December 30, 1981, by Application for a general rate increase.By this Order issued in Case No. U-1006-185-A we find that the Company has a Valmy-related revenue deficiency from its retail Idaho Customers of $24,192 800. SCOPE OF CASE NO. U-IOOG-1R5- In Case No.IO06~ 185 the Company requested rate relief of $72 941 628 , effective February 1 1982.In the alter- native, if the Commission suspended its proposed rates in Case No. U-1006-185-A , the Company requested rate relief of $29,676,000, effective February 1, 1982.The Company alleged that its request in the latter case was based upon inclusion of its Valmy Unit No.1 in its rate base and associated changes in expenses and ORDER NO. 17070 - 2- revenues based upon the 1980 lest yeClr, i.e., the test year used in the preceding general rate case, No. U-1006-l73.Appl ica tion, ~ XIX. In Order No. 16993, issued January 6,1982, we suspended the proposed increase in both Case Nos. U-lO06-l85 and U-IO06-185-A for thirty days plus five months from the proposed effective date of Febru~ry 1, 1982.I.C. 9 61-622. On January 8 , 1982 , we issued Order No. 16996, defining the issues in these two cases.Order No. 16996 provided: We hereby provide that Case No. U-lO06-185-A is considered a part of U-lO06-185 and there- fore restrict the issues which may be consid- ered in Case No. U-lO06-l85-A to those related to inclusion of the Valmy Plant in rate base and related adjustments resuLting from itsinclusion in rate base. We hereby provide that all findings. orders and rates resulting from Case No. U-IOO6-185-A arc subject to revision in Case No. U-IO06-1.85, ,,'hich is hereby declared to be a general rate case in which all issues normally considered in a general rate case may be addressed~ and we further declare that, unless otherwise di- rected by order . rates establ ished by order in Case No. U-I006-185-A shall not later be retroactively adjusted in Case No. U-IO06-l85, but may be prospectively revised or amended. For purposes of petition for rehearing and appeal ,orders issued in Case No. U-IO06-185-A shall be considered interlocutory orders in Case No. U-IO06-185. On January 8 1982, the Commission Staff filed a state- ment of position \oJi th regard to rate allocation in Case No. IO06-l85~A.I t served notice that the Staff would recommend a uniform percentage increase in total revenues to all customer classes and special contrClct customcrs except FMC, but would recommend that the base of FMC' s increase be the revenue require- ment allocated to FMC in Case No.IO06-l73 and that FMC I s increase would be calculated by applying the same uniform per- centage increase to that base as applied to other customers.The Pumpers filed a similar recommendation on January 11, 1982, and Grindstone Butte followed on January 19, 1982. In response FMC moved to conLinue the hearings in Case No.IO06-185-/\ and objected to the Staff's and Irrigators proposed spread of requested interim relief.The Staff filed a wri tten response to FMC I s Motion. ()RlIJ;'R N()17C'17C'1 At the hearing on January 25, 1982 , we heard argument on the Motion.Tr. pp. 19-LI3.We ruled in the following manner, id. at 44-45: (l )The statements of the Staff,the Pumpers and Grindstone Butte would be treated as motions; (2 )Order- No.. 16993 limited the scope of Case No. IO06-185-A to issues associated with inclusion of Valmy in the rate base; (3 )The Staff'Pumpers and Grindstone Butte motions would expand the scope of the case beyond the limiting Order; (4 )Therefore, the Staff's, Pumpers and Grindstone Butte s motions were denied; and (5 )FMC's motion was denied because there wa~ no need to continue the case to allow it to rebut the others ' positions. REVENUE REQUIREMENT The Company s App1 ication alleged and its prepared testimony and exhibits introduced at hearing supported a revenue deficiency of $29,676 000 resulting from inclusion of Valmy in the rate base.Applicati on, ~ XVIII; testimony of Bruce. Tr. 56; testimony of Crowley, id. at 87; Ex. p. 4. The Staff's prepared testimony submitted before the hearing calculated the Company s revenue requirement as $25,551,300. Testimony of Hiller,Tr. p. 177; Ex. 101, p. 2.Be fore tes t imony was taken , the Company agreed to accepL the Staff I s recommendation. Tr. pp. 31,49.See also id. at 224. Both the Company s and the Staff's recommendations on revenue requirement were modified from that contained in their prepared testimony in response to Order No. 17045, issued on January 21,1982, in Case No. U-IO06-193.That Order shifted master-metel-ed mobile home parks and apartment buildings that 1. In developing Cost of Service, the Company recognized the normalization requirements of the Economic Tax Recovery Acts of1981. See Answer to Data Request 16. ORDER NO. 17070 submeter their tenants from the corrnnercial class to the residen- tial class, thereby reducing the Company s revenues to the extent that the corrnnercial rates formerly paid by these customers would exceed their residential rates.This reclassification of customers increased the Company I S revenue requirement by $48,431.81. Testimony of Eberle, Tr. p. 167; testimony of Miller, id. at 181. Idaho Power Company s calculation of the $29,676 000 revenue requirement was made in two steps:(1) Addition to the rate base approved by the Commission in Case No. U-lO06-173 of that portion of the investment in Valmy allocated to rate base under the interstate allocation factors used in Case No. U-lO06-173, testimony of Crowley, Tr. pp. 85-86; and (2) additions to the Company I S revenues and expenses approved in that case for the test year 1980 that would have resulted from operation Df Valmy. id. at 86-88. The Staff accepted the Company s inclusion of Valmy in the rate base testimony of Miller,id. ~t 175-177; Ex. 101, p. 1; but rejected the Company s adjustments to 1980 revenues and expenses resulting from Valmy-related opportunity sales, pur- chased power expenses,fuel expenses and the like because the Company did not treat those items in Case U-IO06-185-A consistent- ly with its method of treating them in Case U-IO06-173, testimony of Ferguson, Tr. p. 213.Because the Staff was unable to review the reasonableness of the Company s adjustments to expenses and revenues from the 1980 test year under the rat~making standards of Case U-IO06-173, the Staff recommended that no adjustments to revenues and expenses be recognized other than a wash transaction equa ti ng the two.fd. at 217-218, 220-221. No party opposed the Staff's position by direct testi- mony.However. during cross-examination of Crowley and Ferguson it was established that Idaho Power normalized its data for the 1980 test year to take into account addi tional revenues and expenses which would have been associated wi th the Valmy Plant had it been in operation during that year , but did not also ORDER NO. 17070 - 5- adjust its revenue and expense data for other plants to take into account how Valmy would have affected their operations.Id. 109, 111-112,136-140 240-250.Both wi tnesses also conceded during cross-examination that Valmy I s addition to the Company facili ties would have affected the operation of other plants. Id. at 112 139-140,231-233. In their post-hearing memorandum , the DSI's argued that Idaho Power s revenue requirement in this case should not exceed $17,981,400.They calculated this revenue requirement by taking the Company s own adjustments to revenues and expenses to the Company s total system contained in the Company s exhibits in Case No. U-lO06-l85, then altering the Company s exhibits in Case No. U-1006-185-A to take into account the effect of Valmy operation on the test-year data for Case No. U-1006-l85~A.They argued that their calculation took into account Valmy s effect upon the opportunity sales and fuel costs associated with Idaho Power s other resources, but the Company I sand tite Staff's calcu- lations did not.DSI's memorandum , pp. 1- The DSI' s argument is persuasive, but their calculation of the revenue requirement is defective.We find that it is unreasonable to. include Valmy in the rate base without also adjusting the revenues and expenses of the total system to take into account Valmy I s effect upon them.We find on this record that it is proper to adjust the Company s data in the manner suggested by the DSl's memorandum.We further find that adjust- ments of this kind give the best matching of rate base, revenues and expenses available on this record.We note, further, that the DSI' s adjustments to the Company s Ex. 2A had their origin in the Company s Ex. 4 , an exhibi t based upon a method of stream flow normalization not yet approved by the Commission and one that (according to the Company s tes t imony in that case) will yield a larger revenue requi remen t on a given ra te base than the method used in Case No. U-lO06-l73 (although the same testimony asserts that it should lead to smaller rate bases in the future). ORDER NO. 17070 Thus, according to the Company ' s testimony, the DSl's memorandum overstates the Company 's Valmy-rclated revenue