HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030506Spanos Direct.pdff~ECEIVED 0FILED 2003 riA Y -6 AM 8:16 ii;I i;~; FUf3LiC UTILITIES CO;.'IMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INSTITUTE REVISED DEPRECIATION RATES FOR ELECTRICPLANT IN SERVICE CASE NO. IPC-O3- IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY JOHN J. SPANOS Please state your name and business address. My name is John J. Spanos.My business address is 207 Senate Avenue, Camp Hill , pennsylvania. Are you associated with any firm? I am associated with the firm ofYes. Gannett Fleming, Inc. - Valuation and Rate Division. How long have you been associated with Gannett Fleming, Inc. I have been associated with the firm since college graduation in June, 1986. What is your position with the firm? I am a Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division. What is your educational background? I have Bachelor of Science degrees in Industrial Management and Mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Master of Business Administration from York College. Do you belong to any professional societies? I am a member of the Society ofYes. Depreciation Professionals and the American Gas Association/Edison Electric Insti tute Industry Accounting Committee. Do you hold any special certification as a depreciation expert? SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company The Society of DepreciationYes. Professionals has established national standards for The Society administers andepreciation professionals. examination to become certified in this field.I passed the certification exam in September 1997. Please outline your experience in the field of depreciation. In June , 1986, I was employed by Gannett Fleming, Inc. as a Depreciation Analyst.During the period from June, 1986 through December, 1995, I helped prepare numerous depreciation and original cost studies for utility companies in various industries.I helped perform depreciation studies for the following telephone companies: Uni ted Telephone of Pennsylvania, Uni ted Telephone of New Jersey and Anchorage Telephone Utility.I helped perform depreciation studies for the following companies in the railroad industry: Union Pacific Railroad, Burlington Northern Railroad and Wisconsin Central Transportation Corporation. I helped perform depreciation studies for the following organizations in the electric industry: Chugach Electric Association, The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company (CG&E), The Union Light, Heat and Power Company (ULH&P), Northwest Territories Power Corporation and the Ci ty of Calgary - Electric System. SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company I helped perform depreciation studies for the following pipeline companies: TransCanada Pipelines Limited Trans Mountain Pipe Line Company Ltd., Interprovincial Pipe Line Inc., Nova Gas Transmission Limited and Lakehead Pipeline Company. I helped perform depreciation studies for the following gas companies: columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, columbia Gas of Maryland, The Peoples Natural Gas Company, T. W. Phillips Gas & Oil Company, CG&E, ULH&P, Lawrenceburg Gas Company and Penn Fuel Gas, Inc. I helped perform depreciation studies for the following water companies: Indiana-American Water Company, Consumers Pennsylvania Water Company and The York Water Company; and depreciation and original cost studies for Philadelphia Suburban Water Company and Pennsylvania- American Water Company. In each of the above studies, I assembled and analyzed historical and simulated data, performed field revlews, developed preliminary estimates of service life and net salvage, calculated annual depreciation, and prepared reports for submission to state public utility commissions or federal regulatory agencies.I performed these studies under the general direction of William M. Stout, P. In January, 1996, I was assigned to the position of Supervisor of Depreciation Studies.In July, SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company 1999, I was promoted to the position of Manager, Depreciation and Valuation Studies.In December, 2000, I was promoted to my present position as Vice-President of the Valuation and Rate Division of Gannett Fleming, Inc. and I became responsible for conducting all depreciation, valuation and original cost studies, including the preparation of final exhibits and responses to data requests for submission to the appropriate regulatory bodies. Since January, 1996, I have conducted depreciation studies similar to those previously listed including assignments for Hampton Water Works Company, Omaha Public Power District, Enbridge Pipe Line Company, Inc., Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc., Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc., Virginia Natural Gas Company, National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation - New York and Pennsylvania Divisions, The City of Bethlehem - Bureau of Water, The City of Coatesville Authority, The City of Lancaster - Bureau of Water, Peoples Energy Corporation, Public Service Company of Colorado, Reliant Energy - HLP , Massachusetts-American Water Company, St. Louis County Water Company, Alliant Energy - Interstate Power and Light Co., Alliant Energy - Interstate Power Company, Cinergy Corporation - PSI Energy, Citizens Gas & Coke Utility, Dominion Hope Gas, Dominion Transmission Inc., Dominion Virginia Power, Duquesne Light Company, Enbridge Consumers Gas Company, Missouri-American Water SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company Company, Northampton, Bucks County Municipal Authority, Centennial Pipeline Company, Northwest Territories Power Corporation, NUl Corporation - Virginia Gas Distribution Company, Elizabethtown Gas Company, PPL Gas Division, South Carolina Electric and Gas Company, Chugach Electric Association and B. C. Gas Utility, Ltd.My additional duties include determining final life and salvage estimates, conducting field reviews and presenting recommended depreciation rates to management for their consideration. Have you submitted testimony to any state utility commission on the subject of utility plant depreciation? I have submitted testimony to theYes. Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy, the Public Utili ties Commission of Ohio, the Public Utili ty Board of New Jersey, Indiana Public Utili ties Commission, and the Commonweal th of Kentucky Public Service Commission. Have you had any additional education relating to utility plant depreciation? I have completed the following coursesYes. conducted by Depreciation Programs, Inc. : " Techniques of Life Analysis, " " Techniques of Salvage and Depreciation Analysis, " " Forecasting Life and Salvage, " " Modeling and Life Analysis Using Simulation " and "Managing a Depreciation SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company I have also completed the "Introduction to PublicStudy. " Utili ty Accounting " program conducted by the American Gas Association. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? I am sponsoring the depreciation study performed on behalf of Idaho Power Company. Please define the concept of depreciation. Depreciation refers to the loss in service value not restored by current maintenance, incurred in connection with the consumption or prospective retirement of utili ty plant in the course of service from causes, which can be reasonably anticipated or contemplated, against which the Company is not protected by insurance.Among the causes to be given consideration are wear and tear, decay, action of the elements, inadequacy, obsolescence, changes in the art, changes in demand and the requirements of public authorities. Was the depreciation study prepared under your direction and control? Yes. What depreciation procedure did you initially recommend to the Company? I recommended the use of the Equal Life Group Procedure as this procedure best matches the recovery rate SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company of capital investment wi th the asset service value. Did Idaho Power request that you prepare an alternative to the preferred procedure? Yes, The Company requested I prepare a depreciation study based on the use of the Average Service Life Procedure. Do you continue to believe that the ELG is the more appropriate method to be used in the Company depreciation study? The Equal Life Group Procedure is theYes. superior method for determining depreciation accrual rates. In the Equal Life Group procedure, also known as the unit summation procedure, the property group is subdivided according to service life.That is, each equal life group includes that portion of the property which experiences the life of that specific group.The relative size of each equal life group is determined from the property s life The calculated depreciation for thedispersion curve. property group is the summation of the calculated depreciation based on the service life of each equal life unit. This procedure eliminates the need to base annual depreciation expense on average lives, inasmuch as each group has a single life.The full cost of short-lived items is accrued during their lives, leaving no deferral of SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company accruals required to be added to the annual cost associated The depreciation expense for thewi th long-lived items. property group is the summation of the depreciation expense based on the service life of each equal life group. Is Exhibit 1 a true and accurate copy of the depreciation study performed by you on behalf of Idaho Power Company using the average service life procedure? Yes. Does Exhibi t 1 accurately portray the results of your depreciation study using the average service life procedure as of December 31, 2001? Yes. In conducting the depreciation study, did you follow generally accepted practices in the field of depreciation valuation? Yes. Please describe the contents of Exhibit I recommend changes to the depreciation rates currently in use as follows: Recommended %Existinq %Function 07%00%Steam Production Plant Hydraulic production Plant 1. 99%22% Other production Plant 77%84% Transmission plant 18%34% 26%66%Distribution plant SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company 52%11.24%General Plant The Exhibit is presented in three parts. Part I, Introduction, presents the scope and basis for the Part II, Methods Used in Study,depreciation study. includes descriptions of the basis of the study, the estimation of survivor curves and net salvage and the calculation of annual and accrued depreciation.Part III, Resul ts of Study, presents a description of the results, summaries of the depreciation calculations, graphs and tables that relate to the service life and net salvage analyses, and the detailed depreciation calculations. The table on pages III-4 through 111- (Exhibit 1, pages 51 through 58) presents the estimated survivor curve, the net salvage percent, the original cost as of December 31, 2001, the book reserve and the calculated annual depreciation accrual and rate for each account or The section beginning on page 1II-subaccount. (Exhibit 1, page 59)presents the results of the retirement rate and simulated plant balance analyses prepared as the historical bases for the service life estimates.The section beginning on page I11-101 (Exhibit 1, page 148) presents the results of the salvage analysis.The section beginning on page II1-161 (Exhibit 1, page 208) presents the depreciation calculations