HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020711Staff Comments.pdfLISA D.NORDSTROM DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION L 2 JUL l i ŸM 3:26 PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 UTILITIESCOMMISSION (208)334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO.5733 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W.WASHINGTON BOISE,IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN )CASE NO.IPC-E-02-7 ACCOUNTING ORDER AUTHORIZING ) DEFERRAL OF FACILITY CHARGES ) RELATING TO THE MOUNTAIN HOME )COMMENTS OF THENATURALGASFACILITY)COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its Attomeyof record,Lisa D.Nordstrom,Deputy AttorneyGeneral,and in response to the Notice of Application,Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice of Comment Deadline issued in Order No.29060 on June 21,2002,submits the followingcomments. On June 3,2002,Idaho Power Company filed an Application requesting an accounting order authorizing Idaho Power to defer facility charges relating to the Mountain Home natural gas facility.On May 13,2002,the Commission disallowed recovery of the Williams Facility Charge Adjustment as a Purchase Cost Adjustment (PCA)expense in Case Nos.IPC-E-02-2 and IPC-E-02-3.Order No.29026. COMPANY APPLICATION In its Application,the Company requests special accounting treatment of the annual payment of the Williams Facility Charge (facility charge).In Case No.IPC-E-02-2 and -3,the STAFF COMMENTS 1 JULY 11,2002 Company requested this amount be included in the PCA with other power supply expenses.In that case,Staff recommended that the charge not be flowed through the PCA mechanism because the charge consisted of items that normallyare not allowed in the PCA mechanism.Staff argued that the underlyingcosts are more like capital investments and equivalent to a capital lease.The Commission found that "it has many of the characteristics of a capital expense normally recovered as an asset in rate base."Order No.29026 at 12.Thus the Commission ordered that the facility charge in general should be considered in the Company's next rate case.Id.The Company now seeks to have the $419,054 charge incurred in 2001 and future facility charges deferred and booked as regulatory assets,amortized over time,and recovered with interest in a future rate case. STAFF ANALYSIS This case deals with two questions.First,what were the findings of the Commission when it set forth the issues associated with the facility charge?Second,what is the proper accounting treatment of that charge?Staff believes that both of these questions are easily answered. Commission Findings In its Application,the Company interprets the Commission's Order in a very specific way.The Commission found,"the facilities charge should be considered for recovery in Idaho Power's next rate case -not in this PCA case.The $419,054 shall not be recovered through the PCA."Id.(emphasis added)The Company requests that the $419,054 not allowed in the PCA case be captured as a regulatory asset and any unamortized amount recovered in the next rate case.However,the Commission did not find that the $419,054 expense incurred in 2001 should be recovered in the next rate case.Rather,the Commission found only that the facility charge was the type of charge to be considered as a test-year expense in a rate case and should be reviewed at that time.That distinction is important when considering the Company's requested treatment. Proper Accounting Treatment of the Facility Charge Staff believes that the facility charge arrangement has many of the characteristics of a capital lease even though it is not specifically called a "capital lease."According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)Statement No.13,a payment arrangement must meet at least one of four requirements to be considered a capital lease.The Idaho STAFF COMMENTS 2 JULY 11,2002, Power/Williams arrangement meets two.First,facility payments will be paid over the life of the pipeline.Because the gas plant has a projected life of thirty (30)years,the pipeline lease is for thirty years.Once the plant ceases functioning,the pipeline will be of no value.Second,the net present value of the payments is more than 90%of the value of the pipeline.Either of those characteristics qualify the pipeline payment arrangement to be treated as a capital lease. The accountingprofession has a specific method to account for capital leases.According to FASB Statement No.13 as Amended,a capital lease should be accounted for in the following manner: 1.The Company records an asset equal to the lower of the fair market value of the leased property (approximately $1.9 million)or the sum of the present value of all the payments. 2.The Company establishes a liabilityequal to the asset. 3.The asset is amortized over the life of the lease down to the residual value as the portion of the annual payment that pays for the capital costs reduces the value of the asset and the liability. 4.The remaining portion of the payment should be expensed justas the depreciation, maintenance and other charges reimbursed to Williams through the facility charges would have been expensed if Idaho Power had built the pipeline. The facility charge includes the amount to be amortized and an interest/expense component.The amortization and interest are expensed like all other expenses.If the capital lease asset is allowed in ratebase as proposed by the Company,Idaho Power will earn a return on the unamortized portion of the pipeline asset while also recovering interest and amortization charges paid to Williams in rates (after the amount has been approvedby the Commission in a general rate case.) As an alternative to the preferred FASB guidelines cited above,Staff would accept another accounting treatment.The Company could continue to expense the facility charge as it occurs and in the next rate case propose to recover the average annual amount of the charge as a non-PCA expense.This expense would be included in base rates during the operating life of the Mountain Home generation facility and adjusted as needed in future rate cases.This alternative would impact the income statement only.The balance sheet would not show an asset (owned by Williams but reflected as a capital lease for Idaho Power)offset with a corresponding liability. STAFF COMMENTS 3 JULY l1,2002 The Company's proposal is simply an attempt to recover additional expenses that were not allowed as a PCA expense.Until the next rate case,these facility charges should be properly recorded as a capital lease or an operating expense not included in rates. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the Commission not allow the Company to defer the facility charge as a regulatory asset because such a treatment is not consistent with past Commission actions or proper regulatory accounting practices.The facility charge is a normal operating expense or a capital lease that should be considered in the Company's next rate case.As yet,the Commission has not authorized the Company to recover the specific $419,054 expensed in 2001 in some future case. If the Commission does allow Idaho Power to classify the facility charge as a regulatory asset,the Company should be ordered to begin amortization over the ten-year period that it requested.However the amortization should begin immediately after the expense occurs,not a year or more later.There is no reason to wait to begin the amortization of the regulatory asset. If the deferral and amortization are approved,the Company would recover at least a portion of the actual expenses that the Commission currentlydoes not allow the Company to recover at all. The recovery of these costs and the resulting associated earnings sufficientlycompensate the Company without authorizing interest as well.Therefore,any deferral allowed should not accrue interest charges. Respectfully submitted this day of July 2002. Lis'a D.Nordstrom Deputy AttorneyGeneral Technical Staff:Terri Carlock Alden Holm LN:i:/umisc/comments/ipce02.71ntcah STAFF COMMENTS 4 JULY 11,2002 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS llTH DAY OF JULY 2002, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ,IN CASE NO.IPC-E-02-07,BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF,POSTAGE PREPAID,TO THE FOLLOWING: LARRY D.RIPLEY JOHN R GALE VICE PRESIDENT SENIOR ATTORNEY REGULATORY AFFAIRS IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 BOISE ID 83707-0070 SECRET Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE