HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030319Order No 29210.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date March 19, 2003 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF) TIME-OF -USE PRICING FOR IDAHO POWER)RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. CASE NO. IPC-02- ORDER NO. 29210 In Order No. 29126 issued on February 21 2003 , the Commission declined to authorize residential time-of-use rates for Idaho Power customers at that time. However, the Commission directed Idaho Power Company to begin replacing its existing revenue metering equipment as soon as possible with an automated meter reading (AMR) system. Anticipating the replacement process could be complete by the end of 2004, the Commission ordered Idaho Power to submit an implementation plan no later than March 20 2003. On March 12 2003, Idaho Power Company filed a Petition to Stay that portion of Order No. 29196 requiring the Company to submit the advanced meter implementation plan by the March 20 deadline. In this Order, we grant the Company Petition for Stay. THE PETITION Idaho Power requested the stay to allow for an opportunity to address its concerns with the AMR deployment prior to being required to file the AMR implementation plan required by Order No. 29196. Because there were no hearings conducted in this case, Idaho Power stated that it has been unable to express its concerns relating to the replacement of the Company s existing revenue metering equipment with an AMR system. Idaho Power outlined those concerns in its Petition for Reconsideration, which the Company filed concurrently with its Request for Stay. The Petition for Reconsideration identified numerous AMR deployment issues that Idaho Power believes the Commission should address in a formal hearing either before or after issuing a final Order. Idaho Power stated that a hearing would give all parties an opportunity to present facts and evidence on the record for consideration by the Commission. Idaho Power predicted the advanced meter implementation plan required by Order No. 29196 will require substantial time, effort and resources to prepare. In addition, many of the issues the Company identified in its Petition for Reconsideration are issues that the Company would need to ORDER NO. 29210 address in the required implementation plan. Thus, Idaho Power requested the Commission consider this Petition for Stay on an expedited basis pursuant to Rule 256 and issue an Order suspending Idaho Power s obligation to file an AMR implementation plan by March 20 2003. DISCUSSION Based upon our review of the Company s Petitions for Stay and Reconsideration, we believe it is appropriate and reasonable to stay that portion of Order No. 29196 requiring the Company to submit the advanced meter implementation plan by the March 20 deadline. We do so without fully deciding the merits of issues raised in the Company s Petition for Reconsideration. This will allow the Company, interested parties, and the Commission additional time to consider the substantive and procedural issues raised in the Company s Petition for Reconsideration. It makes little sense to require the filing of an AMR implementation plan now if the Commission s AMR findings may subsequently change following presentation of additional evidence in any further proceedings that may be authorized by the Commission. Pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure Rule 256, IDAPA, the Commission may grant a motion on fewer than 14 days notice when all parties have received actual notice ofthe motion by telephone or personal delivery of the motion, or continued efforts are being made to reach those parties who have not been contacted. Idaho Power represented that its legal counsel personally contacted Ms. Nordstrom of the IPUC Staff, Mr. Eddie of Advocates for the West, and Mr. Delurey from DRAM and advised them that the Company had filed this Petition and was requesting an expedited Order. We find that the Company has adequately complied with Rule 256 and that no party will be unduly prejudiced by staying the filing requirement of Order No. 29196 pending resolution of the issues raised in the Company s Petition for Reconsideration. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Idaho Power Company s Petition to Stay that portion of Order No. 29196 requiring the Company to submit an advanced meter implementation plan by the March 20 deadline is granted. This filing requirement is stayed indefinitely until the Commission can further examine the substantive and procedural issues raised in the Company s Petition for Reconsideration. ORDER NO. 29210 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this Ifj'flo. day of March 2003. t21~~ PAUL KJELLANDER, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ENNIS S. HANS N, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: (fA Commission Secretary O:IPCE0212 In3 ORDER NO. 29210