related to surviving original cost as of December 31, 2001. SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company Have you prepared a summary of your detailed recommendations that are described in Exhibit 1? Yes, pages III-4 through III-11 (Exhibit pages 51 through 58) set forth the annual depreciation accrual rates as of December 31, 2001. Please explain how you performed your depreciation study. I used the straight line remaining life method of depreciation, wi th the average service Ii fe The annual depreciation is based on a method ofprocedure. depreciation accounting that seeks to distribute the unrecovered cost of fixed capital assets over the average remaining life of the property within a group rather than recovering the unrecovered costs over the estimated remaining useful life of each unit, or group of assets. For General Plant Accounts 391.1, 391. 393.394.395.397.397.397.397.4 and 398, I used the straight line remaining life method of The account numbers identified throughout myamortization. testimony represent those in effect as of December 31, 2001. The annual amortization is based on amortization accounting that distributes the unrecovered cost of fixed capital assets over the remaining amortization period selected for each account and vintage. How did you determine the recommended annual SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company depreciation accrual rates? I did this in two phases. In the first phase, I estimated the service life and net salvage characteristics for each depreciable group, that is, each plant account or subaccount identified as having similar characteristics. the second phase, I calculated the composite remaining lives and annual depreciation accrual rates based on the service life and net salvage estimates determined in the first phase. please describe the first phase of the depreciation study, in which you estimated the service life and net salvage characteristics for each depreciable group. The service life and net salvage study consisted of compiling historical data from records related to Idaho Power s plant; analyzing these data to obtain historical trends of survivor characteristics; obtaining supplementary information from management and operating personnel concerning practices and plans as they relate to plant operations; and interpreting the above data and the estimates used by other electric utilities to form judgments of average service life and net salvage characteristics. What historical data did you analyze for the purpose of estimating service life characteristics? I analyzed the Company s accounting entries that record plant transactions during the period 1946 SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company through 2001.The transactions included additions, retirements, transfers, sales and the related balances.The Company records included surviving dollar value by year installed for each plant account as of December 31, 2001. What method did you use to analyze this service life data? I used the retirement rate method.This is the most appropriate method when retirement data covering a long period of time is available , because this method determines the average rates of retirement actually experienced by the Company during the period of time covered by the depreciation study. Please describe how you used the retirement rate method to analyze Idaho Power s service life data. I applied the retirement rate analysis to each different group of property in the study.For each property group, I used the retirement rate data to form a life table which , when plotted, shows an original survivor curve for that property group.Each original survivor curve represents the average survivor pattern experienced by the several vintage groups during the experience band studied. The survivor patterns do not necessarily describe the life characteristics of the property group; therefore, interpretation of the original survivor curves is required in order to use them as valid considerations in estimating SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company The Iowa type survl vor curves were used toservice life. perform these interpretations. What is an "Iowa-type Survivor Curve " and how did you use such curves to estimate the service life characteristics for each property group? Iowa type curves are a widely-used group of survivor curves that contain the range of survivor characteristics usually experienced by utilities and other industrial companies. The Iowa curves were developed at the Iowa State College Engineering Experiment Station through an extensive process of observing and classifying the ages at which various types of property used by utili ties and other industrial companies had been retired. Iowa type curves are used to smooth and extrapolate original survivor curves determined by the The Iowa curves and truncated Iowaretirement rate method. curves were used in this study to describe the forecasted rates of retirement based on the observed rates of retirement and the outlook for future retirements. The estimated survivor curve designations for each depreciable property group indicate the average service life, the family wi thin the Iowa system to which the property group belongs, and the relative height of the mode. For example, the Iowa 35-R2 indicates an average service life of thirty-five years; a right-moded, or R, type curve SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company (the mode occurs after average life for right-moded curves) ; and a moderate height, 2, for the mode (possible modes for R type curves range from 1 to 5) . Did you physically observe Idaho Power plant and equipment in the field as part of your depreciation study? I made field reviews of Idaho PowerYes. property on August 7, and October 14 through 16, 2002, to observe representative portions of plant.Field reviews are conducted to become familiar with Company operations and obtain an understanding of the function of the plant and information with respect to the reasons for past retirements and the expected future causes of retirements.This knowledge as well as information from other discussions with management was incorporated in the interpretation and extrapolation of the statistical analyses. Please describe how you estimated net salvage percentages. I estimated the net salvage percentages by incorporating the historical data for the period 1954 through 2001 and considered estimates for other electric companies. please describe the second phase of the process that you used in the depreciation study in which you calculated composite remaining lives and annual depreciation SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company accrual rates. After I estimated the service life and net salvage characteristics for each depreciable property group, I calculated the annual depreciation accrual rates for each group, using the straight line remaining life method, and using remaining lives weighted consistent with the average service life procedure. Please describe the straight line remaining life method of depreciation. The straight line remaining life method of depreciation allocates the original cost of the property, less accumulated depreciation, less future net salvage, in equal amounts to each year of remaining service life. Please describe the average service life procedure. The average service life procedure is a method for determining the remaining life annual accrual for under this procedure, the rateeach vintage property group. of annual depreciation is based on the average service life of the group, and this rate is applied to the surviving The average remaining life isbalances of the group s cost. deri ved from the area under the survivor curve between the attained age of the vintage and the maximum age. The future book accruals (original cost less book reserve) are divided by the average remaining life of the vintage which is SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company determined by the average service life. please describe amortization accounting. In amortization accounting, units of property are capitalized in the same manner as they are in depreciation accounting.Amortization accounting is used for accounts with a large number of units, but small asset values, therefore, depreciation accounting is difficult for these assets because periodic inventories are required to properly reflect plant in service.Consequently, retirements are recorded when a vintage is fully amortized rather than as the units are removed from service.That is, there is no dispersion of retirement.All units are retired when the age of the vintage reaches the amortization period. Each plant account or group of assets is assigned a fixed period which represents an anticipated life which the asset will render full benefit.For example, in amortization accounting, assets that have a 10-year amortization period will be fully recovered after 10 years of service and taken off the Company books, but not necessarily removed from In contrast, assets that are taken out of serviceservice. before 10 years remain on the books until the amortization period for that vintage has expired. Amortization accounting is being implemented to which plant accounts? Amortization accounting is only appropriate SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company These accounts arefor certain General Plant accounts. 391.1, 391.2, 393.0, 394.0, 395.0, 397.1, 397.2, 397. 397.4 and 398.0 which represent only two percent of depreciable plant. Please use an example to illustrate how the annual depreciation accrual rate for a particular group of property is presented in your depreciation study, Exhibit I will use Account 362 , Station Equipment, as an example as it is a typical depreciable group. The retirement rate method was used to analyze the survivor characteristics of this property group. Aged plant accounting data was compiled from 1916 through 2001 and analyzed in periods that best represent the overall 14 . service life of this property.The life tables for the 1996-2001 experience band is presented on pages III- through 1II-69 (Exhibit 1, pages 114 through 116) of the The life tables display the retirement andreport. surviving ratios of the aged plant data exposed to For example, Page III-retirement by age interval. (Exhibit 1 , page 114) shows $10,548 retired at age 0.5 with $28,736,129 exposed to retirement.Consequently, the retirement ratio is .0004 and the surviving ratio is 0.9996. This life table, or original survivor curve, is plotted along with the estimated smooth survivor curve, the 50-01 on page III-66 (Exhibit 1, page 113) . SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company My calculation of the annual depreciation related to the original cost at December 31, 2001, of utility plant is presented on pages III-287 through III-289 (Exhibit 1, pages 334 through 336) .The calculation is based on the 50-01 survivor curve, 0% negative net salvage, the attained age, and the allocated book reserve.The tabulation sets forth the installation year, the original cost, calculated accrued depreciation, allocated book reserve, future accruals, remaining life and annual accrual. These totals are brought forward to the table on page III- (Exhibit 1, page 57) . What date does the company propose that the new depreciation rates become effective. I have been advised that the Company desires a December 1, 2003 ~mplementation date. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. SPANOS, Di Idaho Power Company