HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020722Reply Comments.pdfLARRY D.RIPLEY ISB #965 Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 CTelephone:(208)388-2674 üílL S COMNSSION FAX TelephoneNo.(208)388-6936 Attorney for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN )CASE NO.IPC-E-02-7 ACCOUNTING ORDER AUTHORIZING )IDAHO POWER TO DEFER FACILITY )IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CHARGES RELATING TO THE MOUNTAIN )REPLY COMMENTS HOME NATURAL GAS FACILITY.) Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Staff)filed comments July 11,2002,in the above-entitled matter in response to the Commission's Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure.Staff was the only party in this proceeding that filed any comments.The Staff's analysis is divided into two parts: (1)an interpretation as to Commission Order No.29026 issued in the last PCA proceeding with a short discussion relating to the effect of Staff's interpretation of that Order,and (2)Staff's proposal as to the "proper"accounting treatment for the facilities charge.Each point will be addressed separatelyby Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS,Page 1 FINDINGS IN COMMISSION ORDER NO.29026 As to Staff's analysis of Order No.29026,all that is required is to review the Commission's own Notice of Applicationissued in this proceeding.That Notice succinctly and concisely captures the determination by the Commission that was made in Order No.29026 and succinctly and concisely sets forth the Commission's discussion as to Idaho Power's proposal concerning the facilities charge.For the convenience of the Commission,that portion of the Commission's Notice is set forth below: THE APPLICATION YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that ldaho Power applied for an accounting order on June 2,2002 that would authorize Idaho Power to defer facility charges relating to the Mountain Home natural gas facility.The Commission had previously disallowed recovery of these amounts (also known as the Williams Facility Charge Adjustment)as a PCA expense in Case Nos.IPC-E-02-2 and -3.Order No.29026.In relevant part,the Commission stated: 4.Williams Facility Charqe Adjustment.Williams Gas Pipeline West (Williams)charged Idaho Power the first annual billing for paymentof $419,054 to install a meter station,control equipment,and a 4,200 foot pipeline from the mainline to Idaho Power's Mountain Home natural gas facility.A fluctuatingannual facility charge will pay for these items over the next 30 years.Staff argued that this charge is more like a capital cost than an annual gas delivery expense.Thus,it would be more appropriate to seek recovery of this amount as a capital asset cost in ratebase than to be recovered through the PCA.Tr.at 427-28.The Companyindicated that because it is booked to a PCA- appropriate account,is fuel-related,and varies year to year, the facilities charge is appropriate for inclusion in the PCA. Tr.at 561. Commission Findings.The Commission finds that although the facilities charge is not a capital expense per se,it has many of the characteristics of a capital expense normally recovered as an asset in rate base.The charge pays for plant investment over time and includes expenses related to depreciation,interest,a return and maintenance on the plant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS,Page 2 investment.Althoughthis charge enables Idaho Power to buy fuel from Williams,the repayment structure over 30 years is typical of a capital investment.Thus,the facilities charge should be considered for recovery in Idaho Power's next rate case --not in this PCA case.The $419,054shall not be recovered through the PCA. Order No.29026 at 12. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that because the Commission determined in Order No.29026 that the facilities charge should be treated for revenue requirement purposes in a manner similar to that afforded capital investments,Idaho Power now requests that the facilities charge expendituresbe treated in the same manner as other expenditureswhich have been deferred by the Commission until the Company'snext revenue requirement case.Application at 2. Staff's interpretation that the Commission's Order denying recovery of the facilities charge as a PCA recovery was a determination by the Commission that the Company should absorb the facilities charge as an expense until the next general revenue requirement proceeding is not a valid interpretation of the Commission's Order,nor is it reasonable. STAFF'S PROPOSAL AS TO THE PROPER ACCOUNTING TREATMENT OF THE FACILITIES CHARGE IS UNREASONABLE The Order in Case No.IPC-E-01-12 authorizing the Mountain Home Project provided in pertinent part the following: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED and the Commission does hereby approve inclusion of the Mountain Home Station's cost of fuel,fuel storage and fuel transportfor recovery through the Company'sexisting PCA mechanism. It is undisputed that the cost of fuel and fuel transportationincludes the facilities charge Idaho Power is paying on the metering facilities and pipeline tap that is required in order for gas to be transportedand delivered to at the Mountain Home IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS,Page 3 facility.Idaho Power included those costs in its PCA and the Commission in its judgmentdisallowed those costs for inclusion in the PCA.The Commission did n.ot rule that those costs should be absorbed by Idaho Power and not recovered as a reasonable and legitimate cost.The end result of Staff's proposal is to require that Idaho Power absorb the facilities charge which is required in order to provide for the transportation/deliveryof the fuel,i.e.,gas,as an expense to the Mountain Home facility.Such a proposal is tantamount to disallowingthe facilities charge as a recoverable expense until the new revenue requirement case.Deferring the recovery of this expense until the next revenue requirement case accomplishesthe Commission's desire without placing the cost burden solely on Idaho Power. Staff,in arriving at the conclusion that Idaho Power must absorb the facilities charge expenses,has attemptedto compare the facilities charge arrangement to a capital lease.Under the Company'sinterpretation of accounting principles,this is not appropriate.The facilities charge is a charge by the pipeline company,i.e.,the utility in this case,to Idaho Power,i.e.,the customer in this case.The facilities charge provides that the operation,maintenance and control of the facility is the responsibility of the pipeline company,i.e.,the utility.This facilities charge arrangementand the method for computing the charges are contained in the pipeline company'stariff approved by the Federal Energy RegulatoryCommission.The underlying agreement between the utility and the Company is for services and does not transfer the right to use the property,plantor equipment.This arrangementcan be likened to the facilities charges that Idaho Power imposes on its customers when special facilities are required, which are also tariff charges approvedby the Idaho Commission.The result is clear. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS,Page 4 The special facilities charge is nothing more nor less than a charge imposed by the utility on a customer for services requested by the customer and provided by the utility. This arrangement is not a capital lease but a contract for services. CONCLUSION The Company proposed that it be permittedto defer with interest the 2001 and 2002 facilities charges as a regulatory asset because the year 2001 had expired and by the time an order is issued in this proceeding,it would be the latter part of 2002. The Company submitted what it believed to be a reasonable approach by proposing the amortization of the 2001-2002 expenses,over a ten-year period,commencing January 1,2003 as a non-PCA related cost.Under this proposal the facilities charge expenditures incurred prior to the next revenue requirement case are deferred with amortization of the expenses commencing January 1 of the followingyear.This has the effect of levelizing the expendituresand allows the Company to recover the unamortized portion of the expendituresover a period of time.Staff in their comments recognize that they are recommendingthat Idaho Power simply absorb all of the facilities charge expenses until the next general revenue requirement proceeding.Why the Company should absorb the facilities charge expenses is never really discussed by Staff.The result,however,is obvious.Staff's proposal is a recommendation that the Company absorb the facilities charge as an expense without any recovery.While not challenging the Commission's decision that the facilities charge is not a PCA related cost recovery,the Company believes that Staff's proposal that it absorb all of the facilities charges as an expense is unfair.This is particularly true in the face of Order No.29026,which the Companybelieved authorized recovery of the facilities charges, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS,Page 5 since the charges are directly related to fuel delivery and transportation. Respectfullysubmitted this 19th day of July,2002. LARRY 6.RIPLEY Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS,Page 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 19th day of July,2002,I served a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS upon the followingnamed parties by the method indicated below,and addressed to the following: Lisa D.Nordstrom _Hand Delivered Deputy Attorney General x U.S.Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission OvernightMail 472 W.Washington Street FAX P.O.Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 ARRY D.RIfLEY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE