HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020329Request for Waiver of Bill Stuffer Requirement.pdfLARRY D.RIPLEY ISB #965 Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Telephone:(208)388-2674 FAX Telephone:(208)388-6936 Attorney for Idaho Power Company Street Address For Express Mail: 1221 West idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN )CASE NO.IPC-E-02-02ENERGYCOSTFINANCINGORDERAND)IPC-E-02-03AUTHORITYTOINSTITUTEANENERGY)COSTBONDCHARGE.) )REQUEST FOR WAIVER )OF BILL STUFFERINTHEMATTEROFTHEAPPLICATION)REQUIREMENT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR )AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A POWER )COSTADJUSTMENT(PCA)RATEFOR )ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM MAY 16,2002 )THROUGH MAY 15,2003.) Pursuant to RP 13,Idaho Power Company("Idaho Power"or "the Company")requests that the Commission waive the requirement for a Power Cost Adjustment("PCA")bill stuffer in the above proceeding for and upon the following grounds: 1.On March 11,2002,the Companymailed to all of its Idaho retail customers a special mailing providing notification as to the Company's Application for REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF BILL STUFFER REQUIREMENT,Page 1 an energy cost recovery bond and related energy cost bond charges.In that same notice the Company advised its customers of the impending Application for the Company's 2002 PCA.The Company described the amount of the PCA Application with and without the issuance of energy cost recovery bonds.The information contained in that notice remains accurate.A copy of that notification is attached as Attachment 1. 2.The Commission,on March 27,2002,issued its notice in the above-entitled matter and set public hearings for: Twin Falls on Wednesday,April 10,2002.Pocatello on Monday,April 15,2002. Boise on Thursday,April 25,2002. The Commission set a technical hearing for April 26,2002,at 9:30 a.m.in the Commission Hearing Room in Boise. 3.The Company is concerned that an additional bill stuffer at this time would lead to confusion rather than provide notification,since the Company'scustomers have already been notified of the Applicationsas previously noted. 4.The Company would point out that a bill stuffer issued on a cyclical basis would not be received by most of its customers until after the hearings described above. 5.The Company has discussed its concerns with Commission Staff and has advised Staff that the request would be filed. 6.The Company,as part of this request,will provide notification, including paid advertisements notifying the Company'scustomers of the scheduled REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF BILL STUFFER REQUIREMENT,Page 2 proceedings.That notification plan is attached as Attachment 2.Staff has recommended that if this request is granted,the Company provide such notification. 7.As provided in UClR 102.05,the Commission's customer notification rules do not create any due process or other procedural rights in customers. Thus,the Companysubmits the Commission can waive the notice requirements if it determines that the public interest would be served. WHEREFORE,the Company submits that,since the customers have already received notification,it is in the public interest in this unique situation for the Commission to determine that the issuance of bill stuffers as required by UCIR 102 regarding the Company's PCA Application is "impractical,unnecessary and not in the public interest."(See RP 13) The Company respectfully requests that the Commission consider the Company'srequest for waiver of the bill stuffer requirementas soon as practicable, since if the Company'srequest is denied,the Companywould be required to make arrangementsfor the insertion of a bill stuffer. DATED this 29th day of March,2002. LARRY p.RIPLEY Attorneyfor Idaho Power Company REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF BILL STUFFER REQUIREMENT,Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 MIMHO IDAHO POWER COMPANY BOSE A7H00 83707 An IDACORP Company Dear Customer: Much has happened at Idaho Power in the past 18 months.Drought,chaotic wholesale energy prices and rate increases have profoundly impacted our customers and our company,but I believe the worst of this is nearly behind us.Last year our company recovered $217 million through the annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA).This April we may have to ask to recover $244 million through the PCA.This includes only costs for power purchases and energy saving programs.It has no impact on company profits or operating expenses.Based upon current projections,your rates could go up as much as 11 percent over where they are today for one more year.Idaho Power does not think this is advisable and is proposing an alternative. This letter is to notify you of a filing Idaho Power made with the Idaho PublicUtilities Commission (IPUC)on March 11 that if approved,would allow Idaho Power to issue $172 million in revenue bonds.The filing is subject to IPUC approval and could result in an average 10 percent decrease from existing rates.Here's what this could mean to your rates: Potential Rate Adjustments With Bonds Without Bonds Residential (average)(7.8)%8.8%increase Irrigation (9.8)%11.0%increase Small General Service (6.7)%7.6%increase Large General Service (10.0)%11.4%increase Large Power (Industrial)(11.9)%13.5%increase OVERALL (9.6)%10.8%increase ()indicates a decrease If this request is approved by the IPUC,our Idaho customers'rates this spring could go down by an overall 10 percent and,with a return to normal conditions,possibly an additional overall 13 percent decrease in 2003.In short,a bond issue would more quickly put us on the path toward normal rates. The concept is simple.We're asking to spread some of our power and load reduction costs over a three-year period instead of one.Spreading these costs over timewill incur additional interest costs but at favorable rates.Idaho Power believes that issuing bonds not only will reduce your current rates,but also will positively influence the state's economy.We anticipate these bonds will be paid off over a three-year period through a 0.54 cent-per-kilowatt-hour charge that would be included in the reduced rates you will pay if this action is approved by the IPUC.This charge will be shown as a separate line item on your electricity bill.This charge may decrease or increase if electricity usage on our system rises above or falls below today's levels. A copy of the company's filing is available for public review at Idaho Power offices,including our corporate headquarters at 1221 W.Idaho Street,Boise,or on our Web site- www.idahopower.com.You also may view the filing at the Idaho PublicUtilities Commission's offices at 472 W.Washington Street,Boise. LaMont Keen President and Chief Operating Officer Idaho Power Company Due to mass mailing,¶you have morethan one account,you may receive more than one coy ofthis notwe. ATTACHMENT 2 CommunicationsPlan To Support Idaho Power Involvement In Idaho Public Utilities Commission Workshopsand Hearings Objective(s):To increase and enhance awareness of,and attendance and participation in upcoming Idaho Public Utilities Commission public meetings. Methodology:Idaho Power will use the general media as the primary vehicle for promoting the upcoming IPUC hearings and workshops.The company's Corporate Communications Department will draft news releases and contact writers and editors of publications,television and radio stations within the communities surrounding the cities in which these meetings will be held.These releases will encapsulate the reasons for the hearings and will emphasize the public participation in these meetings. In addition,Idaho Power will use paid advertising in general circulation newspapers in and around the cities in which these meetings are scheduled to be held.These ads will promote the schedule of both the workshops and public hearings and will briefly explain the purpose and background surrounding them. Timing: Paid Advertising-Advertisingcopy will be prepared and is expected to be disseminated the week of April 1. News Releases-News releases will be prepared and should by disseminated on these dates:April 3 (Twin Falls)April 8 (Pocatello)April 18 (Boise) Proposed Publications and Stations: Twin Falls Area:(Print)Times-News,South Idaho Press,North Side News,Buhl Herald (Electronic)KMVT Television;KLIX-Radio Pocatello Area:(Print)Idaho State Journal;Blackfoot MorningNews (Electronic) KIFI-Television;KIDK-Television;KWIK Radio Boise Area:(Print)The Idaho Statesman;Nampa Press-Tribune;Emmett Messenger(Electronic)KIVI-Television;KBCI-Television;KTVB-Television; KTRV-Television;KBOI Radio;KIDO Radio;KBSU Radio