HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030929Application.pdfBARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Phone: (208) 388-2682 FAX: (208) 388-6936 \lFD illL..1- .- \1 Cj- tLL 2Cn3 SEP 2' PM 4: 25 0 FUBUC UTILYi-iES COMMISSiON Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Express Mail Address 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER REGARDING TREATMENT OF CERTAIN ASSET REQUIREMENT OBLIGATIONS. CASE NO. IPC-03- APPLICATION COMES NOW , Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company and in accordance with the provisions of Idaho Code ~ 61-524, and RP 052, hereby applies for an accounting order authorizing the Company to (1) record , as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, the cumulative financial statement impact resulting from the Company s implementation of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards SFAS") 143; and (2) record on an ongoing basis, as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, an amount equal to the difference between the annual SFAS 143 accretion and depreciation expenses and the annual depreciation expenses based on Commission- APPLICATION, Page approved depreciation rates and coal mine reclamation accruals. Such an order will not affect the current level of asset removal cost included in the Company s revenue requirement through depreciation expense. Further Idaho Power respectfully requests confirmation by the Commission that asset removal costs , in the form of negative net salvage, are currently accrued through annual depreciation expense which is recoverable in rates; that these costs are based on estimates of the final removal costs; and that such costs are trued-up for ratemaking purposes at the time the related assets are retired and the actual removal costs are determined. In support of this Application , Idaho Power states as follows: Idaho Power is an electrical corporation and public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission with regard to its rates , service , and accounting practices. This Application is filed pursuant to Idaho Code ~ 61-524, which authorizes the Commission to prescribe the accounting to be used by public utilities subject to its jurisdiction. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Barton L. Kline Monica Moen Attorneys for Idaho Power Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 bkline (9) idahopower com mmoen (9) idahopower com John R. Gale Vice President , Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise , Idaho 83707-0070 rgale (9) idahopower.com APPLICATION , Page 2 BACKGROUND Under the accounting method currently used by the Company for both financial reporting and ratemaking purposes , the cost of removing a tangible long- lived asset at retirement is included in the calculation of depreciation rates as negative salvage and is recovered over the useful life of the asset. Under this method, the accrued removal cost is included in Account 108, Accumulated Depreciation. In June 2001 , the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB" issued SFAS 143 Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations, effective for fiscal years after June 15 , 2002. Under SFAS 143, entities are required to recognize and account for certain asset retirement obligations in a manner different from the way that Idaho Power and other public utilities have traditionally recognized and accounted for such costs. Specifically, if a legally enforceable asset retirement obligation ("A RO") , as defined by SFAS 143 is deemed to exist, an entity must measure and record the liability for the ARO on its books. The liability must be recorded at fair market value in the period during which the liability is incurred. SFAS 143 defines "fair market value" as the amount that the entity would be required to pay in an active market to settle the ARO. SFAS 143 also provides that if market prices are not available , estimates of fair value can be calculated by discounting the estimated cash flows associated with the ARO to their present value at the date the liability is to be recorded. Under SFAS 143 , at the time the liability is recorded , a corresponding and equivalent ARO asset is also recorded on the entity s books as part of the cost of the associated tangible asset. The ARO asset is then depreciated over the life of the associated tangible asset. In addition , accretion is added to the ARO APPLICATION , Page 3 liability annually to account for the time value of money, so that at the time of retirement the recorded ARO liability will be sufficient to equal the cash required to meet the legal obligation. In addition to the forward-looking requirements of SFAS 143 entities are also required to recognize the cumulative impact on their financial statements resulting from the implementation of SFAS 143. This cumulative impact amounts to a transition entry on the entity s books, so that in future years the financial statements will appear as if the requirements of SFAS 143 had always been followed. SFAS 143 recognizes that differences may exist between its requirements and the treatment of ARO costs for regulatory purposes and provides that a regulated entity subject to SFAS 71 Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation can recognize any differences between the two approaches as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, subject to the requirements of SFAS 71. Idaho Power is required to implement SFAS 143 in order to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Due to the lack of an active market for settling AROs, Idaho Power will use the expected present value method to determine its ARO liabilities and offsetting assets. 10.After a thorough review, Idaho Power has determined that it will need to record AROs under SFAS 143 for certain generation assets. The Company has also identified AROs for transmission and distribution assets. However, the timing of those obligations is indeterminate and the liability cannot be measured and recorded at this time. There were no AROs for general plant assets. In addition , Idaho Power has an equity investment in Bridger Coal Company, which has AROs related to mining APPLICATION , Page 4 assets. PacifiCorp, Bridger Coal Company s majority owner, has applied to this Commission for an accounting order related to these assets (PAC-03-08). Idaho Power follows the accounting prepared by PacifiCorp for Bridger Coal Company. 11.In order to reflect the cumulative impact of SFAS 143 for past years, Idaho Power will record on its books, as shown on Exhibit 1 , a series of five transition entries for .the generation assets. The first transition entry will record the present value of the liability for each ARO at the date it was incurred , offset by an increase in the carrying value of the related ARO asset. The second transition entry will record the increase in the ARO liability by the accretion of interest through January 1 , 2003. The third transition entry will record the accumulated depreciation on each ARO asset from the date the ARO was incurred through January 1 , 2003, the date on which Idaho Power implemented SFAS 143.The fourth transition entry will reverse the accumulated removal costs that have been previously accrued on the Company books in accumulated depreciation. As part of the implementation of SFAS 143, Idaho Power is , for financial reporting purposes, required to reclassify accumulated removal costs, measured as of December 31 2002, from the accumulated depreciation balance. Idaho Power has received regulatory approval to accrue these removal costs through negative net salvage and, for regulatory reporting purposes, these accumulated costs will remain in accumulated depreciation. The net difference between these four transition entries is the cumulative impact of the implementation of SFAS 143 12. Idaho Power seeks Commission approval to record that cumulative impact as a regulatory asset, or a regulatory liability. As shown in the fifth transition entry on Exhibit 1 , the Company proposes to record the APPLICATION , Page 5 cumulative impact of the accretion expense related to the ARO liability and depreciation expense related to the ARO asset. as a regulatory asset and proposes to record the reversal of previously-accrued removal costs as a regulatory liability. Under this proposed treatment, the SFAS 143 transition entries will net to zero for ratemaking purposes. 12.In addition to the transition entries, SFAS 143 accounting will require three annual entries. One entry will be required to record the annual increase in the ARO liability from the accretion of interest and another will be necessary to record the annual depreciation of the associated ARO asset on a straight-line basis over its remaining life. The third entry will adjust the accumulated removal costs included in accumulated depreciation to the current amount. Since the Company will continue to use the Commission approved depreciation rates to determine annual asset retirement costs for ratemaking purposes , these new accounting entries will not change the level of the costs included in rates. 13.In order to reconcile the requirements of SFAS 143 with regulatory accounting practices used in the rate setting process and to maintain revenue neutrality with respect to these costs , the Company seeks Commission approval to record the effect of the annual SFAS 143 accretion and depreciation expenses as an adjustment to the regulatory asset and the net change in accumulated removal costs for ratemaking purposes as an adjustment to the related regulatory liability. Examples of the annual SFAS 143 accretion and depreciation entries and the annual adjustments to regulatory assets are shown in Exhibit 2. APPLICATION , Page 6 14.Work papers supporting the amounts and values for the journal entries shown in Exhibits 1 and 2 have been provided with this filing. 15.Nothing in this application is intended to request any approval regarding future ratemaking treatment. The Company notes, however, that upon retirement of the related assets and determination of actual removal costs , such costs will be trued-up for ratemaking purposes , at which time the regulatory accounts associated with these assets will be eliminated. Consistent with past rate proceedings the Company will continue to seek recovery of prudently incurred removal costs, not previously recovered through depreciation expense , in future rate case proceedings. WHEREFORE , Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission consider this matter under Modified Procedure pursuant to RP 201-204 and issue its Order as follows: Authorizing Idaho Power to record, as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, the cumulative financial statement impact resulting from the Company s implementation of SFAS 143; Authorizing Idaho Power to record on an ongoing basis, as a regulatory asset or regulatory liability, an amount equal to the difference between the annual SFAS 143 accretion and depreciation expenses and the annual depreciation expenses based on Commission- approved depreciation rates and coal mine reclamation accruals; and Confirming that asset removal costs , in the form of negative net salvage, are currently accrued through annual depreciation expense, which is recoverable in rates; that these costs are based on estimates of the final removal cost; and that such APPLICATION , Page 7 costs are trued-up for ratemaking purposes at the time the related assets are retired and the actual removal costs are determined. DATED at Boise , Idaho, this 26th day of September, 2003. BARD: K ~I~ Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION , Page 8 EXHIB IT Idaho Power Company FAS 143 Implementation Recorded journal entries FERC Account Dr.Cr. Transition entries: ARO Assets 101 050,508 ARO Liabilities 230 050 508 To record the liabilities for generation asset retirement obligations with an offsetting increase to the carrying amount of the related assets Cumulative effect adjustment 651 966 ARO liabilities 230 651 966 To record the accretion of interest on the asset retirement obligation