HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010807Simard and Gale Rebuttal.pdfTelephone (208) 388-2682, Fax (208) 388-6936, E-mail BKline@idahopower.com BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney August 7, 2001 Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-01-16 Rebuttal Testimony Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing nine (9) copies of the Company’s rebuttal testimony and exhibits of Witnesses Simard and Gale. Copies of this filing have been hand-delivered, mailed, or sent by overnight mail to the parties as indicated in the enclosed Certificate of Service. Also enclosed is a computer disk for the court reporter containing the testimony of the witnesses. We will send you an e-mail containing all of the documents involved in this filing. I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this transmittal letter for our file. Very truly yours, Barton L. Kline BLK:jb Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 7th day of August, 2001, true and correct copies of the TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS OF WITNESSES SIMARD and GALE in Case No. IPC-E-01-16 were either sent by overnight mail or hand delivered, as indicated below, to the following named parties and addressed as follows: Lisa D. Nordstrom ____ Hand Delivered Deputy Attorney General ____ U.S. Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission ____ Overnight Mail 472 W. Washington Street ____ FAX P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Randall C. Budge ____ Hand Delivered Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey ____ U.S. Mail Center Plaza-Corner First & Center ____ Overnight Mail P.O. Box 1391 ____ FAX Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Anthony Yankel ____ Hand Delivered 29814 Lake Road ____ U.S. Mail Bay Village, Ohio 44140 ____ Overnight Mail ____ FAX Peter J. Richardson ____ Hand Delivered Molly O’Leary ____ U.S. Mail Richardson & O’Leary ____ Overnight Mail 99 E. State Street, Suite 200 ____ FAX P.O. Box 1849 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Stuart Trippel ____ Hand Delivered Trippel Mast Consulting LLC ____ U.S. Mail 506 Second Avenue, Suite 1001 ____ Overnight Mail Seattle, Washington 98104-2328 ____ FAX Lawrence A. Gollomp ____ Hand Delivered U.S. Department of Energy, Room 6D-003 ____ U.S. Mail 1000 Independence Avenue S.W. ____ Overnight Mail Washington, D.C. 20585 ____ FAX CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 2 Dr. Dale Swan ____ Hand Delivered Exeter Associates ____ U.S. Mail 12510 Prosperity Drive, Suite 350 ____ Overnight Mail Silver Springs, Maryland 20904 ____ FAX Conley E. Ward ____ Hand Delivered Givens, Pursley LLP ____ U.S. Mail 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 ____ Overnight Mail P. O. Box 2720 ____ FAX Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Ken Tandy ____ Hand Delivered Astaris LLC ____ U.S. Mail P. O. Box 4111 ____ Overnight Mail Highway 30, West of City ____ FAX Pocatello, Idaho 83202 ______________________________________ BARTON L. KLINE BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S INTERIM AND PROSPECTIVE, ) HEDGING, RESOURCE PLANNING, ) CASE NO. IPC-E-01-16 TRANSACTION PRICING, AND IDACORP ) ENERGY SERVICES (IES) AGREEMENT ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF TIM J. SIMARD SIMARD, DI-REB 1 Idaho Power Company Q. Please state your name and business address.1 A. My name is Tim J. Simard. I am employed by2 RiskAdvisory. My business address is Suite 610, 1414 8th3 Street S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2R 1J6.4 Q. What position do you hold with RiskAdvisory?5 A. I am a founding Principal of RiskAdvisory.6 Q. Please describe your experience relevant to7 this testimony?8 A. I began working with energy companies with9 respect to the use of risk management instruments and the10 design of risk management programs in 1986 as an11 institutional energy futures broker with the Burns Fry12 Energy Group in Calgary, Alberta. In 1990, I moved to13 Bankers Trust Canada where I went on to become Vice Chairman14 with responsibilities for managing Bankers Trust’s Canadian15 energy derivatives operation. RiskAdvisory was created in16 1995 and since that time the firm has worked on assignments17 for over 150 energy companies in the United States, Canada18 and New Zealand. I have been involved in assignments with 1619 electric and natural gas utilities as a member of20 RiskAdvisory, primarily with respect to the design and21 implementation of risk management programs. I have served as22 an expert witness on issues pertaining to the financial23 management of energy risk in four regulatory hearings for24 both natural gas and electric utilities.25 SIMARD, DI-REB 2 Idaho Power Company Q. Have you been retained by Idaho Power Company1 (“IPC”) or its parent IDACORP, Inc. in any other assignments2 prior to your involvement as an expert witness for these3 hearings?4 A. Yes. I was engaged by IDACORP, Inc. in5 September 2000 to work with the non-operating group as an6 Interim Risk Manager. The assignment was to have terminated7 on December 8, 2000. However, my services were retained on a8 part-time basis beyond this period until March 1, 2001.9 Q. As part of this assignment, what involvement10 did you have with the utility risk management activity of11 IPC?12 A. My activity was limited to attendance at most13 of the Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) meetings held14 during the term of my assignment. I listened to the15 discussions around the risk management issues for the16 operating function, but did not actively participate in17 these discussions. My focus was reporting to the Risk18 Management Committee on those issues pertaining to the risk19 portfolio of the non-operating trading and marketing20 activities.21 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony?22 A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe23 several key issues that should drive the implementation of a24 prudent risk management program for a regulated utility. The25 SIMARD, DI-REB 3 Idaho Power Company testimony will also provide an opinion as to the efforts1 that have been made and continue to be advanced by IPC with2 respect to its risk management program.3 Q. What essential ingredients are required4 before any entity embarks on a risk