HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020502Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RANDY LOBB DON HOWELL BEVERLY BARKER TONYA CLARK RON LAW GENE FADNESS WORKING FILE FROM:CAROL COOPER DATE:MAY 2,2002 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF RALPH STUART On April 17,2002 the Commission received a formal complaint from Mr.Ralph Stuart against Idaho Power.In Mr.Stuart's formal complaint he identifies four issues he wants the Commission to consider: (1)Why,when he first inquired about an unexplained February billing,Idaho Power could not offer an explanation; (2)Why Idaho Power made no attempt to contact him personally in regard to his complaint, and instead interviewed his wife,who is not listed on the account; (3)Why was he not notified when the meter was replaced;and (4)Why Idaho Power did not inform him of his rights under provisions of Rule 204,the option to repay over an extended period of time. (5)Mr.Stuart refuses to pay the corrected billing.In his complaint,he states: I made a proposal to be billed for 2,000 kwh for the months of January,February and March.Given the lack of responsiveness in settling this matter,I am now requestingthat I be billed only for the power that was reflected by meter readings for those months. BACKGROUND The meter serving Mr.Stuart's residence was reported as malfunctioningin February. When the serviceman responded,he saw that the meter was still advancing and so did not replace DECISION MEMORANDUM l MAY 2,2002 it.On March 10,Mr.Stuart called Idaho Power and was informed incorrectlyby a customer service representative that the meter had been replaced.When Mr.Stuart checked the meter the end of March,he found the old meter still in place and not working properly.A new meter was set on April 5,2002,and corrected billings were prepared for the Januarythrough March billing periods.The followingchart shows the comparison in kWh billed: Months 2001 Bills 2002 Original Bills 2002 Corrected Bills January 5405 1317 6500 February 7193 185 6000 March 5277 104 2000 STAFF ANALYSIS (1)Company responsiveness.Staff investigated Mr.Stuart's informal complaint,which was filed prior to his formal complaint.Brent Lulloff of Idaho Power sent an e-mail response to Mr.Stuart admitting the Company had made some mistakes.Staff found the response to be timely and thorough in regard to the meter problems and corrected bill.Items 2,3 and 4 were not part of the original informal complaint submitted by Mr.Stuart. (2)Account confidentiality.The Commission has no rules or requirements regarding communication between a utility and a customer of record's spouse.In this instance,Mr.Stuart is the customer of record and his wife is not listed on the account.Idaho Power did discuss Mr. Stuart's complaint with Mrs.Stuart. (3)Notification of meter replacement.The Commission has no rules or requirements that customers be notified of meter changes.Idaho Power does not typically notify customers of meter replacements. (4)Notification of consumer rights.Rule 204.03 allows customers the option of extended payments when service has previouslybeen inaccurately billed.ApparentlyMr.Stuart was not offered this option.Rule 204 (attached)of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA utilities to estimate usage and send a corrected billingwhen the actual usage cannot be determined because the meter failed or malfunctioned.Staff believes the basis used for estimating consumption for January,February and March is fair and reasonable.If Mr.Stuart needs additional time to pay the corrected billings amounts,he has that right,and should have been so informed by the Company. (5)Determination of amount owing.Given that Idaho Power has a right to rebill DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 MAY 2,2002 customers pursuant to Rule 204,Staff believes Mr.Stuart's refusal to pay for amounts other than usage registered on the prior malfunctioningmeter to be unreasonable. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission want to accept this as a formal complaint?If so,shall the Commission issue a summons to Idaho Power?If not,how does the Commission wish to proceed? Carol Co'oþeË Attachement cannot be e-mailed udmemos/dec memo for ralph stuart see also udmemos/dec memo for ralph stuart attachments DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 MAY 2,2002 204.INACCURATELY BILLED SERVICE UNDER CORRECT TARIFF SCHEDULE--FAILURE TO BILL FOR SERVICE (Rule 204). 