HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020828Revised Tariffs.pdfRECEII/ED 2002 August 26 PM 3:41 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION An IDACORP Company Theresa Drake Sonlor Analyst (208) 3886'145 FAx (208) 3886449 tdrake@idahopower.oom August 26,2002 Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Revised Tariffs per Order Nos. 29094 and 29093 Dear Ms. Jewell: Per Order No. 29094 and Order No. 29093, the following transmittal contains the following attachments: . Schedule 84, Revised sheets 1 through 4 with new effective date;. Schedule 86, Revised sheets 1 through 5 with new effective date and revised Sheet No. 86-1 per Order 29093 in legislative format;o Revised Schedule lndex in original and legislative format. Please provide stamped tariffs when completed. Sincerely, &'h&a&&a** Theresa Drake c:Ric Gale P&RS File Attachments IDAHO POWER COMPANY THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.85-l lu^rlO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CANCELS Approved Effective |.P.U.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. l0l SECOND REVISED SHEET NO.86-l Au9.28,2002 Sept. 1, 2002 Per O.N. 29093 Jean D. Jewell Secretary SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON.FIRM ENERGY AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is ovoiloble throughout the Compony's service tenitory within the Stote of ldoho. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is opplicoble to ony Seller thot: I . Owns or operotes o Quolifying Focility with o nomeplote copocity roting of less thon l0 MW ond desires to sell Energy generoted by the Quolifying Focility to the Compony on o non-firm, if, os, ond when ovoiloble bosis; 2. Meets oll opplicoble requirements of the Compony's Schedule 72 ond the Generoiion lnterconnection Process. DEFINITIONS Avoided Enerov Cost is the weighted overoge of the doily on-peok ond oftpeok Dow Jones Mid- Columbio Electricity Price lndex (Dow Jones Mid-C lndex) prices for nonfirm energy published in the Woll Street Journol. lf the Dow Jones Mid-C lndex prices ore not reported for o porticulor doy or doys. the overoge of the immediotely preceding ond following reporting periods or doys will be used. Desionoted Dispotch Focilitv is the Compony's Boise Bench Dispotch Center Energv meons the non-firm electric energy. expressed in kWh, generoted by the Quolifying Focility ond delivered by the Seller to the Compony in occordonce with the conditions of this schedule. Energy is meosured net of Losses ond Stotion Use. Generotion Focilifu meons equipment used to produce electric energy of o specific physicol locotion, which meets the requirements to be o Quqlifying Focility. Generotion lnterconnection Process is the Compony's generotion interconnection opplicotion ond engineering review process developed to ensure o sofe ond relioble generotion interconnection. lnterconnection Focilities ore oll focilities reosonobly required by Prudent Electricol Proctices ond the Notionol Electric Sofety Code to interconnect ond sofely deliver Energy from the Quolifying Focility to the Compony's system, including. but not limited to, connection, tronsformotion, switching, metering, reloying, communicotions, disconnection, ond sofety equipment. Losses ore the loss of electric energy occuning os o result of the tronsformotion ond tronsmission of electric energy from the Quolifying Focility to the Point of Delivery. Point of Deliverv is the locotion where the Compony's ond the Selle/s electricolfocilities ore inter- connected. IDAHO lssued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1,2002 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole. Vice President, Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEEI NO. 86-2tuntl-O PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION CANCELS Approved Effective I.P.U.C. NO.26, TARIFF NO. l0l THIRD REVISED SHEET NO.86-2 Aug.28,2002 Sept. {,2002 Per O.N. 29093 Jean D. Jewel! Secretary SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRM ENERGY (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Prudent Electricol Proctices ore those proctices, methods ond equipment thot ore commonly used in prudent electricol engineering ond operotions to operote electric equipment lowfully ond with sofety, dependobility, efficiency ond economy. PURPA meons the Public Utility Regulotory Policies Act of 1978. Quolifuino Focilitv is o cogenerotion focility or o smoll power production focility which meets the PURPA criterio for quolificotion set forth in Subport B of Port 292. Subchopter K. Chopter l, Title 18, of the Code of Federol Regulotions. Schedule 72 is the Compony's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generotion or its successor schedule(s) os opproved by the Commission. Seller is ony entity thot owns or operotes o Quolifying Focility ond desires to sell Energy to the Compony. Stondbv Power is electricol energy or copocity supplied by the Compony during on unscheduled outoge of o Quolifying Focility to reploce energy consumed by the seller which is ordinorily supplied by the Selle/s Quolifying Focility. Stotion Use is electric energy used to operote the Quolifying Focility which is ouxiliory to or directly reloted to the generotion of electricity ond which, but for the generotion of electricity, would not be consumed by the Seller. Supplementory Power is electric energy or copocity supplied by the Compony which is regulody used by o Seller in oddition to the Energy ond copocity which the Quolifying Focility usuolly supplies to the Seller. PURCHASE PRICE The Compony will poy the Seller monthly, for eoch kWh of Energy delivered ond occepted of the Point of Delivery during the preceding colendor month, on omount equol to 85% of the monthly Avoided Energy Cost. CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below sholl opply to oll tronsoctions under this schedule. l. The Compony sholl purchose Energy from ony Seller thot offers to sell Energy to the Compony. 2. As o condition of interconnection with the Compony, the Seller sholl: o. Complete ond mointoin oll requirements of interconnection in occordonce with Schedule 72. IDAHO lssued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1,2042 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President. Regulotory Affoirc l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO.86-3I-...{O PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION CANCELS Approved Effective |.P.U.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. l0l THIRD REVISED SHEEI NO.86-3 Aug. 28, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002 Per O.N. 29093 Jean D. JewellSecretary SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRM ENERGY (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) b. Complete ond mointoin oll requirements of the Compony's Generotion lnterconnection Process. c. Submit proof to the Compony of oll insuronce required by porogroph 12. d. Obtoin written confirmotion from the Compony thot oll conditions to interconnection hove been fulfilled prior to operotion of the Generotion Focility. Such confirmotion sholl not be unreosonobly withheld by the Compony. 3. The Seller sholl never deliver or ottempt to deliver energy to the Compony's system when the Compony's system serving the Seller's Generotion Fociliiy is de-energized for ony reoson. 4. The Seller ond the Compony sholl eoch indemnify the other, their respective officers, ogents, ond employees ogoinst oll loss, domoge. expense, ond liobility to third persons for injury to or deoth of persons or injury to property, proximotely coused by the indemnifying porty's construction, ownership, operotion or mointenonce of, or by foilure of, ony of such porty's works or focilities used in connection with purchoses under this schedule. The indemnifying porty sholl, on the other porty's request. defend ony suit osserting o cloim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying porty sholl poy oll costs thot moy be incuned by the other porty in enforcing this indemnity. 5. The Compony sholl offer to provide Stondby Power ond Supplementory Power to the Seller. Chorges for Supplementory ond Stondby Power will be in occordonce with the Compony's Schedule 7 os thot schedule is modified from time to time by the Commission. 6. The Seller sholl mointoin voltoge levels occeptoble to the Compony 7. The Seller sholl mointoin of the Quolifying Focility or such other locotion mutuolly occeptoble to the Compony ond Seller, odequote metering ond reloted power production records, in o form ond content recommended by the Compony. Either the Seller or the Compony ofter reosonoble notice to the other porty, sholl hove the right, during normol business hours, to inspect ond oudit ony or oll such metering ond reloted power production records pertoining to the Seller's occount. B. During o period of shortoge of energy on the Compony's system, the Seller sholl, of the Compony's request ond within the limits of reosonoble sofety requirements os determined by the Seller, use its best efforts to provide requested Energy. ond sholl, if necessory, deloy ony scheduled shutdown of the Quolifying Focility. 