management program?5 A. The first essential ingredient of a risk6 management program is the determination of the risk appetite7 of the individual or group for whom the risk management8 activity is conducted. Not all participants in a marketplace9 will have the same appetite for market exposure. A good10 example is provided by the appetite for different types of11 residential mortgages. Some homebuyers prefer a mortgage12 with a fixed interest rate while others opt for an interest13 rate that floats with underlying movements in short-term14 interest rates. It is not correct to assume that all market15 participants want to be insulated against market movements.16 Many oil and gas companies, for example, choose to retain17 material exposure to movements in oil and gas prices despite18 the availability of instruments that can protect them19 against these movements. While one can assert that all20 market participants would choose to insulate themselves21 against risk if this can be done without any potential cost,22 the recognition that there can be embedded costs in a risk23 management strategy will change the desirability of that24 strategy for many participants. A risk management program25 SIMARD, DI-REB 4 Idaho Power Company that could be viewed as prudent for one individual or group1 may prove to be imprudent for another individual or group2 based on the risk appetite or risk preference of these3 market participants.4 The second key ingredient in the development5 of a risk management program is a quantitative assessment of6 the portfolio of risks faced by the market participant. This7 quantitative approach allows one to assess the probability8 of adverse market movements on one’s position. The9 quantitative model must also allow one to determine the10 impact that incremental transactions can have on the risk11 profile of the participant. For complex risk portfolios, it12 is often not clear as to whether a proposed risk management13 transaction actually serves to reduce or exacerbate the14 exposure to market prices.15 Equipped with an understanding of the16 magnitude of market exposures and an assessment of risk17 appetite, one is in a position to define the underlying18 objectives of the risk management program, craft policies19 and procedures associated with any risk management activity20 and develop the program implementation process.21 Q. How should one view the concept of risk22 appetite within the context of IPC’s regulated environment?23 A. It should be understood that any risk24 management activity undertaken by IPC to manage its PCA25 SIMARD, DI-REB 5 Idaho Power Company balances is primarily on behalf of ratepayers. While there1 is an incentive component to the PCA structure, the majority2 of variances in the PCA account flow through to ratepayers.3 IPC effectively acts as agent for the ratepayers with4 respect to the implementation of risk management5 transactions.6 Q. What role should ratepayer groups and7 regulators play in the IPC risk management program?8 A. Given that the risk management activity is9 undertaken primarily on behalf of ratepayers, it is crucial10 that ratepayer groups and representatives provide their11 input into any hedging strategy. One should not expect that12 IPC will be able to determine the optimal strategy without13 this input. The other factor is that if the ratepayers and14 their groups are not brought into a collaborative process to15 determine the nature of the desired risk profile, IPC could16 be subject to inequitable negative hindsight reviews. If IPC17 establishes a long hedge position in a particular year18 without consultation with ratepayers and prices subsequently19 fall, ratepayers and their representatives could argue after20 the fact that the hedge was imprudent because ratepayers21 wanted to retain exposure to falling market prices.22 Ratepayers should participate in the development of the23 broad guidelines for risk management and be prepared to24 accept the consequences of these hedging actions if they25 SIMARD, DI-REB 6 Idaho Power Company lead to a sub-optimal PCA balance.1 Q. What role should the market directional views2 of IPC play in the implementation of the IPC risk management3 program?4 A. Market directional views should not play any5 role in the implementation of the IPC risk management6 program. The injection of price views creates a speculative7 component that is inappropriate for a utility risk8 management program. The exercise of a price view can lead to9 instances when “hedges” are established only if one believes10 the market will move in favor of the hedge position.11 Ratepayers and regulators should not expect that IPC has any12 competitive advantage with respect to outforecasting or13 “beating the market” over the long run. If an exposure is14 identified and this exposure is unsuitable relative to pre-15 defined tolerance levels agreed upon between ratepayer16 groups, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“IPUC”) and17 IPC, the appropriate hedge should be established without18 regard for IPC’s view on where market prices are likely to19 move.20 Q. Do you agree with the assertion made in the21 testimony of Staff witness Thomas Lord on page 31 that “One22 way to assure that Idaho Power regulated customers receive23 that benefit would be for IES and Idaho Power to adopt a24 corporate policy that, within the acceptable risk tolerance25 SIMARD, DI-REB 7 Idaho Power Company for regulated customers, IES and Idaho Power would always1 share congruent market views in the region”?2 A. No. IES has been established as a risk-taking3 entity whose profitability will be a partial function of4 speculative transactions that are established to capitalize5 on its speculative perception of future price movements.6 Positions established on the basis of a price view are not7 risk-free. As stated above, there is no room for a8 speculative price view in a defensive risk management9 program established to protect utility ratepayers against10 undue volatility in the PCA balance. To reiterate, it would11 be inappropriate for a proposed risk-reducing transaction to12 be deferred because of a guess on the part of either IES or13 IPC about future market direction. Otherwise, ratepayers are14 taking risk positions based on a speculative element and15 this should not be the foundation of a defensive risk16 management program. With the recognition that price17 speculation should not play a role in the risk management18 activities of IPC, there will be frequent instances when the19 defensive hedge positions established by IPC will be in the20 opposite direction of some of the speculative positions in21 the IES portfolio.22 Q. Should the IPC risk management program be23 benchmarked on the gains or losses generated by the risk24 management transactions?25 SIMARD, DI-REB 8 Idaho Power Company A. No. Gains and losses on the risk management1 transactions in isolation would only be a benchmarking2 component if price views influenced the implementation of3 these positions. Absent the price view component, the gains4 or losses on the hedge transactions are irrelevant to any5 prudence review of the hedging activity. The hedge6 transactions are established to reduce fluctuations to the7 PCA balance, and are not established to be profitable in8 isolation.9 Q. What are the responsibilities of IPC in the10 development and implementation of a prudent risk management11 program?12 A. IPC should take responsibility for several13 elements of the risk management program. First, IPC is in14 the best position to quantify the risk inherent in the power15 supply portfolio. IPC should provide the IPUC and ratepayer16 groups with a thorough understanding of this risk profile17 and the potential magnitude of adverse PCA balance movements18 based on current market information. IPC should also provide19 these stakeholders with an estimate of the benefit and risks20 associated with several alternative risk management21 implementation strategies. Equipped with this information,22 the ratepayer groups and the IPUC will be in a better23 position to advise IPC on their preferred risk management24 implementation strategy. The IPUC should also receive25 SIMARD, DI-REB 9 Idaho Power Company periodic reports on the IPC risk position.1 As part of the responsibility stated above,2 IPC should work towards the implementation of a quantitative3 risk model that takes into account the broad range of4 varying factors that can affect the PCA balance.5 IPC should develop a Policy Manual and a6 Procedures Manual governing the risk management activity.7 The Policy will outline the objective of the risk management8 activity, the responsibilities of various groups within IPC9 who are involved in the risk management program taking into10 account the importance of segregation of various duties, any11 volumetric or dollar risk limits established in conjunction12 with input from ratepayer groups and the IPUC, an overview13 of the market risk quantification process, the credit policy14 with respect to an overview of the quantification of credit15 risk and the establishment of credit risk limits, and a16 discussion of the management reporting infrastructure,17 namely the report contents, the report distribution list18 (including periodic reports to the IPUC) and the frequency19 of reports. The Procedures Manual will provide more detail20 on actual execution procedures to ensure prudent execution21 and no affiliate abuse and to reduce the operational risks22 inherent in risk management programs. It will also provide23 more detail on quantification procedures for both market and24 credit risk. The detailed involvement of risk monitoring and25 SIMARD, DI-REB 10 Idaho Power Company accounting responsibilities would also form part of the1 Procedures Manual.2 IPC should be responsible for the actual3 execution of term transactions (which might be brokered by4 IE or others) and the preparation and distribution of5 reports.6 IPC must have a senior management committee7 that provides high-level oversight of the risk management8 program, including the responsibility for interactions with9 ratepayer groups and the IPUC, and the implementation of the10 risk management program in line with the strategy prescribed11 by the ratepayer groups and the IPUC.12 Q. Power marketing companies have access to13 quantitative systems that allow for the daily measurement of14 risk in their portfolios. Can the risk measurement15 technology employed by marketing groups be applied directly16 to the risk position of a utility?17 A. No. The risk profiles of electric utilities18 are materially different from the risk profiles of marketing19 entities. The first difference lies in the timeframe20 associated with the risk analysis. Marketing entities are21 only concerned with the deterioration in the value of their22 portfolio over a short period of time, typically one day to23 one month. The marketing approach is based on the principle24 that if risk limits are violated, the portfolio can be25 SIMARD, DI-REB 11 Idaho Power Company liquidated in a short period of time. On the other hand,1 utilities are more concerned about the impact to ratepayers2 on movements over a longer timeframe. In the case of IPC3 with a one-year PCA period, it is the risk of movements in4 this PCA balance over the course of the year that need to be5 quantified. Risk models that allow for price movements over6 a full year are materially different from a marketing risk7 system that serves to quantify risk over a much shorter term8 period.9 The second critical difference between10 modeling utility risk positions and modeling marketing11 company risk positions centers on the issue of volumetric12 uncertainty. Marketing companies tend to know with certainty13 the volumes underlying most of their committed future power14 market purchases and sales. Most trades are done in standard15 block transactions where the volumes are contractually16 fixed. With electric utilities, there can be significant17 variations around the volumetric availability both on the18 resource side and on the load side. With respect to the19 supply from generators, forced outages can lead to sudden20 drastic reductions in available resources. A host of factors21 can also cause material variations in load requirements22 versus expectations. The end result is that one’s forecast23 surplus/deficit position can change radically as resource24 availability and load obligations change. This creates25 SIMARD, DI-REB 12 Idaho Power Company significantly more modeling complexity for utilities. Using1 a marketing company risk model that assumes volumetric2 certainty can lead to materially inaccurate assessments of3 risk which in turn can lead to the implementation of risk4 management transactions that serve to exacerbate risk rather5 than reduce risk. It would be imprudent for a utility with6 varying resource availability and load obligations to use a7 risk management quantification system designed for marketing8 companies.9 Q. Are there facets of the IPC risk profile that10 make the quantification and management of risk in the11 portfolio more difficult than for many other electric12 utilities?13 A. Yes. IPC’s reliance on unpredictable hydro14 generation creates even more uncertainty around resource15 availability than a utility that is less reliant on hydro16 resources. Exhibit 4 details the variance between forecast17 IPC monthly generation resources and actual generation for18 the April 2000 – February 2001 period. The variances can be19 material: actual generation in January and February 200120 fell almost 30% below the 2000 Integrated Resource Plan21 (“IRP”) forecast, amounting to a shortfall of more than 60022 MW for this period. This shortfall represented more than23 one-third of IPC’s combined load and firm sales over these24 two months.25 SIMARD, DI-REB 13 Idaho Power Company The high degree of volumetric uncertainty has1 a significant impact on risk modeling and the risk2 management decision-making process. As an example, assume3 that the forecast estimate of available hydro generation in4 three months’ time leads to the conclusion that one will be5 in a surplus position for this month. Assuming no change in6 the hydro resource from the forecast (which is the7 volumetric certainty assumption used in most marketing risk8 models), one might establish a short forward position in9 three months to reduce this surplus and return the system to10 a more balanced position. However, assume in three months’11 time that actual hydro availability falls well below initial12 forecast expectations, resulting in a situation where even13 without the short forward position the system is in deficit.14 At the same time, market prices have risen. This will result15 in losses on the “hedge” position even though the hedge was16 not needed. The establishment of the hedge in this scenario17 serves to exacerbate the risk of fluctuations in the PCA.18 Any system or risk management implementation program that is19 employed which ignores the variability in forecast hydro20 availability will likely create unfavourable results for21 ratepayers.22 Q. Are risk measurement models available in the23 marketplace today that can quantify effectively all the24 volumetric and market-based risks in IPC’s portfolio?25 SIMARD, DI-REB 14 Idaho Power Company A. I am not aware of any comprehensive risk1 models available in the marketplace today that can assess in2 an accurate fashion the combined volumetric/price risk3 embedded in the IPC portfolio.4 Q. What efforts has IPC made to develop its risk5 management program?6 A. During the 2000 – 2001 PCA year, the IPC risk7 position was discussed regularly at the RMC meetings. A8 report was circulated at each meeting which detailed9 forecast resources and the net surplus/deficit position by10 month , along with the impact of the expected forecast and a11 worst case price/hydro scenario on the PCA balance. This12 input was used to assess the appropriateness of any risk13 management strategy. Members of the RMC were fully cognizant14 of the difficulties associated with establishing hedge15 positions when there was so much uncertainty around the16 forecast hydro availability.17 In response to the unprecedented degree of18 market price volatility in the latter half of 2000 and early19 2001, IPC has established its own RMC separate from the20 IDACORP RMC which historically provided oversight to both21 the operating and non-operating market risk positions. This22 will ensure a focused review of risk management issues23 specifically pertaining to the IPC risk position.24 IPC has also embarked on a program to25 SIMARD, DI-REB 15 Idaho Power Company establish a detailed framework for its risk management1 activities on behalf of ratepayers, including the2 development of a process to include ratepayer groups and the3 IPUC in a collaborative approach to the issue of risk4 management, the mapping of several proposed implementation5 strategies, a commitment to continue to advance its risk6 quantification methodologies and the recognition of the need7 for a Policy Manual and a Procedures Manual to govern the8 risk management activity of IPC.9 The historical recognition on the part of IPC10 management of the need to manage PCA fluctuations and the11 initiative to establish a more formal framework for the risk12 management program should provide the IPUC with comfort13 surrounding the level of prudence employed by IPC in the14 area of risk management.15 Q. Does IPC currently possess the requisite16 skills to implement a prudent term risk management program17 on behalf of its ratepayers?18 A. The three key risk functions that are19 required for the IPC risk management program center around20 execution capabilities, the risk monitoring and reporting21 function (“the middle office”) and the senior oversight22 function. On the execution front, to-date these services23 have been performed for IPC by the non-operating trading24 function. Should this relationship continue, the skills25 SIMARD, DI-REB 16 Idaho Power Company certainly exist within the non-operating trading group to1 execute risk management transactions in an efficient2 fashion. It should be noted that in a defensive risk3 management program without a price view component, the4 execution process becomes a straightforward process where5 bids or offers are solicited from a number of risk6 management counterparties over a short period of time and7 the best price is selected subject to credit risk limits8 with these counterparties. If the execution of term9 transactions is transferred to the IPC operating entity,10 there will be an immediate need to hire a staff member with11 power market execution expertise, or train a staff member on12 the basic protocol associated with the execution of term13 transactions in the regional power market. This would not14 require an onerous training program. However, this15 individual should also have the ability to identify other16 types of risk management transactions that could prove17 advantageous to ratepayers like option structures, weather18 derivatives and unit- or hydro-contingent forward market19 sales. This individual could also assist the Risk Manager20 and the RMC evaluate recommendations provided by IE under21 the Electricity Supply Management Services Agreement.22 The middle office is responsible for23 developing the systems and quantification procedures used to24 track the risk in the IPC portfolio. As I have already25 SIMARD, DI-REB 17 Idaho Power Company discussed, this is a very complex process for IPC. Some of1 the requisite skills for this position already exist within2 IPC, most notably with respect to modeling hydro3 availability. However, this information needs to be4 consolidated within a broader risk analysis and this will5 require incremental quantitative modeling skills and systems6 expertise. This middle office position is normally referred7 to as the Risk Manager. The Risk Manager could also assist8 the RMC in evaluating recommendations provided by IE under9 the Electricity Supply Management Services Agreement.10 The Idaho Power RMC would provide the senior11 management oversight function. From the RMC perspective,12 most of the members of the IPC RMC committee have served or13 been observers on the IDACORP RMC. This has resulted in a14 group that has a good understanding of the use of basic risk15 management tools and risk quantification methodologies.16 Ongoing training is required to stay abreast of the latest17 risk quantification advances and risk management vehicles18 available in the marketplace, and to ensure a thorough19 comprehension of the ramifications of any proposed hedge20 transaction on PCA balances.21 Q. How should the IPC risk management program be22 benchmarked in the future?23 A. The performance of IPC with respect to its24 risk management program should be benchmarked against25 SIMARD, DI-REB 18 Idaho Power Company several factors. First, IPC has a commitment to educate1 ratepayers and IPUC on the magnitude of risk in the PCA2 balance, the difficulties associated with estimating this3 risk, and the types of risk management strategies that can4 be employed, including the costs, benefits and risks5 associated with these strategies. IPC should be benchmarked6 against its ability to communicate these difficult concepts7 to ratepayers and the IPUC.8 IPC should also continue to look for improved9 methodologies to quantify the risk in its portfolio taking10 into account the volumetric variability and the price11 variability. The risk management program can be benchmarked12 on the effort made by IPC to improve this quantification13 process.14 IPC should prepare best industry practice15 Policies and Procedures Manuals and part of the benchmarking16 process should include a review of these manuals.17 IPC is responsible for the prudent18 implementation of the risk management program based on the19 implementation framework agreed to by ratepayers and the20 IPUC. If this framework includes volume limits and PCA21 variance limits, IPC can be benchmarked against its ability22 to remain within the stated risk tolerances of its23 stakeholders. If limits are violated, the onus would be on24 IPC to explain why the limits could not have been defended25 SIMARD, DI-REB 19 Idaho Power Company in a prudent fashion.1 Finally, IPC is responsible for ensuring2 appropriate segregation of duties and to ensure the absence3 of any affiliate abuse. IPC can be benchmarked against its4 ability to ensure that these best industry practice5 standards are met.6 Q. Does this conclude your testimony?7 A. Yes.8 Exhibit 4 Apr-00 May-00 Jun-00 Jul-00 Aug-00 Sep-00 Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 Feb-01 Generation Forecast (MWh)1,597,680 1,466,424 1,498,320 1,580,256 1,386,816 1,353,600 1,340,688 1,155,600 1,322,832 1,701,528 1,490,496 Actual Generation (MWh)1,675,382 1,211,760 1,177,995 1,357,008 1,207,981 1,224,788 1,244,552 1,150,200 1,207,899 1,213,677 1,068,343 Difference (MWh)77,702 (254,664) (320,325) (223,248) (178,835) (128,812) (96,136) (5,400) (114,933) (487,851) (422,153) Difference (MW)108 (342) (445) (300) (240) (179) (129) (8) (154) (656) (628) Percentage Variance 5%-17%-21%-14%-13%-10%-7%0%-9%-29%-28% Exhibit No. 4 Case No. IPC-E-01-16 T. Simard, IPCo-Reb Page 1 of 1 Comparison of Forecast versus Actual Generation 1000000 1100000 1200000 1300000 1400000 1500000 1600000 1700000 1800000 Ap r - 0 0 Ma y - 0 0 Ju n - 0 0 Ju l - 0 0 Au g - 0 0 Se p - 0 0 Oc t - 0 0 No v - 0 0 De c - 0 0 Ja n - 0 1 Fe b - 0 1 MW h Forecast per IRP Actual BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S INTERIM AND PROSPECTIVE, ) HEDGING, RESOURCE PLANNING, ) CASE NO. IPC-E-01-16 TRANSACTION PRICING, AND IDACORP ) ENERGY SERVICES (IES) AGREEMENT ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JOHN R. GALE GALE, DI-REB 1 Idaho Power Company Q. Please state your name and business address.1 A. My name is John R. Gale and my business2 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho.3 Q. Please state your name and business address.4 A. My name is John R. Gale and my business5 address is 1221 Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho.6 Q. By whom are you employed and in what7 capacity.8 A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the9 Vice President of Regulatory Affairs.10 Q. Have you previously submitted prefiled direct11 testimony in this proceeding?12 A. Yes.13 Q. Please summarize your understanding of Staff14 witness Lord’s testimony related to the issues the15 Commission identified for investigation in this case.16 A. Mr. Lord is concerned with Idaho Power17 Company’s potential over-reliance on the spot market to meet18 its system needs in the future. He is also concerned with19 Idaho Power’s ability to manage the system on a prospective20 basis. He specifically mentions the lack of requisite skill21 sets in the utility along with the lack of appropriate22 management tools and safeguards. Mr. Lord also discusses23 additional areas of perceived value that IDACORP Energy24 GALE, DI-REB 2 Idaho Power Company (“IE”) receives from the arrangement with Idaho Power that1 may not be compensated under the current terms of the2 Agreement for Electric Supply Management Services (“the3 Agreement”) between the two entities.4 Q. On page 18, line 3 of Mr. Lord’s direct5 testimony, he states that he is unable to determine whether6 IE charges a brokerage fee for arranging transactions for7 Idaho Power. Is there a brokerage fee?8 A. No, under the agreement between Idaho Power9 Company and IDACORP Energy, any brokering services are10 included in the annual fee. That pricing arrangement was11 explicitly addressed in the Code of Conduct that was filed12 with this Commission and the Code of Conduct approved by the13 FERC when it approved the Agreement.14 Q. Mr. Lord indicates that the Company may not15 be taking hedging positions in the future. How do you16 respond?17 A. I cannot find in my direct testimony where18 this conclusion can be drawn. Nevertheless, so there is no19 confusion, let me state that Idaho Power Company will take20 hedging positions in the future when the Idaho Power Risk21 Management Committee deems it appropriate. It has not been22 our practice to maintain a completely open position in the23 past, nor will it be in the future. Neither has it been24 GALE, DI-REB 3 Idaho Power Company Idaho Power’s practice to take speculative positions on1 behalf of the system and its retail customers. Mr. Lord’s2 testimony discussing the problems that could occur if the3 Company maintains a completely open position is not relevant4 to Idaho Power’s situation.5 Q. Does Idaho Power Company have the skill sets6 to manage the system and the risks associated with it?7 A. Yes, the Company has always had and in the8 future will retain and enhance the requisite skills to9 manage the system and its risks. Idaho Power Company still10 retains senior management experienced in power supply and11 wholesale market issues. The bulk of the information and12 analytical staff and tools needed to support the Company’s13 planning decisions still resides in the utility. This14 information includes all customer information and the15 information associated with customer consumption patterns as16 well as the software that analyzes load. To enhance the17 resident skills within Idaho Power with additional risk18 management expertise, Idaho Power has retained the services19 of Mr. Tim Simard of RiskAdvisory who is also a Company20 witness in this case. Mr. Simard describes in his rebuttal21 testimony some of his initial findings and recommendations22 concerning Idaho Power’s prospective risk management effort.23 Idaho Power’s Internal Audit Manager is also in the process24 GALE, DI-REB 4 Idaho Power Company of reviewing and developing recommendations to enhance the1 formal accounting controls necessary to manage the agreement2 with IDACORP Energy on behalf of the utility and its3 customers. The Company’s outside auditors, Deloitte &4 Touche, will review those controls to confirm their5 efficacy. In addition, Idaho Power continues to have access6 to the expertise within IDACORP Energy as part of the7 services provided to the utility under the Agreement between8 the two entities. The whole discipline of utility risk9 management has been a rapidly evolving part of the industry.10 We stand ready to do whatever is needed to be a “best11 practices” company in this regard.12 Q. What is Idaho Power Company doing to better13 manage its power supply cost risks in the future?14 A. As the Commission well knows, Idaho Power’s15 hydroelectric generation has often been a mixed blessing.16 In the past, low cost has often been confused with low risk.17 First the seven-year drought and now the “perfect storm” has18 painfully underscored that the production volume exposure of19 a hydroelectric utility is high risk, particularly during20 times of high price volatility. The impact of the extended21 drought, along with its temporary surcharges, ultimately led22 to the implementation of the Company’s Power Cost Adjustment23 (“PCA”) mechanism. For a number of years prior to the24 recent price spikes, Idaho Power was able to concentrate on25 GALE, DI-REB 5 Idaho Power Company operating its system primarily to optimize its resources by1 accessing northwest and southwest markets for economy sales2 and purchases. Some seasonal patterns led to energy3 exchanges, while some longer-term wholesale contracts gave4 us the ability to mitigate some of our generating capacity5 costs. Risk management models for hydro systems were not6 contemplated until recently because the price volatilities7 just did not justify their development. Company experience8 and operating knowledge were the most practical and cost-9 effective tools during this era.10 In the late 1990’s when the trading business11 began to develop, a new set of skills was added to the12 experience of the past. While these skills are readily13 applicable to pure trading activities, they are a work-in-14 progress for the utility itself. We are sorting through15 such things as whether it is appropriate for the Company to16 have a directional price view, what is the risk appetite17 level for the Company’s customers and Commission, can we18 establish objective risk management procedures to operate19 within a specified risk level, and can we develop or obtain20 a risk model that can address the complexities of a21 hydroelectric system. The Company will be evaluating the22 recommendations of Mr. Simard and others to incorporate into23 its future risk management program. Some of these24 recommendations have already been adopted, while others may25 GALE, DI-REB 6 Idaho Power Company be developed with the assistance of those who have a vested1 interest in the process. Other recommendations, such as the2 development of enhanced modeling capability will take some3 time to implement.4 Q. How do you respond to Mr. Lord’s discussion5 regarding IDACORP Energy’s potential misuse of Idaho Power’s6 operating information?7 A. First I want to emphasize that while Mr. Lord8 raises some theoretical possibilities, neither Mr. Lord nor9 anyone else has submitted actual evidence of abuse.10 Further, as IDACORP Energy’s purchases and sales have grown11 dramatically over time, they have dwarfed the utility’s12 comparable purchase and sales – both in terms of volume and13 dollars. In both dollars and volume, IDACORP Energy’s14 business with Idaho Power is projected to be less than four15 percent (4%) of IE’s overall energy business. Nevertheless,16 perception can be unsettling by itself. Since the actual17 separation of IDACORP Energy