01.Errors in Preparation-Malfunctions--Failure to Bill.Whenever the billing for utility service was not accurately determined because a meter malfunctioned or failed,bills were estimated,or bills were inaccurately prepared,the utility shall prepare a corrected billing.If theutilityhasfailedtobillacustomerforservice,the utility shall prepare a bill for the period during which no bill was provided.(7-1-93) 02.Corrections.If the time when the malfunction or error began or the time when the utility began to fail to bill for service cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billingperiod,the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six months before the discovery of the malfunction or error or failure to bill.If the time when the malfunction or error or failure to bill began can be reasonably determined,the corrected billings shall go back to that time,but not to exceed the time provided by Section 61-642,Idaho Code,(three years).(7-1-93) 03.Refunds and Additional Payments.The utility shall prepare a corrected billing indicating the refund due to the customer or the amount due the utility.A customer who has been underbilled or who has not been billed shall be given the opportunityto make payment arrangements under Rule 313 on the amount due.At the customer's option,the term of the payment arrangement may extend for the length of time that the underbilling accrued or the customer was not billed.The utility shall promptly refund amounts overpaid by the customer unless the customer consents to a credit against future bills,except overbillings not exceeding $15 may be credited to future bills.[Adopted as Rule 8.2 and 8.3,O.N.17744;amended and recodified,G.O.177.](7-1-93) Statutory Reference:I.C..61-642. Cross-Reference:Rules 005,203,313. DECISION MEMORANDUM 4 MAY 2,2002 4/15/2002 TO:Jean Jewell-Idaho Public Utilities Commission TIL¡ FROM:Ralph Stuart 70 Fulton Rd Salmon,ID 83467 SUBJECT:Formal Complaint against Idaho Power billing practices This is not justa complaint about billing practices,but also regarding actions of Idaho Power employees in handling an instance in which my electrical meter failed. I have included supporting documents regarding complaint.The crux of the complaint is that I feel that I am being billed unfairlyfor power usage that cannot be verified by Idaho Power,as a result of their inefficiency in conducting business.I contend that they have abused my consumer rights,and have been arbitrary and capricious in rebilling for unverified usage. Regardingtheir service,I ask you to consider the following: 1.When I first inquired of an Idaho Power customer service rep about an unexplainedbilled amount on a February bill,she told me the meter had quit,but could offer no further explanation on the rebilled amount.I asked the rep why I had not been informed,and her response was,"You know now".I was also informed that the meter had been replaced,which I discovered later on 3/28 had not been done. 2.Mr.Brent Lulloff of Idaho Power interviewed my wife,pursuant to a complaint filed by me.Mr.Lulloff had no right to conduct an interview of my wife,since she is not even on the account.This is a violation of account confidentiality.Mr. Lulloff made no attempt to contact me personally regarding the malfunctioning of the meter. 3.The meter was not replaced until 4/30/2002,and no notice was given at the time 4.At no time has Idaho Power informed me of my rights as a consumer under the provisions of rule 204;specifically,my right to have rebilled amounts repaid over an extended period. I feel that responses from your department have been severely inadequate in confronting the issues.Mr.Cooper made a reference to the rights ofIdaho Power to re-bill according to rule 204,but did not fully explain the procedure.I informed Mr.Cooper that I felt the rule is ambiguous and open to liberal interpretation.He did not respond to offer further explanation. I made a proposal to be billed for 2,000 kwh for the months of January,February and March.Given the lack of responsiveness in settling this matter,I am now requesting that I be billed only for the power that was reflected by meter readings for those months. 141100.IVIG11 DownloadAttachments Flaq This Message Printable View -Full Headers Date:Fri,5 Apr 2002 05:32:25 -0800 (PST) From:"RALPH STUART"<ralphy3@yahoo.com>|Block Address !Add to Address Book Subject:Re:FW:Comments To:"Lulloff,Brent"<BLulloff@idahopower.com> I appreciate your prompt attention to the matter.I also appreciate your proposal to bill March at 2000 kwh and "pro-rate"April.However,this still falls short of my expectations. I appreciate your honesty regarding the circumstances surrounding the malfunctioning of the meter, but I do not believethat I should have to bear the burden of obvious errors in judgement on the part of Idaho Power employees.Therefore,I propose reducing January and February 2002 bills to 2,000 kwh as a fair solution,as well as the proposals that you made for March and April. Please advise. .../ShowLetter?box Idaho%20Power&MsgId=8858 970476_298 653_4614 0 2802&NEXT-4/15/2002 Date:Mon,8 Apr 2002 13:54:48 -0700 (PDT) From:"RALPH STUART"<ralphy3@yahoo.com>Block Address |Add to Address Book Subject:Re:Complaint acknowledgement To:ehowell@puc.state.id.us Subsequent to the filing of this complaint,my wife was contacted and interviewed by Brent Lulloff of Idaho Power regarding my e-mail to them.This is most unusual in that my wife did not file the complaint,and is not even listed on the account.This is a violationof account confidentiality,and I know that if she were to request information on the account from them,theywould not supply it. I responded to an e-mail from Mr.Lulloff on 4/5.I made a fair offer for settlement,but I have not yet received a response.I am not going to wait while they continue to rebill charges in question. I have resolved that I should not be charged for service that they cannot prove,particularly in light of their grossly inefficient business practices.It was not until 4/6/02 that they fmallyreplaced the meter. Therefore,I have notified them of my intent as per the attached e-mail dated 4/8/02 ekowell@puc.state.iluswrote: Thank you for your submission. This message has been generated by a computer.Thank you for your recent e-mail complaint or inquiry.Your question or complaint will be forwarded to a member of the Commission Consumer Assistance staff for review and appropriate action. If you have not received a personalized response to your message within 10 business days, please call 334-0369,if you are in the Boise/Treasure Valley calling area or 1-800-432-0369if you are in Idaho but not in the Boise/Treasure Valleycalling area.If you are calling from outside Idaho,dial 1-208-334-0369. Your submission of 4/3/2002 at 12:46:52 PM follows: Name -Ralph Stuart Address -70 Fulton Rd City -Salmon State -ID Zip - Home Telephone-208-756-6791 Work/Contact Telephone -208-660-2830 E-mail Addresss -ralphy3@yahoo.com Home/Business/Both -Home Business Name - Business Address - Business Phone - .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=1814 1034633_868 1223 6588 0_2798&NEN/15/2002 KROU.Man Utility Company -Idaho Power Contacted Utility - Complaint Description -Please see the text below of a message sent to Idaho Power regarding recent electricity billings: "You have no electronic means for filing bill complaints.Your site is terriblynon-functional.It is impossible to log billing complaints by phone due to lack of understanding and lack of responsiveness by your customer service representatives. I I am being billed arbitrarilyfor electricity due to the fact that the meter is not functioning properly.I was told by a customer service rep on 3/10,that it had been replaced.Yhat is not true,because I observed on 3/30 that it is still not workingproperly I am requesting that I be billed for only the amount of KWH as shown by the meter.It is not my problem that you cannot service your equipment. I paid $456.95 on what should have been a bill for $13.49 on the last bill.I have not paid the arbitrary charge of $415.63 for the previous month in which youj adjusted usage to 6500 KWH How can you make such brash assumptions?You show know public conscious. I am attaching a copy of this text to a complaint to the PUC." I resent the fact that I was told that the meter had been replaced when it had not.When I returned home on 3/28 after an extended absence,the meter was not working,and still had dust on it from many months.The Idaho Power representative told me over the phone on 3/10/02 that the meter had been replaced,and when I asked whyhad I not been informed,she replied,"Well,you know now".When I questioned the bill,she did not make any effort to understand my questions about the arbitrary charges. They should not be able to arbitrarily charge for electrical usage if the meter has not been replaced throughtheir own fault. Copies of bills are being faxed /ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=1814 1034633_868 1223 6588 0_2798&NE 4/15/2002 Date:Wed,10 Apr 2002 09:12:08 -0700 From:ehowell@puc.state.id.us j Block Address Add to Address Book Subject:Complaintacknowledgement Reply-to:ehowell@puc.state.id.us To:ralphy3@yahoo.com Thank you for your submission. This message has been generated by a computer.Thank you for your recent e-mail complaint or inquiry.Your question or complaint will be forwarded to a member of the Commission Consumer Assistance staff for review and appropriate action. If you have not received a personalized response to your message within 10 business days,please call 334-0369,if you are in the Boise/Treasure Valley calling area or 1-800-432-0369 if you are in Idaho but not in the Boise/Treasure Valley calling area.If you are calling from outside Idaho,dial 1-208-334-0369. Your submission of 4/10/2002 at 9:12:08 AM follows: Name -Ralph Stuart Address -70 Fulton Rd City -Salmon State -ID Zip - Home Telephone -208-756-6791 Work/Contact Telephone -208-660-2830 E-mail Addresss -ralphy3@yahoo.com Home/Business/Both -Home Business Name - Business Address - Business Phone - Utility Company - Contacted Utility - Complaint Description -This is followup on a previous complaint. Correspondence is as follows: Date:Mon,8 Apr 2002 13:54:48 -0700 (PDT) From:"RALPH STUART"<ralphy3@yahoo.com>l Block Address i Add to Address Book Subject:Re:Complaint acknowledgement To:ehowell@puc.state.id.us Subsequent to the filing of this complaint,my wife was contacted and interviewed by Brent Lulloff of Idaho Power regarding my e-mail to them. This is most unusual in that my wife did not file the complaint,and is not even listed on the account.This is a violation of account confidentiality,and I know that if she were to request information on the account from them,they would not supply it. I responded to an e-mail from Mr.Lulloff on 4/5.I made a fair offer for settlement,but I have not yet received a response.I am not going to wait while they continue to rebill charges in question. .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=5859 1049026_1440_1063_645_0 2796&NEM/15/2002 I NHUU I lV1ï1U I have resolved that I should not be charged for service that they cannot prove,particularly in light of their grossly inefficient business practices.It was not until 4/6/02 that they finally replaced the meter.Therefore,I have notified them of my intent as per the attached e-mail dated 4/8/02 e_howell@puc.state.id.us wrote: Thank you for your submission. This message has been generated by a computer.Thank you for your recent e-mail complaint or inquiry.Your question or complaint will be forwarded to a member of the Commission Consumer Assistance staff for review and appropriate action. If you have not received a personalized response to your message within 10 business days,please call 334-0369,if you are in the Boise/Treasure Valley calling area or 1-800-432-0369 if you are in Idaho but not in the Boise/Treasure Valley calling area.If you are calling from outside Idaho,dial 1-208-334-0369. Your submission of 4/3/2002 at 12:46:52 PM follows: Name -Ralph Stuart Address -70 Fulton Rd City -Salmon State -ID Zip - Home Telephone -208-756-6791 Work/Contact Telephone -208-660-2830 E-mail Addresss -LAl2hY3@yahoo.com Home/Business/Both -Home Business Name - Business Address - Business Phone - Utility Company -Idaho Power Contacted Utility - Complaint Description -Please see the text below of a message sent to Idaho Power regarding recent electricity billings: "You have no electronic means for filing bill complaints.Your site is terribly non-functional.It is impossible to log billing complaints by phone due to lack of understanding and lack of responsiveness by your customer service representatives. I am being billed arbitrarily for electricity due to the fact that the meter is not functioning properly.I was told by a customer service rep on 3/10,that it had been replaced.Yhat is not true,because I observed on 3/30 that it is still not working properly I am requesting that I be billed for only the amount of KWH as shown by the meter.It is not my problem that you cannot service your equipment. I paid $456.95 on what should have been a bill for $13.49 on the last bill.I have not paid the arbitrary charge of $415.63 for the previous month in which youj adjusted usage to 6500 KWH How can you make such brash assumptions?You show know public conscious. I am attaching a copy of this text to a complaint to the PUC." .../ShowLetter?box=Idaho%20Power&MsgId=5859_1049026 