HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050114Comments.pdf'ltn c. . ' . y 'U r ~LL ZnOSJAN !:O:$ o. Box 607 Hagerman, ill 83332-0607 (208) 837-6060 January 3 , 2005 iu tiU j-'UbLlC or ftITlES COMMlSS1ON Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise ill 83702-5918 Re: Idaho Power Company Rates Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to protest Idaho Power Company s right to have consumers pay for company losses suffered when Idaho Power paid farmers not to use power for irrigation four years ago. As a shareholder ofillACORP, I did go along with their decision to reduce dividends to . offset their operating costs because of past power problems. As a consumer; I could not go along with their decision to buy back farmers ' power. I and other consumers, had no input in this decision. It was their decision only. As taxpayer, I begin to wonder if the farmers who were paid not to use power were also . reimbursed by the Federal Government with tax money for not being able to grow crops on the same property... It seems any time big business gets into trouble on decisions where they lose revenue or steal revenue, we, the consumer and tax payer, have to dig into our hard earned money to bail them out PLUS pay the politicians and courts that go along with them. It makes one wonder who represents whom ,~-- _.. """---- .---- - n 1\ \ H t \\ ' H t \ \\ It 11 1 \ t ll'\\1 t 11 Hi! \ i \ \iI \ 11 \\!i \ \ l i-- EJS- ....... - -., --- ~. ~A~- .. A... ~.......~.. ~ OYP f!--4-~1r- ~-- ~N-~ --.-- ~--~------~~ f-----:f~- ~- ~- ~..-- - "~~~~~-, -, "- - tnP::: ..,.- c./'J . 'if!"' . - ai, fa, O~. . -. ... .. -- 'n. - '.. . --- .. --. .... ----""--' '.......... -- --..-. ".. - on . . ,..,.. - n untitl- To whom it may conce rn : Every time we turn around Idaho power is wanting us to pay for somethingel se. NOw for the payment they made to the Farmers. \ Me and most of my friends live on less than $800 a month. Everything is going up all the time. Gas,all the utilities and taxes. How are we expected to keep paying more and more every year. If we do get a little raise Medicare take some and our suppliment insurance takes therest or more. someti me we lose money instead of getti n9 a raise. I ~ m su re a 11 of the peop 1 e at Idaho powe r and the people who are gett; n9stock di vi dens 1 i ve on a lot more than $800. a month. DO you think you could live on that? please vote for the people not Thank you for your timeJean Iri 1509 Ri chmond Dri ve TWi n Fall s, Idaho 83301 the BIG CORPORATIONS .....\~"""" ':""""1 C, U?'c~, 8::::::: g;;~~....... page 1 c::i::)G;h ,.... t~ ;:~:~:1 :::~: . '("':' c;mj ...i::.t prJc::;) ..,.::' .\iif """'- -...' "' :' f :&:'" 1;."0," '. -"'---------, RECEIVED mILED "._-----, ",.,. .. b:k ~~ g ~~. -;&5',~ /o/ /~ ~~&- /~~ PY~6/z-' I, ~.77~A~~?$/A/. A:~~/' . ~.t/~m ~~.fr --- -~--' Vh~k"~~ " -~~ 7--, "" &~- /C~ ~€-~" --~~~ /,P ~~~ d:Z;- """ ,.t/9~~Z----u&V.i:::-P?".#:- ,:;7 ~ . 2 . :;Z::::: ~~- ~k;~;Z~~#~zy-._L dJ..d?;R~.e~ , "., -~$? ~l/L4:..--:z-d.~,&...n #~~, _ .. U .,., '??~""--~'-/:"....-----,,-_..---- j:2? ~-- nV~L/~_ . _- ".. ,. -- ""--- I"",-,---~LAif/..F ~- ~.dv~dPh;r- ",. R~~.?)'L , dk"j;z:2 ,// ;f?7?~u .'-"'.'-"'.'-' ?l ~#~ ~,h'.z: ~----..::=- .:z::-:-~Z:P ~~~~~ -- , ~,;0~/E.. - --- ,.,.-- ;J;J .2/dPk:'!.. .€.-/~~ ~z~- _n ' -"..' .- -, --..,-. -..,..---..,----- --,-- _n_ , - '._n' ...-.o- - --- - ,..,, _ n___, "-,'---- -- -. , on - ., A ~~F ,._--- ~~;Y'--L~_1~~~/z?.__ ;1?!t~ ~.i?53 n .._- H .- ~df~/ ~;;Y' . . ,---- 11- -.. ...- --- ., 0 -- - - t - -,-.--'.'..."-...- '"'.-'._"--'-'-,- .,.. 1m -_u_ - _n _, - - -- u ---- t- n - ., -~- - -"u - u /Q - 'J -t) ----- ----- -.---~ ~ n-- ' ,--_ _n_ ---. - -4I..dL-.a_ ~~,~--~-- e--f~- ,--- --,---- .-'-"' riMu.-.d..A- iAL_~u_d~L m -tko .u.tI-tJ O.lll -ff~ - ;--- - ~- -Gb ~ 4 ~ ~d- di.-_.LU.I .- --.- ic.~d -~ ---..- ~- 1itibJ-C;Jd.",-- ....--------"- -----_.--__., _n n__n__ --.".'--------.---------'------- -- ~iM .._ 1L-.th.o.Iw ~L .2a .lA~~ ~::12"' - -.-. - o/J- :ItL~JAd.~-- ttJd u~it---bUA-"'- _u ~--~' ~.l4. --'M.~- ;- m -- n - . ....n t_~h. --'m_ --.-- .., --.--, - . --m ....--... --' ---- 1ZMtt!-f!!/'..,--, .-. .. - . -- n."'" ..--- .--.- .----.....-----.----- J18i:L- ,-- ~~4 ~1J --- lA-C4' -,--~~- 11_- --------._-----------------._---_.,- ----u _-----'------'-,.._--,-' - --....,,-.- -~""----_.'..'.-._-_.'-----_"_-'.'.'-_"-_..--- --.___...-""""--.- ..--.-..--,.,---.-.--..,--...-.,.-.-'-'----.....-'..'..-.----,.....-----.-- ,-_., ::::~ I""",.. .,,--,---,----,.---- .-.----__, n_. - --- , - n- - - ,..-- --' ------ -------- -'-" '--.-- ------- .. -,--.. m_m -._ ---------- -------- ------_.,-,.,------,- --'.'- -~- -----,--,----'_.....- --- -- -----,.."- - ,.._----'-- -----'---- -,..