HomeMy WebLinkAbout28754.docBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING THE TERMINATION OF DELIVERIES OF POWER FROM EMMETT POWER COMPANY AND FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER AUTHORIZING IDAHO POWER TO INCLUDE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES PAYMENTS RECEIVED FROM EMMETT POWER COMPANY IN THE POWER COST ADJUSTMENT RATE. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-01-15 ORDER NO. 28754 On May 4, 2001, Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power; Company) filed an Application in Case No. IPC-E-01-15 for an Order acknowledging the termination of delivery of power from Emmett Power Company and for an accounting order authorizing Idaho Power to include liquidated damage payments in the true-up portion of the Company’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA). As reflected in the Company’s Application, Idaho Power notes that Boise Cascade Corporation recently announced the imminent closure of its southern Idaho wood products operations which provide the wood waste fuel for Emmett Power’s operation and its steam host at Emmett, Idaho. Emmett Power has in turn notified Idaho Power that it will be forced to terminate its energy deliveries under its January 12, 1984, Firm Energy Sales Agreement (Agreement) with Idaho Power as a result of its loss of its waste wood fuel supplies and steam host. Emmett Power has advised the Company that it will permanently and fully curtail its deliveries of annual net energy at 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2001. In accordance with Section 21.2.2 of the Agreement, such a permanent curtailment will result in Emmett Power being obligated to pay Idaho Power (in immediately available funds) the sum of $4,037,600 as liquidated damages. Idaho Power states that it has undertaken a number of discussions with Emmett Power to see if there are any steps that could be taken to allow Emmett Power to continue to deliver annual net energy under the same prices, terms and conditions provided in the Agreement. Those discussions, the Company states, have not been successful. Emmett Power has advised the Company that without the wood waste from the soon to be closed Boise Cascade facilities, it is not economically feasible for Emmett Power to continue to deliver annual net energy at the prices contained in the Agreement. The underlying Agreement provides for Emmett Power Company to deliver annual net energy (approx. 12 MW) for a term of 20 years commencing in 1985. Emmett Power’s notification to Idaho Power that it will permanently and fully curtail its deliveries of annual net energies on May 31, 2001, constitutes a breach of the Agreement and obligates Emmett Power Company to pay Idaho Power damages. Section 21.2.2 of the Agreement provides for liquidated damages and establishes the amount of damages Emmett Power is obligated to pay the Company as the sole remedy for Emmett Power’s breach of the Agreement. Idaho Power has reviewed the Agreement and has established that under the Agreement, the liquidated damage amount is $4,037,600. The proposed accounting for the $4,037,600 liquidated damage amount is as follows: 131 Cash 699 X00001 999 131000 401 Operation Expense 699 M30108 511 555100 Idaho Power requests approval of the proposed accounting treatment so that revenues received in 2001 associated with the payment of liquidated damages can be included as an offset to QF expense in the true-up portion of the Company’s May 2002 Power Cost Adjustment recovery. The offset, the Company contends, will benefit customers by reducing QF expense in the May 2002 PCA filing. Idaho Power requests that the Commission issue an Order (1) acknowledging the termination of deliveries of energy by Emmett Power and (2) approving Idaho Power’s requested accounting treatment. On May 23, 2001, the Commission issued Notices of Application and Modified Procedure in Case No. IPC-E-01-15. The deadline for filing written comments was June 13, 2001. The Commission Staff was the only party to file comments. Staff concurs that Idaho Power has little recourse but to accept the termination of the Agreement with liquidated damages. Staff verified that the damages to be paid to Idaho Power have been calculated correctly. Staff recommends that the Company’s Application be approved as filed. The Company proposed treatment of the liquidated damage revenue is consistent with the PCA treatment of PURPA contract costs. The PCA passes 100% of these cost differences through to customers. Commission Findings The Commission has reviewed the filings of record and the related comments and recommendation of Commission Staff in Case No. IPC-E-01-15. Idaho Power requests a Commission Order acknowledging the termination of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement with Emmett Power Company and requests an accounting order authorizing the Company to include related liquidated damage payments in the true-up portion of its May 2002 PCA filing. Based on our review of the record, the Commission continues to find it reasonable to the process the Company’s Application pursuant to Modified Procedure. Reference IDAPA The Commission has reviewed the underlying Agreement and accepts the Company’s assessment regarding breach of contract and remedy. We find the Company’s proposal to accept Agreement Section 21.2.2 Liquidated Damages and proposed accounting to be reasonable. We also find reasonable the Company’s proposal to include the liquidated damages amount as an offset to QF expense in the true-up portion of the Company’s May 2002 PCA. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over Idaho Power Company, an electric utility, pursuant to the authority and power granted it under Title 61 of the Idaho Code, and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Commission has authority under PURPA and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to set avoided cost, to order electric utilities to enter into fixed term obligations for the purchase of energy from qualified facilities (QF) and to implement FERC rules. O R D E R In consideration of the foregoing and as more particularly described above IT IS HEREBY ORDERED and the Commission does hereby acknowledge the termination of delivery of power from Emmett Power Company pursuant to breach of the underlying January 12, 1984 Firm Energy Sales Agreement between Idaho Power Company and Emmett Power Company, a PURPA QF. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED and the Commission does hereby authorize Idaho Power Company to include the related liquidated damages payment in the true up portion of its May 2002 PCA filing and to account for the liquidated damages as proposed in its Application. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code § 61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this day of June 2001. PAUL KJELLANDER, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER DENNIS S. HANSEN, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary bls/O:ipce0115_sw ORDER NO. 28754 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date June 19, 2001