HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020531Idaho Power Answer to Complaint.pdfLarry D.Ripley Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 01101 S CUMMISSON Telephone:(208)388-2692 FAX Telephone No.(208)388-6936 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702-5627 BEFORE THE IDAHO PURLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RALPH STUART,)CASE NO.IPC-E-02-05 Complainant,) )ANSWER OF vs.)IDAHO POWER )COMPANY TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY,)COMPLAINANT'S )COMPLAINTS Respondent.) COMES NOW Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"or the "Company")and,in accordance with IPUC R.P.057,hereby submits this Answer to the Formal Complaints submitted by Ralph Stuart ("Mr.Stuart"),the Complainant in the above-entitled matter on April 3,2002 and April 17,2002.Idaho Power hereby denies all of the material allegations contained in Mr.Stuart's Complaints except as specifically admitted by Idaho Power in this Answer.Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC")Rule of Procedure 057.02(a),any material allegation not specifically admitted in this Answer ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -1 shall be considered by the Commission to be denied.Idaho Power's Answer is in narrative format to correspond with the form of Mr.Stuart's Complaints. I. FACTUAL BACKGROUND On or about February 25,2002,an Idaho Power meter specialist conducted a routine monthly reading of the Company-owned electric meter serving Mr.Stuart's residence.Based upon the low amount of electricity consumed as registered on the meter,the meter specialist reported to the Company's billing department that it appeared that the meter at the Stuart residence was malfunctioning.On or about March 1,2002, the billing department issued a service order to investigate whether the meter was working properly.On the same day and in response to that order,an Idaho Power service and repair technician inspected the meter serving the Stuart residence.The technician observed that the meter's dial continued to rotate.Therefore,he did not replace the meter at that time and noted on the work order that the meter had advanced from its earlier readmg. In January 2002 and based upon the meter reading for that month,Idaho Power billed Mr.Stuart $85.47 for electrical energy for that month.In February 2002,Mr. Stuart was billed $13.49 for electrical service for that month.However,when the billing department became aware of a potential problem with the Stuart meter on March 1,2002, the department researched Mr.Stuart's historical consumption of energy for the months of January and February and discovered that the meter readings for the months of January and February 2002 were significantlylower than the readings for the same months in the year 2001. ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -2 This historical usage information indicated to the billing department that in January 2001,Mr.Stuart consumed 5405 kW hours and that,in February 2001,his usage was 7,194 kW hours for an average of 6,299 kW hours per month.Thus,in early March 2002,Idaho Power sent Mr.Stuart a notice advising him that the bills he had received for January and February 2002 had been cancelled and that he was being re-billed for electrical consumption for those two months based upon historical usage instead of the usage registered by the malfunctioningelectric meter.The Company sent Mr.Stuart new bills and charged him for the use of 6,500 kW hours for January 2002 and 6,000 kW hours for February 2002 (for an average of 6,250 kW hours per month).Instead of owing $85.47 for the month of January 2002,he owed the Company $501.10 and,instead of the $13.49 shown on his February 2000 bill,he owed $456.95. On or about March 11,2002,Mr.Stuart called Idaho Power and inquired about the cancelled and revised bills that he had received.The Company advised Mr.Stuart that his meter had malfunctioned and that,based upon his historical usage,the meter had not correctly recorded the amount of electrical energy used at his residence for the months of January and February.He was told that he was being re-billed for the historical usage of electrical energy used during the months of January and February instead of the usage shown by the readings taken from the malfunctioningmeter.Mr. Stuart requested copies of his usage for the months of January and February 2001.That information was mailed to him on March 13,2002. On Wednesday,April 3,2002,Mr.Stuart sent an electronic statement to Idaho Power via its web site alleging that he was "being billed arbitrarily for electricity due to the fact that the meter is not functioningproperly"and requested that he be billed onlyfor ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -3 those amounts actuallyregistered on the malfunctioningmeter.See Exhibit 1.Mr.Stuart sent a copy of the statement to the IPUC.See Exhibit 2,an e-mail from the IPUC acknowledging receipt of Mr.Stuart's April 3,2002 complaint. On Thursday,April 4,2002,via facsimile,the IPUC sent a copy of Mr.Stuart's complaint to Idaho Power Company,along with accompanying electric bills and historical usage information received by the IPUC from Mr.Stuart.See Exhibit 3.On that same day,Brent Lulloff,a Delivery Services Leader at the Idaho Power Customer Service Center,responded directly to Mr.Stuart via electronic mail and described the process used by the Company to determine electrical usage in circumstances in which the electrical meter has malfunctioned.See Exhibit 4.He also advised Mr.Stuart that his electrical meter should have been replaced on March 1,when in fact,the meter had not been replaced.Mr.Lulloff told Mr.Stuart that he had placed a new order to replace the malfunctioningmeter.Id. On behalf of Idaho Power,Mr.Lulloff offered to rectify the billing matter by charging Mr.Stuart (1)for the historical usage of power for the months of January and February 2002 as noted in the reissued billingshe had received from the Company,(2) plus an estimated usage of 2000 kW hours for the month of March when his actual consumption in March of 2001 was 5,277 kW hours,(3)plus an amount for April based upon the usage reflected by the malfunctioningmeter and the usage shown by the new meter followingits installation.Id.As Mr.Lulloff indicated,the April estimate "will benefit you based on the old meter [which,]as of this date[,]has not been replaced and we are 25%through the April meter reading period....This is intended to provide you with the benefit of any potential over-estimates in the months of Jan[uary]and Feb[ruary] ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -4 by lowing [sic]your Mar and April billings."Id.Mr.Lulloff also attached a summary of Mr.Stuart's kW hour usage for the previous 18 months for his review.Id.Based upon that historical information,this proposal represented an 18 percent reduction over the previous year's consumption for the same period.On ApriÌ 4,2002,Idaho Power replaced Mr.Stuart's malfunctioningmeter serving his residence. On Friday,April 5,2002,Mr.Stuart rejected Idaho Power's proposal regarding use of the historical information concerning usage for the months of January and February 2002 and proposed,as an alternative,that the January and February 2002 consumption amounts be reduced to 2000 kW hours "as a fair solution."See Exhibit 5. Mr.Stuart accepted Idaho Power Company's proposal concerning the usages for the months of March and April 2002.Id. On Monday,April 8,2002,via an electronic mail message to Brent Lulloff,Mr. Stuart rescinded his proposal of April 5,2002 and stated that he should only "be responsible for paying for actual kW hours shown by the meter."See Exhibit 6.As a result,he agreed to pay Idaho Power Company $13.49 for energy shown consumed in the month of February and $8.63 for energy shown consumed in the month of March.He requested credit of $434.83 based upon amounts he paid Idaho Power in February.Id. That same day,Mr.Stuart sent an electronic mail message to the IPUC alleging, in addition to the allegations he made in his April 3,2002 Complaint,that Idaho Power had inappropriately contacted Mr.Stuart's wife regarding the matter.See Exhibit 7.He alleged that,because his wife was not named on his account with Idaho Power Company, Idaho Power had spoken with her in "violation of account confidentiality."Id. ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -5 On Friday,April 12,2002,staff to the IPUC advised Mr.Stuart that formal complaints to the Commission had to be submitted in writing.See Exhibit 8.On April 17,2002,Mr.Stuart filed a formal written complaint with the Commission identifying four issues.See Exhibit 9.He alleged that (1)Idaho Power Company failed to respond in a timely manner to his complaints;the Company failed with respect to its obligations concerning (2)account confidentialityand (3)notification of customers regarding electric meter replacement and that (4)the Company failed to advise him that,in accordance with IPUC Utility Customer Relation Rule 204,he was entitled to pay re-billed amounts over an extendedtime period.Id.As a remedy,Mr.Stuart proposed that he be billed only for the power reflected by the meter readings for the months of January,February and March 2002.Id. II. RESPONSE TO ALLEGATIONS Except as specifically admitted by Idaho Power in this Answer,Idaho Power Company hereby denies all of the material allegations contained in Mr.Stuart's Complaint electronically filed with the Commission on April 3,2002 and in his FormaÌ Complaint filed with the Commission on April 17,2002.The numbers preceding the followingparagraphs correspond to numbering used by Mr.Stuart in his April 17,2002 Formal Complaint. 1.Idaho Power denies that on March 11,2002,in response to Mr.Stuart's inquiry,an Idaho Power customer service representative could not offer Mr.Stuart an explanation why he was being re-billed for electrical services in the months of January and February 2002.A Company representative advised Mr.Stuart that it appeared his ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -6 meter had stopped and that he was re-billed for electrical services received during those two months based upon historical usage.As noted above,in response to his request,the customer service representative sent a copy of Mr.Stuart's account history to him on March 13,2002. Idaho Power further denies that it did not timely respond to Mr.Stuart's complaints.As noted above,one day after receiving the comments posted by Mr.Stuart on the Idaho Power web site and on the same day that the Company received a copy of the Complaint Mr.Stuart filed with the IPUC,Brent Lulloff,a DeliveryServices Leader at the Idaho Power Customer Service Center,provided Mr.Stuart,via electronic mail, with a detailed and thorough summary of the issues concerning the malfunctioning meter and the solutions that the Company recommended in order to resolve the problems that Mr.Stuart perceived to exist with his residential account.That recommendation included a proposal that Mr.Stuart pay for electrical service for the months of January through March 2002 at a consumption rate that was 18 percent lower than the consumption rate used by Mr.Stuart for the same period the previous year. Idaho Power Company admits only that on or about March 11,2002,based on incomplete information,Company personnel incorrectly advised Mr.Stuart that the electric meter serving his residence had been replaced on March 1. 2.Idaho Power Company denies that Mr.Lulloff's discussion with Mr. Stuart's wife concerning the allegations raised by Mr.Stuart in his April 3,2002 Complaint regarding electrical service he receives at his residence was a violation of any confidence.Idaho Power admits that Mr.Stuart is the customer of record on his residential account with Idaho Power Company.Mr.Stuart admits that the party that Mr. ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -7 Lulloff spoke with concerning the account is his spouse.An electrical service expenditure to a residence is a family necessity and,hence,both a community obligation and the personal obligation of Mr.Stuart.Mr.Lulloff's discussions with Mr.Stuart's spouse regardmg provision of necessary electrical services to the family home,therefore, did not violate any confidence that the Company owed Mr.Stuart as the customer of record on an account for services that were provided to Mr.Stuart's family residence. 3.Idaho Power Company denies that it is required to notify a customer prior to replacing an electric meter at a residence.The electrical meter attached to Mr.Stuart's home is owned and maintained by the Company.Idaho Power is under no obligation to notify a property owner of the Company's intent to service a meter under the Company's ownership and control. 4.Mr.Stuart asserts that at no time did Idaho Power Company inform him of his ability to pay the amounts due over an extended time period.IPUC Customer Relations Rule 204.03 indicates that a customer who has been under billed for services "shall be given the opportunityto make payment arrangements under Rule 313 on the amount due."Rule 313 applies in circumstances in which the customer indicates that he/she is unable to pay a bill in full.In that circumstance,the customer and the utility company can agree upon a reasonable payment arrangement. In the present case,Mr.Stuart did not indicate that he was unable to pay for the under billed services in full.He indicated that he objected to the payment of any bill that included energy costs beyond those shown on his malfunctioningmeter.In conformance with the provisions of IPUC Customer Relations Rules 204.03 and 313,Idaho Power has no objections to permitting Mr.Stuart a reasonable amount of additional time in which to ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -8 make payments for electrical services for the months of January and February 2002. Although Mr.Stuart appears to agree with the Company's proposed billings for the months of March and April 2002,if he wishes to also make arrangements to pay for the services received for those two months,the Company is agreeable to making arrangements with Mr.Stuart for those two months as well. III. CONCLUSION Idaho Power respectfullyrequests that Mr.Stuart's Complaint be dismissed and that,pursuant to the provisions of IPUC Customer Service Rules 204.03 and 313,Mr. Stuart be ordered to pay Idaho Power Company for electrical service received for the months of January,February,March and April 2002 in the amounts as follows: January 2002 6500 kW hours February 2002 6000 kW hours March 2002 2000 kW hours April 2002 Readings shown for the period of March 28- April 4 as reflected on the malfunctioning meter and from April 5 to April 24 as reflected on the replacement meter. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 316'day of May 2002. MONICA B.MOEN ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 31"'day of May 2002,I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing Answer of Idaho Power Company to the Complainant's Complaints upon the followingparty by the methods indicated below and addressed to the following: Ralph Stuart Hand Delivered 70 Fulton Road X U.S.Mail Salmon,ID 83647 Overnight Mail Electronic Mail:ralphy3@yahoo.com X Electronic Mail Complainant FAX MONICA B.MOEN ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS -10 RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 1 -----Original Message---- From:ralvhy3Cvahoo.com [mailto:ralphy3@yahoo.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 03,2002 12:26 PM To:iwebster@idahopower.com Subject:Comments ****This Email Generated By The Contact Us Form On The Idaho Power Web Site **** Sender Header Information:********************************************** Name:Ralph Stuart Email:ralphy3@yahoo.com Company:acct 49955838281 Location:********************************************** Comments:******************************************************************** You have no electronic means for filing bill complaints.Your site is terribly non-functional.It is impossible to log billing complaints by phone due to lack of understanding and lack of responsiveness by your customer service representatives. I am being billed arbitrarily for electricity due to the fact that the meter is not functioning properly.I was told by a customer service rep on 3/10, that it had been replaced.Yhat is not true,because I observed on 3/30 that it is still not working properly I am requesting that I be billed for only the amount of KWH as shown by the meter.It is not my problem that you cannot service your equipment. I paid $456.95 on what should have been a bill for $13.49 on the last bill. I have not paid the arbitrary charge of $415.63 for the previous month in which youj adjusted usage to 6500 KWH How can you make such brash assumptions?You show know public conscious. I am attaching a copy of this text to a complaint to the PUC Please Respond .../ShowLetter?MsgId=1136_1069068_2785_1272_3700_0_2793&YY=5904&inc=25&order 4/15/2002 RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 2 ehowell@puc.state.ilus wrote: Thank you for your submission. This message has been generated by a computer.Thank you for your recent e-mail complaint or inquiry.Your question or complaint will be forwarded to a member ofthe Commission Consumer Assistance stafffor review and appropriate action. If you have not received a personalized response to your message within 10 business days, please call 334-0369,if you are in the Boise/Treasure Valley calling area or 1-800-432-0369if you are in Idaho but not in the Boise/Treasure Valley caning area.If you are calling from outside Idaho,dial 1-208-334-0369. Your submission of 4/3/2002 at 12:46:52 PM follows: Name -Ralph Stuart Address -70 Fulton Rd City -Salmon State -ID Zip - Home Telephone -208-756-6791 Work/Contact Telephone -208-660-2830 E-mail Addresss -ralphy3@yahoo.com Home/Business/Both-Home Business Name - Business Address - Business Phone - .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=1814_1034633 868 1223 6588 0 2798&NEN/15/2002 Yahoo!Mail Page 2 of 2 Utility Company -Idaho Power Contacted Utility - Complaint Description -Please see the text below of a message sent to Idaho Power regarding recent electricity billings: i "You have no electronic means for filing bill complaints.Your site is terriblynon-functional.It is impossible to log billing complaints by phone due to lack of understanding and lack of , responsiveness by your customer service representatives. 1 am being billed arbitrarily for electricity due to the fact that the meter is not functioning properly.I was told by a customer service rep on 3/10,that it had been replaced.Yhat is not true,because I observed on 3/30 that it is still not working properly I am requesting that I be billed for onlythe amount of KWH as shown by the meter.It is not my problem that you cannot service your equipment. I paid $456.95 on what should have been a bill for $13.49 on the last bill.I have not paid the arbitrary charge of $415.63 for the previous month in which youj adjusted usage to 6500 'KWH How can you make such brash assumptions?You show know pubEc conscious. I am attaching a copy of this text to a complaint to the PUC." I resent the fact that I was told that the meter had been replaced when it had not.When I returned home on 3/28 after an extended absence,the meter was not working,and still had dust on it from many months.The Idaho Power representative told me over the phone on 3/10/02 that the meter had been replaced,and when I asked why had I not been informed,she replied,"Well,you know now".When I questioned the bill,she did not make any effort to understand my questions about the arbitrary charges. They should not be able to arbitrarily charge for electrical usage if the meter has not been replaced throughtheir own fault. Copies of bills are being faxed .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=1814_1034633 868_1223 6588 0_2798&NE 4/15/2002 RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 3 FAX Correspondence To:Sharon Driessen/COACHES Fax: Date &Time:April 4,2002 (4:07 PM) From:C.J.Cooper Re:Ralph Stuart This transmission is page(s)including the cover sheet. MESSAGE: Due to various power outagesat the PUC today,I was unable to e-mail this,so I decided l'd fax it to you.1 did receive copies of his bills,and I'rn assumingthis is a corrected bill. P.O.Box 83720,Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Telephone:(208)334-0300 Facsimile:(208)334-3762 .'Narrative Report for STUAR .AALPH __04/04/2002 Primarynam:STUART,RALPH inv:CCOOPER Address:70 FULTON ROAD Pened:04/04/2002 City:SALMON,ID 83457 2L Closed:// Phone:.208 756-6791 Contact meth: CBR phone:-Service class: Notes: E-mail:RALPHY3@YAHOO.COM Contact type:Inquiry/Comment Utility:IPC-E IDAHO POWER CO,Investigated: SHARON DRIESSEN 388-6434 Case related: Exec referral: See file for more 1nfo: Payments negotiated: Action modlrev: Utility at fault: Reason:0602 METER MALFlJNCTION Description:METER STOPPED.?S REBILL1NG&WHEN METER CHANGED, Narrative: ----Original Message-- From:Ellen Andrews Sent:Wednesday,April 03,2002 1:25 PM To:CJ Cooper Subject:FW:Complaint acknowledgement He also faxed copies of billing statements.I have attached to printed complaint, ---OriginalMessage----- From:Ed Howell Sent:Wednesday,April 03,2002 12:47 PM To:Ellen Andrews;Beverly Barker;Ed Howell;Tonya Clark Subject:Complaint acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday,April 03,2002 12:46:52 PM Name:Ralph Stuart Street_Address:70 Fulton Rd City:Salmon State:ID ZIP:83467 Home_Telephone:208-756-6791 Work_Telephone;208-660-2830 E-Mail:ralphy3@yahoo.com Home Business:Home Business Name; Business Street_Address: Business Phone: ComplaÃt Company:Idaho Power Contacted_utility:yes Complaint_description:Please see the text below of a message sent to Idaho Power regarding recent electricity billings: Page 1 IPUC Consumer Assistance System ccooper g,,x blarrative Report for STUARL .ALPH Q4/04/2002 "You have no electronic means for filing bil1 complaints.Your site is terribly non-functionaLIt is impossible to log billing complaints by phone due to lack of understandmg and lack of responsiveness by your customer service representatives. I am being billed arbitrarily for electricity due to the fact that the meter is not functioningproperly.I was told by a customer service rep on 3/10,that it had been replaced.Yhat is not true,because I observed on 3/30 that it is still not working properly I am requesting that I be billed for only the amount of KWH as shown by the meter,It is not my problemthat you cannot service your equipment. I paid 5456.95 on what should have been a bill for $13.49 on the last bill.I have not paid the arbitrary charge of $415.63 for the previous month in which youj adjusted usage to 6500 KWH How can you raake such brash assumptíons?You show know public conscious. I am attaching a copy of this text to a complaint to the PUC." I resent the fact that I was told that the meter had been replaced when it had not.When I returned home on 3/28 after an extended absence,the meter was not working,and still had dust on it from many months.The Idaho Power representative told me over the phone on 3/10/02 that the meter had been replaced,and when I asked why had I not been informed,she replied,"Well,you know now".When I questioned the bill,she did not make any effort to understand my questions about the arbitrary charges. They should not be able to arbitrarilycharge for electrical usage if the meter has not been replaced tluoughtheir own fault. Copies of bills are being faxed Transaction ID:431246.52 Referred by:http://www.puc.state.id.as/scripts/polyform.d11/cons User Address:208.8.145,39 User Hostname: 4/4 IDAHO POWER:I did not receive the copies of his bill.There must be some history here.Please let me know IPC side of the story,then I will contact him. E-mailed at 12:36 pm. Page 2 IPUC Consumer Assístance System ccooper g, 04/83/2002 11:48 513861E ,TODD MYERS LITE "UBL /Pe ,"Láá am ax/Prs wr/ Ñ£se se e Ñe Ñ //a A ' ÚO #4 g &cÁb/77 c a Áã 04/03/2002 11:49 5139E157 TODD MYERS LITE BE PAGE 02 RALPH L STUART 70 FULTONRD SALMON ID 83467 Read Date SA Twe De Reed Code $Amount Usage Demand Custom O 02/25/2002 EARS 32 Y 6000.00 KWH 0.00 Shaart,8eløb L /g5 2472002 £flAS 31 B 8600.00KWH ,0.00 , Stust,6elphL ,,ýýf 12/24/2001 ER-As 31 B $441.33 5785.00 KWH ON Stunt RalphL ' 11/23/2001 EARS 31 B $31674 0.00 Stuart.RalphL (J{y 10/23/2001 ER-AS 33 8 $179.T6 2¾2.00 KWH D.00 Stuat,Ralph L 09/20/2001 ER-RS 30 8 $89 27 1425.00 KWH 0.00 Stuut.RalphL 08/21/2001 ERES 33 V SSO 77 1448.00 KWH 0.00 Stumt,Ralph L 07/19/2001 £ARS 31 R 00KWH 0,00 Stuert.Ralpht O 06/38/2001 ERES 32 B 5110.59 1/81 00 KWH 0.00 Stuat Aalph L 05/17/2001 ER-AS 30 0 $110.12 1882 00 KwH 0.00 Stust.Ralph L 04/17/2001 ERES 32 R ‡189.82 3729.00 KWH 0.00 Slust,8eiph L 03/16/2001 ERAS 30 V $267.30 527700KWH ¯ß00 Stuart,BalphL 02/34/2001 E R-RS 33 Y 7183 00 KWH 0.00 Stuait..Aaiph L 01/12/2001 ER-ns 30 v $2/3 72 5405,00 KWH 0.00 Stuut,Ralph L 12/33/2000 E RRS 30 v $217 03 8288.00 KWH 0.00 Stuut.R alph L C 10/13/2000 ER-RS 29 R $118 07 2302¾KWH Stumt Ralph L 09/14/2000 ER-AS 34 A 838.00 KWN O 00 staan.Ralph L f 09/11/2000 ER-RS 1 P $0 00 0.00 KWH 0 00 Stu t,Refob L 04'/$3/2002 11:48 533851r 1 TODD MYERS LI 'OUSE PA65 03 Billing Date:02/27/2002 Questions7 Call us at (208)388-2323 or (800)488-6151. Due Date:03/18/2002 For faser service please call Tuesday through Friday,7:30 am -6:30 p An loAcom company Page:1 of 2 Current Account Previous Payments Balance Curnut Please Account Number Amount Due Received Forward Charges Pay Activity 9955838281 $946.84 $531.21 CR $415.63 $45635 5812.58 Please Note:Any unpaidbalanÅ“s will be assessed a monthlycharge of one percent (1%)for Idaho customers.Retamed checks from any cusmmers will be charged a $20 fee, Please consider making a pledge to the Project Share programby calling IdahoPower!' P.M/03/2002 11:48 5138616 3 TODD MYERS LIT"'USE PAGt-De Billing Date:02/2'l/2002 Questions?Call us at (208)3884323 or (800)4884)$L Due Date:03/14/2002 For fastet servíce please call Tvesday though Friday,7:30 ara -6 30 pm. An toAcoRP companY Page:1 of 2 Current Account Previous Payments Balance Current ISease ACCount Number Amount Due Received Forvard Charges 4 9955838281 $53121 $53121 CR $0&$13.49 $13A9 Please Note:Any unpaid balances will be assessed a monthly charge of one percent (1%)for Idaho customers.Returned checks from any customers will be charged a $20 fee. Please consider making a pledge to the Project Shase program by calling Idaho Powed numbe on your check or money order and make your ch«ck ppble o Maho Power.Please broeg ha endre biH wh<n pying in persom ThanA pa! 9 -Please Pay:$13.49 An loAcolap company Due Date:03/1412002 Account Number:9955838281 Amonut Enclosed: 493 1 AC 0.245 *********AUTOCR**C 2 Idaho Power RALPH L STUART P.O.Box 30 70 FULTON RD Boise,ID 83721 SALMON ID 83467-5099 Ilulmlblmlui,bulllindlumlbilundidlanuM linimlinlohibehohhbila.Lhihinindilo.nhil Please check the box for address/phone correction. Prim corrections on reverse side. 995583828190000013A9000000000 000001349 0227 2 04/03/2002 11:48 513861F 3 TODD MvERS LI'10USE PAGE 65 Billing Date:0 t/28/2002 Questions?Call us at (208)388-2323 or (800)4884151. Due Date:02/12/2002 For faster service please call Tuesday through Friday,7:30 am -6·30 po An IDACORP company Page:I of 2 Cttrrent Account Previous Payments Balance Current Please Accollet Number Amount Due Received Forward Charg Pay Activity 9955838281 544L33 50,00 $441.33 ss9.ss $531.21 Higher electricity bills are common during winter.That's especially true this season with rate increases in May and October due to higher costs to produce and purchasepower.Usage pattems also can be a factor.Please compare last yeafs daily kilowatt-hour(kWh)used to this year's kWh as shown on page two.For energy saving tips go to www.idahopower.com. The amount due includes a past due balance.I f you have already remitted paynent,thank you.If not,please remit payment by the 1 , due date.Thank You.V -Green Power Harness the Wind:Go Green! Prograrn-.Join Idabo ower customers who are supporting new,renewable power from resources for a better such as wind or solar.Enroll on the Energy Resources web page at idahopowet.com or call 388-2323 (Boise area)or 1-800-488-6151 for more information. environment Please Note:Any unpaid balances will be assessed a momhly charge of One percent (1%)for Idaho customers.Returned checks from my customers will be charged a $20 fee. Please consider making a pledge to the Project Share program by calling IdahoPower!' RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 4 From:Lulloff,Brent Sent:Thursday,April 04,2C 6:29 PM To:'ralphy3@yahoo.com' Subject:FW:Comments Ralph, I have researched your account both from your meter history KWH usage, as well as your recent interactions with Idaho Power.Here are my findings.The meter reader reported on Feb 25 that your meter was malfunctioning and requested an investigation.It is most likely that your meter has a broken potential coil that is causing it to not register correctly.A service order was initiated on March 1 to investigate,the Serviceman who was dispatch stated that the meter disk was still advancing and did not change the meter.This order was not completed on the system until after you had called on March 11, therefore the representative you talked to could only see that a request was made for a malfunctioning meter and assumed it was being changed. Based on the meter reader investigation,our billing representatives reviewed your account history and compared your Jan and Feb usage for both 2001 and 2002.They averaged the two months of Jan and Feb or 2001 (5405 +7193 =12598 kwh)and adjusted your Jan and Feb 2002 bills (6500 +6000 =12500 kwh)to compensate for your malfunctioning meter.We did take into consideration the months of Nov and Dec by comparing your usage from 2000 to 2001 (both early heating season)and noticed your usage patterns were similar between the two years. I have spoken to your wife and she indicates that your family lifestyle has changed from the previous year.She has stated you are residing in Sandpoint and that she and your daughter were away from the home during the early part of 2002.She also confirmed your home is electric heat and during the times the home was empty that the thermostat was set at aprox 50 degrees. Errors:1)your meter should have been changed with the service order created on March 1.I have notified the representatives in our Salmon operations center to change your meter and inform the dispatched serviceman to research this event.2)you were informed on March 11 1 RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 5 Yahoo!Mail Page 1 of I Download Attachments Flag This Message Printable View -Full Headers Date:Fri,5 Apr 2002 05:32:25 -0800 (PST) From:"RALPH STUART"<ralphy3@yahoo.com>Block Address |Add to Address Book Subject:Re:FW:Comments To:"Lullof(Brent"<BLulloff@idahopower.com> I appreciate your prompt attention to the matter.I also appreciate your proposal to bill March at 2000 kwh and "pro-rate"April.However,this still falls short of my expectations. I appreciate your honesty regarding the circumstances surrounding the malfunctioning of the meter, but I do not believe that I should have to bear the burden of obvious errors in judgement on the part of Idaho Power employees.Therefore,I propose reducing January and February 2002 bills to 2,000 kwh as a fair solution,as well as the proposals that you made for March and April. Please advise. .../ShowLetter?box-Idaho%20Power&MsgId=8858_970476 298 653_4614 0_2802&NEXT4/15/2002 RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 6 -----Original Message----- From:RALPH STUART [mailto:ralphy3@yahoo.com] Sent:Monday,April 08,2002 2:48 PM To:Lulloff,BrentSubject:Re:FW:Comments I have not heard from you since I e-mailed you an offer for you consideration on 4/6/02.Upon further review,I have determined that I should be responsible for paying for actual kwh shown by the meter. Charges based on meter readings for February and March 2002 are $13.49 and 8.63 respectively.I have paid $456.95 since January.This would give a credit of $434.83. Please respond.Copies of this correspondenc are being forwarded to the PUC"Lulloff,Brent"<BLulloff@idahopower.com>wrote: RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 7 Yahoo!Mail Page 1 of 2 Date:Mon.8 Apr 2002 13:54:48 -0700 (PDT) From:"RALPH STUART"<ralphy3@yahoo.com>|Block Address Add to Address Book Subject:Re:Complaint acknowledgement To:ehowell@puc.state.id.us Subsequent to the fling of this complaint,my wife was contacted and interviewed by Brent Lulloff of Idabo Power regarding my e-mail to them.This is most unusual in that my wife did not file the complaint,and is not even listed on the account.This is a violation of account confidentiality,and I know that if she were to request information on the account from them,they would not supply it. I responded to an e-mail from Mr.Lulloff on 4/5.I made a fair offer for settlement,but I have not yet received a response.I am not going to wait while they continue to rebill charges in question. I have resolved that I should not be charged for service that they cannot prove,particularlyin light of their grossly inefScient business practices.It was not until 4/6/02 that they finallyreplaced the meter. Therefore,I have notified them of my intent as per the attached e-mail dated 4/8/02 RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 8 Yahoo!Alal Page lofl Subject:IdahoPower Complaint Date:Fri,12 Apr 2002 14:48:29 -0600 From:"CJ Cooper"<ccooper@puc.state.id.us>|Block Address |Add to Address Book To:RALPHY3@YAHOO.COM April 12,2002 Mr.Stuart: I wanted to clarify a couple of things.First of all,the formal complaints need to be in writing,however,you do not have to send it through the Post Office.If you wish,you may send the letter and supporting documents via e-mail to Jean Jewell's attention. I have asked Idaho Power to hold collection activity on the estimated bills allowing you until April 22,2002 to file a formal complaint.You still have the right to file a formal complaint after that date, however,a stay on payment cannot be indefinite. If you have additional questions,please feel free to call 1-800-432-0369 or send me an e-mail. Sincerely, C.J. /ShowLetter?box=Idaho%20Power&MsgId=1136 1069068 2785 1272_3700 0_2793&NE4/15/2002 RALPH STUART v.IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMPLAINANT'S COMPLAINTS EXHIBIT 9 | 4/15/2002 TO:Jean Jewell-Idaho Public Utilities Commission UTIL FROM:Ralph Stuart 70 Fulton Rd Salmon,ID 83467 SUBJECT:Formal Complaint against Idabo Power billing practices This is not just a complaint about billing practices,but also regarding actions of Idabo Power employees in handling an instance in which my electrical meter failed. I have included supporting documents regarding complaint.The crux ofthe complaint is that I feel that 1 am being billed unfairly for power usage that cannot be verifiedby Idabo Power,asµeseh-oftheir inef6ciency in conducting basiiles.T contend that they have abused my consumer rights,and have been arburary and capricious in rebillmgsfor unveriBëd¯nsage. Regarding their service,I ask you to consider the following: 1.When I first inquired of an Idaho Power customer service rep about an unexplained billed amount on a February bill,she told me the meter had quit,but could offer no further explanation on the rebilled amount.I asked the rep whyI had not been informed,and her response was,"You know now".I was also informed that the meter had been replaced,wbich I discovered later on 3/28 had not been done. 2.Mr.Brent Lulloff ofIdabo Power interviewed my wife,pursuant to a complaint filed by me.Mr.Lulloff had no right to conduct an interview of my wife,since she is not even on the account.This is a violation of account confidentiality.Mr. Lulloff made no attempt to contact me personally regarding the malfunctioning of the meter. 3.The meter was not replaced until 4/30/2002,and no notice was given at the time 4.At no time has Idaho Power informed me of my rights as a consumer under the provisions of rule 204;specifically,my right to have rebilled amounts repaid over an extended period. I feel that responses from your department have been severely inadequatein confronting the issues.Mr.Cooper made a reference to the rights ofIdabo Power to re-bill according to rule 204,but did not fully explain the procedure.I informed Mr.Cooper that I felt the rule is ambiguous and open to liberal interpretation.He did not respond to offer further explanation. I made a proposal to be billed for 2,000 kwh for the months of January,February and March.Given the lack of responsiveness in settling this matter,I am now requesting that I be billed onlyfor the power that was reflected by meter readings for those months.