HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031021Interim Attachment A.pdfBEFORE THEIDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCASE NO. IPC-O3- IDAHO POWER COMPANY APPLICA TION ATTACHMENT A LEGISLATIVE AND REVISED TARIFF SHEETS I.P.C. NO. 26l TARIFF 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 1-CANCELSTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 1-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY '" SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE(Continued)RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATINGAll space heating equipment to be served by the Company s system shall be single phaseequipment approved by Underwriters' LaboratorIes, Inc., and the equipment and its installation shallconforrn to all NationaL State and Municipal Codes and to tho fol1owing:Individual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall bedesigned to operate at 240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW.Heating units of two kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostaticdevices. When a group of heating unitsl with a total capacity of more than 6 kWI to be actuated by a single thermostat the controlling switch shall be so designedthat not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at anyone time. Supplementalresistance-type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply withthe specifIcations listed above for such units.MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer and the Energy Charges ot the following rates:Customer Charg~$ih&+per meter per month .tn gv Cn QS1. Power Cost Base Rq,Adiustment* 4-9JW5.136Zc 0.603 9c Effective Rate 7396 Minimum CharQ,S2 The monthly Minimum Charge shail be the sum of the Customer Charge and the Energy Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55)1 and Effective Rate expire May 151 2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE: NO- IPC..E..O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 1 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. TARIFF NO. 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7-CANCELSTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NQ,. ,7-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 7SMALL GENERAL SERVICEA V AI LABI UTY, '"Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company s interconnected system withinthe State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage areadjacent to the Premises to be served.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule is applicable to Electric SeNice supplied to a Customer at one Pointof Delivery and measured through one meter. This schedule is applicable to Customers with energyloads that are 3,000 kWhr or less, per month for ten or more months during the Annual Review Period.This SchAcJule is also applicable to non-profit or tax supported ball fields, fairgrounds or rodeo groundswith high demands and intermittent use exceeding OOO kWh per month. This schedule is notapplicable to standby seNice, service for resaler or shared service, or to individual or multiple familydwellings first served through one meter after February 9L 1982.TYPE OF SERVICEThe type of service provided under this schedule is single and/or three-phaseL at approximately60 cycles and at the standard service voltage available at the Premises to be served.ANNIVERSARY DATE' " The Anniversary Date is the date on which service is initially taken under this schedule. ANNUAL REVIEW PERIOD The Annual Review Period is the 12-month period endinQ with the Billing Period in which the Customer's Anniversary Date falls. Each year, at the end of the Annual Review Period, each Customer's account will be reviewed for continued service eligibility under this schedule. Customers who qualify for service under a different schedule will be transferred to the appropriate schedule effective with the next Billing Period. The accounts of new Customers or Customers whose load characteristics are experiencing fundamental changes may be reviewed more frequently. MONTHLY CHAr~GE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer and the Energy Charges at the following rates: Customer Chargsz $65+per meter per month Ener Base Rate 2134~ Power Cost AdJu~tmS?_t * 8477(; Effective Rate * 7 ,0611 c per kWh for aU kWh APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 2 OF 56 LP.C, NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-CANCELSFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 9LARG E GE N RAL SE RVI CE(Continued)FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERYAt the option of the Company, transformers and other facilities installed beyond the Point ofDelivery to provide Primary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated! and maintained by theCompany irl c()n~ideroliorl of the Cu5tomer paying a Facilities Charge to the Company.Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery will be set forth in a Distribution FacilitiesInvestment Report provided to the Customer. As the Company s investment in Facilities Beyond thePoint of Delivery changes in order to provide the Customer's service requirementsJ the Company shallnotify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to the Customer arevised Distribution Facilities Investment Report,In the event the Customer requests the Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the "non-salvable cosf' of such removal, reinstallation or change. Non-salvable cost as used herein is comprisedof the total original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the facilities, less the difference betweenthe salvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs.POWER FACTORWtHjre the CustolTler s Power Factor is less than 85 percent as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions! the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. MONTH L Y CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer! the Basic, the Demandl the Energy, and the Facilities Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE Customer ChallliZ 5, 77 per meter per month Basic Chargg 360,per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Chargsz 732,84.per kW for all kW of Demand Ener ~2.7238c Power Cost 8dlwstme nt~ 6039c Effective Rate * 3277c per kWh for all kWh APPLICA TfON CASE NO~ IPC-O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 3 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. TARIFF NO. 101 FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-CANCELSFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-~IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 9LARGE GENERAL SERVICE(Continued)SECQ~Pl\RY SERVICE (Continued)facilities Charg~NoneMinimum Char eThe monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer ChargeE the Basic Charge, theDemand Charge, and the Energy Charge.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 151 2004.PRIMARY SERVICECustomer Chargg~9 .per meter per monthBasic Cfl ruz.779,per kW of Basic Load CapacityDemand Cho(illl662.per kW for all kW of Demand Energy Cha~ Base Rate~2. Power Cost 6QjustTDe nt* 6039~ Effective Rate 7347 82~J5.c per kWh for all kWh FaciliTIes Cha~ The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum the monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Ctlorge, Itle Busic ChargeE the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 16,2004, APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E...O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 4 OF 56 LP.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-CANCELSFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCHEDULE 9LARGE GENERAL SERVICE(Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICECustomer ChargS!85,89.per meter per monthBasic ChargSl3-Q~)'41 per kW of Basic Load CapacityDemand 57?,per kW for all kW of DemandEnergy ChariliZBase Rate~2, 699(;Power Cost6Qjustment*6039~EffectiveRate *7738~ per kWh for all kWhFacilities Char~The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.percent.Mloimum CharQS! The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE: NO~ IPC..O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 5 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 TWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-CANCELSELEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-iDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 15DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTINGAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available to commercial institutions.. industrial plants, andresidential Customers presently served from the Company s interconnected system within the State ofIdaho, where existing overhead secondary distribution facilities of adequate capacity, phase, andvoltage ore presently available adjacent to the Premises to be lighted.APPLICABILIlYService under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service provided for the outdoor dusk todawn lighting of commercial, industriaL and domestic Customer grounds, yards, driveways, andPremises by means of a Company-owned luminarvl mounted on an existing Company pole with asupport bracket automatically controlled by a photoelectric relay.CHARACTER OF SERVICEThe facilities required for supplying service, including fixture, lamp, control relay, and supportbracket for mounting on an existing Company pole with secondary service, are supplied, installed,owned and maintained by the Company in accordance with the Company s standards andspecifications. All necessary repairs and maintenance work, including lamp renewal, will be performedby the Company only during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company, and theCompany shall be allowed 72 hours, subsequent to notification by the Customer1 for replacing anyburned out lamps. Lamps are energized each night from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, thereby providing approximately 4,105 hours of Premises lighting per year. NEW .FA~lqTIES Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer s Premises, the Company may extend its overhead secondary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired seNice, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGES Monthly per unit charge on existIng facilities: AREA LIGHTING Power Cost 00 ustmen $0. $0. $0. Effective Rate * High Pressure $qdium V GRill 100 Watt 200 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens bbO 191 800 45,000 Base Rate g;;z.+ $+4.1-J 14. 22,23. $+4.54 15. 3&24, APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E:-O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 6 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO, 101 lWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-CANCELSELEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 1~-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 15DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING'" "(Continued)MONTH L Y CHARGES (Continued)FLOOD LIGHTING200 Watt400 Watt Average Bo5e Power Cost EffectiveLumensRate6Qjustment*Rate *19~800 ~17,$0.-1745 000 63~9 , 7 $0.$~27 ,High PressureSod i urn VapMetal Halide400 Watt1000 Wait 28~80088,000 $~3.e429 . 52 ,2~,$0,$2.$~6,* This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.2. The Monthly Charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as overhead (or equivalent)secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., shall be 1.75 percent of the estimated installed cost thereof.3. The ColTlpany IllOY provide underground service from existing secondary facilities whenthe Customer pays the estimated nonsalvable cost of underground facilities. PAYMENT The monthly biB for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE NO~ IPC-O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 7 OF 56 I.P.C, NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-AN E LSFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCH EDU LE 19LARGE POWER SERVICE(Continued)FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY (Continued)Point of Delivery changes in order to provide the Customer s service requirements, the Company shallnotify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to the Customer arevised Distribution Facilities Investment Report.In the event the Customer requests the Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the "non-salvablecostl1 of such removal, reinstallation or change. Non-salvable cost as used herein is comprised of thetotal original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the faciiities, less the difference between thesalvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs.POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENTWhere the Customer s Power Factor is tess than 85 percent as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the BillingDemand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor.TEMPORARY SUSPENSIONWhen a Customer has properly invoked Rule F, ill.tJ:lQQrarv SuBponsion qf D~rnand,thG Basic LoadCapacity and Billing Demand shall be prorated based on the period of such suspension in accordance with Rule F. In the event the Customer s metered demand is less than 1,000 kW during the period of such suspension, the Basic Load Capacity and Billing Demand will be set equal to 11 000 kW for purposes of determining the Customer s monthly Minimum Charge. The Monthly Charge is the sum of the CustomeL the Basic, the Demand, the Energy! and the Facilities Charges at the following rates: $E ~OND ARY SERVI CE ~stomer ChotlliZ. 545, 77 per meter per month Basic CDorgJZ per kW of Ba sic Load Co pacity Demanq Chargg. 732,per kW for all kW of Billing Demand Enerqy CharQS! Base Rate " , 5576 6643c Power Cost 6.Qj ustmen t* 8217c Effective Rate * 3, 48 c per kWh fo r a II kWh APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-E-O3-13-A ATTACHMENT A PAGE 8 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-CANCELSTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO., 1 ,9-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCHEDULE 19LARGE POWER SERVICE(Continued)SECONDARY SERVIG,(Continued)Facilities Ch.QIQQNoneMinir"Dum CharruzThe monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, theDemand Charge, and the Energy Charge.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.PRIMARY SERVICECustomer Charggper meter per monthBasic Charruz770,per kW of Basic Load CapacityDemoo.Q Chargg652,7.6,per kW for all kW of Billing Demand Ener Base Rate O83Q2.1708 Power Cost 6Qjustment* 8217c Effective Rate *~2, 9925\; per kWh for all kWh Facilitjes Charg~ The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum Chargsz The monthly Minimum charge shall be the sum of the Customer Ct1orge, Itle Busic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-E..O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 9 OF 56 I.P,C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 19-CANCELSTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 19LARGE POWER SERVICE(Continued)MONTH~Y Cf-iARGE (Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICECUslOfTler Ctlorge89,per meter per monthBa~i~, CharQ&per kW of Basic Load CapacityDemond572.per kW for all kW of Billing DemandEnergy CharggBase Rate~2,1225c----Power Costt\Qjustment*8217(;EffectiveRate *&.~9442 c per kWh for all kWhfacilities CharruzThe Coillpony s investment in Company-owned racilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.7percent. Minimum Chargg The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E..O3..13... ATTACHMENT A PAGE 10 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 2 TARIFF NO, 101 TWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-CANCELSELEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE(Continued)~A~ILlTIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY (Continued)In the event the Customer requests the Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the "non-salvablecosft oJ such removal, reinstallation or change, Non-salvable cost 03 used heroin i~ comprised of thetotal original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the facilities, less the difference between thesalvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs.POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENTWhere the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the BillingDemand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor,MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer, the Demand, the Energy, and the FacilitiesCharges at the following rates.SECONDARY SERVICE~ustomer Charg& 40,0710.per meter per month $ 2.50 per meter per month rrigation Season Out of Season D~'(Dqlld Cha rgsz $~, Z3 per kW of BillinQ Demand Irrigation Season No Demand Charge Out of Season Energy Chor:illZ. Power Cost Base Rate Adiustrnent* 9597 1.3159c~J,ZQZQ 1 ,3159~ Effective Rate * 2756c per kWh for all kWh Irrigation Season O835y per kWh for all kWh Out of Season Faciliti ~$, c;,t~arru2 None Minimum Charg~ The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Chargel the Demand CharQe, and the Energy Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004, APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC.O3-13... ATTACHMENT A PAGE 11 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101'" " "SEVENTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-CANCFl SSIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE(Conti n ued)MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICE, 'Customer Char~S5,61-89.1 ~per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per month Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonDemand Chargg5J.per kW of Billing Demand Irrigation SeasonNo Demand Charge Out of Season~nergy CharruzPower CostBase Rate tfjjustment*702l-2.8146 1 .3159c"" ,~ .5828c 1.3159c EffectiveRate *4.0+004 130gc per kWh for all kWh Irrigation Season8987per kWh for aU kWh Out of SeasonFacilities CharggThe Company s investment in Company'ownod FacilitiGs Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1,percent. Minimum Cha~ The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004, PAYMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified H18 Cornpany h \ wriling ll'lot it foils within the provisions of Idaho Code ~ 67-2302, the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code 3 67-2302, Deposit. A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required undgr the following conditions: 1 T Existing Customers Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of EIQctric Service during a ?-month period or who have service disconnected for non..payment wiH required to pay a deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302. The deposit for a specific installation will be computed as follows: APPLICATION CASE NO.- IPC-O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 12 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 25-4CANCELSTHIRD R~VISED SHEET NO. 25-4IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 25IRRIGATION SERVICE -T!ME-OF-USEPI LOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGETile Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer, tho TOU Motoring, thG Demand, the Energy,and the Facilities Charges at the following rates.SEGQNDARY SERViCECustomer Char~$~ .l.Q42per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per month rrigation SeasonOut of SeasonTau Metering Cha~9S?$3.00 per meter per monthNo TOU Meter Charge Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonDemang ~har~583,per kW of Billing Demand Irrigation SeasonNo Demand Charge Out of SeasonEnergy Chargsz Base Rate Power Cost Mjustment* Effective Rate ~ On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak I N-SEASO N W2~.lZ~:lQ c ~,M'+fl 2. 9 59 5~l ,4797(; 1 .3 1 59c 1 .3 1 59c 3159(; 4954\; per kWh for all kWh 4+07~ ~\; per kWh for all kWh 2.,73672,7956(; per kWh for all kWh OUT -OF-SEASON 7674 1.3159~c per kWh for all kWh Facilities Charg5Z None Minilllum 9harg& The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge! the TOU Metering Charge, the Demand Charge! and the Energy Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 151 2004. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 13 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 25-CANCELSTHIRD REVISED SHEET NQ.25-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 25IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USEPILOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)MONTH L Y CHARGE (Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICE~u~tQrTler Chargg,$3&,4~ per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per month rrigation SeasonOut of SeasonTOU Meterin NoneDemand Char~per kW of Billing Demand Irrigation SeasonNo Demand Charge Out of SeasonEnergy Charg~Base Rate Power CostMjustment*EffectiveRate * On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak IN-SEASON 9~57 ~~00+8147 l .4074 1 .3 1 59~ 1 . 3 1 59c 31599 2416\: per kWh for all kWh 40-1~1306 (; per kWh for all kWh 66702,7233 (; per kWh for all kWh OUT -43.~~C 1 . 3 1 59Q 8988 c per kWh for all kWh FacHities Chargg The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Mifllmum Char9S2 The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. ATTACHMENT CASE NO. IPC..E..O3-13.. APPLICATION A PAGE 14 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 40-CANCELSC. NO. 261 TARIFF NO, 101, ,. FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 40-SCHEDULE 40UNMET~R,Ep GENERAL SERVICEA V AI LABI Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company s interconnected systemwithin the State of Idaho where existing secondary distribution facilities of adequate capacity, phaseand voltage are available adjacent to the Custome( s Premises and the only investment required bythe Company is an overhead service drop.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule applies to Electric Service for the Customer's single- or multiple-unitloads up to 11 800 watts per unit where the size of the load and period of operation are fixed and, as aresult. actual usage can be accurately determined. SeNice may include, but is not limited to, streetand highway lighting-, security lighting, telephone booths and CATV power supplies which serve lineamplifiers. Facilities to supply service under this schedule shall be installed so that service cannot extended to the Customer's loads served under other schedules. Service under this schedule is notapplicabie to shared or temporary service, or to the Customer s loads on Premises which have meteredservice.SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSThe Customer shall pay for all Company investment except the overhead service drop, requiredto provide service requested by the Customer. The Customer i$ responsible for installingJ owning andmaintaining all equipment including necessary underground circuitry and related facilities to connect with the Company facilities at the Company designated Point of Delivery. If the Customer equipment is not properly maintained, service to the specific equipment will be terminated. Energy used by CA 1V power supplies which serve line amplifiers will be determined by the power supply manufacturer s nameplate input rating assumIng continuous operation. The Company is only responsible for supplying energy to the Point of Delivery and, at its expense, may check energy consumption at any time. MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage ~t1uH LJe eslirnafed by the Company, based on the Customer s electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is unmetered, failure of the Customer s equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate: Bose Rote 917c Power Cost Ad j IJstrY1~f;l t 604~ Effective Rate * 921c per kWh for all kWh Minimum ChoIQ2 $1.50 per month This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55).. and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC-O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 15 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 THIRTEENTH REViSED SHEET NO. 41-CANCELSTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-, " '"IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICEA V AI LABI . "ServIce under this schedule is available throughout the Company s service area within the Stateof Idaho where street lighting wires and fixtures can be instaUed on the Company s existing distributionfacilities.APP LI CABI UTYSeNice under this schedule is applicable to service required by municipalities or agencies federal, state, or county governments for the lighting of public streets, alleys, public grounds, andthoroughfares. Street lighting lamps will be energized each night from dusk until dawn.SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIODStreet lighting facility locations.. type of unit and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time bywritten request of the Customer and agreed to by the CompanYI shall be as shown on an Exhibit A toreach Customer receiving service under this schedule. The in-service date for each street lighting facilitywill be maintained on the Exhibit A.The minimum service period for any street lighting facility is 10 years. The Company, upon writtennotification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting facility:1 .At no cost to the Customer.. if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period; Upon payment to the Company of the removal cost, if such facility has been in service for less than the minimum service period. Aif - OVERHEAD LIGHTING - COMPANY-OWNED SYSTEM The facilities required for supplying service; including fixture, lamp, control relay.. mast arm mounting on an existing utility pole, and energy for the operation thereof, are supplied, installed, owned and maintained by the Company. All necessary repairs, maintenance workl including group lamp replacement and glassware cleaning, will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the company on the Company s sct1edule, Illdividual larnps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company s operating schedules and requirements. !Y10NTHLY CHARGE PER LAMP High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Effective S99ium VaQQI Lumens Rate Adjustmen1:Rate * 100 Watt 8..550 37~$0.626 200 Watt 19,800 $ 7-447,$0. 400 Watt 45,000 ~ 0 11,$1. 00 $++.eG 1 2. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E:..O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 16 OF 56 I.P.C, NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-CAN CE TWELFTH REVISED SHE~I NO. 41-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICE(Continued)ADDITIONAL MONT ~ Y RATEFor Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for streetlighting only:Wood pole ................................................"...."...."...... $+;l+ per poleSteel pole.............................."........................,..............~7.per poleUNDERGROUND CIRCUITS will be installed when the Customer pays the estimated costdifference between overhead and underground, or the Customer agrees to pay a monthly charge of7,5 percsnt of thA estimated cost difference.B" - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEMThe Customer s lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial instaUation of lampsand underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distribution system, installed and owned by the Customer.Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals,cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective ballasts and photocells which are standard to theCofnpuny-owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacingcables, standards, broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. MONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMP High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Effective Sodium V LuI:n.e.rn Rate AdJ!J~tment*Rate * 100 Watt 550 $JA53 ,$0,$ ~-G3. 200 Watt 19,800 $4.7M.$0.235 250 Watt 24,750 $~, $0.326 400 Watt 45,000 $1 .~9 This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. PAYMENT The month~y bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 17 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-CANCt=LSTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-I.P,C. NO, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHT! NG SERVICEMONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMPAverageLumens BoseRate Power CostMjustment*EffectiveRate *Merc~ry V9QQl175 Watt400 Watt 7, 70018,800 G-,QS;l$~12,$0.$0.$ 74+-4 2.57 J~.'High PressureSodium VOQQI150 Watt250 Wott 13,80024,750 $ 9,g9 $0.$0.257.$ Q".Q59.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 151 2004.ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATEFor Company-owned poles installed after October 51 1964 required to be used for stroot lighting only. Wood Pole....." ...,.............."...",......,.......,.,,...........,...... $+'7+per pole Steel Pole......,...,...,....,...........,....................,..................per pole UNDERGROUND CIRCUITS will be installed when the Customer pays the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground, or the Customer agrees to pay a monthly charge of 1.75 percent of the estimated cost difference. f?" - ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer s lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distribution syslerTl, installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals, cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective ballasts and photocells which are standard to the Company owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables, standards, brokgn glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of mAtnl nOIAS. APPLICATION CASE NO~ IPC-E..O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 18 OF 56 I.P.C. NO, 26 TARIFF NO. 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-CANCELSTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-, "IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCHEDU LE 41STREET LlG~~ING SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMP Power CostAg iu~trnent*$0.EffectiveRate *Incandescent AverageLumens500 BaseRate 223Mercur~ VOQQI175 Watt400 Watt000 Waft 65419, 12547~OOO -51.43-$+4.0014,$0.$0.$2.9.2+9.$le;16, High PressureSodium VaQ.Qi70 Watt 5, 200 $ 3.G63.$0.$ 3.2GThis Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55).. and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 19 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 42-CANCELSFOURTEENTf1,REVISED SHEET NO. 42-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCHEDULE 42TRAFFI C CONTROL 51 G NALLIGHTING SERVICEAPP LI CABt UTVService under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of trafficcontrol signal lights within the State of Idaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts orstandards by n18ons of bracketsJ mast arms, or cable.The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standardsl brackets, mast arm, cable! lamps,control mechanisms, fixtures! service cable, and conduit to the point ot and with suitable termina1s toLconnection to the Company s underground or overhead distribution systemJ are installed, owned!maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for theoperation of traffic control signal lights.MONTH L Y CHARGESThe average monthly kWh of energy usage shaH be estimated by the Company based on thenumber and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours perday the signal is operated; PROVIDEDI HOWEVER, at the Company s option, the wattage of the signalmay be determined by test.Ba~e Rate~32 Power CostAdiustment604G EffectiveRate *~. 836c; This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55)1 and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3..13... ATTACHMENT A PAGE 20 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. TARIFF NO.1 01 FIRST REVISED SHEET NO, 45-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO. 45-, '"IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCHEDULE 45STANDBY SERVICE(Continued)MONTHL V CHARGEThe Month1y Charge for Standby Service is the sum of the Standby Reservation Charge, the StandbyDemand Charge, and the Excess Demand Charge, if anYt at the following rates:~dby Reservatj9n, ~,harg.sz.$+,4g per kW of Available Standby Capacity for Customers taking Primary Service$(UHD per kW of Available Standby Capacity for Customers taking Transmission ServiceStandby Demand CDO!lli2.$:~,g.a~t_Ql per kW of Standby BillinQ Demand for Customers taking Primary Service$3.73 per kW of Standby Billing Demand for Customers taking Transmission ServiceExcess DeDlond Ch.QIgJ2per kW times the sum of the daily Excess Demands recorded during the Billing Period, pluS $5.00 per kW for the highest Excess Demand recorded during the Billing Period. This charge will notbe prorated.MINIMUM CHARGEThe monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of tho Standby ReSGNation Charge, the StandbyDemand Charge, and the Excess Demand Charge. CONTRIBUTION TOWARD MINIMUM CHARGES ON OTHER ~~HEpULES My Standby Service Charges paid under this schedule shan not be considered in determining the M In imum Ch arge under any other Company schedule. PAYMENT The monthly biB rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 21 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANYI.P,C. NO. 261 TARIFF NO. 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 46-SCHEDULE 46ALTERNATE DISTRIBUTION SERVICEA V AI LAB I UTYAlternate Distribution Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company s inter-connected system within the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desiredphase and voltage ore adjacent to the location where Alternate Distribution Service is desired, and whereudcJiliorlul irlveslrnent by the Company for new distribution facilities is not necessary to supply therequested service. When additional transmission or substation facilities are required, separatearrangements win be made between the Customer and the Company.Alternate Distribution Service is available only to Customers taking Primary Service under Schedule9 or 19.AGREEMENTService shall be provided only after the Uniform Alternate Distribution Service Agreement executed by the Customer and the Company, The term of the initial agreement shall be dependent uponthe investment required by the Company to provide the Alternate Distribution Service, but shall in no eventbe less than one year. The Uniform Alternate Distribution Service Agreement shall automatically renew andextend each year, unless terminated under the provisions of the Agreement.TYPE OF SERVICEAlternate Distribution Service consists of a second distribution circuit to the Customer which backs up the Customer s reg ular distri bution circuit through a n automatic switch ing device. Alternate Distri butio n Service facilities include, but are not limited to, the automatic switching device and that portion of the distribution substation and the distribution line required to provide the service. The kW of Alternate Distribution Service capacity shall be specified in the Uniform Alternate Distribution SeNice Agreement. STANDARD OF SERVICE The Alternate Distribution Service provided under this schedule is not an uninterruptible supply and is subject to the same standard of service as provided under Rule J. MONTHLY CHARGES The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Capacity Charge and the Mileage Charge at the following rates: ge CharQSt 005 per kW per tenth of a mile in excess of 1.7 miles. The distribution line will be measured to the nearest tenth of a mile from the Alternate Distribution SeNice substation to the automatic switching device. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC~E..O3~ 13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 22 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. TARIFF NO. 101 SEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-1CANCELSSIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-1, 'IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 26FORMICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.BOISE, IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRAC), ,QATED SEPTEMBER1 ! 1995MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND CHAR~,$+.a41 ,60 PER kW OF Scheduled Contract DemandSCHEDULED MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMANDSeptember through December 1995 .... m.. mm u _u- ---- -_._.__.._--_u_uuu~u~u_------n--n~h~~~~~_~u~--~fi~fin--~"'" 50,000 kWJanuary through March 1996~n~~~--~nn~~--u------~n~~--~~u~~n~~~_...n~.~~.h"'~--~----~.fi--~~n~~~~~..fi..."'--~' 60,000 kWApril through June 1996. ._~..~~.~... --~ --~ --~ ~--n------ u~ --n~ --~ u~~~ ~-~ n~ --~ --~ ~~n.~---- ~ ~~~ n~ ..~~~ ~-- ~~~.~ --~un~~. 70,000 kWJuly through September 1996..~n~n--_~--~~.~~~~~.~.n_uun--n--nn~.__....--._~.~~~~~~~~~n~~~----~~~~~~nn--fi--' 801 000 kWOctober through December 1996~.~~----n~~.._~u--.------~...--~----n~_--nn~uu,,~--~_u_--~KnKnu--n~~--~~~, 901000 kWJa nuary 1997,. ~. - .~- ~~ ~.- ~ ~ - ~ K - -- - -- ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.... ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~.. ~ - K ~ ~ ~ ~,,~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.. ~ ~ ~~.." ~ ~~.. ~~~- - ~ k -~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~~ ~ - ~ ~ - - - ~ ~~.. ~ ~ -~ - ~ -.. ~.. ~ ~ ~~~, 1 OOi 000 kWBeyond January 1997 n~ ~U u~ U n~ n- __n~~~n _n~- u~ ~~~~n-- u_~-- ~~u~ n"---~----~--.~--~~~~~U~--~ ~ nnn~ --~~U_~ 0- 140,000 kW~--~.~.~~--.~...~,,~un~~~~~~----nnnn_--~--~~~--~~u--n~~nn~~~~--u~nu~uuu~~,with one year notification as per contract.ACCELERATED SCHEDULED CONTRACT DEMAND In any month that the Billing Demand exceeds the Scheduled Contract Demand, a new schedule Contract Demand will be established. In the new schedule, current and future Scheduled Contract Demand will be increased to the next scheduled level that exceeds the Billing Demand up to 100,000 kilowatts. In addition, $15,000 per month will be charges every month until the Contract Demand level conforms to the original schedule, MONTHLY 81 LLI NG DEMAND CHARGE 256,per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Scheduled Minimum Monthly Billing Demand. MINIMUM MONTHLY BILLING DEMAND The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25,000 kilowatts. DAILY EXCESS DEMAND CHARGE '" $Q.2Q40 ~125 per each kW over the Contract Demand. The Daily Excess Demand Charge is applicable beginning January 1997 or once the Contract Demand reaches 1001000 kW1 which ever comes first. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 23 OF 56 I.P.C. NO 26. TARIFF NO. 101 TWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-CANCELSELEVENTH RE\(IS~D SHEET NO. 26-IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 26FORMICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.BOISE, IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 1,1995(Continued)f\I10NTHLY ENERGY CHARGEEnergy ChargQBase Rate~13.319 Power CostMjustm~nt*039 EffectiveRate *82~19,358 mills per kWh for all energyThis Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.MONTHLY 0 & M CHARGES4 percent of total cost of Substation Facilities.CONSERVATION PROGRAMS RECOVERY c~- ~ARG( $5,703 per month APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-E..O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 24 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO, 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 29-CANCELSTWELFTH REVISED ~rt~ET NO, 29-IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 29J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANYPOCATELLO, IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED AUGUST 27,1973MONTH L Y CONTRACT RATEDemand Charggper kW of Billing Demand (1)EnerBase Rate.f.4..GgQ 4, 9 7 0 Power Cost8Qjustment*039 EffectiveRate *20.709 mills per kWh for all energy (2)M i n rn urn C h..9.r9IzThe minimum monthly charge shall be the amount computed in accordance with Paragraphbut not less $100,188.61 for any month during the effective term of this Agreement.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15f 2004. CONSERVATION PROGRAMS RECOVERY CHARGE. . $5,06 1 per month '" '" , Contract Chan~ (1)Contr t Paragrgph No 5.(0). ~Change $6.68 Qe r kW of BIlling De,rnond 10 $.6.96 Q52.L~Yv of Billing Den'Jond (2)Contract ParagIQPh No. 5.(b) Change 119 miHs to oo.~"~O,709 mills (3)~Qr)tract ParoQIQQh No. 5, No Change APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-E..O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 25 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. TARIFF NO. 101 THiRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 30-CAN C-E LSTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 30-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 30FORUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYIDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICESPECIAL CONTRACT DATED MAY 16,2000CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-99-BSD-124AVAILABILITYThis schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for theoperations of the Department of Energy facilities located at the Idaho National EngineeringLaboratory site~ as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties.MONTH L Y CHARGEThe monthly charge for electric service shall be the sum of the Demand, Energy, andConservation Programs Recovery Charges determined at the following rates:Q~,mand CharQSi.per kW of Billing Demand Per MonthEnergy Char~ Base Power CostRate 8QjustmeDt*~13.966 6.039 Effective Rate * W44J,20,OO5 mills per kWh for all energy ~Qf'servati on Progrg,rn s Recovery C ha rQS! $3~521 per month This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 151 2004. SPE CI AL CON D ITI 0 NS Billin QDema nd: The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30-minute period of maximum use during the month. Power Factor Adjustment When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 3D-minute period of maximum load for the month~ Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..O3-13~ ATTACHMENT A PAGE 26 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANYI.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO.31-IDAHO POWER COMPANYAGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF STANDBYELECTRIC SERVICESCHEDULE 31FORTHE AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANYCQNTRACT DATED April 6, 1998MONTHLY CHARGES"" ill:gndbv Contract Demand ChariliZ$Q~per kW of Standby Contract DemandStandnbvFocllitiesCQntract Demand CharQStPer kW of Standby Facilities Contract Demand:Paul Facility:Nampa Facility:Twin Falls Facility:Sg.gro . 8$~.Standpy Bilm Demand Ch.QI.9S!.per kW of Standby Billing DemandExce3S Demand ChargQper day for each kW taken in excess of the Total Contract Demand during the months of September through March $Q..+oo per day for each kW taken in excess of the Total Contract Demand during the months of April through August $~. per kW for the highest Excess Demand recorded during the Billing Period. (This charge will not be prorated. Ener Char e Energy taken with Standby Demand will be priced at the applicable Schedule 19 Energy Cha rge APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC-O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 27 OF 56 I.P.C. NO, 26, AR'F~ ,f';lO, 101 THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 32-CANCFI SSECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 32-IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYAGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF SHIELDEDSTREET LIGHTING SERVICESCHEDU LE 32FOR THE CiTY OF KETCHUM, IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 12,2001MONTHLY CIIARGC PER LAMPHigh Pressure Average Base Power Cost EffectiveSodium Va por Lumens Rate 8.Qj ustment*Rate *70 Watt 400 $ +.G77,$0.7 ,100 Watt 500 $0.358200 Watt 22, 000 $ Q,&99 $0.$+Q.OOThis Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55) and this Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATEFor Company-owned poles installed ofter October 5, 1964 required to be used for streetlighting only:Wood pole ,.......,...,........................".............,..........,....1--.74-per poleSteel pole..............,.,........,........................,.."................$6.per pole PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 28 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 1-CANCELSTH1RTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 1-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE(Conti n ued)RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEAT!NGAll space heating equipment to be served by the Company s system shall be single phaseequipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc " and the equipment and its installation shallconform to all NuliunoL Slale and Municipal Codes and to the following:Individual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall bedesigned to operate at 240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW.Heating units of two kW or larger shalt be controlled by approved thermostaticdevices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kWt to b~ actuatAd by a single thermostat. the controlling switch shaH be so designedthat not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplementalresistance-type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply withthe specifications listed above for such units.MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer and the Energy Charges at the following rates:Customer Chargg$2.61 per rneter per ITlonth Energy Charruz Base Rate 1357c Power Cost ooustment* 6039c Effective Rate 7396c M1Dimum Ctl The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge and the Energy Charge, This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes post due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - October 16,2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 29 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7-CANCELSTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7-iDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 7SMALL GE N RA~ ~E RVI C EAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available at points on the Company s interconnected system withinthe State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage areadjacent to the Premises to be served.APPLICABI UTYService under this schedule is applicable to Electric SeNice supplied to a Customer at one Pointof Delivery and measured through one meter. This schedule is applicable to Customers with energyloads that are 3,000 kWh/ or less, per month for ten or more months during the Annual Review Period.This schedule is also applicable to non-profit or tax supported ball fields, fairgrounds or rodeo groundswith high demands and intermittent use exceeding 3,000 kWh per month. This schedule is notapplicable to standby service, service for resale, or shared service, or to individual or multiple familydwellings first served through one meter after February 9, 1982.TYPE OF SERVICEThe type of service provided under this schedule is single and/or three-phase, at approximately60 cycles and at the standard service voltage available at the Premises to be served.ANNIVERSARY DATE The Anniversary Date is the date on which service is initially taken under this schedule. ANNUAL REVIEW PERIOD The Annual Review Period is the 12-month period ending with the Billing Period in which the Customer's Anniversary Date falls. Each yeaL at the end of the Annual Review Period, each Custome( s account will be reviewed for continued service eligibility under this schedule. Customers who qualify for seNiee under a different schedule will be transferred to the appropriate schedule effective with the next Billing Period. The accounts of new Customers or Customers whose load characteristics are experiencing fundamental changes may be reviewed more frequently. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer and the Energy Charges at the following rates: Customer Cha rruz $2.61 per meter per month Energy Charruz Base Rate 2134c Power Cost 8Qjustment* 8477~ Effective Rate * 7 ,0611 ~ per kWh for all kWh IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC-O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 30 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-CANCELSFIFTEENTH REVISED SH~ET NO, 9-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 9LARGE GENE RAL SERVI CE(Continued)FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY" ,At the option of the Company~ transformers and other facilities installed beyond the Point ofDelivery to provide Primary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated.. and maintained by theCofnparry if) corlsiderotion of the Customer paying a acilities Charge to the Company.Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery will be set forth in a Distribution FacilitiesInvestment Report provided to the Customer. As the Company " s investment in Facilities Beyond thePoint of Delivery changes in order to provide the Custome(s service requirements, the Company shallnotify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to the Customer arevised Distribution Facilities Investment Report.In the event the Customer requests the Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shaH pay to the Company the "non-salvable cosf' of such removal, reinstallation or change, Non-salvable cost as used herein is comprisedof the total original costs of materials.. labor and overheads of the facilities, less the difference betweenthe salvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs.POWER FACTORWhere the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demond by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. MONTMLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customec the Basic, the Demand, the EnergYI and the Facilities Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE Customer Ch Q.E $5.77 per meter per month Basic Chargsz $0.38 per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charruz $2.84 per kW for all kW of Demand Energy CharQ& Base Rote 7238c Power Cost Adjustment* 6039~ Effective Rate * 3277c per kWh for all kWh IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective .. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC-O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 31 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO, 101 SIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-CANCELSFIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 9LARGE GENERAL SERVICE(Continued)SECONDARY SERVICE (Continued)Egcilities CharillZNoneMinirnum Charg.s2The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, theDemand Charge, and the Energy Charge.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.PRIMARY SERVICECustomer ChargQ$89.15 per meter per month~sic CharQS!$0.80 per kW of Basic Load CapacityDemqnd ChariliZ$2.76 per kW for all kW of Demand Ener Base Rate 2196~ Power Cost Adjustment* 6039c Effective Rate * 8235(; per kWh for all kWh Facilities GhaIill2. The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent, Minimum Char e The monthly Minimum Charge st-1ol1 be the surH or Ihe Cuslonler Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 20011. IDAHO Issued - October 16 , 2003 Effective. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 32 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-CANCE FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 9LARGE GENER,AL SERVICE(Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICECustomer ChaIlli!$89. 15 per meter per monthBasic Chqrill!$0.41 per kW of Basic Load CapacityDema nd Chp rgg$2.68 per kW for all kW of DemandEnergy" CharrnzBase Rate1699(;Power CostAd justrJ1ent*6039Q EffectiveRate *77389 per kWh for all kWhFacilities Charruz.The Company ! s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1,percent.Minim~m ChargJ2 The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Chargel the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. '" , IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC-O3..13~ ATTACHMENT A PAGE 33 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. TARIFF NO. 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-CANCELSTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 15DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTINGA V AI LABI Service under this schedule is available to commercial institutions, industrial plants, andresidential Customers presently served from the Company s interconnected system within the State of Idaho, where existing overhead secondary distribution facilities of adequate capacity, phase, andvoltage ore presently available adjacent to the Premises to be lighted,APPLICABI UTYService under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service provided for the outdoor dusk todawn lighting of commercial, industriaL and domestic Customer grounds, yards, driveways, andPremises by means of a Company-owned luminary, mounted on an existing Company pole with asupport bracket automatically controlled by a photoelectric relay.CHARACTER OF SERVICEThe facilities required for supplying service.. including fixture, lamp, control relay, and supportbracket for mounting on an existing Company pole with secondary service, are supplied, installed,owned and maintained by the Company in accordance with the Company s standards andspecifications. All necessary repairs and maintenance work, including lamp renewat will be performedby the Company only during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company, and theCompany shall be allowed 72 hours, subsequent to notification by the Customer, for replacing anyburned out lamps. Lamps are energized each night from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, thereby providing approximately 4,105 hours of Premises lighting per year. NEW FACILlTIE$ Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer s Premises, the Company may extend its overhead secondary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc" a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below, MONTHLY CHARGES Monthly per unit charge on existing fucililie~: A LIGHTING High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Effective Sodium VO Qill Lumens Rate Adjustment:Rate * 100 watt 8, 550 $ 9.$0,$ 9. 200 Watt 19,800 $14.$0.$15. 400 Watt 45,000 $23.$0.$24, IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 34 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-ANCELSTWELFTH REVI~E Q SHEET NO. 15-LP.C. NO. TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 15DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LI~tI"NG(Continued)Q~Jrt LY CHARGES (Continued)FLOOD INGHigtl Pressure Average Base Power Cost EffectiveSodium Va Lumens Rate 6Qj stme nt*Rate *200 Waft 19.800 $17.$0.$18.400 Watt 45,000 $26.$0.$27.400 Waft 28,800 $ 29.$0.$30.000 Watt 88,000 $54.$2.$56.* This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.2. The Monthly Charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as overhead (or equivalent)secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc'r shall be 1.75 percent of the estimated installed cost thereof.3, The Company may provide underground service from existing secondary facilities whenthe Customer pays the estimated nonsalvable cost of underground facilities. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective... November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC...O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 35 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-CANCELSFIFTEENTH REVISED $tl,EET NO. 19-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCHEDULE 19LARGE POWER SERVIC~(Continued)FAGI l!T!E$, BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY (Continued)Point of Delivery changes in order to provide the Custome( s service requirements, the Company shallnotify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to the Customer afevi~eu Di~lTibuliorl Fociliiies Inv65tment Report.In the event the Customer requests the Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the li nen-salvablecost" of such removat reinstallation or change. Non-salvable cost as used herein is comprised of thetotal original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the facilities, less the difference between thesalvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost includinQ appropriate overhead costs.POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENTWhere the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the BillingDemand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor.IE M PORARY SUSp~ NSI When a Customer has properly invoked Rule F, Temp-orary Suspen~ion of Doman(;t the Basic LoadCapacity and Billing Demand shall be prorated based on the period of such suspension in accordance with Rule F. In the event the Customer s metered demand is less than LOOO kW during the period such suspension, the Basic Load Capacity and Billing Demand will be set equal to 1,000 kW for purposes of determining the Customer s monthly Minimum Charge. The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer, the Basic, the Demand, the Energy, and the Facilities Charges at the following rates: SECONDARY SERVICE Customer CharillZ $5.77 per meter per month Basic Chargsz $0.38 per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demo nd Cha rgg $2.84 per kW for all kW of Billing Demand EnergYmChoJQe Base Rate 6643c Power Cost Qjustment* 8217(; Effective Rate * 4860\;per kWh for all kWh IDAHO Issued.. October 16, 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E..O3..13-A ATTACHMENT A PAGE 36 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26t TARIFF N9: lQl FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-CANCELSFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 19LARGE f?QWER SERVICE(Continued)SECONDARY SERVICE (Continued)Egcilities CharruzNoneMinimum ChQriliZThe monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge! the Basic Charge~ theDemand Charge, and the Energy Charge.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.PRIMARY SERVICECustomer Charg~$89.28 per meter per monthBasic Char~$0,80 per kW of Basic Load CapacityDernanq Charg!2,$2.76 per kW for all kW of Billing Demand Energy Cha~ Base Rate '" 2. 17O'8c Power Cost Mjustment* 0'.8217(; Effective Rate * 2. 9925~ per kWh for all kWh Facilities Chargg The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimurf) ChargfZ The monttlly Minirnurn Ct1ur~e ~tloll be tl18 SUITI of the Custorner Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge.. the Energy Charget and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. IDAHO Issued - October 16 , 2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC..E..O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 37 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-CAN ELSFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-LP,C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 SCHEDULE 19LARGE POWER SERVICE(Continued)MONTH L Y CHARGE (Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICECustomer Chargsz$89.28 per meter per monthBasic CharQ.S!$0.41 per kW of Basic Load Capacity$2.68 per kW for all kW of Billing DemandEnergy CharruzBase Rate1225c Power CostAd i ustment*8217c EffectiveRate *, , '" 9442~ per kWh for all kWhFacilities The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond tho Point of Delivery times 1,percent. Minimum Char e The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Chargel the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55)1 and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - October 16 2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO~ IPC..F..O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 38 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-CANCFLSTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE(Continued)FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF D~~IY~RY,,(Continued)In the event the Customer requests the Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the finan-salvablecost" of such removal, reinstallation or change. Non-salvablG cost as used herein is comprised of thetotal original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the facilities, less the difference between thesalvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs,POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENTWhere the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the BillingDemand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor.MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer, the Demand, the Energy, and the FacilitiesCharges at the following rates.SECONDARY SERVICECustomer ChQrruz. $10,49 per meter per month $ 2.50 per meter per month rrigation Season Out of Season Demand CharQ5Z $3.73 per kW of Billing Demand No Demand Charge rrigation Season Out of Season Base Rate 9597(; 76769 Energy Cho(illZ Power Cost 6.Qjust,rn~nt* 1 .3 1 59~ 1 .3 1 59Q Effective Rate * 27569 per kWh for all kWh Irrigation Season 08359 per kWh for all kWh Out of Season Facilities ChoIlli2 None Minimum Char e The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Demand Charge, and the Energy Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55)/ and Effective Rate expire May 15J 2004. IDAHO Issued - October 16. 2003 Effective - November 158 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. I PC-O3- 13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 39 OF 56 LP.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 EIGHTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-CANCELSSEVENTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO., 24-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICECustofner Ct lUr~!2$89.18 per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per month rrigation SeasonOut of SeasonDemand Cha~$3.51 per kW of Billing DemandNo Demand CharGe Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonEnergy Charg.s1Power Cost6QjustrT)~nf*3159~3159c EffectiveRate *1305G per kWh for 011 kWh Irrigation Season8987c per kWh for all kWh Out of SeasonBase Rate8146c5828(;Facilities ChargQTt18 CurTl~uny s investrnent in Company-owned racilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.7percent. f0if1jmum Char~ The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy ChargeJ and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55)J and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PAYMENT AU monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt and become past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. (For any agency or taxing district which has notified the company In writing that It falls within the provisions of Idutl0 Code 3 67-2302, the past due date will reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code S 67-2302, Deposit . A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under tho following conditions: 1. Existin Customers: Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-month period or who hove service disC'..onnected for non-payment will be required to pay a deposit or provide a guarantee of payment from a bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code 3 67-2302. The deposit for a specific Installation will be computed as follows: IDAHO Issued - October 16,2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 40 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FI FTH REViSE D SH EET NO. 25-CANCELSFOL)R1H, REVISED SHEET NO. 25-I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 SCHEDULE 25IRRIGATION SERVICE - T1ME-OF-USE, " PI LOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer, the TOU Metering, tho Demand, the Energy..and the Facilities Charges at the following rates.SECONDARY SERVICECustomer Char~$10.49 per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per month IrriQation SeasonOut of SeasonTau Metering Cho.ill2.$3.00 per meter per monthNo TOU Meter Charge Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonDemand Chofg,Q$3.73 per kW of Billing DemandNo Demand Charge Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonEnergy Charg& Base Rate Power Cost 8Qj ustmen,t* Effective Rate * On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak IN-SEASON " " " " 1795(; 95959 1 .4797(; 1 .3159(; 3159~ 3159c 4954c per kWh for all kWh 2754(; per kWh for all kWh 7956(; per kWh for all kWh OUT -OF-SEASON7674(; 1,3159c 0833c per kWh for all kWh Facilities Charrnz None Minimum Cha~ The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the TOU Metering Charge, the Demand Charge, and the Energy Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15I 2004, IDAHO Issued - October ' 6# 2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 41 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO, 101 FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 25-CANCELSFOURTH REVISED SHEET ~,Q. 25-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 25IRRIGATiON SERVICE - TIME-OF-USEPI LOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Conti n ued)MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued)TRANSMISSION SERVICECustomer Chargg$89.18 per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per month Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonTOU MeterinNoneDemand Cha.I9.S2.$3.51 per kW of Billing DemandNo Demand Charge Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonJ:nergv ~Qqrill2.Base Rate Power CostAd ju stme nt*EffectiveRate * On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak IN-SEASON 9257~ 8147~ 1 .40749 1.3159(;; 1.3159(;; 3159c 2416\: per kWh for all kWh 1306\: per kWh for all kWh 7233c per kWh for all kWh T - F- EASON5829c 1.31599 8988c per kWh for all kWh Facilities CharQS! The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1. percent. MinImum ChargQ, The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55)1 and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. IDAHO Issued - October 161 2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. I PC-O3- 13- A ATTACHMENT A PAGE 42 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 SIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 40-CANC-ELSFIFTEENTH REVI~ED SHEET NO. 40-IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY SCHEDULE 40UNMETERED GENERAL SERVICEAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available at points on the Company s interconnected systemwithin the State of Idaho where existing secondary distribution faciiities of adequate capacity, phaseand voltage are available adjacent to the Customer's Premises and the only investment required bythe Company is an overhead service drop.APPLICABI LlTYService under this schedule applies to Electric Service for the Customer s single- or multiple-unitloads up to 1,800 watts per unit where the size of the load and period of operation are fixed andJ as aresult. actual usage can be accurately determined. Service may include, but is not limited to, streetand highway lighting, security lighting, telephone booths and CATV power supplies which serve lineamplifiers. Facilities to supply serv~ce under this schedule shall be installed so that service cannot extended to the Custome(s loads served under other schedules. Service under this schedule is notapplicable to shared or temporary service, or to the Customer's loads on Premises which have meteredservice.SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSThe Customer shall pay for