9. The Compony ond the Seller sholl mointoin oppropriote operoting communicotions through the Designoted Dispotch Focility. IDAHO lssued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1,2002 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President, Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO.86-4r-^rlO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CANCELS Approved EffectiveAug.28,2OO2 Sept.1,2002 Per O.N. 29093 Jean D. JewellSecretary SCHEDULE 86 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION NON-FIRM ENERGY (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 10. The Compony sholl not be obligoted to occept, ond the Compony moy require the Seller to curtoil, intenupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Compony, consistent with Prudent Electricol Proctices, determines thot curtoilment, interuption or reduction is necessory becouse of line construction or mointenonce requirements, emergencies, or other criticol operoting conditions on its system. I l. lf the Compony is required by the Commission to institute curtoilment of deliveries of electricity to its Customers, the Compony moy require the Seller to curtoil its consumption of electricity in the some monner ond to the some degree os other Customers within the some Customer closs who do not own Generotion Focilities. 12. The Seller sholl secure ond continuously corry liobility insuronce coveroge for both bodily injury ond property domoge liobility in the omount of not less thon $1,000,000 eoch occunence combined single limit. Such insuronce sholl include on endorsement noming the Compony os on odditionol insured insofor os liobility orising out of operotions under this schedule ond o provision thot such liobility policies sholl not be conceled or their limits of liobility reduced without 30 doys' witten notice to the Compony. The Seller sholl furnish the Compony with certificotes of insuronce together with the endorsements required herein. The Compony sholl hove the right to inspect the originol policies of such insuronce. 13. The Seller sholl gront to the Compony oll necessory rights of woy ond eosements to instoll, operote, mointoin, reploce, ond remove the Compony's metering ond other lnterconnection Focilities including odequote ond continuing occess rights to the property of the Seller. The Seller wononts thot it hos procured sufficient eosemenfs ond rights of woy from third porties os ore necessory to provide the Compony with the occess described obove. The Seller sholl execute such other gronts, deeds. or documents os the Compony moy require to enoble it to record such rights of woy ond eosements. 14. Depending on the size ond locotion of the Seller's Quolifying Focility, it moy be necessory for the Compony to estoblish odditionol requirements for operotion of the Quolifying Focility. These requirements moy include, but ore not limited to, voltoge. reoctive, or operoting requirements. IDAHO lssued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1,2002 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President, Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 86-5I---rIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CANCELS Approved Effective |.P.U.C. NO. 26. TARIFF NO. l0l THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 86-5 Aug. 28, 2002 Sept. {, 2002 Per O.N. 29093 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO POWER COMPANY SCHEDULE 86 UNIFORM AGREEMENT For the Purchose of Non-Firm Energy From Quolifying Focilities THIS AGREEMENT Mode this - doy of ,20 between HA'i?:ii'il':i:T'#,. '* ', H5,{}*"': Boise, ldoho hereinofter colled "Compony''. NOW, THEREFORE, The porties ogree os follows: l. Compony sholl purchose Energy produced by the Selle/s Quolifying Focility locoted ot or neor, County of , Stote of ldoho, locoted in the of Section Township, _Ronge _, BM, in the form of three phose 60 Hz ond ot o nominol phose to phose potentiol of volts, subject to emergency operoting conditions of the Compony. Purchoses under this Agreement ore subject to the Compony's opplicoble Toriff provisions, including but not limited to Schedules 86 ond 72 opproved by ond os moy be hereofter modified by the ldoho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") ond the provisions of this Agreement. 