HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020520Idaho Power Petition for Clarification of Order No. 29026.pdfLARRY D.RIPLEY ISB #965 Idaho Power Company 2002 gy ggP.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 ....Telephone:(208)388-2674 UTILITIES COLSISSIOHFAXTelephone:(208)388-6936 Attorney for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN )CASE NO.IPC-E-02-02 ENERGY COST FINANCING ORDER AND )IPC-E-02-03AUTHORITYTOINSTITUTEANENERGY)COSTBONDCHARGE.) )IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S )PETITION FOR CLARIFICATIONINTHEMATTEROFTHEAPPLICATION)OF ORDER NO.29026 OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR )AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A POWER )COSTADJUSTMENT(PCA)RATEFOR )ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM MAY 16,2002 )THROUGH MAY 15,2003.) Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power"or "the Company")herewith petitionsfor clarification of Order No.29026 pursuant to RP 325 for the following reasons: Under service date of May 13,2002,the Commission in this proceeding issued Order No.29026.In that Order at p.8 the Commission discussed an Irrigation Lost Revenue Adjustmentand made findings as follows: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATIONOF ORDER NO.29026,Page 1 1.Irriqation Lost Revenue Adjustment.Last year,theCommissionapprovedaprogramtopayirrigatorstoreducetheirconsumptionofenergyandauthorizedIdahoPowertorecoverits direct costs associated with the program in this year's PCA.Order No.28992.Staff verified $73,941,839.42in direct program costs and that they wereproperlyincludedinthePCAaccount.Tr.at 424.In addition to thesedirectcosts,Idaho Power calculated that it "lost"$15,146,639.32 in revenue when irrigators participated in the Irrigation Load ReductionProgram.'Staff recommended disallowance of the "lost"revenues perOrderNo.28992,in which the Commission denied recovery of theCompany's reduced revenues.Id. Commission Findings.This issue has been thoroughly addressed during the proceedings in Case No.IPC-E-01-34.In that case we stated,"in the context of the market situation that existed at the timethisProgramwasapproved,it was the prudent if not required action fortheCompanytotakeandthatfurtherincentives,such as the recovery of lost revenues,to developand utilize a program of this type were notneeded."Order No.28992 at 7-8.Consistent with our final Order in Case No.IPC-E-01-34,we disallow recovery of the $15,146,639.32included byIdahoPower.2 "Lost"revenue refers to revenue that the utility would have earned if ithadsoldpowertotheparticipatingirrigatorsinsteadofpayingtheirrigatorstoreducetheirelectricconsumption. On May 2,2002,Idaho Powerfiled a Petition for Reconsideration inCaseNo.IPC-E-01-34. The Commission in its discussion and findings in Order No.29026,Case No.IPC-E-02-02/03 referred to the Petition for Reconsideration that the Company filed and is currently pending in Case No.IPC-E-01-34.It is the Company'sunderstanding that the Commission in Order No.29026 at p.8 considers Order No.28992 issued in Case No.IPC-E-01-34 as being the controlling decision that resulted in the disallowance of irrigation load reduction lost revenues in IPC-E-02-02/03.The Company believes that the issue of the disallowance of lost revenue is properly before the Commission in Case No.IPC-E-01-34.The Company,however,does not desire to IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATIONOF ORDER NO.29026,Page 2 assume at its peril that this is the case and,accordingly,asks the Commission to clarify that in Order No.29026 the Commission was simply referring to Order No.28992 issued in Case No.IPC-E-01-34 and that Order No.28992 is the controlling Order as to the disallowance of irrigation load reduction lost revenues. The Company requests that pursuant to RP 325 the Commission clarify its Order No.29026 that the Commission was simply referring to Order No.28992 issued in Case No.IPC-E-01-34 and that the Commission considers Order No.28992 as the controllingOrder in disallowingirrigation load reduction lost revenues.The Company requests that the Commission issue its order as to this issue before the time for filing a petition for reconsideration has expired,so that if Idaho Power is required to file a petition for reconsideration,it still has time to do so. Respectfully submitted this 20th day of May,2002. ARRY RlPËEY ' Attorneyfor Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'SPETITION FOR CLARIFICATIONOF ORDER NO.29026,Page 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 20th day of May,2002,I served a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION OF ORDER NO.29026 upon the followingnamed parties by the method indicated below,and addressed to the following: Lisa D.Nordstrom x Hand Delivered Deputy Attorney General U.S.Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission _Overnight Mail 472 W.WashingtonStreet _FAX P.O.Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 John Hammond _x _Hand Delivered Deputy Attorney General _U.S.Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission Overnight Mail 472 W.WashingtonStreet FAX P.O.Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 R.Scott Pasley __Hand Delivered Assistant General Counsel x U.S.Mail J.R.SimplotCompany OvernightMail P.O.Box 27 FAX Boise,Idaho 83707 David Hawk Hand Delivered Director,Energy Natural Resources U.S.Mail J.R.SimplotCompany OvernightMail P.O.Box 27 FAX Boise,Idaho 83707 Peter J.Richardson Hand Delivered Richardson &O'Leary,PLLC x U.S.Mail 99 East State Street,Suite 200 _OvernightMail P.O.Box 1849 _FAX Eagle,Idaho 83616 William M.Eddie _Hand Delivered Land and Water Fund of the Rockies _x_U.S.Mail P.O.Box 1612 _OvernightMail Boise,Idaho 83701 _FAX RR D.RIPLEY * CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE