HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031021Smith Workpapers.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-03-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY L. SMITH WORKPAPERS g ... i:iw mu ::,Z w< u-' w< c:,lll a: WW mu ::,z w< >-' o< zCII a: w Wu ID Z 0< ... ..., c < 0"' >-W a:u B << -,m I 000 000 c::i <'l co (") 'St" t-, N 0 'Sl"_l!"?. ' CX) CX) c: �- 0) ::s r-, .... Cf) LI) Cf) Cf) 'St" r-, t{)a)Q,-(!),- oiC'icoc--i.,..:-st l,{) C') I"-- .,...... co l{) C')NO><t io en co cr.i c.-f r-­ ,... q O) lf) <;t Cf),... 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N N 0 � co co CD .,,; O> GI (,) c co .; m c:::! e Idaho Power Company Estimate of 2003 Gross Payroll Jan-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 M�y-0'.1 Jun-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Subtotal Total Loaded labor all accounts Labor incl ben trsf credit 111 - STRAIGHT TIME PAYROLL 123 - INCEN"I IVE ACCRUAL Total labor excl Incentive c,./1%of total All accounts dee 111 excl 242 dee 2003 gross up for 242 time December all accounts gross payroll Gross Adjustment Operating portion Operating portion 2003 Total Labor Budget all accts 15,677,558 11,432,553 10,837,474 11, 126,297 10,801,801 11,386,301 11,418,156 16,275, 185 11,410,747 11,138,259 11,463,374 11,569,306 144,537,011 Actual 2002 150,510,721 139,307,941 86,267,5'37 2,567,526 13e.740.415 63.09% Dec 2003 7,298,908 114.50% (s.3-56,95' Total 2002 144,S�?,011 150,510,721 139,307,941 86,267,557 2,567,526 136,740,415 63.09% Total 2003 Dec Annualized 91,186,317 114.50% (104,404,373) 108,640,131 4,235,758 60.63% 2,568, 140 LABOR ENTRY SYSTEM SfT PAYROLL EXCL 242 Operating Portion Operating Percent VACATION & HOLIDAYS TAKEN LABOR ENTRY SYSTEM SfT PAYROLL INCL 242 Percent Operating/Gross Payroll 2002 Actual: Operating Payroll 2002 Total Payroll Operating Payroll Percent or Total 84,824,253 58,33!:i !:i06 (68.78%ij 12,295,832 97,120,086 61,152,115 100,864,610 60.63% Combined Property (924) and Liability (925) Insurance Annualizing Adjustment 2003 New Monthly Payment $ 561,647 X 12 months = 2003 Annualized Cost $ 6,739,760 Less 2003 Estimated Cost $ (6,334,487) Adjustment to 2003 Estimate $ 405,273 Annualized 2003 Estimate $ 6,739,760 -- Known & Measurable Adjustment 2004 New Monthly Payment - 10% prnmium incrP:ci"P $ 593.613 X 12 months = 2004 Estimated Cost $ 7,123,358 Lgss 200'3 Ann, 1::ili?Prl Fstlrnatad Cost i_ (6,739,760) Adjustment to 2003 Annualized Estimate $ 383,598 I� Total Adjustments Percent to Subsidiaries Balance to lt.!aho Power Note: Service Level Agreement: Total 2003 Revised Budget Subsidiary Reimbursements on SLA's Percent ot Total 2003 Budget $ $ 788,871 5.1053%! 748,597 6,365,987 325,000 5.11% Idaho Power Company Detail of Annualizing Adjustments to 2003 Operating Expenses Line No. Amount 1) Operating Payroll (Various accts) 1 December estimated two pay periods $ 8,356,933 2 Times 13 (26 pay periods per year) 108,640, 131 3 Less 2003 Estimated Total Year 104,404,373 4 Gross Adjustment 4,235,758 5 Ooeratino percent 68.78% 6 Adjustment to Operating Expense $ 2,913,244 2) Liability & Property Insurance (924 & 925) 7 New monthly premium $ 561,647 8 Annualized (Times 12) 6,739,760 9 Less 2003 Actual/Estimated 6,334,487 10 Annualizing Adjustment $ 405,273 11 Portion to Subsidiaries (5.1053%) 20,690 12 Idaho Power Portion $ 384,583 � ,1 134,578. 76 13.25% Subtotals Percent 276,046.48 27.1f,% --'------- 604,951.29 59.57% Officer pay May 2003 YTD DCE 1\1.;1.;t Amount 1 •• 242020 267.55 I I 111 242030 38,295.89 111 242032 4,215.39 111 242050 91,799.93 111 417420 226.859.95 ·j 1 1 417422 7,177.49 111 417423 15,418.84 111 417427 12,733.09 111 417430 4,601.62 111 417446 2,562.49 111 426400 6,693.00 111 920000 604,951.29 Tota: May YTD 1,015,576.53 100.00% Annuauzso /11 X 26 ,,----- '• ..... "", (_�,400,453.62 / ----- Forrey, Dave From: Sent: To: Subject: Brilz, Maggie Monday, July 07, 2003 11 :22 AM Farrey, Dave FW: Normalized Incentive Maggie Brilz Pncinq and Regulatory Services Idaho Power Company (208) 388-2848 (208) 388-6449 (fax) mb:·ilz@idahopower.com -----Orioin;i/ Mf>ssaoe----- From: Williams, Jan Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 5:41 PM To: Brilz, Maggie S.ubjgct, Nnrm;i/iz,,d Incentive The methodology we used to determine a "normalized" incentive was to calculate the percent difference in employee pay between the 50th %ile and the 60th %ile, using the most current salary surveys. The difference was 1.85%. which is consistent v,ith other recent me .. asu:jes··. It's not coincidence that we used 7% as tile incentive target payout for the employee incentive plan for 2003. The 7% t rget measures the performance necessary for employees to receive 60th %ile total cash compensation. \ ,,_ I hope this explanation is sufficient for your purposes. If you need anything more, don't hesitate to ask. Jan Hetlrernent Plan for Employees of Idaho Power Company Exhibit 23 Net Periodic Pension Cost Pension Expense The Net Periodic Pension Cost for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003 is determined below. The primary actuarial assumptions used were established on the December 31, 2002 measurement date and included a discount rate of 6.75%, an expected long-term rate of return on assets of 8.50%, and a rate of compensation increases of 4.50%. This expense amount is subject to change if a siqn.ticant plan-related event (such as a plan merger, spin­ oli, settlement, curtailment, or amendment) should occur before the end of the fiscal year. 36 CO Milliman us.&. lpd0()73.doc 62 0119 IPC 10 I Ba'IRlS1c;c I t. Service Cost I a. Normal Cost as of January 1, 2003 $9,530,065 � b. Interest at G.75% R4l379 c . Service Cost [(a)+ (b)) (ToT73,344:=) .,. 2. interest Cost a. Projected Benefit Obligation as of January 1, 2003 294, 933, 783 b. Expected distnbutions, weighted for timing 6,590,260 • c. Interest Cost at 6.75% [{(a) - (b)} x 6./!:)%] 1 G,'163, i 89 ;3. Expected Return on plan assets a. Market-Related Value of plan assets as of January 1, 2003 282,420,076 b. Expected contributions, weighted for timing 0 C. Expected distributions, weighted for timing 6,590,260 d. Expected Return on plan assets at 8.50% [(a) + (b) - (c) x 8.50%] 23,445,535 4. Net Amortization Payments a. Unrecognized Net Transition Obligation I (Asset) (263,000) b. Unrecogniuirl Prior Service Cost 729,091 c. Unrecognized Net (Gain) I Loss 360,911 d. Total amortization payments [(a) + (b) + (c)] 827,002 5. Net Periodic Pension Cost �:�� [(1c) + (2c) - (3d) + (4d)] Farrey, Dave From: Sent: To: Subject: Forrey, Dave Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:03 AM Forrey, Dave FW: Regence Blue Shield RX unbilled amount The new account set up for this is payable is 232913. Larry we will make the entry in the April close. Darrell, The total amount of RX expenses that have not been billed by Regence Blue Shield is $647,633.67. The yearly bre.a��m is . a ,. . • 2002: (_$LIBs,266.oo � e,e-+ - Dec b � °(o o' re 1�·1&�,1 f�'- , o J • 2003 - 162,367.67 Jan - F··-h L/-L-' ;.,., · · ThP.se charges should be booked to account 926120. f J?o o o o , .,,,. I ------· J . '1c' c> t , c'-10 0 t L/ f s, z: lP � < 7 8-, O O O) $ tf-o 7, :i. h � 1 0 0 0 (',I (/) w ii: w (/) (/) ..J ..J <C u, z c,:: 0 a: w � 8 ci 0 0 l{) (X) (X) (J) ...... � (') '<:!" 00 n n C\J C\J 8 0 (\j