HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031021Attachment 1 (11.5MB).pdfIDAHO POWER COMPANYhP.C. NO. 26. TARiff NO. lQJ ~o. HO PU BLtC UIIL IT rES COMM ISStONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFEB 3 - '95 FEB 1 - '12 (~"'\.SfCREiARYIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONTARIFF NO. 26GENERAL RULES, REGULATIONS AND RATESAPPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC SERViCE IN THE TERRITORYSERVED FROM THE COMPANY'S INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM IN IDAHO APPUCA TIONIssued CASE NO. IPC-O3- D. H. Jocks( ATTACHMENT 1221 y., PAGE 1 OF 137 IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1, 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 I.P.C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 THIRD REVISED SHEET NO CANCELSSECOND REVISED SHEET NO. ~~ PU8LIC UTIL ITIES COMMJSSIONROVED EFFECTIVEIDAHO POWER COMPANY OCT 2 4 t o 1 NOV 9 - 't'" 11)- SECRETARYGENERAL RULES AND REGULPJIONS INDEXRuleTitle Sheet\JumberTitle Page ".""""""".,...".."""".""",...,......., "".,...",.",..,.,.....""'" """,.,.",..".........".",.",..,"',...,' iIndex pcge "." "........"""",.', "..,...,...,.""""".".....""",.,',....,",.,""".".,.,.,..,.,.""....."."., ,..'" ii -- iiiRule A RuieBRuieCRuleDRule ERule FRuleGRule HRule IRuleJ Rule K Introduction."" """.., ...".,.,..'" ""..,..", ,. ""," "... ..,. .,..", "..... ,..,. .", ....' ",.,. ,. ....'"., .""" ."", '" ,......" A-Definitions "'" ,...., ",. ",.." ...""""..."" ,," .""."" "., ",,' ,.." "......"." "".""" ,."".." ..."" ""(""'" B-1 -- B-Service and limitations", "oo", .........","'.. ..,...... ",.. ........, "". ",""" '"' "" "..o." "'" '" -." ."....1 -- C-Me1.ering "",...",."..",............,....".."..,',.....,",..,.."....,...,."...""....,.-....."""'..".""...'.."",. D-1 -- D-Moster tJletering Standards "".",...."..""..""",...."""""""......""..."""",,..,......,.......,,' ,1 -- E-Billing "...."..."" "......, """" "..", ............."." ".. "......." ",.""o." """,.. ............. ,....... ",...", ....". F-l -- F-Corrected Billings "...,.".,.."...,...,."".""",...."".,.,',.,",.."'.-..,."""""."".""".,.,...""...".,.."""'" G-New Service Attoch:TIents and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations "" H-1 -- H-Budget Pay Plans ",..",.,.""",."""":."...."""".,."..,,.,""...",.,...,.,-."."""""""....,""",.,."1 -- 1-Continuity, Curtailment and Interruption of Electric Service....".""...",....."....".. """..",. Customer's Load and Operations "",..'" ",..."".."....."...."" ",..".""" "...." ,,""" ",..."" K-l -- K- IDAHO Issued - October 10. 2001 Effective - November 9,2001 APPLICATION ' CASE NO.IPC-O3- ssuec A TT Ar-HMENT John R, Gale, Vie p AG ~ 2 OF 1371 221 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. Hi IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveELEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. Hi April 28, 2003 May 16, 2003Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLF.C. NO, 26; TARIFf NO. J 01 SCHEDULE INDEXSCHEDULETITLE SHEETNUMBERResidential Service ...........................""............,......",................,.,...........,.""......,.........,....,.."..,........,.,.. 1-1 -- 1-Small General Service ...,.,..........,.........,....".,............,......,......."...n......""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-1 -- 7-Large General Service ............................"". .......... "" ""............ ".............................................,......... ...1 -- 9-15 Dusk to Dawn Customer Lighting ---............,............,.................,...,.............".............."..,................15-1 -- 15-19 Large Power Se;"vice,....,.......""..,...................."......,.",.,.,....."....",............".,.,.,...,.,.,............,..".......19-1 -- 19-22 Energy Buy Back Temporary Program (Optional) .................,.",.." "............................................. 22-- 22-2.4 Irrigation Service ",.,..,..........,..............., ".,.,..............." ............,...."........... ,....,..,..... .....................". ..., 24-- 24-25 Irrigation Service - Time-at-Use Pilot Program (Optional) ."...~........."............ .,............................25-- 25-40 Unmetered General ServicE ".,...,......",."............"...."................".,............,....,.....",."............,......,LO-- 40-41 Street Lichtin Service ....,............,.........."...,.......,."......,.........,."............."",.,..............."....,."..........41-1 -- 41-......42 Traffic Control Signal Lightin;;J Service, ....................,.".."' ......:..:" ..,....~............,.'" ....................................".. 42-45 Standby Service ...............,."......"..,.........,........,.....,.................."......,......,...,.,......,..,............"........,...45-1 -- 45-46 Alternate Distribution Service ..................................,.........,..,.....................,..................".............,....46-1 -- 46- 55 Power Cost Adjustment,.. .............,.,...".... -......."",.,...... ........,.".. ............,......... ,n'"," .OO. ........... ...........'", ...... 55- 60 Solar Photovoltoic Service Pilot Program .......................""..........".........................."."..................60-1 -- 60- 61 Payment tor Home Wiring Audit for Power Quality ..............."....m......."""""""""""""""""""" ..."..,...61- 62 Green E'lergy Purchase Program Rider ~Optjonal) ... ... '"........ ......... ............"....... ,..oo.".. ..... ........... ........." 62- 66 Miscellaneous Charges ..,.,..........,.,........,................... ".,.,.,.......",.,.............,",..,.". ,...,n"""""'" "......66-1 -- 66- 72 Interconnections to Non-U1i1ity Generation"..................................""""..........................."......72-1 -- 72- 81 Residential Air Conditioner Cycling Pilot Program (Optional) ,..........,....,.... ...,.....................,...." 81-1 - 81- 84 Customer Energy Production Net Metering ........... .....m.."""" .........."".. ..... .........m ........"... m"" 84-- 84- 86 Cogeneration and Small Power Production Standard Rates."..,.......................................".......86-1 -- 86- 89 Unit Avoided Energy Cost for Cogeneration end Srnall Povver Production ............................... ........... 89- 91 Energy efficiency Rider .".................",.,....,......................,.,.,..,.........."...................."",............""..,............,.. 91- 95 Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees ......."....................,..................................................... 95-- 95- 98 Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit..............."......".., n."""""""" ............"",........ P"""""""""""" 9 8- IDAHO Issued - April 7, 2003 Effective - May 16, 2003 Advice No, 03- APPLICA TION Issued CAS:: NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMENT 22 1 V P AGE 3 0 F IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMfSSJON-ORIGINAL SHEET NO. A~ 1 APPROVED EFFECTIVEFEB 3 - '95 FEB 1 - '~j2 ~seCRETARY~o. 26. TARlEE.-NO. 101 RULE AThese Rules and Regulations ore a part of the Tariff of Idaho Power Company and apply to theCompany and every Customer to whom service is supplied: provided. that in case of conflict befy.,-een theseRules and Regulations and the provisions of any schedule of this Tariff, the provisions of such schedule willgovem as to service supplied thereunder. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1, 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPLICATION Issuec CASE NO. IPC-(;3- D. H. Jacks A TT AC HMENT 1221 \ PAGE 4 OF 137 P, .C. NO.TARIFF NO. 101 IDAHO PU BLIC UTI LIT! ES COM MISS IONAPPROVED EFFECTIVERIGINAL SHEET N . B-FEB 3 - .95 FEB 1- 'J2 ~.. SECRET IRYIDAHO POWER COMPANY RULE BDEFINITIONSThe terms listed below, which are used frequently in this T arm, will have the stated meanings:Billing Period is the period intervening between meter readings and will be assumed to have 30 days,Commission refers to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.Company refers to Idaho Power Compcny.Connected Load is the combined input rating of the Customer's motors and other energy consumingdevices.Customer is the individual. parlnership, association, organization, public or private corpora1ion,gcvemment orgovemmental agency receiving or contracting for Electric Service.Demand is the average kiowatts (kW) or horsepower (HPJ supplied to the Customer during the 15-consecutive-mnute period of maximum use during the meter reading period, as shown by the Company'smeter, or determined in accordance with the demand clause in the schedule under which service supplied. In no event. however, will the maximum demand for the meter reading period be less than thedemand determined as specified i1 the schedule.Electric Service is the availability of power and energy in the form and at the valtege specified in theIdaho Electric Service Request or agreement. irrespective of whet~er electric energy is actually utili2eq. Month (unless calendar month is sta1ed) is the approximate 3O-day period ccinciding with the BillingPeriod. . , Normal Business Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.rn" Monday 1hrough Friday. excluding holidays observed by the Company. Notice of office Closures for holidays are posted. in advance. at the Company office entrances. Point of Delivery is the junction point between the facilities owned by the Company and the facilities owned by the Customer. the Point at which the Company s lines first becan-Ie adjacent to the Customer's property; as otherwise specified in the Com:Jony s Tariff. Power Factor is the percen1age obtained by dividing the maximum demand recorded in kW by the coITesponding kilovolt-ampere (kV A) demand established by the Customer, Premises is a building. structure. dwelling or residence of the Customer. If the Customer uses several buildings or structures in the operation of a single in1egrated commercial. indu~triol. or institutional enterprise, the Company may consider all such buildings or structures that are in proximity to each other to be the Premises, even though intervening ownerships or pubDc thoroughfares exist. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per I PUC Order No. 25880 APPL1CA T10N Issued I CASE NO. IPC-O3- D. H. Jackso ATTACHMENT 1221 WI PAGE 5 OF 137 I D,A.HO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMtSS!ONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE. B-2 fIB 3 - .95 FEB 1 - -~)2. ~SECRETARrLP,U. . NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 Rule BDEFINITIONS Continued)Service ~eve!is defined as1ollows:Seconqary Service is service iaken at 480 volis or less, or where the definitions of PrimaryService and Tronsrrlission Service do noi apply, The Company is responsible for providing thetransformation of power to the voltage at which it is to be used by the Customer taking SecondaryService..Erjmary Service is service taken at 12.5 kilovolts (kV) to 34.5 kY, Customers taking PrimaryService are responsible for providing the transformation of power to the voltage at which it is to beused by the Customer.Transmission Service is ser..dce token at 44 kV or higher. Customers taking Transmission Serviceare res:Jonsibie for providing the transformation of power to the voltage at which it is to be used bythe Customer. IDAHO Issued - February 3, 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPUCATION Issued CASE NO. IPC-O3- D. H. Jack~j ATTACHME\lT 1221 \~ PAGE 6 OF 137 vIDAHO,POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. C.CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO. C-IDAHO PUBLIC UTtL\T\ES CO~fMfSSiCNAPPFIDVED EFFEC1\VELP,C. NO. 26. TARIFF NO. 101 JtlN 26 ~RULE CSERVICE AND LIMITATIONS JtJ~ 261 j2 SECRETARY1. Rates and Tariff: Service supplied by the Company will be in accordance with the Tariff on filewith the state regulatory authority having jurisdiction. and as in effect at the time service is supplied. All servicerates and agreements are subject to the continuing jurisdiction and regulation of such authority, as provided bylaw.When any municipal corporation or other local taxing agency imposes on the Company any franchise,occupation , sales , license , excise, business, operating, privilege , or use of street tax or charge based uponmeters or Customers. or upon electricity sold or the receipts or income therefrom, the prorate amount thereofwill be billed to all Customers in the area or locality in which such 1ax or charge applies and will, be separatelystated on, and added to, the regular billing.2. SupplyinQ of Service : Service will be suppHed under a given schedule only to Points Df Deliveryas are adjacent to facilities of the Company, adequate and suitable as to capacity and voltage, for 1he servicedesired and under the schedule applicable thereto. The Company will not be obligated to construct extensionsor install additional service facilities except in a~cordance with Rule H, In all otner cases. special agreementsbetween the Customer and the Company may be required.3. Service Application : The Company wilt normally accept an application for service from theCustomer by telephone or by other oral communication, The Company may hcwever, at its discretion, requirethe Customer to sign an application requesting service. 4. Choice of Schedules : The Company s schedules are designed to provide monthly rates for service supplied to the Customer on an annual basis. The Customer may elect to take service under any of the schedules applicable to this annual service req'Jirement , and the Company will endeavor to assist in the selection of the appropriate schedule most favorable to the Customer. Changing of schedules will occur on1y when the characteristics of the Customer s usage change such that another applicable schedule is deemed more favorable to the Customer when applied to the Customer s annual service requirements. Customers receiving service under Schedules 7 , and 19 will be re\liewed on an annual basis under the pro\'isions established in the Annual Review Pericd section of each of these schedules. 5. Point of Delivery Service Requirements : A Customer may be served at more than one Point of Delivery at the same Premises i1 practicable , unless otherwise specified in a schedule. Service at each Point of Delivery at the same Premises will be offered under the appropriate schedule. The Customer s request for service at an additional Point of Delivery will be subject to the applicable line extension rules of the Company. The Company may refuse to provide service at more than one Point of Delivery at the same Premises if it is determined by the Company that the additional Point of Delivery cannot be provided without jeopardizing the safety and reliability of the Company's system or service to the Customer or to other Customers. Service provided to a Customer at multiple Points of Delivery at the same Premises will not be interconnected electrically. Where separate Points of Delivery exist for supplying service to a Customer at a single Premises or separate meters are maintained for measurement of service to a Customer at a single Premises , the meter readings will not be combined or aggregated for any purpose except for determining if the Customer s total power requ rements exceed 25 000 kW. Special contract arrangements will be required when a Customer's aggregate power requirement exceeds 25,000 kW. IDAHO Issued - May 25. 1995 Effective ~ June 26. 1995 APPLICATION CASE NO. !PC-O3-Issue ATTACHMENT D. H, Jac PAGE 7 OF 1371221 1..P.C. NO. 26, ~O, JDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE~NO, C-FES 3 - 195 fEB 1 - 'RULE J2. SECRETARYSERVICE AND LIMITATIONS ContinuedIDAHO POWER COMPANYPoint of Delivery Service Requirements (Continued)Service delivered at 1ow voltage (600 volts or under) will be supplied from the Company s cistributionsysiem to the outside wall of the Customers bLilding or service pole, unless an exception is granted by theCompany and the City or State Elecmcallnspector.The Cu~tomer's facilities will be installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of theNational Electrical Code,6. Limitation of Use : ,6... Customer will no1 resell electric:ity received from the Company to anype~on except where the Customer is owner. lessee, or operator of a commercial building, shopping center,apartment house, mobile home court, or other multi-family dwelling where the use has been sub-meteredprior to July 1, 1980, and the use is billed to terants at the same rates that the Company would charge forservice, unless the Commission authorizes alternative procedures.A Customers wiring will not be extended or connected to furnish service to more than one building orplace of use through one meter, even though such building. property. or place of use is owned by theCustomer. This rule is not applicable where Cus-tomer's business consists of one or more adjacent buildings orplaces of use located on the same Premises or operated as an integral unit, under the same name andcarrying on parts of the same business.7, RiQhts of Way The Customer shall. without cost to ~he Campan')", grant the Company a rightof way for the Company s ~nes and apparatus across and upon the propert)i owned or controlled by theCustomer, necessary or incidental to the supplying of Electric Sei-v:ce and shall permit access thereto by the Company s employees at all reasonable hours. IDAHO Issued.. February 3, 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No, 25880 APPLICATION Issuec CASE \10. IPC-O3~ 13 D. H. Jocks A TT ACHMENT 1221 V PAGE 8 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COrv1PANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO, D-IDAHO PUBLIC UTlt'rfESCOMMISSIONCANCE~ APPROVED EFFECTIVESECOND REVISED SHEET NO, 0-I.P.NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 NIJJ 1 5 NOV 15 '99RU LE DMETERING ~~ J2 SECRETARY1. Meter Installations The Company will install and maintain the metering- equipmentequired by tie Company to measure power and energy supplied to the Customer. Meter installations willDe done at the CDmpany s expense except as specified bebw or otherNise specified in c schedule.Customer provisions for meter installations WI! be made in conformance with Company specifications, theNotional Electrical Code, and/or applicable state or municipal requirements,A, Instrument Transformer Meterinq, If the Customer specifically requests instrumenttransformer metering which :s not ~equired by the Company, the cost of SUCI meteringequipment and its installaTIon will be paid to the Company by the C-..Istomer inaccordance with the charges specified in Schedule 66, B. eft-Site Meter Reading SeNiC6 Customers taking single-phase service underSchedule 1 or Schedule 7 may request the Company install metering equipnent whichprovides for off-site meter reading, The installation fee and monthly charges for off-sitemeter reading capability, wren the service is re=1uested by the Customer but n~t deemedto be cost-effective by the Company, are specified in Schedule 66, The Company shallhove the sale right to determine 'W'hethe' an installation is cost-effective, Customers whorequest the Company-installed off-site meter reading equipment be removed within 90days of initial installation will 08 assessed a removal fee in o2cordance with the provisionsof Schedule 66, Due to the specialized nature of the metering equipment a delay mayoccur between the time a Customer requests "the Off-Site tvleter Peading Service and thetime the equipment is avo !able for installation, CJstomers utilizing the Off-Site ~AeterReading ServicE may be required to periodicoll'i permit Company personnel (iJccess to the meter in order for maintenarce to be performed, C, Load Profile Meterina . The Company will install, at the Customer's request. the metering equipment necessary to provide load profile information. The installation fee and monthly charges for lead profile capabili+y, when the service is reQuested by the Customer but not provided by the Company as port of the standard meter installation, are specified in Schedule 66. The options Gvoilable under the Load Profile Metering Service include tv1eter Pulse Output SeNice and Load Profile Recording Ser\llCe, Customers requesting the Load Profile Recording Service are responsible for providing, at their own expense,G hard-wired phone line to each metering point. Customers who request the Load Pro.file Metering Service be discontinued within 36 months of initial instaIJatior will be assessed a :-emovol fee in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 00. D, Surae Protection Device Services,At the Customer s request the following services are available for watt-hour netered Customers only. 1, Installation or Removal.The Company wiI! install (or reme-ve), at the Customer's request a surge protection device sur:plied by the Customer en the meter base and a-her utility peripherals 10 accommodate whole-house surge protection. A Surge Protection Device Installatio'l or Removal Charge will be assessed as specified in Schedule 66. IDAHO Issued - October 1, 1999 Effective - November 15, 1999 Advice No, 99- 10 APPUCA TION Issue CASE NO. IPC-O3- James C, Mille! ATTACHMENT 1221 PAGE 9 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 0-IDAHO PUBLiC UTILrnES COMMISSIONCANCELS APPROVED EFFECTIVEFIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 0-I.P.C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 NO\! 1 5 'NOV 1 5 RULEDMETERING (Cont,nued)~~ J2 ~SECRETARYSurGe ='rotection Device Services (Continued)The Company will not instcll any 5urg~ protection device without pr(Jot thatthe vendor of the surge protection device has executed and delivered to theCompany an agreement (in a form acceptable to the Company) which providesfor the WI defense and indemnification of the Company by the vendor against anyclaims, suits, or losses associated with such device.PllY surge protection device the Company is requested to install on themeter must be Underwriters Laboratories. lnG, certified and meet Notional ElectricEnergy lesting, Rese:Jrch and Aoplication Centers (NEETRAC) test standards orcomparable test standards,Surge Protection Device Customer Visit Charce0, It a surge protection device installation visit results in the inability ofCompany personnel to install the surge protection device due tb safetyconcerns, inaccessibility ,to the meter base or other u~i!itv aCCESS .points, orother fDctors deemed reasonable bV the Company, a Surge ProtectionDevice Custcmer Visit Charge 'VIm 'b~ ,applied as specified in S::::hedule 66.The Company has the sole right to u!tiTlotely determine installationfeasibility .b. Customers who request the Company perform on on-site visit to assess alleged electrical problems 'believed to be associated wtth the surge protection product will be charged a Surge Protection Device Cus~omer jisit Charge as specified in Schedule 66 if no problems associo-:ed with the electrical service are found as a result of the 'Jisit. E. Primary VoltaGe Metering , The Company wi!! install. at its own expense, a maximum of Dne primary voltage meter at a single Premises to record usage taken at 12.5 kV or 34, 2, Measurement of Energy.Except as otherwise ~ecifically provided, all e..ergy delivered by the Compcny will be billed according to measurement by meters located at or near the Point of Delivery, If the Company is unable to read a Customer s meter because of reasons beyond the Company control. such as weather conditions or the inability to obtain access to the Customer s Premises, the Company may estimate the Tleter reading for the month on the basis of the Customer s previous use, season of t"le year and use bv similar Customers of the same class in that service areo, Bills rendered on estimated reodir,gs will be so designated on the bill. The amount of such estimotec bill will be subsequen-Iy adjusted, as necessary, when the next actual reading is obtained. IDAHO Issued - October 1. 1999 Effective - November 16, 1999 Advice No, 99- APPUCA TION ISSUE CASE NO. IPC-O3- James C, Mille ATTACHME!'\T 1221 PAGE 10 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSfOAPPROVED EFFECTIVELR,NO, 2tJ, TARIFF NO, 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO, 0-NOV 1 5 NOV 1 5 RU LE DMETERING Continued ~".,"'-- ;2 SECRETARYlv1easurement of Energy (Continued)Should the Company be unable to read a Customer s meter for two consecutive months, theCompany will diligently attempt to contact the Customer by telephone and/or letter to apprise theCustoMer of -he necessity of a meter reodin~ and to make arrangements to read tne meter or request theCustomer to record and return the meter reading on a cord provided by the Compan'(, Jf suchDrrangements cannot be made or if the Cllstomer fails 10 return the meter reading card, the Company-nay estimate the meter reading.3, Failure to Register.If the Company s meters fail to register at any time, the service deliveredand energy consumed durIng such period of failure will be de-ermined by the Company on the basis qfthe best available data, If any appliance or wiring conneciion, or any other device, is found on theCustomers Fremls€s which pre1/ents the meters from accurately recording the totn! amount of energyused on the Premlges, the Corrpany may at once remove any such wiring connection or appliance, ordevice, at me CL-stomer s expense, and \vill estimate the amount of energy so consumed and notregistered a~ accurately as it is able so to dc, and The CLstomer will pay for any such energy within 5 daysafter being billed, in accordance with such estimate.4, Meter Tests . The Company wi!! test and inspect its meters from tirTe to time and maintaintheir accuracy of registration in accordance with generally accepted practices and the rules andregulations established by the idaho Public Utilities Cornmission. The Company will. without charge, testthe accuracy of registration of 0 meter upon request of a Customer, provided that the Customer does not, request such a test more frequently tnan once in a 12-month period, If m~re than one requested test performed v/ithin a 12-month period, the Customer will be required to pay II advance the estimated cost of a special meter test as specified in Schedule 66, The Company will refund the amount paid by the Customer fer the test if the results of the test show the average regisTration error of the meter exceeds :t2 percent, 5, lronsformer Losses,When ,je!ivery of service IS on the primary side of the Customer transformers. the Company may install its meters on the secondary side of the Transformers, and, unless otherNise provided in the schedule. in determining the moothly consumption of power and energy, transformer losses and other losses occurring between the Point of DeHvery and the meters \NiI! be computed and added to the reading of such meters. 6, Meter Reading-Meters wit be read to the last kWh registered, norm::1l1y at intervals of approximately 30 days. In no case will the neter reading interval exceed 45 days, IDAHO Issued - October 1, 1999 Effective - November 15, 1999 Advice No. 99- APPLICA TION ISSUE CASE NO. IPC-O3- James C, Mille! ATTACHMENT 1 221 PAGE 11 OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC liTH_friES COMMISSK)l'APPROVED EFFECTIVEI.P,C. NO. 26 TARIFF N . 101 ORIGINAL SHEET N . E-FEB 1- 'fEB 3 - 'RU LE EMASTER METERIN TANDARDS ft Jk..~~~SECRETAR"De fin i tions:A. Tenant-Mobile Home Park. A tenant of a mobile home park is a person defined as a tenantand not a transient by the Mobile Home Park 1enant Act. section 55-2001 et seq., Idaho Code. ,and inparticular by Section 55-2003(4) and -(5). Idaho Code.B. Ienant-Mul~-Unit Residential or Commercial Buildina . A tenant of a multi-unit residentialbuilding is a person who is not a transient and who intends to res1de in or be a commercial tenant one of the building s units for a period of not less than one month.tl/\aster~Meterina and Indiv:dual Metering in Mobile Home ParksA. Parks metered of~er Jut" 1, 1980 Tenants (excluding transients) of mobile home parksconnected for service after July 1, 1980. must be individually metered by the Company. Master-metering of these tenants. whether or not in conjunction with sub-metering by the park operator-isprohibrted.B. Excep1jQnJor Grandfathered Sub-Metered . Mobile home parks connected for servicebefore July 1, 1980, whose spaces for tenants (excluding 1ransients) have been fully sub-metered forelectricity by the park owners need not be individual1y metered by the Company. Mobile homeparks sub-metered by the pork operator must charge each of their tenclnts the same rate for electricservice that a residential Customer of the ~ompany, would be charged if the tenant were directlymetered and billed by the Company. Testing o~ sub-meters ~iII be at tr-e park operators exp~n~e. C. Parks metered prior to July 1L 1980, Transition Rule for Sub-Metered Parks. Mobile home parks that were partially sub-metered on Ju~r 1, 1980. must have individually metered all spaces to be used by non-transient tenants before January 1. 1981. At the option of the park operator, the operator may extend an existing sub-metering system to those spaces not me1ered by the operator or may reque!t the Company to meter the unmetered spaces for non-transient tenants at the Company's expense. D. Company payment1QLReadir!g Sub-Me~The Company will pay the park operator $ 1. 15 per month per sub-meiered occupied customer space. 1he Company will only pay $1.15 per month per space that is occupied during the month. E. Ust of Grondfothered Mobile Home Parks The Company will file with the Commission a list of grandfathered' mobile home park operators who are entitled to a payment for sub-metered occupied customer spaces. Each month, the owner-operator will certify to the Company the number of spaces that were occupied during the month. The Company will have the right to request from the owner-operator reasonable documentation of any customer account be provided to the Company. 3. ~eterinQ anq IndividJlQJ Metering in Multi-Occupant Residential Buildings No multi-occupant residential buildings will be master-metered for electric service after July 1. 1980. if the dwelling units for nontransient 1enants contain an electric space heating, water heating, or air-conditioning (space cooling) unit that is not centrally controlled and for which the dwelling unifs tenants indvidually control electric usage. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPLICATION Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3- D. H, Jack5 A 1T ACHMENT 221 V PAGE 1 2 OF IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY~o, 26. lAIDfLNO. lQJ IDAHO PU BL IC UT ILIT ES COM M ISStO NORIGINAL SHEET NO, E-APPROVED EFFECTIVEFEB 3 - '95 FES 1- '95RULE EMASTER METERING STANDARDS Continued J2. ~SECRETARV4. ~ng and Ind~Meterinq in CommerciaL Buildings and ShoppinQ Centers: No ,unit ofcommercial buildings and shopping cen1ers will be moster-metered for electric service after July 1. 1980. if theunits for their tenants contain an electric space heating, water heating, or air-conditioning (space cooling)unit that is no~ centrally controlled and over which the unit's tenants indivicually control electric usage.Tenants in otherwise master-metered buildings whose electric load exceeds the individual meterin~ thresholdfound in the Company s Tariff must be individually metered. APPUCA TION Issuec CASE NO. I:)C-CX3- D. H. Jacks A TT AC HMENT 1221 ~ PAGE 13 OF 137 IDAHO Issued - February 3, 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 ...THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. F-IDAHO PUBLiC uT~LtTIES COMMISStONCANCELS APJXr:QVED EFFECTIVESECOND REVISED SHEET NO, F-JUN 26 99 JUl 28 '99IDAHO P::;WER COMPANYLP.C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 RU LE FBILLING ~~ f2- ~!~SECRETARY1 , Fractional Periods On opening or closing an aco:Junt for service under Schedwles 1, 7, 9,19, or 24, the Energy Charge will be calculaTed using actual meter readings, The Energy Charge foraccounts served under Schedule 40 wi!: be determined using the doi!V kWh calculated on the basis ofload size and number of units s8Ned multiplied by the actual number of days since the account wasopened or since the previous meter reading, where approprate. The proration of the applicableDemond Charge, Basic Charge, Facilities Chcuge, and Customer Charge specified in the appropriateschedule will be calculated by dividing -he charge by 30 and multiplying the result by the actual numberof days since the cccount was opened or since the previous meter re:lding, where appropriate.However, the ~rorated Customer Charge for Schedules L 7, 9, 19, or 24, or the Minimum Charge forSchedule 40, will be no less than the amount specified in Schedule 66, For Schedule 15, the proration ofthe applicable Monthly Charge wi!! be calculated by dividing the charge by 30 and multiplying the resultbV the actual number of days since the account was opened or the previous meter readirg. whereappropriate; h:Jwever. in no event will the chcrge be less than the amount spacified in Schedule 66.When closing an account. service wili not be disconnected if another party ,has agreed toaccept responsibility for service to the account follovving the c1osing, Upo-I opening on account, i-Customer requesting service will be billed an Account Processing Charge in accordonce with Rule 2. Due Date, Deposi- and Termiration Practices : The CoTipanv s practices relating to DueDotes, Deposits, and Termination :)f Service are governed by the Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR) oftbe Idaho Public Utilities Commission, in effect at the time the event occurred which required applicationof the UCRR, If the Company s Rules and Regulations on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commissioncontain provisions which conflict with the UCRR the provisions of the UCRR supersede .those, ir_cluded trle Company s Rules and Regulations. (Note: On Ju!y 28,1999, an exception was granted to Rule 107.02, a lowing the Company to credit deposits which are no !on~er required, jnclud;r:~ accrued interest. directly to customer accounts). 3. Account Initiation Charge Where service is initi~lly established under any of these Rules and Regulations, a Customer will be required to pay an Account Initio-ion Charge as specified Schedule 66, .Jnless othervvise specified in a different schedule in addition to any other charges that are due, Tr;e apf=licable charge will be billed wit'l the first regular bill, Owners or managers of rental property that arrange with the Company to provide continuous service between tenants will not be assessed on ccount Initiation Charge wher the account reverts to the responsible party as arranged. Ihere is no charge for closing an account. 4, Bald Collection CharQe : A personal visit performed by a Company representative to a service address, in order to comply with the termination practices set forth in Rule F, shall be deemed a disconnect visit. The Customer will be assessed a Disconnect Visit Charge. as specified in Schedule 66, if bill payments or payment arrangemerlts to prevent disconnecTIon are made during the disconnect visit. The Field Collection Charge wiil not be asses~-ed if ser\dce is disc:1nnected. 5, Reconnec1ion Fee:A ~econnection Fee will be assessed where service is reestablished fo1!owing a CustorT;er requested seasonal service disconnection or a disconnection made for failure of the Customer to comply with the Company s Rules and Regulations including nonpayment, The Custonler will be required to PDY the Recc-nnection Fee as specified in Schedule 66, unless othervvise specified in a different schedule, in addition to any other charges that are due. The applicable fee \vi!1 be billed with the first regular bilL IDAHO Issuec - June 28, 1999 Effective - -luJy 28, 1999 b. rh ,i~,.p.,I......OOJ)A APPLICATlO~ CASE NO, IPC-O3- Issue( A TT ACHMENT Kip W, Runyon, PAGE 14 OF 137 1221 \ THIRD REVISED SHEET ~~O-2IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveSECOND REVISED SHEET NO. F-April 8, 2002 April 15, 2002Jean D. Jewell SecretaryIDAHO POWER COMP ANYLP.C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO,lOl RULE FBILLING(Confnued)6, Temporary Suspension of Demand : When the Customer is obliged temporarily to susp~ndoperation due to strikes, actions of any governmental authority, acts of God or the public enemy, theCustomer may procure a proration of the monthly Billing Dernond based upon the period of suchsuspension by giving immedia-written notice to the Company. However, all monthly minimumcharges and/or obligations will continue to Dpply as specified in the applicable schedule or a writtenagreement. !DAHO Issued - March 15,2002 Effective - April 15, 2002 Advice Nc. 02- ...-..-... .-.-.-............... ,.. Issued APPLICATION John R, Gale, Vic( CASE NO. IFC-O3- 1221 VV ATTACHMENT PAGE 15 OF 137 ID,I\HO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLiC UT'L~T'ES COMM~SS~ONAPPROVED EFFECTI\lE1E:.U.C~ ~O. 26.1ARlEf NO, ORIG~O. G-FEB 3 - -FEB 1 - 'RUlE GCORRECTED BILLINGS 12 secRET MY1. Whenever it is determined that a Customer was billed under an inappropriate schedule. theCustomer will be rebilled under the appropriate schedule. except If the Company selected the schedule onthe basis of available information and acted in good faith, the Company will not be required to rebil oradjust billings. The rebilling period will be no more than the 3-year period as provided by Idaho Code ~ 61-642,2. If the average errcr for any meter test exceeds :t21o. corrected billings will be prepared, The, corrected billings will not exceed 6 months if the time when the malfunction or error began is unknown. If thetime when the malfunction or errcr began is known. ihe corrected billings will be from that time. but will notexceed the 3 year period as provided by Idaho Code 961-642. If an under billing occurs. the Company willoffer and enter into reasonable payment arrangements with the Customer. For any over billings. theCustomer will have the choice of a refund or a credit on future bills. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective... February 1, 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPLICATION Issuec CASE NO, IPC-O~I~ D. H. Jacks ATTACHMENT 1221 V PAGE 16 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. H-1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTJifT1FSCOMMISSiQNCANCELS APPROVED EFFECTiVESECOND REVISED SHEET NO. H-I.P U,C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SEP 5 - 'SEP 18 RULE HNEW SERVICE A IT ACHMENTS .ANDD!STRIBUTION LINE NSTALlJ\TICNS OR ALTERATIONS j2 SECRETARYThis rule applies to requests for electric service under Schedules 1. 7, 9. 19, 24, 45. and 46 'thatrequiretne installation, alteration. relocCltion, removal. or attachment of Company-owned distibutionfacilities, New construction beyond the PointJf Delivery for Schedule 9' or Schedule 19 is subject to theprovisions for facilities charges under those schedules. This rule does not apply to transmission orsu:Jstoticn facilities, o~ to requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature.DEFINITIONSAdditiolOI Applicant is a Gerson or entity whose Application requires the Company to providenew or relocated ser/ice from an existing section of distribution fccilities with c Vested Interest.Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Conpany to provide new relocated service from distribution facilities the! are free and cl~or of any Vested Interest.Application i~ a request by on ApplicDnt or Additional Applicant for new electric service fromthe Company. The Company, at its discretion, may require 'the ,Applicant or Additiona: Applicant tosign a w~itten application.Company Betterment is that portion of the W6rk Order Cost of a Une Installation,alteration,and/or Relocation that prcvides a benefit t9 ~he Company not required by tie Applicant or AcditiqnalApplicant, Increases in conductor size and work necessitated by the increase in conductor size are considered a Company Betterment if the Connected Load added by the Applicant or Acditional Applicant is less than 100 kilowatts. If, howe'ler, in the Company s discretion, it is determined that the additiora! Connected Load oddad by the Applicor-t or AdditionClI Applicant, even though less t'lan 100 kilowatts. is (1) located in a remote location, or (2) a port of a development or project which will odd a load greater -hen 100 kilowatts, the Company wil not consider the work necessitated by the load increase to be a Company Betterment. Connected Load is the total nameplate kW roting of the electric loads connected for commercial, industria1. or irrigation service. Connected Load fer residences is considered to be 25 kW for residences with electric space heat and 15 kW for all other residences, Fire Protection Facmties are water pumps and other fire protection equipment served separately from the Applicant's othe~ electric load, which operate only for short periods of time in emergency si-uations and/or from time to time for testing Durposes, Line Installation is any instollatio'l of new distributio~ facilities (excluding Relocations or alteration of existing distribution facilities) owned by the Company. Line Installation Allowance is the poriion of the estimated cost of a Line InstallaTIon funded by the Company. Line Installation Crarge is the partially refundable charge assessed :tn Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever a Line Installation ,s built for that individuaL IDAHO Issued - August 16, 2000 Effective - September 1 8, 2000 .Advice No. 00-07 APPLICA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issued t ATTACHMENT James C, Miller, SE PAGE 17 OF 137 1221 IDAHO PO1NER COMPA\JY FOURTH REVISED SHE::T NO, H-CANCELSTHIRC REVISED SHEET NO. H-IDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEI.P,C, NC, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SEP 5 - 'SEP 18 'RU LE HNEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)~n.::.- Jl. SECRETARYDEF NITIONS (Continued)Local Imorovement District is on entity created by the oJpropriate city or county governingbody, as provided by Idaho Code 350-2503, whose purpose is to provide for the study, financing andcorstruction of 0 Distribution Line Installation or alteration. The governing body shoH assess propertyGwners to recover the cost of the distribution Lire Installotior or alteration. A Lccallmprovement Districthas discemible property boundaries,Multiple Occupancy Projects are projects that are intended to te occupied by more. than fourowners or tenants, Examples include, but are not limited to, condominiums and apartments-Relocation is a change in the location of existing distribution faciJiTies.Residence is a structure built primarilY' for permanent comestic dwelling, Dwellings wheretenancy is typically less than 30 days in length, su::h as hotels. motels, camps, lodges, clubs, andstructures built for storage or parking do not qualify as a Residence.Subdivision is the division of a lot tract. or parcel of land int:::J two or more parts for the pur~ose oftransferring ownership or for the construction of improvements thereon, that is lawfully recognized andapproved by the appropriate governmental authorities. Temporary LIne Installation s a Une InstcJlotion for electric service of 18 calendar mo;)ths or less in duration, Temporary Service Attachn"lent is a service at-achment to a Customer provided temporary pole which typically furnishes electric service for construction, TerminG- Facilities include -ransformer. Ileter. service coble, and underground conduit (where applicable). Underqround Service Attachment Char is the non-refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever new single phase underground service is required by a Schedule 1 or Schedule 7 customer attaching to the Company s distribution system. Unusual Conditions are construction conditions not normally encountered. These conditions may include, but ore not limited to: frost landscape replacenent road compaction, pO\iement replacement. chip-sealing, rock digging, boring, nonstandard facilitie~- or ccnstruction practices, and other than available voltage requirements. Vested Interest is trle right to a refunj that an Applicant or Additional ApplicOlt holds in a specific section of distribution fac lities when Additional Applicants attach to that section of distribution facilities. Vested Interest Charqe is on amount collected from on Additional ,A,pplicant fa: refur-d to a Vested Interest Holder- APPLICA TION ~ASE NO. IPC-O3- ATT ACHMENT PAGE 18 OF 137 DP,HO IssJed - August 16.2(00 Efiective - Septe!T\ber 18, 2000 Advice No. OO- Issued b James C, Miller, 5e 1221 We C, NO. 26. TARIFF NO, 101 FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO, H-CANCELSTHIRD REVISED SHEET NO. f--IDAHO PUBliC UTtLITIESCOM!\..,ISS1ONAPPROVED EFFECTiVEIDAHO POV\J'ER COMPANY RULE HNEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLJ.JIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)SEP 5 - 00 SEP 18 ';Y;?~r7CL J2 ~-- SE CR ET ARYDEFINITIONS(Continued)Vested Interest Holder is an entity that has paid a refundcble Une Installation Charge to theCompany '::or a '-ine Installation. A Vested Interest Holder may olso be on entity that has paid aretundable charge to the Company under the provisions of a prior rule or schedule,Vested Interest Refund is a refund payment to an existing Vested Interest Holder resulting from aVested Interest Charge to an Additic-nal Applicant, Vested Interest Portion is th:Jt part of the Company s distribution system in which a VEstedInterest is held,Work Order Cost is a cost estimate performed by the Company for a specific request for serviceby on Applicant or Additional Applicant. The Work Order Cost will include general overheads limited to5%, General overheads in excess of 1.50/0 w1l! be funded by the COTipony.II.G E t~ E RAL PROVISIONSA. Cost Information - The Company will provide cost information as reflected in the chargescontained in this rule, to potential Applicants and/or Additional Applicants. This preliminary informationwill not be considered a forrriol cost quote and will not be binding on the Company or Applicant but rather wi!! ossist the Applicant or Additional Applicant in the decision to requEst a formal cost quote, Upon receiving c request for a form':J1 cost quote, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will be required to prepay non-refundable engineering costs to the Companv. Ownership - The Company will own all distribution Line Installations and retain all rights to thenl, C, Ril;Jhts-of-Wav - The Company will const~uct, own, operate. and maintain lines only along public streets, roads. end highways that the Company has the legal right to occupy, and on public lanes and private property across v:hich rights-at-way satisfactory to the Company may be obtained at the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's expense. D, Removcls - The Com:)any reseNES the right to remove any distribution facilities that have not been .Jsed f:)r one year. Facilities shall be removed only after providing 60 days written notice to the last Customer of record one the owner of the property seNed, giving them 0 reasonable opportunity to respond. E, property' Specificaticns - Applicants or Additional Applicants must provide the Company with final property specifications as required and approved by the appropriate governrrentol authorities. These specifications may include but are not limited to: recorded plat maps, utility easements. final construction grades, and property pins, F. U'ldeveloped Subdivisions - When electric service is 'lot provided to the individua! spaces .r lots witrdn a Subdivision, the SubCivision will be classified os unde'/eloped. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3-13Issued by I, ATTACHMENT James C, Miller, $eni( PAGE 19 OF 1371221 West IDAHO Issued - August" 6, 2000 Effective - September 18,2000 Advice No, 00- LP.C, NO, 26, T.A.RIFF NO. 101 SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO, rl-CANCELSFIFTH REVISED SHEET NO, H~IDAHO PUBliC U~ !UliES COl~!!MISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEIDAf-O PO~VER COMPANY SEP 5 - '00 SEP 18 'RU LE HNEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued2 ~/?&-f2- SECRETARYGEf\ERAL PROVISION (Continued)G. Mobile Home Courts ~ Owners of moolle home courts 'Nil! install. own, operate, andmaintain all termination poles, pedestals, meter oops, and conductors from the Point of Delivery,H. Conditions for Stan of Construction ~ Cor-structj.:)n of the Line Installations end/orRelocations will not be scheduled until the Applicant or Additional Applicant pays the appropriatechcrges to the Company,I, Terms of Payment - All payments listed under this section \NiII be paid to the Comp:lny cash 30 days priDr to the start of Company constructicn, unless mutually agreed otherwise.j, Interest on Payment - If the Compan,! does not start construction on a LIne Extensionand/or Relocoh:)n within 30 joys cfter receipt of the construction Jayment. the Company will computeinterest on the payment amount beginning or the 31 st day and ending once Company constructionactually begins. Interest will be computed at the rate applicable ,under the Company s Rule F. If thiscomputation results in a value of $10,00 or more, the Company will pay such interest t6 the Applicant,Additional Appl cant or subdivider. K. Fire Protection Facilities ~ The Company will provide service to Fire Protection ' Facilitje~-when the Appli:::ant pays the full costs 0 ' the line Installation inciuding Terminal Faci'lti ~s" less Company Beiterment, Trese costs are not subject to a line Installation PJlowance, but ore eligIble for \/estec Interest Refunds under Section VI.A, L. Customer Provided Trench Digginq and Backfill ~ The Companv will at its discretion ollo\A' an Applicant, Additional ,App!iccnt or subdivider to provide trench digging and backfill. In a joint trench, backfill must be provided by the Company. Costs of Customer provided trench and backfill will . be removed or not included in the Work Order Costs and will not be subject to refund, III.LINE INSTALLATION ALLOWANCES The Company will contribute an a!1owonce for the Terminal Facilities necesso)f for service arachments and/or Line Installations. A Line InstallatIon Allowance will be oppliec to the Line In~tol1ation costs for a Suboivision as outlined in SectIon IV.1. S.Jbdividers may recoup their payments or.ly through tre refunding Drovisions under Section VI of this rule. IDAHO Issued - August 16, 2000 Effective - September 18, 2000 .Advice No, 00- APPLICATION Issued b~ CASE NO. IPC-O3- James C, Miller, 5el ATTACHMENT 1221 W e~ P AGE 20 0 F 1 IDAHO POWER COMPA~Y FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO, H~CANCELSTHIRD REVISED SHEET NO. H-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILiTIES COf\AM'SSIONAPPPOVED EFFECTIVEI.P,C, NO. 20, TARIFF NO, 101 SEP 5 - 1 SEP 18 'RULE HNEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE INST ALLAT!ONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)~~ j2. SECRETARYLINE iNSTAL'.ATION ALLOWANCES (Continued)I\~aximum AllowanceSchedule Non-Electric Heat Re~idence "".,..."."" Overhead Terminal Facilities + $1000AII~Electric Residence,."""".,..,.,....,.....,., Overhead Terminal Facilities + $1300Non-ResidencE,."."""",..""",."...""..""",.."",.".."""""",....,. Cost of M3ter OnlyMultiple Occupancy ProjectsSingle Fhase ""..""........" ".".."""""...""", 'Overhead Terminal FaciliiiesThree Phase."...........,........"".."""" ."...... ....,... 80% of T ermina ' FacilitiesSc hedule 7Single Phase .-,...............".."""..............."" Overhead Terminal FacilitiesThree Phase "".".....".""""",........"....."..."""".80% of Terminal Facili'"iesSchedule 9Single Phase ,...,.."",...,.,.,..""".,..""",.,.""."""...,...,.,..""".....",.,.."." $1726Three Phase """...".".."" "" """,."" ",,"....,...... 8010 of Terminal FacilitiesSchedule 24Single Phase ..."."""",....,...""""...".......""",'..,",...,."""..".,.."""""", $1726Three Phase,..."....." -""."" ""......"..."......" Overhead ermine I FacilitiesSchedule 19,," ",., .',."", ,.", """. """",.." ,."". ..,.. .... '" ""'" "'" ",.". """,., ,...,. Case~By-Case IV.CrARGES FOR LINE INSTALLPTIONS AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR UNDERGROUND SERVICE AI ACHf\.1ENTS An Applicant Of Additional Applicant wi!! pay the Company for construction of Line Installations and/or underground service attachments, less Lne InstoHotion Allo\vances, based upon the charges listed in this section, J-ine Installation CharQe If a Line Installation IS required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a partially refundable Line Installation Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Une Installation Allowances, Line Installation Charges Inside Subdivisions Inside a Residential Subdivision, the Line Installation Charges ore calculated using the Work Order Cost less Terminal Facilities. The maximum refund will bE the total per lot refund amount as specified in Section VI.B" but not more than the Work Order Cost less Terminal Facilities, Costs of nevv' facilities outside .SubdivlsIons are subject to Vested Interest Refunds, Inside a non-Residential Subdivision, the U'le Installation Charges are calculated as fo1lows: Idaho !ssued - August 16,2000 Effective - September 18, 2COO Advice No. 00- APPLICA TION Issued by I CASE NO, IPC-O3- James C, Miller, Seni ATTACHMENT 1221 West PAGE 21 OF 137 I.P,C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO, H-CANCELSFOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. H-6 IDAHO PUBl1C UT1L~TiESCOMtJ,jSStONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEIDAHO PO\NER COMPANY SEP 5 - l)Q SEP 18 110RU LE HNEW SERViCE AlTACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE iNSTALLATIONSOR ALTERA110NS (Continued)~J2 ~SECRETAR'ICHA~GES FOR LINE INSTALLATIONS AND ADDIT10NAL CHARGES FOR UNDERGROUND SERVICEAn ACH M ENTS (Continued)Maximum AllowanceSchedule 7Single Phose",..".,..",..".,.",..."......"..",...,.".,.,.Overhead -;-erminal Foc~itiesThree Phase,.."" "...... "oo.., -.",."",."" PH"'" ....".... ,.' P"""'" ". .,8:1% of Terminal FaciiitiesSchedule 9Single Phase. ..... ,., ,..-...,' ..,.",." ,. ..", "..", "" .-, ... ,...,.... ,.. .,.,Overhead Termlnol FacilitiesThree Phase,.".., ". ",.,., ,.,.."'" ..",."...".....,..,..,.". ",.,.80% of Terminal .FacilitiesUnderground Service Attachment ChargeEach Applicant or Additional Ap:J!icant will pay a non-refundable Underground ServiceAttochment Charge for attaching new Terminal Facilities to the Comp:tny s distribution ?ystem,The Company yo/HI determjn~ the location and maximum length of service coble. Schedule 1 and Schedule 7, Sinale PhaseUndergrounc Service Cable(Base charge plUE distance charge) Base Charge from under';Jround from overhead including riser Distance Charge (per fact) Company 1nstalled Faciiities $ ' 30, $255. Customer Provided Trench & Conduit $ 5, S 1,(Schedule 1 only, Single Family and Duplex) vested Interest Char e Additional Definitions for Section IV,C, and Section V\. Origino! Inves ment - Work Order Cost less Terminal Facilities Allowance. Vested Interest Holcer s Contribution - Customer Payment plus Una Installation Allowances other than Te~mino! Facilities, Vested Interest - Amount potentially su;:)ject to refund. Load Ratio - Additic-nol Applicant load divided by 1he sum of Additional Applicant's 1oad and Vested Interest Holder s ioad. Distance Ratio - Additioncl Applicant distance divided by origin:)! distance, 1, The initial Applicant will pay the original investment cost less any allowanc3s. Additional Applicant connecting to a Vested Interest Portion wHl have two options: IDAHO Issued - August 16, 2000 Effective - September 18,2000 Advice No. 00- APPLICATIOt--l Issued by CASE NO. IP O3- JCJmes C, Miller. Ser ATTACHMEN 1221 WeSI PAGE 22 OF 137 I.P,C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO.1 01 SDCH REViSED SHEET NO, H-CANCELS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFIFTH REVISED SHEET NO, H-APPROVED EFFECTIVEIDAHO POWER COMPANY ocr 2 4 NOV 9 - 'RULE HNEW SERVICE ATIACHfVENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)t- ~- SECRETARYCHARGES FOR LINE INSTALLATIONS AND ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR UNDERGROUND SERVICEA 11 ACHMENTS (Continued)Option One - An Additional P.pplicant may choose to pay the current Vested InterestHolders Vested Interest in whi::h case the Additbnal Applicant wit! become the VestedInterest Holder and, as such, VIii! become eligible to receive Vested Interest Refunds upto that new Vested In1erest He der s contribution less 20% of the original investment,Option Two - An p,dditional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined by thisequation:Vested Interest Payment :: Load RatIo x Distance Ratio x Vested Interest Holderunrefunded contribution,If Option -we is selected. the Additional Applicant has NO Vested Interest andthe previous Vested Interest Holder remains the Vested Interest Holder. The VestedInterest Holder s Vestec Interest will be reduced by the newest Additional A::=tplicant'payment,2. The Vestej Interest Charge will not exceed the sum of the Vested Interests in theVested Interest Portion. 3. If an Additional Applicant connects to a Vested Interest Portion Vv-hich was established undEr a prlor rule or schedule. the Vested Interest Charges of the previous rule or schedule apply to the ,l\dditional Applicant, OTHER CHARGES All charges in this section are non-refundable, A, &zjocation and Removal Crarges - If an Applicant or Additional Applicant requests a Relocation or removal of Company facilities, the Applicant or Additional applicant will pay a non-refundable charge equal to the Work Order Cost. 8, ~ineering Charge - Applicants or Additional Applicants will be required to prepay all engineering costs for Line Installations, and/or Relocatio:ls, Engineering charges will be calculated at $36,00 per hour, C, &o.gjneering Charqes for Agencies and Taxing Districts of the State of Idaho - Under the authority of Idaho Code Section ~67-2302, an agency or taxing district of the State of Idaho may invoke its right to decline to pay ergineering charges until the engineering services have been performed and billed t:) the ogency or taxing district. Any state agency or taxing district that claims it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 567-2302 must no1ify Idaho Povller of such claim at the time Idaho Power requests prepayment of the engineering charges, Idaho Power may require that the state agency or ta)(ing district's claim De in writing. If the state agency or taxing district that has invoked the provisions of Idaho Code Section 67-2302 does not pay the engileering charges \Nithin tne 60-day period as provided in that statute, all the provisions that statute will apply,APPLICATION CASE NO, IPC.-O2-- Issue( A TT ACHMENT John R, Gale, Vi( PAGE 23 OF 137 221 ' IDAHO Issued - October 10. 2001 Effective - November 9.2001 LP,C, NO, 26.-TARIFF NO. 101 SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. H-CANCELSFIFTH REVISED SHEET NO, H-IDAHO PUBLIC UTHJTIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEIDAHO POVvER COMPANY RULE H\JEW SERVICE ATIACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUT!Of\ LINE 1NSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)SEP 5 - '00 SEP 18 '~r;b- j2 SECRETARYOTHER CHARGES (Continued)0, Right of Way Charge - Applicants or Additional Applicants will be responsible fer anycosts associated with the acquisition of right-at-way,E. Temporary line Instgllgjion Charge - Applicants or Additional Applicants will pay theins;-ollation and removal costs of providing Temporary Line Installations.F. Temporary Service Attachment Chorqe - Applicants or Additional Applicants will pay forTemporary Service Attachments as follows:Jnderqround - $140The Customer provided r::ale must be set within two linear feet of the Compom/sexisting transformer or junction box,Overhead - $120The Customer provided pole shaH oe sel in a location that does not require morethan 100 feet of # 2 alum.num , service conductor that con be readily attached to, th. permanent !Ocotior by merely relocating it, The electrical facilities provided by the Customer on the pole shall be prope'rly grounded, electrically sate, and ready for connection to Company facilities, The Customer shall obtain all permits required by "-he a~plicoble state, county, or municipal governments and will provide copies or verification to the Company as required, The abo'Je conditions must be satisfied before the seNice will be attached. Refer to Schedule 66 for chorge~ if these conditions are not satisfied. G. Unusual Conditjon~- Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers will pay the Company the additional ::::osts associated ~\'ith any Unusual Conditions included in the Work Order cost related to the construction of a line Installation or Relocation, This payment portion therect will be refunded to the extent that the Unusual Conditions are not encountered Lnusual Conditions payments for Line 1nstallctions \vill also be refundEd, under the provisions of Section VI, if the Unusual C:)nditions ore encountered, IDAHO Issued - Augus1 16, 2COO Effective - September 18,2000 Advice No. 00- In the event that the estimate cf the Unusual Conditions included in the Work Order COS7 exceeds $10,000, the Applicant. Addtiona! Applicant or Subdivider may either pay =or the Unusual ConditIons or may furnish an Irrevocable Letter of Credit drown on a local bank or local branch office issued in the name of Idaho Power Company for the amount of the Unusual Conditions, Upon com(:letion of that portion of the project which included on Unusual Conditions estimate, Idaho Power Company will bill the Applicant Additional Applicant or subdivider for the amount of Unusual Conditions encountered up to the amount established the Irre'/ocabie Letter of Credit. The Applicant, Addition:)1 Applicant or subdivider will have days from the issuance of the Unusual Conditions billing to make pc APPLICATION CAS:: NO. IPC-O3- Issued by I A TT I\CHMENT James C. Miller, Seni! PAGE 24 CF 137 1221 Wes1 LP,C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 N!NTH REVISED SHEET NO, H-CANCE EIGHTH REVISED SHEET NO. H-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMiSSIONr.--r"' -."TIVCr",tcn '-'1-1';;r-, J\\.-1',,:....;.,.1 ,- -'-' J.,.IDAHO POWER COMPANY RULE HNEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE I~JSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)SEP 5 - '00 SEP 18 '7'7~..-?~ J2 ..JI~ Sf: CRET ARYOTHER CHARGES (Continued)Additional Applicant or subdivider foils to pay the Unusual ::ondi7ions bill within 15 days, IdahoPov/er will request payment tram the bank.H. Jcint Trench - Applicants, Additiona! Applicants, and subdivider5 will pay the Com~anyfor trencr- and backfill costs included in the work order prepared for an .Jnshared trench, I. theevent that the Company is able t:) defray any of the trench and backfill costs included in theweek order through the shoring of the trench with other utilities, the trench and backfill costsavings wil1 be refunded,VI.REFUNDSA, Vested interest Refunds - The initial Applicant will be eligible to receive up to 809'0 of theoriginal investment as a Vested Interest Pefund in o~cordarce with Seciion IV,::. Refunds 'will befur,ded by the Additional Applicanfs Vested Interest Charge as calculated in accordance withSection IV,C, A Vested Interest Holdel and the CompanY .may agree to "Naive the ' VestedInterest payment recuirements of Addi1ional App/ic:Jnts \i.w'ith loads less than ,on agreed uponlevel. \Voived Additional ~plicants would noT be ,considered Additional Applic.onts forpurposes of Section VI.A.l , Vested Interest Refund Limitations o. Except for Rule V:C.. Vested Interest Refunds will be funded by no more than four Additional Applicants during the 5 year period following the completion date of tt)e Una Installation for the initial Applicant. b, In no circumstance will refunds exceed 100% of 1he ref-Jndatle porion of ony pOrtyl cash payment to the Company. Subdivision Refundsl, A subdivider will be eligible for Vested Interest Refunds for payments for Line l'istollations c-utside the subdivision, 2. A sub:::iivider will be eligible for a refund from the Company on the Lire Installation Charge inside the Subdivision when a permanen1 Residence ::onnects for service and occupies a lot inside the Subdivision within 5 years from the construction completion date of the Une Ins-DIlation for the Subdivisio'l, 3, The amount refunded tc subdi'viders of residential Subdj'Jisions will be $800 per lot. less any additional Line Installation costs required to provide connected service to the lot. IDAHO Issued - Augus116, 2COO Effective - Sep-:-ember 18, 2000 Advice No. 00- APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issued by ATTACHMENT James C. Miller, Sen PAGE 25 OF 137 1221 West I.P.C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. H-CANCE FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO, H-IDAHO PUBUC UTILlT\ES C!?~~M1SSiONAPPROVED ErrECTIVEIDAHO POv\iER CC,MPANY RULE HNEW SERVICE J~TTACHMENTS ANCDISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)SEP 5 - SEP 18 '00~??~ J2 SECRET ARVREFUNDS(Continued)Special Rule for Undeveloped Supdivisior,s platted Prior to January 1. 19971 . For an Lndeveloped Subdivision which has been platted prior tc January 1, . 997,and which has not been amended after January 1. 1997, refJnds will be made forconnections inside the Subdivision during the first 10 years following the completion dateof the Line Installation.2, The subdivider will not be entitled to refunds under Sections VI.B,2. and v\.8.Connections within the undeveloped Subdivision will be treated os individual Applicantsor Additional Applicants for payment extension allowance, and refunding purposes,3, The individual requesting the 10 year refund date wi.! have the ~urd€n ofdemonstrating that the Line Instal'ation is to a Subdivision which has been plotted end urdeveloped,Sr:eciol Arrangements Permittino :)eviation ITem Rule H Refund Provisions - An Applcantand/or Applicants and the Company may mutually agree that a deviation from Rule Hrefund provisic-ns is reasonable and does not adversely affect other Customers of theCompany, A written agreeme~t to deviaTe from Rule H refund orovisions will beprepared and submrtted to the Commission. The agreement will not be effectivE untilapproved by the Commission, VI!.LINE INSTALLATION AG:(EEMENTS When the Line Installation Allowance paid by the Compony under the provisions of this rule equ:J!s or exceeds $75,000, the Applicant will be required to contract to pay, for a period of 5 years fo!1owing the completiJn daTe of the Line Instailation, an annual payment equal to the greater of the billirgs determined by application of the appropriate ~chedule or: A. Eighty percent of the Applicant's toto! annual bill as determined by application of the appropriate schedule; plus; Twenty percent of tre Line Installation Allowance granted the Applicant. Ea::h Line Installation, for which the Line Installation Allowcnce paid equals or exceeds $75,000, will require a separate Uniform Distribution Line Installation Agreement between the ,l\pplicant ond the Company. Developers of multi-family residential dV/eliings in which each unit is separately metered \'\IiII exempt from the requirement to enter into on agreement with the Company if the Une Installation AI!o\vance paid equals or exceeds $75,OCO, IDAHO Issued - August 1 6. 2000 Effective - September 18, 2000 Advice No, 00- APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-E-.O3-Issued by ATTACHMENT James C, Miller. San!, PAGE 26 OF 137 1 221 West I.P,C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 FIRST REVISED SHEET NO, H-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO. H-IDAHO PUBliC UTiLITIES COrviM!SSIONppnf&::- r:: r:: i:" (".r-r. """ f.~. 1-.,-!vIIIDAHO POWER COMPANY SEP 5 - t SEP 18 'RULE HNEW SERVICE A 11 ACHMEN-S ANCDISTRIBUTION LINE If\STALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)7'2 ~r;l~ X. y SECRETARYVIII.EXISTING AGREEMENTSThis rule shall not cancel -existing agreements, including refund prDvisior;s. between theCompany :Jnd previous Applicants, or AdditionCJ! Applicants, All Applications will be governed andadministered uncer the rule or schedule in effect at the time the Aoplication WDS received and dotedby tre Company,IX.LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTSUnless specifically provided for under this paragraph, a Local Improvement District will beprovided service under the general ~erms of this rule,The Company vIm pro\/ide a cost estimcie and feasibility study for a local Improvement Districtwithin 120 days ofter receiving the resolution from the requesting governing body, The cost Estimate willbe t,osed on Work Order Costs and wi!! not be considered bir,ding on the Compony if construction is notcorrmenced wit'lin 6 nonths of the submission of the estimcte for reasons not within the centrol of thCompany, The goverr-ing body issuing the resdution will pay the::ompany for the costs of preparingthe cost estima1e and feasibility study regardless of whether the tine Installation or 'the cqnverslonactually takes place.After passage of the Local Improvement Dist(ict ordi'nonce, the C::ompony will construct .the, LineInstallation or conversion. Upon com pletj:)n of the project. the 'Ccmpany will submit a bi!l to the ,o~a!Improvement Di~trjct for the actual '::05t of the work performed, including the ccsts of preparing the cost estimate and feasibility study, If the actual cost is less than the estimoted cost. the Locol Improvement Distrtct will pay the actual cost. If t:l8 actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, the Local Improvement District will pay only the estimated cost, The governing body will pay the Company within 30 days after the bill has been submitted. A Loca! Improvement District wi!! be eligible for a Line Installation Allowance for any new load connecting for service upon the c:)mpletion ot the Line Installation, A _aeal improvement District will retcin a Vested Intere~t in ory Una Installation to the local !mprov8ment District. A Local Improvement District may woive payments for Vested Interest from Additional Applicants within the Locol Improvement District, IDP. Issued - August 16,2000 Effective - September 18. 2000 Advice No, 00- APPLCA TION d b CASE NO. IPC-O3-~ue y ATTACHMENT James C, Miller, SenlC PA1221 West 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO, H-12 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMiSSIONCANCELS APPROVED EFFECTIVEFIRSl REVISED SHEET NO. H- I.P,C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 OCT 24 NOV 9 - ! 0 1RULE HNEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS ANDDISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)t" I!). SECRETARY10 AHO POWER COMPANYUniform Distribution Une Installation AgreementDISTRICTACCOUNT NO,THIS AGREEMENT Made this day of between whose billingaddress Is hereinafter called Customer. andIDAHO POWER COMPANY A corporation with its principal office located at 1221 West Idaho Street.Boise~ Idaho, rereinafter called Company:NOW THEI(EFORE, The parties agree as follows:1, The Company wi'! agree to provide facilities to supplyS3rvice for the Customer s facilities located at or near County of v01t phase ElectricState of Idaho.The Customer will agree to:(a) Make a cash advance to 'the Company of of the investment In service facilities;as the Customer s share(b) Provide rights-at-way for the line extension at no cost to the Company. in a form acceptable to the Company; (c) Pay an annual minimum charge during the 7irst 60 months following the Ini1ial Service Date, The annual minimum charge will be the greater of (1) the total 01 the schedule billings for the fear or (2) $ plus 80 percent of the total schedule billings for the year, The total sche,jule Gillings will be computed in accordance with the rates and provisions of the schedules under which the Customer received service for t~at year, This Agreement will not become binding upon 'the parties until signed by both parties, 4, The initial date of delivery of pov'ier and energy is subject to the Companys ability to obtain required lo oor, IT'iaterials, equipment, satisfactory rights-of-'v\'ay and comply wIth governmental regulations, thereof, The term of this Agreemen+ will be for 5 years from and after the Initial Service Date 6. This Agreemen- will be binding upon the respeciive successors and assigns of the Customer and the Company, provided however. that no assignment by the Customer will be effective without the Company's prior written consent, The Company's consent will not be unreasonably withheld, IDAHO Issued - October 1 0, 2001 Effective - November 9,2001 APPUCA TION Issue( CASE NO, IPC-O3- 13 John R, Gale, Vi: ATTACHMENT 1221 ~ PAGE 28 OF 137 IDPHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. H-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO, H- 13I.P,C, NO. 26. TARIFF NO, 101 RULE HNEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONSOR ALTERATIONS (Continued)Uniform pistributtQQ...Line Installation Agreement (Continued)IDAHO PUBLIC UTILtTi S COMMiSSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEOCT 24 J NOV 9 - t!\- SECRETARY7, This Agreement i's subject to valid la\vs and to the regulatory authority and orders, rulesard regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other administrative bodies havingjurisdiction as well cs Idaho Power Company s Rules and Regulations as now or may be hereaftermodified and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,8, The Company's Rule H, any revisions to tnat rule,and/or any successor rule is to beconsidered as part of this Agreement,9. In any action at law or equity commenced under this Agreement and upon whichjujgment is rendered, the prevailing party, as part of such judgment, will be entitled to recover all costs,including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred on account of such action.(APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES)DateO, No, Initial Service Date APPLICA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3~ 13 Issuel ATTACHMENT John R. Gale, Vi PAGE 29 OF 137 1221 IDAHO Issued - October 1 0, 2001 Effective - November 9,2001 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SEcor-JD REVISED SHEET ~~O. 1- 1CA\lCELSFIRST REVISEDL SHEET NO, 1-I.P.C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 RULE!BUDGET PAY PLANS1 . Residential Budget Pav Plan - Schedule : A 3udget Pay Pion is :Jvailable to Residential 'Customersdesiring to levelize payments for electric service. If a Custcmer hCJS more than one electric service on theaccount each electric se~vice charge will tie levelized individ.Jal1y. A Customer may sign U:J for theBudget Pay Plan at any time during ~he year. In order to be eligible for the Budget Pay Plan. theCustomer's account must not be in arrears,The levelized payrnent wJI approximcte the overage of 12 montr11y billings based on eIther thehistorical charges. or on estimate of future charges, The Budget Pay o'1lount for each electric service onthe account v/ill be adjusted to the nex~ higher doBar, Budget Pcy amounts \N-i1\ be recalculated at the 12-month (or 365-day) anniversary of the dote the Custorner beg:Jn paying the most current Budget Payamount(s). The new monthly payment will be the recol,::ulated Buddet Pay amount(s). A Customer'sB.Jdget Pay amount(s) may decrease, increase, or remain the same.Customers with a negative balance ir their BudgeT Pay Plan account) at the time of recalculationwill have morthly Budget Pay charges equal to the recalculated Budget Po'( amount plus 'one.twelfth ofthe negative balance, A7 the Customer's request, a negative balance may be paid in full. Customerswith a positive balance in their Budget :)oy Plan accounts at the time of recalculation, or upon terminationof the agreement ofter all charges for services have been paid, will be refunded at the Customer'srequest If no request for refund is madE, the monthly Budget Pay cr;arges will be equal to therecalculated Budget Pay Dmount reduced tv one-twelfth of the positive balance, Upon the Customer'srequest a positive balance for one Budget Pay electric seNice may be transferred to the talance ofanother Budget pav electric service on the account, Any estimates furnshed by the Company with such Budget Po\" Plan should not be construed as a guarantee tr-at the total actual charges will not exceed the e~imotes, The Corrpany, because of rote changes or other requirements, may at any time submit a revi~-ed estimate to the Customer and require r)at the Customer pay the revised monthly Budget Pay installment as a condition to the continuation of he Budget Pay Plan for the Customer, The Budget Pay amount(s) will be billed on the regular S3Nice bill each month, Once established, the Budget Fay PIa'! will remain in effect from year to year until the Customer notifies the Company not less than 30 days prior to the desired date of cance!lation or unless the Customer foils to pay the agreed amounts, 2, Sma! Genera! Service Budget Pav Plan - Schedule : A Budget Pay Plan is available to Small General Service CJstomers receiving service on Schedule 7, If a Customer has more than me electric service on the account. each electric service charge will be level1zed indiviciually. If a Custorr,er transfers to another schedule (other than Schedule 1), the Budget Pay Plan will not t,e available. A Customer may sign up for the Budget Pay Plan at anY' time during the year, In order to qualify. the Customer mu5t have been receiving service at the some location, under the sarna owne'ship and account number, and with 011 monthly billings paid 0'1 or before the past due date for at least 12 months prior to aCiplying for tr-8 Budget Pay Plan, The Custorrer must maintain tre payment status as described above or tre Customer wil! be removed from the Budget Pay Pion on the next monthly billing and aU post due balances will becorre immediately due and payable. IDAHO Issued - February 2, 2001 Effective - lv'1arch 5, 2001 Advice No, 01- APPLICA TION Issued CASE NO. IPC-O3- James C, Miller. ATTACHMENT 221 V P AGE 30 C F 1 37 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO, 1-CANCELSFI~ST REVISED SHEET NO. 1-I.P,C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 RULE IBUDGET FAY PLANS (Continued')Srnoll General Service Budqet Pay PIon - Schedule 7 (ContInued)The leveHzed payment will approximate the overage 0= 12 fj:onthly billings based on historicalcharges, Budget Pay amounts will be recalculated at the 12-month (or 365-day) anniversary of the datethe Customer began paying the most curren- Budget Pay amount(s). The Budget Pay amount for eache:ectric service on the account will be adjusted to the next higher dollar. The new monthly pavment willbe the recalculated Budget Pay amount(s). A- Customer's Budget Pay amount(s) may decrease, increase,, Of remain the same,Custorners w:th a negative balance in their Budget Pay Pan accounts at the time of recalculationvvill have monthly Budget Pay charges equal to the recalculated Budget Pay amount plus one-twelftr, ofthe negative balance, Ai the Customer's request, a negative balance moy be paid in full. Custornerswith a positivE balance in their Budget Pay Plan accounts at the ~ime of recalculation. or upon terminationof the agreement after all cho~ges for serVces have been paid, will be refunded at the OJstomerrequest If ro reqJest for refLnd is made, the monthly Bucget P::JY ch~rges will be' equ:1! to therecalculated 3udget Pay amount reduced by one-twelfth of the positive baiance, Upon the Customerrequest, a pcsitive balance for ~ne Budget Pay e ectric service may be tronsferred to the balance ofanother Budget Pay electrc service on the account.Any estimates furnished by the Company with such Budget Pav Plan should not be construed as aguarantee thDt the total actual charges will not exceed the es+imates, The Company, oecaLse of ratechanges or other requirenlents, may at any time submit a revised estimate to the Customer and requiretnat the Customer pay the revised monthly Budget Pay installment as a condition to the continuation of the Budget Pay Plan for the Customer, The Budget :Jay arnount(s) will be billed on the regular service bill each month. Once established, the Budget Pay Plan will remain In effect from year to year until the Customer notifies the Company not less than 30 days prior to the desired date of cancellation or unless the Customer fails to pay trle agreed omour.ts. IDAHO Issued - Feb"uary L, 2001 Effective - March 5, 2001 Advice No. 01-01 APPUCA TION Issue( CASE NO. IPC-O3- James C, Miller, ATTACHMEN: 1221 ' PAGE 31 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. j-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO. J-Idaho Public Utilities CommissionApproved EffectiveDec. 12, 2001 Sept. 24 , 2001Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 RULE JCONTINUITY, CURTAILMENT AND INTE~RUPTIONOF ELECTRIC SERVICEElectric Service is inherently subject to occasion:1\ interruption , suspension, curtailment, andfluctuation. The Company will have no liability to its Customers or any other persons for anyinterruption, suspension, curtailment, or fluctuation in service or for any loss or damage caused tlerebyif suer interruption, suspension, curtailMent, or fluctuation results from any of ihe foli::Jwing:A. Causes beyond the Company s reasonable control including, but not limited to. fire,flood drought, winds, :Jcts of the elements, court orders, insurrections or riots, generationfailures, lack of sufficiert generating capacity, breakdowns ef or d:lmage to facilities of theCompany or of third fXJrties, acts of God or pubiic enemy, strikes or other labor disputes, civil.military or governmenta: authority, electrical disturbances originating on or tran$mitfed throughelectrical systems with which the Company's system is interconnected, and acts or omissions ofthird parties;B. Repair, maintenance, improvement, renewal or replacement work on the Compapy'selec-rica! svstem, which work in the sole judgment of the Company is necessary ::Jr prudent; tothe extent practicable work sholl be done at such t,ime as wi!! minimize inconvenience to theCust:)mer and, whenever practicable, the Customer shall, be given reasonable notice of suchwork;C, Actions tcken bv 1he Compcny, which in its ' sQle j~dgment are necessary Of' prud~nt toprotect the performance, htegrity, reliability or ~tab1lit~' of the Corrpany s electrical system or any electrical system with which it is inter-connected, which actions may occur automa1ically or maruolly. Load curtailment and interruption resulting froll any circumstances, conditions, events, or deci~-ions listed in subparagraphs A" B., ane C. above which require or resuit in rotational outages shall be carried out under the Company s "Electric Load Management Rule J Procedures 2. Load curtailment and interruption carried out in compliance with an order by governmental authority shall follow the Corrpany s plan enti11ed 'load Curtailment and Interruption Procedure , as filed with old approved by the Commission, The provisions of this rule do not affect any person I S rigrts in tort. IDAHO Issued - December 6,2001 Effective - September 24, 2001 Per ,rue Order No. 288.56 Issuec APPLICATIO~~ Johr R, Gale, Vie CASE NO. !PC-O3- 1221 V ATTACHMENT PAGE 32 OF 137 I.P,C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO.1 01 FIR~ REVISED SHEET NO, K-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO, K-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILiTIES COMMISSIOiAPPROVED EFFECTIVEIDAHO POWER COMPANY OCT 7 - 'OCT 1 - '98RULE KCUSTOMER'S _OAD AND OPERATIONS J2 ~SECRETARY1 , Interference with Service : The Company reserves the right to refuse to supply loads of acharacter that may seriously impcir seNice to any other Customers. or may disconnect existing service ifit is seriously irrpairing service to any other Customers. In the case of pump hoist or elevator motors,weldersl furnaces, compressors, and other installations of Uke character where the use of electricity intermittent sLbject to vottoge fluctuations. or causes voltage notching or draws a nonsinusoidal(harmonically distorted) load current, the Company may require the Customer to provide equipmentat the Customer s expense, to reasonably limit such fluctuations.2, practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control : Customers are required to complywith the Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems as set' forth in theInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ('"IEEE#) Standard 519-1992, The values indicated by IEEEStandard 519- 992 apply at the point Vw'here me Company s equipment interfaces with the Customer'sequipment.3, Change of Load Characteristic: The Customer shall give the Company prior noticebefore making any significant change in either the amount or electrical character of the Customer'selectrical load thereby allowing the Company to determine if any changes are needed in theCompanys equipment or distribution system.4. protection o~ Eauipment: The Company reserves the right to refuEe singlephase service to motors larger than 7 12 horsepower. The Customer is solely responsible for the selection, installation, and maintenance of all electrical equipment and wiring (other than the Company s meters and apparatus) on the load side of ihe Point of Delivery, ,AJI motor installations should include effective protection apparatus or have inherent construction within the motor to accomplish equivalent protection as follows: A, Overload or overcurrent protection for each motor by suitable thermal relays. fuses or circuit interrupting devices automatically controlled to disconnect the motor from the line to protect it from damage caused by over.heating, Installation of protection in each conductor connected to three-phase motors is recommended. B, Open phase protection on all polyphase installations to disconnect motors .from the line in the event of opening of one ;Jhase, C, All polyphase motors for the operation of passenger and freight elevators, crones. hoists, draglines. and similar equipment \Nil! be provided \Nith reverse phase relays or equivalent devices. for protection in case of phase reversal, D. Motors that cannot safely be subjected to full voltage at starting should be provided with a device to insure that on failure of \ioltoge such motors wilt be disconnected frem the line. It also recommended that such device be provided with a suitable time delay relay, IDAHO Issued. September 1 , 1998 Effective - October 1. 1998 APPLICA flON, I~sued ( CASE NO. IPC-O3- Kip N, Run ATTACHMENT 1221 WE PAGE 33 OF 137 Advice No. 98-09 _. -, . . - -. - RULE KCUSTOMER'S lOAD AND OPERATIONS(C ontin u ad)FIRST REVISED SHEET NO, K-IDAHO PUBLIC UT(UTIES COMMISSfCCANCELS APPROVED EFPECTJVEORIGINAL SHEET NO. K-OCT 7 - 98 ocr 1 - J2 SECRETARYIDAHO POWER COMPANYLP.C, NO. 26, 18BlEE.NO, 1015. tJJowoQ,!e Motor Starnnq Currents . The starting currents (such currents sr.all bedeiermined by tests or based on published data by manufacturers) of alternating current motors up to100 horsepower will not exceed the allowable locked rotor current values shown in the following table.corrections being allowed to corrpensate for the difference benveen the voJage supply at the motorterminals and its rated voltage. If the starting current of the motor exceeds the locked rotor currentvalue given in the table, a starter must be used or other means employed to limit the starting CUTent tothe locked rotor current value specified. except that such starting equipment may be omitted bywritten permission of the Company where the absence of such starting equipment win not causeobjectionable voltage fluctuations. Maximum permissible locked rotor current values in the fcl1owingtable apply to a single motor installation. Starters may be omitted on the smaller motor~ of ,installation consisting of more than one motor when their omission will not result in o current. in excess ofthe allowable locked rotor current of the largest motor of the group.Rated Size Allowable Locked Rotor CurrentsSinale Pol'- hose 'MotorsPhose 240 Volt 480 Volt 2.400 Volt240 Volt 3- hose . 3...6hase, 3- hose7 1 /2 HP 10 HP 15 HP 20HP 25HP 30HP 40HP 5OHP 60HP 75HP HP n 110 am 147 amp 141 197 am 250 am 304 am 360 amo 380 am 400 am 480 am 600 am "Fam 99arn 125 S2 80 190 200 am 240 am 300 am IDAHO Issued - September 1, 1998 Effective;" October 1. 1998 APPLICATION , Issued t CASE NO. IPC-O2- KiP VI. Run' A TT ACHMENT 1221 WE PAGE 34 OF 137 Advice No. 98-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISStONAPPROVED .EFFECTIVEI.p, . N . 26 TARIFF NO, 101 FEB 3 - 1 FEB 1 - 'SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVI ~~ J2 ~.( ~c,. SECRElARYAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available at points on the Company s interconnected systemwithin the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltageare adjacent 10 the Premises to be served, and additional investment by the Company for newtransmission, substation or terminal facilities is not necessary to s\,.'pply the desired service.APPUCABI LlTYService under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for Residential Service, Customers for general domestic uses, including single phase motors of 7'h horsepower roting or less.subject to the following conditions:(1) When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainfulpurposes. the Premises will be classified as non-residential and the appropriate schedulesapplied. However. if the wiring is so arranged that the service for residential purposes can metered separately. this schedule will be applied to such service.(2) Whenever the Cu)tomers equipment does not c:::)nform to the Company s specifications,service will be supplied under the appropriate General Service Schedule.(3) This schedule is net applicable to standby service. service for resale, or shared service. TYPE OF SERVICE The type of service provided under this schedule is singte phase. attemating current at approximately 120 or 240 volts and 60 cycles. supplied thro\.."gh one me1er at one Point of Delivery. Upon request by the owner of multi-family dwellings. the Company may provide 120/208 volt service for multi-family dwellings when all equipment is U l approved to operate at 120/208 volts, WATER HEATING Electric storage water heating equipment shall conform to specifications of the Underwriters laboratories. Inc.. and the Ccmpony and its installation shall conform to all NationaL State and Municipal Codes and may be equipped with one or two heating units. No single heating unit shall exceed 6 kW; and where two heating units are used in a single tonk, these units sholl be so interlocked that not more than 6 kW con be connected at anyone .time. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPUCA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3~ 13ssuec ATTACHMENT D. H, Jacks PAGE 35 OF 1371221 \ IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 1-2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTWELF1H'REVISED SHEET NO. 1-Nay 16 2003 May 16,2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P-C. "'0.26. TARIFF 101 SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE(Continued)RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATINGAll space heating equipment 70 be served by tne Company s system shall be single phoseequipment approved by Underwriters ' Laboratories, Inc., and the equipment and its instolla ion shallconform to 011 National, State and Municipal Codes and to the following:Individual resistance-type units for sf:oce heating larger than 1,650 watts shall bedesigned to operd;e at 240 or 208 vo ts, and no single unit shaH be larger than 6 kW,Heating units of tvvo kW or larger shall be controlled qy approved therfTIostaticdevices. When a group 2It hecting units, with a total capacity of more than 6 k'N. isto be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designedhat not more than 6 kW can be swit:hed on or off at anyone lime. Supplementalresistance-type heaters. that may be used with a heat' exchanger, shall comply withthe specifications listed above tor sucn units.f\.\ONTHl Y CHARGE " IThe Monthly Charge is th8 sum of the Customer and the Energy Charges ~t the following rates:Customer Charqe$2.51 per meter per month Enerq' y' Charge , ~ Base Rate 9303~ Power Cost Adjustment* 6039~ Effective Rote 5342~ Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge sholl be the sum of the Customer Charge and the Energy Charge. This Power Cost Adjustnlent (Schedule 55).. and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. PA YMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt , and becomes past due 15 :Jays from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IFUC Order No. 292.013 Effective - tv\ay 16, 2003 APPLl~AIION Iss ec CASE NO. IFC-O3- . A TT ACHMENT John R. Gale. VIC PAGE1 221 OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 3-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveORIG:NAL SHEET NO, 3-May 15, 2002 May 16, 2002Per Q.NM 29026Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P.c. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 (This Schedule has been discontinued., ,,-! IDAHO Issued per IPUC OrderNo. 29026 Effective - May 16, 2002 Issued APPLICATION Johr R. Gale, Vic CASE NO. IPC-O3~ 13 1221 V ATTACHMENT PAGE 37 OF 137 DAHO POWER COf\~P ANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 3-IDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveFIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 3-Ma)' 15, 2002 May 16, 2002Per O.N. 29026Jean D. Je':Veli SecretaryI.P.C, NO. 26, TARIFF 101 (This Schedule has been discontinued. IDAHO Issued per IPUC Order No. 29026 Effective ~ May 16, 2002 Issued APPLICATION Joh'l R. Gale, Vie CASE NO. IPC-O3- 1221 ~ ATTACHMENT PAGE 38 0:: 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIKTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectIveTWELFTH-REVISED SHEET NO. 7-Nay 16 2003 May 16,2003Per C.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P-C. NO. 26. TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 7SMALL GENERAL SERVICEAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available at pojnts on the Company s interconnected system :vvithinthe State of Icoho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phose and voltag e areadjacent to the Premises to be ,served.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service supplied to a Customer at one feintoi Delivery and measured through one meter. This schedule is 9Pplicable to Custpmers with energyloads trat are 3,000 kWh, or less, per month for ten or more mDnths during the Annual Review Period.This schedule is also applicable to nor-profit or tax supported ball fields, fairgrounds or rodeo groundsVvith high del1onds and internlittent use exceeding 2.000 kWh per month. This schedule is notapplicable to standby service, service for resale, or shared service, or to individual or multiple familydwellings first served through one meter after Februory 9; 1982.TYPE OF SERVICE1he type of service provided under this schedul~ :5 si ngl3 and/or three-phase, at approxima1elyI:f) cycles one at the standard service voltage available at the Ptemises to be served., -ANNIVERSARY DATE The Anniversary Date is the date on Wlich service i~ initiaily taken under this schedule. ANNUAL REVIEW PERIOD The Annual Review Period is t~e 12~month period ending with the Billing Period in which the Customer s Anniversary Date falls. Each year, at the end of the Annual Review Period, each Customer account will oe reviewed for continued service eligibility under this schedule. Customers who qualify for service under a different schedule v-,riB be transferred to the appropriate schedule effective with the next Billing Period, The accounts of new Customers or Customers whose load characteristics ore experiencinf; fundamental cha~ges nlOY be reviewed more frequently. \AONTHL Y CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer and the Energy Charges aT the following rates: ~omer C~arge $2.51 per meter per month Enerav Chorqe Effective ~:ote 8126Y: per k'Nh for all kWh Base ~ate 9649~ Power Cost Adius1ment* 8477 IDAHO issued Per IPUC Order No. 29243 Effective - May 16, 2003 APPLICAtiON CASE NO. iPC-O3-Issued ATTACHMENT Johr. R. Gale, VIC PAGE 39 OF 137 1 221 - -- - - . TENTH REV;SED SHEET NO, 7-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveNIN1H REVISED SHEET N0, 7-May 16,2003 May 16, 2(J03Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryIDAHO PC)WER COMP ANYLP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 7SMALL GENERAl. SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued)Minimum ChargeThe mo:1thly 1\.~inimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charf;e and the Energy Charge.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.~ YMENTThe monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomespast due 15 days from the date on which rendered, APPUCATION Issuec CASE NO. IPC-03- John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMEt-.JT 1221 '. PAGE 40 OF 137 IDAHO Issued Per Order t'-Jo. 29243 Effective - rAcy 16, 2003 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-IDAHO PU8LIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCA '-JCELS Approved EffectiveEL:VENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 15-May 16, 2003 May 16 , 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP,C. NO. 26 TARIF~ NO. 101 SCHEDULE 15DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING; AILABILITYService under this schedule is available to commercial , institutions , industrial plants, andresidential Customers presently served from the Company s interconnected system within the State Icoho, where existing overhead secondary distribution facilities of adeqLote capacity, phase, andvoltage ore presently available adjacent to the Premises to be lighted,APPLICABILITYService under this schedule is opplicable tD Electric Service provided for the outdoor dusk todawn lighting of commercial, industriaL and domestic CusTomer grounds, yards, drivew::JYs, andemises by means of a Company-owned luminary, mounted on on existing Company pole with support bracket , automatically control'ed by a photoelectric relay,CHARACTER OF SERVICEThe facilities required to~ supplying service, including fixture, lamp, contra! relay. and supportbrackel for mounting on an existing Company pole with ~econdary ser\fice, ore supplied, installed;owned and mainiained by the Company in accordance 'with the Company s standards andspecifications. AI! necessary repairs and ma-ntenance work. in2hjding lamp renewal, will be perfqrmedby the Company only ;during the regularly scheduled', working 'hours of the C9mpany, and theCompany sh:J1I be allowed 72 hours, subseque nt to notificat'on by the ' Customer, for r~p!a'cing anyburnec out lamps, Lamps are energized each night from one-half hour after sunset until oqe-half hour before sunrise, thereby providing approxima~ely 4,105 hoL!rs of Premises lighting per year, NEW FACILITIES Where facilities 01 the Company are noi presently available for c lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer s Premises, the Company may extend its overhead ~econdary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, eTC., a distan~e not to exceed 300 feet to supply the cesired servics, all in accordance with the charges specified below. I\AONTHL Y CHARGES Mon7hly per unit charge on existing facilities: AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Effective Sodium Va Lumens Rate A d us tme nt*Rate 100 Y\iatt 550 $ 8.71 $0.$ 8. 200 \,\'att 1 S ,800 $14.$0.4 $14. 400 V\lott 45,000 $22,$0.$23. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29243 Effective - N,oy 1 6, 2003 APPLICA TION Issuec CASE NO. !PC-O3-13 John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMEI\T 1221 \ PAGE 41 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TV/ELFTH REVISED SHEET NO, 15-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveELEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO- 15-May 16,2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D.Jewell SecretaryI.P.C. NO. 26, fARIFF NO.1 01 SC:HEDULE 15DUSK TO DA V.JN CUSTOMER LIGHTING(Continued)MONTHLY CHA ';(GES (Continued)FLOOD LIGHTINGFigh Pressure Average Bose Power Cost EffectiveSodium Va Lurnens R:Jte ustment*'ate200 Watt 1 9,800 $17.18 $0.4 $ 1 7 .400 Wett 45,000 $25 ,$0.$26.46~Aetal Halide400 Watt 28 ,800 28.$0.$29.471000 V..taft 88, 000 $52.$2.$54." This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedu e 55). and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.2. The Monthly Charge for New Facilities to be instailed, such as overhead (or equivalent)s~condary conductor, poles, anchors, etc" shall be 1.75 percent of the estimated installed cos1 thereof.3, The Company may provide underground service from existing secondary facilities whenthe Customer pays the estimated nonsalvable cost of undergroJnd facilities. PAY ME\lT The rronthly bill for service sup;:)lied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due . 5 days from the date on which rendered, IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29243 Effective - May 1 6. 2003 Ar'I-'LlLA IIUN CASE NO, IPC-O3- Issue( ATTACHMENT John R. Gale, ViI PAGE 42 OF 137 1221 . - -. ,- . -. -, IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEORIGINAL SHEET N . 9-FEB 3 - '95 FEB 1- tJ2- ~J "4....SECRET AAYLP. .C. NO. 26 TARIFF N . 101 SCHEDULE 9LARGE ENERAL SERVICEAVAilABILITYService under this schedule is available at points on the Company s interconnected systemwithin the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltageare adjacent to the Premises to be served. SERVICE UNDER THIS SCHEDULE BECOMES EFFECTIVE MAY 16.1995.APPLICABI LlTYService under this schedule is applicable ta firm Electric Service supplied to a Customer whereservice required by the Customer is supplied under this schedule at one Point of Delivery and measuredthrough one meter.This service is applicable to Customers whose energy usage exceeds 3,000 kWh per month for aminimum of ttTee months during the Annual Review Period and whose Billing Demand is Iess than 1.000kW for ten or more months during the Annual Review Period,This schedule is not applicable to stdndby service. service for resale, or shared service, or toindividual or multiple family dwellings first served through one meter after February 9. 1982.The type of service provided under this schedule is single and/or three-phase. at approximately 60 cycles and at the standard service voltage available at the Premises to be served, ANNIVERSARY DATE The Anniversary Date is the date on which service is initially taken under this schedule. ANNUAL REVIEW PERIOD The Annual Review Period is the 12-month period ending with the Billing Period in which the Customer s Anniversary Date falls. Each year. at the end of the Annual Review Period. each Customer account will be reviewed for continued service eligibility under this schedule. Customers Who qualify for service under a different schedule will be transferred to the appropriate schedule effective with the next Billing Period. The accounts of new Customers or Customers whose load characteristics are experiencing fundamental changes may be reviewed more frequently. The Basic load Capacity is the average of the fwo greatest non-zero monthly Billing Demands established during the 12-month period which includes and ends with the current Billing Period, The Blling Demond is the average kW supplied during the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power Factor. APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3- 1SSUE ATTACHMENT D. H. Joe PAGE 43 OF 137 1221 IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective.. February 1, 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCAN C ELS Approved EffectiveFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-May 16,2003 May 16,2003Per a.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 9LARGE GENERAL SERVICEiContinued)FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERYA t the option of the Corr,pany, transformers and other facilities inst:Jlled beyond the Point ofDelivery to prcvide Primary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated, and maintained by theCompany in consideration of the Customer paying a Facilities Charge to the Company.Company-owned Facilitie~ Beyond the Point of Delivery will be set forth in a Distribution FacilitiesInvestment Report provided to t'l8 Custome'. As the Company s investment in Facilities Be)iond thePoint of Delivery changes in order to provide the Customer s service requirements, the Company shallnotify tr.e Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to tr.e Customer arevised Distribution Facilities Investment ReporT.In the event the Customer requests tre Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-olNned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the Ll non-salvable cost" of such removal, reinstallation or change. Non~salvable cost as used herein is comprisedof the total original costs of materials, labor end overheads of the facilities, less the difference :)etweenthe solvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost including ap~ropriate'overhead costs.POWER FACTORWhere the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent, as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions. the Company ma't' adjust ,the ,W measursd to determine the BilFng Demand by nlultiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Fac1or. t\~ONTHL Y CH.I\RGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer, the Basic, the Demand. the Energy, and the Facilities Charges at the following rates. SECONDARY SERVICE ~omer Charge $5.54 per meter per monih Basic Charqe $0,36 per kW of Basic Locd Capacity pemand Charge $2.73 per kVV for all kW of Demand Enerq'( Charge Effective Rate 2189~ per kWh for all kWh Bose Rate 61501l Pcwer Cost Adiustment* 6039~ IDAHO Issued Per IP JC Order No. 29243 Eftecfve - May 16,2003 APPLlCATI0t-.J issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3-13 John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMEt\T 1221 \ PAGE 44 OF 137 LP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 FifTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 9-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveFOURTEEN1H REVISED SHEET N0. 9-May 16,2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryIDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 9~ARGE GENERAL SERVICE(Continued)SECONDARY,SERVICE (Continued)filljlities ChargeNone"'~inimUI1 CharqeThe mcnthly t0inimum Ch:Jrge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, theDemard Charge, and the Energy Charge.This Power Cost Adjustrnent (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. PRIMARY SERVICE~omer Charqe$85.58 per meter per monthBasic. C harqe$0.77 per kW of Basic Load Capacity.Demand Charqe$2.65 per kW for all kW of Demond f:nerov Charge Bose Rate 1308~ Power Cost AdiustmenP 6039~ Effective Rate 7347~ per kWh for all kWh FaciliTIes Chorqe The Company s irvestment in Company-owned FaciHfes Beyond tne Point of Delivery times 1. percent. Minimum C harqe The monihly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge. the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This D ower Cost Adjustnent (Schedule 55). and Effective Rote expire May 15, 2CO4. IDAHO Issued Per tPUe Order No. 29243 Effective - May 16, 2003 A~r'ULA I ION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Is5ue c ATTA.CHMENT John R- Gole, Vie PAGE 45 OF 137 221 \ """""""'-" """r-.., IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 9-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCA~JCELS Approved EffectiveFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 9-May 16,2003 May 16,2003Per C.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 9LARGE GENERAL SERVICE': Continued)TRANSf'v~ISSION SERVICEQJ2torrier Charae$85.58 per meter per monthBasic Charge$0.39 per kW of Basic Load CapacityDemand Charge$2.57 per kW for all kW of DemandEnergy CharqeBase R:JteO833~Po\ver CostAdustment*6D39~EffectiveRote6872~ per kWh for all kWhFacilities CharqeThe Company s i~vestment in Company-ovvned FQcilities Beyond the Point of Delivery tim~s 1.7percent ;Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum 0 the Customer ChDrge, the Basic Charge, +he Demond Charge,+he Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge, This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and E1fective Rate expire May 15,2004, PA YMENl The monthly bill renderecfor service supplied hereunder is payable upon receip , and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IP JC Order No, 29243 Effecfve - May 16, 2003 APPLICATION Issue1 CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gne , Vi ATTACHMENT 1221 PAGE 46 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 19~ 1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTJLITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS' APPROVED EFFECTIVEFIR3T REVISED SHEET NO, 19-I.P.C, NO, 26, TARIF= NO, 101 JLW 2 9. 'JUN 30 'SCHEDULE 19LARGE POVvER SERVICE n~....,a- J2. SECRETARYA'V AI LAB! SeNice under this schedule is available at points on the Company's interconnected systemwithin the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltageare available. If additional distribution facilities are required to supply the desired seNice, those facilitiesprovided for under Rule H will be provided under the terms and conditions of that rule, To the extentthat additional facilities net provided for under Rule H, including transmission and/or substation facilities.are required to provide the requested service. special arran;Jements wil be made in a separateagreerrent between the Customer and the Company.Each Customer is required to enter into a Uniform Lorge Power Service Agreement prior .0 beingserved under this schedule..APPUCABI LINService under this schedule is applicable to Customers with firm electric demand of 1,000 to25,000 kW at single Point of Delivery \Nhe have entered into a Uniform Large Power ServiceAgreement.f the aggregate power requirement Df a Customer who receives service at one or morePoints of Delivery on the some Fremises exceeds 25,000 kW, the Customer is ineligible for service underthis schedule :Jnd is required to make special contract arrangements with the Company.This schedule is not applicable to service for resale, to shared or irrigotion service, to standby orsupplemental service, unless the Customer has entered ir.to a Uniform Standby Service Agreement with the Company. or to multi~family dwellings. Contract Option Customers w"ho contract for firm elec-rie demand of 10,000 to 25.000 kW who are eligible for service under this schedule may optionally take service under a mutually agreed upon individual special contract between the Customer and the C:)mpany provided the special ~ontrcct terms, conditons, and rates are approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commissic-n without change or condition, This Connact Option is avaLable effective January 1, 1997, ~ERVICE EUGIBILIN To be eligible for initial service under ~his schedule, a Customer must register a metered demand of 1,000 kW or more under one of the Company s other schedules for at least three Billing Periods during the Customer s Annual Review Period, A Customer who meets this metered demand criterion can be transferred tc this schedule effective with the Billing Period immediately following eligibility prnvided the Customer en~ers into a Uniform Large Power Service Agreement with the Company, At the Customer's reques~. the Company may, at its discretion, waive the Ser\iice Eligibility requirement provided the Customer en ers into a Uniform Large Power Service Agreement. Continued Eliqibilitv. To be eligib!e for continued service under this schedule, a Customer metered demand at a single Point of Delivery must equal or exceed 1,000 kW for at least three Billing Periods during the Customer s Annual RevIew Period, At the Customer's request. the Company may, ot its discretion, waive the Continued E!igibility requirement provided the Customer enters intJ a new Uniform Lorge Power Service Agreement. .IDAHO Issued - May 30, 2000 Effective - June 30, 2000 APPUCAIION CASE NO, IPC-O3- ISSU8C A TT ACHMENT James C, Willer, PAGE 47 OF 137 1221 V .. ,......... ........ IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 19-CA\JCELSFIRST REVISED SHEET NO, 19-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITiES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEI.P,C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 OCT 2 4 ! 0 1 NOV 9 - 'SCHEDULE 19LARGE POWER SERVICE t"' tIj. SECRETARYTYPE OF SERVICEThe Type of Service provided under this schedule is three-phase at approximately 60 cycles andat the standard service voltage available at the Premises to be seNed,ANNIVERSARY DATEThe Anniversary Date is the date on which initial service is taken under this schedule.For each Customer who received service under this schedule prior to January 1, 1993. theAnniversary Date is the Customer s review cote set forth in the Company s records end used as ofJc nuory 1, 1993, for the Annual Review Period,ANNUALREVIE'N PERIODThe Annual Revievv Pericd is the 12-month period ending with the Billing Period in whi~h theCustomers Anniversary Date falls. Each year, at the end of the Annual Review Period~ each Customeraccount will be reviewed for continued service eligibil ity under this schedule, Customers , who, do notrT,eet the Sef\lice Eligibility provisions viii! be -ransferred' to th~ appropriate schedule effectivE with .Inext Billing Period and the Unifo'm Large Power SeNice Agreemenfwill be canceled, Customers \",horequest a waiver of the Service Eligibility requirement 'may continue, service under this scheduleprovided they enter into ,0 new Uniform Lqrge Power Sef\iic'e, Agreement prior to the next Billing ~eriod and provided the Compof'!Y, at ITS disc;etion, agrees to waive the Service E1i;)ibility requirement Customers v-v'ho can document that they VIii! no 'anger be eligible for continued service"!under this schedule as a result of installing conservation measures, may, upon application to and approve: by the Company s Vice President of Regulator! Affairs. be transferred to a different schedule p~ior to the End of the Annual Review Period and the Uniform Large Power Service Agreement will be canceled. EASIC LOAD CAPACITY The Basic Load Capacity is the overage of the two greatest monthly Billing Demands established during the 12-month period which includes and ends ~Jith the current Billing Period, but nOT less than 000 kW. BILLING DEMAND The Billing Demand is the average kW supplied durhg the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power FactoL but not less than 1,000 kW. FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY At the option of the Company, transformers and other facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery to provide Primary or Transmission Service maY' be owned, operated, and maintained by the Company in consideration of the Customer payi ng a Foci! ities Charge to the Company, Company-owned Facilities Beyond -he Point of Delivery will be set forth in Distribution Facilities Investment Report provided t~ the Customer, As the Company s investment in Facilities Beyond the Ar-t""LlI ...... AIIUi~ Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vi( ATTACHMENT 1221 PAGE 48 OF 137 IDAHO Issued - October 10, 2001 Effective - November 9, 2001 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIFTEENTr REVISED SHEET NO. 19-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-May 16,2003 May 16,2003Per Q,N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P,C, NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDJLE 19LARG= POWER SER-YICE(Continued)FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY (Continued)Point of Delivery changes in order to provide the Customer s service requirements, the Company shollnotify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of faciliiies by forwarding to the Customer arevised Distribution Facilities Investment Report.In the event ihe Customer requests trle Company to remove or reinstall or change Company-Nned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the "non~salyablecost" of such removal, reinstallaiion or change, Non-salvable cost as used herein is, ccmprised of thetotal original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the facilHies, less the difference between thesalvable cost of material removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs,POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENTVvhere the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent, as determined by measurementunder actual load conditions, the Company may OdjLst the kW measured to determine the BillingDemand by Multiplying the mec~ured kW by 85 percent' and dividing by the actual P9wer Foe-.. TEMPORARY SUSPENSIONNhen :J Customer has properly invoked Rule F, Temporary Suscension of Demand, the Basic LoadCapacity and Billing Demond shall be prorated based O'l t~e period of such suspensior, i'n ac"Cordance vvith Rule F. In the event the Customer's metered demond is less than 1,000 kVJ during the period of such suspens:on, the Basic LoGe Capacity and Billing Demand wiU be set equal to 1,000 kW for purposes of determinir,g the Customer s monthly Minimum Charge. \AONTHL Y CHARGE The tV_onthly Charge i~ the sum of the Customer, the Basic, the Demand, the Energy, and the Facilities Charges at the fOllowing rates: SECO~DARY SERV' Customer Charge $5.54 per meter per month Basic Charqe $0.36 per kW of Basic Lo:Jd Capacity .Demand Charqe $2.73 per k\V for all kW of Billing Demond Enerqy Charqe Base Rate 5576f/. Power Cost Adiustment* 8217~ Effective Rate 3793~ per kWh for all kWh APPLICATIONIssueCASE NO. !PC-O3- John R. Gale, VI( ATTACHMENT 1221 ' PAGE 49 OF 137 IDAHO Issued Per IPUC O-der No, 29243 Effective - ~Aay 16. 2003 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectlveTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-Nay 16,2003 May 16 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 19LARGE POv..'ER SERVICE(Continued)SECONDARY SERVICE (Coltinued)facilities CharqeNonetv\inimum CharqeThe mon1hly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, theDemond Charge, and the Energy Charge.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. PRIMARY SERVICE~omer Charge$85.71 per meter per monthBasic Charge$0.77 per kW of Basic Locd CapacityDemand Charge$2.65 per kvV for all kW of Billing Demand EnerQ' y' Charge Base Rate 0839 ~ Power Cost Adjustment*' 8217q. Effective Rate 9056~ per kWh for all kWh Facilities Charge The Company s investment in Company-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.7 percent. Minimum Charge The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55). and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No. 29243 Effective - May 16, 2003 APPLICA 1 ION CASE NO, IPC-Q3-Issue ATT p..CHMENT John R, Gale, VICt: PAGE 50 OF 137 1221 v~ LP.C, NO. 26. TARIFF NO. 101 FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCAI~CELS Approved EffectiveTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 19-May 16,2003 May 16,2003Per C.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryIDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 19LARGE POWER SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued)lRANStv\ISSION SERVICECustoner Charqe$85.71 per meter per monthBasic Charge$0.39 per kW of Basic Load CapacityDemand Charqe$2.57 per kW for aU kW of Billing Demondj:nerqv CharqeBase Rate0375~Power CostAdjustment*821 79'-EffectiveRate85~2!l per kWh for aU kWh.EQ9lities Charge ' . The Company s investment in CompC1ny-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Deli~erv 'times 1.7percent. Minimum Charae ,,~ The monthly Minimum Charge shoH be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Basic Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustnlent (Schedule 55).. and Effect1\'Rate expire May 15,2004. PA YMENT The monthl'y' bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHC) Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29243 Effective - ~Aoy 16, 2003 Ar'r'Ul..A IIUN CASE NO. IPC-O3-ssue ATTACHMENT John R, Gale, VI( PAGE 51 OF 137 1221 . - -. . ~. -, IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEEI NO. 19-CANCELSOR\GINAL SHEET NO. 19-6 IDAHO PU'BLIC UTILITIESCOMMtSSI(APPROVED EFFECTIVEI.P.C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 19LARGE POVv'ER SERVICE OCT 2 4 10 1 \I C - "t-- tfi. SECRETARYIDAHO POWER COMPAN\'Uniform Large Power Service AgreementD!~TR!CT ACCOUNT NO,day THIS AGREEMENT Mode thisbetween whO5e billing addressis hereinafter called Customer.and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, A corporation with Its prir\cipal cffice located at 1221 West Idaho Street Boise. Idaho, hereinafter, celled Company:NOW THEREFORE, The parties agree as follows:The Company shdl agree to supplykilowatts per month for the Customer s -,----' County cf ---.., To\Nnshlp Range , volt. three-phose Electric Service up 'to the amcuntfacilities located at or near, State of Idar,o, in the Section2, The avaJlab1lity of power in excess of the amount stated In Paragraph 1 above I) not guaranteed and Its taking the Cus1orner may result in a complete or partiel curtal!lIent of service to the Customer. The Company has the right 10 Install. atthe Customer s e:"pense, any device necessary to protect the Company s system from damage which may be caused by thetak1ng of power in excess of that stated In PorOJraph 1.' The Customer shall be respolslb!e for any damages to the Compcnys)'stem or damages to third parties resulting from the Customer s taking of power in excess of that stated in Paragraph ThE terms of this Agreement shall not become binding upon the parties until signed by both parties.4, The initial dote of delivery of power and energy under trlls Agreement is subjec1 to the Company s ability to obtainrequired lobor, materials, equipment and/or satisfactory rights-of-way and to comply with governmental reg'Jlations.5, The term of this Agreern€!nt shell be for one 'year from and after the Initial SeNice Date therecf. and sholl automatically renew and extend eact' year thereafter. This ,l\greement can be canceled 1) by either party provided written rotice of termination is given to the other nolless than 12 mc,nths prior to the desired termination dote, or 2) as provided for in the Corrpany s Schedule 19 or its successor schedules,6, This Agreement and the r:Jtes. te!ms and conditions of service set forth or incorporated herein, and the respective rghts and obJigotions of the parties hereunder. shall be subject to volid laws and to the regulatory authority and orders, rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other odmlrlstrative bodies having jurisdict"on,7. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the Idaho Public Utilities CommiS9on trom changing any terms, rates, charges, classification or service, or any rules. regulation or conditions relating to service unjer this Agreement or ::onstrued as affecting the right of the Company or he Customer to unilate'oHy make app~cot\on 10 the Commission for any such change,8. The Company's Schedule 19, onv revisions to that schedule, and/or on'y successor schedule is to be considered as port of his Agreement.9. In any action at law or equity commEnced under this Agreement cnd upcn which judgment is rendered, the prevailing party. as part of such judgrrent shaH be entitled to recover all costs. including reasonable attorneys fees. Incurred on account of such action, 10,This Agreement replaces and superS€des the Agreement between the tX1rties Gated the day of Date (APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES Initial Service Dote IDAHO Issued - Oc1ober 10, 2001 Effective - November 9,2001 APPLICATION CASE NO, IPC-O3-13 Issue, ATTACHMENT John R, Gale, Vi, PAGE 52 OF 137 1221 ' SECOND REVISED SHEET NO, 20-CANCELS iDAHO PUBLiC UTiLiTiES COtiJ1MISSIONF'RST REVISED ,SHEET NO. 20-1 thru 20-APPROVED EFFECTIVEDAHO POWER COMPANYI.P.C. NO, 26 1ARIFF NO, 101 NOV 9 - 'OC124 t1r- ~- SECRETARY(This Schedule has been disconthued. AP PLICA! ION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issue A TT ACHMENT John R, Gale, V PAGE 53 OF 137 1221 IDAHO Issued - October 10,2001 Effective - November 9. 2001 IDAHO POWER COMPANYI.P.C. NO. 26,ARIFFNO. 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 22-SCHEDULE 22ENERGY BUY BACKTEMPORARY PROGRAM!:OPTIONAL)tDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVEDEFFECTIVEAPR 2 4 "APR 24'PURPOSE A\. SECRETARYThe Energy Buy Back Temporary Program is an optional. supplemental service that allowsparticipating Customers an opporunity to voluntarily reduce their electr;c load in exchange for paymentcredit), at times and at prices determined by the Company, The Company will notify participatingcustomers of 1'1e opportunity to exchange electric load for credit. The Energy Buy Back Temporary'Program will expire March 14,2002, unless extended by the Company,DEFINITIC'NSExchanqe Event is a set oi hours defined by the Company for y,hich Customers will be given theopportunity to receive credit on their Idaho Power account for decreasing their electric load.Base Load is a Customer s average ho~rly electric load, measured in kW, for a period prior to anEx:hange Event. The Company will normally calculate the Base Load using the hourly load data for aminimum of fourteen business dovs prior to or. Exchange Event. Other methods of calculating the BaseLoad may be utilized for those Customers with atypical load profiles.Actual _oad is a Customer's houny electric load measured in kW during an Exchange Event ExchanGe Load is the hou;ly difference between the Bose Load and the Actual Load measured in kW. Committed Load is the reduction in load a customer has committed tc provide on an hoLX-by-hour basis during or Exchange Event measured in ki Bid Price is an hourly per kWh price offered by the Compo'lY for the Exchange Load. Exchange Credit is the aMount credited to the Customer s Idaho Pov/er account for one or more Exe hange Eve 'It (s) - AV AILABILITY Service under this schedule is available to Customers whc are able to reduce their electric load by at least 1 000 kW at one me1ering point. Customers may be required to demonstrate the ability 10 reduce their electric load by at least 1,000 kW to receive service under this schedule. Service under this schedule is available on an optional basis to eligitle cus,;omers who choose to take service under this program. Each eligible Customer who chooses to toke service under this optional schedule is required to enter into an agreement with the Company prior to being served under this schedule. Service under this schedule may be limited to no more than ten Customers. IDAHO Issued - February 1 2, 2001 Effective - April 24.2001 r:_- Inl Ir r\.......1....... t..1...... r;Q7()7 Ar't-'LlCA IIUN CASE NO. IPC-O3- iSSUe( ATTACHMENT John R. Gale. Vii PAGE 54 OF 137 1221 \ IDp,HO POWER CaMP ANYI.P .C. NO. 26, ARJFF NO, 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NC. 22-IDAHO PUBLIC UTIlIT1ES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 22ENERGY BUY BACKTEM PO RA RY ROGR AM(OPTIONAL)APR 24'APR 2 4A VAILABIUTY (Continued)AI. SECR ET ARYThe Customer must have a meter provided by the Company thot is capable of recordingelectricoi usage intervals of no greater than 60 minutes. The Customer is required to provide a phone lineto the meter if one is not currently available. A Customer s participation in the Energy Buy Back TemporaryProgram is subject to meter avoilo::,ility and instCJllation.Customers who receive electricity that is prescheduled by the Company based on th~ Clistomerindividual usage do not qualify for service under this schedule.TERM OF AGREEMENTTne 1erl1 of the agreement for service under this schedule is one year or until March 14, 2002,whichever comes first Upon the mutual agreement of the Customer and the Company, and upon8)\.fension of this service by the Company, this agreemen1 can be extended at one-year intervals on ayear-by-year basis.EXCHANGE EVENTThe Company will declare an Exchange Event for hours projected to have high wholesale market energy prices. Exchange Events can be for the same-day, the day-ahead, or two-days ahead. lhe minimum time limit for an Exchange Event, for both the Custome" and Company, will be two consecutive hours and there may be more than one Exchange Event in a day. When the Company declares an Exchange Event, the hours that lead reduction is needed and the Bid Price for each hour of the Exchange Event will be announced. The Company will primarily use email in conjunction with an interactive Internet si1e to notify participants of an Exchange Event. Pogers, telephones, or faxes will also be used if :he Customer does not respond to the emoil\'v\'ebsite notification Customer~ will post which hours they choose to participate and what their Committed Load will be to the In1ernet site and an email will be sent to the Company. The Company 'Nill then confirm the agreement by email. CREDIT CALCULATION For the first Exchange Event in v/hich a Customer agrees to participate, the Customer s Exchange Credit \NiII be 1he Bid Price times t'le ExchangE Load. For subsequent Exchange Events: If the houry Exchange Load is between 85% ond , 115% of the Committed Load, the Customer s Exchange Credi1 v..'ill be the Exchange Load times the Bid Price. (Exchange Credit::: Exchange Load x Bid Price) IDAHO Issued - Febrcory 12/2001 Effective - April 24, 2001 P~r IPII, (Jrripr Nn ?R707 APPLICA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3-13 lssuec ATTACHMENT John R, Gale, Vi( PAGE 55 OF 137 1221 ' ...IDAHO POWER COMPANYI.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 22-SCHEDULE 22Et\ERGY BUY BACKTEMPORARY PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)IDAHO PUBLI C UTI L 1TfES COM MISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEAPR 24 'APR 2 4 I 0 11tI, SECRETARYCREDIT CALCULATION (Continued)If the hourly Exchange Load is less than 85% of the Committed Load, the CustomerExchange Credit 'Nill be the Exchange Load times the Bid Price minus the differencebetween the Com'lliHed Load and the Exchange Load times the Bid Price.(Exchange Credit = (Exchange Load x Bid Price)-((CommiHed Load - Exchange Load) x BidPrice) If the hourly Exchange Load is greater than 115% of the Committed Load, the Customerl sExchange Credit will be the Bid Price times 115% of the Commitied Load plus one half theBid Price times the Exchange Load minus 115% of tie Committed Load.(Exchange Credit = (Committed Load x 115% x "Bid Price)+((Ex::hange Load - (Commit1edLoad x 115%)) x 12 Bid Price)) SETTLEMENTWithin four business days of the end of the ExchQnge Event, the Company will notify the Customer01 the Exchange Event load information. This notification will include the Base Load. ,Actual Load,Exchange Load, and the Committed Load. 'If the Customer. has' met all the requirements of the Exchange Event, the Customer s Idaho Power account will be credited within 45 days, of the end of an Exchange Event. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Company is not resp:)nsible for any consequences "0 the participating Customer that results from an Exchange Event or from the Customer s effort to reduce electric loGe in response to an Exchange Event. The Company will not credit the Customer s Idaho Power account for any load reduction that has not been con:irmed and acknov,:ledged by the Company as an Exchange Event. The provisions of this schedule do not apply for any time period that the Company interrupts the Customer s load for a system emergency or any other time that a Custorrer s service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this schedule will not affect the calculation or rate of the Customer. Basic, Demand, Energy, or Facilities Charges associated with a Customer s normal rate schedule. The Company may utilize a third party to provide program management support for this schedule. 1he Company reserves the right to provide the Customer s load data to a third party under a confidentiality agreement for the sale purpose of managing this orogram. If a Customer voluntarilv terminates participation in tris program within one calendar year of enrollment, or prior 10 March 14 2001, the Customer shall be responsible for "eimbursing the Compon'( for setup costs associated with enrolling the Customer in this program. IDAHO Issued - FebrLory 12,2001 Effective - April 24. 2001 (,:- =r IDllr r.r~or tJi'I ?A707 APPLICA TlON Issued CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMENT 1221 V PAGE 56 OF 137 IDAHO POWERCOtviPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO, 24-tDAHO PUBLIC UTILITiES COMMISSIONCAI-.JCELS APPROVED EFFECTIVESECOND REVISED SHi:ET NO, 24-LP,C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 JUl 2 1 'AUG 23 'SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE ~~ J2 SECRETARYA V AI LABI L1TYService under this schedule is available ot points on the Compary s interconnected systemwithin the State of Idaho for loads up TO 25,COO kW where existing facilities of adequate capacity anddesired phOSE and ";Oltoge are adjacent to the Premises to be served, and additional investment bythe Company for new transmission, sut-station or terminal facilities is not necessary to supply the desireds8Nice, If the aggregate power requirement of a Customer who receives service at one or more Pointsof Delivery on the same Premises exceeds 25,'J00 k\J11 , special contract arrangements will be required,ftPPLlCAB!LlTYService under this schedule is applicable to power and energy supplied to farm custo1\ers andcrganizat\ons at or-Point of Delivery and through one meter for the o:Jeration of irrigation pumpMotors.TYPE OF SERViCEThe 'type of service providec under this schedule is single andJor three-phase, clterno7ingcurrent, at approximately 60 cycles and at the standard voltage available at the Premises to be seNsd.SERVICE CONNECTION The Company will routinely keep service to irrigation pumps connected throughout the calendar vear \1w'ith the exceptions noted belov/, The Company s termination practices as specified under Rule F will continue to apply with the exception that service disconnections will not be made during the Irrigation Season. 1, Customer Reauest.At the Customer's request. the Company will disconnect service during normal business hours at the end of the Customer's pumpi'lg operation at no charge to the Customer provided the Customer has provided the CompanY' ten vvorkin~ days advance nctice of trle date disconnection of service s desired. Customers who request a service disconnection with less than ten working days advance notice are required to pay a $30 Service Disconnection Fee, It at the Customer's request a service jisconnection is performed ou side of normal business hours,' a $30 ,After Hours Service Charge wilt apply, 2, Customer Maintenance , At the Customer s request, the Company wili disccnnect and reconnect service in crder Tor the Cust:)mer to perform maintenance, A disconnection with a subsequent recornection perormed withi~ 30 days graIl be considered a disconnect and reconnect for Customer maintenance, The Customs. will t:e required to pay a $50 Maintenance Serv ce Charge when service is disconnected and reconnected for Customer ITiointenance. It ct the Customer's request. a maintenance disconnect or reconnect is performed outside of normal business hoursJ a $30 After Hours Service Charge will apply. The Customer Charge will continue to apply to Customers whose service is disconnected for customer maintenance, IDAHO Issued - July 14, 2000 Effective - August 23, 2000 AI-'~LlCAIIUN CASE NO. IPC-E-O3- Issued ATTACHMENT JOl1es C, Miller , ~ PAGE 57 OF 137 221 '" . - -. . - , -. - , , IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 24-CANCELSSECOND REVISED SHEET NO, 24-tDf\HO PUBLiC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVELP,C. 1\10.26, TARIFF NO, 101 JUL 2 1 'AUG 23 '00SCHEDULE 24IRR GATION SERVICE(Continued)~/?O- j2 SECRET ARVSERVICE CONNECTION (Continued)Service Connection , The Company will connect seNice at the beginning of the C-lstomer~umping operation without chcrge during rormol business hours provided the Customer has provicedten working days advance notice of the doie connection of service is desired. Customers who requestservice connection with less than ten working days advcnce notice will be charged a ServiceConnection Fee in the amount of $30. It at the Customer's request, a service connection is f:erformedoutside of normal business hours, a $30 After Hours Service Charge will applySEASONAL DEFINITIONThe Irngation Season will begin with the Custome~s me'ter reading for the May Billing Period andend with the Customer s meter reading for the September Billing Period, The beginning cycles of aBilling Period -nay actually be based on me~er readings taken not more than 7 doys prior to the start ofthe corresponding calendar mcnth.BILUNG DEMANDThe Billing Demand is the average kW suppli~d during the 15-consecutive~minute period ofmaximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Pow~r Factor;' PROVIDED Tnat 'at the Company'soption the Billing Demand of a single motet installation of 5 h~rsepower and less may be equal to the number of horsepower but not less than one kW. Metered power demands in kW which exceed 130- percent of the connected horsepower served through one Point of Delivery will not be used for, billing purpo~es unless and until verified by field test in the presence of the Customer to be the result of normal pumping operations, If a demand in exces~ of 30 percent of the connected horsepower is the result Dbnormal conditions existing on the Company s interconnected system or the Custome~s system, ncluding accidental equipment failure or electrical supply irterruption \Nhich results in the temporary separation of the Compony s and the Customer's system. the Billing Demand shall be 130 percent of the connected horsepov,jer: The Customer may appeal the Company s billing decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in cases of ,dispute. FACILITIES BEyOND THE POINT CF DELIVERY At the option of the Company. transformers and other facilities hstolled beyond the Point of Delivery to r=rovide Transmission Service may be cwned, operated. and maintair,ed by the Company in consideration of the Customer paying a Facilities Charge to the Company. Company-owned Facirties Beyond the Point of Jelivery will be set forth in a Distribution Facilities Investment Report provided to the Customer, As the Company s investment in Foc-lities E:eyond the Point of Delrvery changes in order to provide the Customer s service requirements, the Company sholl notify the Customer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forwarding to the Customer a revised Distribution Facilities Investment Report, IDAHO Issued - July 14.2000 Effective - August 23,2000 APPLICATION CASE NO.IPC-O3- Issuec ATTACHMENT Janes C, Mi!ler, PAGE 58 OF 137 221 \ IDAHO POWER COMPANY TWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-3IDAHO PUBLIC UTlllTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveELEVEN1H REVISED SHEET NO. 24-May 16, 2003 May 16,2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SC HEDULE 24IRRiGA nON SERVICE(Continued:'FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF )ELlVERY (Continued)In the event the Customer requests the Company to re'1love or reinstall or change Company-owned Facilities Beyond 1he Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the "non-salvable cost" at such removal , reinstallation or change. Non-salvable cost os used herein is comprised, 01 the total original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the facilities, less the difference betweentre solvable cost of materia! removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs.POWER fACTOR ADJUSTMENTNhere the Customer's Power Foetor is less than 85 percent, as determined by measurementU1der actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the BillingDemand by multiplying the measured kW by85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor.",'ONTHL Y CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is the sum of the Customer. the Demand, the Energy, and the FacHi7iesCharges at the following rates.SECOI~DARY SERVICE Custoller Charqe $10.07 per meter per month $ 2,50 per meter per month lrrigation Season Out of Season Demand CriOrqe $3.58 per kW of Billing Demand No Demand Charge Irrigation Season Out 0 : Season Enerqy Charge Po\ver Cost Adiustment* 3159)! 1.3159!t Effective Rote 4, 1575~ per kWh for 011 kWh Irrigation Season 9331 f/- per kWh for all kWh Out of Season Base i(ate 8416y! 6172rt Facilhies Charqe None Minimum Charqe The Monthly Minimum Charge sholl be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Demand Chcrge, and the Energy Charge. This Jower Cost Adjustment (SchedJle 55), and Effecti'/e Rote expi'e May 15, 2004, IDAHO 1ssued Per IPue Order No. 29243 Effective - tv'-oy 16, 2003 APPLICAIION Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O2- John R. Gale, Vi( ATTACHMENT 1221 ~ PAGE 59 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SEVENTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-IDAHD PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveSIXTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 24-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per N~ 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGE (Contirued)TRANSI-AISSION SERVICECustomer Charge$85.61 per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per mon1h Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonDemand Charqe$3,37 per kW of Billing DemondNo Demand Charge I'-rigation SeasonOut of Season~nergvC harq ePoy.,ler CostAdjustment*1.3159jl1.3159~EffectiveRate0 180t per kWh for all kWh Irrigotion Season7555~ per kWh for all k'vVh Out of Seas0nBase Rate7021~3.4396~Facilities ChargeThe Company s investment in Comp::Jny-owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Deli~;ery 'times 1 ,percent. . Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge sholl be the sum of the Customer Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost Adjustment (S::hedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. PA YMENT All monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder are payable upon receipt. and become past due 15 days from the date 01 which rendered. (For any agency or taxing dis-rict which jOS notified ~he Company in writing tnat it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code ~ 67-2302, the past :::iue date wil reflect the 60 day payment period provided by Idaho Code S 67-2302. Deposit . A deposit payment for irrigation Customers is required under the following conditions: 1, Existinq Customers : Customers who have two or more reminder notices for nonpayment of Electric Service during a 12-nonth period or who have service disconnected for non-payrrent will be required to pay a deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from c bank or financial institution acceptable to the Company. A reminder notice is issued apr:;roximately 45 days after the bill issue date if the balance owing for Electric Service totals $1 OJ or more or opprcximately 105 days ofter the bill issue date for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code ~ 67-2302, The deposit for a specific installation will be computed as follows: IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order Nc. 29243 Effective - oy 1 6, 2003 A~J-IL!f"":A IIU~ Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMENT 1 221 PAGE 60 0 F IDAHO POWER COMPANY NINT rl REVISED SHEET NO. 24-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveEIGHTH REVISED SHEET NO, 24-Oct. 18 2002 Oct. 21, 2002Per N. 29132Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C, NO. 26, TAR;FF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE(Continued)FA YMENT (Cantinued)o. Monthly Billing Demand will be determined by multiptying 80 percent times theconnected horsepower.b. Monthly Energy (billing kWh) will be dete'mined by multiplying 50 percent times720 hours 'times the Monthly Bi-ling Demand.c. The Monthly Billing Demand and the Monthly Energy will be ;multiplied by thecurrent rates and added to the Irrigation In-Season Custome~ Charge to determine theestimated monthly bill.1he estirroted monthly bill will be multiplied by 0 factor of one and one-half (1.5).2. New Customer: A deposit may be required for a new Customer at the Compqnydiscretion. The deposit for a specific installation will I?e comP':-!ted using the som~ methodology asoutlined for Existing Customers.3. ~cv or Receivership An adequate a~surance' of payment ,as agreed to by'theutility or as '"Day be ordered by a court of competent 'jurisdicticn or 1he IPUC shall be required from anyCustomer for whom an order for refief h~s been entered 'l!nder the federal bank~uptcy ,Ia~'s, or forwhom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding. 'The maximum amount required Tor each season sholl not exceed a payment equal to a deposit. For ,each irrigation season, an adequate assurance of payment shall be required as agreed to by the utility, or as may be ordered by a co~rt of competent jurisdiction, or the IPUC. This requirerrent sholl conHnue from the date of the order for relief in bankruptcy, or the court appointing a receiver, unrl the debtor s discharge in bankruptcy or the dismissal 01 the court proceeding. A Customer who has been discharged from bankruptcy or whose receivership proceeding has been terminated will be required to pay a deposit at the start of the follo'Ning season to the ex~ert required by the payment provisions listed Jnder the other II p:Jymentn sections of this schedule. APPLICATION OF DEPOSIT INTEREST Interest will be compu1ed by the Company on irrigation deposits required under this schedule at the annual percentage rate determined by the Commission under utility Customer Relations Rules 106,:)2. The irrigation deposit with accrued interest. will be applied to the Customer s account upon date of disconnection or at the time the Customer s September bill is prepcredl whichever is earlier. IDAHO Issued per IPue Order No. 29132 Effective - October 21,2002 APPLICATIONlssued CASE NO. IPC-02,John R. Gale, VIC ATTACHMENT 1 221 '" PAGE 6 1 OF 1 3 7 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO, 24-6CAI-.JCELSSECOND REVISED SHEET NO, 24-IDAHO PUBLIC UTll\TIES COMMISStOAPPROVED EFFECTIVEI.P.C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 JUl21 'AUG 23 '00SCHEDULE 24IRRIGATION SERVICE(Continued)~~ jl.. SECRET AR'APPU CATION OF DEPOSI~(Conti nued)Each irrigation Customer, upon making a deposit payment. '...vill be required to furnish to theCompany an IRS iax Identification or Socia! Security number for the Company s IRS reportingrequirements.If a CLstomer tenders to the Company an irrigation deposit which has not been reqcested ordemanded by the Company, the Company may refuse to accept an:i retcin such deposit. Ithowever. the Company accep1s or retains the deposit. the Company will apply the deposit to tneCustomer's account and no interest will be paid.LATE PAVMEN1 CHARGEA. Late Payment Charge wi!! be assessed Customers receiving ser\Jice under this schedule asprovided under Schedule 66, IDAHO Issued - July 14, 2000 Effective - ~.ugust 23, 2000 APPUCA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3- "-ssued ATTACHMENT Jon-Ies C, rJ1i11er, ~ PAGE 62 OF 137 221 \A , IDAHO POWER COMPANYI.P .C. NO, 26. TARIFF NO.1 01 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 25-1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTJLlTiES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 25IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME- . F-USEPilOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)APR 1 7 '(j 0-" /,,-, 1/----, - L-" './ .tf-t!),APR 1 7 'C 1;JCS OltSeCI=iETARYAVAILABILITYNEW SERVICE UNDER THIS SCHEDULE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO NEW P ARTjCIP ANTS AFTEROCTOBER 2002, However Customers enrolled in the Program on October 1, 2002 may continue participate until October 1, 2007 unless t"le Comparv reiniburses the Customer for an'( capitalexpenditures jhe Customer has made in order to participate in this Program.Enrollment under this optional schedule is limited to 300 metered points of delivery, unless theCompany ch~oses to waive th's restriction. After May 1, a Customer s request for service under thisscheduie is not assured. Due to the specialized metering requirement for service under this optional schedule, a delaynioy occur between the time a Customer requests service under this schedule and the time service canbe provided. However, to participate, a Customer must be on ~his schedule no later than June 1.Any Customer participating in the Company Torift..Schedule 22, ::nergy Buy Back TemporaryFrogram or tree Company s Irrigation Buy Back Program, is not eli gible to enroll for service under this PilotProgram without the written consent of the Company.., ~ermission is at the sale discretion of theCompany. ,Service under this schedule is available at point's ;on t~e Compcny s interconnected , system within the State of Idaho for loads up to 25,000 kW where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desirec 'phase and voltage are adjacent to the Premises .to be served, and additional investment by the Company for new transmission, substation or terminal facilities is not necessary to supply the desired service. If the aggregate power requirement of a Customer who receives service at one or more Points of Delivery on the same Premises exceeds 2~,OOO kW , special contract arracgements wW be required. Service under this schedule is applicable to power and energy sur:;plied to farm customers and organizations at one Point of Delivery and through one meter for the operation of irrigation pump motors. YPE OF SERVICE The type of service provided under this schedule is single and/or three-phase, alternating current, at approximately 60 cycles and at the standard voltage available at the Premises to be served. SERVICE CONDITIONS Each Customer who chooses to to(8 service under this optional schedule is required to 1ake service not less than the irrigation season. After the irrigation season has begun, in no event may the Customer choose service under another tariff schedule until the end of that year s irrigation season. IDAHO Issued - February 21, 2001 Effective - April 1 7, 200 Per IPUC Order No. 28706 APPUCA TION CASE NO. IPC-03- Issued ATTACHMENT Johr R. Gale, Vie PAGE 63 OF 137 1 221 , IDAHO POWER COMPANYloP .C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO.1 01 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 25-2 ,IDAHO PUBLiC UTILIrfES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTI1SCHEDULE 25IRRIGATIO\J SERVICE - TIME-OF-USEFILOT PROGRl\M(OPTIONALj(Continued)APRIl fO1 APR 1 7 'n: ;;)(1; 7 ()~~l!l~ - ~ECRETARYSERVICE CONNECTIONThe Company will routinely keep service to irrigation pumps connected throughout the calendaryear with the exceptions noted below. The Company s terminDtion practices as specified under Rule F, will continue to apply with the exception that service disconnections vvill not be made curing theIrrigation Sea~on.1. Customer Request.At the Customer s reques:, the Company will disconnect serviceduring normal business hours a+ the end of the Customer s r=umpirg operation at no charge to theCustorner prcvided the Customer has proviced the Corr,pany ten working days advance notice of thedate disconnection of service is desired. Customers who request a service disconnection with less thanten working days advance no-ice are required 70 pay a $30 Service Di5connection Fee. If. at theCustomers request, a service disconnectior is performed outside of normal business hours, a $30 AfterHours Service Charge will apply.2. Customer '~aintenance . At the Customer's request, the Company will disconnect andreconnect service in order for the Customer to perform maintenancE. A disconnection with asubsequent reconnection performed within 30 days shall be considered a disccnnect and reconnectfor Customer maintenance. The Customer will be required to pay a $50 "'\aintenance Service Chargewhen service is disconnected and reconnected for Customer maintenance. If, at the ,Custorrier request a maintenance disconnect or reccnnect is performed outside of normal business hours, a $30 After Hours Service Charge will apply. The Customer Charge VIii! continue -0 apply to Custorrers whose service is disconnected for customer maintenance. Service Connection , The Company will connect service at the beginning of the Customer pumping operation without charge during normal business hours provided the Customer has provided ten working days advance notice of the date connection of service is des red. Customers who request service cc-nnecfon with less than ten working days advance notice will be charged a Service Connection Fee in the amount of $30. If, at the Customer s request a service connection is performed outside of no~mal business hours, a $30 After Hours Service Charge will apply. SEASONAL DEFINITI N The Irrigation Season is June 1 through September 30, inclusive. IRRIGATION SEASON TIME-OF-USE PERIODS (For all days including weekends ane holidays) On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak 1 om - 9 pm 9 Dm 1 pm 9 om - 9 am IDAHO Issued - February 21 , 2001 Effective - April 17, 2001 Per IPUC Order No. 28706 APPUCA TION CASE NO. IPC-03-tssue d! ATTACHMENT John R. Gale, VICE PAGE 64 OF 137 1221 W! IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVELP.C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 ORIGINAL S-HEET NO. 25-SCHEDULE 25IRR!GATION SERVICE - TIME-OF-USEPILOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)APR 1 7 'r""l"" -r ....e...'1" c~, I C' ~~.~SECRETARYAPR~;2~'lDU.,.BiLLING DEMANDThe Billing Demand is the overage kW supplied during the 15-consecutive-minute period maximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power Factor; PROVIDED That at the Companyoption ~he Billing Demone of a single motor installation of 5 horsepower and less may be equal to thenumber of hcrsepower but not less than one kW. Metered power Gem~nds in kW which exceed 130percent of the connected horsepower served through one Point. of Delivery will not be used for billingpurposes unless and until verified by field test in the presence of the Customer to be the result of normalpumping operations. If a demand in excess of 130 percent of the connected horsepower is the result ofabnormal conditions existing on the Company ' s interconn~cted system or the Customer's system,including accidental equipment failure or electrical supply interruption which results in the tsmpororyseparation of the Company s and the Customer ~- system, the Billing Demand shall be 130 percent ofthe connected horsepower. Tre Customer may appeal the Companis billing decision to the ,IdahoPublic Utilities Commission in cases of dispute.FACilITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERYAt th€ optic-n of the Ccmpany, transforr:ners 0nd other facilities ,installed beyond ,thE;' Point Delivery to provide Transmission Service may be ovvned, opera;ed, and maintained ~y the Company inconsideration of the Customer paying a FacilitiesChdrge fo,the ~ompany. Comr:any-o'v'"ned Facilities Beyond the Point of Deliver)' will be set forth in a Distribution Facilities Investment Report provided to the Customer. As the Company s investment in Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery changes in order to provide the Customer s service requirements. the Company shall ratify the CLstomer of the additions and/or deletions of facilities by forvvording to the Customer a revised Distribution Facilities Investment Repc-rt. In the event the Customer requests the Company to remove or reinstall or change Company- owned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery, the Customer shall pay to the Company the l1no'1-salvable cost" of such removal, reinstallction or change, Non-solvable cost as used herein is comprised of the total original costs of materials, labor and overheads of the facilities, less the difference be-ween the s:Jlvab!e cost of material removed and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs. POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT Where the Customer s Power Factor is less than 85 percent as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. IDAHO Issued - February 21 , 2001 Effective - April 1 7, 2001 Per IPue Order No. 28706 APPLICA T!ON CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issuec A TT ACHMENT John R. Gale, Vie PAGE 65 OF 137 221 \ IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO, 25-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCA\lCELS Approved EffectiveTHIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 25-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P,C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 25IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-Of-USEPLOT PROGRA.(OPTIONAL)(Conti nued)lVONTHl Y CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is the SUfll of th3 Customer, the TOU Metering, the Demond, the Energy,and the Facilities Charges at the following rates.SECO~~DARY SERVICECustomer Charge$10.07 per meter per month$ 2.50 per meter per month Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonTOU tv'.etering Chorqe$3.00 per meter per mon-No TOU Meter Chcrge Irrigation Season-:Jut of SeasonDemond Charqe$3.58 per k\A/ of Billing DemandNo Demand Charge Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonEnerqy Charge Effective Rate Power Cost Adiustment* Bose Rote On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak IN-SEASON 9728~ 2.8416tt .4203~ 3159~ 1.3159~ 1.3159~ 2887~ per kWr for all kWh 1575~ per kWh for all kWh 7367~ per kWh for all kWh OUT -OF-SEASON 6 172~ 1.3159'1-9331 rt per kWh for 01: kWh E.gQJities Charqe None Minimum Charge The monthly Minimum ::harge shall be the sum of the Custome' Charge, the TOU Metering Charge, the Demand Charge, and the Energy Charge. This Dower Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15/2004. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29243 Effective - NiOY 16.2003 APPLICATION Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3-13 John R. Ga1e; Vie ATTACHMENT 1221 \ PAGE 66 OF 137 --. - IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY FOURTH REVISED SH::ET NO. 25-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTHIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 25-May 2003 May 16 2003Per D.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 25IRRIGA nON SERVICE - TIME-Of-USEPILOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)MONTHLY CHp,RGE (Continued)TRANS~A!SSION SERVICECustonler Charge$85,61 per meter per morth$ 2.50 per meter per month Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonTOU Meterinq ChorqeNoneDemond Charge$3.37 per kW of Billing DemandNo Demand Charge Irrigation SeasonOut of SeasonEnergy Chorqe EffectiveRateBase Rate Power CostAdjus1ment* On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak IN~SEASON 4.7287 ~ 7021 ~ 1.35 11 ~ L3159~ 3159~ 1.3159~ 0446~ per kWh for all kWh O180~ per kWh for all kWh 6670rt per kWh for all kWh OUT-Of-SEASON 3.4396~ 1.3159ct E55ct per kWh for all kWh Focilites Charqe The Company s investmsnt in Company-o'Nned Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery times 1.7 percent. Minin-um Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the ::ustomer Charge, the Demand Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Facilities Charge. This Power Cost A.djustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No, 29243 Effective - May 16, 2003 APPLICA TION lssued CASE NO. IFC-03- John R. Gale, Vic! ATTACHMENT " 221 'A P AGE 67 0 F IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 25-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONREPLACES Approved EffectiveJRIGINAL SHEET NC, 25-Oct. 18,2002 Oct. 21 2002Per O.N. 29132Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 25IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-Of-USEPLOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)PAYMENTAll monthly billings for Electric Service supplied hereunder ore payable upon receipt, andbecome past due 15 days from the date on which rendered, (For any agency or taxing distric. whichhas notified the Company in writing that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code 9 67-2302, the pas:due date wit reflect the 60 day payment pe(od provided by Idcho Code 9 67-2302.Deposit. A deposit payment for irrigaiion Customers is required under the following conditions:1. Existing Customers: Customers who have t\lvO or, 'T1ore reminder notices for nonpaymentof Electric Service during a 12-rronth period or who have service disconnected for non-payment will berequired to pay a deposit, or provide a guarantee of payment from a tank or financial institutionacceptable to the Company, A reminder notice is issued approximately 45 days after the bill issue doteif the balance owing for Electric Service totals $100 or more or approximately 105 days after the bill issuedate for Customers meeting the provisions of Idaho Code ~ '67-2302. 7he deposit for a specificinstallation will be computed as follows:Monthly Billing Demand will be determined by mult.iplying 80 percent times theconnected horsepower. Monthly Energy (billing kWh) will be determined by rYlultiplying 50 percent times 720 hours times the Monthly Billing Demand. The Monthly Billing Demand and the MDnthly Energ'i will be multiplied by the current rates and added to the Irrigotion In-Season Customer Charge to determine the estimated monthly bill. The estimated monthl'f bill will be multiplied by a factor of one and one-half (1.5). 2, New Customer: A deposit may t,e required for a new Customer at the Company discretion. The deposit for a specific installation will be computed using the same methodology outlined for Existing Cus1omers. IDAHO Issued per IPUC Order No. 29132 Effective - October 21, 2002 APPLICA TIONIssued CASE NO. IPC-03-John R. Gale, VIet ATTACHMENT 1221 V\PAGE 68 OF 137 IDAHO POWER CaMP ANYLP.C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO.1 01 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 25-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEse HEDU LE 25IRRIGATION SERVICE - TIME-Of-USEPILOT PROGRA,(OPTIONAL)Continued)Affi 1 7 '!"I'( --tr1 - c~ J'D- ;;2.Ci;"/ L" u"tf). SECRETARYAPR 17'PAYMENT (Continued)3. ~cv or Receivership An adequate assurance of payment as agreed to by theutility or as may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction Dr the IPue shall be required from anyCustomer for whom an order for relief has been entered under the federal bankruptcy laws. or torwhom a receiver has been appointed in a court proceeding. The maximum amount required for eacnseason shall not exceed a payment equal to CJ deposit. For each irrigation season, an adequat:;~ssurance of ,:-ayment shall be required as agreed to by the utility, or os may be ordered by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction, or the IPUC, This requ rement shall continue from the date of the order for reliefin bankruptcy, or the court appointing a receiver, until1he debtor s discharge in bankruptcy or thedismissal of the court proceeding. A Customer who has been discharged from bankruptcy, or whosereceivership proceeding has beEn terminated will be required 10 pay a deposit at the start of thefollowing season 10 tne extent required by the payment provisions listed under the other II Payment"sections of this schedule. APPLICATION F DEPOSIT INTERESTInterest will be computed by the Company on irrigation deposits required under this schedule the annual percentage rate determined by t'le Commission under Utility Customer Relations Ru1es 106,02. The irrigation deposit, with accrued interest, will be applied to the Customer s account Jpon d:Jte of disconnection or at the time the Customer September bill is prepared, whichever is earlier. Each irrigation Customer, upon making a deposit payment, will be required to furnish to the Company an IRS Tax Identification or Social Security number for the Company s IRS reporting req uire men ts. jf a Customer tenders to jhe Company an irrigation deposit which has not been requested or demanded bV the Company, the Company may refuse to accept and retain such deposit. If. however, the Company accepts or retains the deposit, the Company will apply the deposit to the Customer s account and no interest will be paid. L~TE PAYMENT CHARGE A Late Payment Charge will be assessed Customers receiving service under this schedu1e as provided under Schedule 66. IDAHO Issued - February 21 , 2001 Effective - April 17, 2001 D.-.r IDllr rh",.4QY t\.Jt"\ ?A7()A APPLICA I lor"-J CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issued ATTACHMENT John R. Gale. Vie PAGE 69 OF 137 1221 v '~-~,-"_.~., IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIFTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 40-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveFOURTEENTH REVISED S~EET NO, 40-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per O,N. 29243Jean D. Jewell Secretary!.P.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 40UNMETERED GENERAL SERVCEAVAilABILITYService under this schedule is availcble at points on the Company s interconnected systemvvithin the State of Idaho vv'here existirg secondary distribution facilities of Ddequate capacity, phaseand voltage are available adjacent to the ::ustomer s Premises and the only investment required bythe Company is on overhead service drop.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule applies to Electric Service for the Customer s single- or multiple-unitloads up to 1,800 watts per unit where the sire of the load and period of operation are fixed and, as aresult, actual usage can be accurately determined. Service may irclude, but is not limited to, streetend highway lighting, security J:ghting, telephone booths one CATV power supplies v/hich serve lineamplifiers. Facilities to supply service under this schedule shall be installed so that service o:Jnnot beextended to the Customer s loads served under other schedules. Service under this schedule is notapplicable to shored or temporary service, or to the Customer ; loads on Premises which have meteredservice.SPECIAL TERN,S AND CONDITIONSThe Customer she ll pay f:)r all Company investfT\ent, ~xcept the ove:head -service drop, requiredto provide service requested bV the Customer. 'The Custome~ is resoonsH:le for instamng~,"owning andmaintaining all equipment. including necessary undergrou\td circuitry and related facilities to connect v-lith the Compony facilities at the CoMpany designated Point of Delivery', If the Customer equipment is not properly maintained, service to the specific equipment wi! be terminated. Energy used by CATV power supplies which serve line amplifiers will be determined by the power supply manufacturer s nameplate input rating assuming continuous operation. The Company is only responsible for sJpplying energy to the Point of Delivery and, at its expense, may check energy consumption at any time. \t\ONTHL Y CHARGE The average monthly kY/h of energy usage shall be estimated by 1he Company, based on the Customer s electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of cperation thereof. Since the service provided is unmetered, failure of the Customer s equipment will no1 be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computedDt the following rate: Base Rote 68\t Power Cost Adius1ment 604\t Effective Rote 284\t per kWh for all kWh Minirrum Charge $1.50 per month This Power Cost Adjustment (SchedLle 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. APPL!CA TION ISSUE CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, \ ATT ACI-,MENT 1221 PAGE 70 OF 137 IDAHO Issued Per !PUe Order Nc. 29243 Effective - tV,ay 16, 2003 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ORIGINAL SHEET . 40-IDAHO PU BL \C UT 'LiT ESCOM M ISS\ONAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 40UNMETERED GENERAL ERVICE(Continued)FEE 3 - '95 FEB 1 - 112 SECRETAfftThe monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomespast due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - February 3, 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Fer IPUC Order No. 25880 APPUCA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issue4 ATTACHMENT D, H. Jack PAGE 71 OF 137 1221 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONC A NC ELS Approved EffectiveTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO, 41-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICEAY AILABILITYService under this schedlle is available throughout the Company s service area within the Stateof Idaho where street lighting wires and fixtures can be installed on the Company's existing distributionfacilities.APPLICABILITYService under this schecule is applicable to service required by rrunici~ali1ies or ag:;ncies federal, state, or county governments tor ~he lighting of public streets, alleys, pl,lblic grounds, andthoroughfares. Street lighting lamps wU be energized each night from dusk until dawn.SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIOCStreet lighting facility locations, type of un t and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time bywritten request of the Customer and agreed to by the Compcny, shall be as shown on an Exhibit A toreach Customer receiving service under this schedule. The in-service date for each street lighting facility\\fill be maintained on the Exhibit A.The minimum service pe~iod tor any street lighting facilit'is 10 years. The Company, upon writtennotification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting, fdc lity: At no cost to the Customer, if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period; Upon payment to the Comr:ony of the removal cost. if such facility has been in ser/ice for less than the l1inimum ser'/ice period. A" - OVERHEAD LIGHTING - COMPANY-OWNED SYSTEM The facilities required tDr supplying service, including fixture, lamp, control relay, m:Jst arm or mounting on an existing utility pole, and energy for the operation thereof, are supplied, installed, Dvvned and maintained by the Company. All necessary repairs, maintenance work, including g~oup lamp replacemert and glassware cleaning, will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheculed working hours of the Company on the Compcny s schedule. Individual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon :J$ reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company s operating schedules and requirements. MONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMP High Pressure Sodiu m V cpor 100 'watt 200 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 550 19,800 45,000 Base Rate $ 6. $ 7.44 $10. Power Cost Adiustment* $0. $0.48 $1. Effective Rate $ 6. $ 7. $ 11.60 This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effec1ive Rate exr::ire May 15, 2004. A~PLl~A IIUN Issue' CASE NO. !PC-O3- John R. Gale, Vi ATTACHMENT 1 221 PAGE 72 OF 137 IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No, 29243 Effective - May 16, 2003 ..- -, - -. - IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCA'-JCELS Approved EffectiveTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-May 16,2003 May 16,2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.F .C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO.1 01 SCHEDULE 41STREET LlGHllNG SERVICEIContinued)ADDITIONAL f'..\ONTHl Y RATEFor Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for streetlighting only:Wood pole ,..."...........,... ".......... .............................,......,....$1.71 per poleSteel pole ..."",..................,........,...,..",..........,...................,$6.80 per poleUNDERGROUND CIRCUITS will be installed when the Customer pays the estimated costdifference between overhead and underground, or the Customer agrees TO pay a monthly charge of1.75 percent Df the estimcted cost difference.8" - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM.The Customer s lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lampsand underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Conlpany s distribution system, installed and owned by the Customer.Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system, energy, lamp rene'vvals,cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective ballasts and photocells which ore standard to theCompony-o\'vned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing::ables,standords. 'oroken glas5"/v'ore or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of rnetal poles, MONTHLY CHARGE PER LAMP High Pressure Average Base Power Cost Effective Sodium Vor:;or Lumens Rate diustment*Rate 100 \Ar 550 $3.4 5 $0.$ 3, 200 \Nott 1 9,800 $4.75 $0.48 $ 5, 250 Watt 24.7 50 $5,$0.$ 6. 400 V'latt 45,000 $7.$1.$ 8, This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55:1 , and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004. PAY tV,ENT The Monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upor. receipt, and becomes post due 15 days trom the date on vvhich rendered. IDAHO Issued Per I;)UC Order No. 29243 Effective - May 16,2003 APPLICATION Issue( CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. GCtle, Vi1 ATTACHMENT 1221 PAGE 73 OF 137 IDAHO POW::R COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 41-3 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCA '-JCELS Approved EffectiveORIGINAL ShEET NO. 41-Oct. 3, 2002 Oct. 21 J 2002Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP .C. 1'10.26, T.hfS.lELNO, 101 SCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICE(Continued)AVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available throughout the Company s service area within the State ofIdaho to any Customer who, on October 31, 1981 \NOS receiving service under this schedule.APPliCABILITYService under this schedule is applicable to service required by municipalities for the lighting ofpublic streets, alleys, public grounds, and thoroughfares, Skeet lighting lamps will be energized each nightfrom dusk until da\ivn.SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIODStreet lighting facility locations, type " of unit and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time bywritten request of the Customer and agreed to by the Company, sholl be as shown on an Exhibit A foreach Customer receiving service under this schedule. The in-service date for each street lighting facilitywill be maintained on the Exhibit A.The minimum service period for any street lighting facility is 10 years. The Company, upcn writtennotification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting facility: A t no cost to the Customer. if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period: Upon payment to the Company of the removal cost, if such facility has been in service for less than the minimum service period. A" - OVERHEAD LIGHTING - COMPANY-OWNED SYSTEM The facilities required for supplying service, including fixture, lamp, control relay, ma~t arm for mounting on an existing utility pole, and energy for the opera"ion thereof. are supplied, install~d, owned and mairtained by the Company. All necessary repairs, maintenance work, including group lamp replacement and glassware cleaning, will be performed by the Company during the regularly scheduled working hours of the Company on the Company s schedule, Individual lamps will be replaced en burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company s opera1ing schedules and requirements. IDAHO Issued - September 20. 2002 Effective - October 21, 2002 Advice No, 02- Issuec APPLICATlt)N John R. Gale, Vie CASE NO. IPC-03- 1221 \ ATTACHMENT PAGE 74 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTHIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLF.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 41STREET L1GHlING SERVICEtillJ::~lEW2ERYlCf(Continued)ONTHL Y CHARGE PER LAiV\PverageLumen~BaseRate Power CostAciustment*EffechveRateMercufY Vapor175 Wett400 Watt 70018,800 $ 6.$11.59 $0.42$0,7.41$12.High PressureSodium Vapor50 Watt250 Watt 13,80024,750 $ 6.$ 8.42 $0.$0.63 $ 7.$ 9.05This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15,2004.ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RATEFor Comoany-owned poles installed aHef October 5, 1964 required to be u~ed 'for streetI'ghting only, Woed Pole ....................u........,.,.......,........................ ;...."., $1.71 per pole Stee1 Pole .......,..............n.....""'..""""'.'."""""'"...............$6.80 per pole UNDERGROUND CIRCUITS will be installed wnen the Customer pays the estimated cost difference between overhead and underground. or the Customer agrees to pay a monthly charge of 1.75 percent of the estimated cost difference. B" - ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING - CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM The Customer s lighting 5ystell' , including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company s distr bution system, installed and owned by the Customer. Service supplied by the Company includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals, cleaning of glassware, and replaceITlent of defective ballasts and photocells which are standard to the Company owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables , stanjards. broken glassware or fixtures, or painting or refinishing of metal poles. IDAHO Issued Per IFUC Order No. 29243 Effective - I\\ay 16 2003 APPLICA IIUN CASE NO. IPC-O3-ssue ATTACHMENT John R. Gate, V!I PAGE 75 OF 137 1221 , - -. . - , -. - . . IDAHO POWER COMPANYI.F .C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101"IIONTHL Y CHARGE PER LAMPIncondescen1AverageLumens500MerCLTY Vapor1 75 Watt400 Watt1000 \Vott 6541 9, 12547,000High PressureSodium Vapor70 Watt 20(;THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 41-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretarySCHEDULE 41STREET LIGHTING SERVICE(Continued)BaseRote$ 2.Power CostAdiustment*$0.40 EffectiveRate$ 3.$ 5.$ 823$14.02 $0 .4 2$0.$2.$ 5.$ 9,$16.$ 3,$0.$ 3.This Power Cost Adjustrr,ent (Schedute 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004.PA YMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered, APPLICATION Issued CASE NO. IPC-03- John R. Gale. Vie ATTACHMENT 1 221 V PAGE 76 0 ~ IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 292L3 Effective- May 16,2003 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIFTEENT -1 REVISED SHEET NO. 42-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveFOURTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 42-May 16, 2003 May 16 , 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO.1 01 SCHEDULE 42TRA-FFI: CONTROL SIGNALLIGHTING SERVICEAPPLICABILITYService under this schedule is applicable 10 Electric Service required for 1he operation of hoffiecontrol signal lights wi1hin the State of Idaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts ors;andards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable,The traffic control signal fixtures, inclLding posts or standards, brackets, mast arm, cable, lamps,control mecr,onisms, fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point of. and with suitable terminals for.connection 10 the Company s undergrourd or overhead distribution system, are install~c, owned,maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for theoperation of traffic control signcllights.MONTHLY CHARGES1he cverage monthly kVvh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company based on thenumber and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the overage number of hours perday the signal is operated: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, at the Company s option, the wattage of the signal!lay be determined by test.Base Rate1059'-Power CostAdiustment6049'-EffectiveRate3.709y! This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effective Rate expire May 15, 2004. PA YMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from tr,B date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No. 29243 Effective - May 16, 2003 APPLICA TION Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMENT 1 221 PAGE 77 OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY NINTH REVISED SHEET NO. 42-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCA "CELS Approved ,EffectiveEIGHTH REVISED SHEET NO. 42-April 28, 2003 May 16, 2003Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.F.C. NO. 26, TARIF= NO. 101 LEFT BLANK IHTENTIONALl Y IDAHO Issued - April 7, 2003 Effective - Iv\ay 1 6, 2003 Advice No. 03-01 Ar'r'LlCA I IUN Issued ~ CASE NO. IPC-D3- John R. Gale, Vice ATTACHMENT 1221 Volt PAGE 78 OF 137 , --" , - "-, -, IDAHO POWER COMPANY1J:..U.C, NO. 26. tARIFF NO. lQJ INAL SHEET NO IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 45STANDBY SERVICE FEB 3 - 'FEB 1 - '95)2 SECRETARYAVAILABILITYStandby Service under this schedule is avaUable at points on the Company s 1nterconnec1edsystem within the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phose andvoltage are available, If additional distribution facilities are required to supply the desired service. thosefacilities provided for under Rule H will be provided under the terms and ccnditions of that rule, To thee:dent that additional facilities not provided for under Rule H. including transmission and/or substationfacilities, ore required to provide the requested service, special arrangements will be made in aseparate agreement between the Customer:Jnd the Company.Standby Service is available only to Customers taking power and energy under a Uniform LorgePower Service Agreement (Schedule 19).Service under this schedu1e is applicable to Customers utilizing on-site generation who requestStandby Service from the Company.These service provisions are not applicable to service for resale, to service where on-sitegeneration is used for only emergency supply. or to cogenerators or small power producers who havecontracted tc supply power and energy. Service shall be provided only ofter the Uniform Standby Service Agreement is executed by the Customer and the Company, The term of the Agreement shall be for one '~ear and shall automatically renew and extend each year, unless terminated under the provisions of the Agreement. The Uniform Standby Service Agreement will automatically be canceled upon terrrinotion of the Schedule Uniform Large Power Service Ag~eement between the Customer and the Company. The Type of Service provided under this schedule is three-phase at approximat*='Y 60 cycles and ot the primary voltage available at the Premises to be served, but not less tnan 12.5 kilovolts; SupplemenTary Con~Demand: The firm power contracted for by the Customer under the Schedule 19 Uniform Large Power Service Agreement. ~ementary Billing Demand:The firm power supplied by the Company on a continuous basis to supplement the Customer s own generation. Supplementary Billing Demand is equal to the total average kW supplied during the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power Factor. bLlt not less than 750 KW nor greater than Supplementary Contract Demond. Supplementary Billing Demand is billed monthly under the Demand Charge provisions of Schedule 19. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1, 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPLICA TION Issue! CASE NO. IPC-O3- 0 H k ATTACHMEf\T , ' ' PAGE 79 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANYL.E:.U.C. NO. 26. ~O. 101 ORIGI NAL StiEET NO. 45-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSK)NAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 455T AN BY SERVI (Continued)FEB 3 - '95 FEB 1 - 'J2 SECRETARY,DEFINITIONS (Continued)Standby Contract Demand : The self-generation backup power contracted for by the Customerunder the Uniform Standby Service Agreement.tandb BUlin Demand: The power supplied by the Company to backup the Customer s owngeneration. Standby Billing Demand is equal to the total average kW supplied durir,g the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power Factor.less Supplementary Contract Demond, but not less than zero.Total ontroct Demand: The sum of the Supplementary Contract Demand and the StandbyContract Demand.Available Standb Co oci The Total Contract Demand less the Supplementary Billing Demandand the Standby Billing Demand, but not more than the ,Standby Contract Demand.Excess Demand: The total average kW supplied during the 15-consecutive-minute period ofmaximum use each day. adjusted for Power Fac1or, which exceeds the T otoI' Contr9ct Demandby more than 5 percent. Total Enerav ReQuirement:The total energy supplied by the' Company for supplementary andstandby purposes,. The Total Energy Requirement" is ' billed monthlv under the Energy Chorgeprovisions of Schedule 19. ' , 'C' Where the Customers Power factor is less than 85 percent. as determ;ned by measurement under , actual load conditions. the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Supplementary Billing Demand, the Standby Billing Demand, and any Excess Demand by multiplying the measured by 85 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. Any Company investment in Facilities Beyond the Point of Delivery will be provided under the terms and conditions of Schedule 19. Parallel operations will only be authorized by the Company under the terms of the Uniform Standby Service Agreement with the Customer. The Company will install a system protection package at the Customer's expense prior to the start of parallel operations, The Customer will also pay a Maintenance Charge of 0.7 percent per month times the investment in the protection package. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issued A TT ACHMEhJT D. H. Jocks( PAGE 80 OF 137 1221 'A ~~~~C UTILITIES COMMISSIONEFFECTI'/EAU9) 1 5 '95 AUG 15 '~=-- Jz SECRETARYIDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO, 45-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO, 45..I.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 4581 ANDBY SERVICE(Continued)MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge for Standby Service is the sum of the Standby Reservation Charge, the StandbyDemand Charge , and the Excess Demand Charge , if any, at the following rates:Standby Reservation Char~$1.48 per kW of Available Standby Capacity for Customers taking Primary Service$0.61 per kW of Available Standby Capacity for Customers taking Transmission ServiceStandby Demand Charqg$3.85 per kW of Standby Billing Demand for Customers taking Primary Service$3,73 per kWof Standby Billing Demand for Customers taking Transmission Service~xcess Demand Charqe$0.50 per kW times the SU:r\ of the daily Excess Demands recorded during the Billing Period , plus$5.00 per kW for the highest Excess Demand recorded during the Billing Period. This chaq;;e will notbe prorated.MINIMUM CHARGEThe monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Standby Reservation Charge , the Standby Demand Charge , and the Excess Demand Charge. CONTRIBUTION TOWARD MINIMUM CHARGES ON OTHER SCHEDULES Any Standby Service Charges paid under this schedule shall not be considered in deternining the Minimum Charge under any other Company schedule, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and b~comes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - August 14, 1995 Effective - August 15, 1995 Ar'r'LlCA IK)N CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issued ATTACHMEt...JT D. H. Jacks( PAGE 81 OF 137 1221 '" IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NC,. 45-4CA~JCELSORIGINAL SHEET NC', 45-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILiTiES COM MiSSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEI.P,C, NO, 26. TARIFF NO, 101 OCT24 NOV 9 - '0 1SCHEDULE 45ST P,NDBY SERVICEIDAHO POWER COMPANY.UNIFORM STANDBY SERVICE AGREEMENT Ifj. SECRETARYDISTRICT,tCCOUNT NO,THIS AGREEMENT Made this day of 20 betweenwhose blUing address Is hereinafter caned Cu8omer, andIDPHO PO~VER COrvPANY, A corporation with its prlncipa! office located ot 1221 West Idaho SHeet. Boise, idaho, hereinafter called Company:NOW, 'fHEREFORE,1he portles agree os follows:1 , The Company w \I agree to provice Standby Service to the Customer's facilities located at or nearCounty Df -J State of Idaho. in ihe form of three phase.Service subject to emergency operatl ng conditions of the Company, JO!t, Electric2. The Standby Contract Demand povided by this ,Agreement Is - kW, The Company ww provide electricpcwer and energy. in backup to the Customer s on-site generation. up to the amount of 1he stated Standby Contrad Demand.3, The availability of power in exce~s of the Standby Contract Demand stated in Paragraph 2 above is not guaranteed andits tokjng b'( the Customer may result in a complete or partiol curtailment of sEN!ce to the Customer, The Company has The righ: 10 install, atthe Customer's expense, any device necessary to pretect the Company s systeTi from damage whiCh may be c:Jused by the taking of powerIn excess of the Standby Contract Demand. TI'I€ Cus-omer wi! be responsible for any Gomages to the Company s system or darrages' to thirdparties resulting from the Customer s taking Of power in excess of the Standby Contract Demand.The terms of this Agreement will rot become binding upon the parties until signed by both parties.5, At the Company' sale discretion arid after receiving written autrlonzatiori from the Company, the Customer may operatein parallel with thE Company s system. Parallel operations 'oNill be In accordance v.1th the' Compon:!,s Stonoards ' for Intercornection andParallel or:erations and the tariff provisions for Standby SeN!ce. MY violation of these provisions will re~.ult In the immedate disconnection of tre parallel operation,,. The Initio! date of service under this Agreement is subject to the Cpmpony's obil1ty -0 obtain the reqJired lobor. materials. equipment, and sctistoctorv rights-of-way, and to comply with govern'TIenta! regulations. ,7, The term of this Agreenen1 will be for one year from and after the Initial Service Date thereof. and will automatically renew and extend each year thereofter unless written notice of termination !s given by either PClrty 10 the other not less than 12 months prior to the desired termination dote. This AQreement will automot!cclly be canceled upon termination of the Customer's Urliform Lorge Power Service Pgreement.8. Too Customer agrees to hold harmless and Indemnify the Company. Its officers, cgents, and employees, against 011055. damage, expense and liability to third pe'Sons or 'njury to or death of person or in;ury to p~operty proximately caused by the Customer constructlcn ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of. any of the Customer s generating facilities.9, This Agreement and the rates, terms and condltons of service set forth or incorporated herein, and the respective rights cnd obligations Oi the parties hereunder, \,o..m be subject to valid laViS and to the regulatory CJJthority and orders. rules olld regulations ot the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction, 10. Nothirg herein will be construed os limiting the Idaho Public Uti1\ties Commission from changirg any rates, charges, clossifico1lon or service, or any rules. regulation or conditions relating to seNlce under this ,Agreement. or construed as affecting the right of the Company or the Customer to unilaterally rroke app1ication to the Commission for an',' such change. 11, this .AGreement, The Companvs Schedule 45, any revisicns to that schedule, and/or any successor schedule IS to be considered as part of 12, !n any action at law or equity commerced under this Pgreeme.t and upon whl:::h judgMent is rendered, the prevaHlng party, as part of such judgment, will be anti-led to recover 01 costs, Including reasonable attorneys feet incurred on account of such action, 13,ThiS Agreement replaces and supersejes the AQreernent between the parties dated the day of Dote . INITIAl SERVICE O';TE (APPRO PRIA TE SIG NATURE S)APPliCATION CASE NO. IPC-O3- ATTACHMENT PAGE 82 OF 137 IDAHO ssued - October 10,2001 ::ffective - November 9,2001 issued John R. Gale, Vie 1221 V\ IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISS~ONAPPROVED EFFECTNEORIGINAL SHE FEB 3 - 'fEB 1- 1SCHEDULE 46ALTERNATE DISTRIBUTION SERVICE 12 .J'ki'~.~JG-SECRflARYAVAilABILITYAlternate Distribution Service under this schedule is available at points on' the Company s inter-connected sys1em within the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and d~siredphase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Alternate Distribution Service is desired, andwhere additional investment by the Company for new distribution facilities is not necessary to supply therequested service. When additional transmission or substation facilities are required. separatearrangements will be made between the Cus1omer and the Company.A1temate Distribution Service is available only to Customers taking Primary Service underSchedule 9 or 19.AGREEMENTService shall be provided only after the Uniform Alternate Distribution Service Agreement executed by the Customer and the Company. The term of the initial agreement shall be dependentupon the investment required by the Company to provide the Alternate Distribution Service. but shall inno event be less than one year. The Uniform Alternate Distribution Service Agreemenf shallautomatically renew and extend each year, unless terminated under the provisions of the AgreementTYP~ OF S~V~Alternate Distribution SerVice consis1s of c second. distribution circuit to the Customer which backs up the Customer's regular distribution circuit through an '9utomatic switching device; Alternate Distribution Service facilities include, but are not limited ,to, the automatic switching device and that portion of the distribution substarion and the distribution line required to prcvide the service. lhe"~ kW of Attemate Distribution Service capacity shall be specified in the Uniform Alternate Distribution Service Agreement ANDARD The Altemate Distribution Service provided under this schedule is not an uninterruptible supply and is subject to the same standard of service as provided under Rule J. MONTHLY CHAR The Monthly Charge is the sum of the Capacity Charge and the Mileage Charge at the following rates: Copaci~harae $1.26 per contracted kW of capaci1y MileaQe Charge 005 per kW per tenth of a mile in excess of 1.7 miles. The distribution line will be measured to the nearest tenth of a mile from the Alternate Distribution Service substation to the automatic switching device, IDAHO Issued ao February 3. 1995 Effective ao February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order NOa 25880 APPL1CA T!ON Issuec CASE NO. IPC-03- 0. H. Jaclq ATTACHMENT 1221 \ PAGE 83 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTlt~TIES COMM1SS1ONHEET NO. 46-APPROVED EFFECTIVEFEB 3 - 'FEB 1- 'SCHEDULE 46ALTERNATE DISTRIBUTION SERVICE(Continued)j2. ~SECRET ARYThe au1omotic switching device will be owned, operated. and maintained by the Company inconsideration of the Customer paying to the Company a Facilities Charge of 1.7 percent per monthtimes the Company s investment in such facilities.HEDUlESAny alternate Distribution Service charges paid under this schedule shall not be considered determining the Minimum Charge under any other Company schedule.PAYMENTThe monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt. and becomespast due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO Issued - February 3, 1995 Effective - February 1, 1995 Per I PUC Order No. 25880 A~PUCA! ION CASE NO. IPC-O2-Issue ATTACHMENT D. H. Joc~ PAGE 84 OF 137 1221 IO..\HO POWER COMPANY ELEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 55-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 55-May 16~ 2003 May 16, 2003Per C.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P,C. NO. 26 TARIFF NO. 'SCHEDULE 55POWER COST ADJUSTMENTAPPLICABILITYThis schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all Idaho re1ail Customers syrvedunder the Company s schedules, to the primary portion of the fMC Specie Contract, and to all otherIdaho retaH Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule,BASE POWER COSThe Base PO'Ner Cost of the Company s rates is computed by dividing the Company po~/erC:Jst components by firm kWh load, The power cost components are the sum of , fuel expense andpurchased power expense (inclJding purchDses from cogeneration and small power producers), lessthe surn of of1-system surplus sales revenue end Ff\A,C secondarv load revenue. The Bose Power Cost 5238 cents per kWh.PROJECTED POWER COSTThe Projected Povver Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the pov-Iercost ccmponents for the forecasted ti'l1e period beginning Ap~il 1 each year and ending the following'March 31, The Projected Power Cost is 0.7971 cents per k'vVh.. ITRUE-The True-up is based upon the difference between ,the previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The True-up is 0.3579 cents .per k1Nh, POWER COST ADJUSTMENT The Power Cost AdjustiTent is 90 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Cost and the Base Power Cost Qlill the True-up. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment applied to the Energy rate for Irrigation Service (Schedules 24 and 25) is 1.3159 cents per kWh, for Sma'! General Service I:Schedule 7) is 0.8477 cents per kWh and Large Power Service (Schedule 19) is 0.8217 cents per kWh, The monthly Power Cost Adjustment Dpplied to the Energy rete of an other metered schedules and Special Contracts is 0.6039 cents per (Wh. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment applied to the per unit charges of the nonmetered schedules is the monthly estimated usage times 0.6039 cents per kWh. EXPIRA TION The Power Cost Adjustrrent included on this schedule will expire May 15, 2004. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No, 29243 Effective - J\llay 16, 2003 APPLICATIO\J Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3- - ATTACHMENT Johr R. Gale, VIC PA 1 221 F 1 ID,~HO POWER COMPANYLP,C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 56-CANCELSSECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 56-IDAHO PUBLIC UTIUTIES COMMISSIOAPPROVED EFFECTIVEAPR 3 0 'MAY 1- 'Al~ SECRETARYEXPIRED AS OF MAY 1 2001 APPLICA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issued ATTACHMENT John R. Gale, Vie PAGE 86 OF 137 221 'If IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 28722 Effective - May 1, 2001 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC U1!LITIESCOMMISSlONORIGINAL SHEET NO. 60-1 APPROVED EFFECTIVE1.P.C. NO. 26, FEB 1 - 'SCHEDULE 60SOLAR PHOTOVOlTAIC SERVICE FEB 3 - t J2 SECRETARYService under this schedu!e is availab;e to Customers Who have entered into a Uniform ,Solar.,.Photovoltaic Service Agreement with the Company. New service under this schedule will not beavailable ofter November 15. 1996.Photovoltaic System is the solar photovoltaic module(s:l. the module mounting structure, thecontrol structure. the control equipment. any necessary w,iring, any batteries and/or back-upgenerator. if required, and any other equipment necessary to provide servi~e under thisschedule. The Company shall have sole ownership of the Photovolt:Jic System during the termof the Uniform Solar Photo'~ottaic Service AgreementPoint of ervice is the point where the Customer s electric system is connected to thePhotovoltaic SystemwTotal Installed Cost is the estimated total cost for the installation of. or modification ,to.' thePhotovoltaic System inclwding but not limited to the Co mpany s investment in facilities, laboLmaterial and supplies. and overheads. Net Installed ost i~ the Tctallnstallec;:l Cost less the Initiql f~e. ~tomer Site is the installation site and facilities 'as det~rmined by the Company which are necessary for the installation of the Photovoltaic System. The Customer Site facilities are not included as part of the Photovoltaic System unless specifically stcted by the Company and included in the Solar Photovoltaic Facilities Investment Report. Salvage Value is the market value ot the photovoltaic facilities at the time they are removed from the Customer s premises. Faci1i Termination Char e is the Total Installed Cost of the Photovoltaic System less the sum 80 percent of the accumulated depreciation and 60 percent of the Salvage Value of the facilities removed plus the removal cost In no event will the Facility Termination Charge be less ihan the removal cost. Requests for service under this schedule which have Total Installed Cost of no more than $50.000. which ore located in areas reasonably accessible by standard utility vehicles, and which are cost effective alternatives are el;gible for service under this schedule. In de:ermining eligibility under this schedule, the Company will consider the remoteness. accessibility. load size. load profile. solar resource. and solar impediments of the requested site as well as the suitability of the Customer Site. Requests which have special access requirements may be granted at the discretion of the Campen)i provided that reasonable alternative access provisions are met and/or the Company is compensated for its special access related costs. Any special access provisions will be included in an addendum to the Uniform Solar Photovoltoic Service Agreement. The Company has the sale right to ultimately determineeliQibili~s schedule.A~)PUCAIIUNIDAHO Issued CASE NO. I?C-03-Issued - February 3, 1995 D. H. Jacks( A IT ACHMENT Effective - February L 1995 1221 '\f'W PAG:: 87 OF 137 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 IDAHO POWER COMPANYhP.C. NO. 26. IARlffJ'JO. lQJ NO. 60-2IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISS.ONAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 60SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SERVICEPILOT PROGRAMIContinued)FES 3 - '95 FEB 1- 'JL ~S€CRETARYINITIAL FEEAn Initiol Fee equal to 5 percent of the Total Installed CO5t of the Photovoltaic System is requiredfrom the Customer at the time t,e Uniform Solar Photovoltaic Service Agreement is executed. If amodification to the Photovoltaic System which increases the Total Installed Cost is requestedsubsequent to the time the Uniform Solar Photovoltaic Service Agreement is executed. an additionalInitial fee equal to 5 percent of the Total Installed Cost of the modification \vill be required prior to theinstallation of such modification to the Photovoltaic System, The Initial Fee is non-refundable unless theCompany determines that it will not install the Photovoltaic System.SERVICES PROVIDEDThe Photovoltaic System will be specified by the Company based upon the service requirementsrequested by the Customer, Upon determiration by the Company that 1he Customer is eligible forservice under this schedule. and upon receipt from the Customer of the Initial Fee, the Company willproceed with tne installation plars for the Phctovoltaic System.All repair and maintenance of the Photovoltaic System will be provided by the Company.Prudent utility practices will be fa-lowed for all necessary repair or maintenance. The Company will useits best effort to provide the CusTomer a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to performing pre'/entativemaintenance. Any use by the Customer of the Photovoltaic System not in compliance with the design specifications for such system or not in compliance with the provisions of this schedule may result in the removal by the Company of the Photovoltaic System. The Company reserves the right to remove the Photovoltaic System if the Company determines that the continued use of the facilities by the Customer poses a threat of injury or damage to persons or property. Non-payment of the monthly charges under this schedule may also result in the removal by the Company of the Photovoltaic System~ APPUCA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3- ATTACHMENT PAGE 88 OF 137 The Customer is responsible for providing the Customer Site and the connections from the Point of Service to the Customer's facilities. and for permitting the Company appropriate access to the Photovoltaic System. The Cus~omer Site and Customer connections must be approved by the Company and must meet all State and Local Codes. The Company may. at its sole discretion. install and/or own Customer Site facilities and include the cost of such facilities in the Total Installed Cost. If a back-up generator is included with the Photovoltoic System. the Customer is responsible for providing. at the Customer s expense. the fuel required for the operation of such generator, Electric Service under this schedule is limited to that provided by the Photovoltaic System. The Company is under no obligation to provide Electric Service to the Customer at any time by means of the Company s transmission or distribution system. IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 Issuec D. H. Jocks 1221 ~ IDAHO POWER COMPANY ORI INAl SHEET N IDAHO PUBL1C UTILITIES COMMISStONAPFROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 60SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SERVICEfl.lOT PROGRAM(Continued)FEB 3 - ~FEB 1 - '~/kt- )2 SECRETARVIn the even1 the Company removes the Photovoltaic System under the provisions of this section.the Customer will be obliga1ed to pay to the Company the Facility Termination Charge~The Total Installed Cost of the Photovoltaic System will be set forth in a Solar Phc-tovoltoicFacilities Investment Report provided to the Customer. The monthly charge for service' under thisschedule is based on the Total Installed Cost, less the Initial Fee, as reflected on this Report. \\'hen theactual book cost of the installed Photovoltaic System has been determined by the Company. the TotalInstalled Cost will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost and the corresponc ing monthly charge will bereduced if the actual cost is more than 10 percent less than the Total Installed Cost included on theReport. In no event will the monthly charge be increased if the actual cost is greater than the TotalInstalled cost, , If the Photovoltaic Systerr is modified in order to provide for changes in the Customer's servicerequirements. the Solar Photovoltaic Facilities Investment Report and the corresponding monthlycharge for service will be odjusted to reflect the modification, Additions If the Customer requests a modification to the Photovoltaic System, the Customer will be requlred to pay an additional Initial Fee equal to 5 percent of the Total Installed Cast of the modification prior to the instal1ati-:)n of the modification. Removals If the Customer requests a portion of the Photovoltaic System be removed. the Customer shall pay to the Company the Facility Termination Charge for that portion of the Photovoltaic System removed. If the Customer requests the Photovoltaic System in its entirety be removed. the provisions of the Agreement Termination section below will apply. AGREEMENT TERMINATI N ustomer Termination: If the Customer cancels the Uniform Solar Photovoltoic Service Agreement at the end of any of the five year terms of the Agreement the Customer shall have the option of either 1) purchasing the Photovoltaic System at the Companll's T o1al Installed Cost less accumulated depreciation. or 2:1 requesting ~he Company remove the Photovoltaic System and paying to the Company the cost of removing the facilities. If the Customer cancels the Uniform Solor Photovoltaic Service Agreemert during the term of the Agreement, the Customer sholl pay to the Company the Facility Termination Charge, Company Termination If the Company cancels the Uniform Solar PhotolJoltaic Service Agreement at any time and for any reason other than Customer Non-Compliance. the Company shall offer the Customer the option of either 1) purchasing the Photovoltaic System at the Company s Total Installed Cost less accumulated depreciation, or 2) requesting the Company retrIeve the Photovoltaic System at no cost to the Customer.APPLICATION DAHO CASE NO. IPC-O3-ssue ATT ACHMENT Issued - February 3, 1995 D. H. Jackso PAGE 89 OF 137Effective - February L 1995 1221 W! Per IPUC Order No. 25880 IDAHO POWER COMPANY RIGINAL SHEET N . -IDAHO PU BL IC UT ~LtTIES CO M M \ SS'ONAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 60SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SERV,PilOT PROGRAM(Continued)FEB 1 - 'FEB 3 - 1 J2 ~SECRETARYThe monthly charge for service under this schedule is 1.6 percent times the Net Installed Cost ofthe Photovoltc!c System as set forth on the Solar Photovoltaic Fadlities Invest-nent Report.~k-up Generator Mainienance Charge If the hours of usage of 0 back-up generatorincluded with the Photovoltaic System exceeds the number of hours of usage specified in the designspecifications by 20 percent or more on an annual basis, the Customer will be responsible for payingthe additional maintenance costs incurred by the Company as a result of such overl.Jse. The Companywi. notify the Customer in writing of any observed overuse of the back-up genera1or.P.AY MENTThe monthly bill rendered for service provided hereunder is payable upon receipt andbecomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered, IDAHO Issued.. February 3. 1995 Effective.. February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No, 25880 APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issuec A TT ACHMENT D. H. Jack5 PAGE 90 OF 137 1221 \ IDAHO POWER COMPANYL.P,C. NO. 26. I6RJfF NO. lQJ ~o. 60-IDAHO PU BLI C UTILITIES CO M MISSIONSCHEDULE 60 APPROVED EFFECTIVESOLAR PHOTOVOl TAlC SERVICEPILOT PROGRAM FEB 3 - 'FEB 1 - 'IDAHO POWER COMPANYUniform Solar Photovoltaic Service Agreement y;? -~ LI' ~.~" ~.......... )C. ....d"~ SECRETARYDIS1RICT ACCOUNT NO.THIS AGREEME~1 Mode ins day whose billing address hereinafter called Customer. and IDAHO POWER COMPANY. A corporation with Us principal office located at 1221 West Idaho Street,Boi~e, Idaho, hereinafter called Company:NOW THEREFORE. The ponies agree as follows:betweenThe Company will provide solar photovdtaic service for the Cus omer's facilities ,oeated at or nearCounty of State of Idaho.he Customer will:(0)v.oke an Initial Fee payment to the Company of $, at 1he time this Agreement is executed,Ib) Provide the installation ~ite and facifities as determined by the Company which are necessary for the irstallation ofthe Photcvoltoic System and which are acceptable to the Company. and the right of the Company for appropriate accessto the Company s facilities with the right of ingres~ and egress. at no cost :0 the Compen)"This Agreement will not become binding upon the parties until signed by both parties-4. The initiol date of service under this Agreement is subject to the Company s ability ta obtain the recuired labor.materials, and equipment. a satisfactory s~te; and satisfactory access to the Photovoltoic System on the Customer's property, and tocomply with governmentai regulations.5. The term of this Agreement will be for five years from and after the IniSel Service Dote thereof, and willautomatically renew for an additional five years each five years 1hereafter unless canceled by e ther party. This Agreement may becanceled 1) by either party after any of the five year 1erms provided written notice of terminatkn is given to the other not less than three months prior to the end of the five year term. or 2) d any time provided both parties agree in writing to the cancellation. In the event the Company s Schedule 60 is terminated during thE: term of this Agreement, this Agreement will automatically be canceled and the Customer will have the option to purchase the PhotovDltaic System at the Company s depreci:Jted book value. 6-, This Agreemen1 will be binding upon he respective successors and assigns Qf the Customer and the Company. pr;)vided however. that no assignment boy the Cu~tomer will be eflective wi1hout the Company s prior written consent. The Company consent will not be unreasonably withhelc.7. This Agreemen1 is subject to void laws and to the regulatory aLthority end ordErs, rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Uti~ties Commission as now or may be hereafter modified and app~oved by the Idaho Pubic utilities Commission.8. The Company s SchedJle 60. as we" as Idaho Power Comprny s General Rules and Regulations, any revisions to Schedule 60 or 1e, the General Rules and Regulations. and/or any successor schedule or rules. are to be considered as part of this Agreement.9. The Company will not be held responsible or liable for any loss. damage, or injury caused to its Customer or any her persons by the interruption. suspension, or fluc1uatiOl1 in service provided by the Photovoltaic System. 10. The Customer will agree to protect. defend. and indemnify Idaho Power Company from and againsf any costs, damages. or claims arisilg in any way from any injury to persons or damage to property resulting from the installation and/or operation of the ;:Ihotovcltaic System upon Customer s plOperty. providing such injury to persons or damage to property is not due to the sole negHgence of Idaho Power Corrpony, 11 . In any action at law or equity commenced under 1his Agreement and upon which judgment is rendered. the prevailing party. as part of such judgment, will be enMled to recover all costs. including reasonable attorneys fees. incurred on cccount of such action. Date Initial Service Date (APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES) IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective.. February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No, 25880 APPL!CA T!ON CASE NO. IPC-O3-Issuec ATTACHMENT D. H. Jacks PAGE 91 OF 137 1221 V IDAHO POWER COMPANY1P,C, NO. 26; 1ARlff..NO. lQJ ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 61-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM ISSIONAP~ROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 61PAYMENT FOR HOME WIRING AUDITFOR POWER UAl1TY FEB 3 - '95 FEB 1 - ,J2 ~SECRETARYAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available to residential Customers throughout the Componyservice territory within the State of Idaho who are taking service under Schedule ERVICES PR VIDEOA $25 payment is provided by the Company to residential Customers who have a home wiringaudit for power quality perforrYied by licensed electrician participating in the Company s PowerQuality Program. To have a home wiring audit performed, a Cus,tomer can contact the Company oran electrician participating in the Power Quality Program. Customers contacting the Company will begiven a list of electricians participating in the Power Quality Program. The Customer is responsible forselecting the electrician to perform the audit. The charge fDr the audit will be established by theelectrician and will be billed by ihe electrician directly to the Customer. The Customer is responsible forpaying the electrician the charge for performing the audit.The $25 payment is provided upon receipt by ~he Company of the appr~priate copy of thecompleted Home Wiring Audit form. lhe CL'stomer is responsible for submitting the 'Home , W1ring Auditferm to the Company. F PAYMENT ' 'The purpose of the $25 payment is to assist the Customer in ,identifying any wiring deficiencies that may be causing power quality problems. The payment is nQt an indication that the Company has performed any analysis as to the safety of the Customer's wiring or that the Company concurs with the findings of the electrician s wiring audit- IDAHO Issued - February 3, 1995 Effective - February 1, 1995 Pp,r IPllr (jrder No. 25880 APPLICA T10N CASE NO, IPC-03- Issue, ATTACHMENT D. H. Jacks PAGE 92 OF 137 1221 ~ .. IDAHO POWER CON,PANY ID.~HO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVELP.C. NO, 2~ TARIFF NO, 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO.6 -~Y7 - 'MAY 7 -0 1SCHEDULE 62GREEN ENERG'Y PURCHASE PROGRAM RIDER lJ). SECRETARYPJRPOSEThe Green Energy Purcr,ose Program is an optional, voluntary program designed to providecustomers an opportunity to participate in the purchase of new environmentally friendly "green energy. Funds collected in this program will be \Nholly distrituted 10 the purchase of green energy, products.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule is applicable to all Customers who choose to participate in this'Program.f\10NTHL Y GREEN ENERGY PURCHASE CONTRIBUTIONCustomers designate their level of participation by choosing a fixed dollar per month amount,1'18 monthly Green Energy Purchase Program' con1ribution is in addition to all other charges included inthe service schedule under which the Customer receives electrical service and will be added to theCustomers rronthly electric bill.The Program funds will wholly be used to purchase green energy or cover the green energy pricepremium. FROG RAM CONSIDERATIONS No electric service disconnections will result in the event of non-payment of Program commitments. IDAHO ~sued - April 30, 2001 Effective - May 7, 200 Per IPUC Order No. 28655 APPLICA TION CASE NO, IPC-O3- Issuer A TT ACHMENT John R. Gale, Vie PAGE 93 OF 137 1221 \ THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 66-1CANCELSNO REVISED SHEET NO, 66-.. IDAHO POWER CaMP ANYLP.C. NO. 26 TARIFF N . 101 SCHEDULE 66MISCEllANEOUS CHAR IDA~~~P~~LIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONA,. . KOV,--EFPECTIVENOV 4 - 'NOV 2 4 '~n~- t? ~. , SECRETARYThe purpose is to accumulate in one schedule all miscellaneous charges that are included inthe Company s Rules and Regulations. and Rates. 'APPLICABI LlTYThis schedule applies to all Customers taking service under the Company s Idaho Tariff exceptas expressly limited by a rule or a schedule. CHARGES1. lm.trumenUransformer metering:When instrument transformer metering is requested the Customer but not required by the Company at the time of the initial meter installation, thefollowing chcrges will apply.W1en a Customer requests instrument transformer metering not requiredby the Company at a time other than at tr:e time of the initio I meter installation. the actual costs willapply.CurrenUransformer in lieu o~-contained meterinQAmounts listed are the difference in the cost between 0' self-contained meter installation and acurrent transformer rated meter installation. These amownts DO NOT include the cost ofvoltage transformers (VTj, Single phase 120/240 Volf .....,...... m""""""'" .........u..... ... ......... ~...... ' $214. 240/480 Volt ..........,..........,........,..................................$247. 120/208 Volt NerNork ........... ... ,.........." ........ m........... $275. Polyphase 120/240 Volt Delta .......,...." ,... .............. ,...... .... ........... $437. 240/480 Volf Delta ...................... ...... u",.""",oo "."" .... $438. 120/208 Volt Wye .........,................,............................, $467. 277/480 Volt Wye ..................................,.,.......,........... $471. Y2llaqe transformers (secondary vo\jaqes onM Additional cost per voltage transformer ............................ $160. Primary meterinQ Work Order costs are applicable. APPLICATION Issued CASE NO. I?C-03- Kip W. Rul ATTACHMENT 1221 W PAGE 94 0:: 137 IDAHO Issued - October 10, 1997 Effective - November 24. 1997 Advice No, 97-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY F!FTH REVISED SHEET NO, 66-2 IDAHO PUBLiC UTILITIES COMMISSIO(\JCANCELS .f";:-'~f\\,/EO EFf!ECTIVEFOURTH REVISED,SHEET NO, 66-2 NOV 1 5 '99 NOV 1 5 'I.P,C. NO. 26, TAR!FF NO, 101 SC H ED U LE 66 ~o'?O- J2 SECR ET ARYM ISCE LLA~E GUS C!::l.8RG..ES (ContJ.n ued.2CHARGES(Continued)2, Off~Site MeterReading Servic9 : When off-site meter reading capability is ~eque~ted.bv theCustomer but not deemed cost.effective by the Compar.y, the following charges will apply:Single-Phase, No'l-Derrand MeterinqClass 200 R300 Register (standard metering). , , , . . . , . . . , , , , , , ,Class 1 0 R300 Register 0nstrurnent transformer metering) . , , , , . ,S 3,65 per month$ 4,40 per monthInstallation Fee (payable with first monthly payment). , . , , , , , . .Removal Fee (if removed within 90 days of installation) , , , . , , , .$25,$25,3. Load Profile Metering : When load profile meter,ng capability- is requested by the Customerbut not requ red bY' the Company, the following charges will apply: Pulse Output ServiceWith on existing ::Iectronic Demond Meter, , , , . , , , , , , , , , , " , , .Without an existil)g Electronic Demand Meter. , ,., . . , , . . , , S 5.00 oer monthS 13.00 per monthInstallation Fee (payable wit!'"l first rnonthly pay~nt). ,, , , , . . . .Renoval Fee (if 'amoved within 36 months of installation). , . , . .$70.60 ,Locd Profile Recordino Service With an existing Electronic Demand Meter. . , . ." ': ' . -, , , , ,. Without an exi$ting Electronic Demand Meter. , " , , . , , , , , , , , , $1 7,50 per month $25.50 per month Installation Fee (payable with first monthly poyrnent) , , , , , . , . . . Removal =ee (if removed wit'lin 36 months of installation). . . . , $80.00 $60, 4, Special tv1eter Tests Requested by the Customer: Customers who request mole than one meter test within a 12-month period will be required to pay in advance the estimated cost of the test, For residential Customers, the estirTlated cost wiil not exceec $30,00, 5, Surge Protection Device Services When surge protection device services are requested as stcted in Rule D. the following charges will apply: Surge Protection Device Installation or Removal Charge. , . . , , Surge Protection Device Customer Visit Charge. . , , , , , , , , " $43, $25, 6. Account Initiation Charge:Nhere service is initially established under any of the Rules and Regulations, a Customer will be required to pay an Account Initiation Charge in the OrTiOunt according to the following table: Monda Throuah Frida Custome~ re uest between 7 :30 am to 6:00 Customer re uest between 6:01 m to 9:00 Customer reQuest between 9:01 m to 7:29 am C'lor e $15, $45 , $80 , 7:30 am to 9:00 m 9:01 m to 7:29 am APP -'CATION CASE NO, IPC-O3- ATTACHMENT PAGE 95 OF 137 IDAHO Issued - October 1, 1999 Effective - November 15, 1999 Advice No, 99- Issuec Jo'TIes C, Miller. 221 I.P,C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 66-3CANCELS 'DAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONSIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 66-3 APPROVED EFFECTIVEIDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 66MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Con~nued.1 OCT 2 4 I 0 1 NOV 9 - " . ~Ih SECRETARYCHARGES(Continued)7, f e\d Collection Chorae: A personal visit performed by a Compan'( representative to aservice address, in oraer to comply with the termination practicES set forth in Rule F. shall be deemed adisconnect visit, The Customer will be assessed a Field Collection Charge of $15,00 if bill payments orpayment arrangements to prevent disconnection are made during the d,sconnect visit, The Field CollectionChDrge \NHI not be assessed if service is disconnected.8. Reconnection Fee:Where service is reestablished following a Customer requested seasonalservice disconnection or a disconnection made for failure of the Customer to comply with the CompanyRules and RegLJations including nonpayment. :J Reconnection FEe will be apolied as defined in the tablebelow,Mondo Throu h FridaCustomer re uest between 7 :30 am ta 6:00 mCustomer re uest between 6:01 m to 9:00 mCustomer re uest between 9:01 m to 7:29 am Fee$15,(()$45.$80,7:30 am to 9:00 m9:01 mto 7:29 am9. !:Q1'e Payment Charge : A L078 Payment Charge will be levied against any delinquentaccount except for accounts of agencies and taxing districts of the State of :daho as described inparagraph 10 of this schedule, The charge wit be applied to the delinquent cmount and \\liII be ::omputed01 the rate of 12 percent per anr.um or one percent per month. All payments received by the Billing Date wiJ1 apply to the Customer s account prior to calculating the Late Payment Ch:Jrge, Payments will satisfy the oldest portion of the billing first and the current portion of the billin~ last, Late Payment charges will continue to accrue against unpaid disputed bill amo.Jnts. If the dispute \s resolved in favor of the Customer, all disputed chorges plus any associated Late Payment Charges \NiII be deleted from the Customer's account. If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Company, all disputed charges plus any associated Late Payment Charges will become due and po-fable. 10, 1iltsLPayment Charge for Agencies and Taxing Districts of the State of Idaho: Under the authority of Idaho Code s67-2302. an agency or taxing district of the State Jf Idaho has 60 days from the date that the bill is received to pay that bill. If a state agency or taxing district does not pay the bill within the 6O-day period, all of the provisions of Idaho Code 367-2302 will apply, Any state agency or taxing district that claims that it folts within the provisions of Idaho Code 367-2302 must notify Idaho Power Company in writing of such claim. 11. fractionaLPeriod Mtojmum ~mings:The prorated Customer Charge for periods of less than one month VII"HI be no less than $1,00 for Schedules and 7 and no less Than $2,50 for Schedules 9, 19; and 24, The prorated Monthly Charge for Schedule 15 will be no less than $1 .00, The Minimum Charge for Schedule 40 for periods of less than one mDnth \h'm be no less than $1 ,SO. 12, TemPorary Serv~urn Tri~If the conditions stated in Rule Hare not satisfied prior to the Customer s request for temporoiy service. a $35.00 charge, per trip, will be blled to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but ore unable to connect the service, The char';je will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made, IDAHO Issued - October 10, 200 Effective - November 9, 2001 ISSUE APPLICATION John R, Gale, \ CASE NO. IPC-O3-' 3 122l ATTACHMENT PAGE 96 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 66-4IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveSECO'JD REVISED SHEET NO. 66-April 8, 2002 April 15, 2002Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE MiSe EL LA N EOUS C Conn nuedlCHARGES(C:Jntinued)13. Return Trip Charge:When a residential Customer 5upplies the trench, backfill, conduit, 'andcompaction for or- unde'-ground service, a charge of $50 per trip return charge y-,rill be assessed if theCompanys installation crew cannot install cable on 1he first appointment or subsequent appointments. IDAHO Issued - March 15, 2002 Effective - April 15, 2002 Advice No. 02- APPLICATIONssue John R. Gale, Vie CASE --- NO. JPC-O.3- 1221 \1\ ATTAI HMENT PAGE 97 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COfVlPANY FIRS- REVISED SHEET NO. 72-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO, 72-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION'Approved EffectiveSept. 17, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per C.N. 29092Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P,C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION~ VAILABILITYService under this schedu.is available throughout the Company s service area within the State ofIdaho to Sellers owning or operating Qualifying Facilities or that quality for Schedule 84.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule applies to the construction, operation, maintenance, Upgrade,Relocation, Dr removal of transmissio'l and/or distribution lines and equipment necessary to safelyinterconnect a Seller's Generatio'l Facility to the Company s system.DEFINITIONSAdditional Applicant is a person or entity whose reque~,t for electric::)1 connection requires theCompany to utilize existing Interconnection Fo~ilities which are subject to a Vested Interest.Corrpony is the Idaho Power Company.Construction Cost is the cost. as determined by the Company, cf Upgrades, Relocation orconstructior. of Company furnished Interconnection Facilities. Disconnection Equipment is any device or combination of devices by which the Company can manually and/or automaticall)i interrupt the flow of energy from the Seller to the Company s system. including enclosures or other equipment as may be required to ensure that only the Company "'1m have access to certain of the devices. First Energy Date is the date when the Seller begins delivering energy to the Company s system. Generation Facility means equipment used to produce electric energy at a specific physical location which meets the requirements to bE a Qualifying Facility or that qualify for Schedule 84. Interconnection Facilities are all facilities 'Nhich are reasonably required by prudent electrical practices end the National Electric Safety Code to interconnect and to allow the delivery of energy from the Seller s Generation Facility to the Company s system, including, but not limited to, Special Facilities. Disconneclion Equipment and Metering Equipment. Interconnection Point is the point where the Seller's conductors connect to the facilities cwned by the Company. Meterina EQuipment is the Campanv owned equipment required to measure, record or 1elemeter po'vver flows between the Seller s Generation Facility and the Company s system. Prctection Equipment is the circuit-interrupting device, protective relaying, and associated instrument transformers, PUR? A means the Public UtHi1y Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1,2002 APPLICA TIONIssued CASE NO. IPC-C'3-John R. Gale, Vie ATTA.CHMENT 1221 y., PAGE 98 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COtAPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 72-IDAHO PUBLIC 'JTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveORIGINAL SHEET NO. 72-Sept. 17,2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per D.N. 29092Jean 0.. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO, 26, TAR lff...N O. 101 SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTIUTY GENERATION(Continued)DEFINITIONS (Continued)Qua1ifyjng Facility is a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility which meets thePURP A criteria for qualification set forth in subpart B of Pert 292, Suber.opter K, Chapter I, Title 18. of theCode of Federal Regulations.Relocation is a change in the location of existing Company-owned transmission and/or distributionlines, Gales or equipment. Schedule 84 is the Company s service schedule which p'ovides for sdes of electric energy to theCompany by means of a net metering arrangement or its successor(s) as approved by the Comm;ssion,Seller is a non-utility generator who has contracted, or will contr:Jct with the Com:)ony interconnect a Generation Facility to the Company s system to sell electr c energy to the Companyincluding net metering sales, as provided in Schedule 84.Seller Furnished Facilities are those paiions of the Interconn~ction Facilities provided by the Seller.Special Facilities are additions to or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines andtransformers, including, but not limited to, Upgrddes and Rel~x::ation, to safely interc9nnect tre Seller's Generatior; Facility to the Company s system. ,. 'Transfer Cost is the cost as determined by the Compa'ny; for acceptance by the Cor1pa~y of Seller Fumished Facilities, Upqrades are those improvements to the Company s existing system which are reasonably required by prudent electrical practices and the National Electric Safety Co:ie to safely interconnect the Seller s Generation Facility. . ' Such improvements include, but are not lirnited to, additional or larger conductors, transformers, pole5, and relatec equipment. Vested Interest is the claim for refund that a Seller 0; Additional Applicant holds in a specific porlion of Company-owned Interconnection FacUities. The Vested Intere$t expires 5 years from the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the Interconnection Facilities unless fully refunded earner. Vested Interests do not apply to Schedule 84 net metering projects. COST OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES AI! Interconnection Facilities provided under this schedule will be valued at the Company Construction Cost and/or the Transfer Cost for vesting purposes as well as for operation and mdntenance payment obligations. IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No, 29092 Effective - September 1, 2002 ISSU8C APPLICATION John R. Gale, Vie CASE NO, IPC-O3- 1221 ~ ATTA.CHMENT PAGE 99 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO~ 72-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveORIGINAL SHEET NO, 72-Sept. 17,2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O.N. 29092Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC. NO. 26. TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)PAYMENT FOR INTERCONNECTION FACILITIESUnless specifically agreed otherwise by written ogreemen1 between the Seller and the Company..the Seller will pay 011 costs of interconnecting c Generation Facility to the Company s system.Unles:; specifically agreed otherNise in a wrii1en agreemer,t betVv'een tre Seller and the Company.an initial cost estimate of Company~owned Interconnection Facilities will be provided to the Seller.Payment of the estimated cost will be required prior to the Company s ordering, installing" mcdifying,, upgrading. or performing in any' other way work associated with the Interconnedion Facilities, Uponcompletion of the Company-owned Interconnection Facili1ies, the actual cos1s will be reconciled againstthe estimated cost previously paid by the Seller and the appropriate billing or refund will be processed.The company reserves the right to collect additional costs frorn the Seller for anyadditionql ,Companyequipment. modifications. or ur::grades the Company deems necessary to operate and maintair a safe,reliable electrical system as a result of the interconnection of the Seller s Generation Facility to theCompanyssystem. CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIESAll Seller Furnished Interconnection Facilities will be constructed and maintained in a manner tobe in full compliance with all prudent elec1rical practices, Naronel Electric Safety Code. and all otherapplicable Federal. state, and local safety and electrical codes and standards at all times. The Seller shall:1. Submit proof to the Company that all licenses, permits. inspections, ond approvals necessary for the construction one operation of the Seller's Generation and Interco'1nection Facilities under this schedule havE been obtained from applicable Federal, state, or locol authorities.2. Submit the designs. plans, specifications, and performance data for the Generation Facility and Seller Furnished Facilities 10 the Company for review. The Com:)any s acceptance shall not be constrJed as confrming or endorsing the design, or as a wanonty of safety. dur:Jbility, or reliability of the Generction Facility cr Seller Furnisr,ed Facilities. The Company will retain the right to inspect this equipment at its discretion, 3. Demonstrate to the Company s satisfaction that the Seller s Generation Facility and Seller Furnished Facilities have been completed, and that all features old equipment of the Seller Generation Facility and Seller Furnished Facilities are capable of operating safely to commence deliveries of Energy into the Compo'lY s system. 4. Provide and maintain adequate protective equipment suffcient to prevent damage to the Generation Facility, Seller Furnished Facilities and any other Seller-owned facilities in conformance with all applicable electrical and safety codes and requirements. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1 . 2002 Issued APPLICATION John R. Gale. Vie CASE NO. IPC-O3- 1221 V\ ATTACHMENT PAGE 100 OF 137 iDAHO POWER COJ\~P ANY FIR~1 REVISED SHEET NO. 72-4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveORIGINAL SHEET NO, 72-Sept. 17, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O,N~ 29092Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P.C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES (Continued)5. Provide and maintain Disconnection Equipment in accordance with all applicableelec1rical and safety caGes and requirements as described within this Schedule.6. Provide a 24-hour telephone contact(s). This contact will be used by the Company toarrange for repairs and inspections or in case of an emergency. The Company will ma~e its besteffort to arrange repairs and inspectbns dLTing normal business hours and to notify the Seller ofsuch arrangements in advance, The Company will provide a telephone number to the Seller sothat the Seller can obtain information about Company activity iMpacti1g the Seller s facility.DISCONNECTION E UIPMENTDisconnec1ion Equipment is required for all Seller Generation Facilities. The DisconnectionEquipment shall be insto':led at an electrical 'Ioeafen to allow complete isolation of Seller s Generationand Interconnection Facilities from the Company s system. The Disconnection Equipment for a Schedule84 net metering facility will be irstalled at an electrical location cn the Seller s side of the Company s retail" metering point to allow complete isolation of the Seller s Generation and In'erconnection Facilities fromthe Seller s other electrical load and service.The Disconnection Equipment's operating device shall be: Readily accessible by the Company at all times. Clearly marked II Generotion )isconnect Switch" with permanent 3/8 inch or larger letters. 3. Physically installed at loC:Jtion within 10 feet of the Interconnection Point or exact permanent instructions posted at the Interconnection Point indicating the precise location of the Disconnection Equipment's operating device. 4. Of a design manually operated and lockable in the open position with a standard Company padlock. Operation oLDisconnection Equipment.If.. in the reasonable opinior, of the Company, the Seller's operation or maintenance of the Generation Facility or In1erconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely a1fect the Company s equipment, personnel. or service to its customers, the Company may physically disconnect the Seller's Generation Facility or Interconnection Focilities by operation of the disconnection device or by any other means the Campan)' deems necessary to adequately disconnect the Seller s Generation and Interconnection Facilities from the Companv s system. At such time as 1he unsafe condition is renledied or otr,er condition adversely affecting the Company resolved to the Company s satisfaction, the interconnec+ion will be restored. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 290'~2 Effective - September;, 2002 APPLICA TIONIssuec CASE NO. IPC-O3-John R. Gale! Vie A TT ACHMENT 221 \ P AGE 1 0 1 0 F 137 IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO, 72-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES. COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveORIGINAL SHEET NO. 72~Sept. 17, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per a.N. 29092Jean D~ Jewell SecretaryI.P.C. NO. 26,TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)DISCONNECTION E UIPMENT (Continued)The Company will disconnect the Seller s Generation and Interconnection Facilities in the event ofany planned or unplanned maintenance or repair of the Company's system connected to the SellerGener~tion and Interconnection Facilities, In the event of unplanned maintenance or repairs, no priornotice will be provided. In the event of planned repairs, the Company will attempt to notify the Seller the time and duration of the planned outage.The Company will disconnect the Seller s Generation Facility and Interconnection Facilities in theevent that any terms and conditions of any applicable Company tariff or contract enabling theinterconnec-ion of the Seller s Generation Facility is deemed by the Company to be in default ordelinquent.All expenses of disconnection and reconnection incurred by the Company will be billed to ,theSeller.In the case of a net metering facility, disconnection , of ,the service may be necessary. Thedisconnection may resul1 in interruption of both energy deliveries from the Seller s Generation Facility tothe Company as well as interruption of energy deliveries from the Company to the Seller.The Company will establish the se1tings of ' Protection' Equipment to disconnect the S eller Generation Facility and Interconnection Facilities for the protec;:tion of the Company's system and personnel consistent with prudent electrical practices. If the Seller attempts to modify, adjust or o~hetVIise interfere with the protection equipment or its settings as es1ablished by tne Company. such action may be grounds for the Company s refusal to continue interconnection of the Seller s Generation and Interconnection Facilities to the Company's system. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF INTERCONNECTED PROJECTS1, The Company will construct. own, operate and maintain all equipment, Upgrades and Relocations on the Company s electr:cal side of the Interconnection Point. 2. The Company will clearly mark the Metering Equipment and any other Company equipment associated with the Seller s Generation Facility and/or Interconnection Facilities designating the existence of the Seller s Generation Facility as required by prudent electrical practices,3. The Seller will be required to submit all specific designs, equipment specifications, and test resuUs of the Seller Furnished Facilities to the Company for revie'w. Upon receipt of the design and equipment specifications, the Company w-ill review the design and equipment specifications for conformance with appncable electrical and safety codes and standards, IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1 , 2002 APPLICA TIONIssued CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMENT 1221 V PAGE 102 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COtAP ANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept.. 17, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O.N. 29092Jean D.. Jewell SecretarylJ'.C, NO. 26, TAR',E.E..NO, 1 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 72-SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)SPECIFIC PROJECT RE UIREMENTSGeneration ~erconnec1ing os a Schequle 8~eringLProiectCertification prior to interconnection:Seller Generation Fac lities that qualify for net metering under Schedule 84 willsubmit to the Company a ceriificaticn from an independent qualified party iicensed in theState of Idaho that the design and equipment in the Generation Facility and SellerFurnished Facilities (1) comply with the standards of this schedJle and applicable electricand building codes and (2) will operate to safely deliver Energy to the IntercornectionPoint. The Seller shall provide the credentials and licenses 01 the certifying part'f to theCompany for review and acceptance of the certification.Periodic le-certirication:oiects larqer than 25 . "The Seller will obtain an annual certificaUon froman independen1 qualified party licensed in the State of Idaho, certifying the GenerationFacility and Seller Furn1shed Facilities and equipment are in compliance with all currentapplicable electrical and sa ety codes and are able to safely and reliably continue to operate. The Seller will provide the credentials and licenses of the certifying PeJrty 10 the Company for review and acceptance of the certification, A copy 01 this certificaHon must be forwarded to the Company by May 1 st of each calendar year in which the Seller' s facility is interconnected to the Companis system. Within the first calendar year of operation, the Seller will be required to supply any the certifications required at the time of the initial interconnection. If 1he Company does not accept the annual certificatbn within six1y days of its receipt the Generation Facility "viii be disconnected from the Company system until such time as the certification is completed and ac::epted by the Company, ii. Projects 25 kW and smaller The above described certification will be provided every three years. iii. Re-certi~ion Mowing modifications Prior to making any material modifications or additions to the Genera1ion Facility or Interconnection Facilities Seller will provide Company with a written descripfon of the proposed change. The Company will expeditiously review the proposal and authorize Seller to proceed subject to final inspection and certification by a qualified party os described in paragraph a ab~ve. Any modifications made without notice will result in disconnection of the facility until ~uch time as certification of the modified facibty is submitted to and accepted by the Company, Generation ~on MW Nameplate Ratinq The following requirements ore for Generation Facilities with rameplate ratings of less than 1 MW, noT including net metering facilities utilizing Schedule 84. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1, 2002 APPLICA TIONISSU8J CASE NO. IPC-O3-John R. Gale, Vi ATTACHMENT 1221 PAGE1O30F 137 IDAHO POWE~ CaMP ANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectivESept. 17, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O.N. 29092Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P,C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 72-SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON.UTIL1TY GENERATION(Continued)Genera~ies Less lhan 1 MW ~ameplote Ratina (Continued)o. The Company shall pr~cure, install, own and maintain Metering Equipment record energy deliveries to the Company. This metering will be separate from any othermetering of the Seller s load end may be located on either side of the InterconnectionPoint. All, acquisition, installation, maintenance, inspec~ion and testing costs related toMeter Equipment installed to measure the Seller s energy deliveries to the Compa'lY shallbe born by the Seller. b. The Seller is responsible for all costs incLrred by the Company ' for the reviev'i,evaluation and 1esting of Seller supplied design:; and equipment regardless as to theoutcome of the review or test results.C. The Seller, upon completion of in5tallat'ion and prior to interconnection of ,' theGeneration Facility to the Company s system, will provide the Company with certificationfrom a professional engineer licensed in the St01e of Idaho stating that ~he SellerGeneration Facility and Interconnection ,Facilities are in comaliance with all appJicableelectrical,and safety codes to enable safe and'~eliable, operation.d. The Seller will obtain and provide to the Company an annual certificaton andtesting by a professional engineer Iicensed il1 , the ,State of Idaho. certifying the on'going compliance with all applicable electrical and safety codes and that the Seller Furnished Facilities successfully meet applicable testing requirements and standards. In the event the Company does no~ receive and accept the annual certification within 30 days of the annual anniversary date of the agreement, the project will be disconnected from the Company s system until such time as the certification is completed and accepted by Hoo Company,e. In addition to the requirements specified in sections a through d, Generation Facilities that are greater than 100 kW and less than 1 MW total nameplate rating require the following:i. 111he Company owns the transformer interconnecting the Seller Generation Facility, then the Seller may own and maintain a secondary voltage disconnection device that can be operated by both the Seller and the Company.ii. If the Seller owns the transformer ~nterconnecting the Seller s Generation Facility, then the Company will own. operate and maintain a primary vol-age disconnection device at the Seller s expense. Hi. The Company will construct. own, operate and maintain all protective relays old any associated equipment required to operate the protective relays. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1, 2002 Issued APPLICATION John R. Gale, Vie CASE NO. IPC-O3- 1221 V ATTACHMENT PAGE 104 CF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept~ 17, 2002 Sept~ 1 2002Per N~ 29092Jean D~ Jewell SecretarylJ' .C, ~O. 26, T.ARJ.E.LN O. 101 ~O, 72-8SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)SPECIFIC PROJECT RE UIREMENTS (Continued)Generation E.Q.Qlilles GrealizLJ'lon 1 MW ~ameplote RatinqThe Company will own, maintain and operate ollinterccnnecfon Facilities andDisconnection Equipment at the Selle~s expense.TRANSFER OF INTERCONNECTION FACILrTlESTransfer of Interconnection FaciliHes is available only fer Generation Facilities wHh nameplateratings greater than 100 k"V.1. Transfer at First Energy Date If the Seller Desires to transfer and the Company desires toaccept any Seller Furnished Facilities at the First Energy Date, the followng will apply:a. Prior to tre beginning of construc1ion, the Seller shall cause the contractor that constructing the Seller Furnished Facilities to provide the Company with a certificatenaming the Company as an additional insured in the amount of not less than $1,000,000under the contractor s generalliabIiity polley.b, The Con-pony '...viii provide the Seller s contractor witr construction one '11oterial specifications and will have final approval of the design of the Seller Furnished Facili1ies. c. During c~nstruction and upon completion. the Company will inspect the Seller Furnished Facilities to be transferred to the Company, The cc-st of such inspection will be bome by Ihe Seller.d. If the Seller Furnished Facilities meet the Compcny design, material and construction specifications, arefFee from defects in materials and v/orkmanship, and the Seller has provided the Company v..~th acceptable easements, bills of sale and assurance against labor or materials liens, the Company will accept ownership effective as of the First Energy Date. In the bill of sale, the Seller will warrant to the Company that' the Seller Fumished Facilities are free of any liens or encumbrances and will be free from any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the First Energy Date. 2, Subsequent Transfer If. after the First Energy Date, the Seller desires to transfer and the Company desires to accept any Seller Furnished Facilities, the following will apply: a. The Conpany will inspect the faciHties proposed for sale to determine if they meet the Company design. material and construction specifications. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No, 29092 Effective - September 1, 2002 APPL1CA TIONIssue~ CASE NO. IPC-O~,~ John R, Gale, VIe ATTACHMENT 1221 PAGE1O50F137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectivESept. 17, 2002 Sept. 2002Per D.N. 29092Jean D. Jewell Secretary1.P .C, NO. 25, TAKltF NO. lQJ ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 72-SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)Subsequent Transfer (Continued)b. The Coll1Pony \'viII determine the Transfer Cost of such facilities. The Transfer Cos~will be equal to U"'e depreciated Construction Cost the Company would have incurred if iihad originally constructed the facilities plu~- the cost, if any, o~ bringing the facilities intocompliance with the Company design, material and construction specifica1ions.Depreciation of the facUties proposed for transfer Nill be determined on the same basis asthe Company depreciates i1s own facilities in accordance with the appropriate FERCaccount numbers for the type and size of line or equipment involved.' The time periodused for the calculation of the depreciated transfer cost will extend from the First EnergyDate until the agreed upon transfer dote. The Transfer Cost will 08 paid to the Company cash at the time of transfer. At the same time, the Company Vim pay the Seller in cash anamount equal to the depreciated Construction Cost.c. As a condition of the Company s accepfance, the Seller will provide the Companywith acceptable easements, bills of sale and acceptable assurance against labor andmaterial liens. The bill of sale V/iII include 6 \varranty, that the trcnsferred 'facilities are free ofall liens and encumbrances and will, be .free, frorr any defects in materials andworkmanship fora period of ole year'from Ihe'Qoteof,transfer.d. Effective as of the dote of the trons e( 'the Company wll operate and maintain the transferred facilities,' -' ,, , VESTED INTE~EST A Seller's eligibility for a Vested Interest refund will exist for 5 years after the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the Interconnection Facilities, 1 . The Compa~y will provide a refund payment to each Seller holding a Vested Interest in Company-owned Interconnection Facilities when an Additional Applicant shares use of those Interconnection Facilities. The refund payment \'viII be based on the following formula: Refund = Linear Footage Ratio Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio Original Interconnection Cost o. The Linear Footage RC1tio is the length of jointly used Special Facilities divided by the length of the vested Special Facilities. b. The Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio is the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Additional Applicant divided by the sum of the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Additional Applicant ard all other Connected Loads and/or Peak Generation on the Special Facilities. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1, 2002 . APPLICATIONIssue: CASE NO. IPC-03-John R. Gale, VI( ATTACHMENT 1221 \ PAGE 106 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMP ANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept. 17, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O.N. 29092Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP .C. NO. 26, TARifF NO.1 01 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 72-SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)VESTED INTEREST (Continued)c. The Origiriollnterconnection Cost is the sum of the Company s Construction Costand any Transfer Costs for the Interconnection facilities 10 which the Addi1ional Applicantintends to connect and share usage, 3. The Additional Applicant will pay the Company the amount of the Vested Interestrefurd(s). Additional Applicants making vested Interest payments are in turn eligble to receiverefunds within the 5 year limit described above.4. Vested Interest refunds will not exceed 100 percent of the refundable portion of any party'scash payment to the Company.Vested Interest refund payments may be waived by notifying the Company in writing.OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, OBUGA TIONS AND EXPENSES , .The Company wn operate and maintain Company fun1ished, Ihterconnection Facilities as well asany Seller Furnished Facilities transferred to the Company. For all ,projects not rntercGnn~ctif)g as aSchedule 84 customer. the Seller will pay the Company a monthly operation and maintenance chargeequal to a percentage of the Construction Cost and Transfer Cost' paid by the Seller. The percentage' will change annually on the anniversary of the First Energy Date in accordance with the following table: MONTHLY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CHARGES 1 38 kV and 1 6 1 kV Year O&M Chcrge 26%27%28%29%30%32%33%35%36%38%.40%.41% Year 18 O&M Charges 43%.451J~.47%.47'%.52%54%56%59%62%64%67%70% Year O&M Charge 73%77%80%0.84%87%91%96%00%04%09%14% IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1, 2002 APPLICATION ISSU8( John R. Gale, Vi~ CASE NO. IPC-O3-13 ATTACHMENT 1 221 PAGE 07 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept. 17, 2002 Sept, 1, 2002Per D.N. 29092Jean D. Jewell Secretary1P .C. ~O. 26, 1tJillf NO.~L SHE~O. 72-SCHEDULE 72INTERCONNECTIONS TONON-UTILITY GENERATION(Continued)OPERA.TION p,ND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES (Continued)MONTHLY OPERATI'.JG AND MAINTENAI-JCE CHARGESBelow 138 Year J:;.....O&Ni Charge 0.47% ; 0.49%52%54%56%59%61%64%67%70%73%77%YearO&M Charge 80%84%87%91%95%00%04%09%14%1.19%24%30%Year ' 250&,\\ Charge 36%1 .4 2'1(1 .48%55%62%1.69%77%85%93%02%Where a Seller's interconnection wi!! utilize Interconnection Facilities provided under a prioragreement(s), the term of whic, was shorter than 35 years. the operation ard maintenance charge forthe Seller s interconnection will be computed to include the expired ,term of the prior agreement(s),The cost upon which an individual Seller s operation and maintenance charge is based will be reduced by subsequent Vested Interest re unds. Additional Applicants who are Sellers will pay the monthly operation and rYiaintenance charge on the amount they paid as an Additional Applicant Seller Furnished Facilities not transferred to the Company will be operated and maintained by the Seller at the Seller s sole risk and expense. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29092 Effective - September 1, 2002 APPLICATIOt"j Issuec CASE NO. IPC-O3-13 John R, Gele, Vi( A 11 ACHMENT 221' P AGE 08 0 F iDAHO POWER COlv\PANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EHectiveMarch 21,2003 March 17 2003Per. O.N. 29207Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 81-SCHEDULE 81RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONER CYCLINGPLOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL) PURPOSEThe Residential Air Conditioner Cyclirg Pilot Program is an optional, supplemental service thatpermits participating residential Customers on opportunity to voluntarily anew the Company to cycletheir central air conditioners in exchange for on intelligent programmable thermostat installed in theirresidence together with a monthly monetary incentive. The Program is a two-year dispotchable loadcontrol program that will expire Dn September 30,2004, unless extended by the Company.DEFINITIONSAC Cvclinq is the effect of the Company sending a ~ignol .0 the intelligent p"ogrammablethermostat installed in the Customer s residence and instructing it to cycle the Centrol Air Conditioningcompressor for a specified length of time on a percentage basis, to cycle the Central Air Conditioningcompressor until a specified temperature change is atta;ned" or to change the temperature set pointon the thermostat for a specified leng1h of time. Aqreement is the Uniforrn Residential Air Conditioner. Cycling Service Agreeme ~t.Air Conditioning ,Season is the three-mantt', period that commences on June 1 and continuesthrough August 31 of each Program Year, Centra! Air Conditioning is a home cooling system. Jha~ ,is controlled by 'one centrally 'located thermostat that controls one refrigerated air-cooling unit 19catelj 'outside the home, Cycling Event is a period during which the Company sends a signal to the intelligent programmable thermostat installed in the C'Jstomer s residence which instructs the therrriostat 10 begin AC Cycling, First Droqram Year is the period of June 1,2003 through August 31 2003. Opt Out is the term used to describe the one-day per morth during each month of the Air Conditionin-;) Season in which the Customer, with pri::x notice to the Company, may choose to temporarily not participate in P.C Cycling. Second Proqrom Year is the period cf June 1,2004 throLgh August 31, 2004, Termination Date is 12:00 midnight on September 30,2004. IDAHO Issued Per IJUC Order No. 292(-7 Effective - ~arch 17, 2003 Issued APPLICA TIOH John R. Gale, Yic~ CASE NO. IPC-O3-13 1221 \I"v ATTACHMENT AGE 09 0 F IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveMarch 21 2003 March 17, 2003Per. D.N. 29207Jean D. Jew~1I SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26, TAR~FF 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 81-SCHEDULE 81RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONER CYCLINGPILOT PROGRAfA(OPTIONAL)(Continued)A VAILABIUTYService under this schedule is available on an optional basis to Customers who are homeowners,have Central Air Conditioning located in the r residences and live in the city limits cf Boise or Meridian.i:ach eligible Customer who chooses to take service under this optional schedule 15 required to enterinto the Agreement with the Company prior to being served urder this schedule. The Agreement willinclude giving the Company or its representative permission on reasonable notice to enter thecustomers residence to i'lstall an intelligent programmable thermostat and to allow Idaho Power or it~, representative, with prior notice to the Customer, reasonable access to tre thermostat following itsinstallation.Service unGer this schedule is limited to no more than two hundred Customers durjng the FirstProgram Year and no nlore than five hundred Customers during the Second Program Year. TheCompany may choose to solicit Customers for parHcipation based on Customers ' energy usage,residential location, size of home or other factors aimed at creating a diverse population for theProgram, The Company may also choose to solicit participants to fill any vacancies caused by attritionin order to maintain the participation objectives. The Company retains nle sale right to select and, reject the participants under this schedule.TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION The "arm of the Agreement for serv:ce under this schedule shall commence on the date the Agreement is signed and sholl t~rminote on "he Termination Date unless otherwise terminated as follows: 1. A Customer participating in the Program for at leas1 one complete Air Conditioning Season mav terminate the Agreement without penalty bv notifving the Company in writing, 2. A Customer who terminates the Agreement prior to satisfactorily participating in the Program for a minimum of one complete Air Conditioning Season shall either (1) return the inteUigenl programmable thermostat to the Company in working oreer witnin ten days from the time the Company receives written notice of the Customer s termination of the Agreement or (2) pay the Company the sum of $1 ao.GO, which sum wi! be included on the Customer1 s Idaho Power Bill. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION1, The Company or its represe'ltative will uninstall the Customer s existing thermostat and instoil an intelligent programmable thermo~tat in 1he Customer s residence at the Company s expense, The Company or its representctive will set lhe initial prog~am on the thermostat. 2. A financial incentive of $10.00 per month tor each of the three months of the Air Conditioning Season will be paid to each Customer wriO successfully parti::ipates in the Program. This incentive will be paid in the form at a credit on the Customer s monthly oBI for each month that the Customer 5uccessfully participates in the Program, beginning with the July bill and ending with the September bill. IDAHO Issued Per pue Order No. 29207 Effective - March 17, 2GO3 APPLICATIONssue John R, Gale, Vict CASE NO. IPC-O3- 1221 V"4 A TT AC HMENT PAGE 110 OF 137 DAHO POWER COf\~PANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM1SSIONApproved EffectiveMarch 21, 2003 March 17, 2003Per. O.N. 29207Jean D, Jewell SecretaryC. NO. 26, TARIFF 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 81-SCHEDULE 81RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONER CYCLINGPLOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (Continued)3. The Company will send a signal to the programmable thErmostats via paging, cellphone, or capacitor controller ~echnology to initiate a Cycling Event. A Cycling Event may be up tofour hours between the hours 011 p.m, and S' p,m. on any weekday during the Air Conditioning Season.Up to ten Cycling Events may occur each month. Mass memory meters will be installed on eachCustomers residence for program evcluation purposes,4. The Customer may opt Out of the Program for one day per month during each month ofthe Air Conditioning Season provided the Customer notifies the Company of the Customer s intent toopt Out prior to 4:00 p.m, on the day preceding the day 1he Customer wishes to Opt Out.5. If there is evidence of alteration, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Conpanisability to initiate a Cycling Event, the Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for the yostof replacement or repair of the intelligent programmable thermostat and the Company will reverse anyamounts credited to the Customer s bills during the past twelve months as a result '(j)f the Custome(sportidpatio'l in the Program. SPECiAL CONDITIONSThe Company is not responsible for any consequentiQL'incidentaL punitive, exemplary or indirect damage to the participating Customer or third parties th~t results from AC Cycling.. from the Customer participation in the Program, or of Customer s e17orts to reduce 'energy use while participatirg in the Program. The Company makes no warranty of merchon~ability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to jhe intelligent programmable thermostat and any and all implied warranties are disclaimed. The provisions of this schedule do not apply for any time period that the Company interrupts the Customer s load for a system emergency or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events ou1side the control of the Comr:any. The provisions 01 this schedule will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Customer or Energy Charges associated with a Customer s standard service schedule. IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No. 29207 Effective - March 17.2003 Issued APPLICATION John R.Gale, Yici CASE NO. IPC-"03- 1221 'A ATTACHMENT PAG,: 111 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveORIGINAL SHEET NC. 81-4 March 21,2003 March 17,2003Per. a.N. 29207Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC, NO. 26, TARIFF 101 SCHEDULE 81RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONER CYCLINGPILOT PROGRAM(OPTIONAL)(Continued)Unifo:m Residential Air Conditioner Cycling ~ervice AgreementACCOUNT N:=),THIS AGREEMENT Made this day of , 200 , betweenhereinafter called Customer. who resides at, Idaho, hereinafter called Residerce, and IDAHO POWERCOMPANY, a corporation with its principal office located at 1221 'Vvest Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho,hereinafter called Company:NOW~ THEREFORE, The Parties agree as follows:1. with prior reason:Jble notice from the Company, the Customer shall permit the Companyor its representative to enter the Residence to rerrove the Cusiomer s existing thermostat and ~eplacethat thermostat by installing :In intelligent programmable thermostat selected by the Company('j Programmable Thermostat"2. During the TenT; of this Agreement and with :)rior reasonable notice, the CJstomeragrees to permit the Company or its representative reasonable access to the Residence and theProgrammable Thermostat for reasons including, but not limited to, collecting data recorded by the Progr::tmmable Thermostat and checking the working condition of the Programmable Thermostat. The Customer understands old acknowledges that by participating in the Program, the Company shall, at its sale discreiion, have the ability to override the Customer s settings on the Programmcble Thermostat and instruct the Programmable Thermostat to interrupt service and begin cycling the Customer s central air conditioner compressor (the 'I Cyeling Event" 4. For the Customer s sotisfacto)' participation in the Program, tIe Company agrees to pay the Custorrer $10.00 per mont1 for each 01 the three months of the Air Conditioning Season for a total payment 0; $30,00 (the "Incen~ive ), The Incentive will be paid in the form of a credit of $10.00 on each of the Customer's July, August C1nd September Idcho Power bills. 5. If the Customer terminates this Agreement prior to the Customer satisfactorily partk:ipatir;g in the Program for a minimum of one complete Air Conditioning Season, the Customer agrees to either (1) return the intelligent programmable thermostat to the Company in working order within ten days from the time t~e Company receives wri:ten notice of the Customer s termination of the Agreemen: or (2) pay the Company the sum of $100.00, which sum will be Included on the CL'stomer Idaho Power Bill.6. The Company s Schedule a 1, any revisions 10 that schedule, and/or any SJccessor schedule, is to be considered part of this Agreement. IDAHO Issued Per :rue Order N.:), 29207 Effective !\J\arch 1 7, 2003 APPLICA TlONIssued CASE NO, IPC-O3-John R. Gale, VIO A TT ACHMENT 1221 V\ PAGE 112 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveMarch 21 , 2003 March 17, 2003Per. O.N. 29207Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P .C. NO, 26, ARfF 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 81-SCHEDULE 81RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONER CYCLINGPilOT PROGRf\.(OPTIONAL)(Continued)Uniform ResidenTial Air Conditioner Cycling Service Agreement(Continued)7. This Agreement and the rates, terms and conditions of service set forth or incorporatedherein and ihe respective rights and obliga1ions of the Parties hereunder sh':111 be subject to valid lawsand to the regulatory auThority and orders, rules ar:d regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commissionand such ot~er administrative bodies having jurisdiction.8. Notning herein shall be construed as limiting the Idaho Public Utilities Commission fromchanging cny terms, rates, charges, classification of service or an'( rules, regulations or conditionsrelating to ~-ervice under this Agreement, or construed as affecting the right of the Company or theCustomer to unilaterally make application to the Commission for any such change.9. In any action at law or equity under this Agreement and upon which judgment rendered, the prevailing Party, as part of suc h judgment , shall be entitled to recover all costs, includingreasonable attorneys fees, incurred on account of such action.(APPROPRIATE SIGNA TU~ES) APPUCA nONssue ,-. John R. Gale, Vie CASE NO. IPt ... 03- 1221 V ATTACHMENT PAGE 113 O~ 137 IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29207 Effective - March 17, 2003 IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY THIRD REVISED SHEET 84-1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveSECOND REVISED SHEET NO.84-1 Aug. 28, 200:2 Sept. 1,2002Per O.N. 29094Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 84C UST OMER EN ERG Y PRODUCTI::) NNET METERINGAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is avoilable throughout f:\e Company s service territory within the Stateof Idaho for Customers intending to operate as Sellers under this schedule to generate electricity toreduce all or part of their monthly energy usage,Service under this schedule is available on a first-come. first-served basis until the cumulativegeneration nameplate capaci1y of net metering systems equals 2.9 MW, which represents one-tenth ofone percent of the Company s retail peak del1and juring 2000. No single Seller may cqnnect more than20% of the cumulative generation nameplate capacity connected under this schedule,A PP LlCA BILITYService under this schedule is applicable to any Seller that1. Owns and/or cperates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind. biomass,.'; orhydropower, or represents fuel cell technology; and2. Maintains its retail electric service account fo,r the, loads served 0'1 the Point of Deliveryadjacent to the Genera tion Interconnection Point as ac.1iv~ and in 9?od standing; and3, Meets all applicable requirements of the Company s Schedule 72. and Generation Interconnection Process; and Takes retail electric service urder: Schedule 1 or Schedule 7; and Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a total nameplate capaci1y rating of 25 kW or smaller that is interconnectec to the Seller s individual electric system on the Seller s side of tne Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the existing watt-hour retail meter. Schedules other than Schecule 1 or Schedule 7: and Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a total nameplate capacity rating of 100 kW or smaller that is interconnected at a Gene'ation Interconnection Point that is adjacent to the Sellers Point of Delivery and is metered at the same voltage through a meter that is separate from the retail load metering at the Sellers Point of Delivery , DEFINITIONS Avoided Energy Cost is the monthl~. weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dew Jones Mid-Columbia Electricity Price Index (Dow Jcnes Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy puoJished in the Wall Street Journal. This rate is calculated based upon the previous calendar month's deja. If the Dew IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29094 Effective - September 1, 2002 APPLICATION Issued bl CASE NO. IPC-03- John R. Gale. Vice ATTACHMENT 1221 We PAGE 114 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SEC'JND REVISED SHEET 84-2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveFIRST REVISED SHEET NO.84-2 Aug. 28 , 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O.N. 29094Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC, NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 84CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION1\8 METERING(Continued)DEFINITIONS (Continued)Jones Mid-C ndex prices are not reponed for a particular day or days, the average of the immediatelypreceding and following reporting periods or days will be used.Generation Facility means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resultingenergy is eHher delivered to the Company via a ~ingle meter at the Point of Delivery or GenerationInterconnection Point, or is consulled by the customer. Generation Interconnec1ion Process is the Company s generation interconnection applicationand engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection.Interconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably requJed bY' Prudent Electrical Practices andthe applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver 81ergy from the GenerationFacility to the Point of Delivery or Generation Interconnection Point.Generation Interconnection Point is the point where the conductors installed to allow receipt'Sellers generation connect to the Company s faciliHes adjacent to' the Sellers Point of Delivery. Foint of Delivery is the retail metering point where the Company s and the Seller s. electrical facilities are 'nterconnected to allow Seller to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lavlfully and with safety, dependabmty. efficiency and economy. Schedule 72 is the Corrpany s service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. Seller is any Customer that owns and/or operates a Generation Facility and desires to interconnect the Generation Facility to the C~mpany s system to potentially sell net surplus energy to the Company. MONTHLY BILLING The Seller shall be billed in accordcnce w'ith the Seller's applicable standard selVice schedule, including appropriate monthly charges. CONDITIO1\S OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shail apply to all transactions under this schedule. Balances of generation and usage by the Seller: IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29094 Effective - September 1. 2002 APPLICA TION Issued b CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R, Gale. Vice ATTACHMENT 1 221 We P AGE 1 1 5 0 F IDAHO POWER COI\A,PANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO, 84-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveFIRST REVISED SHEET NO, 84-Aug. 28,2002 Sept. 1 2002Per O.N. 29094Jean D. Jewell Secretary"P.C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 84CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTIONMET METERING(Continued)caNon-IONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued)a. If e!ectrjcity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period exceeds theelec1ricity generated by the Seller and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period,the Seller sholl be billed for the net electricity supplied by the Company at the Sellerstandard schedule retail rate, ir accordance with normal metering practices.b, If electricity generated by the Seller during the Billing Period exceeds the electricitysupplied by the Company during the Silting Period, the SeDer:Sholl be billed for the applicable 'Demand and other 'lon-energy chargesfor the Billing Pe'iod under the Seller s standard service schedule, andSholl be financially credited for the net energy delivered to the Companyduring the Billing Period at, the Seller s standard service schedule retail rate" Schedule 1 or Schedule 7 serVice~ Sellers taking service under schedulesother than Schedule 1 or Sche9IJh3 7 will be credited an amount per kWhequal to 85% of the mo~t , rec;:ently calculated monthly per kWh p.voidedEnergy Cost for the 'kWh of net ,energy delivered to the 'Company. iii.Sholl, if taking service under a schedule other than Schedule 1 or 'Schedule 7, be billed the applicable 'retail late for any net usage delivered by the Company and recorded on the Seller s generation meter, '"I As a condition of :nterconnection with the Company, the Seller ~hall: o. Complete and maintain all requirements of interconr-ection in accordance with the applicable (:ortions of Schedule 72, b. Complete and maintain all requirements of the Company's Generation Interconnection Process. C. Obtain written confirma1ion from tre Ccmpany that all conditions to interconnection have been fulfilled prior to operation of the Generation Facility. Such confirmaTIon shall not be unreasonably withheld by the Company. 3. The Seller shall rever deliver or attempt to deliver energy to tne Company s system when the Company s system serving the Seller s Generation Facility is de-energized l or any reason. 4. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a net metering fac;lity to the Company s system, or for 1he acts or omissions of the SeHer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. IDAHO Issued Per PUC Order No, 29094 Effective - September I, 2002 AP PLICA TIO'J Issued t CASE NO, lPC-O3- John R. Gale. Vice A TT ACHMENT 1221 WE PAGE 116 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 84-4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCA NC ELS Approved EffectiveORIGINAL SHEET NO. 84-4 Aug. 28,2002 Septw 1, 2002Per O.N. 29094Jean D. Jewell SecretaryloP .C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO.1 01 SCHEDULE 84CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTIONN ET M ET -E.RlN G(Continued)CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued)5, The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with the Generation Facili1y andInterconnection Facilities. The Seller is also responsible for all costs associated with any Companyadditions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines arenecessary 0$ a result of the ins1allation of tre Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliableelectrical sys em.6. The Company sholl not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Sellerto curtail. interrupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent ElectricalPractices. determines tha1 curtailment interruption or reduction is necessary because of line constructionor maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system.7. If the Company is required by the Commission to insmute curtailment of deliveries ofelectricity to its customers, the Company may require the Seller .0 curtail its consumption of electricity the same manner and to the same degree os other Customers within the same customer class 'Nho donot own Generation Facilities.8. The Seller shall grant to the Company all access '0 all Company equipment and facilitiesincluding adequate and contnuing access rights to the property of the Seller for the purpose of installation, operation, mointencnce, replacement or any other service required of said equipment as we!! as all necessary access for inspection, switching and any other operational requirements of the Seller Interconnections Facilities. IDAHO Issued Per -PUC Order No, 29094 Effective - September 1. 2002 APPLICA TIONmn- Issued b CAS E NO. I PC-O3-John R. Gale, Vice ATTACHMENT 1221 We PAGE 117 OF 137 .... "IDAHO POWER ::OMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 85-CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO, 85- 1I.P,C, NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 IDAHO PUBLIC UTltll'lES COMMISSIONAPPROVED ,EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 85RESIDENTIAL WEATHERIZATICNCASH GRANT PROGRAM PJAV 6 - 'NAY 1 - t~~ J2 ~~ SECRETARYSERVI CE D1SC0N"TINUE 0 IDAHO issued - April 1, 1999 Effective - May 1, 1999 l'!.", Ii,..... 1\1 t"\ co-nil APPLICATION CASE NO. IPC-O3- Issue( ATTACHMENT Kip W. R PAGE 118 CIF 137 1221 ' " ..IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 85-2CANCELSORIGINAL SHEET NO, 85-2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSiONAPPROVED EFFECTIVELP.C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 85RESIDENTIAL WEA TH ERIZA TJONCASH GRANT PROGRAM(Continued)MAY 6 - fJ,AV 1 - ~n~ J2 SECRETA~YSERVICE QISCONTINUE'o IDAHO Issued - April 1 , 1999 Effective - May 1, 1999 /I..-I"i,....,....., 1\1,....., oo_ APPLICA TIO:--J CASE NO. IPC-O3- ~ssue( ATTACHMENT Kip W, Rl PAGE 119 OF 137 221 \ IDAHO POVvlER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET 1\0.85-CANCELSORIG1NAL SHEET NO. 85-ES COMM'SSlON10AHO PUBl\C UT\UT' EFrEC1tveAP PROVEDI.P,C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 85RESiDENTIAL WEATHERIZATIONCASH GRANT ;JROGRAM(Continued)MAY 6 - '99 tlAY 1 - ~a. V' -SECRETARYSE RVI CE DISCONTI N U E D IDAHO Issued - April 1, 1999 Effective - May 1, 1999 APPL-CA TION CASE NO, IPC-O3- Issuec ATTACHMENT Kip W, RI PAGE 120 OF 137 1221 \ - - - IDAHO POWE~ CONIPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 86-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveSECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 86-Aug. 28, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O.N. 29093Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 86COGENER.A,TION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTIONNON-FIRM ENERGYAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available throughout the Company s service territory within the stoteof Idaho.APPLICABILITYService under this schedule is applicable to any Seller that: 1. Owns or operates a Qualifying Facility with a nameplate capacity rating of less.than 10 and desires to sell Energy generated by the Qualifying Facility to the Company on a non-firm, if, as.and when available basis; 2. Meets all applicable requirements of the Company s Schedule 72 and the GenerationInterconnection Process.DEFINmONSAvoided Energy tost is the weighted overage ' qf th~doily on':peak ard off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Electricity Price Index (Dow Jones .\4id-c Index) prices for nonfirm energy 'published'in 1he Wellstreet Journal. If the Dovv Jones Mid-Index prices.are not rep0rted for a particular day or , dcJYs, .the average of the immediately preceding and following reporting periods or day~ will be used. pesignatlliLDispotch Facility is the Collpany s Boise Bench Dispatch Center. Energy means the non-firm electric energy, expressed in kWh, generated by the Qualifying Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Company ~n accordance with the conditions of this schedule. Energy is measured net of Losses and Sta~ion Use. Generation Facility means equipment used to produce electric energy at 0 specific physical iocation, which meets the requi'ements to be a Qualifying Facility. Generation Interconnection Frocess is the Company s generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed 10 ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection. interconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the National Electric Safety Code to interconnect and safely deliver Energy from the Qualifying Facility to the Company s system, including, but not limited to, connection. transformation.. switching, netering, relaying, communications, disconnection. and safety equipmen1" Losses are the loss of electric energy occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission of electric energy from the Qualifying Facility to the Point of Deliverf, Point of Delivery is the location where the Company s and the Seller s electrical facilities ore inter- connected, IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1, 2002 Issued APPLICATION John R. Gale, Vie CASE NO. IPC-O3- 1221 V ATTACHMENT PAGE 1 21 Of IDAHO POWER CO~APANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NJ. 86-2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTH RD REVISED SHEET NO. 86-Aug. 28 2002 Sept. 1,2002Per O.N. 29093Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 SCHEDULE 86COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTIONNON-FIRM ENE~GY(Con1inued)DEFINITIONS (Continued)Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods and equipment that ore commonlyused in prudent electrical engineering and operations to opercte electric equipment law1ully and withsafety, dependability, efficiency and econonw,PUR? A means the Public utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978.QUQ:ifying Facility is a cogeneration 1acility or a small power production facility which meets thePURr A criteria for qualification 5et fortn in Subpart B of Part 292, Subchapter K, Chapter I. TItle 18, of theCode of Federal Regulations,Schedule 72 is the Company s service schedule v/hich provides for interconnection to non-utilitygeneration or its successor schedulers) as approved by the Commission,Seller is any entity that owns or operates a Quaiifying Facility and desires to sell Energ'y' to theCompany.Stor:dbv Power is electrical energy or capacity supplied by the Company during an unscheduled, outage of a Qualifying Facility to replace energy consumed by the seller which is ordinarily supplied bythe Seller's Qualifying Facility, Station Use is electric energy used to operate the Qualifying Facility which is auxiliary to or directly related to the generation of electricity and which, but for the generation of electricity, would not be consumed by the Seller. Supplementary Power is electric energy or capacity supplied by the Company which is regularly used by a Seller in addition to t~e Energy an:! capacity which the Qualifying Facility usually supplies to the Seller. PURC HAS E PR ICE The Company VYiIi pay the Seller monthly, for each kWh of Energy delivered and accepted at the Point of Delivery during1he preceding calendar month, an amount equal to 85% of the monthly Avoided Energy Cost. CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. Company, The Company shall purchase Energy from any Seller that offers to sell Energy to the As a condition cf interconnection with the Company, the Selle" shall:a. Complete and maintain all requirements of interconnection in accordance with Schedule 72. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - Septe mber 1 J 2002 Issuec APPLICATION John R. Gale, Vie CASE NO. IPC-O3- 1221 \ ATTACHMENT PAGE 122 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 86-3 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTHIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 86-3 Aug. 28 , 2002 Sept. 1, 2002Per O.N. 29093Jean D. Jewell SecretaryC. NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 86COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTIONNON-FIRM ENERGY(Continued)CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued)b. Complete and main1oin all requirements of the Company GenerationInterconnection Process.Submi1 prcof to the CoMpany of all insurance required by paragraph 12.d. Obtain written confirmation from the Company that all conditions tointerconnection have been fulfilled prior to operation of the Generation Facilityc Suchconfirmation shall not be unreasonably withheld ~y the Company.3. The Seller shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company s system whenthe Compary s system serving tre Seller s Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. 4. The Seller and the Company shall eactcJ indemnify the other. their respective officers,agents, and employees ogains~ all loss, dan1oge, expense, and liability to third persons for ,!njury ' to death of persons or injury to property, proximatelY caused , by' the indemnifying party'5 construction,ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure , of, '~ny' of such partys works or facilities used inconnection with purchases under this schedule, The indemnlfying party shalt on the other party s request,defend any suit asserting a claim covered by -this indemni1y. The indemnifying party shall pay 611 ,cos1s that may be incurred by the other party in enforcing this indemnity. 5, The Company shall offer to provide Standby Power and Supple'YIentary Power to the Seller. Charges for Supplementary and Standby Power wm be in accordance with the Company s Schedule 7 as that schedu1e is modified from time to Hme by the Commission. The Seller shall maintain voltage levels acceptable to the Company. 7, The Seller shall maintain at the Qualifying Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Company end Seller, adequate metering and relaled po'Ner production records, in a form and content recommended by the Company. Either the Seiler or the Company after reasonable notice to the other party, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspect and audit any or all such metering and related power production records pertaining to the Seller s account. 8. During a period of shortage of energy on the Company s s~'stem, the Seller shall. at the Company s request and within the limits of reasonable safety requirements as determined by the Seller, use its best efforts to provide requested Ene~gy. and shall, if necessary, delay any scheduled shutdown of the Qualifying Facility. 9, The Company and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating commL nications through the Designated Dispatch Facility. IDAHO Issued Per PUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1, 2002 APPUCA TIC;N Issued CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vie A 1T ACHMENT 1221 V PAGE 1230F 137 IJAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO, 86-4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTHIRD REViSED SHEET NO. 86-4 Aug. 28, 2002 Sept. 1 200~Per C.N. 29093Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P.C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 SCHEDULE 86COGENERATION ,A,ND SrJ;ALL POWER PRODUCTIONNON-FIRrll ENERGY(Continued):OND!TIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (ContinL-ed)10. The Company shall not be obligated 10 accept, and the Company may require the Sellerto curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Company, consisten1 with Prudent ElectricalPractices, determines that curtai!ment, interruption or reduction is necessary because of line cons1ructionor maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical opera1ing conditions on its system.11. If the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries ofelectrici1y to its Customers, the Company may requre the Seller to curtail its consumption of electricity inthe same manner and to the some degree as other Customers within the same Customer class \vho donot ov/n Generation Facilities.12. The Seller shall secure end continuously cony liability insurance coverage for both bodilyinjury and property damage liability in the amount of not less than $1 ,OOD,OOO 8:Jch occurrence combinedsingle limit.Such insurance shall include an endorsement naming the Company as on additional, insured insofar as liability arising out of operations under this scr,edule and a provision that such liabilitypolicies sho!. not be canceled or their limits of liability reduced without 30 days' written notice to the" Company. The Seller shall furnish the Company with certificates of insurance together v/ith the endorsements required herein. The Company shall hove the rignt to inspect the original policies of such insurance. 13. The Seller shall grant to the Company all necessary righ1s of way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove the Company s metering and other Interconnection Facilities including adequate and contiruing access 'ights to the properly of the Seller. The Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and righ"s of way from third parties as are necessary to provide the Company with the access described above. The Seller shol execute such other grants, deeds, or documents as the Company may require to enable it to record such rights of \vay and easements. 14. Depending on 11e size and location of the Seller s Qualifying Facility, it may be .necessary for the Company to establish additional requirements for operation of the Qualifying Facility. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, voltage, reactive, or operating requirements. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No, 29093 Effective - September 1 , 2002 Issued APPLICATION John R. Gale, vie CASE NO. IPC-O3-13 1221 \ ATTACHMENT PAGE 124 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 86-5 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTHIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 86-5 Aug. ~8, 2002 Sept. 1,2002Per O.N. 29093Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P,C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 IDAHO POWER COlv1P ANYSCHEDULE 86UN IFORM AGR EEMENTFor the Pllrchase of Non-Firm Energy From Qualifying FacilitiesTHIS AGREEMENT Made this day of , 20 , betweenwhose mailinc address is heleinaHer'-'called Seller and IDAHO POWER COMPANY. a corporation with its principal office locaied at 1221 West Idaho Street.Boise, Idaho hereinafter called "Com~any".NOW, THEREFORE, The parties agree as follows:Company shall purchase Energy produced by the Seiler's Qualifying Facility located at ,:jr near,County of , State of Idaho, located in the of SectionTownship, Rcnge . BM. in the form of three phose 60 Hz and at a nominal phase to phase potentialof 'subject to emergency operating conditions of the Collpany. Purchoses under this Agreenent aresubject to the Company s opplicabie Tariff provisic-ns, including but not imited to Schedules 86 and 72 approved and as may be hereafter modified by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission !"Commission ) and the provisions of thisAgreeme~. 2. Seller shall pay Company for all c~sts of Interconnection Facilities as provided for in Exhibit A of thisAgreement and Schedule 72-3, In addition to the charges provided under Paragraph 2. Seller shall pay to the Company the monthlyOperation & ,Vlaintenance Charge specified in Schedule 72 on the inv8stment by the Company in -Interconnection Facilities which investment is set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and mode a part hereof. As such 'investment changes, in o'der to provide facilities to serve Selle-' s requiremenis. Company shall notify' Seller in writing of additions or deletions of facilities by forwarding a dated revised Exhibit A. which shall become part of this Agreement. The monthiy Operation & Mainter-ance Charge will be adjusted to corresponc to the Revised Exhibit A.4. The initial date of acceptance of Energy under this Agreemen+ is subject to the Company s ability 10 obtain required labor. materIals, equipment, satisfactory rights of way, and comply with governmental regulations.5. The term of this Agreement shall become effective on the dote first above written, and shall continue to full force old effect until canceled by Seller upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, 6. This Agreement an::! the rates. terms, and conditions 01 service set forth or incorporated herein, and the respecti\le rights and obligoticns of the parties hereunder. shall be subject to volid la~ and to the regulatory authority and orders. rules. and regulations of the Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction.7. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the Commission from changing any rates. charges, classification or service, or any rule;, regulation or conditions relating to service under .his Agreement or construed as affecting the right of the Company or the SeHer to unKaterally make application to the Commission for any such change.8. This Agreenent shall not become effective until the Commission al=proves all terms and provisions hereof withe-ut cho'lge or condition and declo-es that all payments to be made hereunder shell be a lowed as prudently incurred expenses for rate making purposes. APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES APPLICA TION CASE NO. IPC-O2-- ATTACHMENT PAGE 125 OF 137 IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1 , 2002 Issued John R. Gale, Vic 1221 V IDAHO POWER COMPANYP. . . N .26 TARIFF NO. 101 ORIGINAL SHEEl NO. 89-I'DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSJONAPPROVED EFFECTIVESCHEDULE 89UNIT AVOIDED ENERGY COST FORCOGENERATION AND SMALL POWERPRODUCTION FEB 3 - '95 FEB 1- 'J2. StCRET MYAVAILABILITYService under this schedule is available in the service territory of Idaho Power Company in theState of Idaho,Service under this schedule is applicable to any Seller who owns or operates a Qualifying Facilitysupplying the Company with both Capacity and Energy under Option 3 or 4, of a Po'Ner SalesAgre ernen t.DEFI N ITIONSCapadtv means the ability of the facility to generate electric power, expressed in kW. lessstation use and less step-up transformation losses to the' high voltage bus at the generator site.eneration Facifi means equipment used to pr0duce electric energy 'and forms of usefulthermal energy (such as heat or steam). used, for ,industrial. commercial. heating or coolingpurposes, through ,the sequential use of energy. Company means the Idaho Power Company. uali in Focili or means a Cogeneration Fa~ility or a Small Power Production Facility which meets the criteria for qualification set forth in Subpart B of Parl 292. Subchapter K. Chapter I. Title 18. of the Code of Federal Regulations. SeUer as used herein means any individual. partnership, corporation, association, governmental agency. political subdivision. municipality or other entity that owns or operates a Qualifying Facility. mall Fower Production facili means the equipment used to produce electric energ1( solely by the use of biomass, waste. solar power, wind or any other renewable resource. MONTHLY PAYMENT The Company will compensate the Seller for the energy delivered and accepted each month under the terms of the Power Sales Agreement at the following rate: 2.465ft per kWh for all kWh, IDAHO Issued - February 3. 1995 Effective - February 1. 1995 Per IPUC Order No. 25880 APPLICA TION CASE NO. !PC-O3- Issued ATT ACHMEt~T D, H. Jacksc PAGE 126 OF 137 1221 W IDAHO POWER CO"~PANYC. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101APPLICABILITY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO, 91-IDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveORIGINAL SHEET NC. 91-May 20, 2002 May 16,2002Per O.N. 29026 ErrataJean D. Jevvell SecretarySCHEDULE 91ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDERThis schedule is applicable to all retail Customers servec under the Company s schedules andspecial contracts, This energy Efficiency Rider is designee to fund the Company s expenditures for theanalysis and implementation of energy conservation programs.MONTHLY CHARGEThe Monthly Charge is c flat per month charge for Customers taking service under Schedule and is a cent per kWh charge equal to the Energy Efficiency Rider amount times the monthly billedenergy consumption for all other Customers, The Monthly Charge will be separately stated on theCustomers regular billing,ScheduleSchedule Schedule 7Schedule 9Schedule 15Schedule Schedule 24Schedule 25Schedule 32 Schedule 40 Schedule Schedule 42 Schedule 26 Schedule 28 Schedule 29 Schedule 30 Eriergv Efficiency Rider$0.30 oer meter per month$0.000315 per kWh$0.000178 per kWh$0,001176 per kVVh$0.000139 per kvVh$0.000301 per kWh, but not to exceed $15.JO per meter per month$0.000301 per kWh, bu1 not to exceed $1 5.D0 per met er per m:)nt $0,000565 per kWh $0.000235 per kWh $0.000565 per kWh $0.000 155 per kV/h $0,000122 per kVJh $0.000110 per kVy'h $D.OOO 123 per kWh $D.000112 per kWh IDAHO Issued per lPUC Order No. 29026 Effective - May 16,2002 APPLICA TION Issued b CASE NO. IPC-O3-John R. Gale, ViCE ATTACHMENT 1221 WE PAGE 127 OF 137 TWENTY-THIRD REVISED SHEET NC. 95-Idaho Public Utilities CommissionCANCELS Office of the SecretaryTWENTY-SECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 95-ACCEPTED FOR FILINGApril 21 , 2003Boise, IdahoIDAHO POWER COMPANYIPUC NO 26 TARIFF NO 101 SCHEDJLE 95ADJUSTMENT FOR MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE FEESPURPOSETne purpose of this schedule is to set forth the charges such as license, privilege, franc;hise,business, occupation, operating, excise , soles or use of street t:Jxes or other charges imposed on theCompany by municiool corporations and billed separately by the Company to its Customers within thecorporate limits of a municipality.APPLICABILITYThis schedule is applicable to all bills for Electric Service calcula1ed under the Companyschedules and spec~al Contract~ in the Company s service are:) within the State of Idaho as providedin Rule C of this Tariff.CHARGEThe rates and charges for Electric Service provided ulder the Company s schedules will beoportionotely increased by the following charge within the municipality on and after the effectived~te of the charge for the applicable municipal ordinance,'-which charge 'Nil I be separately stated onthe Customer s regular billing. Munic palitv ~jty of Boise City of Buhl City of Caldwell City 0: Carey City of Cascade City of Chubbuck City of Council City of Eagle City of Emmett City of Fairfield City of Fruitland City of Garden City City cf Glenns Ferry City cf Grand View City of Greenleaf City of Hailey City of Idaho City City of Inkom City of Ketchum City of Leadore City of McCall City of Meridian City of Middleton City of Mountain Home Ordinance No.Effective Date, 'Of Char Charge OctDber 26, 1995 Novembe~ 20, 997 June 26, 1996 1~, March 25, 1997 November 16, 1995 January 21, 1999 1 910 September 1,2000 1 ~o Oc1ober 22. 1999 June 26, 1996 MO'f 29, 2003 Ma~ch 21,2001 June 26, 1996 March 24,- 1999 January 21 ,2000 October 22, 1999 August 18, 2000 September 25, 1996 July 26, 1996 April 1 . 2002 1 0/.. June 20, 2000 November 20, 1997 December 22. .i 998 October 22, 1999 October 24, 1996 5650 835 2133 96- 537 498 362 349 858 199 393 669 452 99- 136 753 252 96-195 890 713 800 287 1251 Issued APpTJCA TION __ __._m__- John R. Ga;e, Vie CASE NO, IPC-03- 1221 V ATTACHMENT PAGE 128 OF 137 IDAHO Issued - April 15, 2003 Effective - N,oy 16,2003 Advice No. 03-02 LP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. 95-iDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS - APPROVED EFFECTIVEORIGINAL SHEET NO. 95-- IfJAHO POWER COMPANY... ..APR 30 'MAY 1 a '0 1SCHEDULE 95ADJUSTMENT FOR MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE FEES If1 SECRETARYCHARGE(Continued)Effective DateMuniciolitOrdinance No.Of Char CharCity of Pocatello 2511 October 26, 1995City of Richfield 175 March 27, 1996City of Star May 24 , 1999City of Twin Falls 2610 August 24, 1999 IDAHO 15sued - April 1 0, 2001 Effective - May 10. 200 Advice No. 0 J .. APPLICATION CASE NO. IFC-03-Issuec ATTACHMENT John R, Ga e, Vie PAGE 129 CF 137 i 221 V IcJp,HO POWER COMPANYLP,C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NCt , 98-1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTll!TiES COMMiSSIONAPPROVED Et"=FECTIVESCHEDJLE 98RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL FA~'ENERGY CREDJ SEP 2 8 '01 OCT 1 - ~F~ c:. n). 'Stz? g--1; it. SECRETARYAPPU CABI LlTYThis schedule is applicable to the qualifying electric energy delivered to residential Customersta-cing service under Schedule l or Schedule 3 and to agricultural Customers operating a waterpumping or water delivery system used to irrigate agricultur:11 crops or livestock pasturage underSchedule 24 or Schedule 25,The Residential and SmaU Farm E:nergv Credit ("Credit") is the result 0;; the Settlement Agreemenibetween the Company and BPA doted October 31, 2000. The Settlement Agreement provides for ':-determination of benefits during the period Ociober 1. 2001 through September 30, 2006, The Creditunder this schedule is effective October 26, 2001, This schedule sholl expire when the benefiis derivedfrom the Settlement Agreement for the period October 1, 2001 through Ser.:;tember 30,2006 have beencredited to customers as r::rovidEd for under this schedule, but no later than December 21, 2006,QUALIFYING E_ECTRIC ENERGYAll kWh of energy delivered during the BiI!ing Period to'resideniial Customers taking s~r\'ice urderS::hedule 1 or Schedule 3 qualifies fer the ::redit under this ,schedule, The kW~ of energy deliveredGuring the Billing Period 'to applicat,le' agriculturo ! 'C~stomers taking service under Schedule 24 orSchedule 25 which qualifies for the Credit under this sc hedule is limited to either th~, cgricultura\Customer's actual metered energy or 222.000 kWh,. whit::hever ,is less, A;JricultJraJ Cu~tomers, will be identified by tax identification rumber or Social Security Ndmber for purposes of determining qualifying, electric energy under this schedule, CREDIT ADJUSTMENT An energy credit factor for residential Customers will be computej for each Billing Period and will be determined by dividing the monthly benefit derived from the Settlement Agreement by the projected kVJh of energy consumption by residential Customers for ihe Billing Period. An energy Credit equal to the credit adjustment foctor times the qualifying kWh of electric energy will be ircluded on each residential Customer billing, An eiergy credit factor for applicable agricultural Customers will be computed on an annual basis by divijing the annual benefit derived from the Settlement Agreement by the qualifving kVv'h of electric ene~gy billed to applicable agricultural Customers for the DecerTlber through November BilHAg Perioos, An energy Credit equal to the credit adjustment factor ~imes the qualifying kWh of electric energy billed to each applicable agricultural Customer during the December through Nove;nber Billing Periods will be issued to each applicable agricultural Customer in December of each year, IDAHO Issued - September 25, 2001 APPLICA TION CASE NO. IPC-O3- ATTACHMENT Issue' PAGE 130 OF 137 John R, Gale, Vi 1221rr.. - .L' . .-'-"-"""' 1.-..,...... 1 I")nnl SEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMfSSI(::ANCELS APPROVED EFFECTIVESIXTH REVISED SH EE1 NO. 26- JUL 13 t98 MAY 1- 'J2 SECRET AR'IDAHO POWER COMPANYI.P,C, NO, 26, TARIFF NO, 101 IDAHO POWER COfviPANYELEClRlC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 26FORMICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC,BOISE, IDAHO .,.SPECIAL CONTRACT O.ATED SEPTEMBER 1, 1995MONTHLY CONTRACT DEMAND C1- ARGE$1.54 PER kW OF Scheduled Contact DemandSCHEDULED MONTHL V CONiRACT DEMANDSepterTlber through Decer:lber 1995....... u . . . n . . . . . . . . . . . . u . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . u . . . -- - -- .. . h U . . 5O,OCO kWJanuary through March 19-:;6.,....,.. - . - - -. -. - - - - - - - - - - - ......... . ~ . . . . . . .. .. ... -..... -. -.. -......... 60,OCO kWApril through June 1996....... ....... ..... ..,.. ........ ,.. ....... .... .-... .......... ... --_ow .-...-..-.. 70,OCO kWJuly through September 1996...._...- --_--h. -.... .......... ....~..... .00_.'...'" n...... ... .... h 80,000 kWOctober through December 1996...................".. - . . , . . . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . - - - -. .. , , , . . . . . . , . . . . . 90,000 kWJanuar( 1997.. ,.............. ...---..."'.....,....,....... ,.......... ..... ,.,.._.._...,............. .100,000 kWBeyond January 1997-- _h""" .--....... ..u.... un... ""--._'~..'.. ...... ----00"" Q-140,OCO kW.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . .. . . . ~ ~ . - . - - . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . '. ~" ..with one year notmcatiOfl a~ per contract., 'ACCELERATE D SCH EDULED CONTRACT DEMAND III any month that the Billing Demond exceeds the Scheduled Contract Demand, a new sche,dule Contract Demand \vill be estatiished. In tre new schedule, current and future Scheduled Contract Demand will be increased to the next scheculed level that exceeds the Billing Demone up to 1 GO, GOO kilowatts. In addition, $15,000 per month will be charges every month until the Contract Demand level c:)nforms to the original schedule, fv10NTHLY BILLING DEMAND CHARGE $6.25 per kW of Billing Demand but not less thon Scheduled Minimum rv,onthly Billing Demand. f\1INIMUM MONTHLY BILLING DEM,~ND The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand \vill be 25,000 kilowatts, DAILY EXCESS DEMAND CHARGE $0,204 per each k\JJ over the Contract Demond. The DDily Excess Demand Charge is applicable beginn~ng Ja'luary 1997 or once the Contract Demand reaches 100 000 kW, which ever comes first. APPLICA TION Issued b CAS:: NO. IPC-O3- Kip 'W, Rur' A TT ,A,CHMENT 1221 We PAGE 131 OF 137 IDAHO issued - July 6, 1998 EffedcTIve - ~.lay 1, 1998 Advuce No. 98- IDAHO POWER COMPANY T'NELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveELEVENTH REVISED SHEET NO. 26-May 16 2003 May 16 2003Per N~ 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P.C. NO, 26. TARIFF NO. 101 IDAHO POWER COMP AN)'ELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 26FORM~CRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.BOISE, IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 1 ( 1995(Continued)MONTHLY ENERGY CHARGEEnergy CharqeBase Rate12.783 Power CostAd-ustment*039 EffectiveRate18.822 mills per kWh for all energyThis Power Cost Adjus1ment (Schedule 55), and Etective Rate expire May 15,2004.MONTHLY 0 & M CHARGES0.4 pe'cent of total cost of Substation Facilities.CONSERVATION PROGRAMS RECOVERY CHARGE $5.103 per rrionth IDAHO Issued Per tPUe Order No. 29243 Effective.;. May 16, 2003 ~PPLlCArION Issue' CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vi ,o\TTACHMENT 1221 JAGE1320F 137 IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY THIRTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 28-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTWEL FTH REVIS ED SHE ET N (I, 28- 1 May 16, 2003 May 16 , 2003Per D.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO, 26, TARIFF NO. 101 EXPIRED - LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No. 29243 Effective - May 16. 2003 APPUCA TION ssued CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vio ATTACHMENT 22 1 '" P AGE 33 0 F IDAHO POWER COMP ANY THIRTEENTI- REVISED SHEET NO, 29-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTWELFH- REVISED SHEET NO, 29-May 16,2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryLP.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 IDAHO POWER CO~~P ANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 29J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANYPOCA TELLC), IDAHOSPECIAL CONTRACT DATED AUGUST 27; 1973MONTHLY CONTRACT RATE,Demond Charqe$6.68 per kW of Billir,g Denlond (1)Enerqy CharaeBase Rote1 4.080 Power CostAdiustment*039 EffecfveRate20.119 mills per kWh for all energy (2)tv'\inimum CharqeThe minimum monthly charge shall ce the amount computed in accordance with Paragraph1, but not less $100,188.61 for any month during tne effective term c-f this Agreement.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedul8 55), and Effective Rate expire May '5,2004. CONSERVATION PROGRAMS RECOVERY CHARGE $5,06 1 per rr,onth Contrac:t Chanqes ( 1 )Contract Paragrap~o 5,(gL No Change (2)ContracLParagrootLNo, 5,1 U2l Change 33.450 mills to 20,119 mills 13)Contract Paragraph No. 5, No Change 1DAHO Issued Per IPUC Order No. 29243 Effeciive - May 16, 2003 APPLICA TION Issued CASE NO. IPC-O3- John R. Gale, Vic ATTACHMENT 221 V' P AGE 34 0 F IDAHO POWER COMPANY TH!RTEENTH REVISED SHEET NO, 30-IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveTWELFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 30-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per O.N. 29243Jean D. Jewell Secre1aryI.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO, 101 IDAHO POWER CaMP ANYELECTRIC SERVICE RATESCHEDULE 30FORUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYIDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICESPECIAL CONTRACT DATED MAY 16, 2000CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-99-BSD-O124AVAILABILITYThis schedule is available for firm retail service 01 elec1ric ,po'Ner and energy delivered for thecperations of the Department of Energy facilities located at the Idaho National EngineeringLC1borotory site, as provided in tr.e Contract for Electric Service between the parties,MONTHLY CHARGEThe nonthl'( charge for electric service shall be the sum of the Demand, Energy, andConservation Programs Recovery Charges dsdermined at the following rates: Derrond Charqe$5.10 per kW of Billing C-emand Per l\AonthEnergv Ch::Jrqe Base Rate 13.404 Power Cost A:iiustment* 039 Effective Rate 19.443 mills per kVVh for aU energy Conservation Programs Recovery Charqe $3,521 per mo nt'l This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55), and Effecti'/8 Rate expire May 15, 2004. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Billing Demand: The Billing Demond shall be the average kW supplied during the 30-minute period of maximum use during the month. Pov.Jer Factor Adjustment: When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 30-minuts period of maximum load for the month, Company may adjust the measLTed Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demond by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Povver Factor. IDAH-~ Issued Per IPue Order No. 292.43 Effective - ~J\ay 16, 2003 APPUCA f!ON Issued CASE NO, PC-O3- John R. Gale, Vie A TT AC HMENT 1221 v PAGE 135 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM~SS\ONAPPROVED ' EFPECTiVE!GINA~ET NO. 31-l\UG' 3 1 t98 SEP 1- 'p~ c) I\: , Q-'IO~IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY ~Vj6!- y: SECRET ARYAGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF STANDBY ELECTRIC SERVICESCHEDULE 31FORTHE AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANYlJ',C. NO, 26. TARtELNO. lQJ CONTRACT DATED APRil 6, 1998MONTHLY CHARGE~bV Contrggj Demanq Chan~e$0.21 per kW of Standby Con1ract Demands.iQnQ.by Faciiities Con~Demond CharQePer kW cf Standby Facilities Contract Demand:Faul Facility:Nampa Facility:Twin Falls Facility:$0.$0.$0.S1QnQbv Bi\.ll.o9-Demand Charge$ , .99 per kW of Standby Billing Demond~xcess Demand Charge$O~50 per day for each kW taken in excess of the Total Contract Demand during the months ofSeptember through March $0.75 per day for each kW taken in excess of the Total Coniract Demand during the months of April through August $5,00 per kW for the highest Excess Demand recorded during the Billing Period. (This charge wiU not be prora1ed. J:neray Chorae Energy 1aken with Standby Demond will be priced at the applicable Schedule 19 Energy Charge IDAHO issued ~ Aprii 29, 1998 Effective - May 29-. 1998 APPLICATION Issue~ CASE NO. IPC-C3- Kip W. RI ATTACHMENT' 1221' PAGE 136 OF 137 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SH::ET NO. 32-IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCANCELS Approved EffectiveSECOND REVISED SHEET NO. 32-May 16, 2003 May 16, 2003Per Q,N. 29243Jean D. Jewell SecretaryI.P.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. 101 IDAHO POWER COrAP ANl'AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF SHIELDEDSTREET LIGHTING SERVICESCHEDULE 32FOR THE CITY OF KETCHUM, IDAHOSPECIAL CON1RACT DATED JUNE 12, 2001MONTHLY CHARGE PER LAtv\PHigh PressureSodiun~ Vapor70 Wa-100 Watt200 Watt AverageLumens6AOO50022 ,000 BaseRate$ 7,S 7.$ 9.Power CostAdjustment'"$0.$0.$0.4 EffectiveRate$ 7,~ 7.$10.This Power Cost Adjustment (Schedule 55) and this Effective Rate ex:)jre MDY 15,2004.ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RA-:-For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for streetlighting only:Wood pole ..............................,.,. ...,..,..............,..............."...$1.71 per poleSteel pole .".........-..........,..,.,....,...,.,...,...............'..",.,."""..$6.80 per pole PA YMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt. and becomes past due 15 days from the date on wroich rendered. IDAHO Issued Per IPue Order No. 29243 Effeciive - May 16,2003 APPLICA TION Issued CASE NO. IPC-C3- John R. Gale, Vie ATTACHMENT 1221 ~~ PAGE 137 OF