from Idaho Power, both18 physically and organizationally, the utility has become19 increasingly more autonomous from its affiliate. The20 umbrella Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) of the past has21 been separated into one for Idaho Power and one for IDACORP22 Energy. The committees are comprised of officers and senior23 managers of their respective entities. Mr. LaMont Keen, the24 Chief Financial Officer for the corporation, is the only25 GALE, DI-REB 7 Idaho Power Company common member to both committees. Mr. John Prescott, the1 designated Oversight Manager for Idaho Power is the Chair of2 the Idaho Power RMC and functions as the supply officer for3 the Company. Mr. Prescott and the Idaho Power Company RMC4 are systematically reviewing current market information5 practices with the assistance of RiskAdvisory. In6 accordance with the Agreement, IE will make recommendations7 to the Idaho Power RMC for possible actions to be initiated8 by Idaho Power. Any appropriate information safeguards will9 be incorporated into future Company policies and procedures.10 Q. Mr. Lord discusses potential value to IDACORP11 Energy in the Agreement with Idaho Power that has, to date,12 not been recognized formally in compensation from IDACORP13 Energy to Idaho Power. What is Idaho Power’s view on14 additional compensation from its affiliate?15 A. In the initial Agreement between Idaho Power16 and IDACORP Energy, mutual cost savings were identified that17 left the Company’s customers in a more favorable position18 than they would have been without the arrangement. Under19 the settlement stipulation in Case IPC-E-00-13, $2 million20 in value flowed through immediately to the Idaho retail21 customers. Much has evolved since the time that the22 Commission originally approved the stipulated settlement and23 accompanying Agreement. The Company has gone through24 proceedings at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and25 GALE, DI-REB 8 Idaho Power Company Oregon Public Utility Commission, the actual separation of1 IE and Idaho Power has occurred, and we have been engaged in2 an extended procedure before this Commission. Many parties,3 including Idaho Power and IE, have considered the potential4 value in the arrangement. The Company and IDACORP Energy5 have identified the need to attempt to quantify any6 additional value that IE could prospectively obtain from the7 use of system transmission and system capacity services, as8 well as other potential intangible benefits. At the time9 this testimony is being prepared, both parties are10 negotiating a proposed compensation amount that might be11 applied prospectively for these items. I hope to report on12 the result of these negotiations at the hearing.13 Q. Please summarize your understanding of Staff14 witness Sterling’s testimony related to the issues the15 Commission identified for investigation in this case.16 A. Mr. Sterling discusses some of the17 difficulties in managing a hydro system during volatile18 times and the interaction between long-term planning and19 shorter-term operations. He also makes recommendations20 regarding the composition and role of Idaho Power Company’s21 Risk Management Committee on a going forward basis.22 Q. How do you respond to his comments and23 recommendations regarding planning and operations?24 GALE, DI-REB 9 Idaho Power Company A. I believe there are substantial areas of1 agreement between my prefiled direct testimony and Mr.2 Sterling’s recommendations. The Company agrees that there3 should be a direct link between planning criteria, the4 Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”), and general revenue5 requirements. If, as a matter of public policy, the6 Commission determines that the system resource planning7 should be performed on the basis of a more critical water8 year or if generating reserve margins need to be increased,9 the Company can act upon that direction. Again the trade-10 off will be higher base rates (to reflect the costs of11 additional capacity) against potentially lower PCA price12 volatility. I believe the logical time to discuss these13 issues is during the development of the next IRP. Idaho14 Power contemplates a significant level of public involvement15 in the preparation of the 2002 IRP.16 Q. Please respond to Mr. Sterling’s comments17 regarding Idaho Power Company’s Risk Management Committee.18 A. I agree with Mr. Sterling’s comments on this19 issue. As mentioned in Mr. Sterling’s testimony, the20 Company has established separate Risk Management Committees21 for both IDACORP Energy and Idaho Power Company. Idaho22 Power’s RMC is comprised of officers and senior managers23 from Power Supply, Finance, Delivery, Legal, and Regulatory.24 As previously mentioned, the only common member to both the25 GALE, DI-REB 10 Idaho Power Company Idaho Power RMC and the IDACORP Energy RMC is Mr. LaMont1 Keen, the Chief Financial Officer for IDACORP, INC. – the2 parent company for both companies.3 Q. Please summarize your understanding of Staff4 witness Carlock’s testimony related to the issues the5 Commission identified for investigation in this case.6 A. Ms. Carlock states that certain conditions7 relating to separation, control, information, and8 compensation need to take place in order for the Staff to9 once again become comfortable with the IPC/IE arrangement.10 She recognizes as Mr. Lord did in his testimony, that the11 “lower-of-cost or market” basis is unsustainable for any12 period of time for the type of service performed by IDACORP13 Energy and that Mid-C pricing for intra-month transactions14 is an "appropriate pricing mechanism once control objectives15 are quantified and operational".16 Q. What is your general response to her17 testimony related to IPC-E-01-16?18 A. I am in general agreement with Ms. Carlock on19 the desirability of enhancing the existing level of20 management of the IPC/IE relationship. I do believe that21 the Company is in the best position to lead on the22 development of the “best practices” for risk management23 policy and procedure. The Company is dedicated to enhancing24 our procedures in this area and welcomes the input of Staff25 GALE, DI-REB 11 Idaho Power Company and others in developing an ongoing risk management plan1 that may be acceptable to all. Initially, the elements of2 such a plan