liabilities through December 31 , 2002 Cumulative effect adjustment 304 689 Accumulated depreciation - ARO assets 108 304 689 To record the depreciation on the asset retirement obligation assets through December 31 , 2002 Accumulated depreciation 108 137 645,099 Cumulative effect adjustment 137 645 099 To reverse the removal costs embedded in accumulated depreciation reserve Cumulative effect adjustment 131 688,444 Regulatory assets 182_956,655 Regulatory liabilities 254 137 645,099 To record cumulative effect of adoption of FAS 143 as regulatory assets Net effect of above entries ARO assets 101 050 508 Accumulated depreciation - ARO assets 108 304 689 Accumulated depreciation - removal costs 108 137 645 099 Regulatory assets 182.956,655 ARO liabilities 230 702,474 Regulatory liabilities 254 137 645,099 Exhibit 1 EXHIB IT 2 Idaho Power Company FAS 143 Implementation Recorded journal entries FERC Account Dr. Calendar year 2003 Accretion, Depreciation and Removal Cost Entries Cr. 1 Regulatory asset (accretion expense) ARO liabilities To record accretion expense on the asset retirement obligations 2 Regulatory asset (depreciation expense) Accumulated depreciation - ARO assets To record depreciation on the ARO assets 3 Accumulated depreciation Regulatory liabilities To record adjustments to the ARO regulatory liability for the difference between regulatory-approved removal costs and the FAS 143 accruals (note these amounts are estimates- The actual amount can not be determined until the end of the year) 182. 230 182. 108 108 254 394 089 816 418 741 394 089 65,816 418,741 Exhibit 2 WORK PAPERS FOR EXHIBITS 1 AND 2 Idaho Power Company Asset Retirement Obligations Adoption of SFAS 143 Summary of Assets and Obligations Recorded Description Bridger Mine Bridger plant Boardman plant Total Company that recorded Bridger Coal IPC IPC Date of Adoption 4/1/2003 1/1/2003 1/1/2003 % owned by IPC 33%33%10% Project 10 n/a 27143467 27143472 Gross asset (101)012,400 952 662 846 062 908 Accumulated depreciation (108)162 000)250,874)(53 815)(8,466 689) Net asset 850,400 701 789 031 596,219 Accretion of Liability (230)(38,834,600)297 099)(405 376)(45 537 074) Currently recorded liability (36 000 000)(36,000.000) Adjustment to liability 834 600 297,099 405 376 537 074 Cumulative effect adjustment (recorded as regulatory asset 182.015,800 595 310 361 345 940 855 2003-4 Accretion (chg to 182. 372 067 $ 194 267 $ 2003-4 Depreciation (chg to 182. Quarterly amounts to record Quarterly amounts to record Disclosure totals:ARO 230 Asset 101 Accum depr 108 Reg asset 182. see above see above see above see above Removal costs:acct 108300 Estimate of 1/1/2002 ARO balance: 1/1/2003 balance Less: 2002 accretion estimate (using 2003 actuals) Estimated 1/1/2002 balance Schedule 1 disclosure summary. xis All summary 367 005 084 588,356 63,093 723 437,883 751.25 771.00 15,773.680. 297 099)(405,376)702 474) 1 ,952 662 846 050,508 250,874)(53 815)304 689) 595 310 361 ,345 956,655 139 113 359 297 099)(405,376)702 474) 367,005 27,084 394 089 (5,930,094 378,291 308 385 9/26/2003 2:28 PM FAS 143 Disclosure Summary For December 31 , 2002 annual reports Bridger Coal Mine Underground( Scenario Surface scenario Weighted Average (80%)(20%) Gross asset 36,037 200 563 000 934 000 Accumulated depreciation (21 ,486,000)(21 788,000)(20,278,000) Net asset 551 200 775,000 13,656,000 Accretion of Liability (116,503,800)(118,232 000)(109,591 000) Currently recorded liability (111 000 000)(111 000 000)(111 000 000) Adjustment to liability (5,503,800)232 000)1,409,000 Cumulative effect adjustment (recorded as regulatory liability)047,400 543 000 065 000 2003-4 Accretion 582 800 684 000 178 000 2003-4 Depreciation 1 ,116 200 1 ,135,000 1 ,041 ,000 1 of 1 disclosure summary.xls Bridger mine summary 9/26/2003 2:28 PM FAS 143 Disclosure Summary Bridger Power Plant Adoption in 2003 Bridger-Water Fence at ash Total supply FGD Pond 1 disposal site Surge Pond FGD Pond 2 Landfill Gross asset 857 987 057 186 $ 1 569 002 788 089 341 128 815 795 Accumulated depreciation 752 621)(638 717)387 963)595)(37 793)101 707)(580 847) Net asset 105 366 418,470 181,420.234 948 Accretion of Liability (18 891 296)598 204)771 314)(30 728)(358,489)375 979)756 583) Currently recorded liability Adjustment to liability (18 891 296)(6,598 204)771 314)(30 728)(358,489)375 979)756 583) Cumulative effect adjustment (recorded as regulatory asset)(16 785 930)179 734)$(3 590 275)(23 534)(334 193)136 558)$ (1 ,521 ,635) 2003 Accretion 101 014 430 075 146 576 986 23,166 412 023 188 2003 Depreciation 189 280 025 346 400 350 68,857 303 Idaho Power 1/3 Gross asset 952 662 Accumulated depreciation 250 874) Net asset 701 789 Accretion of Liability 297 099) Currently recorded liability Adjustment to liability (6,297 099) Cumulative effect adjustment (recorded as regulatory asset)595 310) Quarterly amounts 2003 Accretion 367 005 751. 2003 Depreciation 63,093 15,773.25 1 of 1 disclosure summary.xls Bridger plant summary 9/26/2003 2:28 PM Bridger Power Plant AROs Amounts are 100%) Year ARO occured (end of yr) Est retirement date (end of yr) Total years Remaining vears Est reclamation year (end of yr) Total years Remaining years Valuation year (end of yr) Obligation in valuation year $ Escalation rate Obliaation at retirement date $ Credit adj discount rate PV to inception PV at valuation year Deprn per year Accum deprn at val yr Entries at Transition Asset Accum depreciation Reclamation Liability (new) Cumulative effect adjustment 1 of 2 Total FY2021 Bridger-Water Fence at ashsupply FGD Pond 1 disposal site FY2020 Surge Pond. FGD Pond 2 Landfill Fy2020 2002 069.0 $ 1973 2021 2021 2002 390.0 $ 771% 901.2 $ Annual Accretion Exoense Based on Reclamation Year i\\X11!i'Sj1j;j!::!?"!!!i:I~:!1(gi.'!'$i'~~J ;).j':, 0:"rJi&I;i.I::!"\:;;A9;99~,5;. ;.' i'Y, ~;' i:021~90Jil~?~r0';$\!?;j;~4;22a:4 ;. BegBal 18 891.3 6 598.2 3 771.2003 1 101.0 430.1 146.2004 1 166.4 458.1 152. 2005 1 232.5 488.0 158. 2006 1 137.9 519.2007 1 204.9 553.2008 1 275.8 589. 2009 1 350.7 628.2010 1,430.0 669.2011 1 514.1 712.2012 1 603.0 759. 2013 1 697.3 808. 2014 1 797.861.42015 1 903.4 917.2016 2 016.977.32017 2 135.3 1 041. 2018 2 261.8 1 108.2019 2 396.1 1 181.2020 2 538.5 1 258.2 2021 1 340.2 1 340.2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 993.5 $ 858. 891. 153. 752. 518% 057. 598. 22. 638. 100% 858. 752. (18,891. 33% 952. 250. 297.1 ) 785.595. !fj9'4',g;\;;;?:;\10;~i0i'1!j\t 0Ik$H?;y.;;;j!;;,,1!9;~1~5 !\;~;" :, ;:02;981;0 . 30.358.5 6 376.0 1 756.0 23.2 412.0 87.1 24.438.6 90.3 26.3 467.0 90.4 28.0 497.2 90.6 29.8 529.3 89.7 31.7 563.88.19 33.7 599.9 86.1 35.9 638.7 83.3 38.2 680.0 79.5 40.7 723.9 75.7 43.3 770.7 70.0 46.1 820.65.42 49.1 873.5 59.5 52.3 929.9 51.8 55.7 990.0 43.1 59.3 1 054.0 34.5.4 63.1 1 122.1 24.8 67.2 1 194.6 12. FY2005 1979 2005 2005 2002 070.0 $ 927% 228.4 $ 1988 2020 2020 2002 60.0 $ 730% 94.9 $ 887% 569. 771. 60. 388.0 6.462% 12. 30, "!' :!\,i';; ;~,!. disclosure summary.xls BridgerCalc FY2020 1974 2020 2020 2002 700.0 $ 730% 106.6 $ 6.462% 62. 358. 37. FY2020 1986 19862020 202034 18 2020 2003-202034 1-18 1-2002 2002 450.0 $ 2 399. 730% various 19,681.5 $ 2 981. 462% various 341.1 815. 376.0 1 756. 68.9 varies 101.580. 9/26/2003 2:28 PM Amounts are 100%)Total FY2021 FY2005 FY2020 FY2020 FY2020 Fy2020 Annual Depreciation Expense IBased on Retirement Year . Total, ::. 858,J\05'i'cZ;.1 ,569.0. ',.t2'a::::!/i";/:62:1 34101.815. Beg Bal 752.638.388.0 37.101.580. 2003 68.36. 2004 68.9 30. 2005 68.9 26. 2006 23. 2007 68.20. 2008 68.17. 2009 15. 2010 2011 68.9 11. 2012 68. 2013 8.0 2014 68. 2015 68.5.4 2016 97.22.68. 2017 68.9 2018 2.4 2019 68. 2020 93.4 22.0.4 68. 2021 22.22. 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Annual Reclamation Beg Ba! 2003 133. 2004 135. 2005 228.4 228.4 138. 2006 141. 2007 144. 2008 147. 2009 151. 2010 155. 2011 160. 2012 164.5 2013 168.9 2014 173. 2015 179. 2016 184. 2017 190. 2018 196. 2019 203. 2020 883.94.106.681.5 210. 2021 901.901. 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2012 disclosure summary.xls BridgerCalc 9/26/2003 2:28 PM