all Company investment except the overhead service drop, requiredto provide service requested by the Customer. The Customer is responsible for installing, owning andmaintaining all equipment, including necessary underground circuitry and related facilities to connect with the Company facilities at the Company designated Point of Delivery. If the Customer equipment is not properly maintained, service to the specific equipment will be terminated. Energy used by CATV power supplies which serve line amplifiers will be determined by the power supply manufacturer s nameplate input ratinQ assuming continuous operation. The Company is only responsible for supplying energy to the Point of Delivery and, at its expense, may chec k energy consumption at any time. MONTH LV CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage stlol1 be eslirnuled by Itle Corrlpany, based on the Customer s electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is unmetered, failure of the Customer s equipment will not be reason for a reduction the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shaH be computed at tho following rate: BasQ Rate 917(; Power Cost Ad j ustment 604(; Effective R(1t~ * 521 ~ per kWh for all kWh Minimum Charq.sz $1 .50 per month This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. IDAHO Issued .. October 16 , 2003 Effective - November 15,2003 APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC-E...O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 43 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-CANCELSTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICEAVAI LAB U1Y'" Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company s s8Nice area within the Stateof Idaho where street lighting wires and fixtures can be installed on the Company s existing distributionfacilities.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule is applicable to seNice required by municipalities or agencies federal, state, or county governments for the lighting of public streets, alleys, public grounds, andthoroughfares. Street lighting lamps will be energized each night from dusk until dawn.SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIODStreet lighting facility locations, type of unit and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time bywritten request of the Customer and agreed to by the Company, shall be as shown on an Exhibit A foreach Customer receiving service under this schedule. The in..service date for each street lighting facilitywill be maintained on the Exhibit A.The minimum service period for any street lighting facility is 10 years. The Company, upon writtennotification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting facility:1 .At no cost to the Customer, if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period; Upon payment to the Company of the removal cost if such facility has been in service for less than the minimum service period. A" - OVERHEAD LIGHTING - COMPANY-OWNED SYSTEM The facilities required for supplying service, including fixture, lamp, control relay, mast arm or mounting on an existing utility pole, and energy for the operation thereot are supplied, installed, owned and maintained by the Company. All necessary repairs, maintenance work, including group lamp replacement and glassware cleaning, will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company on the Company s sct1edule. Individual larnps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company s operating schedules and requirements. MONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMP High Pressure Sodium VoQQL 100 Watt 200 Waft 400 Watt Average Lumens 550 19,800 45, 000 Base Rate $ 6. $ 7. $11 . POWAr Cost Mjustment* $0. $0. $1. Effective Rate * $ 6. $ 8. $12. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E--O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 44 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-CANCELST~tRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICE(Continued)ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATEFor Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for streetlighting only:Wood pole .......,... ."..,. ..".."...."...... ...n........"" .................... $1.78 per poleSteel pole...........,............,...................,..........,........,............. $7.08 per poleUNDERGROUND CIRCUITS will be installed when the Customer pays the estimated costdifference between overhead and underground, or the Customer agrees to pay a monthly charge of75 percent of the estImated cost difference.SIl - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEMThe Customer s lighting system, including posts or standardsl fixtures, initial installation of lampsand underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distribution system, installed and owned by the Customer.Service supplied by the Company includes operat~on of the system, energy, lamp renewals,cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective ballasts and photocells which are standard to theCompany-owned street light units. Service does not include tho labor or material cost of replacingcables, standards, broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. MONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMP High Pressure Sodi u.mmVOPOI 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumeos- 550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base gte $3. $4. $5. $8, Power Cost Mjustme nt* $0. $0. $0. $1. Effective Rate * $ 3. $ 5. $ 6. $ 9. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and bgcomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E..O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 45 OF 56 LP.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-CANCELSFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 41-'" IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICEMONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMPAverageLumens BaseRate Power Cost6Qjustment*EffectiveRate *Mereu Va 175 Watt400 Watt 70018,800 $ 7.$12.$0.$0.$ 7.$ 1 3.High PressureSodium VaQQI150 Watt250 Watt 13,80024,750 $ 7.$ 8.$0,$0.$ 7.$ 9.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATEFor Cornpany-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 requirod to be used for street lighting only, Wood Pole".......................................................................... $1.78 per pole Steel Pole.......,..............................,.......,..........,..."...,........... $7.08 per pole UNDERGROUND CIRCUITS will be installed when the Customer pays the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground, or the Customer agrees to pay a monthly charge of 1 .75 percent of the estimated cost difference. BI! - ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer s lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the COfT1PUflY ;j cJi~lfibufiorl syslern, installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system) energy, lamp renewals, cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective ballasts and photocells which are standard to the Company owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables, standards, broken glasswarQ or fixtures, or pointing or rAfinishino of metal poles. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective - November 15 , 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC...O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 46 OF 56 I.P.NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-CAN CF ISTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 41$JREET LIGHTING SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARG~ PER LAMPAverage Base Power Cost EffectiveIncandescentLumer)s Rate ustment*Rate *500 $ 2.$0.$ 3.Mercury V qQQI175 Watt 654 $ 5.$0.$ 5.400 Watt 19,125 $ 8.$0.$ 9.1000 Watt 471 000 $14.$2.$16.High PressureSodium VOQ.Qf70 Watt 200 $ 3.$0.$ 3.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 , " APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 47 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 42-CANCELSFIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 42-'" LP.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 42TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALLlGHTI NG SERVICEAPP LI CABI UTYService under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of trafficcontrol signal lights within the State of Idaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts orstandards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable.The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standards, brackets, mast arm, cable, lamps,control mechanisms~ fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point ot and with suitable terminals for,connection to the Company s underground or overhead distribution system, are installed, owned,maintained and operated by the Customer, Service is limited to the supply of energy only for theoperation of traffic control signal lights.MONTHLY CHARGESThe average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company based on thenumber and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours perday the signal is operated; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, at the Company s option, the wattage of the signalmay be determ ined by test.Ba~e Rate232c Power CostMiustme nt604c EffectiveRate *836~ This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO issued - October 16, 2003 Effective .. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO~ IPC..E...O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 48 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 SECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 45-CANCELSFIRST REVISED S~EET NO. 45-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 455T ANDBY SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge for Standby Service is the sum of the Standby Reservation Charge, the StandbyDemand Charge! and the Excess Demand Charge, if any, at the following rates:~ndby Reservation Charg~$1.54 per kW of Available Standby Capacity for Customers taking Primary Service$0.64 per kW of Available Standby Capacity for Customers taking Transmission Service~ndby Demand Charruz$4.01 per kW of Standby Billing Demand for Customers taking Primary SeNice$3.89 per kW of Standby Billing Demand for Customers taking Transmission ServiceExcess Demo nd Chgrg,sz$0.52 per kW times the sum of the daily Excess Demands recorded during the t:3i1ling Period, pluS $5.per kW for the highest Excess Demand recorded during the Billing Period. This charge will not beprorated.MINIMUM CHARGEThe monthly Minimum Charge shaH be the sum of the Standby Reservation Charge, the StandbyDemand Charge, and the Excess Demand Charge. CONTRIBUTION TOWARD MINIMUM CHARGES ON OTHER SCHED~LES Any Standby SeNice Charges paid under this schedule shall not be considered in determining the Minimum Charge under any other Company schedule. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective" November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E..O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 49 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26, TAR'F~ NO lOl FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 46- CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO. 46-IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 46ALTERNATE DISTRIBUTION SERVICEA V AI LAB I LlTYAlternate Distribution Service under this schedule Is available at points on the Company s inter-connected system within the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desiredphase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Alternate Distribution Service is desired, and whereadditional investment by the Company for now distribution facilities is not necessary to supply therequested service. When additional transmission or substation facilities are required, separatearrangements will be made between the Customer and the Company.Alternate Distribution Service is available only to Customers taking Primary Service under Schedule9 or 19.AGREEMENTService shall be provided only after the Uniform Alternate Distribution SeNice Agreement executed by the Customer and the Company. The term ot the initial agreement shall be dependent uponthe investment required by the Company to provide the Alternate Distribution SeNice, but shaH in no eventbe less than one year. The Uniform Alternate Distribution Service Agreement shall automatically renew andextend each year, unless terminated under the provisions of the Agreement.TYPE OF SERVICEAlternate Distribution Service consists of a second distribution circuit to the Customer which backs up the Customer s regular distribution circuit through an automatic switching device. Alternate Distribution Service facilities include, but are not limited to, the automatic switching device and that portion of the distribution substation and the distribution tine required to provide the service. The kW of Alternate Distribution Service capacity shall be specified in the Uniform Alternate Distribution Service Agreement. STANDARD OF SERVICE , '" " The Alternate Distribution Service provided under this schedule is not an uninterruptible supply and is subject to the same standard of service as provided under Rule J. MONTH L Y CHARGES The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Capacity Charge and the Mileage Charge at the following rates: ~acity Charg~ $1 .31 per contracted kW of capacity Mileage Char~ 005 per kW per tenth of a mile in excess of 1.7 miles. The distribution line will be measured to the nearest tenth of a mile from the Alternate Distribution Service substation to the automatic switching device. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective" November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..F..O3-13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 50 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 EIGHTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26- CANCELS, ,,$EVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 26FORMICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.BOISE/ IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER1, 1995MONTH L Y CONTRACT DEMAN D CHARGE$1 .60 PER kW OF Scheduled Contract DemandSCH EDU LED MONTH L Y CONTRACT DEMAN DSeptember through December 1995._____~--~-~~-~~-~~-~._~-------~-~~~~.~.."~."~_M~~~~,...u....,.~-~~_..~~-~--~"~"~~". 50,000 kWJanuary through March 1996..uuun~nnnh~,...nuun~u~...~nu.nnuun.n_nn~--hu...uu~.~~~-..u~...~n~~. 60,000 kWApril through June 1996~n_~.u..nu~~~~~_n~_.~...un~.n.""uu.u..~u..nnnnn..uuu.nuuun..~..uuuunnn.' 70/000 kWJuly through September 1996...----..--u._.n.~--...._.--n,._.~_~--~"---~-----~_wuu----n---nn...~u_.---n-_~__U. 80,000 kWOctober through December 1996--u.u~._---~--._~__nn~uu_n------.nnnn----M--.u~.u.."~.~~~,,u~..-nun- 901000 kWJan uary 1997"'~"'_..M..".M _.M.- - -"'--~--~-.. ... ...M- ~.~ ............M~.~ .~~ -~-~.. ..---..- w_. w...M..~ ~M. ..... - ~._...M .~...._....~. ~_. M_.l 00/000 kWBeyond January 1997uuuM.....u._~_uM.nunn--.--nnwnunn_~_Mn_n_nn*.***nn_~-~._HnH*uun~uu~u 0-140,000 kW~"UH~u~nM-.u~~Hw*U~w.*~U.MH_UUuuh._HwHUwU~U*~U.*-.HUUU.~.~Mu_..with one year notification as per contract.ACCELERATED SCHEDULED CONTRACT DEMAN In any month that the Billing Demand exceeds the Scheduled Contract Demand/ a new schedule Contract Demand will be established. In the new schedule, current and future Scheduled Contract Demand will be increased to the next scheduled level that exceeds the Billing Demand up to 100,000 kilowatts. In addition, $15,000 per month will be charges every month until the Contract Demand level conforms to the original schedule. fy10NTHL Y BILLING DEMAND CHARGE $6.51 per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Scheduled Minimum Monthly Billing Demand. MINIMUM MONTHLY BILliNG DEMAND The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25,000 kilowatts. DAILY EXCESS DEMAND CHARGE $0.2125 per each kW over the Contract Demand. The Daily Excess Demand Charge is applicable beginning January 1997 or once the Contract Demand reaches 100,000 kW, which ever comes first. IDAHO Issued - October 16 , 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC..E..O3...13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 51 OF 56 I.P.C. NO 26. TARIFF NO. 101 THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-CANC-ELSTWELFTH REV,SEQ SHEET NO. 26-2IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 26FORMICRON TECHNOLOGY~ INC.BOISE, IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTE MBER 1, 1995(Cantin ued)MONTHL V ENERGY CHARGEEnergy ChargszBase Rate13.319 Power CostMjustment*039 EffectiveRate *19.358 mills per kWh for all energyThis Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15" 2004.MONTHl V 0 & M CHARGES4 percent of total cost of Substation Facilities.CONSERVATION PROGRAMS RECOVERY CI-IARGE $5,703 per month IDAHO Issued - October 16,2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO~ IPC-O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 52 OF 56 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 29-CANCELSTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET N9.. 29-I.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDU LE 29J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANYPOCATELLO, IDAHO$PECIAL CONTRACT DATED AUGUST 27 ( 1973MONTHLY CONTRACT RATEDemand CharQ,S?$6.96 per kW of Billing Demand (1)EnerBase Rate14.670 Power CostAdiustment*039 EffectiveRate20.709 mills per kWh for all energy (2)~inimum ChaIlliZThe minimum monthly charge shall be the amount computed in accordance with Paragraph1, but not less $100, 188.61 for any month during the effective term of this Agreement.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. CONSERVATION PROGRAMS RECOVERY CHARGE $5,061 per month ." "'" '" Q2.ntract Chang~ (1)~ootrq~t ParagJQPh No 5.1(0). Change $6.68 per kW of Billing Demand to $6.96 per kW or BiHirlg Dernand (2)Contrag Paragrgph No.5, 1 (b) Change 20.119 mills to 20.709 mills (3)Contr9~t I?,Qragrgph No. 5. No Change IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective.. November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-E..O3..13.. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 53 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 26( TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 30-CANCELSTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 30-IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 30FORUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYIDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICESPECIAL CONTRACT DATED MAY 16,2000CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-99-BSD-124A V AI LABI UTYThis schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for theoperations of the Department of Energy facilities located at the Idaho National EngineeringLaboratory site, as provided in thA Contract for Electric Service between the parties.MONTHLY CHARGEThe monthly charge for electric service shall be the sum of the Demand, Energy, andConservation Programs Recovery Charges determined at the following rates:lliillland Chargs=l$5.31 per kW of Billing Demand Per MonthEner Base Rate 1 3.966 Power Cost Mj ustme nt* 039 Effective Rate * 20.005 mills per kWh for all energy Conservation Programs Rf.?~overy Charoo $3,521 per month This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. SPECIAL CONDITIONS """ " Billin Demand: The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30-minute period of maximum use during the month, Power Factor Adjustm~nt: When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 3D-minute period of maximum load for the month! Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0,95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. IDAHO Issued - October 16, 2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE NO- IPC-E..O3-13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 54 OF 56 I.P.C. NO. 261 TARIFF NO.1 01 FiRST REVISED SHEET NO. 31-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO.31-IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYAGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF STANDBYELECTRIC SERVICESCHEDULE 31FORTHE AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANYCONTRACT DATED April 6t 1998MONTHLY CHARG~$Standby Cont(QQj Demand CD9rlli2.$0.22 per kW of Standby Contract DemandStandby Foclli!jes Contract I)Ama~Per kW of Standby Facilities Contract Demand:Paul Facility:Nampa Facility:Twin Falls Facility:$0.$0.$0.Standby Billing Demand Cfi$2.07 per kW of Standby Billing DemandExcess Demand Ct1cnruz$0.52 per day for each kW taken in excess of the Total Contract Demand during the months of September through March $0.78 per day for each kW taken in excess of the Total Contract Demand during the months of April through August $5.21 per kW for the highest Excess Demand recorded during the Billing Period. (fhis charge will not be prorated. Ener Char e Energy taken with Standby Demand will be priced at the applicable Schedule 19 Energy Charge IDAHO Issued... Ot;lober 16, 2003 Effective November 15, 2003 , " APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC..E..O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 55 OF 56 l.P.C. NO. 261 TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO, 32-CANCELSTHIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 32-IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANYAGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF SHIELDEDSTREET LIGHTING SERVICESCHEDULE 32FOR THE CITY OF KETCHUM/ IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 12,2001MONTHLY CHAr~GE PER LAMPHigh Pressure~odium VaQ.QI70 Watt100 Watt200 Watt AverageLumens400500000 BaseRate$ 7.$ 7,$ 9.Power CostMjustment*$0.$0.$0.EffectiveRat e *$ 7.$ 8.$10.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55) and this Effective Rate expire May 15/ 2004.ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATEFor Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for streetlighting only:Wood pole ".,..,....,.......,....................................................... $1.78 per poleSteel pole................,.,..."......,............,.................,......,......... $7.00 per pole PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - Oclober 16, 2003 Effective - November 15, 2003 APPLICATION CASE: NO. IPC-O3..13- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 56 OF 56