involve agreement on the role of a price view3 (or lack thereof) within the utility, some consensus on the4 risk appetite of the parties, control procedures,5 information protocols, and the development of a model that6 can deal with the complexities of a hydroelectric system.7 I also agree with Ms. Carlock that the8 " . . .market pricing for intra-month transactions is9 appropriate, once control objectives are quantified and10 operational." I believe that with renewed confidence in the11 autonomy, controls, value compensation, and risk plan, that12 the transfer price issue will be behind us.13 Q. Witness Carlock testifies on p. 17 that the14 FERC rejected use of the Mid-C index for setting transfer15 prices for real-time transactions. What is the status of16 the Company's real-time pricing methodology at the FERC?17 A. First, I must correct a misunderstanding18 evidenced in Ms. Carlock's testimony on this matter. The19 FERC did not reject the use of the Mid-C price index for20 real-time transactions. There is no Mid-C price index for21 real-time transactions. If there was, I am confident that22 the FERC would have approved its use for pricing real-time23 transactions. As noted on page 2 of the April 27, 2001 FERC24 order (Staff Exhibit No. 118), the FERC found that tying the25 GALE, DI-REB 12 Idaho Power Company price of affiliate transactions to a regional market index,1 which is not subject to manipulation, is an effective2 mechanism to prevent affiliate abuse.3 Because there is no market index for real-4 time transactions, the FERC directed Idaho Power to amend5 the Agreement and to revise the tariff and service6 agreements consistent with Commission precedent governing7 the sale of power at market-based rates to an affiliated8 entity. Ms. Carlock correctly notes in her testimony that9 on May 14, 2001, Idaho Power and IE made a compliance filing10 in accordance with the FERC's order.11 Q. If Idaho Power has made a compliance filing12 with the FERC, why has it not made a filing with the IPUC to13 implement that compliance filing?14 A. Because the FERC's April 27, 2001 order was15 rather cryptic on this point, Idaho Power's compliance16 filing suggests two alternative ways of complying with the17 FERC's order. In Idaho Power's opinion, both alternatives18 comply with the FERC's order, but they would have very19 different effects on transfer pricing for real-time20 transactions. As of the date of the filing of this21 testimony, Idaho Power has not received an order from the22 FERC addressing the May 14, 2001 compliance filing.23 Q. Does Idaho Power concur with the FERC's24 decision regarding real-time pricing?25 GALE, DI-REB 13 Idaho Power Company A. No. In fact, you will note on Page 2 of the1 FERC Order (Staff Exhibit 118), that after it directed Idaho2 Power and IE to revise the Agreement with respect to real-3 time transactions, the FERC order indicates that "Applicants4 may, in a new Section 205 filing, either; (1) make a showing5 as to why their real-time pricing proposal is consistent6 with that precedent; or (2) offer another proposal that is7 consistent with that precedent." It is Idaho Power's8 intention to make a new Section 205 filing in the near9 future. In addition, it is the Company’s intention to meet10 with the FERC staff personnel familiar with the Agreement in11 the very near future to discuss the potential adverse12 impacts on Idaho Power's customers arising out of the FERC's13 decision to modify the real-time pricing methodology that14 was acceptable to the parties that signed the Stipulation in15 the IPC-E-01-13 case.16 Q. Please comment on how the fee structure under17 the IPC-IE Agreement should be evaluated prospectively.18 A. I believe the fee structure should continue19 to provide demonstrated cost savings to the utility. Also,20 I believe the fees should be able to withstand a market21 test. The market value should become easier to assess as22 more of these arrangements are introduced and implemented.23 It is my understanding that other utilities that serve Idaho24 customers have risk management agreements with third25 GALE, DI-REB 14 Idaho Power Company parties. The Staff could certainly use its audit1 capabilities to obtain and compare the services and fees2 under those arrangements against the Idaho Power/IDACORP3 Energy arrangement. Ultimately it may be determined that4 service agreements like the IPC/IE Agreement should be put5 out to bid.6 Q. Your testimony describes an evolving,7 collaborative process through which the Company, the Staff,8 and the Company’s customers develop mutually acceptable9 revisions and enhancements to the IE/IPC arrangement. Until10 that process is completed, what are the “ground rules” that11 should apply to transactions between Idaho Power and IE12 under the Agreement?13 A. It is my belief that there is a strong14 likelihood that the interested parties will ultimately be15 able to agree on revised and enhanced controls, practices16 and compensation that will restore confidence in the IPC/IE17 arrangement. Achieving that consensus will take some time.18 During the period when those discussions are being pursued,19 Idaho Power and IE need to know what the “ground rules”,20 including transfer prices, are. It is not fair to expect21 that Idaho Power and IE can continue to incur millions of22 dollars in costs without a reasonable assurance that they23 will be able to recover those costs so long as they obey the24 rules which have been accepted by the Commission.25 GALE, DI-REB 15 Idaho Power Company Q. What is your recommendation for the interim1 rules governing transactions between Idaho Power and IE2 during the period where the parties are working through the3 issues on a prospective basis?4 A. As indicated in my direct testimony, until5 such time as the Commission makes a final determination that6 the existing rules should be changed, Idaho Power believes7 that the rules governing the conduct of transactions between8 Idaho Power and IE (including transfer prices) should be the9 existing rules accepted by this Commission, the FERC and the10 OPUC. Idaho Power believes this approach is consistent with11 prior Commission decisions requiring that practices and12 rules adopted by the Commission remain in effect until13 changed by subsequent order.14 Q. Does that conclude your testimony?15 A. Yes.16