HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030415Gale Direct.pdfRECEIVED I!JFILED 1003 APR 15 AM 10: 19 ID~LI(' Dlif)' I"' UTILITIES U CO,' 1MI SS/ON BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO FOR THE PERIOD MAY 16, 2003 THROUGH MAY 15, 2004. CASE NO.IPC-E- 03 - IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY JOHN R. GALE Please state your name and business address. My name is John R. Gale and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? I am describing a special adjustment to the 2003/2004 PCA , which Mr. Said has included in this year filing. What is the effect of the adjustment to Idaho retail customers in the 2003/2004 PCA? The Idaho retail customers will receive an addi tional benefit in the amount of $1,363,475. Have you prepared an exhibi t to support your testimony? Yes.I am sponsoring Exhibi t No.6, which is a three-page exhibit entitled 2003/2004 FERC Settlement PCA Adj us tmen t . Why are you proposing an adjustment to the 2003/2004 PCA? A series of events related to the wind down of the marketing business at Idaho Power Company s affiliate GALE, DI Idaho Power Company IDACORP Energy LLC (IDACORP Energy or IE) has led Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power or the Company) to conclude that certain ancillary services transactions between IE and Idaho Power should be revalued at this time.These types of transactions have traditionally been included in the PCA calculations. Please describe these events. Following the western energy crisis of 2000 and 2001 and the Enron collapse in late 2001, the energy marketing and trading sector underwent significant stress and turmoil.Many companies decided to exit the electricity trading sector in 2002.Idaho Power Company s parent company IDACORP, Inc. also came to this conclusion with regard to its subsidiary, IDACORP Energy.In the spr ing 0 2002 , the decision was made to exit the electricity marketing and trading business.Idaho Power Company had previously entered into an Agreement for Electricity Supply Management Services (Supply Management Agreement) with IE. Under this agreement IDACORP Energy managed the system resources on Idaho Power s behalf under established transfer pricing mechanisms.After the decision was made to exit IDACORP Energy s electricity trading business, the management of the system resources migrated back to Idaho Power Company.By August 1, 2002, the real-time, day-ahead, and term transactions had all returned to the utility. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company March 17 , 2003, Idaho Power filed with the FERC for termination of the Supply Management Agreement. During the process of exiting the electricity trading business and ultimately terminating the relationship and the agreement with IE, Idaho Power discovered some deficiencies in filings with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the FERC) .The Company reported these shortcomings to the FERC in September of 2002 and issued a Securi ties Exchange Commission Report 8K Financial Disclosure at the same time.The FERC report s ta ted among other things that prior approval was not sought for some ancillary services transactions between IDACORP Energy and the Company. Since that time, the FERC, through its Enforcement Division of the Office of Market Oversight and Investigations, has proceeded with an investigation of Idaho Power s failure to file ancillary services agreements with IE that it is required to file under section 205 of the Federal Power Act.Al though Idaho Power has not reached a final settlement with the FERC at the time this testimony was filed, the Company believes that settlement is imminent and desires to recognize the anticipated outcome of the ancillary services issue in this year s PCA. Please be more specific. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company Contracts between IE and three entities - Montana Power Company (Montana Power), Tri-State Electric Cooperative (Tri-State), and Truckee Donner Public Utility District (Truckee Donner) - are at issue.The Montana Power transaction was for 30 MW of load following service from June 1, 2001 through December 31, 2002.The transactions with Tri-State were ten consecutive monthly agreements beginning in November 2001 for spinning reserves.Finally, the transaction wi th Truckee Donner was for 1. 7 MW of spinning reserves for a 15-day period in August of 2002. Why is there a PCA impact? Because Idaho Power failed to file ancillary services agreements between IE and the Company with the FERC, the remedy proposed to the FERC by Idaho Power and IE to resolve this shortcoming is to transfer all of the net revenues realized by IE on its transactions with these three parties back to Idaho Power.The Company has recorded these net revenues in FERC Account No. 447, which is a PCA account. Where does the resolution of these ancillary service agreements stand today? For Tri-State and Truckee Donner, Idaho Power will file with the FERC for the requisite approval of agreements between Idaho Power and IE.Under the anticipated settlement, all of the net revenues obtained GALE, DI Idaho Power Company IE under its agreements with Tri-State and Truckee Donner are to be transferred to Idaho Power.For the Montana Power agreement, the proposed resolution is recision of the prior assignment of this contract from Idaho Power to IE and an unwinding of the IE-Idaho Power transaction. Have you prepared an exhibit that details these calculations? Yes, page 1 of the previously mentioned Exhibit 6 summarizes the PCA impacts , while pages 2 and 3 provide the backup support. What is the pricing adjustment associated with the Tri-State transaction? Idaho Power will realize the full value received by IE for the reserves sold to Tri-State.The total valuation of the capacity payments under the anticipated FERC settlement is $933,165 for the ten-month period.$316,037 had previously been paid by IE to Idaho Power, leaving a net settlement adjustment of $617 128. What is the pricing adjustment associated wi th the Truckee Donner transaction? In this particular transaction, Idaho Power realized the full value received by IE for the reserves. The total is $5,730 for the 15-day period.This amount has previously been paid to Idaho Power, leaving no requirement for an additional adjustment. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company What is the pricing adjustment associated wi th the Montana Power load following agreement? The proposed resolution of the Montana Power load following agreement is the recision of Idaho Power assignment of the Montana Power agreement to IE and the unwinding of the IE-Idaho Power transaction.The unwinding of this load following transaction requires the repricing of both capacity and energy.The total of the capacity payments under the anticipated FERC settlement is $4,702,500.$3,722,100 had previously been paid by IE to Idaho Power , leaving a net settlement adjustment of $980,400.The unwinding also results in an additional amount due Idaho Power as a result of repricing the energy related to the load following.The energy sold to IE by Idaho Power had been previously priced according to the Supply Management Agreement.The calculations leading to the net energy component are on page 3 of Exhibit No. The net result of unwinding the energy component is an addi tional settlement payment of $184,791 from IDACORP Energy to Idaho Power. Are there any additional PCA changes related to the Supply Management Agreement between Idaho Power and IE? Yes.The Supply Management Agreement has not been functional since August 1, 2002.Idaho Power is no GALE , DI Idaho Power Company longer paying IE for supply management services, but instead has incurred all the expenses necessary to bring the trading acti vi ty back to the utility.Addi tionally, on March 17 2003 Idaho Power filed with the FERC to terminate the agreemen t .Accordingly, the ongoing payments from IE to IPC that are included in the PCA calculation are no longer applicable or appropriate and should be discontinued after April 1, 2003.Because the monthly value was recorded for PCA purposes through March of 2003, there will be no impact to the 2003/2004 PCA. How does the PCA adjustment relate to another Idaho Power Company docket that is presently open before this commission, Case No. IPC-01-16? Case No. IPC-01-16 (the -16 Case) concerns the ongoing review of the relationship between IPC and IE. Some of the issues in that case have been settled and some have become moot as a resul t of termination of the relationship between the two enti ties.This commission in its Order No. 29102, issued on August 28, 2002 approved a partial settlement of this docket related to risk management and hedging issues and identified the key remaining issues. In regard to the other issues remaining in Case No. IPC-01-16, we direct the parties to identify and attempt to resolve what addi tional compensation is owed Idaho GALE, DI Idaho Power Company Power s ratepayers for IE's use of the transmission system and other capital assets.The Commission is aware that IDACORP recently announced it was winding down the speculative electricity acti vi ties of IE and instead focusing on processing and transporting natural gas to wholesale gas customers.We direct the parties to identify and attempt to resolve any remaining transfer pricing issues that are not rendered moot by these changed circumstances. "(Order No. 29102, pages 9 and 10). The ancillary services, described in the FERC settlement, address parts of the compensation envisioned by the -16 Case.It is an area of overlap between this commission s investigation and the FERC' s investigation. The previously referenced quote from Order No. 29102 indicates that there are other -16 Case issues still to be addressed, most notably related to transmission.The Company believes that once the FERC settlement is final , the remaining issues can be addressed expeditiously through the 16 Case docket. Please summarize your testimony. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company I am proposing that the anticipated FERC settlement amount for the ancillary services (including the energy repricing associated with the Montana Power agreemen t ) be inc 1 uded in the 2 003 /2004 PCA.The total compensation due to Idaho Power from IDACORP Energy related to these three ancillary service agreements is $5,826,186. Of this amount, $4, 043,866 had been previously paid to Idaho Power and tracked through the PCA.The remaining $1,782,320 was booked to Account 447 in March of 2003, based upon my recommendation at the time of this filing.The net addi tional value accruing to the Idaho retail customers as a result of the anticipated FERC settlement is $1,363,475. Also, the ongoing credit of $166,667 per month to retail customers should cease as of April 1, 2003 in recognition that the Supply Management Agreement is no longer in place. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes. GALE, DI Idaho Power Company