HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030721Comments.pdf._..--""~~,--..Idaho Public Utilities CommISSion Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED To who it concerns, JUL 1 8 2003 Boise, Idaho I fully agree with any idea that makes Idaho Power more accurate and efficient. Heaven knows that incompetent company needs all the help it can get to avoid purposefully or non-purposefully cheating people of their hard earned money. I'm a mother of four children and can t afford their billings as is. I recendy moved from a house where I repeatedly had to fight with Idaho Power just to get them to acknowledge that my land lady was wiring her electric fences into my power box and tampering with my power box. Even then, they did nothing about it, because of some stupid excuse that they needed her consent. It was my power box routed to my house which my husband and I paid rent to just to have the right, to live there and I had to deal with her cheating power off my power box and get stuck paying her bill. The only thing they had to say was that it was my problem and I would have to take it to court. Why should I? Why should Ihave to be the one to take her to court? Did I not already make myself clear when I said I have four children and already have problems making ends meet? It s the power company s job to keep people from cheating their system not mine, but no, they don care about that. They only care about getting their money and so long as someone stuck with the bill, they couldn't care less if they tried to. To make matters worse living in this house, every time they would come out and shut my power off, they were also sl1u,~g my water off because of a well. So my children and I would have to do without water for days sometimes weeks until my husband received enough pay checks to pay their oudandish billings and have our power restored. Because of this I've concluded that when we have enough money to buy instead of rent we are going to build wind mills and solar panels to power our house with and Idaho Power can take their dams and shove them all. Nobody has the right to own and profit from the creations of earth and nobody should have the right to plug up tp.e river with a dam, and say "Now your all going to pay extremely high prices to hav~ this power we create or were going to disrupt your life so badly you ll wish you had agreed. Because we know that your water supply depends on us, sooner or later you will comply." It burns my butt that they never cared no matter what I said and now I don t care about them, in fact, I'd love to see someone blow their businesses and their dams sky high. It would answer one of my many prayers about governmental abuses and corruption. I never saw a more cheating and uncaring company in all my life. As for the digital meters, I think it's . a good idea and I'm for it. My dog and I would love to see the day the meter man no longer treads through our yard. .. SinCerely, .. ~"" - Hostil~ Mom \7- 75. avJ hv ~ ~~ ~ ~() i::~