HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031217Mountain View Power Reply Comments.pdfRECEIVED ::' !LEO Ronald L. Williams Attorney at Law 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ill 83702 208-344-6633 ISB # 3034 Attorney for Mountain View Power, Inc. zaD3 DEC 17 PM 4: (4 i\i,u !'ibLIL; UT IL ITIES COf~\~1ISSI0N BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR THE RATEBASING OF THE BENNETT MOUNTAIN POWERPLANT. CASE NO. IPC-O3- REPLY COMMENTS OF MOUNTIN VIEW POWER, INc. Mountain View Power, Inc. (MVP), by and through its Attorney, Ronald L. Williams, provide these Reply Comments to Staff Comments of December 15, 2003 only as they relate to Staffs analysis and recommendations concerning tax increment financing and sales taxes. Tax Increment Financing Staff recommends, to the extent tax increment financing (TIP) in excess of three million dollars benefits the Bennett Mountain Project (the "Project"), that additional construction savings be passed on to Idaho Power. (Staff Comments, page 26) Staff also recommends Idaho Power s audit capability of MVP's books be extended to Staff auditors. (Staff Comments, page 37) Both of these recommendations should be rej ected by the Commission, as they were derived from an in-accurate representation of the facts and in essence, are recommendations for rate-of-return regulation of MVP and Siemens- Westinghouse Power Corporation (Siemens). First, Staff is in error in assuming $3 million in TIF financing remained in MVP' bid. The $3 million referred to by Staff was an amount assumed by MVP in MVP' original bid to Idaho Power. That bid was subsequently revised later, and MVP' assumptions regarding the likelihood of TIP financing assistance were also revised. MVP REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS Page 1 In addition MVP and Siemens revised the risk allocation between them concerning TIP. Staff s recommendation would require revisions to both the Idaho Power-MVP Agreement, and the MVP-Siemens Agreement, concerning allocation of TIP construction financing assistance. Staffs recommendation asserts regulatory authority over the profitability of a contractor and a sub-contractor to a regulated utility. The Commission should reject Staffs recommendation to re-align construction benefits without also realigning construction risk. MVP currently carries 100% of the risk that TIP funds will not be available, in some amount less than MVP's revised TIP estimate.For TIP funds to assist in construction financing, significant work must be performed by MVP, at substantial expense. Idaho Power is not assisting MVP in this effort. Idaho Power' interest in the TIP has already vested. Ratepayers are already benefiting from MVP's assumption (in its revised bid price) that some amount of TIP will offset Project construction costs. If no TIP funds are available, then MVP and Siemens - not Idaho Power, or its ratepayers - absorb the additional construction cost. Staffs recommendation avoids discussion of the risk, expense and effort concerning TIP. Alternatively, MVP's supports Staffs recommendation, provided that it is revised to address both reward and risk concerning TIP. If TIP funding is available for project infrastructure that exceeds the revised TIP estimate , MVP will share that "bonus with the Company, as a reduction to the contract price. Conversely, ifMVP receives TIP funding below the estimate, there will be a contract price increase by the amount of the shortfall.Staff can have full TIP audit rights.Under this adjustment to Staffs recommendation, TIP rewards and risks are now in balance. Sales Taxes Staff comments on page 26 that "the turbine intended for the project has been purchased from a secondary market" and therefore, sales taxes on the turbine "have already been paid by the previous buyer." (Staff Comments, Page 26, 27) 1 Which Th, and always has been, a confidential and proprietary number, comprising what MVP and Siemens would describe as contingent profitability. MVP REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS Page 2 Staff is in error. The Westinghouse 501FD turbine generator to be installed at the Project site by Siemens is a brand new unit Siemens will manufacture for this Project. There is no previous buyer of the turbine. MVP's did investigate the secondary market for turbines, and whether one was available on which sales taxes had been paid. MVP's investigation showed that such a buyer-turned-seller would then immediately claim a sales tax refund from their respective taxing jurisdiction, claiming a "purchase for resale" sales tax exemption. This would then nullify MVP's ability to claim a "credit" for sales tax previously paid another taxing jurisdiction, as allowed by Idaho Code g 63-36210). For the reasons outlined above the Commission should reject Staffs recommendations concerning tax increment financing and the phantom payment of sales taxes. Respectfully submitted this ih day of December, 2003. R.A/ l!J~ Isl Ronald L. Williams Ronald L. Williams Vice President and General Counsel Mountain View Power, Inc. MVP REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS Page 3