and expense adjust- mcnts (other than income taxes) based upon the stream-flow normal- ization method used in Case No. U-IO06-173 to the extent that it differs from the method of Case No. U-lO06-l85. Nevertheless , we do not accept the DSI' s calculation of the revenue requirement as an upper limit.we make three adjust~ ments to it:the first , to take into account the transfer oJ some commercial customers to the residential rate schedule; thE9'- second , to take into account the Company 's underestimation in i t6 Application of its investment in Valmy; and the third, to take~ into account the omi tted tax consequenceB of the DSl's adjust- men ts to the Company test-year revenues and expenses.The testimony of Eberle , Tr. p. 167; the testimony of Miller, id 177,181; and Ex. 101, Co1. (d) explain the first two adjustments. The third is shown in the attachments.The calculation of the resulting revenue requirement of $24 192,800, or a 9.53% increas~, is shown in the schedules attached to this Order. we find that $24 192 800 is the Company s just and. . reasonable revenue requirement based exclusively upon considera- tion of Valmy-related changes to its revenue requirement from Case No.lO06-173. . We further note that calculation of the revenue requirement was impeded by, not helped by, the DSI' presentation of its position through memorandum, which cannot be cross-examined , rather than by direct testimony.Had they pre- sented their position by direct testimony, all parties would hav~ had an opportunity to note its deficiencies, and the Company ,,\ would have had an opportunity to rebut it.In the regulation of public utilities, in contrast to setting rates for public power~ it is the practice to allow other parties to cross-examine the' Intervenor s case.Having said this, we tell the Intervenors; that they may pursue the matter in the general case. The Company s need for addi tional revenues undoubtedly: exceeds $24 192 800.Had this been an ordinary application for ORDER NO. 17070 - 7- interim rate reI ie f in which " the broad public interests " could be considered, see Intermountain Gas Company Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 97 Idaho 113, 127, 540 P. 2d 775, 789 (1975), we would not hesitate to weigh the Company s commendable per- formance in signing contracts for cogeneration and small power production , to evaluate its progress in the residential weatheriza- tion program; or to recognize increased capital costs since the issuance of our Order in Case No. U-IO06-l73 and adjust its equi ty re turn.But the Company restricted its Application in Case No. U-lO06-l8S-A to Valmy-related adjustments , and we con- firmed this narrowing of the issues by Order.Having narrowly defined the issues in its Application , the Company, as ailliti- gants , must accept in Case No. U-IO06-l8S-A the consequences of doing so. RATE ALLOCATION AND RATE DESIGN The Company and the Staff both recommended that the rates of each class of tariff customer be increased by approx- imately a uniform percentage equalling the percentage increase by which the revenue requirement exceeds existing revenues. Testi- mony of Crowley, Tr. p. 94; Ex. SA, Ex. 6Aj testimony of Ferguson, Tr. pp. 222-233.We find this proposal to be a just and reasonable method of allocating the rate increase among the tariff customers and adopt it for the reasons given in their testimony. The Company and the Staff also recommended that the uniform percentage increase be spread to Monsanto,INEL and Simplot id.but the Company recommended that this be done by a uniform percentage increase to their demand, minimum and energy charges, Ex. SA, Tr. pp. 17-, while the,Staff recommended that all increases in their rates be allocated to energy, id. at 223. The Company testified that the special contract customers 1 rates 2. The uni form percentage increase for tari ff and special con- tract customers is based upon the adjusted kwh sales shown in Ex. 6A. Total adjusted sales in that exhibit are 9,084 464,837 kwh.I t is also based upon the revenue requi rement found reasonable in Case No. U-lO06-l73, some of which was unfunded. ORDER NO. 17070 - 8- would be unreasonable,discriminatory and preferential without such increases.rd. at 95.The Staff agreed.rd. at 223. We find that it would be unfair , unreasonably discrim- inatory, preferential and adverse to the public interest not to adjust these special contract customers r rates because it would be unfair , unjust, unreasonably discriminatory, preferential and adverse