HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011109Application.pdflde t SIffi*^ """..""fi,tsEtvEB EIii"',i%'-?ltlkn n B0tsr, rDAll0 83707 Z00l HOV -9 Pt{ lr:05 BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney An IDACORP Company ,ij;iiiJ iriiilLiCtLtsuw0sr$fisEm1 Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E -O.- 3 f ldaho Power Company's Application For Approval of a New Schedule 84: Net Metering Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed herewith for filing with the Commission are an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Application for approval of a new Schedule 84 .- Net Metering. Also enclosed are an orlginal and three (3) copies of Sheets 84-1 through 84-3 of Schedule 84. ! would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this transmittal letter for our files. V yours, Barton L. Kline BLK:jb Enclosures LII Telephone (208) 388-2682, FAX (208) 388-6936, E-Mail bkline@idahopower.com RICEIVEDrlr trni tL-t-Ll r"tttBARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 ldaho Power Company P. O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 Attorney for ldaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West ldaho Street Boise, ldaho 83702 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF A NEW SCHEDULE 84 -. NET METERING. 2001 Fi. y -9 PI.i tr: 05 ',i ,,1:. ,r.r r.\i L, ; ,. '_t ; ;,.': y_ i i_,JTl!-lI IES CCrii,'iiSSiCi{ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC.E -Or3 q -'--T--- APPLICATION COMES NOW, IDAHO POWER COMPANY ("!daho Powe/' or the "Company''), and in accordance with RP 52 hereby applies for a Commission order approving a new Schedule 84 - Net Metering. Concurrent with this filing, ldaho Power has also filed Applications to modify (1) the existing Schedule 86 : Cooeneration and Small Power Production -- Non-firm Energy, to remove the language in that schedule associated with net metering service, and (2) the existing Schedule 72 - !nterconnection to Non-Utility Generation, to implement streamlined interconnection procedures. Because these three schedules are interrelated, ldaho Power believes it would be appropriate for the Commission to consolidate the three Applications for x APPLICATION, Page 1 consideration and hearing by the Commission. This Application is based on the following: t. BACKGROUND On January 22,1997, the Commission issued Order No. 26750 authorizing ldaho Power to implement net metering as an option in the Purchase Price section of the Company's Schedule 86 -- Cooeneration and Small Power Production -- Non-Firm Enerov. Net metering was identified as Option B in the Purchase Price section of Schedule 86 and described as "Offset to Retail Sales." At the time Order No. 26750 was issued, only one customer was taking net metering service from ldaho Power. ln the fall of 2001, two additional customers requested net metering service. ln recent months the Company has received input from potential net metering customers and other interested parties indicating that the current net metering provisions of Schedule 86 - Option B, are difficult to understand and cumbersome to implement. ln response to those comments and in an effort to reduce the administrative requirements of computing individual monthly charges for different generating facilities and multiple customers, the Company is hereby requesting authorization to revise its net metering provisions. il. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL ln the proposed Schedule 84, the Company is requesting approval of a net metering option that: (a) Allows the Company to use its existing billing system; APPLICATION, Page 2 (b) Allows the customer to use a single meter to register the energy supplied by the Company and the energy delivered by the customer; (c) Charges the customer the rate consistent with its class of service while the meter is running forward; (d) Pays the customer the retail rate consistent with its class of service while the meter is running backward; and (e) Does not impose any monthly charges other than those provided for on the customer's standard service schedule. ldaho Power is proposing that its net metering option, the proposed Schedule 84, be available to customers taking service under Schedule 1 or Schedule 7 who own and/or operate a generation facility that is fueled by solar, wind, biomass, or hydropower, or represents fuel cell technology, is rated at25 kilowatts of nameplate capacity or less, and is interconnected to the customers' individual electric system on the custome/s side of the meter. A single meter will be utilized for the net metering service. All energy supplied by the Company to the customer will cause the meter to run foruvard; all energy delivered by the customer to the Company will cause the meter to run backward. lf the energy supplied by the Company exceeds the energy generated by the customer during the billing period, the customer will be billed for the net amount of energy recorded on the meter at the standard Schedule 1 or Schedule 7 tariff rate, as applicable. lf the energy generated by the customer exceeds the energy supplied by the Company during the billing period, the customer will be credited for the net amount of energy delivered to the Company at the standard Schedule 1 or Schedule 7 tariff rate, as applicable. APPLICATION, Page 3 The Company is proposing to make the net metering service available under Schedule 84 available on a first-come, first-served basis untilthe cumulative generation nameplate capacity of net metering systems connected to the Company's system equals 2.9 megawatts. The 2.9 megawatt limit represents one-tenth of one percent of the Company's retail peak demand for 2000. The one-tenth of one percent limit is considered to be an industry standard and is identicalto the limit on net metering capacity the Commission previously approved for Avista Utilities. ilt. TARIFFS Attached to this Application as Attachment 1 are Second Revised Sheet 84-1, First Revised Sheet 84-2, and First Revised Sheet 84-3. tv. COMMUNICATIONS Communications with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Maggie Brilz Director of Pricing ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 V. PROCEDURE Concurrent with the filing of this Application,.ldaho Power has filed an Application asking the Commission to approve new rate Schedule 86 -- Cooeneration and Smal I Power Produntion -- Non-Firm Fnorov APPLICATION, Page 4 ln addition, ldaho Power has also filed an Application asking the Commission to approve certain amendments to Schedule 72 * lnlerconnection to Non-Utilitv Generation. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation. Because these three Applications are so interrelated, ldaho Power believes that it would be appropriate for the Commission to consolidate its consideration of these three Applications. ldaho Power also believes that these three Applications are good candidates for consideration by the Commission under modified procedure. WHEREFORE, ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue its Order approving the Company's new Schedule 84 as proposed in Attachment 1. Respectfully submitted this 9th day of November, 2001. BA L. KLINE Attorney for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION, Page 5 ATTACHMENT 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY SECOND REVISED SHEET B4-I CANCELS I.P.U.C. NO.25, TARIFF NO. IOI FIRST REVISED SHEET NO.84-] SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NET METERING AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is ovoiloble throughout the Compony's service territory within the Stote of ldoho for Customers intending to generote electricily to reduce oll or port of their monthly energy usoge. Service under this schedule is ovoiloble on o first-come, first-served bosis until the cumulotive generotion nomeplote copocity of net metering systems equols 2.9 MW, which represents one-tenth of one percent of the Compony's retoilpeok demond during 2000. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is opplicoble to ony Seller thot: t.Tokes retoil electric service on Schedule lor Schedule Z; 2. Owns ond/or operotes o Generotion Focility thot: o. Hos o totol nomeplote copocity roting of 25 kW or smoller; b. Generotes electricity fueled by solor, wind, biomoss, or hydropower, or represents fuel cell technology; c. ls interconnected to the Seller's individuol electric system on the Seller's side of the Compony's retoil metering point, thus oll energy received ond delivered by the Compony is through the existing retoil meter. 3. Meets oll opplicoble requirements of the Compony's Schedule 72 ond Generotion lnterconnection Process. DEFINITIONS Generotion Focility meons oll equipment used to generote electric energy where the resulting energy is either delivered to the Compony vio o single metering point or is consumed by the customer. Generotion lnterconnection Process is the Compony's generotion interconnection opplicotion ond engineering review process developed to ensure o sofe ond relioble generotion interconnection. lnterconnection Focilities ore oll focilities reosonobly required by Prudent Electricol Proctices ond lhe opplicoble electric ond sofety codes to interconnect ond sofely deliver Energy from lhe Generotion Focility to the Point of Delivery. IDAHO lssued - November 9,2001 Effective - December 10, 2001 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President, Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET B4-2 CANCELS I.P.U.C. NO. 26, TARIFF NO. IOI ORIGINAL SHEET NO.B4-2 SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NEI METERING (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Point of Delivery is the retoil melering point where the Compony's ond the Seller's electricol focililies ore interconnected. Prudent Electricol Proctices ore those proctices, methods ond equipment thot ore commonly used in prudent electricol engineering ond operotions to operote electric equipment lowfully ond with sofety, dependobility, efficiency ond economy. Schedule 72 is the Compony's service schedule which provides for lnterconnection of Non-Utility Generotion or its successor schedule(s) os opproved by the Commission. Seller is ony entity thot owns or operotes o Generotion Focility ond desires to interconnect ond operote o Generotion Focility ond potentiolly sell net surplus Energy to the Compony. MONTHLY BILLING The Seller sholl be billed in occordonce with the Seller's opplicoble stondord service Schedule I or Schedule 7, including oppropriote monthly chorges. CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below sholl opply to olltronsoctions under this schedule. Bolonces of generotion ond usoge by the Seller: o. lf electricity supplied by the Compony during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity generoted by the Seller ond delivered to the Compony during the Billing Period, the Seller sholl be billed for the net electricity supplied by the Compony of the Seller's stondord schedule retoilrote, in occordonce with normolmetering proctices. b. lf electricity generoted by the Seller during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity supplied by the Compony during the Billing Period, the Seller: Sholl be billed for the opplicoble non-energy chorges for the Billing Period under the Seller's stondord service schedule, ond Sholl be finonciolly credited for the energy delivered to lhe Compony during the Billing Period of the Seller's stondord service schedule retoilrote 2. As o condilion of interconnection with the Compony, the Seller sholl: o. Complete ond mointoin ollrequirements of interconnection in occordonce wifh the opplicoble portions of Schedule 72. IDAHO lssued - November 9,2001 Effective - December 10, 2O0l lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President, Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST REVISED SHEET NO. B4-3 CANCELS I.P.U.C. NO.26. TARIFF NO. iol ORIGINAL SHEET NO.84-3 SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NET METERING (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) b. Complete ond mointoin oll requirements of the Compony's Generotion lnterconnection Process. c. Obtoin written confirmotion from the Compony thot oll conditions to interconnection hove been fulfilled prior to operotion of the Generotion Focility. Such confirmotion sholl not be unreosonobly withheld by the Compony. 3. The Seller sholl never deliver or ottempt to deliver energy to the Compony's system when the Compony's system serving the Seller's Generotion Focility is de-energized for ony reoson. 4. The Compony sholl not be lioble directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to ollow on ottochment of o net metering focility to the Compony's system, or for the octs or omissions of the Seller thot couse loss or injury. including deoth, to ony third porty. 5. The Seller is responsible for oll costs ossocioted with the Generotion Focility ond lnterconnection Focilities. The Seller is olso responsible for oll costs ossocioted with ony Compony odditions, modificotions, or upgrodes to ony Compony focilities thot the Compony determines ore necessory os o result of the instollotion of the Generotion Focility in order to mointoin o sofe, relioble electricol system. 6. The Compony sholl not be obligoled to occept, ond the Compony moy require the Seller to curtoil, intem,rpt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Compony, consistent with Prudent Electricol Proctices, determines thot curtoilment, intenuption or reduction is necessory becouse of line construction or mointenonce requirements, emergencies, or other criticol operoting conditions on its system. 7. lf the Compony is required by the Commission to institute curtoilment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Compony moy require the Seller to curtoil its consumption of eleclricity in the some monner ond to the some degree os other Customers within the some customer closs who do not own Generotion Focilities. 8. The Seller sholl gront to the Compony oll occess to oll Compony equipment ond focilities including odequote ond continuing occess rights to the property of the Seller for the purpose of instollotion, operotion, mointenonce, replocement or ony other service required of soid equipment os well os oll necessory occess for inspection, switching ond ony other operotionol requirements of the Seller's lnlerconnections Focilities. IDAHO lssued - November 9,2001 Effective - December 10, 2001 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gole, Vice President, Regulotory Affoirs l22l West ldoho Street, Boise, ldoho