HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020525Comment of Dan Hennis.pdfFrom:Ed HowellSent:Saturday,May 25,2002 6:18 PMTo:Jean Jewell;Ed Howell;Gene Fadness;Tonya ClarkSubject:Commentacknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday,May 25,20025:18:14 PM Case:IPC-E-02-04Name:Dan Hennis Street Address:2792 Desert Wind Rd.City:Mtn.Home State:Idaho ZIP:83647-5020 Home Telephone:(208)796-2747E-Mail:D.M.Hennis@juno.comCompany:Dan Hennis Power/Idaho Powermailinglistyesno:yesCommentdescription:Ladies and Gentleman of the IPUC,Although the Case has moved on,IJustgotmycommentsfromIDPowerthis25thofMay.I am appalled at the audacity of thewritersofIdahoPower's rebuttals to Public comments.It appears from their commentsthattheyassumetheIPUCandthegeneralPublicarewithoutbrainorunderstandingofeventhemostbasicofelectricprinciples.In there Page two under,"Nameplate RatingVersusOutputLimit",I am made to look like the "dangerous wind farmer"by cleverlyomittingtheobvious.If a farmer wants to put out "X"amount of power,That farmer wouldalsoinstalla"Regulator"to insure the power was "clean and down to Idaho Power'sstandardsaspeasentlyrequiredbyboththepowerCompanyANDtheNECinforceat thetime.Thus,the "serious safty ramification"is NON-EXISTANT.Power is produced and sentontothelinepercontractandfunctionofthenetmeteringideal.It has been myexperiencefrommypast3plusyearsasawindfarmer,that most all turbine systems havesometypeofreguatorequipmentinthem.And those not so equiped must have somethingincludedinthesystemtofunctionwiththeremainingsystems.On Page 4,title 2 -EXCESS GENERATION SHOULD BE VALUED AS NON-FIRM ENERGY,The firstStatementisnotonlymisleadingbutcouldbeconsideredanuntruthbysome.We as mortalhumanscannotdependontherainsandsnowpacktobeplacedinthemountainsonagivendayorhouranymorethanthewindeachday.As much as we try to predict the futurethroughexperiencesofthepast,the state of the element still eludes us.For simpletruthofthis,watch any weather report and check for accuracy.Wind and moisture contentwillalwaysbeaboutequallyunpredictable.With this in mind,Idaho Power's refreence to"non-firm"holds no validity.On Page 5,title 3 -BASING INTERCONNECTIONANALYSES ON AN ACCURATE GENERATION NAMEPLATERATINGISCRITICAL,I am again taken out of context.As I recall,I think I stated thatthisisonlyoneofanumberofwaysthepublicmightusetohelpbalancethepotentiallyunfairadvantageassociatedwiththeNameplateissue.Again the omition of the simplestoffactsconcerningrequiredregulatorsystemshaseludedthemhere.I would hope thattheIPUCwouldtakethetimetostopbyorcallanyprivatepowerproviderlikeAurorsPower@342-0454,or even the Idaho energy Division @ 327-7959 and get the FACTS on windpowerproduction.I can be contacted also.To continue,on page 6,the example wouldONLYBEACCURATEIF...,Idaho Power allowed a wind farmer to provide UNREGULATED POWERontotheline.Again,Since this is strictly forbidden,the example is bogus.As forPlacardedoutputs,Please Contact one of the most experienced professionals in the windpowerbusinessbythenameofDaveLuck.He works for a world-wide wind power companynamedEnXco.I can provide contact info if you don't have it.Due to his experience andposition,I believe he could be trusted by all to give accurate and concise answers onthissubject.And finally,in response to page 7,title 5,If these two paragraphs aretrue,then what happened to the "100%of demand"overbuild standard I have heard ElectricUtilityrepsboastofsomanytimes.I would simply ask,Was that a misinformation or isthis. In closing,I wish to reaffirm I hold no animosity or ill will to any one,agency,orcompany.I understand those in business will make a profit by whatever the means allowed 1 them.I am content to belies che members of the IPUC will re ,arch this subject fullybeforerenderingaresponse.Respectfully, Dan Hennis, First wind Farmer in Idaho P.S.-Please forward a copy of this comment to dfluck@aol.com and dlarsen@idwr.state.id.usThanks,DMH Transaction ID:5251718.13 Referred by:http://www.puc.state.id.us/scripts/polyform.dll/ipucUserAddress: 2