to the public interest to exempt them from the increased costs associated wi th this new production plant.We further find for the reasons stated by the Staff that it is just and reasonable to alloca te the increase exclusively to their energy charges and to leave the demand or minimum charges in their contracts constant. We (urther direct that INEL's and Monsanto s contracts be modified in a manner that win give the increase in the energy charges directed by this Order solely to Idaho Power Company arid not to any other utility.Further. pursuant to agreement between INEL and the Company, we also provide that the increase in INEL' demand charges inconsistent with the Order in Case No. 0-1006-173 be correc led. Finally, with regard to FMC, we note that its rates can now be set under the same standards as a tariff customer s because its contract with" Idaho Power has been modified to that effect. We find that it is just and reasonable to allocate to it a uniform percentage increase (und~d ~xclusively by its energy charges for the sa~e reasons given for that allocation to the tariff customers. Further, our finding that the Company s total revenue requirement in this case was $24 192 800 was built upon a revenue base includ- ing revenues allocated to FMC in Case No. 0-1006-173, but not funded.Testimony of Miller, Tr. pp. 183-188." We find that it would be unreasonably discriminatory and preferential to allocate any of the uni form percentage increase on this unfunded amount to customers other than FMC.We further find that it would expand the issues of this case to fund the uni form percentage increase on this amount to FMC.Therefore, we find that it is just and reasonable to leave the uni form percentage increase on this ORDER NO. 17070 -9- amount unfunded.We therefore find that it is just and reasonable to allocate to FMC a uni form percentage increase on its rates now in effect. REVIEW OF THE ORDER In Order No.16996 issued January 8 1982, in Case . Nos. U-lO06-l85 and U-lO06-l85-A , we provided: We hereby provide that all findings , ordersand rates resulting from Case No. U-1006-l85-Aare subject to revision in Case No. U-lO06-l85,which is hereby declared to be a general rate case in which all issues normally considered in a general rate case may be addressed , andwe further declare that , unless otherwise directed by Order , rates established by Order in Case No. U-lO06-185-A shall not later be retroactively adjusted in Case No. U-lO06-185 but may be prospectively revised or amended.For purposes of peti tion for rehearing and appeal, orders issued in Case No. U-lO06-l85-Ashall be considered interlocutory orders in Case No. U-I006-l85. Our finding of the revenue requirement of $24 192 800 based upon the record in this case and our recognition at pp. 7- of this Order that the Company I s actual revenue requirement is larger convinces us that no customer of Idaho Power Company will pay unreasonably high rates as a result of this Order.We there- fore provide that this Order be considered interlocutory and that the rates established by this Order will not be retroactively adjusted in Case No. U-I006-l85 , but may be prospectively revised or amended in that Case. ******************* **** ****** * *** **** **** ** *** ****** * ******* ***** BASED UPON THE BASIC FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CONTAINED IN THE TEXT OF THIS ORDER , WE MAKE THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF ULTIMATE FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: FINDINGS OF ULTIMATE FACT Idaho Power Company is an electrical corporation sub- ject to our regulation under the Public Utilities Law.The rates of all of its tariff customers and its special contract customers in the State of Idaho are subject to our regulation under the Public Utilities Law. ORDER NO. 17070 10- Idaho Power Company j ncreased revenue requirement based solely upon addition of the Valmy Unit No.1 to its rate base and related adjustments to the Company s revenues and expenses is $24,192 800.This revenue requirement is a 9.53% increase over its currently existing rates. III It is just and reasonable to allocate this revenue requi rement by a 9.53% increase to the rates of all tari ff and special contract customers.It is just and reasonable to allo- cate this increase exclusively to their energy charges. It woul d be un (ai r I unjust , unreasonably discriminatory. preferential and adverse to the public interest not to increase the rates of special contract customers Monsanto, INEL and Simplot, by 9.53%. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Commission has jurisdiction to authorize Idaho Power Company a rate increase in this matter to both its tariff and special contract customers. The Co~nission has authority to increase the rates of Idaho Power Company s special contract customers in the manner provided in this Order. III This Order is an interlocutory order and not a final order. ORDER ------ IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Idaho Power Company may file rates and charges authorized by this Order for its tariff and special contract customers to be effective on one day s notice for service rendered thereafter. ORDER NO. 17070 11- IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all rates and charges filed by Idaho Power Company conform to this Order. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho , this v day of February, 1982. A- C?(~,ASSISTANT S - ,RETARY ss/5Cf ----- ..", '), --- - .- - El e c t r i c P l a n t i n S e r v i c e Le s s : Ac c u m u l a t e d D e p r e c i a t i o n Am o r t i z a t i o n o f O t h e r Ut i l . P l a n t Ne t E l e c t r i c P l a n t Le s s : Cu s t o m e r A d v a n c e s f o r C o n s t r u c t i o n Ac c u m u l a t e d D e f e r r e d Ta x e s Fu e l I n v e n t o r y Ma t e r i a l s & S u p p l i e s Wo r k i n g C a s h Al l o w a n c e Ad d : Ne t E l e c t r i c R a t e B a s e In v e s t m e n t i n C o n s e r v a t i o n Su b s i d i a r y R a t e B a s e To t a l C o m b i n e d R a t e B a s e ID A H O P O W E R C O M P A N Id a h o R a t e B a s e ($ 0 0 0 ' St a f f Co m p a n y Co m p a n y Ad j u s t m e n t Pe r I P U C Pr o p o s e d pr o p o s e d to C o m p a n y Ad j u s t e d Or d e r # 1 6 8 3 0 Ad j u s t m e n t s Ra t e B a s e Pr o p o s a l Ra t e B a s e $1 , 06 1 , 6 8 8 . $ 1 1 1 , 98 8 . $1 , 17 3 , 67 7 . $1 , 75 2 . $1 , 17 5 , 42 9 . 17 1 , 98 5 . 1, 7 2 0 . 17 3 , 70 5 . 70 . 17 3 , 77 6 . 34 8 . 34 8 . 34 8 . 88 9 , 35 4 . 11 0 , 26 8 . 99 9 , 62 2 . $1 , 68 1 . 8 $1 , 00 1 , 30 4 . 53 8 . -- - 53 8 . 53 8 . 66 , 35 7 . 1. 7 ) 66 , 35 5 . 66 . 35 5 . 43 4 . 35 5 . 78 9 . 78 9 . 55 1 . 0 1. 4 55 2 . 55 2 . -- - -- - -- - 83 0 , 44 4 . $ 1 1 3 , 62 6 . 94 4 , 07 1 . 4 $1 , 68 1 . 8 94 5 , 75 3 . 74 1 . 4 -- - 74 1 . 4 74 1 . 4 11 , 13 7 . -- - 11 , 13 7 . 11 , 13 7 . 84 4 , 32 4 . $ 1 1 3 , 62 6 . 95 7 , 95 0 . $1 , 68 1 . 8 95 9 , 63 2 . (f ) :: c t" ' ... . OP E R A T I N G R E V E N U E S Fi r m E n e r g y S a l e s Un b i l l e d R e v e n u e s Op p o r t u n i t y S a l e s Ot h e r O p e r a t i n g R e v e n u e To t a 1 R e v e n u e OP E R A T I N G E X P E N S E 0 & M E x p e n s e De p r e e i a t i o n Ex p e n s e Am o r t i z a t io n E x p e n Ta x e s O t h e r t h a n I n c o m e T a x Pr o v . f o r D e f e r r e d T a x e s In v e s t m e n t T a x C r e d i t A d j u s t m e n t Fe d e r a l I n c o m e T a x St a t e In c o m e T a x To t a l E x p e n s e Op e r a t i n g I n c o m e Su b s i d i a r y I n c o m e Co n s o l i d a t e d O p e r a t i n g I n c o m e ID A H O P O W E R C O M P A N Y St a t e m e n t o f O p e r a t i o n s ($ 0 0 0 ' s ) Co m p a n y Ex h i b i t 2 A Pa g e 2 o f 3 4 $2 2 2 , 47 6 . 32 0 . 35 , 26 8 . 41 0 . $2 6 7 , 47 6 . $1 3 9 , 67 9 . 27 , 83 2 . 12 3 . 12 , 22 7 . 76 8 . 39 6 . 66 3 . 91 5 . $1 9 5 , 27 8 . $ 7 2 , 19 7 . . 2 , 86 8 . $ 7 5 , 06 5 . Ex p e n s e & R e v e n u e Ad j u s t m e n t Pr o p o s e d b y D S I ' In c l u d i n g I n c o m e Ta x E f f e c t s 07 3 . $ 4 , 07 3 . $( 1 , 83 1 . 4 ) 53 9 . 38 3 . $ 1 , 09 2 . $ 2 , 98 1 . 3 DS I P r o p o s a l Ad j u s t e d f o r In c o m e T a x $2 2 2 , 47 6 . 32 0 . 39 , 34 2 . 41 0 . $2 7 1 , 55 0 . $1 3 7 , 84 8 . 27 , 83 2 . 12 3 . 12 , 22 7 . 76 8 . 39 6 . 12 4 . 29 9 . $1 9 6 , 37 1 . 0 $ 7 5 , 17 9 . 86 8 . $ 7 8 , 04 7 . Re v e n u e Sh o r t f a l l fr o m 10 0 6 - 1 9 3 $ ( 4 8 . $ ( 4 8 . (2 0 . ( 3 . $ ( 2 4 . $ ( 2 4 . Ad j u s t e d Te s t Y e a r Op e r a t i o n s $2 2 2 , 42 8 . 32 0 . 39 , 34 2 . 41 0 . $2 7 1 , 50 1 . 7 $1 3 7 , 84 8 . 27 , 83 2 . 12 3 . 12 , 22 7 . 76 8 . 39 6 . 14 4 . 1, 2 9 5 . $1 9 6 , 34 7 . $ 7 5 , 15 4 . 86 8 . $ 7 8 , O? 2 . (1 J ::r : IDAHO POWER COMPANY Revenue Requirement ($000' 5) Rate Base Authorized Rate of Return Income Requ iremen Less:Operating Income Income De f ic iency Tax Factor Revenue Deficiency Less: Revenue Granted Order #16830 NET REVENUE REQUIREMENT SCHEDULE 3 $ 959,632. 11.188% $ 107,363. 78,022. 29,340. 1. 9806 58,112. 33,919. 24,192.