HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011109Application.pdfECElvEDIpieimoPomcomm Ro.aono BARTON L.KLINE An IDACORP Company Lui Ms.Jean D.Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Street P.O.Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No.IPC-E-01-ÈIdahoPowerCompany'sApplication ToAmendSchedule86--Cogeneration and Small Power Production --Non-Firm Energy Dear Ms.Jewell: Enclosed herewith for filing with the Commission are an original and seven (7)copies of Idaho Power Company'sApplication to amend Schedule 86 -- Cogeneration and Small Power Production --Non-Firm Energy.Also enclosed are anoriginalandthree(3)copies of Sheets 86-1 through 86-5 of Schedule 86. I would appreciate it if you would return a stampedcopy of this transmittalletterforourfiles. V Barton L.Kline BLK:jb Enclosures Telephone (208)388-2682,FAX (208)388-6936,E-Mail bkline @idahopower com RECE!VEDBARTONL.KLINE ISB #1526 F LEDIdahoPowerCompany P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Telephone:(208)388-2682 FAX Telephone:(208)388-6936 Attorneyfor Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO )CASE NO.IPC-E-01-fdAMENDSCHEDULE86--)COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER )PRODUCTION --NON-FIRM ENERGY.)APPLICATION COMES NOW,IDAHO POWER COMPANY ("Idaho Power"or the "Company"),and in accordance with RP 52 hereby applies for a Commission order approvingamendments to the Company'sexistingrate Schedule 86 --Coqeneration and Small Power Production -Non-Firm Enerqy.This Application is based on the following: I. BACKGROUND On January 22,1997,the Commission issued Order No.26750 approving the current Schedule 86.On May 3,1999 the Commission issued Order No.28033 approving the current methodologyfor computing the purchase price,or Avoided APPLICATION,Page 1 Energy Cost,for non-firm purchases under Schedule 86.The Purchase Price section of Schedule 86 currently provides two options under which Qualifying Facilities can sell non-firm energy to the Company.Under the first option,Option A,the purchase price is an amount equal to the monthlyweightedaverage cost per kilowatt hour of the daily on- peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Electricity Price Index prices for non-firm energy published in the Wall Street Journal ("Mid-C Index")minus $0.004 per kilowatt hour.The second option,Option B,provides what has come to be known as a "Net Metering"option.In an Application filed concurrently with this Application,Idaho Power has requested that the Commission approve a new Schedule 84 --Net Meterinq,which would take the place of OptionB under this Schedule 86.The rationale for deleting Option B in Schedule 86 and substitutingSchedule 84 is discussed in greater detail in the Company's Application for approvalof Schedule 84.Idaho Power requests that the Commission take administrative notice of the Company'sApplication for approvalof Schedule 84 in considering the changes to Schedule 86 proposed in Attachment 1. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES In addition to removing the OptionB portion of the Purchase Price section of Schedule 86 as described above,Idaho Power is requesting that the Commission make two other changes to Schedule 86.The first change is to limit the applicability of Schedule 86 to Qualifying Facilities with nameplateratings less than one megawatt. This change will bring Schedule 86 into conformity with the Commission's current policy concerning Qualifying Facility purchase arrangements.For the past several years,the Commission has followed a policy that acknowledgesthe practical differences between APPLICATION,Page 2 larger and smaller Qualifying Facilities.For example,Qualifying Facilities smaller than one megawattare entitled to Commission established published rates,but Qualifying Facilities larger than one megawattare required to negotiate contracts with Idaho Power and to negotiateappropriate power purchase prices as a part of that contracting process.Limiting Schedule 86 to QF's smaller than one megawattas proposed by the Company would bring Schedule 86 into compliance with the Commission policy previously described. Second,the proposed Schedule 86 would set the purchase price at an amount equal to eighty-five percent (85%)of the monthlyweightedaverage Mid-C Index,consistent with several purchase and sales agreementsthe Company has recently entered into with various sellers.By establishingthe purchase price as a percentage discount from the Mid-C Index,Idaho Power's customers can be confident that non-firm energy Idaho