HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031212Sikes Exhibits.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-00- IDAHO POWER COMPANY EXHIBIT NO. 101 D. SIKES System Forccast UequiremeHls RECORD OF DECISION (ROD) DOCIITllematiol1 Slipport:/JCRT )T!\OOI.DOC Title: BCRT BUll...D NEW 69/12.5KV STATION Funct:Keylnfo:CUSTOMER-Date of Origin:05127/1999 Seq. No.2113 Status:PENDING Region:In-service-Date:0610112000 RevNum: Sponsor:DISTPLAN Area:BOISE MRDN EAGLE Pro; Lead Time(Mos):RevDate:06/1011999 Bv:KA GEORGESON Project:BCRT: NEW SUBSTATION COST in K$200 BUCKET CRITICAL Decision: Build a new 69/1 2.5k V 20/28MV A station near the HP Can Center site on Franklin Rd between Ma Roads. Ie Grove and 5 Mile Scope/I mpact: Determine the best course of action to serve the customer load requests for 4MW of additional load North of the existing HP Call center, off of Emerald St. between Kimball and Mitchell St. by June of 2000. Purpose/Drivim~ Force: Feeder Loading Right-of-way concerns Short Construction time Continuing to serve the load growth in the area Railroad access fees Alternatives: Do nothing Build an additional feeder out of Cloverdale Substation Refuse to serve this added load Information: A new distribution feeder could be built from the existing Cloverdale substation to serve this new load but this would only be a temporary fix. Cost for this line could run about $ 00,000 per year in Railroad R/W fees. Within a year or so an additional feeder would also be required to continue to serve the increasing loads in this area. This 5th feeder running east out of Cloverdale would cause a problem of where to build the circuit. The exiting 2 lines are already contain double distribuion circuits, with a transmission line on top. The best answer to this problem is to instaJJ additional capacity to relieve the distribution of the higher than normal load densities at the end of the lines. This win anow the existing circuits to pick up the other existing and future loads in Cloverdale s service area. New loads: Phase 1: 1500kVA by Oct 1,1999 Phase 2: 1500kV A by Jan 2000 Phase 3: 1 OOOkV A by Mar 1, 2000 Phase 4: included with Phase I by June 2000 Phase 5: 1000kVA by Jan 1,2001 Ultimate Build-out in foreseeable future: 3 feeders - 2 when station is built, 3rd to follow a couple of years later. Station wiIJ initially be served from the 69kV transmission. This line win be converted to 138kV in the next 3-5 years. When the CDAL-WYEE 69kV line is converted to 138kV, both the WYEE and HPJR stations win both need to be convened to 138kV also. Station wiIJ ultimately be served with a 28MY A transformer. EXHIBIT NO. 101 CASE NO. IPC-00- D. SIKES, IPCO PAGE 1 OF 1BCRTSTNJXll.DOC .-liSl.d in FomuSI.mdb. pug. 1/2. creu,.d: 7/Y/Y9 11:11 AM. mrrdifi.d: 7/9/99 JJ:11 AM.. Disrriblll;un Planning D.p' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-00- IDAHO POWER COMPANY EXHIBIT NO. D. SIKES 06/17/99 THlJ 16: JO FAX 208 J88 6910 CHIJ 7 I8VV't Servi.ce Request Servi ce Request No. Client order No. rk Order No. nel M700 ~~~~;:~\y'-' Prepaid ;,g . Fees (16) . Fee OCR No ( 1 e j En~ Fee OC Dc (191 Descrip on (Client Name; work DEscr tio .. . .. . WB MOORE COMPJ\N". -:. HEWLETT PACY~~R MW - LOAD .- .. -.J ient 1.0. (Cli ent Account Nc. SSN Employer iRate Sc h(lS) . Region I Ci ty/ Feeder I Sequ ence (Service ddr ess; Section Town9h ~~J R~ nge Meridian! ImD IADA -. ::JOrigina~ed (Date/Time) Take ~ By - I Planning Center/Teami 06/16/199g 10: 00 FGB2506 . . Required in Servic~ date RePlY By projec~ No. .... 0/01/1999 ... .J_- -- Contact Pro.fi~e -- .- I Panel X9S ~~ \~=THAN SEEL J~~~~~2 ~~~~~ -- \ ~~~r ~teelbead Way ~~~Y :BOISE " arne -- !State:ID ---- -- IZip Code:83704 phone Number -- . - Ext. Re.f;md Name _. - wa HCOU 208-32A:-_~~19 p- Ad.dr e 5 S 600 Steelhead WayiCi'ty:BOIsz....H - _-- ~tate::tD IZip Code:83704 -------.. Attr;i.bu~_I Panel X270 -_. :~/ ISq. F1: (25) IVoltage (26) N ~ Phases . (27) IWtr.HtLKW (28) KW Heating __~29) KW'A/C (30)KW Motors (31) Largest Motor (32) 1 Phase NL (33) 3 Phase NI. (34)I 4.0 MW No.Mtrs (35) Mt-i Loc. (36) CT Loc. (37) I Primary (38)Service- (39)srv. Ownr. (40) _H ._------10H/UG OH/UG - .-- j:I1UtG ITotal H? (45) ILrgst.Motor (46) No. Phases (47) IVoltage (48) Primary (49) . ___ OH/UG Service (50) SerViCe Owner (51) !Pump No. (52 ) IK VA (53) water Source (54) IOH/UG tT57\ h ~yp e (S5T Acres (56) I~~~~~o-:--CT-Motors- (56) ICT !.OC (59)TaX IOr6 SUBD No. of Lots (65) 'No. of lots x 800=Avail. Refund Ave. Lot Front Ft. (66) Service OH/UG (69")"" Plat Approved? 161) Primary OH/CG ~68) r--' .. Nc~- ....- . 503 --- anel X29l (New Service for s.i ;a along Emera~d Ro.s~-s.:i.~e location is ~: ~al1 il!:xi.sti.n~.2(JO "t::':lA t.ranaforInQr 8::t bui~d:inq shGlll. to ):)4:J__:emoved. ~h:i& rec:tU9st I is for the .9i~~rk on~y. not % ~~ __ ubsta-cion work. ---- ... _u - .,--Not:i ;-.. -. Ii - understand that the information p rovIded above is acc:i.ii'ate to the best of my knOWledge. Changes to load; voltage; IDeat ion; etc. may result in additional eng1:neer ing char es. - - -- -. :. ienc . gn~c :=c~ - .. ;h l~~~~t ~:; /-I:;;~ EXHIBIT NO.1 02 CASE NO. IPC-00- D. SIKES , IPCO PAGE 1 OF 1