1440 1063_645 0 2796&NE 4/15/2002 Innou:rvian I resent the fact that I was told that the meter had been replaced when it had not.When I returned home on 3/28 after an extended absence,the meter was not working,and still had dust on it from many months.The Idaho Power representative told me over the phone on 3/10/02 that the meter had been replaced,and when I asked why had I not been informed, she replied,"Well,you know now".When I questioned the bill,she did not make any effort to understand my questions about the arbitrary charges. They should not be able to arbitrarily charge for electrical usage if the meter has not been replaced through their own fault. Copies of bills are being faxed .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=5859_1049026 1440_1063_645 0_2796&NE 4/15/2002 nuloo:ivmu Date:Thu,11 Apr 2002 06:10:16 -0700 (PDT) From:"RALPH STUART"<ralphy3@yahoo.com>|Block Address |Add to Address Book Subject:Re:Idaho Power Complaint To:ccooper@puc.state.id.us I have read rule 204,and it appears that its ambiguity lends to liberal interpretation of how corrections are made.This is the portionI read: "02.Corrections.If the time when the malfunctionor error began or the time when the utilitybegan to fail to bill for service cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billingperiod,the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six (6)months before the discovery of the malfunctionor error or failureto bill.If the time when the malfunctionor error or failure to bill began can be reasonably determined,the corrected billings shall go back to that time,but not to exceed the time providedby Section 61-642,IdahoCode,(three (3)years).(7-1-93)" I do not see how this lends to the interpretationthat was used to make the corrected billings.I think that you missed some of the points that I made regardingtheir quality of service,misinformationby Idaho Power and improper behavior in conducting their investigation. Based upon that,I would like to file a formal complaint.Please send necessary informationand materials to my e-mail address,or to my work address in care of:Litehouse Foods,125 S.2nd Ave,Sandpoint,ID 83864 During the interim,I shall ensure that all billed amounts are paid,with the expectation if additionalcorrections are warrantedin my favor,refunds be made in a timely manner in accordance with the rule. Thank you CJ Cooper <ccooper@puc.state.id us>wrote: Mr.Stuart: I am the investigator that received your e-mail complaint regarding the rebilling of Idaho Power usage.Commission rules allow utility companies to estimate and rebill for usage when a meter malfunctions of stops.(Rule 204)The companies are to treat customers in a consistent manner when recalculatingthe corrected bills. From the information I received from Idaho Power,the proposal is to rebill usage for 2002 as follows: January usage at 6500 kwh February at 6000 kwh March at 2000 kwh for at total of those 3 months of 14,500 kwh Historical usage for the same months in 2001 total 17,875 kwh (Jan.5405,Feb.7193,Mar. 5277). The corrected bill is computed using 18%less kwh than you used a year ago,and I find that Idaho Power is being more than fair in the rebilling for the 2002 usage.Asking that the January and February bills be recalcualted at 2000 kwh each month is not reasonable or .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=2848_1060101_2007 638 5148 0 2799&NEN/15/2002 Y aflOO!Man consistent with how other customers have been treated.Typicallyadjustments given range from 5 to 10 percent. If you have additional questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, C.J. .../ShowLetter?box=Idaho%20Power&MsgId=2848 1060101 2007 638 5148 0 2799&NE 4/15/2002 I ¿H1OU.IVisu Subject:IdahoPower Complaint Date:Fri,12 Apr 2002 12:50:17 -0600 From:"CJ Cooper"<ccooper@puc.state.id.us>Block Address |Add to Address Book To:RALPHY3@YAHOO.COM April 12,2002 Mr.Stuart: I had not received your e-mail dated April 8th at the time I responded to you on April 10th,so I apologize if I did not address all your questions. The Formal Complaint procedures can be found on our web page under Laws &Rules,IPUC Rules,Rules of Procedure 054.The information should be mailed to Jean Jewell,Commission Secretary,P.O.Box 83720,Boise,ID 83720-0074. Sincerely, C.J. .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=9181 1067360 2539 1027_679_0 2794&NEM/15/2002 Ianootivran Subject:IdahoPower Complaint Date:Fri,12 Apr 2002 14:48:29 -0600 From:"CJ Cooper"<ccooper@puc.state.id.us>\Block Address |Add to Address Book To:RALPHY3@YAHOO.COM April 12,2002 Mr.Stuart: I wanted to clarify a couple of things.First of all,the formal complaints need to be in writing,however,you do not have to send it through the Post Office.If you wish,you may send the letter and supporting documents via e-mail to Jean Jewell's attention. I have asked Idaho Power to hold collection activity on the estimated bills allowing you until April 22,2002 to file a formal complaint.You still have the right to file a formal complaint after that date, however,a stay on payment cannot be indefinite. If you have additional questions,please feel free to call 1-800-432-0369 or send me an e-mail. Sincerely, C.J. .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=l I36 1069068 2785_1272_3700_0 2793&NE4/15/2002 Ydboo!Adan From:"Lulloff,Brent"<BLulloff@idahopower.com>|Block Address (Add to Address Book To:'"RALPH STUART"'<ralphy3@yahoo.com> CC:"'ccooper@puc.state.id.us"'<ccooper@puc.state.id.us> Subject:RE:FW:Comments Date:Fri,12 Apr 2002 15:23:43 -0600 Dear Ralph, I received on Thursday a confirmation email (attached below)from the PUCstating their agreement to our offer of rebilling you at 2000 KWH for March. Our billing staff corrected your March billing today and will be sending it to you for 2000 KWH. Your old meter has been removed and was sent to our test facility in Boise. I received the test results today which verified that your meter had an "open potential coil"which was causing the meter to not register correctly. I understand you may continue working with the PUC on this issue. Sincerely, Brent Lulloff Delivery Services Leader Mr.Stuart: I am the investigator that received your e-mail complaint regarding the rebilling of Idaho Power usage.Commission rules allow utility companies to estimate and rebill for usage when a meter malfunctions of stops.(Rule 204) The companies are to treat customers in a consistent manner when recalculating the corrected bills. From the information I received from Idaho Power,the proposal is to rebill usage for 2002 as follows: January usage at 6500 kwh February at 6000 kwh March at 2000 kwh for at total of those 3 months of 14,500 kwh Historical usage for the same months in 2001 total 17,875 kwh (Jan. 5405, Feb.7193,Mar.5277). The corrected bill is computed using 18%less kwh than you used a year ago, and I find that Idaho Power is being more than fair in the rebilling for the 2002 usage.Asking that the January and February bills be recalcualted at 2000 kwh each month is not reasonable or consistent with how other customers have been treated.Typically adjustments given range from 5 to 10 percent. .../ShowLetter?MsgId=1136 1069068 2785_1272_3700_0 2793&YY=5904&inc=25&order--4/15/2002 1(ahoo!háaß rage vi If you have additional questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, C.J. Closed 4/10/02. TOM:FYI:This is the e-mail I sent to Mr.Stuart. E-mailed at 2:39 pm. -----Original Message----- From:RALPH STUART [mailto:ralphy3@yahoo.com] Sent:Monday,April 08,2002 2:48 PM To:Lulloff,Brent Subject:Re:FW:Comments I have not heard from you since I e-mailed you an offer for you consideration on 4/6/02.Upon further review,I have determined that I should be responsible for paying for actual kwh shown by the meter. Charges based on meter readings for February and March 2002 are $13.49 and 8.63 respectively.I have paid $456.95 since January.This would give a credit of $434.83. Please respond.Copies of this correspondenc are being forwarded to the PUC "Lulloff,Brent"<BLulloff@idahopower.com>wrote: Ralph, I have researched your account both from your meter history KWH usage, as well as your recent interactions with Idaho Power.Here are my findings. The meter reader reported on Feb 25 that your meter was malfunctioning andrequested an investigation.It is most likely that your meter has a brokenpotential coil that is causing it to not register correctly.A service order was initiated on March 1 to investigate,the Serviceman who was dispatch stated that the meter disk was still advancing and did not change the meter.This order was not completed on the system until after you had called on March 11,therefore the representative you talked to could only see that a request was made for a malfunctioning meter and assumed it wasbeing changed.Based on the meter reader investigation,our billing representatives reviewed your account history and compared your Jan and Feb usage for both 2001 and 2002.They averaged the two months of Jan and Feb or 2001 (5405 +7193 =12598 kwh)and adjusted your Jan and Feb 2002 bills (6500 +6000 =12500 kwh)to compensate for your malfunctioning meter. We did take into consideration the months of Nov and Dec by comparing your usage from 2000 to 2001 (both early heating season)and noticed your usagepatterns were similar between the two years. I have spoken to your wife and she indicates that your family lifestyle .../ShowLetter?MsgId=1136_1069068_2785_1272_3700 0_2793&YY=5904&inc=25&order 4/15/2002 Yahoo!Adan ragesoia haschanged from the previous year.She has stated you are residing in Sandpoint and that she and your daughter were away from the home during the early part of 2002.She also confirmed your home is electric heat and during the times the home was empty that the thermostat was set at aprox 50 degrees. Errors:1)your meter should have been changed with the service order created on March 1.I have notified the representatives in our Salmon operations center to change your meter and inform the dispatched serviceman to research this event.2)you were informed on March 11 that your meter was changed,this was incorrect based on the limited information the representative had because the service order had not been completed at the time of the call to inform them that the meter was not changed. Actions:1)we have spoken to the Salmon operation center and asked specifically to change your meter and send it to our test facility in Boise for accuracy testing.2)Because your usage was estimated in Jan and Feb based on 2001 history,I am proposing that for the month of Mar we estimate your usage at 2000 kwh,a much lower amount than it consumed in 2001 (5277 kwh).In addition,I am proposing to leave April billing amount as registered between the old and new meter,this will benefit you based on the old meter as of this date has not been replaced and we are 25%through theApril meter reading period (next reading date is 4/25/02).This is intended to provide you the benefit of any potential over-estimates in the months of Jan and Feb by lowing your Mar and April billings. I appreciate your time and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.I would appreciate a confirmation and response on the above proposal.You may contact me by phone (800-488-6151,ext 2228),or by email(blulloff@idahopower.com). Thank you, Brent Lulloff Delivery Services Leader I've attached a summary below of your KWH usage for the last 18 months. Read DateKWH UsageEstimated KWH 3/27/2002104 2/25/200218560001/24/200213176500 12/24/20015785 11/23/2001422310/23/200125529/20/20011425 8/21/20011448 7/19/200111326/18/200117515/17/20011892 4/17/20013729 3/16/200152772/14/20017193 1/12/20015405 ./ShowLetter?MsgId=1136_1069068_2785_1272 3700 0 2793&YY=5904&inc=25&order4/15/2002 Yahoolhdan ragewoi 12/13/2000626811/13/20004057 10/13/200023039/14/2000836 -----Original Message----- From:ralphy3@yahoo.com [mailto:ralphy3@yahoo.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 03,2002 12:26 PM To:iwebster@idahopower.com Subject:Comments ****This Email Generated By The Contact Us Form On The Idaho Power Web Site **** Sender Header Information:********************************************** Name:Ralph Stuart Email:ralphy3@yahoo.com Company:acct #9955838281 Location:********************************************** Comments:******************************************************************** You have no electronic means for filing bill complaints.Your site is terribly non-functional.It is impossible to log billing complaints by phone due to lack of understanding and lack of responsiveness by your customer service representatives. I am being billed arbitrarily for electricity due to the fact that the meter is not functioning properly.I was told by a customer service rep on 3/10, that it had been replaced.Yhat is not true,because I observed on 3/30 that it is still not working properly I am requesting that I be billed for only the amount of KWH as shown by the meter.It is not my problem that you cannot service your equipment. I paid $456.95 on what should have been a bill for $13.49 on the last bill. I have not paid the arbitrary charge of $415.63 for the previous month in which youj adjusted usage to 6500 KWH How can you make such brash assumptions?You show know public conscious. I am attaching a copy of this text to a complaint to the PUC Please Respond /ShowLetter?MsgId=ll36_1069068 2785 1272_3700_0 2793&YY=5904&inc=25&order4/15/2002