Power is obligated to purchase under Schedule 86 can be resold in the wholesale market at a price that will recover Idaho Power's purchase cost plus transmission costs.Conversely,when Idaho Power desires to retain the non-firm energy delivered by a seller under Schedule 86,Idaho Power can be assured that the purchase price will be at least as beneficial as a wholesale non-firm market purchase. III TARIFFS Attached to this Application as Attachment 1 are revised Sheet Nos.86-1 through 86-5.Also included in Attachment 1 are the proposed tariff sheets in legislative format. APPLICATION,Page 3 IV. COMMUNICATIONS Service of pleadings,exhibits,orders and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Barton L.Kline Maggie BrilzSeniorAttorneyDirectorofPricing Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 P.O.Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 Boise,ID 83707 V. PROCEDURE Concurrent with the filing of this Application,Idaho Power has filed an Application asking the Commission to approve new rate Schedule 84 --Net Meterinq. In addition,Idaho Power has also filed an Applicationasking the Commission to approve certain amendments to Schedule 72 --Interconnection to Non-Utility Generation.Schedule 72 is the Company'sservice schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation.Because these three Applicationsare so interrelated,Idaho Power believes that it would be appropriate for the Commission to consolidate its consideration of these three Applications.Idaho Power also believes that these three Applicationsare good candidates for consideration by the Commission under modified procedure. WHEREFORE,Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue its Order amendingSchedule 86 as proposed by the Company in Attachment 1. APPLICATION,Page 4 Respectfully submitted this 9th day of November,2001. BARTON L.KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION,Page 5 ATTACHMENT 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-1 CANCELS I.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-1 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRM ENERGY AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service territory within the StateofIdaho. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to any Seller that: 1.Owns or operates a Qualifying Facility with a nameplate capacity rating of less than 1 MWanddesirestosellEnergygeneratedbytheQualifyingFacilitytotheCompanyonanon-firm,if,as,and when available basis; 2.Meets all applicable requirements of the Company's Schedule 72 and the GenerationInterconnectionProcess. DEFINITIONS Avoided Energy Cost is the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Electricity Price Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index)prices for nonfirm energy published in the WallStreetJournal.If the Dow Jones Mid-C Index prices are not reported for a particular day or days,theaverageoftheimmediatelyprecedingandfollowingreportingperiodsordayswillbeused. Designated Discatch Facility is the Company's Boise Bench Dispatch Center. Eneray means the non-firm electric energy,expressed in kWh,generated by the Qualifying FacilityanddeliveredbytheSellertotheCompanyinaccordancewiththeconditionsofthisschedule.Energy ismeasurednetofLossesandStationUse. Generation Facility means equipment used to produce electric energy at a specific physicallocation,which meets the requirements to be a Qualifying Facility. Generation Interconnection Process is the Company's generation interconnection applicationandengineeringreviewprocessdevelopedtoensureasafeandreliablegenerationinterconnection. Interconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices andtheNationalElectricSafetyCodetointerconnectandsafelydeliverEnergyfromtheQualifyingFacilitytotheCompany's system,including,but not limited to,connection,transformation,switching,metering,relaying,communications,disconnection,and safety equipment. Losses are the loss of electric energy occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission ofelectricenergyfromtheQualifyingFacilitytothePointofDelivery. Point of Delivery is the location where the Company's and the Seller's electrical facilities are inter-connected. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY issued -November 9,2001 John R.Gale,Vice President,Regulatory AffairsEffective-December 10,2001 1221 West Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO.86- CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-2 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices,methods and equipment that are commonlyusedinprudentelectricalengineeringandoperationstooperateelectricequipmentlawfullyandwithsafety,dependability,efficiency and economy. PURPA means the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. Qualifyinq Facility is a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility which meets thePURPAcriteriaforqualificationsetforthinSubpartBofPart292,Subchapter K,Chapter l,Title 18,of theCodeofFederalRegulations. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for Interconnection to Non-UtilityGenerationoritssuccessorschedule(s)as approved by the Commission. Seller is any entity that owns or operates a Qualifying Facility and desires to sell Energy to theCompany. Standby Power is electrical energy or capacity supplied by the Company during an unscheduledoutageofaQualifyingFacilitytoreplaceenergyconsumedbythesellerwhichisordinarilysuppliedbytheSeller's Qualifying Facility. Station Use is electric energy used to operate the Qualifying Facility which is auxiliary to or directlyrelatedtothegenerationofelectricityandwhich,but for the generation of electricity,would not beconsumedbytheSeller. Supplementary Power is electric energy or capacity supplied by the Company which is regularlyusedbyaSellerinadditiontotheEnergyandcapacitywhichtheQualifyingFacilityusuallysuppliestotheSeller. PURCHASE PRICE The Company will pay the Seller monthly,for each kWh of Energy delivered and accepted at thePointofDeliveryduringtheprecedingcalendarmonth,an amount equal to 85%of the monthly AvoidedEnergyCost. CONDITIONSOF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1.The Company shall purchase Energy from any Seller that offers to sell Energy to theCompany. 2.As a condition of interconnection with the Company,the Seller shall: a.Complete and maintain all requirements of interconnection in accordance withSchedule72. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYIssued-November 9,2001 John R.Gale,Vice President,Regulatory AffairsEffective-December 10,2001 1221 West idaho Street,Boise,Idaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO.86-3 CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-3 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) CONDITIONSOF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) b.Complete and maintain all requirements of the Company's GenerationInterconnectionProcess. c.Submit proof to the Company of all insurance required by paragraph 12. d.Obtain written confirmation from the Company that all conditions tointerconnectionhavebeenfulfilledpriortooperationoftheGenerationFacility.SuchconfirmationshallnotbeunreasonablywithheldbytheCompany. 3.The Seller shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system whentheCompany's system serving the Seller's Generation Facility is de-energizedfor any reason. 4.The Seller and the Company shall each indemnify the other,their respective officers,agents,and employees against all loss,damage,expense,and liability to third persons for injury to ordeathofpersonsorinjurytoproperty,proximately caused by the indemnifying party's construction,ownership,operation or maintenance of,or by failure of,any of such party's works or facilities used inconnectionwithpurchasesunderthisschedule.The indemnifying party shall,on the other party's request,defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity.The indemnifying party shall pay all costs thatmaybeincurredbytheotherpartyinenforcingthisindemnity. 5.The Company shall offer to provide Standby Power and Supplementary Power to the Seller.Charges for Supplementaryand Standby Power will be in accordance with the Company's Schedule 7 asthatscheduleismodifiedfromtimetotimebytheCommission. 6.The Seller shall maintain voltage levels acceptable to the Company. 7.The Seller shall maintain at the Qualifying Facility or such other location mutuallyacceptabletotheCompanyandSeller,adequate metering and related power production records,in aformandcontentrecommendedbytheCompany. Either the Seller or the Company after reasonable notice to the other party,shall have theright,during normal business hours,to inspect and audit any or all such metering and related powerproductionrecordspertainingtotheSeller's account. 8.During a period of shortage of energy on the Company's system,the Seller shall,at theCompany's request and within the limits of reasonable safety requirements as determined by the Seller,useitsbesteffortstoproviderequestedEnergy,and shall,if necessary,delay any scheduled shutdown of theQualifyingFacility. 9.The Company and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communicationsthroughtheDesignatedDispatchFacility. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYissued-November 9,2001 John R.Gale,Vice President,Regulatory AffairsEffective-December 10,2001 1221 West Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTHREVISED SHEET NO.86-7 CANCELS I.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 THIRDREVISED SHEET NO.86-4 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRM ENERGY (Continued) CONDITIONSOF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 10.The Company shall not be obligated to accept,and the Company may require the Sellertocurtail,interrupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Company,consistent with Prudent ElectricalPractices,determines that curtailment,interruption or reduction is necessary because of line constructionormaintenancerequirements,emergencies,or other critical operating conditions on its system. 11.If the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries ofelectricitytoitsCustomers,the Company may require the Seller to curtail its consumption of electricity inthesamemannerandtothesamedegreeasotherCustomerswithinthesameCustomerclasswhodonotownGenerationFacilities. 12.The Seller shall secure and continuously carry liability insurance coverage for both bodilyinjuryandpropertydamageliabilityintheamountofnotlessthan$1,000,000 each occurrence combinedsinglelimit. Such insurance shall include an endorsement naming the Company as an additionalinsuredinsofarasliabilityarisingoutofoperationsunderthisscheduleandaprovisionthatsuchliabilitypoliciesshallnotbecanceledortheirlimitsofliabilityreducedwithout30days'written notice to theCompany.The Seller shall furnish the Company with certificates of insurance together with theendorsementsrequiredherein.The Company shall have the right to inspect the original policies of suchinsurance. 13.The Seller shall grant to the Company all necessary rights of way and easements to install,operate,maintain,replace,and remove the Company's metering and other Interconnection FacilitiesincludingadequateandcontinuingaccessrightstothepropertyoftheSeller.The Seller warrants that ithasprocuredsufficienteasementsandrightsofwayfromthirdpartiesasarenecessarytoprovidetheCompanywiththeaccessdescribedabove.The Seller shall execute such other grants,deeds,ordocumentsastheCompanymayrequiretoenableittorecordsuchrightsofwayandeasements. 14.Depending on the size and location of the Seller's Qualifying Facility,it may be necessaryfortheCompanytoestablishadditionalrequirementsforoperationoftheQualifyingFacility.Theserequirementsmayinclude,but are not limited to,voltage,reactive,or operating requirements. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYIssued-November 9,2001 John R.Gale,Vice President,Regulatory AffairsEffective-December 10,2001 1221 West idaho Street,Boise,Idaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTHREVISED SHEET NO.86-5 CANCELS I.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 THIRDREVISED SHEET NO.86-5 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 86 UN1FORM AGREEMENT For the Purchase of Non-Firm Energy From Qualifying Facilities THIS AGREEMENT Made this day of ,20 ,between whose mailing address is hereinaftercalledSellerand|DAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation with its principal office located at 1221 West idaho Street,Boise,idaho hereinaftercalled "Company". NOW,THEREFORE,The parties agree as follows: 1.Company shall purchase Energy produced by the Seller's Gualifying Facility located at or near,County of ,State of Idaho,located in the of SectionTownship,Range ,BM,in the form of three phase 60 Hz and at a nominal phase to phase potentialofvolts,subject to emergency operating conditions of the Company.Purchases under this Agreement aresubjecttotheCompany's applicable Tariff provisions,including but not limited to Schedules 86 and 72 approved byandasmaybehereaftermodifiedbytheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission("Commission")and the provisions of thisAgreement. 2.Seller shall pay Company for all costs of interconnection Facilities as provided for in Exhibit A of thisAgreementandSchedule72. 3.In addition to the charges provided under Paragraph 2,Seller shall pay to the Company the monthlyOperation&Maintenance Charge specified in Schedule 72 on the investmentby the Company in interconnectionFacilitieswhichinvestmentissetforthinExhibitA,attached hereto and made a part hereof.As such investmentchanges,in order to provide facilities to serve Seller's requirements,Company shall notify Seller in writing of additions ordeletionsoffacilitiesbyforwardingadatedrevisedExhibitA,which shall become part of this Agreement.The monthlyOperation&Maintenance Charge will be adjustedto correspondto the Revised Exhibit A. 4.The initial date of acceptance of Energy under this Agreement is subject to the Company'sability toobtainrequiredlabor,materials,equipment,satisfactory rights of way,and comply with governmental regulations. 5.The term of this Agreement shall become effective on the date first above written,and shall continuetofullforceandeffectuntilcanceledbySelleruponsixty(60)days prior written notice. 6.This Agreement and the rates,terms,and conditions of service set forth or incorporated herein,andtherespectiverightsandobligationsofthepartieshereunder,shall be subject to valid laws and to the regulatoryauthorityandorders,rules,and regulationsof the Commission and such otheradministrativebodies havingjurisdiction. 7.Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the Commission from changing any rates,charges,classification or service,or any rules,regulation or conditions relating to service under this Agreement,or construed asaffectingtherightoftheCompanyortheSellertounilaterallymakeapplicationtotheCommissionforanysuchchange. 8.This Agreement shall not become effective until the Commission approves all terms and provisionshereofwithoutchangeorconditionanddeclaresthatallpaymentstobemadehereundershallbeallowedasprudentlyincurredexpensesforratemakingpurposes. APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYIssued-November 9,2001 John R.Gale,Vice President,Regulatory AffairsEffective-December 10,2001 1221 West Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-1 CANCELS l.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 FIRSTREVISED SHEET NO.86-1 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available is-jhroughoutthe Company's service territory in-withjn_theStateofIdaho. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to any Seller who;_al owns or operates a Qualifying FacilitywithaE10.01eRLolfLGoggcity ratina of less than 1 Mw and desires to sell Energy generated by the QualifvinaJFa_ciity_to the Company on a non-firm,if,as,and when available basis:and who b)meets all applicablelegujtementsoftheComos2cysSc.bedule 2 and the Generaticulaterconnecticofrecest DEFINITIONS Avoided Eneray Cost is the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Electricity Price Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index)prices for nonfirm energy published in the WallStreetJournal_mir2;$0.004 por k 4.If the Dow Jones Mid-C Index prices are not reported for a particulardayordays,the average of the immediately preceding and following reporting periods or days will beused. ‡hFougk‡he-sequen‡ial-ese-e‡-eneFgy. Designated Dispatch Facility is the Company's Boise Bench Dispatch Center. Enerqv means the non-firm electric energy,expressed in kWh2 generated by the Qualifying FacilityanddeliveredbySellertotheCompanyinaccordancewiththeconditionsofthisschedule.Energy ismeasurednetofLossesandStationUse. Generation Facility means eauipment used to produce electric enerav at a specific physicallocation,which meets the requirements to be a GualifvinaFacility. Generation and interconnection Process is the Comoany's aeneration interconnectionapplicationandengineerinqrevieworocessdevelopedtoensureasafeandreliablegenerationinterconnection. Interconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices andtheNationalElectricSafetyCodetointerconnectandsafelydeliverEnergyfromtheQualifyingFacilitytotheCompany's system,including,but not limited to,connection,transformation,switching,metering,relaying,communications,disconnection,and safety equipment. Losses are the loss of electric energy occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission ofelectricenergyfromtheQualifyingFacilitytothePointofDelivery. Point of Delivery is the location where the Company's and the Seller's electrical facilities are inter-connected. Prudent Electrical Prac s are those practices,methods and ec ment that are commonly usedinprudentelectricalengineeringandoperationstooperateelectricequipmentlawfullyandwithsafety,dependability,efficiency and economy. PURPA means the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-2 CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-2 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Qualifyina Facility is a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility which meets thePURPAcriteriaforqualificationsetforthinSubpartBofPart292,Subchapter K,Chapter I,Title 18,of theCodeofFederalRegulations. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for Interconnection to Non-UtilityGenerationoritssuccessorschedule(s)as approved by the Commission. Seller is any entity that owns or operates a Qualifying Facility and desires to sell Energy to theCompany. Standby Power is electrical energy or capacity supplied by the Company during an unscheduledoutageofaQualifyingFacilitytoreplaceenergyconsumedbythesellerwhichisordinarilysuppliedbytheSeller's Qualifying Facility. Station Use is electric energy used to operate the Qualifying Facility which is auxiliary to or directlyrelatedtothegenerationofelectricityandwhich,but for the generation of electricity,would not beconsumedbytheSeller. Supplementary Power is electric energy or capacity supplied by the Company which is regularlyusedbyaSellerinadditiontotheEnergyandCapacitywhichtheQualifyingFacilityusuallysuppliestotheSeller. PURCHASE PRICE 1.Oc+ion A Undor thic op+ion,Tthe Company will pay the Seller monthly,for each kWh ofEnergydeliveredandacceptedatthePointofDeliveryduringtheprecedingcalendarmonth,an amountequalto8MthemonthlyAvoidedEnergyCost-perkWh. IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-3 CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-3 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) DI ID IJ K DDI (Confini i & Whoro: Dofinitions AEC recon:A cided Erorgy Co *r Equat on: Tho Sollor ill provido th Corrpony ith tho o pootod PO for tho Se!Isr's P ' Upon roquoc±,*Fo Sellor pro do de o *oeuppor+‡ho-o poo+od P"O. 8 For Conoration Faciitio or than P Whoro: Dofinition: CER com:Customor Encrgy Roto on,ro chodulo) CF n,ca :Capcoi+y Foo+cr (poroor+cgo) Eque‡ens Or IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-7 CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-4 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) COND OMS OF PURCH SE AND SALE (Continued) I Tho Compa y rocor'oc +ho r gh+,at te dirorc+ion,o in:*au *oci r,c+crirg +o orfy to GR Tho So!!:r may oloo*o rc+a"aoili ior to cocerormoolato o Cor,pany rooto o CONDITIONSOF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1.The Company shall purchase Energy from any Seller that offers to sell Energy to theCompany. 2.As a condition of interconnection with the Company,the Seller shall: A-Submit proof to the Company that o!!censes,permits,or approvois necessary fos‡he-Se‡\er s-opeFe‡iens-Under-4his-sehedule -have --been--ob‡ained-‡Fem-applicabieFedereb-S‡a‡a kaea eu‡heFi‡ies- P>A.«Ry--Cornplete and maintain all reguirements ofinterconnectioninaccordancewithSchedule72. G-B.Ob‡ale--wri‡‡en--oceep‡ance-‡rem4he-Gempany--as-provided--in-paFagraph-5.Complete and maintain all reauirements of the Company's GenerationInterconnectionProcess. IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-5 CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-5 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) CONDITIONSOF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) C.Submit proof to the Company of all insurance required by paragraph H2. ED.Obtain written confirmation from the Company that all conditions tointerconnectionhavebeenfulfilledpriortooperationoftheGenerationFacility.Such confirmation shall not be unreasonablywithheld by the CompanyDemons‡Fe‡e4e-‡he--Gempany se‡isfee‡ien4ha*‡he-Seliefs Gualifying eeili‡y has been semple‡ed,and‡hot of safely4e-commeneedeliveriesof EneFgy-in‡o ‡he-Gempanya-sys‡em- -F:Submi‡-‡e ‡¾e--Company-e eer‡i‡iea‡len4Fema professional-engineer-licensed-in-‡¾eStateofIdahostatingthatthedesignofandsquipmentintheQualifyingEocility and--Seller-fumished-in‡ersonnee‡iendaeili‡ies--{-l}---eemply-wi‡h-‡he-s‡onderds--of-44isscheduleandapp!!ooble electric and building codes and (2)will aparate to safelydeliver-Energy-‡e4he Rein‡ef-Delivery. Gs Ga‡ain-wri‡‡en---eenfirme‡ion---4Fem--‡Jee Gompany--‡Jaa‡--o -eenditions---‡einterconnectionhavebeenfulfilledj2(i Chi agera ans....of....10e Generation Faojlity. Sueh-eenfirme‡ien--shei‡ne‡be--enFeasonablywi‡hheld-by4he---Gempanys 3.The Seller will never deliver or attempt to deliver enerav to the Company's system when the C.REDRODY S SystSÏElseEYinOË1e Egiler fieElgrgÍ\prl.fDGijilyis de-eneraized for any reason. 4.The Seller and the Company shall each indemnify the other,their respective officers,agents,and employees against all loss,damage,expense,and liability to third persons for injury to ordeathofpersonsorinjurytoproperty,proximately caused by the indemnifying party's construction,ownership,operation or maintenance of,or by failure of,any of such party's works or facilities used inconnectionwithpurchasesunderthisschedule.The indemnifying party shall,on the other party's request,defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity.The indemnifying party shall pay all costs thatmaybeincurredbytheotherpartyinenforcingthisindemnity. 5,The Company shall offer to provide Standby Power and SupplementaryPower to the Seller.Charges for Supplementaryand Standby Power will be in accordance with the Company's Schedule 7 asthatscheduleismodifiedfromtimetotimebytheCommission. 6,_The Sellerwill maintain.voltage levels acceotable to the ComRODL 7.The Seller shall maintain at the Qualifying Facility or such other location mutually acceptable toË1e...COD2ppnyand Sellers..Je guate.metering...and related);;ower oroduction records];1.gjoynandcontentrecommendedbytheCompany. Either the Seller or the Comoanv after reasonable notice to the other party,shall have thefigbidty[ag normal business hours,_le irlspect and audit any or all such metering and relatedpowerproductionrecordscertainingtotheSeller's account. 5.Conc+ruo ion and opor]+·c Ptorcer ce or Facilitier il‡-he accoFdaram T cfr n «9 r que ifying4n‡ereannee‡ien 6.To any 'c+abl o c g d 'enroo*Br o=pgr to e conoco**B, Guali‡ying--Feeili‡y-4eF-‡he--pFe‡ee‡ion--e‡-4he--Gempanyssys‡em-eneWpersonnebeensis‡eR‡--wi‡¾--PFedeR‡Electrical Prootioco.Exoopt as other,vico required by Prudent Elsetrical Prae‡ioes,disconnootion equipmen‡--wiß-be-designed-se--‡he‡-‡he-deseFe-of-eny breakeF-eF-e‡heF-disconnee‡ing-device--whichoornacts*P:Quelfying FaoËllty 1 hel be-eer+tfe quipreort which WPperfoFm-‡¾e-‡ollowing; IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-6 CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 FIRSTREVISED SHEET NO.86-6 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) CONDITIONSOF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) ^.Autornaties!!y monitor the stofor of tho 3|actrical system on the Company's sido c?‡he-diseennee‡ing device as4e vel‡ageend-frequeney;-and --8------Prehibi‡--eleseFe-or-Feeennee‡ien-un‡il--vol‡age--and-freelseney-have--bee-a--wl‡hinapprovodlimitsforacontinuousporiodofnotlessthan5minutos;and C.Operato to that if the Company's systorn is do enorgized within 10 ccoond:offer the ini‡ial----elesure----of--‡he-diseennee‡ing--device,-‡he--disconnee‡ing-device-willimnesdiatelyopenandnotclocoogainurM+he Company hoc boon satisfied *hc+ ‡he-Gempany een-se‡ely feelese4he diseannee‡ing-equipmen‡ -if-‡he-Seller-a‡‡emp‡s-‡e-medi‡y>-edjus‡-er e‡herwise-in‡erfeFe-wi‡h-‡hediseennee‡ion equipmen‡osi‡ssottingsosestablishedbytheGornpany,uch action may be grounds for the Company's refusal toeen‡inue perchases-from ‡he Se er edeF ‡his sehedule. purchoto B ha o Pr n Il bo I I to r et lif i F rc oc I +ro &rr E +H +b +b,II +h +T T rn I re +1 er p od t on cordo p to rirg to *ho So lor's cocount. 11.f,r r Grenado opinion of *ho Cornpa ,o So lo p at t ua fon+n fliti e ic i ime,f e,r o e,r,M I car e-n re ‡H II li++bii IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO.86-7 CANCELSl.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 ORIGINALSHEET NO.86-7 SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATIONAND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRMENERGY (Continued) CONDITIONSOF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) -1-28.During a period of shortage of energy on the Company's system,the Seller shall,at theCompany's request and within the limits of reasonable safety requirements as determined by the Seller,use its best efforts to provide requested Energy,and shall,if necessary,delay any scheduled shutdown of theQualifyingFacility. -149.The Company and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communicationsthroughtheDesignatedDispatchFacility. M10.The Company shall not be obligated to accept,and the Company may require the Sellertocurtail,interrupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Company,consistent with Prudent ElectricalPractices,determines that curtailment,interruption or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements,emergencies,or other critical operating conditions on its system. HJ.If the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries ofelectricitytoitsCustomers,the Company may require the Seller to curtail its consumption of electricity inthesamemannerandtothesamedegreeasotherCustomerswithinthesameCustomerclasswhodonotownFacilities. -M12.Encop+for colo:unofor Op+ion 8,(co:th:Purol,cco Drico cootior),T+ho Seller shall secureandcontinuouslycarryliabilityinsurancecoverageforbothbodilyinjuryandpropertydamageliabilityintheamountofnotlessthan$1,000,000each occurrence combined single limit. Such insurance shall include an endorsement naming the Company as an additional insuredinsofarasliabilityarisingoutofoperationsunderthisscheduleandaprovisionthatsuchliabilitypolicies shall not be canceled or their limits of liability reduced without 30 days'written notice to the Company.The Seller shall furnish the Company with certificates of insurance together with the endorsements requiredherein.The Company shall have the right to inspect the original policies of such insurance. -lJE.The Seller will grant to the Company all necessary rights of way and easements to install,operate,maintain,replace,and remove the Company's metering and other Interconnection FacilitiesincludingadequateandcontinuingaccessrightstothepropertyoftheSeller.The Seller warrants that ithasprocuredsufficienteasementsandrightsofwayfromthirdpartiesasarenecessarytoprovidetheCompanywiththeaccessdescribedabove.The Seller will execute such other grants,deeds,ordocumentsastheCompanymayrequiretoenableittorecordsuchrightsofwayandeasements. -MB.Depending on the size and location of the Seller's Qualifying Facility,it may be necessaryfortheCompanytoestablishadditionalrequirementsforoperationoftheQualifyingFacility.Theserequirementsmayinclude,but are not limited to,voltage,reactive,or operating requirements. IDAHO POWER COMPANY l.P.U.C.NO.26,TARIFF NO.101 ORIGINALSHEET NO.86-8 |DAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 86 UN1FORM AGREEMENT For the Purchase of Non-Firm Energy From Qualifying Facilities l THIS AGREEMENT Made this day of ,19 ,betweenwhosemailingaddressishereinaftercalledSellerandIDAHOPOWERCOMPANY,a corporation with its principal office located at 1221 West Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho hereinafter called "Company". NOW,THEREFORE,The parties agree as follows: 1.Company shall purchase Energy produced by the Seller's Qualifying Facility located at or near,County of ,State of Idaho,located in the of SectionTownship,Range ,BM,in the form of three phase 60 Hz and at a nominal phase to phase potentialofvolts,subject to emergency operating conditions of the Company.Purchases under this Agreement aresubjecttotheCompany'sapplicable Tariff provisions,including but not limited to Schedules 86 and 72 approved byandasmaybehereaftermodifiedbytheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission("Commission")and the provisions of thisAgreement. 2.Seller shall pay Company for all costs of Interconnection Facilities as provided for in Exhibit A of thisAgreementandSchedule72. 3.In addition to the charges provided under Paragraph2,Seller shall pay to the Company the monthlyOperation&Maintenance Charge specified in Schedule 72 on the investment by the Company in interconnectionFacilitieswhichinvestmentissetforthinExhibitA,attached hereto and made a part hereof.As such investmentchanges,in order to provide facilities to serve Seller's requirements,Company shall notify Seller in writing of additions ordeletionsoffacilitiesbyforwardingadatedrevisedExhibitA,which shall become part of this Agreement.The monthlyOperation&Maintenance Charge will be adjusted to correspondto the Revised Exhibit A. 4.The initial date of acceptance of Energy under this Agreement is subject to the Company'sability toobtainrequiredlabor,materials,equipment,satisfactory rights of way,and comply with governmental regulations. 5.The term of this Agreement shall become effective on the date first above written,and shall continuetofullforceandeffectuntilcanceledbySelleruponsixty(60)days prior written notice. 6.This Agreement and the rates,terms,and conditions of service set forth or incorporated herein,andtherespectiverightsandobligationsofthepartieshereunder,shall be subject to valid laws and to the regulatoryauthorityandorders,rules,and regulations of the Commission and such other administrativebodies havingJurisdiction. 7.Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the Commission from changing any rates,charges,classification or service,or any rules,regulation or conditions relating to service under this Agreement,or construed asaffectingtherightoftheCompanyortheSellertounilaterallymakeapplicationtotheCommissionforanysuchchange. 8.This Agreement shall not become effective until the Commission approves a!!terms and provisionshereofwithoutchangeorconditionanddeclaresthatallpaymentstobemadehereundershallbeallowedasprudentlyincurredexpensesforratemakingpurposes. (APPROPRIATESIGNATURES)