2. Seller sholl poy Compony for oll costs of lnterconnection Focilities os provided for in Exhibit A of this Agreement ond Schedule 72. 3. ln oddition to lhe chorges provided under Porogroph 2, Seller sholl poy to the Compony the monthly Operotion & Mointenonce Chorge specified in Schedule 72 on the investment by the Compony in lnterconnection Focilities which investment is set forth in Exhibit A, ottoched hereto ond mode o port hereof. As such investment chonges, in order to provide focilities to serve Seller's requirements, Compony sholl notify Seller in writing of odditions or deletions of focilities by forwording o doted revised Exhibit A, which sholl become port of this Agreement. The monthly Operotion & Mointenonce Chorge will be odjusted to conespond to the Revised Exhibit A. 4. The initiol dote of occeptonce of Energy under this Agreement is subject to the Compony's obility to obtoin required lobor, moleriols, equipment, sotisfoctory rights of woy, ond comply Wth governmentol regulotions. 5. The term of this Agreement sholl become effective on the dote fint obove written, ond sholl continue to fuli force ond effect unlil conceled by Seller upon sixty (60) doys priorwritten notice. 6. This Agreement ond the rotes, terms, ond condilions of service set forth or incorporoted herein, ond the respective rights ond obligotions of the porties hereunder. sholl be subject to volid lows ond to the regulotory outhority qnd orders, rules, ond regulotions of the Commission ond such other odminisirotive bodies hoving jurisdiction. 7. Nothing herein sholl be conslrued os limiting the Commission from chonging ony rotes, chorges, clossiftcotion or service, or ony rules, regulotion or conditions reloting to service under this Agreement, or construed os offecting the right of the Compony or the Seller to uniloterolly moke opplicotion to the Commission for ony such chonge. 8. This Agreement sholl not become effective until the Commission opproves oll terms ond provisions hereof without chonge or condition ond declores lhot oll poymenls to be mode hereunder sholl be ollowed os prudenlly incurred expenses for rote moking purposes. APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES IDAHO lssued Per IPUC Order No. 29093 Effective - September 1,2002 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President. Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho ,t IDAHO POWER COMPANY EIGHTH REVISED SHEET NO. iii r-.-rlO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CANCELS Approved Effective |.P.U.C. NO.26, TARIFF NO. l0l SEVENTH REVISED SHEEI NO. iii Au9.28,2002 Sept. 1,2002 Per O.N. 29094 Jean D. JewellSecretary SCHEDULE INDEX SCHEDULE TITLE SHEET NUMBER I ResidentiolSerice..t-l -- 1-2 7-1 --7-2 9-1 -- 9-4 7 SmollGenerolService 9 Lorge GenerolService l5 Dusk to Down Customer Lighting l9 Lorge PowerService....... 22 Energy Buy BockTemporory Progrom (Optionol)... 24 lnigotion Service 25 lnigotion Service - Time-of-Use Pilot Progrom (Optionol)25-1 -25-7 40 Unmetered Generol Service 40-1 -- 40-2 41-1 -- 41-541 Municipol Street Lighting Service 42 Troltic ControlSignol Lighting Service........ .42-1 - 42-2 45 Stondby Service 45-1 -- 45-4 46-1 -- 46-246 Alternote Distribution Service 55 Power Cost Adjustment 55-l 50 Solor Photovoltoic Service Pilot Progrom 60-r -- 60-5 I5-1 -- l5-2 19-1 -- 19-6 22-1 -22-3 24-1 -- 24-6 61 Poyment for Home Wiring Audit for Power Quolity 62 Green Energy Purchose Progrom Rider (Optionol) 6r -l 62-1 66 Miscelloneous Chorges.,66-1 -- 66-4 ,72-1 - 72-5 84-1 -84-4 ,86-l -- 86-5 72 lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generotion 84 Customer Energy Production Net Metering 86 Cogenerotion ond Smoll Power Production Stondord Rotes 89 Unit Avoided Energy Cost for Cogenerotion ond Smoll Power Production .....................89-l 95 Adjustment for Municipol Fronchise Fees ............ 95-1 - 95-2 98 Residentiolond Smoll Form Energy Credit......... .....98-l IDAHO lssued Per IPUC Order No.29094 Effective - September 1,2002 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President. Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho